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Lord Roger Talbot

"Duty and honour."

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a character in “Trial of Thieves”, as played by LordTalbot


Lord Roger, once the epitome of Medieval knighthood has quite obviously seen much conflict for one man's life. His face is weary and scarred, tanned by months spent under the burning sun in foreign lands. His jet black hair is cut short, his beard a little scraggly. His armour and sword are well cared for, but well used. His armour is covered in dents and scratches, his surcoat patched and torn in some places. Roger has the steely glare of an old soldier, and the calm composure of a wise one.

Roger is a strict follower of tradition and rule, unwilling to accept new practices and sometimes violently opposed to them. He is slow to trust but incredibly loyal. The only real compassion Roger shows is to the people who live on his lands. In return for his protection and kindness in hard times, the people of his lands turned his family's castle into one of the largest and advanced castles in England. Roger's general demeanor is one of sullen moodiness, though when called upon he can speak with educated rhetoric or vehement ferocity.

Lord Roger was born to a life of almost constant warfare. As a family of marcher lords the Talbots were expected to maintain order across the border in Wales, oftentimes with lethal force. Fighting his first battle at the age of fourteen, Roger became proficient at killing, earning his nickname 'the hammer' from his choice of weapon in war.

In his new position as Captain of the Royal Guard, he takes his duties extremely seriously. He deals out justice with an iron fist, ensuring that no harm will come to the king. He is totally unforgiving of traitors and despises mercenaries of all forms.

So begins...

Lord Roger Talbot's Story


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Character Portrait: Myra Brooks Character Portrait: Lord Roger Talbot
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Myra moved from the house into the ally way, meeting Alec. She smiled at him, it had been an easy enough job, Myra went for the Lord, and Alec went for his wife, she didn't know why they needed to be assassinated and didn't usually ask questions that posed problems for everyone.

"That was easy enough Mer, not even a challenge."
Myra smiled kissing his cheek when he slung his arm over her shoulders, they moved like ghosts through the shadows with a predator like silence, no one would notice them, or at least they shouldn't have. It seemed to happen so quickly, an ambush by the Kings men. Myra and Alec had managed to kill most of the men in a matter of a few minutes, Myra was the best Assassin in the realm, and Alec was right up there with her.

She fought when two men managed to disarm her and eliminate her as a threat, they had her immobilized. They knew how she worked, how she fought, her weak points, they couldn't have possibly known any of that without help. The sound of Alec yelling brought her attention to where he was also being held, a man maybe five years her elder put a sword in his stomach. "No!" Myra struggled in the grasp of the two men holding her, she managed to elbow one hard enough that he let her go giving her enough time to get away from the other one, but they managed to catch her again, and by that time Alec had gone limp.

She almost growled when they man who stabbed Alec came over to her. "I will get you." She snarled, her face was cold, hard, unreadable, Myra had known pain and suffering her whole life, but this was a new kind of loss.

In the year Myra had been in the slave encampment, which they sent her to as her Prison, she had managed to kill twenty of the guards, but still hadn't managed to escape the wretched place, she had helped others escape, some children, and a few people her own age, but she never had. She was angered by the fact the King had children working in mines, and the fact he didn't really seem to care.

"Get her, and Bring her out." A Guard snapped at the other who walked over to Myra roughly pushing her forward, they brought her outside the walls to where a familiar face stood. She gave him a rather wicked smile. "Well, well. If it isn't the Captain of the Kings Guard." She crossed her arms leaning her weight on one leg. She found this all rather amusing, the fact the man who had raised her into what she was had betrayed her, the fact the Captain had killed her dearest friend and now dared to stand before her. "What do I owe the pleasure to seeing you again?"


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Character Portrait: Myra Brooks Character Portrait: Lord Roger Talbot
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The noises of the city at night echoed around the buildings as Lord Roger and his dozen hand-picked men waited in silence. He knew they would be coming this way. He knew everything about what they had been doing. Noticing one of his men fidgeting a little he hissed through his teeth, glaring the man into silence. As much as Roger hated dealing with scum like assassins, he needed these ones gone. The moonlight shone off steel swords and armour as the men waited.

Voices at the end of the alley alerted Roger to their presence. Raising his arm he prepared to give the signal to his men, who were visibly psyching themselves up for the fight. "Now!" Bringing his hand down he charged out into the alley with a deafening roar, echoed by his men. He only caught a glimpse of one of the assassins before in a flash of steel he clashed with the other. Gritting his teeth he whirled his sword in a halestorm of blows, driving the assassin back into a wall before headbutting him. Roger's helmet rung from the impact, but he didn't hesitate. Hearing his men fighting behind him he quickly and ruthlessly pulled back his sword and rammed it into the assassin's stomach, the blade piercing through his back and almost pinning him to the wall. Pulling his sword away, Roger let the assassin collapse to the ground and turned away from him to see his men had caught the other.

"Good work men. You two, see to our wounded." He pointed at two of his men before turning his attention fully to the captured assassin. "And you, scum, will never see the light of day again." Gripping her throat in his gauntleted hand, he met her heated gaze with his own, then slammed his other fist into her face. Stepping back in satisfaction, having felt bones break and seen her go limp, he turned and strode off, his men dragging her away.


The year that passed saw Roger rise in prominence. He cracked down on the king's enemies and carved out a bloody reputation for himself. However, now he was tasked with something he believed insane. His dark expression cowed those around him as he stood outside the prison, his red cloak billowing in the wind and his guards looking scared of him.

As the gates opened he turned and looked at the beaten and weary figure being dragged out and smirked slightly. "I hope your stay here has been pleasant." A laugh came from the guards at this, which he grudgingly allowed. "Your easy time is over now though. You have been selected by the king for a special purpose." As he said this he scowled deeply, thoughts about the idiocy of this searing in his head. Looking down at the assassin his hands twitched. He ached to kill her once and for all. The trials were a mistake. Beyond all measure.


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Character Portrait: Myra Brooks Character Portrait: Lord Roger Talbot
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Myra smirked at the man, she was beaten, and weary, but she was sure she could outsmart him with just about anything. Her eyes flickered to his hand when it twitched on his sword. She clicked her tongue. "Oh Captain...You are so amusing. So...Predictable." She laughed a little bit. "Why would I want to do anything for that wretched man you call a King?" Myra groaned when the guard behind her elbowed her roughly in the ribs. "It isn't optional." He growled, Myra just chuckled. "Fine take me. Maybe I'll get the chance to remove his pretty head from his shoulders. If the past is anything to be told, you're men aren't very smart Captain, the only reason you caught me is because the Man who trained me decided he wanted revenge for me walking out on him."

The guard hit her this time hard enough that she stumbled slightly, she took in a deep breath a sharp pain moving through her chest, she silently wondered if he was strong enough to crack her rib, or if it was the fact she had received a beating earlier and her rib cage was already bruised. She eyed the Captain carefully, shifting slightly when she was forced forward, she sighed, between the prison and the castle she would have rather been in the prison or dead.

Myra laughed a little bit as they came into the city, she found it all so amusing. "You know, Captain. You and I are a lot alike. You rose to your station at a young age, for doing basically the same thing I do. Yet, I'm a little better at it. I'm only nineteen and people whisper my name in fear of me, you are what? Twenty four. You have to be given the fact you were twenty three when we first met, and that was a year ago" She rolled her shoulders slightly, they were tight, and it was making her uncomfortable, she had been tormenting the guards all the way back, and had earned being hit quite a few times, but it had never bothered her much, she had managed to get into one of the guards heads to the point she thought he might run off.

When they came to the castle, her shackles were removed, and she was cleaned up, put into one of those horrible corsets and had a dress put on, the dress was a deep shade of blue, that had designs embroidered in the skirt, the sleeves fell just off her shoulders, and the top was a little low cut for her liking, but she could work with it. Myra's hair was down falling around her shoulders like a black veil, she had makeup on, and she herself was surprised that they made her look healthy, she smiled when the Captain came into what was clearly her room. "Is there a reason I look like a Lords daughter?"

"No one is to know your true identity while you are here. Your name while you are here, and not completing tasks or challenges will be Lilian Grey, a Lords daughter looking for a suitor." Another guard answered, Myra chuckled slightly. "This is all so entertaining. I saw three other Assassins on my way up to this room, the King is having a competition isn't he? Oh how fun is that." Myra walked over to the Captain if no one was to know who she was, they couldn't have her chained which meant she had quite a bit of free will. "I do enjoy competitions, I'm good at winning." Myra smiled at the Captain, it was a flirtatious smile, one that would make anyone weak in the knees. Myra was painfully aware of her affect on men, and had often used it to assassinate some of the people she had, she doubted it would work on the Captain but she found it entertaining to at least try.


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Character Portrait: Myra Brooks Character Portrait: Lord Roger Talbot
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Tramping angrily through the streets of the city, Roger tried not to look at the prisoner. Her jibes got under his skin and it was all he could do to stop himself beheading her in the street. Hearing her say they were very much alike he shot a glare in her direction, growling slightly. "We are nothing alike you piece of dishonourable filth." Shoving her hard in the shoulder blades he urged her on towards the castle, it's towers looming over the buildings and flags flying in the wind.

Crossing the drawbridge under the watchful eyes of armed guards he gladly handed her over to another group, he himself trudging up a great stone staircase to the throne room. Pushing open the great oak doors, Roger was greeted with the sight of the long chamber resplendent in gold and red. Pennants hung from the ceiling, and the tables were covered in silver and gold. The throne itself now sat on a raised dais, its back and arms showing intricate carvings of mythical beasts and knights of yore. All this decadence made him scowl deeper, as Roger thumped up the center of the hall towards the throne. Bursting from a door behind the throne came the king. Fat, and rather short, the king waddled around the the front of the throne, his red face lighting up when he saw Roger waiting there. "Ah lord Talbot", he wheezed. "Not too tired from your journey I hope?" Hardly waiting for an answer the king squeeled excitedly. "You got her? You found her after all this time?" Lord Roger nodded tiredly.

"She was causing trouble in one of the mining camps. The warden was glad to get rid of her."

"Good! Good Talbot. You know how essential she is for this little tournament." Roger rolled his eyes, gripping the pommel of his sword in frustration. "Now look here Talbot, you are the captain of my guards, my most trusted subject."

"You honour me sire." Roger bowed a little, dreading what was coming next.

"That is why I want you to oversee the tournament." The king smiled, clapping his fat hands together as Roger glared daggers at him, twitching slightly. "Well Talbot? Aren't you going to thank me?"

"Sire...", Roger gritted his teeth. "Wouldn't it be better to have someone with experience running a tournament? I am a simple soldier."

"Precisely! You can spot the tricks of this little lot, and deal with them accordingly. Anyhow I will not take 'no' for an answer. You WILL oversee the games."

"Very well sire." Roger sighed in resignation. There was no arguing with a king who had been spoiled his entire life.

A little later in the day, Roger walked to the room where the assassin had been taken, finding her unbound and dressed as a noblewoman. A look of pure malice washed over his face as he saw her, his hands folding into fists, the knuckles cracking loudly. The way she held her ample figure, and batted her eyelashes was an obvious attempt at mystifying him, though his hatred of her quickly snuffed it out. "You may try to win this, scum. But rest assured, I will do everything in my power to ensure that you don't. You have my word on that." Fixing her with another steely glare, he beckoned and stormed out of the room, his cloak billowing as he led the way back to the throne room, from which the sound of trumpets and loud voices could he heard.


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Character Portrait: Myra Brooks Character Portrait: Lord Roger Talbot
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Myra rolled her eyes. "Men are so melodramatic." She let out an exasperated sigh walking over to one of the chairs in front of the fire place, she sat down slinging her legs over one of the arms of the chair. When Myra grew bored she decided to explore the castle, however, she was fully aware the Captain had men following her all the time, he seemed to take her as a fool, as if someone trained as she was wouldn't notice she was being tailed by heavily armed men, who made more noise than elephants.

"Ah, Lady Lilian, just the person I was looking for." Myra raised her eyebrows at the unfamiliar man, clearly a Lord, probably one of the Kings councilmen, he looked rich enough for it, the man handed her a piece of parchment with a red seal, Myra gave him a curious glance. "May I ask what this is?" She turned the parchment over in her hands a few times, trying to get as much information from it as she could without opening it.

"Your first assignment." The Mans voice dropped to a whisper. "You are to locate your target, get in kill them, and then get out and disappear without being caught." Myra rolled her eyes, that was child play. "I'm assuming the person isn't a real person, but...who is my target?"

"A councilman, I assure you, he is very real, the King wants rid of him, whoever does it, will be in the Kings favor. I suggest you don't get caught."
with that the man was gone, and Myra was off to show just how good she was.

Out of the Twenty-four Assassin's Myra had identified, in the following weeks five of them had been caught trying to kill this said councilmen making it much easier for Myra to Identify who it was, she started watching the guards shifts and finding gaps in the security of this man, he had good security she would give him that much. She had also had quite a few run ins with the Captain, she had fun tormenting him with the fact he couldn't touch her without upsetting the King, she had become painfully aware that the King was rather fond of her.

"Come to bother me again Captain?" Myra asked not looking up from what she was reading, she could tell it was him by the elephant sounding footsteps and the way her door was thrown open so roughly it hit the wall. "I am trying to work." Myra briefly looked over the paper at the Captain, her blue eyes glinting in the sunlight before they moved back to the paper. After moments of silence Myra rolled her eyes putting the Paper down getting out of the chair and walking over to the man. "Is there something you need? Other than to yell at me about how I'm the scum of this earth and you hate me. We have covered that enough times, I don't really feel like covering it again, so don't waste my time or yours and take your anger out on someone else."


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Character Portrait: Myra Brooks Character Portrait: Lord Roger Talbot
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Myra shook her head letting out a small laugh, she walked over to Roger locking eyes with him, she found his efforts flattering. "Its very flattering, you trying so hard to make sure I don't succeed. But Captain, I'm smarter than you and your men, you won't find anything. Do you think I'm daft? I can hear your men following me before I see them, I know who you are talking to, and I know what your saying. I'm not naive like you seem to believe, and I am certainly not stupid, and I am definitely better trained then your men, if anything their the idiots in the room." Myra's eyes flickered to the burnt letter. "And that letter was from the King, he's very fond of me you know, and he won't be very happy to hear you burned that before I finished reading it. All Business of course, I suppose I'm going to have to go speak to him myself."

Myra watched them tear around the room and watched Roger's frustration grow when they found nothing just as she had said, Myra clicked her tongue a smirk appearing on her face as she looked back at the Captain. "Well, this was fun." Myra smiled heading for the door. "It was nice seeing you Captain, but if you would excuse me, I have business with the King, since you so rudely burnt his letter."

Myra perched on top of the roof, she was dressed in all black, and with her stealth she was impossible to see, and she knew no one would hear her, she saw quite a few of the Captain's men among the councilmen guards. Oh he is just dying to catch me. Myra thought with a smirk, she shimmied down pipe killing the first few guards without a noise, the others wouldn't notice until she was gone. Before long she was in the building, she was tempted to spare the lives of some of the Captains men, they were innocent in this, most of them were, but with the Captain wanting her gone she couldn't risk it, everyone who saw her had to die, and they were easy enough to kill, as Myra had assumed; child play.

"Ah, Councilmen, you seemed to have lost favor with the King." Before he could yell for help, he was dead, and Myra was gone without a trace of her even being there, as if she were a ghost.

Myra watched as Rogers frustration grew, she completed task after task despite his efforts to make her life a living hell, to catch her to do anything to her; but today was different, today she was fighting with the fifteen remaining Assassins some sort of combat training Myra didn't need, though she was convinced it was more for entertainment then anything.

Myra sat back and watched as the chaos ensued as the others tried to rip each others throats out, she chuckled slightly, one person challenged her eventually, but she made quick work of him hitting him in just the right spot he collapsed, unconscious. When she finally grew bored, she took down quite a few of the others, but there was a scream, a child's scream, and one of the men managed to ram a dagger into her side when she was distracted, she let out a pain filled cry, before turning taking the man out not bothering to spare his life before looking to where the child had screamed, it was a panic scream, a help me scream. Then she saw it.

She let go of her bleeding side, taking off like a bolt to where the child was being attacked, she could hear someone in pursuit of her. Was it the Captain? She didn't really care at that point. She came between the three men and the child, she drew her sword, she knew these men, they had been assassins in the keep with her.

"Theo, lowered yourself to attacking children? I'm disappointed." Myra shook her head at the biggest of the three men, but he struck at her before she could finish and with her wounded side she was in more defense than offense, one of the other men knocked the boy out, and someone took him on. Myra looked over to see the Captain.

Theo managed so get her pinned a hands on her neck, again with the distractions. "Captain!" Myra managed to cough out, she wondered if he was going to let Theo strangle her, but before the captain could do anything another guard got him off.

When more guards showed up, Myra pushed Theo back. "Take them!" She called to the men surprised when they listened to her, that freed her and Roger to tend to the child which is exactly what she did. As gently as she could Myra shook the small boy, trying to wake him, and soon he came to, Myra put her sword down carefully scooping up the young boy when he started crying, pulling him onto her lap rocking him back and forth. "Hey, don't cry, your safe now...I won't let anything happen to you." When the boy calmed he moved back from Myra.

"Your bleeding." He said between sniffles pointing out the pool of blood. "I know." Myra replied. "I will be okay." The distressed mother showed up gathering the boy into her arms, she thanked Myra and Roger before walking off with him. Myra went to stand, she let out a cry of pain falling back onto the ground placing her hand on her side as the adrenaline wore off, she began bleeding more, even with her hand there, and then, like nothing everything went black.
