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Robert S. Black

"I'm ready, willing and able!!"

0 · 1,359 views · located in Alke

a character in “Titans Of Alke - Blood & Steel”, as played by Firewind


Flying in the Sky ✧ Operation Ground and Pound ✦ Gattsu ✧ Aria ✦ This is My Road ✧ Fooling Mode
{"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."}
-Robin Williams

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{N A M E}
Robert Sirius Black
{N I C K N A M E}
Robin, Rook, Newbie, Wolf-Boy
{A G E}
{G E N D E R}
{R O L E}
The Rookie
{B I R T H D A T E}
November 8; Scorpio
{S E X U A L I T Y}

{"Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many."}

{H E I G H T}
{W E I G H T}
130 ibs
{E Y E C O L O R}
{H A I R C O L O R}
Light Brown
{A P P E A R A N C E}
Robert, or Robin as he sometimes prefers to be called, likes to dress casually, with nice light colored clothing. When things get a little colder, he puts on a black hooded jacket along with a light brown trench coat. His skin complexion is slightly pale yet lightly tanned, like a farmer's.
{O D D I T I E S}
Has a small distinctive Irish accent that crops up when he gets flustered or cracks a joke.

{"If there's any message to my work, it is ultimately that it's OK to be different, that it's good to be different, that we should question ourselves before we pass judgment on someone who looks different, behaves different, talks different, is a different color."}
-Johnny Depp

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{P E R S O N A L I T Y}
✦ Eager ✧ Loyal ✦ Determined ✧ Kind ✦

Robert is one of the nicest guys one would meet. Making new friends or just plain trying to make people laugh is one of his favorite things to do. Once someone is his friend, there is no way he'd let them be pushed around. He'd protect and defend his friends till the very bitter end. With his new push into Talos Squad, he became even more determined to defend his home, and hopes to treat Talos like his family. He thinks he probably made strides already being friends with the Talos Captain.

There is one minor flaw to his personality, and that's his kindness. He likes being nice to everyone, even if it potentially includes any rivals like Orion squad. It also makes him slightly compassionate towards those less fortunate. One would often see him trying to make their lives a bit better. But the possibilities of fighting The Swarm might dampen or crack the nice guy face.

{"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."}
-Edmund Burke


{T I T A N}
Fenrir: A Model that almost matches Robin in terms of their primary weapon. Fenrir is designed to Use heavy blades and weapons. It's estimated height is 95 feet
{A L T E R N A T E F O R M}
Fenrir transforms into a mechanical Wolf intended for transportation and stealth combat use only. No Exceptions.
{T I T A N A B I L I T I E S}
✦BLADE - One of Fenrir's primary weapons, designed and built to be a heavy hitter on some of the more deadly missions.
✧MACHINE GUN - Wrist Mounted high end caliber guns that is also an optional Flare gun mode to signal others.
✦BOOSTERS - Propulsion unit designed to temporarily increase Fenrir's Speed when not in its Transportation Mode.
✧STEALTH MODE - Accessible only in Wolf Form, Fenrir can activate a cloaking device capable of allowing its pilot to sneak up to the enemy.
✦BITE - A Stealth attack employed only in stealth mode, Fenrir can latch its maw onto an unsuspecting enemy. And it won't stop just at the first bite either.
{W E A P O N S}
✦Asura - A katana carried for close combat purposes, made from a Vibrometal alloy. it is also the weapon reference for fighting using Fenrir's Blade.
✧Blaster - A Model .750 Laser Pistol with a 50 caliber barrel for stun and lethal laser rounds. Courtesy of Azura Inc. Mr. S. Azura, Pres. Robert codenames it "Revolver"
{S T R E N G T H S}At Least five. Repeat if needed.
✦Swordsmanship - He adores fighting with his sword more than anything.
✧Strength - is able to do Fifteen push-ups....while hand standing.
✦Comical - whether intentional or not, when he goofs up something, it always somehow makes someone laugh.
✧Brave - When push comes to shove, he'll jump into the fire to do what's necessary.
✦Follower - does what he's ordered.
{W E A K N E S S E S}As many or more as Strengths. Repeat if needed.
✦Instinctual - If something rubs Robert the wrong way, he's going to get mad, and that's like poking a bear with a stick.
✧Slightly Dense - Sometimes he doesn't get a complex order the first time...
✦Women - He reacts like a typical teen. Fun to watch.
✧Rookie - He's new. Enough said.
✦Emotional - cannot contain his emotions very well once he flips.

{"The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp."}
-Terry Pratchett

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{H O B B I E S}
✦Exercise - "Nothing beats a good Workout!!"
✧Writing - "It soothes my tattered nerves.."
✦Reading Manga - "Hey! It's cool!!"
{H A B I T S}
✧Polishing Asura - "I have to watch my fingers, I only do it when I'm really bored."
✦Flirting with pretty women - "Hey! You don't need to know that!!"
✧Grins Wolfishly - "When I'm having a great day."
{L I K E S}
✦Girls - "Though I have NO idea how to talk to them.."
✧His Captain - "She's really friendly!! Reminds me a lot of my own sis..."
✦His Blade - "Asura, aside from Fenrir and the rest of the team, is one of my only friends..."
✧Blue Roses - "Th-They're just neat flowers. Don't tell that Leprechaun Axel!"
✦Fenrir - "It's Perfect!!"
{D I S L I K E S}
✦The Swarm- "They're bad..."
✧Evil - "Just any evil...swarm or otherwise."
✦His Mind - "My brain is too unpredictable...I want a better one!!"
✧Guns - "Aside from Revolver, Guns are SO uncivilized."
✦Cats - "Take that Michealis! I'm a Dog Person!"
{G O A L S}
✦Raising a Family - "It's what my parents would've wanted..."
✧Peace - "I just want a world where people like me don't have to carry torches of light in the darkness of war."
✦Finding love - "Just once, to know I'm not alone"
{F E A R S}
✧Death - "I can't die yet! I got things to do!!"
✦Failing - "I don't want to be a burden on Talos..."
✧Losing Friends - "It's...happened before."

{"Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."}
-Charles Dickens

{H I S T O R Y}
He was born to a family of seven children, him being the youngest and only son. It gets kinda awkward being a growing young man with six older, social, and incredibly hot sisters. His Father was a prestigious Innkeeper in one of the regions of Alke, The Azure Tankard, a business sponsored by his Maternal Uncle, Sirius Azura, and his Weapons and Technology Company; Azura Inc. Sirius claimed that Robert Sirius Black is his Favorite Nephew. (He was his only nephew; Ergo his favorite.) Mr. Azura hoped he'd join him as an Employee. Very cushy jobs have their perks after all.

For a time, Robert's interests seemed to be what his uncle hoped to be. But then, several unfortunate situations occurred, causing his future to be changed very drastically. A Swarm attack destroyed his home at age 11, and killed his Eldest Sister, Ms. Lillith Black, who was engaged to be Married. Several looters tried to take advantage of his other elder sisters, and Robert angrily attacked them, inadvertently unsheathing a Birthday present Zianro said to not use until he was older, Asura. The Vibroblade was meant for self defense alone. He used it to kill the looters. Somehow, someone from the Higher ups in the Military recognized Robert's talents, and sent him off to an academy to avoid being arrested for murder.

His early years at the Academy wasn't too bad. He even made a friend, and eventually, through his uncle's influence, anyone wanting to charge him for killing the looters had been placated. His studies excelled but he was mostly passed over for being picked for a Titan team. Finally, one day shy of his Nineteenth birthday, he was finally picked to be in Talos. To make it even more a surprise, His friend was the Captain!! Best birthday gift ever!
{F A M I L Y T I E S}
Sirius Azura- Uncle, age 50
Thomas Black- Father, age 49
Sarah Black (NΓ©e Azura)-Mother, Age 48
Lillith Black, Eldest Sister, age 28 (Deceased)
5 elder sisters (Age Range 22-29 from youngest to oldest)

{"There is no me. I do not exist. There used to be a me but I had it surgically removed."}
-Peter Sellers

{F C}
Tatsumi-Akame Ga Kill
{C O L O R}

{P R O T R A Y E D B Y}

So begins...

Robert S. Black's Story