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Anabelle Cruz

0 · 721 views · located in Thorn Hill

a character in “Thorn Hill Academy”, as played by SleepingInTheGardens


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"Art is the journey of a free soul"

Paris In The Rain | Drops of Jupiter | Girl on Fire


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Anabelle Jane Cruz

N I C K N A M E (S)
Ana or Belle, she responds to both.

February 14th



Dialogue: #00FF00
Thought: #008080


ImageH E I G H T | W E I G H T
5'3 and 102lbs

There's no denying that Anabelle is a very beautiful girl. She may not have the typical model physique, but her unique features make her very visually stunning. She stands at five feet, three inches, so she is petite in size. She's also very thin with very subtle curves in just the right places. Her dark hair hangs in tight curls, reaching her shoulders and framing her small face. She likes to keep it on the shorter side because it's much easier when it comes to the maintenance. Her deep doe eyes seem to contrast perfectly against her sun kissed skin and defined cheek bones, and are framed by a pair of thick brows and long, dark lashes.

Though she's an artist at heart, Belle prefers to express herself through her paintings and photography rather than her fashion. This is why she keeps her wardrobe simple and comfortable. Her outfits usually consist of a simple cami, blouse or t-shirt and a comfortable skirt or shorts, or comfortable dresses with flats or sneakers. She keeps her make-up to a minimum and rarely ever does anything to her hair other than applying texturiser to keep her curls under control.





Anabelle is a simple girl with simple needs and wants. What you see is what you get. She's very honest and open with everyone around her, often wearing her heart on her sleeve. The first things most will notice about her is her passion, not only for art but for basically everything she does. She's the type to never do anything halfhearted. It's a treat she inherited from her mother, which she is quite thankful for, and it's a trait that can potentially take her very far in life. That, coupled with her bright smile and cheerful way of living life can open many doors for her. Her family has always joked about how the moment Belle came out of the womb, she came out smiling. Of course, it's an exaggeration, but not too far from the truth. Belle can almost always be found in a good mood, and if she isn't there is something very very wrong.

Some may say she's fearless, but that's not quite the truth. She has fears just like any other human being, but she often decides not to dwell on them too much. She's spontaneous right down to the very core. There is very few things that Anabelle will plan. Sometimes that's a pro, for example when her friends invite her to an impromptu road trip they can be sure she'll be down for the ride. But it can also be messy. Some things need careful thought and planning, something that Belle has very little idea how to do. She has often been given advice on this aspect, but if there is something she inherited from her father it's the art of being stubborn. When she sets her mind to something, there is very little one can do to change it. Even when she knows she's wrong, she will still see her ideas through. Sometimes they turn up better than expected, other times it lands her in messes that could have easily been avoided. And regardless of how many mishaps she goes through or how many bad turns her poorly thought out decisions take, her audacious side refuses to learn from her own mistakes.

But she's brilliant and vibrant, even with all her imperfections, she is incredibly easy to get along with. She's not only skilled at making friendships, but she works hard to keep them. Her art and her loved ones are what occupy the majority of her time, and she quite likes living that way.


ImageL I K E S | D I S L I K E S
likes ✧make up ✧fashion ✧art ✧musicals ✧nature ✧flowers ✧scented candles ✧warm coffee ✧windy days ✧photography ✧talking to strangers ✧tropical foods ✧the beach ✧peaches (smells, taste and colors)
dislikes ✦alcohol ✦arrogance ✦people that curse a lot ✦bad manners ✦naps (she thinks they're a waste of time) ✦sports (she's bad at almost all of them) ✦liars/cheaters ✦people that give up easily

S T R E N G T H S | W E A K N E S S E S
Her strengths include art and anything that has to do with creating or inventing, her amiable nature that allows her to make friends easily, her passion for everything she does and a very string will power that can get her through just about any bad circumstance. Her [u]weak[/u[ points are usually her stubborn nature that won't allow her to take advice, her lack of organization, which causes her to not only forget but often lose important things, her female pride and her naive heart.

Anabelle doesn't have many fears, but the few that she does have scare her deeply. She fears ✫losing her family✫ or anything bad happening to them, especially now that they live in a town full of scary and powerful creatures. She fears the possibility of ✫losing her art✫ or not being able to express herself through art, for whatever reason it may be. And she's really terrified of ✫heights✫.

ImageS C H O O LXY E A R
First year at Thorn Hill Academy, but she is a senior.

There are so many different kinds of supernatural creatures, so for her to say she dislikes or is afraid of supernaturals would not be right. She has only met a select few. Some where kind and gentle towards, while others looked at at her as if she wasn't worth the dirt under their shoes. Because of this, Belle's stance on supernaturals is still fairly neutral. That's not to say she isn't afraid of them. She knows most of them could easily destroy her if they so wished, but she also knows there's good and bad in everything. While there may be some out there that despise humans, there are also those that like and accept them. She's not one to judged based on rumors or appearances, so her thoughts on these creatures will depend solely on her experiences with them.


Anabelle was born into a loving family consisting of her mother, father and three older siblings in sunny Miami, Florida. Being the youngest of four siblings meant Anabelle was just a little spoiled. She was the baby of the family, so she inevitably got all of the attention. She was also very sheltered, which in her parents' eye was goof for her, but in reality only made life a bit more difficult than it should have been. As she grew up and went to school, thanks to her spontaneous and amiable personality, she made friends easily. But due to the fact she was sheltered, she also found it difficult to deal with bad situations.

During her freshman year in high school, Belle and a small group of friends went out for a girls' night. It started out as dinner and a RomCom, but ended up as them sneaking into a nigh club. However Anabelle, not willing to take the risk and break her parents' trust, decided to opt out. She found herself walking home alone, through dark streets and alleys she had never been through before. As she walked, she found herself being followed. A group of three men, very visibly drunks, who eventually caught up to her and cornered her. Anabelle froze, never having been in a remotely uncomfortable situation, she didn't know whether to scream for help or simply give up. As the men came closer and began to grab at her, she closed her eyes, expecting the worst to happen. It wasn't until a few seconds passed and nothing happened that she opened them again. Two of the three men that had been huddled around her were unconsciously lying on the ground, while the other was being held in mid air by his throat, a very delicate hand gripping it, deep red nails digging into his skin. Belle stared in disbelief at the owner of the hand. She was tall, with a very beautiful body and face, perfect features, long black hair and porcelain-doll-like skin. She left the man drop like a rag doll, licking the blood from her fingers, and turned to Belle. Her red lips curled into a grin before disappearing into the shadows.

The moment Belle got home, her parents noticed something was wrong. She had no choice but to tell them everything that happened. That opened up an entirely new world for Belle. Her parents told her about the supernatural world and all it entailed. About all their encounters with the supernaturals, both good and bad. About how the beautiful woman that saved her was most likely of the vampire family. It was a lot for Anabelle to take it. It took her several months to come to terms with the fact that there were other living, non-human creatures out there. But each and every time she doubted, she thought of the woman and how eternally grateful Belle was that she showed up. As the years passed, she came across a few others, mostly by chance, but her curiosity continued to grow. During an impromptu night of research, Belle found Thorn Hill Academy and immediately wanted to enroll. She spokes to her parents about it. At first they were weary, even if the town was only a few hours away, but Belle's older sister Isabella agreed to look after her. After finishing her Junior year of high school, Belle and her sister moved into a small apartment in Thorn Hill to begin their new life among the supernaturals.


So begins...

Anabelle Cruz's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Priscilla Jenkins Character Portrait: Levi Anderson Character Portrait: Lorelai Nguyen Character Portrait: Milo Tanan Character Portrait: Anabelle Cruz Character Portrait: Elijah Song
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0.00 INK

The thumping sound of music lightly shook the grounds of Thorn Hill Academy, as for once the town wasn't quiet at night. The once empty lot of land around the back of the academy was now filled with a flurry of students, supernatural and human alike. There were booths set up with various carnival games, "Dunk the Mermaid", and "Pin the Tail on the Minotaur", as well as food and drinks (accommodative for every species). Some of the professors, and even the headmaster, Korir, were in attendance although they inhabited the outskirts of the field. It was truly a sight to see, wings, horns, fangs, and tails out and proud. Once again, Thorn Hill pridefully showing that it has always been and will always be a safe place for supernaturals. Or so it thought.


fae - outfit - #DAB71D

Parties were the perfect kind of euphoria for a fairy. Oleander practically fed off the energy emanating from the other students, and it fueled his veins with a wonderful rush of energy. When the idea was first proposed to do a little student carnival and dance to help better integrate the human students, Ollie was all on board. He was on of the split few, who were actually excited about the humans. The school was pretty much 50/50 at this point.

His first stop was one of the carnival booths that his friend, KD, a fellow fae was running. "Hey stranger"
Ollie said placing an arm on the table of the booth resting his cheek against it. "Ollie. Thank god. I can't tell you how boring it is watching them throw darts at balloons. I don't understand why the professors thought this was a good idea, this game is only challenging to... humans". Ollie simply rolled his eyes with a small chuckle, "Well maybe if you'd actually pay attention in demonology you wouldn't have to run this for extra credit". KD groaned pinching the bridge of his nose, "only three more hours". "Have fun for me, will ya?" KD said shoving Ollie playfully in the shoulder, "let me have satisfaction that at least one of us is having fun". Oleander pushed himself off the table and winked at the fae, "Do you really have to tell me to have fun?" With that he began to walk away towards the other games leaving KD shaking his head. "Not too much fun!".


vampire - outfit - #3B0404

Evona Drakanov loved parties. Especially supernatural parties. You could count on all of the species, mashed together to create a damn good time. Of course, the idea of adding humans into the mix was slightly questionable, but deep down she couldn't wait to meet them. None of her classes had enrolled a human yet, much to her dismay she quite enjoyed the living things.

Evona found herself comfortable within the writhing mass of sweaty students near the front of the dance circle, probably doing the things their parent's have nightmares about. Which is something to say considering they were the stuff of nightmares. Even with her small stature it's not hard to notice the wild vamp bopping along amiss the crowd. From her elegant, yet risqué dancing to just the sheer, magnetic vibe that all vampires gave off. It's certainly a strange sight.

After a while of dancing she couldn't help but feel a bit lonely. Normally she was surrounded by her friends, but Eve had gotten to the little bash quite early, and hadn't seen anyone she knew fairly well yet. Where was her mermaid when she needed her. The task of leaving the dance circle is a lot harder than it looks, but it wasn't too much of a problem for her. "Excuse me! Out of my way please, thank you"
. She got a few annoyed glances here and there but nothing that a little flash of fangs wouldn't dispel.

She made her way over to the food and drink area, her eyes scanning the various containers with labels that seemed to come straight from a halloween party. A small laugh erupted from her as she imagined the poor humans trying to navigate this assortment of treats. Reaching for a cup, she filled it halfway with the dark red liquid from the container labeled AB Positive. Taking a small sip, her muscles instantly relaxed and she felt much sharper, her eyes scanning the crowd for any familiar faces as she lazily leaned back up against the table.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Priscilla Jenkins Character Portrait: Lorelai Nguyen Character Portrait: Milo Tanan Character Portrait: Anabelle Cruz Character Portrait: Elijah Song Character Portrait: Henry Gardener
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0.00 INK

Anabelle Cruz⌉
Location: the party
Dialogue: #00FF00

Priscilla Jenkins⌉
Location: the party
Dialogue: #6B054A
A party for both humans and supernaturals...somehow the idea didn’t sound so great. Sure, Anabelle had been brave when she decided to enroll in this school, but that was an instance in which her curiosity got the best of her. Actually being here, surrounded by so many different species that could easily crush her? That was a whole other ball game. Belle couldn’t help but pace for a bit, wondering if going to this thing was truly a good choice for her. Her small frame was almost shaking with the amount of nerves that had taken over her body. She paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath, and pulled out her phone. Before showing up at this thing, maybe she should make sure she would have some human company to at the very least keep her feeling a bit more safe. She navigated first to Henry’s name, sending him a quick ”I’m headed to the party, please tell me you’re going. and immediately after, sent the same message to Lorelai. She may not have known either of them for long, but could already call them both a good friend.

With another nervous breath, and a quick ruffle of her curls, she walked towards the thump of the music. The scene hit her the second she walked in, if only because it wasn’t anything like what she’d expected to see. Save a few tails, wings and horns, everything looked so...normal. Though her peace didn’t last very long. ”You came alone?”. Belle nearly jumped out of her own skin, immediately recognizing the face in front of her. ”I-I, uh…”. Well shit… Belle had only spoken to Elijah once or twice before, but that coupled with the rumors she’d heard about him was more than enough to make her hairs stand on end. ”Relax, I don’t bite...much” the male gave her a smile so beautiful it took her a moment before she was able to look away. She cleared her throat nervously. ”No, i mean- I’m not alone I’m just...waiting for someone/” she stammered, hoping to god that any someone would show up and save her.

Before she made her entrance fully into the party, she had stopped by the bathroom, just to freshen up and to make sure that she looked her best. She fluffed her hair out with her fingers then dabbed some shiny glittery lip gloss onto her lips then puckered them together as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Priscilla dropped the lip gloss back into her small handheld purse, which she also held in her hands now. She was good to go and she exited the bathroom she was currently in before bouncing her way to the party now.

Priscilla stood at the entrance, eyes scanning the scene for the moment before she finally took a step. Humans and supernaturals alike surrounded around the scene and her eyes seen Reginald and Elijah breaking a part. She smiled widely before she continued her trek around the party, just to see how everyone was mingling this far.

Then her ears vibrated as Elijah’s voice crept closely by her and her gaze immediately went over there toward where he was. His words toward her made her make a face as she walked with a bit of purpose over there toward the duo. When she reached the side of Anabelle, her arm draped over her shoulders and gaze were locked upon her. ”Everything okay here, Anabelle?” She’d ask then bounced her gaze toward Elijah.

”Oh, I think I seen Reggie flirting with a human somewhere over there. You probably should keep him on a leash.” Priscilla stated but Elijah would know that she was merely joking as a small smirk began to form over her lips.

Anabelle felt her muscles relax as Priscilla come into view and gave her a thankful smile. ”Haha, hilarious.” the boy responded, lips still morphed into a half smile dripping with sarcasm, before glancing in Anabelle’s direction. ”I was just saying hello, no need to get all defensive.” Priscilla eyed Elijah after that comment then practically shooed him away with her purse. There was no need for her to respond to that. Anabelle found herself nervously biting at the tip of her thumb, but she couldn’t help but think Elijah was right. He hadn’t actually done or say anything wrong, it was just the mere sight of him that intimidated her.

The moment he left to join the rest of the party, Belle let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding before turning towards Priscilla with a thankful smile. ”Hey!” she exclaimed happily as she looked over Prissy’s attire. ”You look so pretty!” she decided to let the subject of Elijah slide because a part of her said she had no real reason to be so scared of him, and that she was simply being paranoid. She hoped Pri would also let it go. ”Oh, this old thing?” Which her outfit wasn’t really old, it was new and brought especially for this party. She laughed and waved her hand at Anabelle then maneuvered her arm from around her shoulder to stand before her.

”But look at you, girl.” She said in response then eyed her attire before her gaze went back to her face. ”You look amazing.” Priscilla said in a compliment then eyed everyone else that was surrounding him. ”Everyone here looks amazing.” She smiled brightly and widely then pointed at a random guy. ”Well, except for him.” She then turned back toward Anabelle and went back by her side, leaning in closer toward her while folding her arms over her chest. ”So, I know that you haven’t been here long but do you have your eye on someone already?” She’d ask with a little smile.

Belle wasn’t sure what to make of Priscilla’s question. She bit the side of her lip, racking her brain for what to respond. ”Uh, no, not really…” she mumbled, her eyes searching the premises. Though that wasn’t a lie, it wasn’t entirely true either. Belle had met many people, most of them pleasant, since the first day she arrived. She paused for a moment before turning to Priscilla with a slight shrug. ”Milo is kind of cute…” she added with a slight smile. ”And by cute I mean he doesn’t scare me like Elijah does.” she giggled soft, wrapping her arms around herself.

That’s no fun. Priscilla thought to herself after Anabelle’s response. Then we were getting somewhere as she said a name. Priscilla almost lit up with excitement as she nudged Anabelle with her elbow softly with a smile. ”Ooh, Milo, huh? He’s a sweet boy. Kind of quiet but sweet.” Priscilla added then waved her hand in the direction of Elijah’s, who had walked away just a few moments ago. ”Don’t worry about him. He’s not that scary. He’s actually a sweetheart, himself so no need to worry yourself.” She remarked before linking her arm with Anabelle’s. ”Come, let’s go get some food and something to drink. I am starved.” Priscilla said as she already started a trek toward the condiment section of the party.

For a fraction of a second, Anabelle regretted her statement. It almost sounded as if she admitted to having a crush, but that wasn’t the case. At least, not at the moment. She just happened to find Milo extremely easy to talk to despite his being a supernatural. ”A sweetheart, huh?” Belle muttered, not entirely sure if she believed her. To Priscilla, just about anyone was a sweetheart. ”Yes, a sweetheart.” While she did like to see the good in everyone, there were few that she knew that was well over the deep end and far from being good. She followed the girl towards the food, her eyes scanning the area for any other familiar faces. Granted, she didn’t know many people at this point but there had to be at least a couple. From a distance, she spotted Oleander near one of the booths, and smiled softly. The two had hit it off from the first day they met, which wasn’t much of a surprise considering the two had very similar personalities. But unlike her, Ollie was much more brave. ”What about you, hmm?” Belle finally inquired, one eyebrow raising in question as she turned towards the blonde. ”Who’s your target for tonight?”

They had made it to the condiment stand and she released her arm from Anabelle’s then picked up a small plate, already placing food onto it. She paid no attention to Anabelle right now as she shoved a finger sandwich into her mouth and then another one. Priscilla nearly choked at Anabelle’s inquired questions as her eyes went right over toward the female beside her. ”Uhh, no. No one catches my eye here.” Whether it was true or not, she hid it really well in such a vague response. Priscilla kept on grabbing food then looked over toward Anabelle again. ”Are you going to get some food?” She’d ask, trying to avoid being asked anything else for the moment and just to change the subject. But in order to actually change it, she just needed a topic to come up with but mind was currently drawing blanks as she fixed herself a cup of punch now. Anabelle was no expert, but it was obvious that Priscilla was trying to hide, or avoid, something. Or someone? Belle couldn’t tell for sure, and she didn’t want to pry. At least not in the middle of the party. She opted to not say anything else about it for the time being, but made a mental note to ask her again later. ”Are they any good?” she questioned, referring to the sandwiches Pris had devoured. The party scene was stat to pick up bit by bit as more and more students flooded the area. So far, nothing too wild had happened. Everyone appeared to be in a good mood, which made Belle think she’d been worrying for no reason.

It had made her slightly curious as why Anabelle wasn’t exactly prying but then again, maybe she wasn’t the one to pry. Priscilla sighed softly to herself and under her breath as she snapped out of it once Anabelle spoke again. ”Yeah, they are. Here, try one.” She said as she practically shoved a finger sandwich into her face with a smile to seem a bit innocent in the moment. But she sensed that Anabelle knew that something was up so she just muttered softly for only Anabelle to hear. ”We can talk later about why I avoided your question. I do not want to speak about here just in case someone’s listening.” Priscilla commented as she brought the finger sandwich down and started to pick at it with her head lowered. Belle smiled softly, chewing on the small sandwich that had been shoved in her direction. ”Deal”.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anabelle Cruz Character Portrait: Henry Gardener
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0.00 INK














&that's irony..
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬ ▬
human ▫ outfit#E66404

Partying with supernaturals was not something Henry entirely thought he'd end up doing, or at the very least, having the pleasure of attending alone. Only fifteen minutes in, he was disappointedly ditched by his own brother; something about a friend needing him-- blah blah blah. Sure, he loved the supes just fine. They were a joy and a majority of them were great people, but going solo to his first school event left him vulnerable and that was not something he planned on happening. So he filled the beginning half of his time with the monotony of carnival games, only to cheer for himself whenever he managed to hit a goal. There was something therapeutic about the lights that framed the booths, shooting off pistols and flashing bulbs whenever one of the targets were hit. Between the whirring sounds, he could briefly catch the criticizing chit-chat from the neighbouring booth, perhaps the games were a little pathetic.

But there's always fun in a bit of stupidity.

p o p. cheers, another balloon.

Henry's phone buzzed, half expecting it to be a lukewarm apology from his brother, so he ignored it. Afterall he was starting to have a little bit of fun by himself. After a few more off-n-on wins, he pulled himself to the side to check the message, surprised to see the text was instead from Anabelle. 'I’m headed to the party, please tell me you’re going.' He felt a little guilty now.. It seemed more like a plead for help then then it did an invitation, but he was sure she was just nervous and rightfully so. To be outnumbered by beings far stronger than you, and at times, far more clever, was intimidating to say the least. For a human with minimum interactions, it's a world of possibilities. Good, and bad.

He quickly typed back, 'nah, I think I'm going to pass tonight.' before sending her a bad selfie of him posing in front of the large caricature of a minotaur. He hoped she was alright, overwise that was really some bad timing for a joke. 'Where are u? maybe we can meet up.' At least then, he can say he tried.

✘ ✘

Henry figured while he waited for Belle's response, he might as well get something to eat. It didn't take long for him to locate the destination of nosh-town ad he spotted a small crowd that seemed to migrate around the food tables. I guess the idea was a popular one. After all, sustenance seemed like the bare minimum of what supernaturals and humans shared. It was at least a start... He stepped on his toes to look over the figures in front of him, eyeing the strange arrangement of food splayed on the table. He couldn't recognize half the stuff, or if he did, me much rather had not. Perhaps there was a part of the table that was labeled, 'human friendly', he certainly wouldn't mind that kind of separation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Priscilla Jenkins Character Portrait: Anabelle Cruz Character Portrait: Reginald Lawson Character Portrait: Augustijn Dahl
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0.00 INK

#, as written by la.lune
A U G G I E x D A H L
#6C6179 | outfit | human

R E G G I E x L A W S O N
#cb740b | outfit | werewolf
Reggie wandered around the party for a brief moment, just checking a few things out and wondering to himself if he really wanted to dunk the mermaid or not. It would’ve gave him quite the laugh though but he decided against it. His gaze would bounce toward Priscilla, Anabelle and his future babe, Elijah and raise a brow. It seems like Elijah caused quite a stir and they haven’t been for an hour yet. He snickered as he walked over toward the concessions, his eyes scanned over the treats on the table.

He did not know what he wanted, right now because everything looked so freaking delicious so he just settled on a small cup full of punch. Once he had fixed himself a cup, he turned his attention back toward the party and took a small sip from the cup. It now rested in his hand and he kind of wanted to socialize with a human but which one? Again, his eyes went from person to person as it seemed like no one was interesting enough. There was Lorelai but she was already engaged in conversation.

Reginald picked up his feet and started to patrol around the party, nearing toward the entrance and just stood there, with one hand in his pocket and the other with the punch cup in it.

- - -

Auggie knew with certainty that he did not want to go to this party. Small groups caused him to get nervous so who knows what such a large gathering of people would do to him, however, after constant pestering from his more outgoing friends, the boy conceded. As he walked along the school grounds, Auggie could hear laughter and music emanating from where the event was being held; almost feeling a sense of excitement until he cleared the trees and realised just how many people were there.

Letting a small sigh escape his lips, Auggie shoves his hands into his trouser pockets and bites the bullet, walking straight into the thick of the party. All around him were every kind of supernatural creature you could imagine, causing him to stand still for a moment in wonder, sure he was used to being surrounded by witches back in his hometown but that was about the extent of supernatural contact he has had until arriving at Thorn Hill.

Caught off guard by just how loud the event seemed to be, Auggie didn’t notice that he was walking straight toward Reggie until it was far too late. Bumping into the back of the werewolf, Auggie inhales sharply, realising what he had done. Sure, he was friendly enough with Reggie, but he also knew that the werewolf was holding him at arm's length until he knew Auggie was trustworthy and the slightest thing was enough to piss him off. “Oh!” Auggie exclaims, taking a large step back from him, “I-I’m so sorry, I got overwhelmed and I-” Struggling to find his words, Auggie cuts himself off and instead sends Reggie a sheepish smile as if to say - please don’t eat me.

Reggie was just enjoying himself, head nodding to the ongoing music that blared around him. He went to take a small sip from his punch until he was lounged forward a bit after someone had bumped into him from behind. He had even spilled a little bit of punch on the floor in front of him. Reginald’s head snapped back toward the boy and lowly growled He really just wanted to scare him and wasn’t going to harm him in the slightest but found it fun to watch him tremble. He had to have some form of amusement tonight and Auggie provided that for the moment.

“Relax. I am not going to rip your head off in front of witnesses.” He said with a smile then turned it into an expression that made him look like he was really going to eat him. He took a few steps until he was closer to the male and whispered lowly. “But when there aren’t any witnesses, your ass is grass.” Reginald was loving this moment as he was merely toying with the poor boy. But he wasn’t going to tell him that, not now anyway.

Feeling a momentary sense of relief, Auggie relaxes at Reggie’s first sentence, before immediately stiffening again as the larger male came closer. Barely holding in a terrified squeak at his next words, Auggie freezes in place, his eyes widening. “I’m seriously so s-sorry,” Auggie forces out, once again moving back away from Reggie, his eyes planted firmly on the ground as he spoke, “Here, let me get you another drink!” Hoping to fix the situation in any way possible, Auggie looks around for the punch table, grabbing a new cup and filling it before extending a shaky hand toward Reggie. “Is, Is this ok?” No one else at Thorn Hill seemed to be able to rattle Auggie quite like Reggie did.

Reginald did not really want another drink but watching Auggie tremble and shake with fear pleased him. Too bad he was enjoying this moment alone though. His eyes watched Auggie go over to the table where the punch was placed, letting out a little laugh behind his back then straightened up and plastered back on the face of fear. His eyes went from Auggie to the cup then back to Auggie before he reached out and grabbed it fiercely. ““This will do. But don’t think that this makes up for when I see you alone.” Reginald replied and took a small sip from the cup he had retrieved from Auggie.

Watching his arm shake as he waited for Reggie to take the cup - or potentially throw it back in his face - Auggie couldn’t help but inwardly scald himself over how much of a wuss he could be. Sure, anyone would find Reggie a little intimidating but Auggie’s sweet nature just couldn’t handle the werewolf’s gaze, let alone interacting with him.

““Ease up, Auggie. Damn.” Reginald finally let go of his act after seeing how terrified the male was before him. He had extended his hand out and placed it on his shoulders, smiling just a little as he hoped that would put Auggie at ease. ““I am not going to do anything to you. You’re actually one of the humans that I like.” He said before taking another sip from the cup then smirked and turned to Auggie. ““Boo!” Reginald said as he jumped forward toward Auggie then laughed afterward because he just wanted to see Auggie’s reaction.

As Reggie extended his arm out to place it on Auggie’s shoulder, the human almost jumped out of his skin. Though Reggie’s words almost put a smile on Auggie’s face, the sheer anxiety he felt in that moment halted in and just as he began to think that perhaps the werewolf was warming up to him, he was startled by another one of Reggie’s stunts. As silly as it was, even the most lighthearted of surprises caused the poor boy’s heart to beat a million miles a minute. Realising that Reggie hadn’t meant to seriously scare him, Auggie forces out a small, soft laugh as he finally lifts his gaze to meet Reggie’s.

Though they may be of the same height, Reggie’s stature was muscular and athletic, making Auggie feel even more feeble than normal in his presence. Noting no malice in Reggie’s gaze, Auggie releases some of the tension in his body as he exhales, “I really am sorry about all that,” Relieved that he was no longer stammering, Auggie continues, “How are you enjoying the party so far?” Attempting to steer the conversation off of his little accident, Auggie glances around the party for the first time since coming face to face with the werewolf, noticing many more of his friends that he had previously.

Auggie sends Priscilla and Anabelle a small smile and wave, hoping maybe they’d come over. Sure Auggie didn’t mind Reggie’s company, but he knew that if Priscilla was there at least, the werewolf would be less likely to mess with him so much and honestly, Auggie wasn’t sure his heart could handle many more jumpscares from Reggie.

“It’s okay, Auggie. Relax a little.” Reginald replied toward the human boy and slapped him on the shoulder, forgetting his strength for the moment. The party wasn’t what he had expected, to be honest but guess because of the humans that were around. Before he answered his question though, he gave his shoulders a shrug and stared at Auggie. “I mean, it’s all right, I guess. I had hoped for something a bit better.” Reggie replied as his eyes wandered around the party again. “What about you, Auggie?” He’d ask then take a sip from his cup. “Enjoying Thorn Hill, so far?” He was quite intrigued to hear his response because he really did want to know how did most humans feel around supernaturals.

Auggie nods along as Reggie speaks, his eyes grazing their surroundings, “I mean,” Auggie swallows nervously, turning his gaze back to Reggie, “I’m not really very good with parties, I tend to prefer smaller groups.” Being surprisingly honest with the werewolf, Auggie fiddles with his hands, clearly uncomfortable with being in such a big and loud place. However, Reggie’s second question received a much more upbeat answer as the first proper smile of the night graces Auggie’s face. “I may not seem like it, but I love it here, back home -” Auggie sighs, his thoughts turning to that of his father, “Is it odd of me to say I feel like I fit in here better than I ever did back home?” Though he knew he was no supernatural, everyone at Thorn Hill seemed to embrace the weird and unusual, rather than reject it as his father did.

“Let’s walk a bit.” Reggie said. “Standing in this one spot makes me uncomfortable.” He had mentioned before picking up his feet to walk a few paces forward, hoping that Auggie knew to trail behind him and could keep up with Reggie’s fast walking pace.

Quickening his natural pace so that he could keep up with Reggie’s swiftness, Auggie follows along, taking in all of the stalls as they pass. The scent of lavender finds its way to Auggie and, almost forgetting himself, he places a hand on Reggie’s arm as if to stop him. Peering at the stall before him, there is a giant array of incense on the wooden table, with a lavender and frank incense stick burning slowly. The witch seated behind smiles at Auggie, gesturing for him to take a pack. “To calm and heal.” She says simply, turning to look at Reggie, “Here.” picking up a pack of cinnamon incense sticks and extending them out to him, “For peace and joy.”

Auggie loved all manner of incense and candles; anything with a soothing scent and he was sold. Looking over at Reggie with a hopeful smile, he glances down at the witch’s outstretched hand as if to say - please take them. Though he has never been religious, spirituality meant a lot to Auggie’s mother and he knew that if the witch wanted Reggie to have them, they would be good for the werewolf.

Reginald eyes looked at the witch with a raised brow, wondering to himself why exactly he got the peace and joy incense. It was whatever though as he took them with a smile and saluted with them as a sign of thanks. “Come on, Auggie. She gives me the heebie-jeebies.” He whispered then sat down his punch cup, wrapping his muscular arm around Auggie’s shoulders and started to walk, practically dragging Auggie along with him.