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"Lies and Lust always go hand in hand."

0 · 321 views · located in Roman Lands

a character in “This Roman Life We Live”, originally authored by MoonlightWraith, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full name: Claudia

Age: 24

Birth month and day: June 3rd

Race: Greek

General appearance: Image

Social Class: Slave

Occupation: Courtesan

Personality and character traits: Claudia is quiet and intelligent. She is pretty and quite the perfectionist. Claudia is elegant and talented, sadly the time she lives in won't pay attention to her due to her being a woman.

Skills and special knowledge: Claudia can perfectly recall any conversation that she has engaged in or eavesdropped on, making her useful to any enemy of a client, and with her beauty and occupation she could be the perfect weapon in a war.

Hopes and ambitions: To free herself from her slave title and return to Greece.

So begins...

Claudia's Story


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Character Portrait: Publius Servilius Vala Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia was sent to the party Publius was holding as a rich man's companion just for the night, as the night grew Claudia's client also grew, grew more drunk and was a bit to touchy when he shouldn't be, he hadn't paid enough to feel Claudia 's breasts or slap her playfully on the bottom. So she left him there to drink himself to the underworld, she climbed some steps and found herself on a balcony overlooking the gladiator training pit, sadly no one was training they must've all been asleep or attending to some guests, but she did noticed a young girl leaning on a wall inside the pit.

Claudia took a sip from the honied wine and lent on the balcony railings, watching the stars above as the party continued. She sighed before turning around to return to the party, she really should praise the host for his party, if she knew who he was.


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Democritus had left Publius's sight in and wandered down to the gladiator trainig grounds. It had been ages since he had last set foot in this place, grabbing two swords he twirled them in his hands swinging in a killing manner slashing and hacking away at the dummies. A feel of joy filled his heart, remembering that this was his home before he became a general to the empire.

"I wonder if the gladiators now make use of the tools which they are given." Democritus said speaking to himself as he took up a spear and turned around chucking it at the balcony not realizing that there was a lady there. The spear zoomed past the woman just taking a few strands of the beautiful blonde hair. "M'lady I humbly apologize. I was unaware of your precense." Democritus said bowing humbly.


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia screamed as the spear zoomed past her, missing by mere inches. She looked over the balcony to see a man in the pit, she smiled and.called back down. "It's quite alright." She smiled, he thought she was a lady, not a Greek slave. "And there's no need to call me a lady." She called down to him as lent on the balcony railings again. "Are you a gladiator?" She asked him from the balcony.

She turned around when she heard the heavy breath and footsteps of her client, he grabbed her by the wrist and tried to pull her away from the balcony, but she resisted, taking to the man in the pit was more interesting than going back down there. "Come on you whore, do what you're being paid to do!" he spat at her, his breath stank of wine and a mixture of horrid foods. Claudia yanked her hand away from him and slapped his chubby cheek. She kicked him in the groin and made a run down the stairs, leaving him to comfort his favourite jewels.


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia screamed as the spear zoomed past her, missing by mere inches. She looked over the balcony to see a man in the pit, she smiled and.called back down. "It's quite alright." She smiled, he thought she was a lady, not a Greek slave. "And there's no need to call me a lady." She called down to him as lent on the balcony railings again. "Are you a gladiator?" She asked him from the balcony.

Democritus was a bit drawn back by the womans beauty. Maybe Publius was right about his needing of feminine relaxation methods instead of battle screams. He was snatched out of his daydream as he heard her scream and quickly regained himself. "Well Madam, I think there is a reason to adress such a godess in that matter if her apearance is as bewitching as yours.". Democritus replied to the woman with a sort of cheery smile before answering again, " Once, but that life is behind me now, I am Democritus General Of The Empire's First Leigon."


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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(Claudia is in the pit with Democritus)
Claudia listened to him as he called her a goddess, she smiled and then teased him. "You don't wish to anger your gods do you?" She smiled and then he told her that he was a General in the First Legion, her smile dropped slightly but she took a sip of the wine to calm her nerves, worried that he might do to her as others in the legion did to her mother, before smiling back at him. "So a gladiator turned General, how'd that happen?" She smiled leaning on the training dummy next to them.


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Democritus seemed to feel the bit of uneasiness that quickly went away between them as he noticed her smile fade slightly."You don't wish to anger your gods do you?" She asked with a smile. Democritus laughed and clasped his hands in a prayer form, "Oh no please I beseech thee oh great ones spare me, but I thank them for revealing you to me." He replied in a joking tone. "So a gladiator turned General, how'd that happen?" She smiled leaning on the training dummy next to them. Democritus shrugged remembering the memory of the day. "I was in action at the Collesium and before I knew it, I was thrown in prison for a crime I couldn't have commited. Then I was approached and told if I wanted to get out of prison I would have to serve the Empire and well here I am." Democritus said as he twirled the blade around.


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia laughed at Democritus when he joked about his gods, "It's good to see a Roman not insulted when someone jokes about the gods." She listened to him as he told his tale of becoming a General. "What was the crime?" She asked, her voice had a tone of worry but in reality she was curious and worried about him, she'd never seen such a fine specimen of Roman, she's usually met only but the horrid, fat or elderly. She watched him twirl the sword and it made her smile, "Attractive and knows how to use his sword." She teased him.


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Democritus smiled a bit, "Well there are many Roman men like that, it just so happens that I am one who doesn't care too much." He said as he put down the sword and knelt down feeling the grounf beneath him as he reminised the memories of all his glorious blood pumping battles. He laughed a bit at the womans remark of his looks and skills. "Well I never really caught your name M'lady, would you be so kind as to grace me with it?" He said as he teased a bit.


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia smiled at Democritus when he teased her, "Well I never really caught your name M'lady, would you be so kind as to grace me with it?" She shook her head, "Sorry, I'm Claudia." She smiled at him. "Why are you so formal and polite?" She tilted her head when she asked him, her hair falling to one side as she did. "I mean, if you knew who I was you probably wouldn't be so polite and formal." She said without thinking, when she did she didn't know what to do so excused herself. "I'm sorry, but I must return to the party. Excuse me." She bowed her head and turned to leave.


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Democritus looked at her with intriguing eyes as he tried to analyze her words, "Sorry, I'm Claudia." She smiled at him. "Why are you so formal and polite?" She tilted her head when she asked him, her hair falling to one side as she did. "I mean, if you knew who I was you probably wouldn't be so polite and formal." So that was it. "Let me guess Miss. Claudia. Your a slave and you were never spoken to in such a manner because of your social status." Democritus said as he gently grabbed Claudia's arm and pulled her back embracing her in a momentary kiss. "Ahh, my apologies Lady Claudia, but I care not about what your ranked as, only how you portray yourself to other people."


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia didn't resist, but she was scared of how he'd react when she told him what kind of slave, "I'm more than just that, I was taken from my home in Greece, forced to watch as my mother was raped by the men of your empire." She told him. "And when I arrived her to be sold, my master knew he'd do well exploiting my sweet features and body, now I'm one of his finest and most expensive whores! And when I portray myself, I portray every inch of my body to the worst of the male specimen." She finished and took in a deep breath and awaited his reaction to her story. She had dropped the wine and was now further away from him, her eyes watering, the tears threating to spill.


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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This was something that Democritus had not expected, but he was moved by her story. Stepping forward he embraced her holding Claudia in his arms and against his chest. "I'm sorry that you experienced such tragedy in your life. Those eyes should not have seen so much misery and suffering. You, Claudia are not a whore or a slave anymore, you are free to do as you please and I will see to it that, my request is followed to the letter." He sighed feeling his heart sadden after hearing such a tale. "It makes no difference, to me you are another beautiful woman who the gods have blessed us with so do not be afraid of me or think I would treat you any less."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia watched Democritus' eyes as he said "I'm sorry that you experienced such tragedy in your life. Those eyes should not have seen so much misery and suffering. You, Claudia are not a whore or a slave anymore, you are free to do as you please and I will see to it that, my request is followed to the letter." He sighed. "It makes no difference, to me you are another beautiful woman who the gods have blessed us with so do not be afraid of me or think I would treat you any less." She watched but his eyes never gave any sign of lying. She then returned the embrace, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his chest.

"Whore!" Claudia heard someone yell and if she was right it would be the client. She spun around to see him stumbling towards her and Democritus. "Get back here and do as you're being paid!" He managed to slur with a few hiccups.


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Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Democritus turned towards the old drunk as he let go of Claudia. Approaching him with rage in his eyes. "What the hell are you staring." The man spat the words at democritus furiously. "You dare speak like that to a godess." Democritus asked in a simple motion. The man gripped hold of Democritus as he stumbeld forward, in that same instance, he knocked the man back by striking him on his face. "Now here me, this woman is free. She is neither whore nor slave, and her name is Claudia. If I find you troubling her again, I will not hesitate to introduce your throat to my blade." Democritus stated in a cold manor as he turned back to Claudia and the old drunk ran, stumbling out of the pit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Democritus Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia backed away scared as Democritus confronted the client, she took a step closer to see if he was okay, but he got up and Democritus had turned back to her so she stepped back and held her head up, tears in her eyes, scared of what she just saw. "Democritus, I am still a slave, my master will not have that." She put a hand on his arm and smiled to him, before going to find the client.

Once inside she saw him surrounded by men, he must have been complaining and talking dirt about Claudia and Democritus as when she approached them, they all tutted or glared at her. She took the client's hand and led him up the stairs. "As compensation for my friend, you are eligible to take me to bed." She said as she dropped her rope,


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Character Portrait: Claudia
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((Double post, sorry))


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Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia looked up from her plate of fruit and vegetables, her master stood over her.
A younger man stood next to him, he had a smug look about him. "Claudia, this is my dear friend. He is attending the fight later tonight." He smiled. "He is looking for a woman to take with him, a woman with the beauty of the goddess and the elegance of a rich woman." Claudia stood with a smile and bowed her head.
"Of course, dominus." She stepped towards the man and let him kiss her hand.
"Clean up and put this on." Claudia was handed an elegant toga and was sent on to the front rooms, the bathhouse, her master's public source of income.
She washed and put the robe on, let the other girls do her hair. Once she was ready, she waited for the client to collect her and take her up to the Arena.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia sat next to the client as he took a seat, his view was rather high up and quite spectacular. She listened to the young girl as she introduced the games. Claudia recognised her, but with Claudia's job, many faces were familiar to her. She looked down at the arena below and anxiously awaited the gladiators to make their appearance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia sat, not really interested in the fight, her client, however, couldn't contain his cheers or shouts. Claudia sighed shaking his head. 'I wonder where the Arcadius one comes from to deserve this...' She thought to herself. 'If a greek lady has been forced into prostitution.' She pondered for a moment. 'Maybe a greek himself?' Claudia watched the fight closer now, her eyes focused on Arcadius. She watched on the edge of her seat as the other man charged at Arcadius. She leapt from her seat, cheering as Baalhanno was disarmed. She sat back down and smiled. 'Finally, a Greek that can make a name for himself in this city.' She thanked the gods and looked to the client, he didn't look to happy. "What's the problem?"
"I bet on Baalhanno to win." He moaned, Claudia rolled her eyes and looked back down at the arena. 'Moany bastard.' She thought to herself.


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Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Claudia
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Claudia celebrated the young gladiators victory at the expense of her client. She felt the need to congratulate him but all the gladiators had already left by the time she got down to the preparation chamber. She sighed before returning to her client, "I can't believe that Greek bastard beat Baalhanno." Claudia blinked at him.
"I'm Greek." She informed him, "Our fighters are just as capable as yours." She gave him a sly smile before walking along. "Back to yours?"
"No, I've had enough excitement for one night, tell Quintas I'll pay him tomorrow." Claudia bowed her head and continued on her way, but instead of heading back to the 'house' she snuck up to the Vala Iudus and entered the slave chambers and looked for the gladiator, she found him sitting on a straw bed. "Arcadius?" She asked, to be sure it was him, but she continued to speak anyway. "Well, I just wanted to say you have done our gods and families proud by beating Baalhanno and wa ted to thank you for that." She smiled and bowed before turning to leave.