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Naomi Kyouku

"All boys... really what were thinking when they put us in this class"

0 · 417 views · located in Baoki High School

a character in “They're Nice Guys”, as played by Love me Not


Name: Kyouku Naomi
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Female
Class: 2.B
Role: Sibling 2
Personality: Many would say Naomi and Bill are like night and day and they might be right. Naomi tends to be outgoing and friendly as compared to her sister who can be cold at times, even to her own sister. But Naomi is easy going and takes here sister's mean comments with a grain of salt.

She tries to be friends with everyone she meets but has a disliking for people who are conceited and think their better then everyone else. She can at times have a temper and get into vocal confrontations with other's especially if someone hurts her sister or someone she considers to be her friend.

She always does her best in school but that doesn't make her a straight A student, she likes school and has affinity for archery, and art. Naomi is a positive person who always tries to look for the positive even in situations with terrible hardship. Which can get on peoples nerves sometimes especially her sisters, this is typically when Bill has mean comments for her sister. Naomi knows that half the time here sister doesn't mean what she says.

Special Traits:

Karaoke- She loves it and has her own mini karaoke machine in her bedroom at home.

Manga- Not only does she love reading it she draws it to which stems from her love of art.

Archery- She loves archery and is excited that she might be able join the Archery Club at school. They didn't have clubs like that at the schools in her old country.

The boy next door- Naomi likes the nice guy, that is often to shy to talk to a girl.

Crush: TBA

So begins...

Naomi Kyouku's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku Character Portrait: Bill Kyoukou
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Billie giggled as Naomi was called pretty. She was, indeed, and Billie couldn't disagree. Then she looked up at Karuko as he asked his question. "Well.. To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to anything! But as a first impression, I thought you were kind of the Mister Silent. Didn't hear much from you." Bill nodded, and moved a strand of her blue hair behind her ear.

"Any-y-y-y-w-a-y. When do we begin! I really want to play a game right now!" Bill laughed, she seemed quite hyper at this point, and that didn't happen often. The girl smiled and kicked the air with her feet. Then she sat back in her seat, and stretched, awaiting an answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku Character Portrait: Bill Kyoukou
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#, as written by pipzel
Stretching his arms and yawning, Karuko rocked back in his chair. "Well, if they're not gonna hurry up and organise this game, let's start it for them! Now truth or dare is a good game, so let's play that." he laughed, waving his finger around. He pointed it and all the different people in the circle of chairs and landed it on Naomi. "Eeny Meeny Miny Mo! Oh look, it's your turn Naomi. Truth or dare?" Steepling his fingers and drumming them together in a sinister way, he glared over at Naomi and grinned madly.
As he did so, his mind was unexpectedly filled with fantasies of the two together. Karuko shook his head and thought to himself, 'Wait...does this mean that I love Naomi?! She's pretty but....well, I suppose it's possible.

((yeah sorry slightly short a bit of writers block))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoiro Hoskei Character Portrait: Kinery Mave Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku Character Portrait: Michael shinomi
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Masuku's body language showed that he was relaxed, and most likely smiling as he gave a tap on the microphone, calling for attention at the stage near the front of the gymnasium. Once everyone had settled down reasonably, Masuku began to speak.

"Hello, my fellow students. It is good to see you made it all out. As in the years past, the school has once again allowed us to use this day to get to know one each other and befriend our fellow peers." His mask centered on the group of Truth or Dare'rs giving a small motion. "Some of us, as I see, have already begun. That is good, for it has also come to my attention that there are two new students in our school. I would like for you all to welcome with kindness and respect--" There seemed to be invisible daggers thrown from the eyes toward the fangirl collective. "--like the responsible students you all are."

He gave a small adjustment to his cuff before continuing, seemingly taking the cufflink off. "This year, we will be doing something a little different." The second cufflink was removed, and both were placed in the navy-blue pocket in the overcoat, which was unbuttoned. "There were complaints last year about the choice of music--" The students who were attendant of that day gave a groan at the memory of the teachers attempting to band together into something 'cool'. "--and this year, the school has allowed me to bring something a bit more modern to you all." The lights raised slightly behind him, revealing a DJ set, complete with all the bells and whistles. "Remember that the cafeteria and main hallway are also open to students. Thank you all for your attention, and have fun today!"

The overcoat was removed, and set on a chair behind the DJ set, followed by his tie; both were folded with proper care. He then folded up his sleeves, bringing up the sound on the DJ system, listening for a moment to the soft feedback before opening up a nice rhythm--nothing ridiculously hard in bass or tempo, just something to get the beat started.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinery Mave Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skwidge
"I've been awesome, Naomi. But really, I should be asking how you've been doing! I mean, we finally get to meet up here." The girl poked her closest friend in the knee yet again. She then turned to look around the room once more, her eyes wide and excited from the darkness. "You know, we would really be able to pull some awesome stuff in here, if you catch my drift." She smirked back to her friend, then jabbed Karuko in the ribs. "Aw, but we can't start now. We should wait till Aoiro gets his slow butt over here!" She nodded resolutely, then got up from her chair, stretched, then plopped right into the boy's lap, her hands on her knees as that masked dude came up to get the attention of all the students. "Aw, that's bloody BOORRING though! Do something more entertaining!" Kinery smirked, her arm flailing in the air as she complained. "Goodness, that guy. Him and his mask, it's really... eh, how do you say... insensé." She smirked over at Elliot, waving cheerfully at him before returning her attention to the rest of their group."

"Well in any case, what time is it?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoiro Hoskei Character Portrait: Kinery Mave Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku Character Portrait: Masuku Ōkami
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Aoiro walked into the room and saw the others Bill looked up and called to him

"Hey, Aoi! Come join us!" she waved as she spoke. Aoiro waved back calling

"Okay!~" and skipped up to the group

" so what's going on" he smiled asking. He listened to the groups ideas on what game they should play and sat cross legged on the floor when they decided. Risk sounded like an awesome game Bill seemed to be very good at coming up with things like that. everyones answers to questions was interesting to him. He wondereed vaugely when it would be his turn. He played absent mindedly with his shoe string while half listening.

Karuko's voice however caught him off guard.

" was quite a shock to see two girls. I mean, although there are girls in this school, I've always had classes that were all boys. And my day was boring, so I was excited to see something interesting arrive. seemed funny, and looked nice. Naomi, I thought was very pretty, though she didn't seem as...outgoing as you."

It sounded differnet than Aoiro was used to he looked up to see his friend blushing as he tried not to look at the girl named Naomi. Aoiro blink and rubbed his eyes when he looked back Karuko seemed fine. Aoiro laughed as Bill kicked, Karuko yawned and Elliot watched Bills oragami bird. His attention only snapped away when the annoucment happened. After which he turned back to the group as Kinery who had apparently not noticed him spoke about him.

"I'm right here" he said with an air of sarcasam that no one would detect.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku
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0.00 INK

Naomi, swallowed hard when Karuko pointed to her, "Umm... truth I guess" she said, she didn't want to do some kind of crazy stunt that would get her hurt. The music was nice, and kind of took the edge off the embarrassment, as she looked at Karuko she couldn't help but notice how cute he was, but she tried to shake that thought off. "He wouldn't like me like that" she thought to herself. She squeezed Kinery's hand to try to feel more comfortable with her choice, they had been so close when they were little children, when her and Billie had lived in Japan before. But it was like they were getting to know each other all over again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoiro Hoskei Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku Character Portrait: Masuku Ōkami Character Portrait: Bill Kyoukou
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Bill smiled at Aoiro. "I noticed you! Yay~ I just found waldo. No! I just found Aoi! Did you know that Aoi is my favourite character in an anime!? Well... He was a crossdressing boy.. But it was cute. Actually, I like cross-dressing alot, and cosplaying." She said, almost instinctivly.

The music was nice, it kind of cooled of her hyperness. Then she looked at Elliot. "Thanks, I was forced to do some of these back in old school, since I often stayed after the lessons have ended. I can teach you, if you want!" She replied, smiling brightly at him.

Then, her gaze moved to Naomi. As expected, Naomi would say truth. Bill had already made the calculations in her head: There was 20% Naomi would say dare, and 80% she would say truth. So Bill was expecting her to say that. Naomi didn't usually like taking risks, even though Billie could've found that extremly boring, she respected her sister, since she knew better when not to get embarassed.

"So, truth or dare it is." Billie said, smiling faintly. She looked at the masked guy and blinked, he looked rather nice. However, when she looked away, she caught a fangirl's glare, which appearantly meant 'stay away from him'. Bill blinked, it was the same girl from earlier, which seemed to be giving Naomi a hard time. She threw her an ugly expression, then looked back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoiro Hoskei Character Portrait: Kinery Mave Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku Character Portrait: Bill Kyoukou
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0.00 INK

#, as written by pipzel
As soon as Naomi said the words "Umm... truth I guess", Karuko grinned widely and begin to think up a suitable question, whilst absent-mindedly listening to the people talking around him. He noticed Aoiro sitting on the floor and smiled down to him, while listening to Kinery ramble on about the DJ in the tuxedo mask.
Eventually he came up with a suitable question. "Aha!" he exclaimed, beginning to smirk at Naomi. "OK Naomi, if you had to date anybody in the world....who would it be?" Sinisterly he gazed into her eyes, a grin emerging once again onto his face. Whilst doing so, he crossed his legs and leant back on his chair thus....beginning to fall backwards and before he could stop himself he collided with Bill and created a domino effect. "Oh god!" he exclaimed, immediately leaping up and checking to see if Bill and Elliot were OK. "I am such a klutz!"

((yeah i has writers block so i figured....the best thing to do was make Karuko fall off his chair:P sorry i know it's tedious))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoiro Hoskei Character Portrait: Kinery Mave Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku Character Portrait: Masuku Ōkami
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"And that, Mr. Takahashi, is the reason why we keep all four legs of the chair on the floor."

Masuku, seemingly by magic, was no longer at the DJ set. Rather, he was before the group, supporting up Bill in his arms, assuring she did not hit the ground. While this did not stop the domino effect that Karuko had started, it lessened the impact overall, as well as preventing the blue-haired girl from having a nasty fall to the ground. He stood her upright, asking, "Are you alright?" Even after being assured so, he took a moment, seeming to assure himself that what she said was true, then turned to the rest of the group, helping one of the others up. "And the rest of you?" If anyone else had not gotten up yet, he helped them too.

"What are you all up to, anyway?" A small tone of curiousity was tinged in the masked one's voice, seeing as there was females and males in one group. "No shenanigans, I hope?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoiro Hoskei Character Portrait: Kinery Mave Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku Character Portrait: Masuku Ōkami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by pipzel
Karuko scowled over at Masuko as he suddenly appeared and made a remark about keeping all four legs on the table. However he was reassured when Elliot looked over at him and said, "It's alright, man. I'm a bit of a klutz, too."
Grinning, Karuko commented, "Yeah, I noticed." Then he picked up his chair and put it back on all four feet again. As he did so, he noticed Kinery lying atop of Aoiro. "Oh! Kinery, Aoiro, are you alright? Sorry about that. My fault!" He exclaimed, whacking his forehead with his hand before helping his two friends up. Then he plonked himself down upon his chair, and turned once again to face Naomi. "Well?" He asked with a smirk

((sorry so short. man i have so much writers block, don't i?))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoiro Hoskei Character Portrait: Kinery Mave Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku Character Portrait: Masuku Ōkami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skwidge
Kinery's eyes widened a bit more. In her mind, she was utterly frantic and panicking. Oh my goodness, stop staring at me, stop staring at me!! What am I supposed to do?! Her eyes were staring into his, the blush only reddening. Why won't you move, am I really that heavy? Her eyes darted to the side, a sigh escaping her lips through the faintest of pouts: hard to see in the dim lighting. Koe shifted a bit, placing her hands on the ground and pushing with her left hand. She rolled off of him, closing her eyes and breathing out before Karuko could even get to the two to get them off each other. She then lifted herself up into a sitting position, her hands on her thighs as she frowned, just processing what the Masked Derp had said.

"Oh, we're just trying to see if we can beat the Guinness world records for the domino effect! No, you ninny!" She growled quietly at him, fully pushing herself off the ground and glaring right at him, her arms crossed. And thanks, Karuko, for assisting us with.... Her thoughts trailed off, that same faint blush rising indignantly to her cheeks, and she turned her head away. "Whatever, why don't you go play with your fan-girls for once instead of bringing Naomi and the rest of us more trouble for being near you." The fem walked over to the chairs once more, going up two rows and sitting down a little bit away from the group, staring off into the darkness, her lips pursed in thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku
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0.00 INK

((sorry it's been a crazy weekend I had a wedding to go to))

Naomi swallowed hard, "Well who would I date, ummm someone nice... kind, that doesn't pick on others. Really there's no specific guy out there that I would date and I don't know the guys here at school yet to make a specific decision" she said as she twirled a piece of hair around her finger.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoiro Hoskei Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku
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#, as written by pipzel
Since he often liked sticking his nose into other peoples business, he asked curiously, "C'mon. There must be someone in this vast world that you would like to date, so who is it?" Grinning, he put his head in his hand and once again gazed into Naomis' beautiful hazelnut eyes. At that moment, he began daydreaming as it felt that it was only him and Naomi in the world.
Quickly he snapped out of it as Aoiro asked, "Can it be my turn?" Frowning at the fact that his little mind trip had to end, Karuko glanced down at his good friend.
"Yes, yes, in a minute!" he muttered, before turning back to Naomi and grinning madly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku
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Naomi though again "Well the only guy I can think of is a boy named Jason Hendrix at my old school, he was in the drama club and very nice. But there's no way he would have ever dated me, he was just too cute" she said. "I've never really been on a date with a boy, so I don't know..." she looked down at the floor sheepishly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku
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0.00 INK

#, as written by pipzel
"Shut up Elliot!!" said Karuko rather angrily, his face going bright red as he slapped Elliots' heart shaped fingers away. "I am not!"
Then he returned to Naomi as she spoke, his face becoming calmer. "Well the only guy I can think of is a boy named Jason Hendrix at my old school, he was in the drama club and very nice. But there's no way he would have ever dated me, he was just too cute" she said. "I've never really been on a date with a boy, so I don't know..." Nodding, Karuko smiled sheepishly. He desperately wanted to ask her out, but of course he was way to nervous.
Instead Karuko decided to simply compliment Naomi. "I'm sure Jason would have dated you!" he said sweetly. "You're a wonderful girl!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinery Mave Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku Character Portrait: Masuku Ōkami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skwidge
Kinery rolled her eyes then growled at Karuko. "Don't tell Elliot to shut up, he's only teasing! You saying that only makes it that much more true~" The girl had joined in on Elliot's cause, getting up from her chair, breaking her thoughts, and returning to the group. "And lighten up a bit, you Masked Derp!" She called towards Masuku, twirling her finger by her ear. She sighed, smacking her face and letting her hand slide down back into its normal position. Just like nothing happened. Boys are so thickkkkkk. Koe whined mentally, shoving Karuko off of his chair and claiming it as her own. Just to add more to it, she stuck her tongue out at him. "Aoi's turn then I suppose."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinery Mave Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku
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0.00 INK

#, as written by pipzel
"Don't tell Elliot to shut up, he's only teasing! You saying that only makes it that much more true~" growled Kinery, causing Karuko to frown miserably at her. Then the fem walked over, shoved Karuko off his seat and sat down on it herself.
"Hey!" yelled Karuko as he fell to the floor and Kinery made a comment about it being Aoiros' turn. "What did I ever do to you?" Cursing under his breath, he sluggishly got up and sat on the other side of Naomi, away from the teasing Elliot and feisty Kinery. He then folded his arms and crossed his legs, staring at the floor.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinery Mave Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skwidge
The girl smirked playfully. "Oh, I wasn't standing up for you, mignon." Her tongue stuck out once more from her lips, and then she rolled her eyes. "Karuko's weird, don't bother Naomi so much. Urgh, I'm bored, can we actually get started and play this correctly? I think it would be Naomi's turn to pick on someone, since she answered last, soooo." Her eyes settled on Naomi, a sweet smile on her face towards her closest friend. "And uh, please don't touch my hand...." She mumbled towards Elliot, her eye twitching ever so slightly. The girl had a thing with other people touching her, excluding Naomi. It was fine if she did it to them, but otherwise it just freaked her out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinery Mave Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku
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#, as written by pipzel
As Elliot ruffled Karukos' hair, he couldn't help but let a smile emerge upon his face. This lightened his spirits up, so he sat up straight, unfolded his arms and listened to Kinery as she spoke. "Karuko's weird, don't bother Naomi so much. Urgh, I'm bored, can we actually get started and play this correctly? I think it would be Naomi's turn to pick on someone, since she answered last, soooo." Instead of getting annoyed at being called weird, Karuko chuckled to himself. Then he two awaited Naomis' choice for the Truth or Dare game.
Desperately he wished that Naomi would pick him, as he loved being chosen for games like these. Behind his back he crossed his fingers.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoiro Hoskei Character Portrait: Karuko Takahashi Character Portrait: Elliot Aloïs de La Fontaine Character Portrait: Naomi Kyouku
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"Yes, yes, in a minute!" Karuko muttered with only a slight glance in Aoi's direction.

Aoiro was taken aback as his friend looked away. Did i irritate him he thought picking at a spot on the floor. And then Elliot had a sudden outbusrt of

"Karuko's in lo-ove!"
Aois head snapped up with a mute "wha?"

"Karuko's in lo-ove! Karuko's in lo-ove!" Elliot repeated making a heart between Karuko and NAomi "How cute!~"

Aoi blinked confused watching the two. Taking in every word that passed between them

"Shut up Elliot!!" said Karuko rather angrily, his face going bright red as he slapped Elliots' heart shaped fingers away. "I am not!"
Then he returned to Naomi as she spoke, his face becoming calmer. "Well the only guy I can think of is a boy named Jason Hendrix at my old school, he was in the drama club and very nice. But there's no way he would have ever dated me, he was just too cute" she said. "I've never really been on a date with a boy, so I don't know..." Nodding, Karuko smiled sheepishly. He desperately wanted to ask her out, but of course he was way to nervous.
Instead Karuko decided to simply compliment Naomi. "I'm sure Jason would have dated you!" he said sweetly. "You're a wonderful girl!"

Wonderful girl...KAruko's in love?...Jason
Aoiro repeated each of the words in his head his eyes going all @.@

he kinda blocked out everything else that happened after that. staring emptily into space....