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Reginald Lawson

"I become alive whenever the moon shines."

0 · 673 views · located in Thorn Hill

a character in “Thorn Hill Academy”, as played by Funny Valentine


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"Every time the moon shines, I become alive."

bad moon rising | under pressure | monster


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Reginald Nelson Lawson

N I C K N A M E (S)
⤷ Reg ⤷ Reggie ⤷ Lawson(really close friends) ⤶

October 2nd

Bisexual -- Male lean




ImageH E I G H T | W E I G H T
6'0 | 200 lbs

Reginald has had an impressive appearance throughout his life and at Thornhill but he changed it up a bit this year. He used to dorn a unique dreadlock hairstyle but had it trimmed down to an afro fade, even on all sides of his head. His hair used to be a squirrel brown color but had it dyed it to a raven black color. He does have a full beard and mustache attached to it, with sideburns and all trimmed evenly, as well. sometimes he'll comb his afro, sometimes he'll leave it unkempt. Reginald has very dark brown eyes that don't change color until he shifts to his werewolf form then his eyes become a hazel color. His body frame is well toned and muscular but he does have a bit of chub in some places. Reginald stands at six foot even and likes to think that he towers over everyone that he encounters. His weight is two hundred pounds and he does like to work out to keep that appearance factor up. He is multiracial, Hispanic and Caucasian, and his skin compliments the mixture really well because of how lightly fair it is.

Reginald's style is trendy. He likes to keep up with the latest men fashion, whether it's shirts, pants, jackets or shoes. It does not matter to him because he also likes to look good. He also has an assortment of sports snapbacks that he likes to wear from time to time. You'll rarely see him in the same outfit twice around Thornhill.


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It is without a doubt that Reginald likes to have a good banter with anyone, supernatural or human. He really likes it when people can keep up with him in that element and will often look forward to banter with them again. His tongue is very sharp whether he's being serious or having just a bit of fun. He is very quick on his feet, whether it's with his thinking skills or responding and it will definitely be effective. Reginald likes to think that he is likable around Thornhill and maybe he is but most think that he has a bit of an ego. Maybe he does or maybe he doesn't but love him or hate him, you will find him attractive because of his charm. He's really friendly to supernaturals like himself and tries to be toward humans but usually fails in that department.

It's best not to make Reginald mad or upset. He might be a friendly person but he is very much temperamental. Reginald can be laughing one minute with you then give you an icy cold, piercing stare the next and won't even think twice about his demeanor. If you see him walking toward you with purpose, it might be in your best interest to try and run away. He likes to confront people often and be ready to attack them the next. Only most people have seen or felt his aggressiveness at Thornhill throughout his two years there already and they have lived to tell about it. Those people might cower at him and back off now though.


ImageL I K E S | D I S L I K E S
While Reginald can sing a little, his best thing to do is rap. He can spit lyrics and rhymes within an instant and just right on the spot. If you want to get on his good side, well sort of getting on it, then bring him a plate of any type of food. He has to keep up his appetite so he likes to eat quite often. Reginald also likes to do impressions, which he quite good at. Making a mockery out of people's voice or their expressions is certainly hilarious to him and he doesn't know why exactly.

He knows that he is a werewolf but he does not like to transition or shift often. It still hurts him a bit slightly and plus, he hates it since it rips his clothes clean off. People are always warning him when it is close to a full moon and he honestly cannot stand it. He knows when there's going to be a full moon because he can feel it and does not need to be reminded every second a day or two before. Reginald also dislikes it when people practically beg him to speak Spanish, which he quite fluent in.

S T R E N G T H S | W E A K N E S S E S
Besides writing rhymes, Reginald is very creative when it comes to writing poetry, too. He has shared his craft with many students at Thornhill and many have complimented him on his craft. Believe it or not, he can also cook, which he rarely does at Thornhill now. He likes to cook for others often as he can. He's also good at telling jokes and pulling small pranks upon people.

Reginald likes to take things a bit too far sometimes and will even push people's buttons to see what sort of reaction he'll get out of them. Being around too much silver will make him weak and vulnerable, two feelings that he hates to feel. Reginald can even be a bit emotional, at times and does not really know how to express his emotions unless he is angry then you will know it.

He fears being around other supernaturals, especially vampires because he might cause harm to them whenever he transitions into a werewolf. The humans that are coming to the campus this year also strikes a bit of fear in him because he has dealt with them before. A group of them even tried to kill him once before.

ImageS C H O O LXY E A R
This will be Reginald's third year at Thornhill Academy.

Reginald is honestly a little bit doubtful about the incoming humans. He just hopes that they're not there for hunting purposes and is there to see that all supernaturals are not that bad and can actually interact with humans without wanting to kill them.

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Many things happened in Reginald's life that he did not understand, one of them being his father's absences within the week of the full moon. It had confused him a little bit mother would tell just not to worry because he was always on a business trip. Of course, Reginald being young and innocent believe every word his mother spewed from her lips. His father always came back with different looks always surrounding his face. Reginald had enough one day and asked his father what was really going on and while he was still too young to understand, his father just went on and told him what was going on. Reginald thought that it was a joke, which it had sounded like until about ten more people showed up on his doorstep. His father was the alpha of the Lawson pack that roamed around town and Reginald's mother was accepting of that. It was weird to him but later on in his life, he'd understand more.

As time progressed, his father eventually told him that he had possessed the same gene as him. Yes, he knew that he was a werewolf and was a little bit confused by the statement. Reginald started to go away with his father during the full moon nights and had got a better understanding of why he went away. Much like himself and other werewolves, he became much more aggressive so they tied themselves up to remain controlled. After a few trips, they had contained it but during the full moon, they still transform and became slightly aggressive but its toned down a little.

Reginald did not start his time at Thornhill until his Freshmen year. It was a bit new to him being around different species of the supernatural but he did feel right at home. People have tried to test him a little and while most succeeded, others have failed and felt his wrath. Reginald has even tried to build up his own pack at the institute and have a few werewolf members on his side, only a few but that's all that he needs. He has some friends, enemies and even potential relationships there entering his third year and hopes this year goes by smoothly.

There has been a rumor going around that humans are entering this year and Reginald hopes that it is not true and that the rumor is false. Not that he hates all humans but just some of them, especially hunters. He despises hunters to the fullest of his core.


So begins...

Reginald Lawson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Priscilla Jenkins Character Portrait: Levi Anderson Character Portrait: Lorelai Nguyen Character Portrait: Milo Tanan Character Portrait: Anabelle Cruz Character Portrait: Elijah Song
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0.00 INK

The thumping sound of music lightly shook the grounds of Thorn Hill Academy, as for once the town wasn't quiet at night. The once empty lot of land around the back of the academy was now filled with a flurry of students, supernatural and human alike. There were booths set up with various carnival games, "Dunk the Mermaid", and "Pin the Tail on the Minotaur", as well as food and drinks (accommodative for every species). Some of the professors, and even the headmaster, Korir, were in attendance although they inhabited the outskirts of the field. It was truly a sight to see, wings, horns, fangs, and tails out and proud. Once again, Thorn Hill pridefully showing that it has always been and will always be a safe place for supernaturals. Or so it thought.


fae - outfit - #DAB71D

Parties were the perfect kind of euphoria for a fairy. Oleander practically fed off the energy emanating from the other students, and it fueled his veins with a wonderful rush of energy. When the idea was first proposed to do a little student carnival and dance to help better integrate the human students, Ollie was all on board. He was on of the split few, who were actually excited about the humans. The school was pretty much 50/50 at this point.

His first stop was one of the carnival booths that his friend, KD, a fellow fae was running. "Hey stranger"
Ollie said placing an arm on the table of the booth resting his cheek against it. "Ollie. Thank god. I can't tell you how boring it is watching them throw darts at balloons. I don't understand why the professors thought this was a good idea, this game is only challenging to... humans". Ollie simply rolled his eyes with a small chuckle, "Well maybe if you'd actually pay attention in demonology you wouldn't have to run this for extra credit". KD groaned pinching the bridge of his nose, "only three more hours". "Have fun for me, will ya?" KD said shoving Ollie playfully in the shoulder, "let me have satisfaction that at least one of us is having fun". Oleander pushed himself off the table and winked at the fae, "Do you really have to tell me to have fun?" With that he began to walk away towards the other games leaving KD shaking his head. "Not too much fun!".


vampire - outfit - #3B0404

Evona Drakanov loved parties. Especially supernatural parties. You could count on all of the species, mashed together to create a damn good time. Of course, the idea of adding humans into the mix was slightly questionable, but deep down she couldn't wait to meet them. None of her classes had enrolled a human yet, much to her dismay she quite enjoyed the living things.

Evona found herself comfortable within the writhing mass of sweaty students near the front of the dance circle, probably doing the things their parent's have nightmares about. Which is something to say considering they were the stuff of nightmares. Even with her small stature it's not hard to notice the wild vamp bopping along amiss the crowd. From her elegant, yet risqué dancing to just the sheer, magnetic vibe that all vampires gave off. It's certainly a strange sight.

After a while of dancing she couldn't help but feel a bit lonely. Normally she was surrounded by her friends, but Eve had gotten to the little bash quite early, and hadn't seen anyone she knew fairly well yet. Where was her mermaid when she needed her. The task of leaving the dance circle is a lot harder than it looks, but it wasn't too much of a problem for her. "Excuse me! Out of my way please, thank you"
. She got a few annoyed glances here and there but nothing that a little flash of fangs wouldn't dispel.

She made her way over to the food and drink area, her eyes scanning the various containers with labels that seemed to come straight from a halloween party. A small laugh erupted from her as she imagined the poor humans trying to navigate this assortment of treats. Reaching for a cup, she filled it halfway with the dark red liquid from the container labeled AB Positive. Taking a small sip, her muscles instantly relaxed and she felt much sharper, her eyes scanning the crowd for any familiar faces as she lazily leaned back up against the table.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Priscilla Jenkins Character Portrait: Elijah Song Character Portrait: Reginald Lawson
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3.00 INK

❝We walked across
an empty land and...

Their Meeting Spot ▷ The Party
outfit // #cb740b

...We knew the pathway like
the back of our hands...

Collab Post Between
Funny Valentine

Their Meeting Spot ▷ The Party
outfit // #bb0a1e
...So why don't we go
somewhere only we know.❞









Reginald was fresh to death or so he thought he was. His eyes scrolled over his reflection in the small mirror that was in front of him as he smiled brightly then popped his collar. Reginald reached down and grabbed his wristwatch that he immediately placed upon his wrist and looked down at the time. oh, crap. He had thought to himself as he dabbed on a few spritzes of polo black cologne before exiting the area he was currently in then walked over toward the spot where he was meeting Elijah. If he was being honest with himself, Elijah or Eli, which he liked to call him, was someone that he really liked. Yes, he was a siren but this was no spell that Reginald was under because it felt a little bit too real. Something was developing between them and he wasn’t going to fight to say the very least.

As he bee-bopped toward the meeting spot, he had bumped into Priscilla, who smiled at him and made him stop within his trek to stare at her. ”Look at you, styling and profiling.” She spoke with a huge smile and glanced over his attire and whole aura. ”The party is this way, silly billy.” Priscilla said with a chuckle and tried her best to drag Reginald in the other direction. ”Thanks, you look good, too. Oh, I am actually meeting Elijah somewhere. We’re going to the party together.”

Priscilla made a face and Reginald looked up to the sky with an eye roll and shook his head. ”It’s nothing like that. We’re just really close friends.” She held her hands up and stepped back a little bit. ”I did not say anything. But I am going by my lonesome so the attention can be on me whenever I enter the premises.” She took a breath and did not even Reginald the time to respond just as she continued. ”What does that one song say? The party doesn’t start until I walk in? And that’s exactly my mood right now.” She waved her little fingers toward him before she turned heel and started her walk toward the party.

He just watched her for a few moments then turned around and started to walk toward the meeting spot again, which he was near and had finally made it there but there was no Elijah. ”What the hell, Eli?” Reginald muttered to himself as he pulled the sleeve up that was covering his watch just a little to check the time. His hands suddenly slithered their way inside of his pants pockets then began to pace while he waited, a tune of sorts escaping over his parted lips.

Elijah hummed his way across the bedroom floor, his eyes scanning every inch of it as he did. He could have sworn he’d heard the bracelet hit the ground and fall under the bed. Yet, when he checked there was no sign of it. The siren’s eyes glanced over every spot he’d been standing at until finally, something black and silver caught his attention. ”Gotcha!” He picked the item up, slipping it onto his wrist with his slender fingers, and checked himself in the mirror one last time. His ash blonde locks contrasted greatly against his tanned skin, which was always adorned with a soft glow around this time of the day. His outfit was simple, yet it was more than enough to get him noticed.

If he had to bed honest, when the idea of this party was first announced, Elijah didn’t care for it. For one, he’d never been much of a partier. He much preferred spending his free night's binge-watching dramas or paying the ocean a visit. Aside from that, there would be humans present at this event. It’s no secret that Eli had his mild dislike for them. Nothing that would drive him to do anything drastic, at least not for the time being, but definitely enough to not want to spend more time than necessary around them. Yet, here he was, dressed to impress for a party he told himself he wasn’t going to go to. ”The things I do for you, Reg…” he muttered with a cinematically dramatic sigh. There were few people in this world that Eli would do favors for, and very, very few people that could convince him to do something he didn’t want to do. Reginald just so happened to be all of the above. At times, Elijah didn’t think much of it. And then there were times like these where he wondered what the hell he was actually doing. Sure, Reggie was one of his best friends, but somehow it sometimes felt different. A feeling that Eli wasn’t quite sure he liked.

Looking at the time on the alarm clock, he muttered a quick ”Oops!” after realizing he was late yet again and was out the door within seconds. It didn’t take long for him to reach the spot he and Reggie had agreed on, and his lips automatically formed into a grin when the werewolf spotted him. ”Sorry?’ was all he said, accompanied by one of his most charming smiles. He was only about twenty minutes late. Surely, he could talk his way out of it.

Reginald's ears heard Elijah’s footsteps before he was even close to him. He turned to face the siren now, a smile that almost matched his own. His eyes glanced briefly at Elijah then secured his gaze with Elijah’s just so he can respond to him directly. ”No need to be sorry, you brat.” Reginald joked toward him then admired his attire with his eyes again. ”Wow. You look really amazing.” He had complimented then leaned in a bit closer to him, brow raised slightly. ”Trying to impress someone tonight?” His words dripped from his lips like sweet honey, hoping that Elijah would be the bee and swarm right into his words.

It had fallen silent for just a moment until Reginald cleared his throat and looked around. ”So, shall we go ahead and make our way to the party?” He asked and would not move until Elijah was ready. ”Or did you have something else in mind?” Reginald asked again in a honey-like tone, biting on his bottom lip just a tad bit. Something was going on between them though Reginald wasn’t quite sure how Elijah felt about it. What they had was good for right now. He certainly did not want to mess that up with Elijah though.

For what it’s worth, Elijah has never shied away from flirting. It’s almost second nature to him. And yet, he’s never been able to flirt with Reggie. Eli chalked it up to the “brotherly bond” they supposedly have and don’t you try telling him otherwise. Even if Reginald’s words made his heart skip a beat or two. ”Cut it out.” he protested, gently smacking Reggie’s chest with the back of his hand. ”Cut what out?” Reginald asked innocently, which was unnatural for him and something that only Eli could bring out of him. He usually hated this feeling but around Eli, it just felt a bit too right. Eli reached up for a moment to straighten Reginald’s shirt before gripping onto his arms, swirling him around in the direction of the party and nudging him forward. ”You made me dress up and sacrifice my afternoon swim for this party, so we are going.” he stated matter-of-factly. Elijah had never tried to hide the fact that his attending the event was purely for Reggie’s sake, even if he told himself he had other reasons for going. None that he could come up with off the top of his head, but surely there had to be something.

His eyes glanced down at Eli’s hands as they were adjusting his shirt back to its straightened alignment. He barely budged whenever Eli pushed him and could not help himself to let out a small laugh at his attempt. ”By the way” Elijah half-muttered as the two walked towards to party. ”You don’t look so bad yourself.”

”Now, you cut it out. Also, I did not make you do anything you didn’t want to do yourself.” Reginald mocked Eli slightly then walked side by side with him. ”You know that you look better than me anyway, too.” He spoke just as they were almost there but Reginald stopped and placed his hand onto Eli’s chest to stop him, as well. ”So, how do you feel about the humans attending here?” He asked him in a realness tone because he really wanted to know how Elijah felt about it. It was no secret that they were going to be at this little party so before Reginald was to show his ass and anger on a human in front of him, he wanted to get Eli’s thoughts on the matter. His hand would remove from his chest and make its way back into his pants pocket.

Eli pressed his lips into a thin line, reviewing Reggie’s question. How did he feel about it? The question here was, why did it matter to Reginald? He’d normally just do whatever he wants regardless of what others think about it. Still, it was nice to be asked. ”Eh.” was all Elijah said, couples with a slight shrug. His dark eyes examined Reginald for a moment before pointing a warning finger in his direction. ”Better behave yourself.” he warned. ”I mean it!!”. Eli wasn’t sure what Reggie planned on doing with all those humans around, but he thought it best to warn him beforehand. With that, he extended a hand out for him with a slight nod towards the thumping music. ”come on.”

Eh? That was all? Just eh? Elijah’s lucky that he likes him or else he’d probably have him in a chokehold and demand a different response. Eli’s finger is pointed directly at him and it felt a bit weird. It was usually a teacher or someone that he despised pointing a finger in a warning manner at him and it usually sent him on the defense but not this time. Gosh, why was Eli so freaking cute in his eyes? Reginald’s eyes went down to the finger and he playfully made a bite expression toward it then adjusted his gaze back up toward Eli with a smile. ”Okay, mom. I wasn’t planning on doing anything anyway.” Reginald muttered in response then turned around to mutter to himself. ”Not unless they make the first move.” His attention then went toward the extended hand of Eli’s then back up at him right before he grasped it. A spark shot up Reginald’s spine though he did not react unless Elijah did the same. ”Uhh.. Yeah, come on.” He muttered as they walked fully inside of the party scene now and Reginald bobbed his head to the music. ”So, what would you like to do first, Eli?” Reginald’s eyes flashed toward him briefly to see what his response was going to be. He’d be happy doing anything as long as Elijah was beside him anyway. In case you did not notice, yes, they’re still holding hands with one another.

The smaller boy hummed slightly, bringing a finger to his lip as if he were in deep thought, before leaning close enough to Reginald for him to not have to yell over the music. ”Actually I’m feeling kind of drained.” he said, feigning exhaustion as he leaned his head against Reggie’s shoulder. ”I think I’m going to get my daily dose of human energy.” At this point, Reginald knew Eli enough to know that “getting human energy” meant flirting with an innocent human and feeding off of their attention. Not that Elijah truly needed it, at least not right that moment. It was more so said to mess with Reggie and boy did he love doing that. Eli then spotted Priscilla a few feet away from them and noticed a couple more familiar faces in the mix of it all. Maybe this party wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Reginald eyed Elijah after his response with a raised brow. His hand clutching Elijah’s a bit tighter, but not too tight, as he leaned in and breathed on Elijah’s ear before parting his lips to give a response of his own. ”Okay. Just find me later because you’re dancing with me tonight.” He had muttered in a dominant tone then raised Eli’s hand up to his lips, placing a small kiss upon it and offered the fellow before him a wink and bit down seductively on his bottom lip. It was a fun night, or it supposed to be and Reginald wanted Elijah to have at least a little fun. His hand slithered away from Eli’s and he felt empty for the moment. His hands went back down to their usual spot in his pants pockets while he turned his head to stare at Elijah. A smile formed between his lips as he just walked away to see who he could bump into or mess with for the moment. Reginald also just wanted to see what they had going on around the area.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Priscilla Jenkins Character Portrait: Anabelle Cruz Character Portrait: Reginald Lawson Character Portrait: Augustijn Dahl
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0.00 INK

#, as written by la.lune
A U G G I E x D A H L
#6C6179 | outfit | human

R E G G I E x L A W S O N
#cb740b | outfit | werewolf
Reggie wandered around the party for a brief moment, just checking a few things out and wondering to himself if he really wanted to dunk the mermaid or not. It would’ve gave him quite the laugh though but he decided against it. His gaze would bounce toward Priscilla, Anabelle and his future babe, Elijah and raise a brow. It seems like Elijah caused quite a stir and they haven’t been for an hour yet. He snickered as he walked over toward the concessions, his eyes scanned over the treats on the table.

He did not know what he wanted, right now because everything looked so freaking delicious so he just settled on a small cup full of punch. Once he had fixed himself a cup, he turned his attention back toward the party and took a small sip from the cup. It now rested in his hand and he kind of wanted to socialize with a human but which one? Again, his eyes went from person to person as it seemed like no one was interesting enough. There was Lorelai but she was already engaged in conversation.

Reginald picked up his feet and started to patrol around the party, nearing toward the entrance and just stood there, with one hand in his pocket and the other with the punch cup in it.

- - -

Auggie knew with certainty that he did not want to go to this party. Small groups caused him to get nervous so who knows what such a large gathering of people would do to him, however, after constant pestering from his more outgoing friends, the boy conceded. As he walked along the school grounds, Auggie could hear laughter and music emanating from where the event was being held; almost feeling a sense of excitement until he cleared the trees and realised just how many people were there.

Letting a small sigh escape his lips, Auggie shoves his hands into his trouser pockets and bites the bullet, walking straight into the thick of the party. All around him were every kind of supernatural creature you could imagine, causing him to stand still for a moment in wonder, sure he was used to being surrounded by witches back in his hometown but that was about the extent of supernatural contact he has had until arriving at Thorn Hill.

Caught off guard by just how loud the event seemed to be, Auggie didn’t notice that he was walking straight toward Reggie until it was far too late. Bumping into the back of the werewolf, Auggie inhales sharply, realising what he had done. Sure, he was friendly enough with Reggie, but he also knew that the werewolf was holding him at arm's length until he knew Auggie was trustworthy and the slightest thing was enough to piss him off. “Oh!” Auggie exclaims, taking a large step back from him, “I-I’m so sorry, I got overwhelmed and I-” Struggling to find his words, Auggie cuts himself off and instead sends Reggie a sheepish smile as if to say - please don’t eat me.

Reggie was just enjoying himself, head nodding to the ongoing music that blared around him. He went to take a small sip from his punch until he was lounged forward a bit after someone had bumped into him from behind. He had even spilled a little bit of punch on the floor in front of him. Reginald’s head snapped back toward the boy and lowly growled He really just wanted to scare him and wasn’t going to harm him in the slightest but found it fun to watch him tremble. He had to have some form of amusement tonight and Auggie provided that for the moment.

“Relax. I am not going to rip your head off in front of witnesses.” He said with a smile then turned it into an expression that made him look like he was really going to eat him. He took a few steps until he was closer to the male and whispered lowly. “But when there aren’t any witnesses, your ass is grass.” Reginald was loving this moment as he was merely toying with the poor boy. But he wasn’t going to tell him that, not now anyway.

Feeling a momentary sense of relief, Auggie relaxes at Reggie’s first sentence, before immediately stiffening again as the larger male came closer. Barely holding in a terrified squeak at his next words, Auggie freezes in place, his eyes widening. “I’m seriously so s-sorry,” Auggie forces out, once again moving back away from Reggie, his eyes planted firmly on the ground as he spoke, “Here, let me get you another drink!” Hoping to fix the situation in any way possible, Auggie looks around for the punch table, grabbing a new cup and filling it before extending a shaky hand toward Reggie. “Is, Is this ok?” No one else at Thorn Hill seemed to be able to rattle Auggie quite like Reggie did.

Reginald did not really want another drink but watching Auggie tremble and shake with fear pleased him. Too bad he was enjoying this moment alone though. His eyes watched Auggie go over to the table where the punch was placed, letting out a little laugh behind his back then straightened up and plastered back on the face of fear. His eyes went from Auggie to the cup then back to Auggie before he reached out and grabbed it fiercely. ““This will do. But don’t think that this makes up for when I see you alone.” Reginald replied and took a small sip from the cup he had retrieved from Auggie.

Watching his arm shake as he waited for Reggie to take the cup - or potentially throw it back in his face - Auggie couldn’t help but inwardly scald himself over how much of a wuss he could be. Sure, anyone would find Reggie a little intimidating but Auggie’s sweet nature just couldn’t handle the werewolf’s gaze, let alone interacting with him.

““Ease up, Auggie. Damn.” Reginald finally let go of his act after seeing how terrified the male was before him. He had extended his hand out and placed it on his shoulders, smiling just a little as he hoped that would put Auggie at ease. ““I am not going to do anything to you. You’re actually one of the humans that I like.” He said before taking another sip from the cup then smirked and turned to Auggie. ““Boo!” Reginald said as he jumped forward toward Auggie then laughed afterward because he just wanted to see Auggie’s reaction.

As Reggie extended his arm out to place it on Auggie’s shoulder, the human almost jumped out of his skin. Though Reggie’s words almost put a smile on Auggie’s face, the sheer anxiety he felt in that moment halted in and just as he began to think that perhaps the werewolf was warming up to him, he was startled by another one of Reggie’s stunts. As silly as it was, even the most lighthearted of surprises caused the poor boy’s heart to beat a million miles a minute. Realising that Reggie hadn’t meant to seriously scare him, Auggie forces out a small, soft laugh as he finally lifts his gaze to meet Reggie’s.

Though they may be of the same height, Reggie’s stature was muscular and athletic, making Auggie feel even more feeble than normal in his presence. Noting no malice in Reggie’s gaze, Auggie releases some of the tension in his body as he exhales, “I really am sorry about all that,” Relieved that he was no longer stammering, Auggie continues, “How are you enjoying the party so far?” Attempting to steer the conversation off of his little accident, Auggie glances around the party for the first time since coming face to face with the werewolf, noticing many more of his friends that he had previously.

Auggie sends Priscilla and Anabelle a small smile and wave, hoping maybe they’d come over. Sure Auggie didn’t mind Reggie’s company, but he knew that if Priscilla was there at least, the werewolf would be less likely to mess with him so much and honestly, Auggie wasn’t sure his heart could handle many more jumpscares from Reggie.

“It’s okay, Auggie. Relax a little.” Reginald replied toward the human boy and slapped him on the shoulder, forgetting his strength for the moment. The party wasn’t what he had expected, to be honest but guess because of the humans that were around. Before he answered his question though, he gave his shoulders a shrug and stared at Auggie. “I mean, it’s all right, I guess. I had hoped for something a bit better.” Reggie replied as his eyes wandered around the party again. “What about you, Auggie?” He’d ask then take a sip from his cup. “Enjoying Thorn Hill, so far?” He was quite intrigued to hear his response because he really did want to know how did most humans feel around supernaturals.

Auggie nods along as Reggie speaks, his eyes grazing their surroundings, “I mean,” Auggie swallows nervously, turning his gaze back to Reggie, “I’m not really very good with parties, I tend to prefer smaller groups.” Being surprisingly honest with the werewolf, Auggie fiddles with his hands, clearly uncomfortable with being in such a big and loud place. However, Reggie’s second question received a much more upbeat answer as the first proper smile of the night graces Auggie’s face. “I may not seem like it, but I love it here, back home -” Auggie sighs, his thoughts turning to that of his father, “Is it odd of me to say I feel like I fit in here better than I ever did back home?” Though he knew he was no supernatural, everyone at Thorn Hill seemed to embrace the weird and unusual, rather than reject it as his father did.

“Let’s walk a bit.” Reggie said. “Standing in this one spot makes me uncomfortable.” He had mentioned before picking up his feet to walk a few paces forward, hoping that Auggie knew to trail behind him and could keep up with Reggie’s fast walking pace.

Quickening his natural pace so that he could keep up with Reggie’s swiftness, Auggie follows along, taking in all of the stalls as they pass. The scent of lavender finds its way to Auggie and, almost forgetting himself, he places a hand on Reggie’s arm as if to stop him. Peering at the stall before him, there is a giant array of incense on the wooden table, with a lavender and frank incense stick burning slowly. The witch seated behind smiles at Auggie, gesturing for him to take a pack. “To calm and heal.” She says simply, turning to look at Reggie, “Here.” picking up a pack of cinnamon incense sticks and extending them out to him, “For peace and joy.”

Auggie loved all manner of incense and candles; anything with a soothing scent and he was sold. Looking over at Reggie with a hopeful smile, he glances down at the witch’s outstretched hand as if to say - please take them. Though he has never been religious, spirituality meant a lot to Auggie’s mother and he knew that if the witch wanted Reggie to have them, they would be good for the werewolf.

Reginald eyes looked at the witch with a raised brow, wondering to himself why exactly he got the peace and joy incense. It was whatever though as he took them with a smile and saluted with them as a sign of thanks. “Come on, Auggie. She gives me the heebie-jeebies.” He whispered then sat down his punch cup, wrapping his muscular arm around Auggie’s shoulders and started to walk, practically dragging Auggie along with him.