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Regulus Adrastos

"Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals."

0 · 607 views · located in Degluttait

a character in “To Be King”, originally authored by phantasms, as played by RolePlayGateway




"If I'm the only person who will establish justice in this sinful world, Then so be it.."

Rusty Heart | My heart is Crying

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◆ #2C2C2C
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #585858

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◆ Kuroh Yatogami
Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ◇ Phantom's Sword


Regulus Adrastos





Katana,(50 cm), A gift from his father, Telling him to focus on his Strength, and a Wakizashil, (38 cm), A gift from his mother, Telling him to think swiftly, and attack smartly. Uses a combination of both, Katana in Right hand, Wakizashi in Left.





124 lbs.

Pitch black



For a gang member, He dresses, and acts odd, His most notable feature is a black trench coat, A gift from his mother, After their death, To Regulus, It's the only thing that makes him unable to forget, his mother's calm and collected demeanor, Always thinking through a situation, The second article of clothing he refuses to change is his father's sneakers, Completely different from everything else that he adorns, This lets him cling onto the image of his father, A hotheaded individual, Who is always on his toes, Always doing a task, Whether he was needed or not, His attire other then the main pieces is subtle to say the least, Not all of his clothing is hand-me-downs, He wears dark dress pants and a white dress shirt, A tie, Finishes this broken suit.

His face, Well, He is attractive to say the least, Being called Pretty boy, By people who seek to provoke him, He wears a pony tail, but doesn't comb his hair, To make his hairstyle, Controlled, But free, At the same time, His usual expression is very solemn, Smiles when he is with certain members of the gang, But an expressionless frown to every else, He is oddly skinny, Though toned, Somewhere in the middle of defined, and stick, Making him a jack of all trades, Though, Without any armor, He is slightly fragile, Though he is not necessarily, A glass cannon, He is more so, A plastic machine-gun. He has a large scar, Running from the back of his neck, To his waist, It is diagonal. Other then that, The wounds he receives are too minor to stay for long, He doesn't have any tattoos, As he rather not taint his body with artificial substances. He looks exceptionally normal, At least, By Tarot standards.


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◎ Silent ◎ Empathetic ◎ Calm ◎ Kind ◎ Honorbound ◎
At first glance, Regulus is very quiet, Never adding anything to conversations, and answering questions with concise, one to two worded responses, He seems distant at times, since he doesn't prefer speech, Rather words, If he enjoys someone's company, He will convey a slight grin, instead of saying, "You know, I really like your company, Stay cool" or some shit like that, This leads to another one if his main traits, Is how collected he is, If something happens, he won't show a twitch of emotion, even though he probably cares to some extent, Under pressure, his bored, expressionless face remains unchanged. This specific quirk makes him reliable in tough situation, as he will never succumb to pressure or anxiety. Even though, His intimidating "cool" persona he subconsciously maintains, makes him unapproachable at times, He has some kindness in his heart, though he prefers not to flaunt about his concern about people, Doing actions usually behind the scenes, Not expecting any payment for his deed. A trait that he inherited from his father, Is his ability to understand what people are feeling, Not so much reading their mind, but reading their emotions. Not a combat trait, but more so, something to help him relate to various members of the gang. His most prominent attribute is his honor, It's not so much, not being able to back down from something, (That's called being a dumbass), it's just him having a moral code, Saving an old lady, Okay? But instead of something he should do, It's something he has to do, Usually putting him in situation that he would regret


◉ Arrogant ◉ Smartass ◉ Justice ◉ Odd ◉ Vengeful ◉
Regulus is a bit of a dick, At least to people that he doesn't like, His pride gets the better then him more then once, A trait, He said he was given from his mother, Even though he has hushed speech, when he gets the chance, Him badmouthing an opponent is nothing out of the ordinary. But not even his allies are save, Even if his remarks aren't always as savage, His short, sarcastic comments are all for good fun, but sometimes rubs off the wrong way, especially since the tarots consist of dangerous members. A-fore-mentioned, his moral code puts him in very unlikable situations, He is a bit..unique, sometimes making him unapproachable, But, He is vengeful, He will pay back an enemy in full, no matter what it takes


Dogs - Though, His liking for dogs only stemmed when he was given one as a birthday present, These mutts are loyal, A trait that Regulus himself, Wishes to possess.
Music - Carrying an MP3 player wherever he goes, Nothing like tunes can brighten the mood, He doesn't have a preference and whatever he deems worthy, Is stored in the device.
Weapons - Liking both Guns and Swords, being a trained practicer of both, He just likes to use weapons, Knowing extensive knowledge on guns, and swords thanks to his father and mother's constant sessions.
Clouds - Though his father prefers rain, Regulus admires his mother's liking for clouds, As the sweltering sun is too blistering, and the rain is a bit to damp for his taste, A cloudy sky is a generous mixture of both.

Doubts - No matter how different both of his parents are, They were both straight to the point, He doesn't like people doubting his actions
Gangs - Of course, He is the unrelenting arrow of justice, His only reason he joined the Tarots, Is to restore order in an already ruined city
Sharp Noises - It's Painful
Sun - Since most of his clothing is black, He rather not melt, Though the sun doesn't shine anymore, So this doesn't present itself as a problem.


Swordsmenship - Due to his unique fighting style, HE looks a bit like an idiot flopping around, Two different length blades in both hands as he frolics about, but his strikes are swift and accurate, Being trained by two very skilled warriors.
Cooking - Since both of his parents are out most of the time, and too fatigued to move a muscle, Regulus himself was tasked with housework and cooking, though not the best out there, he is good enough to cope with the limited resources and make something that doesn't entirely suck.
Reflexes - His intelligence is not about how much he knows, it is about how swiftly he can think, he can make plans on the spot, coordinate effective strategies quickly, and think of efficient moves to do against an opponent, (He could make a good rap, Every one else, He has already lapped, UH)

JUSTICE! - Moral code, Moral code, He will do things he shouldn't, Knowing full well the consequences, He is above killing, but he will know if something must be done, and will do it.
Unapproachable - His cold aura scares away most, Not so effective when trying to comfort people.
Daydreamer - He doesn't like to pay close attention to things that don't hold his interest, So if someone is explaining or doing something that seems boring, He would rather be drifting away in his own mind.

Arachnophobia - Regulus dislikes spiders, He will often lose his composure at the sight of one of these. (Look mate, I hate spiders IRL, and having all my characters hate spiders too, Is something I do just to spite these 8 legged assholes)
Death - He's not scared of the person waiting him on the other side, He only wants to complete his goal now, before he leaves.


Regulus Conary, The full name of a poor soul, His life was relatively normal, A nice family of 4, Him being the youngest of his 2 siblings, They had an okay house, and even though his father's occupation was unknown to Regulus, it paid good enough, his mother stayed at home most of the time, doing all the housework, but his true lifeline was with his brother, Rex, A shining figure, Inspiration, They really were best of friends, even though his brother was a bit of a delinquent, Regulus always wanted to be like his brother, Even if his brother has gotten into more trouble then he should've. As much as his parents tell him to not stray down his path. Though there relationship remained friendly, They started to drift away.

His brother found himself in a very dangerous gang, Since his parents refused to welcome him back to his family, The money his brother was making sufficed to barely keeping him alive, but he was getting deeper and deeper into gangs, sex, and violence, Regulus still kept in touch, but his brother was beyond rescue. Fighting and Fighting everyday, with his parents, and his enemies. Of course, Thanks to frequent meetings and phone calls, They kept in touch, Rex telling Regulus about all the trouble he himself has gotten into, Regulus himself, Well, He was just living, Even though he was constantly told about these gangs, He created a mental barrier between him and them. Of course, HE wasn't dicking around the whole time, He was self teaching himself, To at least keep him well informed, This made him, His parent's only hope, As he wasn't being absorbed by the same thing that his brother was, His parents pampered him, Creating a relationship that made him hold his parents dearly, Though their unrelenting hatred for his brother was something he disapproved of, They were still a happy loving family, Emphasis on "were".

He did it, Rex did it, A blood red carpet is where he stands, Covered with the corpses of his two parents, he killed them, When both of them reached the age of 16, He killed both of them They were slowly patching up too, Thanks to Regulus' constant nagging, They were to meet at a restaurant, Where Rex pulled out a gun, And pulled the trigger, He decided to spare Regulus, Maybe because he had a hint of mercy, maybe because he couldn't do anything about it, but lets be honest here, Who would?

Regulus wasn't entirely without hope, He juggled jobs, While training his body, While trying to keep his academic prowess, It was substantial for a little while, but soon, disaster struck, as the priorities shifted, he wasn't getting much from each, His body was too tired to train, his body ached from too much work, the dark circles on his eyes refused to lighten up, And then it was it, From lack of movement, he was fired from all 5 of his jobs, His training wasn't go as well either, With his budget, exhausted, his training being done with a heavy pipe he found lying around, his parent's house, which was his haven, was promptly taken over, he gave up on studying as he felt he didn't need it, He was left alone and discouraged, On the street, he could of joined a gang of course, but he didn't want to become a monster...and besides, he is an easy target.

Then, a shred of hope, a will to go on, A burly hand was extended towards him, a rather toned man stood over him, behind him being a petite woman, they were cops, self-proclaimed in all it's entirety, The justice, The saviors of this rotting city of Degluttait, The police, being reduced to an idea, instead of the protection this city needs, The man, His voice oddly warm, said, "This city is unfair isn't it? Why don't we fight this world together? Regulus immediately took the hand, His 17 year old self was easily pulled up by the toned figure, and it was only a matter of seconds before it all began, A new life? He hoped so.

Isaiah and Amanda Adrastos, Two names of the greatest figures to enter Regulus' Life, They trained him, Isaiah being a muscle head, Teaching him how to wield a weapon, Dazzling Regulus with his Katana, And Amanda, teaching him how to think ahead, plan ahead, and strike ahead, On top of that, they were a family, Not divided on two sides like before, His parents though, Known for destroying many gangs, As they are feared and respected, Both using traditional Japanese weaponry, Regulus himself, was doing quite well, His training would suffice into turning him into something greater, He was 23 at the time, They were all living together still, no need for money as thanks to his parent's many feats, the people in his general area were happy to give up a bit of their own, As for his parents, They seemed to be used up, As they have trained Regulus to the peak, even bestowing upon him, Their two signature swords, They were still happy, But...

Again, Again, Again, Death lined the hallways, Blood, painted the walls, A monster bathed in Crimson stood before him, Stood before the corpses, Rex...wasn't human anymore, Regulus' eyes widened, as the bodies of the people he cared about so dearly, were swept away by Rex's accomplices, Of course, Regulus would charge at him, Without a care about himself, But Rex was strong...Too strong, Taunting and Slashing him, A deep cut on his back decorated his body, Regulus falling over from exhaustion, Why did Rex kill them? Jealously? Bounty?, What has Rex become, A monster? There were many questions, But one of the questions stood above the rest, Why was he alive?

Regulus' eyes peered open, He was alive alright, Was he alive only to suffer?, No, the wound was patched up.., But it didn't have to be physically...He was already mentally scarred beyond repair, Maybe this changed him for the better, Maybe he has become one of them, Though...Even if his parent's die, He still wants to live by their code, Even if he has to become one of them, A gang member, It all doesn't matter, Once the Tarots...No..Once he gets to the top...He will change this world, Every gang will be disbanded..He will restore this city, Even if he has to do something that will kill him in the process. (BATMAN!!!!)

So begins...

Regulus Adrastos's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Li Xiuying Character Portrait: North Black Character Portrait: Eden Black Character Portrait: Genesis Delacroix Character Portrait: Regulus Adrastos Character Portrait: Lilith Monetrone
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Another morning of August passes by. The gross, disgusting city of Degluttait goes on, the 'sports' and 'games' they play continuing with each passing second. Turn the corner, you'll find a horde of prostitutes. Turn again, someone just had their brains shot out. One more time, and there are children huddling on the walls of dirty buildings for warmth, wearing nothing but rags and dirtied sheets.

The sky is painted grey, the ground painted red, and the people painted black and white. The scent is putrid, having been soiled by the smoke of cigarettes, toxin of the city, and breath of the men and women that are stuck there like birds in a cage.

Shades walked the city the night before, ones that were far from human. Some rose to be as tall as houses, some had terribly long arms, others had elongated necks with black teeth and claws. They come in all sorts of sizes and shapes, and roam primarily at night, where they are most comfortable.

But other problems besides that supernatural factor lie in this city. Darker problems stemming from the root of it all: humans. The gangs are still fighting against each other to this day, one hoping to rise high enough in the ranks to take over the city as the new king. The killing won't stop.

Today, two fires have started, one in the east, and one in the west. The 'fire' in the eastern corner of the city is centered around a group of the Tarots taking care of a shade that's overstepped its boundaries into the grey sunlight. It's already killed five people and injured seven and won't stop until it's killed. Thankfully, that's why the Tarots were tired, and the fight's still lasting. Turns out this shade might take some extra work to kill. Most are generally small, weak, and easy to kill, but sometimes... sometimes there are special cases that turn out to be quite the challenge. At least the pay is high and well, because there actually may be high chances of someone getting themselves killed.

On the western side, the Tarots have gotten into a bit of a fight with another gang known as Thirty One. Turns out one of them spat down at a member, and a few minutes later, guns are firing and people are falling dead on the ground. The fight originally was just a fist fight until someone decided to play dirty and took to their weapon instead. Now, there's no mercy, and the fight's been taken to Thirty One's base. They're struggling to hold ground against this ruthless group of people, and actual fires are starting around the area. They're playing dirty - using hostages, spreading out, destroying things in order to create obstacles - but that's how the fights work in a dirty city. People die, and there will always be a loser and a winner.

But in the end, the city swallows everything.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: North Black Character Portrait: Regulus Adrastos Character Portrait: Leon Caesar
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◆ #660066
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #585858

Blood, Blood, Blood, Everything seemed to be filled with this crimson liquid, Everywhere he stepped. Regulus himself, Embodies Justice, in his own twisted manner, Justice will only be established, when a fit ruler is on the top, Regulus has no respect for people who talk to much, or fight too much, That's why, Regulus has become someone who does both simultaneously.

Another day, Another dead gang, It was another clean up job, Eliminating a gang a month, Regulus doesn't get a thrill from killing like this, he likes to avoid unnecessary combat, but this, this bloodbath was needed, Regulus needed to rise to the top, and this was a required action to reach that goal.

Thirty one? The name of the gang was just as worthless as the people who were residing inside of it, Saying, "Oh no, We are all at the mercy of Thirty-One!", Doesn't exactly roll of the tongue. It doesn't matter though, They will all be corpses soon enough.

Regulus was hiding behind a building, Of course, He wasn't the fastest, So of course he was waiting for a good time to go in, They seemed to be split into little groups, a good tactic on paper, but unless they study their opponents, every tactic will crumble, separating in groups just makes easy pickings for the Tarots.

Regulus found the chink in the defense he needed, As his ally ran into the fray, North, was it? He was an A/0, Even if he was surrounded, It's nothing he can't handle, It looks like another cluster of people were looking at the spectacle unfold, but that was their mistake, One second he was sprinting towards the group, Another, there was no group left, With his duel blades, he slashed his way through, blocking an overhand attack, Slashing horizontally, to end the man's life, His attacks were swift, slashing forward with both blades to end two men, He made quick work of the group, the group was slightly smaller then North's, but they were roughly the same size. Speaking of North, Was he dubious?, Regulus wouldn't imagine that this killing machine would have morals to live by, but he stood corrected, He was hesitating to kill a woman, Regulus himself, kills people he views as "in his way", judging people on what they have done, instead of what they are, but, Of course, North wasn't in trouble, but getting injured because of something as minimal as this?, That would be unfortunate.

Regulus was at ease, The sniper himself, ended the spectacle, It was all a relief, Regulus slid his finger down his right blade, Wiping blood off of the katana before sheathing both of his blades, HE knew he shouldn't, but, he couldn't hold back, "Is that all? Thirty one, was eliminated in 31 seconds, How can you all live with yourself? If you all decide to come out of your hiding places, We'll make this painless", his face remained unchanged, but he clearly attracted the rest of the victims.