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Thirteen Paths

Thirteen Paths


Thirteen guardians of the elements that make up the world. They protect humanity with their humanity. Or are they just in ascention into gods?

2,138 readers have visited Thirteen Paths since Lightning Flash created it.


It is cold. What these people have to deal with. The burden of power they carry. This parasite removing them from what is around them. Sapping their visions of normalicy away. Or, do they just try to ignore it? Like some problem child that they just don't want to give that attention that it craves? No, they must live with the difference of power between themselves and normal man. This is the desteny that has been chosen for them. These are the numbers.

There is no record of the first number. They have been around for as long as history has been recorded. And as more history is revealed, we only find more numbers hidden inside of its pages. But out of all of the generations of numbers, this generation has the chance to change the course of time. Will they make it carreen down a giant waterfall, or lead it to the calm sea? Into a violent ocean or make it just a tributary for some other fate? Not even they know that they have been chosen by history at this moment, nor will they ever, until their journey is completed.

But who are these people, are they ordinary man, or are they something greater? Most just disregard the question as something irrelevent and claim that they are the protectors of mankind, and some say they are the devil. But not much is known about these people. The greatest study to date on the numbers was conducted by Leonardo DaVinci (Whom many speculate was a number himself) who was finally able to give some light on the numbers.

He divided them into three catagories a group of six which he called the material sextet, a group of four which he called the alchemic quartet,and a group of three which he called the perennial triad. And each of these groups he investigated.

He grouped numbers III,V,VI,VIII,IX,and XI into the material sextet. They had power over the world around us. These powers could combine easily with one another to produce effects at minimal energy. He called them the material sextet because they relied on the surrounding materials to change their properties. They are th most specific group and rely on other powers, but can be incredibly effective.

Numbers II, IV, X and XII he grouped into the alchemic quartet. They had power over the foundations of the world. They had the most power and brute force of all of the elements and could combine with each other to create new elements. But at the same time they took more energy than the sextet and they took more energy than normal to combine with others. Especially other Alchemic powers.

The last three, numbers I, VII and XIII he grouped into the perpetual triad. They had power over the perception of the world. They are considered the most powerful and the most vast of any of the powers, while they do not have the power of the quartet. They take the most energy of any of the powers but also can sustain their powers the longest. Also, these powers show the most variance from generation to generation and are the most tailored to the individual.

And another thing was discovered about the numbers in this time. On their bodies they each bear a mark that looks like a tatto of their number in roman numberals. The style around the tattoo can change depending on the person. But according to the groupings, the Material Sextet all have their markings on their torso and the Perennial Triad all have their markings on their head and neck. But the Alchemic quartet is unique, number II is always on the right arm, number IV is always on the right leg, number X is always on the left leg and number XII is always on the left arm.

But... To those 13 in this generation, this is unknown knowledge. In fact this knowledge is only known by those who have certain clearances and extremely high interests, as the trouble is far greater than the worth. But to any person, this is the most known about the numbers.

This, however is not the start of our story. It does not start with an outpouring of knowledge, but rather, a lack of it. This story starts in as conspicuous a place as a prison.


It is cold. You sit in the bare cell with a group of people around your age. They are angry, they are sad, they are scared. The distant humm of engines is the only sound that echoes through the halls that you can hear. They are scared of the two men that stand outside the cell door. With their guns, ordered to shoot anyone who tries to escape or to use their power until they are dead. They are sad, because they know these men will do it. They kidnapped you from your omes, and for someit was the last act their parents would see on earth. They tried to avoid killing them, but when the parents or anyone protested, they became an obstacle to the mission. Some are angry, because they know that they are trapped.

You all are trapped.


Alright, that is the basic intro to the world and the beginning setting for the RP. I will go into the powers in a minute here, but first I will say one thing. All characters should be in late teens, this does have a reason and will be revealed thgrough the plot.

MATERIAL SEXTET: Can combine with the others in its group very easily and can combine with the Alchemic quartet to make them stronger.
III: Temperature
V: Hardness
VI: Density
VIII- Viscosity
IX: Malleability and Ductility
XI: Sharpness

ALCHEMIC QUARTET: Can combine with each other to make different elements (Requires a lot of energy(EX: Fire heats air to get plasma. Creates Lightning element)) and can combine with the Material Sextet to improve their abilities which requires more energy than normal.
II:Fire. Marking on right arm.
IV:Earth. Marking on right leg.
X: Water. Marking on left leg.
XII. Air. Marking on left arm.

PERENIAL TRIAD: Cannot combine with anything. Abilities specific to the current user because the powers are so broad. Easily sustainable, but take the most power to use.
I: Light (Or lack thereof)
VII: Touch (You may NOT cause physical injuries. EX: you can make someone feel like they are bieng cut by a blade, but not actually make the injury.)
XIII: Sound

If you have any questions, look on the OOC. Thanks for reading and I'll keep a list of who has reserved what elements on the first page of the OOC as well. Also, the character skelleton is included in the OOC!

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1) Follow all site rules
2) DO NOT GODMOD. This includes killing other people's characters without their permission or autohitting player characters.
3) Be literate. I want to see a good paragraph with descriptions at least when you post. I understand there isn't much to say in the middle of a conversation, but at least try.
4) Do not make your character have no background be nothing. At least PM me with an idea, so I knwo you're not winging it and then I can help you reveal the bio throuought the story.
5) Have fun. Yes this is corny, but it's what RPing is about.

Taking place in...

Earth our primary setting

The big blue rock we live on.


Earth by Lightning Flash

The big blue rock we live on.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors


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Zain hated direction with a passion. The only thing he loathed more than direction was authority and this Krad guy seemed to be exerting it whether he meant to or not, however the sarcasm he implied also caused feelings of similarity to arise in Zain. The ability to remain cool and collected in a time of potential crisis was a trait Zain admired, let alone comedy.

Thinking back to his dive, just minutes ago he remembered seeing what a appeared to be a surface of limestone, potentially a cavern if there we running water nearby. Zain stepped his way through the crowd to the edge of the clearing. "If we're going to come under attack again, then leader-boy is right." he said in a serious tone turning back to the group. "I thought I saw a cavern to the west, and I'd sooner take my chances of getting mauled by a cave bear than be perforated by gunfire when they come back for us. So anyone that wants a slightly high chance of survival, or is a champion bear-fighter, I recommend you head this way." With his closing statement Zain turned and walked into the forest, performing a convoluted, and flashy, method of opening with his butterfly knife, prepared for whatever he may find.


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Crystal looked around as she was swarmed by the people she had just been saved by. One of them touched her leg and instantly she felt no more pain. She was pretty sure that her leg was still sprained, but, now, she couldn't be sure. Oh well, didn't really matter anyways. But before she knew it, everyone was whirling around her and ready to carry her on a stretcher. Crystal smiled to them and made gestures with her hands "Woah, slow down there." Take a breather for a minute. Sure, they know we escaped by now, but the quickest way to find us would be to parachute down. And I don't see any parachutes in the sky. So we gotta be in the clear for at least a little while. Let's take a breather, because I have some explaining to do."

"But FIRST of all, I'm Crystal! Nice to meet everyone!" she then drew back her bangs, revealing her XIII marking. "And as you can see, I have lucky thirteen. Guardian of the sound." She then took a breather, looking at the people around her, and then noticed a newcomer. "Heeeeey... I didn't see you in the plane." She said refrencing Zumi. "Who are you?" She asked him. Wow. That could have been extremely awkward. If that guy was working for the captors, she just gave away where they were. And now, she couldn't really fight. This would be a problem. But she kept up her attitude. "I guess we were kinda lucky to meet someone out here! Do you have any bandages or anything, or even duct tape?" Crystal asked, coking her head slightly.


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"I'm fine with the cave idea if that is where everybody wants to go" Krad said glad that someone else was finally taking command, while he was being a leader of sorts he wouldn't really have had time to make any deals. When the girl said about the parachutes it made Krad look up just to check, true that there were no parachutes but the better thing was there was no sign of the plane, meaning that they hadn't turned it around or anything. One thing he did find wierd though was being called leader-boy, he'd already told his name in general to people but he didn't know other's names so he had given them quick nicknames, nothing that was supposed to stick anyway.

If they didn't have to move right away then that was alright, so Krad listened to all Crystal had to say, "If your lucky thirteen then I guess that would make me the unlucky seven" Krad said, turning around and pulling the top of his shirt down to show the back of his neck which held the number seven,"Guardian of touch, also if it's name introductions then I'm Krad" he added then proceeded to face them all again, Krad remembered what the other guy who wasn't with them in the plane had mumbled somthing about being the same so Krad presumed that the guy held a number on him.


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Alexander smiled slightly and nodded at Isu. "Thank you for volunteering," he said to her. He listened to Crystal's little speech. "I am number Four, Guardian of Earth," he explained, "I'm afraid I currently have nothing but what we can find here, apart from... You know, earth things." He looked around the area, seeing the tree, and many others. He didn't normally feel this way in crowds. Perhaps he felt he belonged?

That moment was when his adrenaline stopped coming.

He began to feel more uneasy as his normal personality flooded back to him from his previous high. He looked around and saw many people, and was not comfortable. He walked a little bit off and sat down to get a sense for who was here.

Crystal seemed to be a spritely young woman with a sense for adventure. She seemed to be generally happy and excitable.
The I girl seemed to be holding back. She wasn't exactly an open book. She seemed cute to him.
The newcomer seemed to be a sort of detatched, inquiring spirit, like himself, but also different.
Krad, if he heard correctly, seemed a little bossy to him, but also a sort of resolute person who is good in difficult situations. An asset.
The behatted blond boy with a penchant for knife use seemed to simply want to do his own thing, really. As such, he had just left.
The blond girl seemed to be a rather serious person like himself, but her fundamental aims were different.
The brown-haired boy seemed to be pragmatic and resourceful.
the boy with the ponytail seemed to have great concern for others.

As he collected these thoughts, he walked back to the group and stood with them quietly.


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#, as written by SuiHa
"Bad joke was it? I was naive..."

Isu passed her right hand through her ponytail in frustration. There wasn´t a good or a bad in calling themselves in a special way, but... Guardians? From where? Decided by who? Of what? The earth or they so-called affinities? The girl wasn´t able to decide if thinking about the thing would be good or if it was better to stop to avoid a major headache.

After a moment Isu sighed and walked away from the group to where her parachute was, after a few seconds of doubt she gathered the fabric and force it back to the bag while she mumbled some things in a very low voice. Even if she was thinking that this was passing from dangerous to ridiculous at an incredible speed part of her wanted to be of utility even if no one thanked her, it seemed that her responsibility was hitting with all it´s might.

Isu turned while closing the bag and walking to where the group was looking again to the sky as if there was something really interesting in it, then she stop so she could see Crystal to the face.

"Crystal was it? Got you anything" Isu raised the bag as she changed her cold look for a bored one "You can use the fabric as... whatever you want we only need to play a little with it."

After finishing Isu turned looking to the distance. "Ah yes... Some call me Isu and I have an eight marked in my body." The girl then crossed her arms showing her clear intentions that she wasn´t entering the dangerous game of calling herself "guardian" at least not until she knew more.


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#, as written by zen_ink
The wounded girl got on her feet, insisting that everybody back off a bit. "I knew it" Zumi said to himself, accidentally letting out a slight smirk at his own self-entertaining thoughts. If there was one thing Zumi had it was a very strong intuition, that often led him to be right about such things, so he knew her injury wouldn't be too serious. She began to introduce herself and claimed to have some explaining to do. Zumi's brow raised as he thought to himself "Explaining..? Who are these people?" he knew by now that they were "unique" like him, but had they been some sort of tightly-knit organization, like the X-men? Were people like Zumi getting together, practicing their powers and having a grand ol' time without him even knowing?

No, that couldn't be it.. he had gathered from the interactions that ensued, that these people were all just as much strangers to each other as Zumi was. The girl must have realized that Zumi wasn't with them when they skydived from the plane, because she turned to him and addressed him directly. She introduced herself as Crystal, a "Thirteenth Guardian of Sound" or something. He saw her number beneath her bangs as she brushed her hair aside.

"Heeey.... I didn't see you in the plane." she said. "Who are you?"

"Um, hi.. my name is Zumi.. I'm like you guys.. although I didn't even honestly know others existed. I would prove it and show you my number like everyone else but... it's kind of in a personal location, heh" he said, patting his leg just to the left of his groin.

"I guess we were kinda lucky to meet someone out here! Do you have any bandages or anything, or even duct tape? Crystal inquired.

"Sorry, no.. I didn't have time to gather anything from my home before I left when the men came..." he felt a little disappointed that he couldn't be of service to the group. "The only thing I have is this bottle of water" he held it up to show her, and then took a sip. Even when Zumi had decided to run away from home in the past, he had never taken anything with him but a bottle of water. He wasn't exactly the material type, and the water was all he needed to survive, should he come into contact with any trouble along his way.


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Felix looked at Crystal. "Good to see you're up," he said, then sat quietly and listened.

He sighed. Things were still a bit confused, but were definitely more organized than before. He listened closely, and had nothing to say but what had been already said. So far several of them had been kind enough to give their names and numbers, so he figured he would return the favor.

"I'm Felix, Number IX," he stated, pulling back his scarf to reveal his shoulder tattoo. He had not known the significance of his birthmark until just a second ago, and he was no stranger to roman numerals. "I have some type of ability to manipulate materials, mostly metals, though I don't know the specific name. I suppose I would be a Guardian as well, then. Anyways, I can create many basic materials with my powers. Just ask and I'll try to make them."

As he got up, he looked over at one of the quiet girls who had not yet spoken, and seemed separated at the back of the group. "You there, with the pink hair. Who are you? Don't be shy- you're among friends. Once we all know each other and our respective powers we may be able to escape more effectively, and hopefully we protect ourselves for the future."


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Lucille gently gnawed on her bottom lip as she listened to everyone speak. Once again, she backed into herself without a word. She studied the people that revealed their number & what they were guardians of. It surprised her a little that some of them considered themselves guards or keepers of the unique powers they held. When her adoptive father had figured out that she held a strange power, he'd dubbed her a Guardian. It made her feel less strange & more like a distinctive individual.

"My name's Lucille," she finally spoke, figuring that she might as well introduce herself so they don't call her by anything else. Before she spoke again, she rested on finger against her cheek & pointed to her left eye. The roman numeral eye was etched onto her pupil & left behind a silver color, almost as if some parts of the blue from her original eye color had been sucked out. "I'm number one & the Guardian of Light."


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As the crowd of escapees gathered around Crystal, Ethon took his cue and backed off, moving to the outskirts of the group. He would have rather stayed, made sure the girl was alright and carried the stretcher but with so many people there he felt like he wasn't needed. Still he itched to take responsibility for her. It was his nature and he liked that way. Also part of his nature was to separate himself and he did so. He walked off a little way and turned his back to the others, surveying the landscape and watching the sky for any sign of the plane. With nothing bring itself to his attention he turned back and looked over the group. They were a mixed bunch, looking like the kind of people he would socialise with, a mix of races and cultures. He recognised all the people there from the airborne prison except one, a black haired boy, older then Ethon. He listened into the conversation of the group and found and found this was true. He didn't know any of the other nine yet he trusted them to a degree, after all they had been in the same situation as him. Yet this Zumi hadn't done anything to deserve Ethon's trust so naturally he couldn't believe all he said as much as he would like.

The conversation grew even more bizarre as Ethon listened in, at first several of them referred to themselves as 'Guardians'. This confused Ethon, he didn't understand how one could be a guardian of a force of nature. The only reality was everyone of them were linked the roman numerals they all had somewhere upon their person. It was only as some of them began to reveal powers them somehow the link to the marks that he realised every one of them was like him, only different. He almost smirked at the thought, it all sounded so surreal. So fake. He didn't indulge in it, not offering his name or his ability. The thought of spouting such details in front of total strangers didn't fit with him. Thankfully no one directly asked him, although undoubtedly someone would eventually. To delay that time, Ethon turned his attention back to their surroundings he spotted sparse clumps of trees amongst the shallow hills, enough to give them a little bit of cover. There seemed no need for them at present, the approaching speck that would indicate a plane didn't show. The artificial feeling introductions continued behind him as he sat down, enjoying the wide open scenery and dipping into his own little world.


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#, as written by Chari
Aura had been hovering around the fringes of the group, trying her best not to be noticed. For quite awhile, it had been working. The group seemed to be quite nice, but she still was a little hesitant to put herself out. She couldn't tell what they wanted or expected, as each one was significantly different from the rest. One or two of them tried to quickly excerpt power over the group, while others were more interested in helping each other out. Some personalities looked like they might clash, but for now, all was quiet. Well, all but the really energetic girl who had hurt herself in the dive.

Suddenly, Aura realized that someone was addressing her. "You, pink-haired girl," said a man from within the group (who looked at least 20 something), "Who are you? Don't be shy- you're among friends. Once we all know each other and our respective powers we may be able to escape more effectively, and hopefully we protect ourselves for the future." Well, she couldn't evade question forever. Might as well get it done now. Hesitantly, she said, "I-I'm Aura Honya. I'm number XII. It's nice to meet you." With that, she fell silent, looking a little nervous that someone wouldn't believe her. Hopefully, they wouldn't question her about it.


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Zain had stepped away from the group, walking into the treeline, knife ablade. As he proceeded he could hear the sounds of forced conversation behind him. A smirk came upon his features. They all were getting aquainted when, if events were to proceed as most wished, they would never see any of these people again and be reunited with their families or caretakers. Names created a sense of attachment, and Zain had no desire to be linked with anyone other than his brother. Zain stopped in his tracks mid-thought. "Alex..." He said aloud, his eyes now seeming empty with a distant stare that pierced all before it.

Zain flashbacked to their apartment. Alex hadn't been home, yet his car was outside. Upon entering the house he found not his brother, but armed forces that had apprehended him. "What if they had captured Alex? What if they had killed him?!" he thought aloud again, his voice rising in intensity and volume as his mind erratically raced from thought to thought. "Even if they hadn't they would be searching for me now. If they had the endowed power to ambush me in my own home, then they could just as well have the audacity to capture Alexander and use him to get to me. The others... They may not have realized that their loved ones are in danger as well. Wait..." Zain forced himself to cease his spiraling cascade of thought and took a deep breath, attempting to regain composure. "Now then. I can't go about this in a panic." he continued to think aloud after his mind returned to placidity. "Say they do have our loved ones. I can't exactly go crashing into whatever their base might be to save them. So what then? Do I let them go ahead with it and remain in hiding for the remainder of my existence? No..."

Zain's eyes twinkled as an idea had come to him. "If they want me, they'll come for me. Rather they'll come for them. If I stick with the group we'll surely be spotted at some point with such numbers. When we come under siege, all i have to do is apprehend one myself and interrogate him to find out where their operations stem. Someone let us out, so surely I can make a difference myself and either save Alex if nessecary, or..." Zain twirled the knife, intertwining it between fingers as he spun it. "Take their leader out to prevent this from ever occurring again. But I'll need them even if anything to find a soldier." Sheathing his blade, Zain spun on his heels and walked back to the edge of the group, deeming it necessary to be near, however he need not engage unless engaged by another for conversation.

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Earth by Lightning Flash

The big blue rock we live on.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Crystal Idan
Character Portrait: Zumi
Character Portrait: Aura Honya
Character Portrait: Lucille Beaumont
Character Portrait: Alexander Terran
Character Portrait: Krad Kosuke
Character Portrait: Felix Averill
Character Portrait: Klaven Black
Character Portrait: Isu Alai
Character Portrait: Zain Espeth


Character Portrait: Zain Espeth
Zain Espeth

Number XI with wits as sharp as his blades.

Character Portrait: Isu Alai
Isu Alai

Number VIII... Any problems with that?

Character Portrait: Klaven Black
Klaven Black

#6 here for whatever happens

Character Portrait: Felix Averill
Felix Averill

A friendly, innovative rogue. Number IX.

Character Portrait: Krad Kosuke
Krad Kosuke

Number VII, am I lucky to be born with a power so strange?

Character Portrait: Alexander Terran
Alexander Terran

A stoic individual who is Guardian of Earth, Number IV

Character Portrait: Lucille Beaumont
Lucille Beaumont

"I'm number one. & you?"

Character Portrait: Aura Honya
Aura Honya

A shy and cowardly girl. Has a pale green XII on her left shoulder.

Character Portrait: Zumi

X; Guardian of Water

Character Portrait: Crystal Idan
Crystal Idan

Cheery girl. Number XIII


Character Portrait: Krad Kosuke
Krad Kosuke

Number VII, am I lucky to be born with a power so strange?

Character Portrait: Alexander Terran
Alexander Terran

A stoic individual who is Guardian of Earth, Number IV

Character Portrait: Zumi

X; Guardian of Water

Character Portrait: Isu Alai
Isu Alai

Number VIII... Any problems with that?

Character Portrait: Crystal Idan
Crystal Idan

Cheery girl. Number XIII

Character Portrait: Klaven Black
Klaven Black

#6 here for whatever happens

Character Portrait: Zain Espeth
Zain Espeth

Number XI with wits as sharp as his blades.

Character Portrait: Lucille Beaumont
Lucille Beaumont

"I'm number one. & you?"

Character Portrait: Aura Honya
Aura Honya

A shy and cowardly girl. Has a pale green XII on her left shoulder.

Character Portrait: Felix Averill
Felix Averill

A friendly, innovative rogue. Number IX.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Isu Alai
Isu Alai

Number VIII... Any problems with that?

Character Portrait: Crystal Idan
Crystal Idan

Cheery girl. Number XIII

Character Portrait: Krad Kosuke
Krad Kosuke

Number VII, am I lucky to be born with a power so strange?

Character Portrait: Alexander Terran
Alexander Terran

A stoic individual who is Guardian of Earth, Number IV

Character Portrait: Lucille Beaumont
Lucille Beaumont

"I'm number one. & you?"

Character Portrait: Zain Espeth
Zain Espeth

Number XI with wits as sharp as his blades.

Character Portrait: Felix Averill
Felix Averill

A friendly, innovative rogue. Number IX.

Character Portrait: Klaven Black
Klaven Black

#6 here for whatever happens

Character Portrait: Zumi

X; Guardian of Water

Character Portrait: Aura Honya
Aura Honya

A shy and cowardly girl. Has a pale green XII on her left shoulder.

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Earth by Lightning Flash

The big blue rock we live on.

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Most recent OOC posts in Thirteen Paths

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

Okay, why are people taking so long to post? We had a decent start, its not like there is nothing to do.

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

Umm... plains. Open fields, AKA they didn't land right next to any towns.

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

A quick question. I know we landed somewhere in mid-western America but I don't know exactly what terrain that is. What are the surrondings like where the group has landed?

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

ok lightning I wasn't tryin to be mean I'm just bored XD

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

Yeah, my bad

I've just been a little busy latel. I will post shortly.

And as for your character, Chan, I will PM you, because I do have a couple of questions.

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

when are we going to get this rp rolling again it seems that it just came to a stop after most of us jumped

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

Yeah, anything works really :P I just didn't know how else to introduce my character since it seemed like everybody was jumping out of the plane but i didnt want to take it in a direction that you weren't planning on yknow?

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

Well, if you don't want to have been captured, then I'm not sure. I just thought the first introductory post jumping out could be a good introduction to everybody's character. But, right now te plane is flying over midwestern US, so us landing near someone's campsite may not be a bad idea. (Perhaps I have Crystal mess up and break her leg or something. That could get your character involved, right?)

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

So considering everyone else was in the plain I'm thinkin i dont want to be in the plain lol so where's this going just for point of fact? Cause I want to post but I'm not sure where I should go with it. Like maybe you guys land in a forest where I've made camp..? Would that work?

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

Alright! Both of you are accepted! Now your characters are some of the ones present on the plane. Happy skydiving.

And also I can say I am very pleasently surprised at the choices in power people have made. I was fully expecting for all of the quartet to go first, then the triad and whomever limped in at the end to take the sextet. But I am very glad that solid RPers all around are still taking te sextet when fire is still an option! Kudos!

And I want to thank all of you for joining so far. I did not expect to get thirteen people so fast (Yes, thirteen. The only powers left are Fire, Sharpness and Hardness), I thank you all for taking interest in this little idea of mine.

Side note: I'm laughing my head off at the descriptions of Crystal. Alex says she's either a thrillseeker or excitable. She's a little of one and a LOT of the other :D

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

I found this rp thrilling and very interesting, I chose the 8th skill. I hope the chara profile works.

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

hey I put the pro for #6 up hope you like him ^_^

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

Ya... I've had my friends say that to me when I explained it to them. Although the concept was purely origonal, and I took no inspiration from KH. I just chose 13 because it was a nice number to use and gave me good numbers in each of the groups.

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

THis whole thing just reminds me of Organisation XIII which would make me Saix because I'm number VII (hehehe, moon powers)

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

Alright, Snake, accepted. It's up to you wheter you want to be in the great escape from the plane or if you want to wait a bit.

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

O.K. then I guess I'll post the intro. I'll make the first job of those that are already in the RP to find more numbers.

Okay, I will post the first post and the RP is now open!

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

If your character is holding a round object, such as a pipe, theoretically you could make it a point. It would just take a rediculous amount of energy. My reasoning behind this is that any edge is actually a curve, and sharpness reduces the width of the curve, hence making the object sharper. So theoretically you could make a pipe into a point, but you would probably pass out halfway through.

But sharpness can work really well on an object such as a pencil, that is already sharp (Err... dull at the moment, but can easily become sharp basically, if it has a tip or an edge). You can easily make it extremely sharp. However, keep in mind, that you still cannot reenforce the strength of the material when you are sharpening it. Such as, no matter how sharp you make a pencil, it does not have the structural integrity to make it through a wall. Although combining sharpness and hardness leads to many interesting possibilities :)

As for the avalability of fire, the astute reader may notice that on the fifth post of this topic, (Edit:Edit:Edit: Okay, sixth. I was trying to do it from memory.) someone claimed the element of fire. But you may also notice, I have fire listed aas open. This is because I have recieved sagecervello's character sheet, and with my necessary revisions I sent a PM to him. In reply I have seen nothing, and therefore he is refusing to cooperate with the rules of this RP. Therefore the element of fire is open.

sagecervello: If you are reading this SEND ME A PM at least expressing that you are in the process of revising your character. Or post something to that effect here. I will not accept your character as it currently is. If you do so after someone else has claimed the element of fire however, you will be booted out of the spot of fire guardian whether you make the revisions or not. You snooze you loose.

Edit: I accepted the two characters (Shadow's and Templar's) they look good and both look interesting.

I just have a word to both Shadow and Chari, this IS modern day, so expect to get a lot of strange looks when you say you come from a mercenary clan and are a ninja. Yeah... just giving you the heads up.

Edit: Edit: Changram. How long do you think it will take to get your character up? I'm just kind of anxious to get the RP up as I have already made the first post in word :). So if you're still working out the basic concept of the character, I may just start it, with the characters we already have and you can join in very shortly.

P.S.: Wow I packed a lot into that... That is the most edits I've ever done on a post. :)

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

Okay, I've finished my character. He doesn't adhere to the character sheet exactly but Its all in there. I like him, I hope he is accepted.

Re: [OOC] Thirteen Paths

Shadow: I don't think so. Because then you are creating solid objects and then we get into that whole realm. I think just the ability to change an opponent's perception of touch is plenty powerful enough and at least to start out you really don't need any more tricks.