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Ellen "Ell" Martin

"Logic rules the universe. What's power without knowledge and understanding?"

0 · 483 views · located in Toxic Angels High School

a character in “Toxic Angels”, as played by Angela239


Name: Ellen "Elle" Martin
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Race: Human
Home: Cilestia
Likes: Books, Science, Puzzles, and Zoology
Dislikes: The unknown, not being able to solve anything (or someone figuring out something before her), illogical ideas or actions, and radiation.

Personality: Always analyzing before speaking, Ell's not the shy type. Rather, the "you don't really want to know what is on my mind" type. Her thoughts can be cruel and inconsiderate at times, but she never lost hold on what is the right thing to do. She is indifferent towards mutants. Sure, she is a little jealous, but she actually wants a unity between mutants and humans's the most logical and harmless choice.

Bio: Her family is known for three things. Number one, being intelligent and on top of their game. Number two, because of their intelligence, it has grant them higher paying jobs which in turn makes her family really wealthy. And lastly, being sick...illness has been common on her family for three generations. Radiation didn't cause mutation for her family, just weakness and pale-looking side affects. The radiation has caused both her grandparents to be in wheelchairs for their legs are too weak, and her parents to be sick in bed half of the time. She has been raised in a wealthy home, but has seen maids and butlers more often then her actual parents. Because of the sickness, often when she was a kid she would study like crazy trying to think of a cure. The sickness might also be the reason she doesn't mind mutants...because she believes they hold the cure to resistance of radiation somewhere in their genes. The illness has also rubbed off on her a bit, already looking showing symptoms of paleness and weak legs. She has spent must of her childhood alone in her room clicking at a calculator and reading encyclopedias, and when she turned 18 she finally moved to her own place still near the center of the city with her own butler. Although she knows the city like the back of her hand, she has never been outside of Cilestia in her life.
Other: She is best friends with her butler who is a similar age. Her butler sometimes helps her "get out" more, instead of staying cooped up in her room making calculations. Also, her hair used to be a golden-brown. Because of the symptoms of the illness, her hair is almost completely faded to white.
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So begins...

Ellen "Ell" Martin's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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"Miss.Martin its 7:00am it is time for you to get up and get ready for school" Edmund spoke softly to his boss and best friend.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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Ellen woke up, and let a yawn escape her throat. It took a few moments for her half-unconscious mind to register what Edmund said. School, that's right...the same school I'm wasting my precious time least I only have a few months before I graduate. Ell got out of bed, with a faint smile appearing on her face as her signature way of saying "thank you" to her friend. Walking downstairs, the smell of freshly cooked breakfast Edmund made brought up Ell's mood. Waffles and strawberries, with an even number of strawberries, just how I like them. As Edmund joined her in the kitchen, she finally spoke.
"I may be a little tiresome today, for I spent all night looking at some chemical compounds under the microscope." Another yawn escaped her throat again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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Edmund couldn't help but softly laugh at Ellen's yawns. She rarely ever stays up late because she like's to get the 8 hours of sleep scientist say is needed for a teen-aged girls.
"No worries miss you can have a nap in the car the school is about a 15 minute drive from here" he said politely. He then finished his cereal and went to Ellen's room to make her bed and get her laundry basket.

"i do hope you enjoy your breakfast miss, would you like me to go preheat the Audi (car) its quite chilly out today" Edmund asked as he carried the laundry to the laundry room beside the kitchen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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"Yes, please." She said while finishing her waffles. I'm quite looking forward to that nap. Ell, no more staying up that late. It's not healthy and unnatural. She mentally told herself. Ellen had most of her stuff pre-organized in her backpack. "Ten pieces of line paper, four pens, two pencils, two erasers..." She started recalling everything in her backpack and peeked inside to make sure it was still there. Setting her backpack by the door, she found herself face to face with the mirror that hung near the entrance. It almost seemed to mock her in a way, reminding her body is not as it used to be. She took one strand of her white hair and sighed deeply. "A terrible symptom. The lack of pigmentation in the hair follicle seems to make it lose it's melanin. Pigmentation cannot be restored, as far as what studies show." She was doing her scientific babble again, not really talking to anyone in particular. She glanced at her pale skin, another sign of her illness. "Seems to have a similar yet less direct way in the skin cells." I have repeated these phrases multiple times, still have yet to find a cure. The wheels in her head started to spin as she thought of reverse genetics.
I hope I do not have gym today. Ellen noted her still weak legs, although they felt a little stronger today. She rubbed her legs a little bit, then placed on her shoes. She also remembered to bring her jacket and scarf. "The cold front should last for a bit, I calculated 8 days at most." This time she was speaking directly at Edmund. Ellen had her trusty small calculator in her hand, holding it like a delicate flower.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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"yes miss i know" Edmund opened the door for Ellen then stepped outside, he had already started the Audi. He looked back at Ellen, she didn't look so well her pale skin looked whiter then usual. He stepped closer to her and held her arm.

"Help miss?" he asked. He knew her legs were weak and helping her down the step's would give him the chance to heal her. He sent healing waves into her body while he held her arm.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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The sensation of Edmund touching her arm instantly made her feel more energetic. She couldn't place her finger on it why she usually felt this way when Edmund touched her. It certainly wasn't the first time it's happened. She figured it was just the feeling of companionship and that made her feel better. Positive emotions meant less stress on your body, which in turn makes you feel better. She thought she had it figured out and smiled slightly because of it. She didn't notice the faint color coming back on her skin and face, something she should have picked up on, but didn't. As Edmund guided her down the steps, Ellen spoke ever so softly. "I know I don't say this often, but I am thankful to have you around. Not only as a butler, but as a friend too." The faintest of smiles appeared and disappeared when she spoke her honest words.

To tell the truth, Ellen had no clue what she would do without him. He helps her with so much she almost feels guilty about it. The only thing that's annoying about him is that he often wants me to be outside and have fun. But there's so much research to be done, I sometimes just can't. Ellen recalled the time he took her to a local carnival to "get away from the books" for once. She had never gone to one before and insisted on staying home. Although she complained the the whole way up until the carnival, she actually enjoyed much as she didn't want to admit it to Edmund. The bright colors, warm smiles, delicious food, and the joyful music was the highlights of her carnival memory...that...and the balloons. He always seems to have an uncanny favoritism of them. She thought with a smirk.

Snapping back to the present time, Edmund opened the Audi door for her and she stepped inside.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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Once Ellen was in the car Edmund went to the front and started on their journey. He turned on the radio and switch it to the classical station. Beethoven's symphony 5 flowed threw the car easing Edmund's nerves. He wouldn't be able to go to classes with Ellen because he had already graduated but he would be in the school at all times just case something happened.

"Miss why don't you have that nap now? we will arrive at your school in approximately 14 minutes and 34..33 seconds" he announced softly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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"Miss we are here" Edmund announced as they pulled into the school's parking lot. It was quite a grand building Edmund admitted as he exited the car. The large courtyard stretched out before him and the cool air of winter coming blew hair red hair around his face. He pushed a hair threw his long hair and opened Ellen's door for her to get out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Edmund Corric Character Portrait: Tyrem Giltterdust
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Stepping out of the car, Ellen glanced around the school. It was just how it always was, some mutants and some humans. Although you could sometimes not tell them apart. Despite being a senior here, in her time here she never made one friend. Maybe a few acquaintances here and there, but none of them could handle her "statistical personality" for long. Even though she never made friends, she was always "scientifically curious" of all the mutants that walked among her. They have become somewhat tolerate of the radiation. Ell checked her backpack to view her class schedule. Just my luck, the first class of the day is gym. thought grimly. "Come on, Edmund. We have to go to the gym first." She said walking towards the gym.

It took a while to get there considering she had to get through the huge group of teens first. Pushing past them, She mumbled "Excuse my presence." Every now and then. It was hard getting through the thick wall of teens that were rushing around to their classes. She had to hold Edmund's hand to make sure she didn't lose him. A few people said "Watch where you going, nerd!" and "Out of my way, Squint." But Ell didn't pay too much attention to the insults. They were harmless and in her mind not worth her time.

Getting inside the gym, a wide array of mutants were there as well. The most notable, however, was a strange alien like creature as well as a girl with antlers. "Fascinating." They caught her interest quickly. She was taken aback by their appearance and wondered what kind of genes were enhanced. Ellen walked right by them and sat down, hoping to get a better look at them. She kept staring at them. Ellen nearly forgot they were not cells under a microscope she could look at, because a few times one of the mutants would look back at her. When they did she quickly adverted her eyes. But every once in a while you would stare at them again, trying not be be obvious.The alien-looking creature, is that even a Homo Sapiens? If so, the radiation affected his appearance tenfold. This guy or girl, took mutation in a whole new level. Usually, mutants would look somewhat human in a way, but this one literally looked out-of-this-world.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Tyrem Giltterdust
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Tyrem heard a soft "Facinating" from across the gym. Normally he wouldn't have been able to isolate the noise from the rest of the cacophony that was filling the gym, but that particular word was something his guardian used quite often. He turned his head and focused for a moment, "looking" for his guardian within the range of his perception. Though he didn't find find the figure. The only one close to the area where he had heard the soft word coming from was a much smaller figure, who quickly passed them and sat down.

His attention was then drawn by surprise to hear the antlered girl ask him if he said anything. Of course he hadn't, every time he tried to talk I just came out various generally inaudible nasally noises. Though he was taken aback as the girl repeated something he had been thinking. He quickly shook his head at the notion, there was no way that the girl could have known what he was thinking. Putting the incident out of his mind, he followed the two as they went further into the gym.

As they passed a few students, Tyrem felt the very soft impact of the antlered haired girl falling into him. Followed by a sharp noise of pain from the girl and the growl of the small dog that was at her feet. The girl quickly apologized for bumping into them, though Tyrem simply shrugged at the statement. It wasn't a big deal at all to him.

After a rather venomous response from the shorter girl to the group near them, returned by more insults by one of the boys, Tyrem heard the antlered girl say to watch something. Tyrem felt a twinge of sensitivity, considering he couldn't really watch something in the general sense, still he tried to perceive what she was talking about. After a few moments of not being able to figure out what was going on, he heard the antlered girl say something about controlling body fluids. Yet again Tyrem scratched the back of his head, not understanding what she meant.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Tyrem Giltterdust
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Luna looked up at Tyrem. She was certian she had heard him but he shook his head no.
'hmmm maybe'
Luna focused on Tyrem until she could just hear the movements of inside his body. They sounded the same as a normal person's just quicker.
'Tyrem can you hear me' Luna spoke threw her mind, focusing hard on Tyrem's.
Luna turned to see a silver haired girl sitting and watching them with curiosity. She smelt human but she didn't look very well, she looked sick. All color was completely drained from her and Luna's eye's once again turned a vibrant green, she felt bad for this girl.
Luna saw a glass of water close to the girl and smiled. Moving her hands slightly Luna moved the water towards her, until it was by her folded hands. Luna then controlled it and made the water be shaped like a tiger lily then made it fall soflty into the girls hands, the flower still fully in contact.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Edmund Corric Character Portrait: Tyrem Giltterdust
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Ellen looked at the water flower in her hands, eyes full of wonder. At first Ellen though the antler girl might have been annoyed by her, but she thought differently when the mutant started making something beautiful. She tried to calculate how the water's form could remain like this but when she couldn't think of anything, she stared in awe. She gave the flower to Edmund and Edmund looked at her with eyes that said "Go talk with her, make a friend." He seemed to secretly say. Ellen knew that look on Edmund all too well, and decided to this time take his "words" of advice. She mouthed "I'll try." Back at him.

She got up from where she was sitting and slowly walked over. She was actually kind of nervous because she never approached anybody by herself before. She walked not too close to disturb the girl, but close enough so they could hear her faint voice. "Hello, I hope my presence is not a bother to you." She took note that the strange alien creature was much bigger up close, with very strange details indeed. From observing at the distance he appeared that he wasn't compatible of human speech.
Looking back at the antler girl, she held out a small hand. "I'm Ellen. But shortified name would be Ell." She spoke as-a-matter-of-a-factly. Her mannerism was slightly awkward, but polite none-the-less. Though it was quite obvious in her eyes that she was thinking a lot more than she was speaking.

A couple of times she would look over at Edmund to see if she was doing okay. I'm not good with this socializing stuff. Edmund would give her the occasional thumbs up and a nod for her to continue.

She looked back at her new acquaintances. "So can you enlighten me on your names?" She said looking at both the antler girl and the strange alien creature.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Edmund Corric Character Portrait: Tyrem Giltterdust
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Luna was confused for a minute 'enlighten?' but once the fair said names Luna smiled shyly.
"My name is Luna Nyx, this big guy over here is Tyrem and this little one right here is Lumi its nice to meet you Elle did you like my flower?" Luna asked softly. This girl looked awkward and she kept looking back at a crimson hair man.
"and this" Luna said pointing at her small canine companion "is Rey he's part of the wolf pack i live with" she said calmly then picked Rey up and held him, petting his brown fur.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Edmund Corric Character Portrait: Tyrem Giltterdust
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Lumi was starting to regret coming to school. The amount of humans that seemed to dislike mutants at this school were baffling did they not realize it was a joint school to encourage equality not madness. Lumi sighed and blinked over at a pale nervous girl and a red haired man as they made a silent communication resulting in the girl getting up and walking over.

Lumi hid slightly behind Tyrem not really in the mood for another insult or another temper blow up but instead the girl only presented herself. Lumi peeked out when she was mentioned and nodded in silence. "H-Hi... Umm sorry if you heard me getting mad at those people earlier... Just upsets me when all people see is what's different about you then whats the same..." She shifted silently and allowed her mind to wander. Perhaps after this endeavor was over she'd go home and go fishing in the stream in her secret nook that is if this day ever ended...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Edmund Corric Character Portrait: Tyrem Giltterdust
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Ellen observed the dog that Luna was holding. "Seems to be a genetically enhanced Canis Maximus." But when she saw that the others looked at her weirdly, she changed her words. "Seems like you have a special dog there." When the short pink-haired girl came over, it started to feel like an awkward crowd. "H-Hi... Umm sorry if you heard me getting mad at those people earlier... Just upsets me when all people see is what's different about you then whats the same..." The pink haired girl spoke. I didn't notice her at first, never mind seeing in her get mad. I wonder if she is a mutant as well. "It's a pleasure to you." A small smile appeared. I think I'm doing great so far. I guess it's not too hard. She couldn't believe she was talking to this many people, especially mutants. Maybe the day was looking good after all. They also have some sort of resistance to radiation in there genes. "Maybe I can get a DNA sample sometime." Ellen accidently spoke aloud. The other mutants looked surprised and Edmund face-palmed.
"I mean, um-" Ellen blushed and took a step back. I ruined it, didn't I? She looked downwards kind of disappointed.

The blush on her face git bigger and bigger as she grew more and more embarrassed. "I-uh...I" But the more she spoke the worse it got. "You see, I like to study stuff, I'm especially interested in how radiation effects the physical body." She nervously combed her hair with her hand. Her eyes scattered as she tried to think of something else to say. She looked over at Edmund again and saw he was shrugging. "So.." She then awkwardly laughed, while once again brushing her hair with her hand. Ellen, just stop talking! She told herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Tyrem Giltterdust
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"actually he's a wolf not a dog and sure i can give you some blood if you want" Luna stated, she didnt care what others thought was weird. This girl had her hobbies and others have theirs.
"Question are you wanting to get a better understanding of mutations because you yourself are effected by it?" Luna questioned for some reason around these people she didn't feel afraid or shy she felt normal.

"I don't know if mine will help you though because all mutations are different, for me its that i can talk to animals vocally and telepathically, have antlers and wings then talk to trees and control tree's and water, Lumi here is a human chameleon and Tyrem here well sorry dude but personally i don't know what you can do..." Luna started blabbering.

"oh right blood here..."
'Rey bite on my finger' Luna spoke to the pup, who nodded his head and lightly bite down on Luna's index finger. A tiny swell of blood came out and Luna controlled, lifting it up in the air and shaping it to look like a tear shaped crystal. She then motioned for Rey to go get a cup, so he swiftly leaped from her arms and ran somewhere unknown to Luna to only quickly return a few seconds later. Luna took the cup and gave it to Elle right after passing the blood crystal into the cup.
"Here you are" Luna said softly blushing for no reason.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Tyrem Giltterdust
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Lumi blinked and giggled lightly feeling nervous but slightly happy she wasn't the only one who seemed to have trouble talking to new people. Lumi's skin changed to a glowy sort of daisy yellow. "You can have some of my DNA also if you'd like..." Lumi walked off for a moment allowing Luna and Ellen to speak. Instead Lumi walked around the gym once observing the different sort of equipment. When Lumi was done she came round again in time to see Luna bleeding a little. Lumi let out a squeak not really use to people acting so calm about bleeding but she tried not to let her slight queasy-ness show itself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Ellen trembled with excitement. A DNA sample, something I had always wanted for my research! Her mind went blank to her surroundings as she held the cup in her hands. She unzipped her backpack, and grabbed out a vile she kept. Pouring the sample in, it wasn't until after she sealed it shut and placed it in her bag that she noticed a lot was going on a round her. The gym was packed with a lot more people. But the most noticeable was a guy kicking Luna. That's how humans act to mutants nowadays. Quite saddening. Although it's expected when one species becomes over-dominate of it's inferior. Suitably for certain social conditions and as well as competing for similar habitats results in rivalry.

She continued looking at the guy that pushed Luna over. He was surrounded by girls, with a look of pride on his face. "His behavior reminds me of an over-pompous baboon." Ellen then looked at all the girls that were gobstruck over him. Seems like they find the stronger male attractive. Looking back at the "Pompous Baboon" she didn't really see what they saw.
That was when she heard a small cry.
Luna was crying.
She saw the pink-haired girl comfort her.

Walking closer, she stood right near by Luna. "Don't mind his behavior. It resembles that of a baboon. Not the best creatures to model after." That was probably the closest Elle ever got to comforting anyone. It sounded good in her mind, but she was not sure if she was being helpful or not. It was also kind of obvious Luna did have a thing for the "Pompous Baboon."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Aaron Knight
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"A pomous baboon!!how dare you call me such a disrespectful thing you...." the sound of crying interrupted him and he looked to see the girl with antlers, a silver haired girl and the girl who was going to slap him then stopped. The girl with antlers, Luna he thinks someone called her had big tears rolling down her cheeks and her once crimson eye's were now a bright forest green.
'shit why do i feel bad for doing that she just another mutant' he scolded himself for feeling sorry that he's the one that made her cry.
"FUCK!!" Aaron yelled then shot up from his seat knocking some of the girls surrounding him to the floor and stormed out of the gym, not before giving one last look at Luna and having his eyes darkened in sadness. He left the gym with his mother who is also the school's English teacher call after him.
"AARON!!" his mother Gina yelled but he ignored her as he went to his black Audi R8 and hopped in. Revving the engine he torn threw the streets until he was at a quiet little restaurant in Mern.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Aaron Knight
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Luna dried her tears and looked at Lumi, "i would love to go there Lumi thank you for inviting me" Luna smiled. Out of the corner of her eye Luna saw the boy that had kicked her leave the gym, only turning back once to look at her with hurt in his eyes. Luna blushed and looked down at her hands that were folded in her lap.
She laughed at Elle statement "a pompous baboon? i was thinking more along the line of testosterone pumped gorilla" Luna giggled. The shrieking of the mike went off again and the teachers called attention to the students who all turned away from there friends and faced the front. They were finally beginning. As Luna faced forward she cause the sight of the girls who were around the boy, Aaron if that's who he dark haired woman was yelling at when the boy left sneering and glaring at Luna.
Luna turned her head away and watched the teachers on the stage.