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Milo Tanan

Never wake a sleeping cat

0 · 758 views · located in Thorn Hill

a character in “Thorn Hill Academy”, as played by bombinate


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never wake a sleeping cat

unconditional | monsters | shotgun


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Milo August Tahan.

N I C K N A M E (S)
Mimi. Lo. [He doesn't mind]

3rd September.





ImageH E I G H T | W E I G H T
5'8", 173cm | 132lbs, 60kg.

Thick black curls decorate Milo's head, the locks rarely tamed. His fingers frequently sweep through the black strands, working to tidy them slightly, or make the curls less controlled depending on his haste. His eyes are naturally as dark as his hair, though the colour changes with his mood and rarely settles unless it is weariness that grips him. His full lips often form an easy smile, though when he's concentrating the bottom while be bitten between his teeth. A habit he's barely aware of. His frame is on the smaller side, though at only seventeen he still hopes to gain an inch or two to match his older brothers and father, and one day he might hit the gym in an attempt to bulk up. One day. His skin comes from his mother, a soft natural tan.

A lot of Milo's clothes are secondhand, inherited from his older brothers or cousins. As a result, a lot of them are too big, given that he's both younger and something of the runt of the family. It's not all bad though, he likes the style, thinks large shirts are comfortable and the large denim jackets cosy. When he does buy his own clothes, it's usually on casual sneakers, the fashion type over the exercise, and jeans that don't require him to roll up the leg. Given that shifting into animals can also result in claw marks, mud, and lost items, rarely will he ever spend too much on his clothes.


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Milo has never been the loudest kid. He was frequently drowned out by three older brothers at home, all of whom had mastered raising their voices to be heard since childhood. Milo, the youngest of the lot, had to cultivate a different technique. Unlike his brothers, Milo takes his time, slips in the side, and wins people over with a bad joke. Well, either that or he waits to be noticed. That last method isn't always the easiest, but Milo can be slightly lacklustre at times, preferring to sit and wait for things to come to him, rather than seek them out himself. The lazy cat in him, slumbering all day, frequently appears. Thankfully, if sleep ever calls him in class, Milo has also aced the innocent act and since he's not the loudest in the class but one who could meld into the background of faces, he usually gets off lightly.

Compassionate, especially towards animals and younger kids, Milo's not found it terribly hard to make connections at school when he does take the active step. He's a good listener, and generally understands what might be troubling his friends. He may not always have the right advice, a lack of life experience holding him back on that front, but the good intentions are there. That, along with a general friendliness means he's well-liked. He keeps a close group of friends, but is capable of adjusting as needed to other personalities. Milo is adaptable that way, or impressionable if you prefer. He can adapt to fit in, sometimes intentionally, other times it's subconscious. He wouldn't say he's fake, he doesn't lie, but it's nice walking down the corridor and being able to smile in greeting at different groups.

That's not to say everyone likes him, and that fact stings Milo at times. He doesn't have a hard skin, and finds insults slide right through his thin armour. 'Over-sensitive', some might brand him. Milo tends to take such comments on board, thinking about the insults for far longer than any compliments. Gaining some self-confidence might help protect him from the insults, and that will hopefully come with age. Certainly, he has talents to be proud of. His grades are nothing to sneeze at, even if he's not always the best at completing homework, and he's a fairly competent shifter. All he needs to do, is focus more on the positives.


ImageL I K E S | D I S L I K E S
+ Big cats, don't get him wrong, Milo loves dogs too, but his default animal seems to be any big cat to shift into. Summer, napping in the sun with hours of daylight seems ideal. Hot chocolate, over tea and coffee any day. Science, particularly biology and animal anatomy. Fantasy novels, can't pass them up.

- Shifting exhaustion, new forms to shift into mean new pain and exhaustion, Milo hates it, even if he loves adding new animals to his arsenal. Early mornings, Milo has problems getting out of bed too early in the morning. Shoes, if Milo could, he'd go shoeless most days. Vanilla scent, perfume or candle, he'd rather not. Public speaking, he'll avoid like the plague and then stutter his way through his speech. Not for him.

S T R E N G T H S | W E A K N E S S E S
+ Adaptable, to new situations and different groups of people. Milo's good at adjusting as required. He's fairly decent at keeping a tune, and enjoys playing instruments such as the piano and guitar. Empathy allows Milo to easily understand how others feel, be they human or animal. He's also been told he has a soothing hand with animals, no doubt helped by being able to shift into them.

- Emotions are hard to conceal when his eyes change depending on how he feels. Anyone that knows him well can read him like an open book. He's over-sensitive, and takes any little comment on board too easily. Shifting, he's still got a lot to learn. His parents come each bloodline, so he should be able to shift into humans too like his brothers, but so far he's restricted to animals. His attention is not always easily held, and likely to drift off quickly.

Above all else, Milo fears being stuck in animal form and unable to shift back to human. He fears losing his family, and finding himself alone.


      S C H O O LXY E A R
      Milo is in his third year at Thorn Hill Academy, the last of his family to attend and currently the only one in his family, as his brother graduated the previous year.

      T H O U G H T SXO NXH U M A N S
      Milo's opinion on humans is not entirely set at this stage, and largely influenced by the opinion of others. He thinks they're mainly fine, and wouldn't mind getting to know some better. He's sure, just like supernaturals, they're as diverse and interesting, with good and bad. On the other hand, Milo has been told by his brothers that humans are slow, and their lack of magic is severally disappointing. Still, Milo is curious, and willing to give them a try. He'll reserve judgement until he's had more experience.
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Milo August Tanan is the fourth of four sons, the last child of Reeya and John Tanan, shapeshifters adapt in transforming into animals and people respectively. Milo's childhood was one of chasing after his older brothers, be it in human form or cat. If he wasn't busy with that, his parents might often find him curled into a ball in the sun, again as either human or animal. It was, therefore, pretty clear that he had at least inherited his mother's abilities. Whether he had his father's human shifting was still to be determined. His eldest brother had naturally turned to that side of their bloodline since birth, though the other two, like Milo, had started shifting into animals only to much later take on the human aspect. Milo was still waiting.

Thorn Hill wasn't always their home, Milo was actually born in Portugal. He can understand the language, though his spoken Portuguese is rusty at best. That's because Thorn hill has largely been where he's grown up. Milo was eight when they moved to the town, seeking the safety of a supernatural population and the opportunities that come with it. The neighbourhood provided a number of friends, and when confined to the house, his brothers have always been good at coming up with games to play. Usually, they involved Milo as the 'damsel in distress' or the villain stuck in jail while his siblings played as heroes outside. He never truly minded, instead just being glad to be included. While they teased him at home, his older brothers were always the first to step in if he was being bullied. Milo was a small kid, so it wasn't uncommon for him to be picked on, though that largely ceased when they came to Thorn Hill.

At seventeen, Milo's looking forward to his third year at Thorn Hill Academy. It's the first without an older brother present, which holds a certain excitement for the young shifter. He wants to see how he copes without the safety blanket of his family. Milo's also interested in how the school will change with the admission of humans. He's curious about them, to say the least, and swayed largely by the opinions of others with how to think of them. Milo is also hoping that this year, finally, he might find himself able to shift into another human. If that fails, he's determined to try making a mirage. Anything to prove he's as good as his brothers were.


So begins...

Milo Tanan's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Priscilla Jenkins Character Portrait: Levi Anderson Character Portrait: Lorelai Nguyen Character Portrait: Milo Tanan Character Portrait: Anabelle Cruz Character Portrait: Elijah Song
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The thumping sound of music lightly shook the grounds of Thorn Hill Academy, as for once the town wasn't quiet at night. The once empty lot of land around the back of the academy was now filled with a flurry of students, supernatural and human alike. There were booths set up with various carnival games, "Dunk the Mermaid", and "Pin the Tail on the Minotaur", as well as food and drinks (accommodative for every species). Some of the professors, and even the headmaster, Korir, were in attendance although they inhabited the outskirts of the field. It was truly a sight to see, wings, horns, fangs, and tails out and proud. Once again, Thorn Hill pridefully showing that it has always been and will always be a safe place for supernaturals. Or so it thought.


fae - outfit - #DAB71D

Parties were the perfect kind of euphoria for a fairy. Oleander practically fed off the energy emanating from the other students, and it fueled his veins with a wonderful rush of energy. When the idea was first proposed to do a little student carnival and dance to help better integrate the human students, Ollie was all on board. He was on of the split few, who were actually excited about the humans. The school was pretty much 50/50 at this point.

His first stop was one of the carnival booths that his friend, KD, a fellow fae was running. "Hey stranger"
Ollie said placing an arm on the table of the booth resting his cheek against it. "Ollie. Thank god. I can't tell you how boring it is watching them throw darts at balloons. I don't understand why the professors thought this was a good idea, this game is only challenging to... humans". Ollie simply rolled his eyes with a small chuckle, "Well maybe if you'd actually pay attention in demonology you wouldn't have to run this for extra credit". KD groaned pinching the bridge of his nose, "only three more hours". "Have fun for me, will ya?" KD said shoving Ollie playfully in the shoulder, "let me have satisfaction that at least one of us is having fun". Oleander pushed himself off the table and winked at the fae, "Do you really have to tell me to have fun?" With that he began to walk away towards the other games leaving KD shaking his head. "Not too much fun!".


vampire - outfit - #3B0404

Evona Drakanov loved parties. Especially supernatural parties. You could count on all of the species, mashed together to create a damn good time. Of course, the idea of adding humans into the mix was slightly questionable, but deep down she couldn't wait to meet them. None of her classes had enrolled a human yet, much to her dismay she quite enjoyed the living things.

Evona found herself comfortable within the writhing mass of sweaty students near the front of the dance circle, probably doing the things their parent's have nightmares about. Which is something to say considering they were the stuff of nightmares. Even with her small stature it's not hard to notice the wild vamp bopping along amiss the crowd. From her elegant, yet risqué dancing to just the sheer, magnetic vibe that all vampires gave off. It's certainly a strange sight.

After a while of dancing she couldn't help but feel a bit lonely. Normally she was surrounded by her friends, but Eve had gotten to the little bash quite early, and hadn't seen anyone she knew fairly well yet. Where was her mermaid when she needed her. The task of leaving the dance circle is a lot harder than it looks, but it wasn't too much of a problem for her. "Excuse me! Out of my way please, thank you"
. She got a few annoyed glances here and there but nothing that a little flash of fangs wouldn't dispel.

She made her way over to the food and drink area, her eyes scanning the various containers with labels that seemed to come straight from a halloween party. A small laugh erupted from her as she imagined the poor humans trying to navigate this assortment of treats. Reaching for a cup, she filled it halfway with the dark red liquid from the container labeled AB Positive. Taking a small sip, her muscles instantly relaxed and she felt much sharper, her eyes scanning the crowd for any familiar faces as she lazily leaned back up against the table.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Priscilla Jenkins Character Portrait: Lorelai Nguyen Character Portrait: Milo Tanan Character Portrait: Anabelle Cruz Character Portrait: Elijah Song Character Portrait: Henry Gardener
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0.00 INK

Anabelle Cruz⌉
Location: the party
Dialogue: #00FF00

Priscilla Jenkins⌉
Location: the party
Dialogue: #6B054A
A party for both humans and supernaturals...somehow the idea didn’t sound so great. Sure, Anabelle had been brave when she decided to enroll in this school, but that was an instance in which her curiosity got the best of her. Actually being here, surrounded by so many different species that could easily crush her? That was a whole other ball game. Belle couldn’t help but pace for a bit, wondering if going to this thing was truly a good choice for her. Her small frame was almost shaking with the amount of nerves that had taken over her body. She paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath, and pulled out her phone. Before showing up at this thing, maybe she should make sure she would have some human company to at the very least keep her feeling a bit more safe. She navigated first to Henry’s name, sending him a quick ”I’m headed to the party, please tell me you’re going. and immediately after, sent the same message to Lorelai. She may not have known either of them for long, but could already call them both a good friend.

With another nervous breath, and a quick ruffle of her curls, she walked towards the thump of the music. The scene hit her the second she walked in, if only because it wasn’t anything like what she’d expected to see. Save a few tails, wings and horns, everything looked so...normal. Though her peace didn’t last very long. ”You came alone?”. Belle nearly jumped out of her own skin, immediately recognizing the face in front of her. ”I-I, uh…”. Well shit… Belle had only spoken to Elijah once or twice before, but that coupled with the rumors she’d heard about him was more than enough to make her hairs stand on end. ”Relax, I don’t bite...much” the male gave her a smile so beautiful it took her a moment before she was able to look away. She cleared her throat nervously. ”No, i mean- I’m not alone I’m just...waiting for someone/” she stammered, hoping to god that any someone would show up and save her.

Before she made her entrance fully into the party, she had stopped by the bathroom, just to freshen up and to make sure that she looked her best. She fluffed her hair out with her fingers then dabbed some shiny glittery lip gloss onto her lips then puckered them together as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Priscilla dropped the lip gloss back into her small handheld purse, which she also held in her hands now. She was good to go and she exited the bathroom she was currently in before bouncing her way to the party now.

Priscilla stood at the entrance, eyes scanning the scene for the moment before she finally took a step. Humans and supernaturals alike surrounded around the scene and her eyes seen Reginald and Elijah breaking a part. She smiled widely before she continued her trek around the party, just to see how everyone was mingling this far.

Then her ears vibrated as Elijah’s voice crept closely by her and her gaze immediately went over there toward where he was. His words toward her made her make a face as she walked with a bit of purpose over there toward the duo. When she reached the side of Anabelle, her arm draped over her shoulders and gaze were locked upon her. ”Everything okay here, Anabelle?” She’d ask then bounced her gaze toward Elijah.

”Oh, I think I seen Reggie flirting with a human somewhere over there. You probably should keep him on a leash.” Priscilla stated but Elijah would know that she was merely joking as a small smirk began to form over her lips.

Anabelle felt her muscles relax as Priscilla come into view and gave her a thankful smile. ”Haha, hilarious.” the boy responded, lips still morphed into a half smile dripping with sarcasm, before glancing in Anabelle’s direction. ”I was just saying hello, no need to get all defensive.” Priscilla eyed Elijah after that comment then practically shooed him away with her purse. There was no need for her to respond to that. Anabelle found herself nervously biting at the tip of her thumb, but she couldn’t help but think Elijah was right. He hadn’t actually done or say anything wrong, it was just the mere sight of him that intimidated her.

The moment he left to join the rest of the party, Belle let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding before turning towards Priscilla with a thankful smile. ”Hey!” she exclaimed happily as she looked over Prissy’s attire. ”You look so pretty!” she decided to let the subject of Elijah slide because a part of her said she had no real reason to be so scared of him, and that she was simply being paranoid. She hoped Pri would also let it go. ”Oh, this old thing?” Which her outfit wasn’t really old, it was new and brought especially for this party. She laughed and waved her hand at Anabelle then maneuvered her arm from around her shoulder to stand before her.

”But look at you, girl.” She said in response then eyed her attire before her gaze went back to her face. ”You look amazing.” Priscilla said in a compliment then eyed everyone else that was surrounding him. ”Everyone here looks amazing.” She smiled brightly and widely then pointed at a random guy. ”Well, except for him.” She then turned back toward Anabelle and went back by her side, leaning in closer toward her while folding her arms over her chest. ”So, I know that you haven’t been here long but do you have your eye on someone already?” She’d ask with a little smile.

Belle wasn’t sure what to make of Priscilla’s question. She bit the side of her lip, racking her brain for what to respond. ”Uh, no, not really…” she mumbled, her eyes searching the premises. Though that wasn’t a lie, it wasn’t entirely true either. Belle had met many people, most of them pleasant, since the first day she arrived. She paused for a moment before turning to Priscilla with a slight shrug. ”Milo is kind of cute…” she added with a slight smile. ”And by cute I mean he doesn’t scare me like Elijah does.” she giggled soft, wrapping her arms around herself.

That’s no fun. Priscilla thought to herself after Anabelle’s response. Then we were getting somewhere as she said a name. Priscilla almost lit up with excitement as she nudged Anabelle with her elbow softly with a smile. ”Ooh, Milo, huh? He’s a sweet boy. Kind of quiet but sweet.” Priscilla added then waved her hand in the direction of Elijah’s, who had walked away just a few moments ago. ”Don’t worry about him. He’s not that scary. He’s actually a sweetheart, himself so no need to worry yourself.” She remarked before linking her arm with Anabelle’s. ”Come, let’s go get some food and something to drink. I am starved.” Priscilla said as she already started a trek toward the condiment section of the party.

For a fraction of a second, Anabelle regretted her statement. It almost sounded as if she admitted to having a crush, but that wasn’t the case. At least, not at the moment. She just happened to find Milo extremely easy to talk to despite his being a supernatural. ”A sweetheart, huh?” Belle muttered, not entirely sure if she believed her. To Priscilla, just about anyone was a sweetheart. ”Yes, a sweetheart.” While she did like to see the good in everyone, there were few that she knew that was well over the deep end and far from being good. She followed the girl towards the food, her eyes scanning the area for any other familiar faces. Granted, she didn’t know many people at this point but there had to be at least a couple. From a distance, she spotted Oleander near one of the booths, and smiled softly. The two had hit it off from the first day they met, which wasn’t much of a surprise considering the two had very similar personalities. But unlike her, Ollie was much more brave. ”What about you, hmm?” Belle finally inquired, one eyebrow raising in question as she turned towards the blonde. ”Who’s your target for tonight?”

They had made it to the condiment stand and she released her arm from Anabelle’s then picked up a small plate, already placing food onto it. She paid no attention to Anabelle right now as she shoved a finger sandwich into her mouth and then another one. Priscilla nearly choked at Anabelle’s inquired questions as her eyes went right over toward the female beside her. ”Uhh, no. No one catches my eye here.” Whether it was true or not, she hid it really well in such a vague response. Priscilla kept on grabbing food then looked over toward Anabelle again. ”Are you going to get some food?” She’d ask, trying to avoid being asked anything else for the moment and just to change the subject. But in order to actually change it, she just needed a topic to come up with but mind was currently drawing blanks as she fixed herself a cup of punch now. Anabelle was no expert, but it was obvious that Priscilla was trying to hide, or avoid, something. Or someone? Belle couldn’t tell for sure, and she didn’t want to pry. At least not in the middle of the party. She opted to not say anything else about it for the time being, but made a mental note to ask her again later. ”Are they any good?” she questioned, referring to the sandwiches Pris had devoured. The party scene was stat to pick up bit by bit as more and more students flooded the area. So far, nothing too wild had happened. Everyone appeared to be in a good mood, which made Belle think she’d been worrying for no reason.

It had made her slightly curious as why Anabelle wasn’t exactly prying but then again, maybe she wasn’t the one to pry. Priscilla sighed softly to herself and under her breath as she snapped out of it once Anabelle spoke again. ”Yeah, they are. Here, try one.” She said as she practically shoved a finger sandwich into her face with a smile to seem a bit innocent in the moment. But she sensed that Anabelle knew that something was up so she just muttered softly for only Anabelle to hear. ”We can talk later about why I avoided your question. I do not want to speak about here just in case someone’s listening.” Priscilla commented as she brought the finger sandwich down and started to pick at it with her head lowered. Belle smiled softly, chewing on the small sandwich that had been shoved in her direction. ”Deal”.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Tanan Character Portrait: Henry Gardener
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0.00 INK


Milo Tanan | #ccb88a | Shapeshifter

- -






      Milo Tanan was late, and it was due, mostly, to the fact that he had lost his clothes. It wasn't entirely his fault, really. He was so sure he'd dragged them into their usual spot behind the school's green house. They were safe from rain, animals and humans there. Usually. He'd expected to find them where he had left them, but as he had padded through the long grass - in the form of a small, black cat - he had found his usual spot empty. Which left him in a real predicament, given that when he shifted back into his human form, he would be naked. Sadly, he couldn't shift into an animal with his clothes still attached. They remained human size, falling to the ground when he shifted into a smaller form, or tearing if he turned larger. All well and fine when he could usually hide them and return to them later.

      Milo's first thought ran to his brothers, who used to prank him by hiding his clothes whenever he shifted. He had also done his fair share of clothes hiding, and then waited and laughed his ass off as a brother would run through the house naked and crying revenge. But, none of his brothers remained at Thorn Hill, so they were out of the question.

      His ears pricked up at the sounds from the party, his hearing much more acute in this form than his human. He was missing out. With an annoyed swish of his tail, Milo gave an exasperated snort before his body began to mutate. Claws turned to finger nails, fur turned to light brown skin and curling, dark hair, and whiskers disappeared as he returned to his native body. Crouched in human form, Milo had a much better view of the area and was easily able to see the scattering trail of his clothes that he had missed as a cat. Had the wind moved them? Or...

      A flutter of wings caught his attention and he scowled at the magpie now perched on the edge of the greenhouse. "It was you!" He scowled, crawling forward to grab at his clothes before the bird could swoop down to steal them again. This wasn't another shapeshifter, but a pesky bird that Milo was sure had it out for him all because he had accidentally almost pounced on it as a cat years ago. He flapped his hand at the bird as it cawed at him again, ignoring the laughing magpie in favour of quickly dressing in his clothes. Wiping grass from his jeans (and failing to notice the odd leaf sticking out of his hair), Milo gave the magpie a last look before heading off towards the party. He'd make a note to make something bird-proof to store his clothes in next time.

      The sounds got louder as he drifted closer, as well as the smell of food. Milo felt his stomach grumble, always a side effect of shifting. He directed his path towards the food, letting his nose lead him. The table was crowded, but Milo slipped in under a pair of ravenous werewolves. Rather than take the almost-raw slabs of meat they were devouring, he grabbed something more digestible - a hotdog - and took a big bite. It was then he noticed the human straining over the hordes of supernaturals looking to fill their stomach. Grabbing another hotdog, Milo squeezed back through the crowd and ducked around until he could tap Henry on his shoulder,

      "Hey! Want one?" He asks, offering the second hot dog to Henry. "Or I can help you find something else if you want?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Tanan Character Portrait: Elijah Song Character Portrait: Sage Meers Character Portrait: Henry Gardener
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0.00 INK

Location: the party || Outfit:
Dialogue: #BB0A1E

In spite of how much he did not want to come to this party, Elijah all but forced himself to have a good time. After parting ways with Reggie, he felt himself ease back into what he liked to call his default setting. A scheming flirt. The place was crawling with both humans and supernaturals alike. So many potential victims, so little time. However, Eli hadn't come to hunt. At least not this time. Though he had spent a decent amount of time chatting it up with an innocent little fairy, he eventually let the poor thing go and weaved his way through the crowd. At a distance, he could see several familiar faces huddling over by the food and drinks. Priscilla had obviously made it her mission to protect Anabelle. From what, Elijah wasn't entirely sure, but the Banshee had taken the girl under her wing, which meant he wouldn't be spending much time around his friend tonight. Not that the siren had anything against Belle, particularly. She was just...a normal human, and that was precisely the problem.

There were very few of that species that Eli found even remotely interesting, and one of them happened to also be by the food table accompanied by his favorite shapeshifter. Eli's destinations had already been set after having spotted both Sage and Oleander from far away but decided to make a quick pit stop first. He carefully worked his way through the crowd, pausing a couple of times to say hello, before reaching the tables of assorted foods and drinks. "Well don't you boys look handsome tonight. I mean, more so than usual" He flashed them both a solid smile, before reaching over and taking a bottle of sparkling water. He wasn't exactly dehydrated, but it had been a while since he'd gone for a deep ocean swim. Sparkling bottled water was the closest he could manage at the moment. As far as Milo and Henry went, Eli couldn't exactly say he was close to either of them, especially Henry whom he'd known all of one week. But he rather liked them both. Despite Henry being human, Eli came to like him within their first conversation, though he honestly expected the guy to keep his distance from the siren just as all the other humans he'd met seemed to be doing. And Milo, who still seemed to feel uneasy anytime Elijah came around, despite Eli's best efforts to not intimidate him somehow always managed to bring out the good in Eli. Whatever that may be. "Hope you can bot save me a dance for later." he added, gently placing a hand on Milo's shoulder, before turning on his heels and leaving them to their business.

He walked closer to the dance floor, immediately spotting Sage comfortably seated with some form of pixie toy in hand. "Enjoying the view?" he questioned as he walked up, taking a seat beside her. It had been a while since the mermaid and siren had a chance to catch up. Granted, anytime they ran into one another they spent it bickering and throwing playful insults, but Eli considered Sage somewhat of a sister figure. So, though it was rare, every once in a while he genuinely wondered about her day and how she'd been doing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Levi Anderson Character Portrait: Lorelai Nguyen Character Portrait: Milo Tanan Character Portrait: Elijah Song Character Portrait: Sage Meers
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0.00 INK

XI☾ Levi Anderson ☽
XXXXXXXIvampire | outfit | #6e6e6d

XXXXI❂Lorelai Nguyen❂
XXXXXXXXIhuman | outfit | #FFC0CB

The thumping music coming from the makeshift carnival would've been enough to send Levi in the other direction any other day. He despised events like these, large groups of people mingling and doing idiotic activities in all. If it wasn't for a certain vampire, he wouldn't have been caught attending. Evona would talk his ear off about the activities and then complain that he didn't come the next day. He came for only that reason and prayed to whatever entity that some of the bothersome humans would come near him.

Levi used his speed to move through the crowd, not wanting to have to touch anyone around. Thankfully, snacks and drinks were provided, along with his favorite: O+. He filled the red solo cup to the brim before chugging half of it. 'Better to be full before the mortals show up.' He thought. Levi noticed a younger student, not human (maybe a witch), and she stared at him with fear in her eyes. It took a second for his fangs to elongate and his eyes to turn ruby red. Levi hissed at her and she scurried away, a look of horror clear on her face. Levi laughed to himself as he changed back to normal.

With a turn of his head, he noticed his favorite, debatable, vampire nearby. Evona was alone which was odd for the normally outgoing girl. Levi wasn't sure if he was in the right space to deal her antics, but catching her now was best. No doubt she'd be surrounded by people later and he wasn't going to fight a crowd to get to her. He did notice his fishy... friends? not too far away, but decided to go ahead and check in with the older vampire. He filled up his cup before speeding next to her, appearing very suddenly. "I'm here. I hope you're happy." Levi said with little emotion. He nodded to Sage and Elijah, noting they noticed his arrival.


Events like these were typically Lorelai's favorite thing. She loved school carnivals, finding it to be a great way to spend time with friends and meet new people. Currently, she's wondering around looking for a familiar or friendly face. She was supposed to meet up with some of her fellow humans and they would go as a group, safety in numbers you know. Lorelai loved people, but it was, still, difficult for her to wrap her head around supernatural creatures being people. They were, but they also were not. It was too complicated for her so she ignored the thought in favor of looking around.

Plenty of fun carnival games were going on around her with a twist. The Bobbing for Apples booth looked like fun until she saw a vampire catch it by the fangs. 'Not looking so good now.' She decided, moving away from the game.

The whole being alone thing was not working anymore. She hadn't caught sight of Andy or Auggie, who she probably should've walked over with. Lorelai noticed Annabelle and she was with one of the witches at school, Priscilla if she remembers right. She was in no way mean, but some kind of competition was established between them. She seemed to like attention as much as Lorelai herself. Not that she would be opposed to being near them, but Henry and Milo?, something with an M, were nearby too. Henry was one of the more easy going with the supernaturals and Milo seemed nice, shy but Lorelai can work with that. Lorelai puts on her megawatt smile, head high and walked confidently over to the pair. "Care if I join you?" Not like they could get rid of her either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelai Nguyen Character Portrait: Milo Tanan Character Portrait: Henry Gardener Character Portrait: Andrew Collier
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#, as written by crybaby

andrew collier
human • #7DA986 • party



Andy was nervous to say the very least. Sure he had been attending the Academy for at least a week but this was the first real opportunity he had to interact with the supernaturals on his own accord. Although he never truly had an issue when it came to getting along with others, he knew that the supernaturals probably wouldn't place him in good light if they knew anything about his father. Which is why he tried incredibly hard to keep anyone from figuring that out. His father had been in constant contact with him every since Andrew started, asking him a multitude of questions that made Andrew increasingly suspicious of his father's intentions. Which is why he tried incredibly hard to be as vague as possible when it came to answering them.

'What's the school like? Classes? How many types of Supernaturals are there? Is there any-"

'I don't know dad! I don't know, it's just different ok? I gotta go.'

His eyes briefly scanned the crowd, and instantly lit up when he saw the back of Lorelai making her way over to Henry - and someone else? He didn't recognize the other boy. But if Henry seemed comfortable around him then Andy trusted whoever it was. He strode up behind Lorelai placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, his eyes meeting Henry's in a rather charming smile. He was definitely trying to mask his nerves. "Hey guys - I hope I haven't missed anything too interesting" His glaze flicked over to the food table briefly. "Anyone gotta feeling that they're trying to confuse us on purpose? I mean I really can't tell if I'm going to bit into a mini hotdog or and actual finger" He shivered slightly at the gross thought.

His eyes then landed on the other boy, the one that he didn't recognize. However, at a closer glance the boy's dark, gentle eyes seemed all too familiar. "Do- do I know you?"