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Berach Vulian

"Hello class, today we will be sparring with dragons while carrying 100lbs weights on out backs and I don't want to hear any complaining. . ." Teacher

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a character in “Tyrillia Academy”, as played by Green~Apple


Full Name:: Berach Vulian or Mr. Vulian
Gender:: Male
Age:: Thirty
Rank:: Commoner
Sexuality:: Straight
Class Taught:: Sports and he is also the one who passes around to check if everyone has turned off their lights (you better have)

Appearance:: He had very thick white hair with some dark grey in it his eyes are dark blue and he always seems to have that face of a man who has never been beaten (which is true). His face is rough as the rest of his body, he is a mass of pure muscle and has scars all over his body. He mostly wears black leather and is always walking with his five saber swords on him as if he's always waiting for an attack. He's quite tall as well and weighs also quite a bit but it's only the heavy load of muscle he carries.
Personality:: Berach acts tough and will push you until you probably won't be able to stand anymore but he is very loving and kind even though he never shows it. During training he will always be attentive about all of the students in class and out of class, if someone gets hurt he won't show his worry but he will immediately take care of them. He has a rough body but a very soft heart so if there is any moment where you need to talk to an adult (other than the social councilor) you can go and talk to Berach and you'l be sure that he will never repeat anything to anyone.
~ Fighting
~ His students
~ Passing on his experience to others
~ Having fun
~ Cats
~ Stuck up kids who try and ruin the nice mood in class or in school
~ People who have to faith in themselves
~ Someone who is hurt
~ Having to yell at a student
~ Dogs
~ Losing his job
~ Losing a student under his watch
~ Losing Sulimon
Relationship:: N/A
Skills:: Hector is a wicked strong guy who can fight five highly trained men with only one hand. He is good at everything, even dancing because he considers everything as a sport, but he also has a skill that most students hate. . . he will get you to work until you have reached your absolute limit and you can't say no. He also is able to fight with five swords, all of them unsheathed.

Name of Bond:: Sulimon
Race of Bond:: Cactus Cat, the cactus cat is generally described being a bobcat-like creature, covered in hair-like thorns, with particularly long spines extending from the legs and its armored, branching tail.
Personality of Bond:: Sulimon is a very calm ca that usually sleeps all day and walks around at night making sure that no students are running around doing silly high school things. He's a very nice cat that is very soft and soothing (you almost feel at peace when you look at him), but like Berach, he will make you work hard. If he catches you skipping class or out of your dorm at night he will make you run laps, fight a dragon or even fight him (the worst punishment of all). During class he just watches over everyone and even helps out from time to time.
Skills of Bond:: He can slash down anything with his spikes and can flatten the spikes along his body so that riding is comfortable and not a challenge and also to make a sort of armor for his body.

Other:: Hector is a nice teacher but you never leave his class with all your strength, and Sulimon will just watch you as you suffer, actually Sulimon usually doesn't do anything more than sleep or lie down in the corner. He will only do something if Hector asks him to.

So begins...

Berach Vulian's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Berach Vulian
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Tyrillia Academy The Start of School

It's around 8a.m. and all of the students have gathered in the Auditorium still with their luggage and not yet appointed to their dorms. They are with their Bonds and await in the dark of the large room facing the stage sitting in blue velvet seats.

Aslan Portegar

Since he was a part of the Student Council and most of all the President, Aslan was waiting behind stage with Babur and his luggage that had been left in a corner. Again another year at this school and again another speech to the worthless students that could never be better than him, but he wondered if maybe this year he could find better fights.
"Aslan, you're up in ten minutes, right after the head master," said Berach Vulian the sports teacher.
Between Berach and Aslan was either a very tight relationship of rival respect or just utter hatred. Aslan sure did miss the teacher though, but he didn't tease too much because he was still a little tired. After waking up late during the whole vacation and suddenly waking up early for school, Aslan was exhausted.

The Head Master went up on the stage after the curtains had pulled to the side and he was welcomed by a round of a plause that stopped when he spoke into the three microphones on the podium in the middle of the stage.
"Welcome students, you have all been accepted into my special creation, Tyrillia Academy, despite your rankings and differences," he spoke with such ease and seemed to captivate all the attention, "I am you Head Master but this is the only time you will see me and if I must be seen again in front of the whole school then nothing good with come out of it, so before that happens I want to clarify the rules:
You know your basic rules, treat others as you would like to be treated and so on and so forth, but I have more to add. . . It's more of a warning than a rule but I will advise you to think twice before going against it. Teachers are stronger than you and they are smarter so do not try anything stupid around them, which brings me to my second warning. You can fight but teachers will be sure that you will never want to fight again.
And with no further a dew, I give you your Student Council President, Aslan Portegar!

Aslan walked up to the podium followed by Babur who sat next to the podium once Aslan had said, "What's up! Well, since you all know who I am then you know what I can do and that would be communicating all information to teachers and the Head Master, but I don't do all of this work alone so I will present you the rest of my crew before giving you more information about this school."
Aslan put himself side ways to present the people who would walk up onto the stage once he called their names.
"First we have the teachers; Luvia Ortenze Kichur and her bond, Zisey, Special Bonds Class, Jenniphael Durmaneand her bond, Dzidzi, Basic Learning Class, Berach Vulian and his bond, Sulimon, Sports Class and also Raven Jerold and his bond, Bethany, the Social Councilor. For a heads up, Berach Vulian is the one who checks up when lights are out in the dorms and I recomend that you turn them off before Sulimon sees that they're still on, also you can go to them if you have any problems but Mr. Jerold is here for that."

After the teachers were all presented they went to one side of the stage to make room for the whole Student Council that Aslan presented one by one along with their Bonds.
Vice-President: Sayer Redmond, Xanthus
Secretary: Karmen Craft, Fiona
Treasurer: Lara Wiles, Leaf
PR: Olivia Wiles, Aqua
Disaplinary Commity Heads: Arcadia Wiles, Pyra and Girardo Beyk, Matheus
Clubs/Sports: Erath Potane, Torekani
Pages(Runners): Eilonwy Shior, Sheela and Hayley Highmore, James

Everyone stayed on stage when Aslan had presented them all and then he faced the rest of the students, "The only thing left to talk about is the schedule and the dorms. You have all been given a schedule (look at the main Information of the RP), respect it and you won't get into any trouble. On the weekends, those of you who have family can leave and those of you who don't stay. Also parents and family can come and visit but only after having spoken with me so that I can get the Head Masters clearance to let them in which usually they can.
Now for the dorms, when you exit the Auditorium the teachers will be on the side of the doors and you will show them you acceptance letter in an orderly fashion for them to give you your key. In your dorm you have been paired up with another student that has a Bond with the same needs as yours, if there is somehow a problem between the both of you changes can be made but you must see it with me.
For those who are sign up in clubs Erath Potane will be the one to give you any information or heads up about things other than that you normally attend to your activities. After i am finished, you will all attend to your dorms, speak with each other, socialize and explore until the day is over and the lights are out.
Enjoy the school and have a very wonderful year.

The lights in the room went dim and the teachers left to open the doors so the kids would get their jeys and leave to their dorms. Berach Vulian had already handed Aslan his key to Room F.

"So are you ready Babur?"
"Yet another year, I can't wait," answered the very large golden pelted lion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Berach Vulian
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0.00 INK

"Ahem. . . Is this thing even on? Yes! Oh, okay, um. . . Hello students, I hope you have all met your roommates gotten used to your rooms and visited a bit of the school grounds. It is now 12:30 p.m. and the cafeteria is open you can ask for any meal you wish for and the chefs will do their best to get it for you. You may eat in the cafeteria or in your rooms or anywhere in the school, this time will be your free time between classes when they start but again you better not be late. When you are finished with your plates bring them back to the cafeteria and place them in the racks. Thank you very much, this was your Sports teacher, Mr. Vulian and this will be the only time I will make announcements because the rest of them will be given by. . . uh. . . . . . let me see those papers! . . . Olivia Wiles, the PR of the Student Council. . . thank you very much once again. . ."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Berach Vulian Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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Amalthea Oprah

Edryk had quickly dragged her to the cafeteria and the whole way she couldn't help but smile while Sloan easily ran next to them without a problem but also mocking her.

If you stay smiling like that too long your face will never show a different expression again, Sloan said telepathically.

It's not true, Amalthea answered.

No shit, Sherlock!

Keep digging, Watson.

Amalthea laughed internally, it had been a long time since the last time Ama had responded to Sloan with his Sherlock and Watson pair jokes. Before, when they were younger and Ama was sad, Sloan would call her Sherlock and she would be Watson, apparently it was a pair of spy men that solved mysteries together back on planet Earth. So together they would act like spies. . . but she grew out of it now.

When it was her time to order she looked at Sloan and said, "One maki and one sashimi sushi plate for the big boy," she pointed at Sloan and then said, "and four pounds of dear meat for myself."
The Sloan and Ama laughed then she waved her hand telling the chef not to worry, "I'm just kiddin', just the sushi please."

"I'm going hunting," Sloan said then left the cafeteria into better hunting grounds where he would probably nap a bit as well.

Aslan Portegar

Aslan turned his back to Sayer and Aubrey so that he wouldn't be tempted to leave with them and then start a fight, plus he knew exactly who would be at the cafeteria, Berach Vulian. . . If that teacher was there, which he would be, and Aslan went in with Sayer, aslan would even be able to poke Sayer without having Sulimon, Berach's Bond, chewing down on his arm.

"Babur, you can go with them, I'm just going to stay here," he said it coldly so that Aubrey would leave quickly and he could cool down his head and maybe finally decide to clean up with stuff.

Babur went over to Aslan so that he could be patted on the head and he said, "I'll bring you back some deer."

"Thanks, man," of course, Babur wouldn't do that but he would go for a hunt to get his own meal.

So Babur decided to go with Aubrey and Xanthus to the cafeteria and accompany them but also because there was no way the lion could possibly stay in the room while it was such a sunny day out. Aslan wasn't planning on staying in the room either, just a little and then he would go outside.

Berach Vulian

"Lunch, boy do I enjoy lunch time," Berach was making his way to the caferteria from the teachers dorms where he had already placed his luggage and visited his room.

It was the same room as last hear with branches all around for Sulimon to climb around and a cactus bed for Sulimon to sleep on. But that wasn't the best part of the room, what Berach truly enjoyed in his dorm was the king sized bed with a very fluffy mattress that made him feel like he was sleeping on a cloud. But he had to earn that room and one of the ways was watching over the students in the cafeteria.

Actually, he wasn't forced to survey them but he sort of liked taking out pretentious kids who started meaningless fights and get them straightened out. Mostly Aslan! He was such a troublesome kid, he couldn't even count the number of time Sulimon and himself had to straighten him out.

The other teachers would sometimes come too, just to talk tot he students or for the students to come and talk to them and ask questions. Since class was only starting tomorrow it was a good time for the teachers to get to know students so that they wouldn't end up looking down at their attendance list to find out the name of a kid. . . which was a very common sight with Berach.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Berach Vulian
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Brenna perked her ears up, looked around, nudged Walker from the funk he was now in because of Aoide, and pointed over to Berach.
"Hey, there's one of the teachers who was at the ceremony. Go talk to him and make sure he knows you." Walker kind of half-chuckled at this, thinking Brenna was joking.
"Come on, Brenna, isn't the whole point of being a Misfit who manipulates everyone's luck like some sort of plaything to NOT have teachers aware of me?" Brenna laughed at this in turn.
"Nonsense, get your butt over there and talk to him!"
"But I-"
"Now. I'm only a rabbit for the moment, but I WILL go Terror on your ass." Walker groaned in submission to the one who wears the pants in this situation, wiped his face off with his napkin, placed his silverware on his plate, and stood up, walking over to the teacher, carrying Brenna in his arms in rabbit form.
"Uh, hi. I'm Walker McMullin, and this little rabbit right here is my Bond, Brenna." Just as Sayer noticed, Berach could hear that Walker's accent was in no way Misfit, despite outward appearances. Also of note were two other things: the fleur-de-lis medallion around his neck, and the fact that his Bond was a rabbit, a dwarf rabbit to be precise.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Berach Vulian Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch Character Portrait: Girardo Beyk
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0.00 INK

Amalthea Oprah

While the her order went in Amalthea waited and when she was about to talk to Edryk and start a random conversation but he had suddenly fell to the ground and for a few seconds she was in shock. When her spirits came back to her she fell to her knees and shook Edryk telling him to wake up. Because of her connection with Sloan the three headed dog had felt her anxiety and her sorrow so he had come back bursting through the doors and ran to Ama.

"Calm down Ama, calm down," he tried to sooth her bu nothing worked.

"EDRYK!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Girardo came out of a part in the cafeteria and yelled at the others, "Don't just stand there, help me you guys!"

As the boys brought Edryk to the infirmary Ama walked slowly half stubling but not falling thanks to Sloan's support and she stopped at his bed where Girardo stayed and comforted him. She didn't even know what to say when he had opened his eyes. She just stood at the foot of his bed and cried all the tears in her eyes then scolded him.

"You stupid idiot!" She half yelled half sobbed, "Why do you want to make me worry so much! I really hope you're not doing this on purpose or else you'll have a god reason to fall to the floor!"

Berach Vulian

He stood in a corner of the cafeteria observing all of the students, some familiar faces and some new. All of them made him think of his childhood days and making a mess in the cafeteria by starting food fights.
"Do you remember those day?" Berach asked Sulimon

How in the world could I possibly forget? Sulimon said as he licked his spiked paw.

"Uh, hi. I'm Walker McMullin, and this little rabbit right here is my Bond, Brenna."

A boy said as he came along with a dwarf rabbit following behind. The boy's accent was very pronounced and he immediately knew he was a Misfit.
"Well, nice to meet you lad," Berach smiled at him, "I presume you know who I am so I won't bore you with introductions, but I do have a question for you. Are you ready for Sports class?"

Suddenly a boy he recognized as the Blue Blood Edryk Gregrovitch fell to the floor and Berach excused himself from the boy then asked some boys to get the boy to the infirmary. Boys were strong and were the ones who had to assist those in need. There was also a girl crying so he tried to make her feel better but it didn't work so she left to be with Edryk. When they left he went back to Walker.

"Sorry, this doesn't usually happen."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Berach Vulian Character Portrait: Eilonwy Shior
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0.00 INK

Walker laughed at his question, his not-really-Misfit accent showing through.
"I was raised in a Misfit society, my job consisted of carrying the heavy stuff and cooking, and I've had just as much bad luck as good. With all due respect, I have a feeling I can take on Sports class." This was when the Blueblood had fallen, and when Berach went off, Walker turned to Brenna to speak.
Brenna: "Was that you?"
Walker "No, I thought you did that!"
Brenna: "Either way, we need to scoot."
Walker: "Good idea."
The two hurried off, not getting too far before running into... Eilonwy, Walker believed her name was. She seemed a bit nervous, but his own bad luck was kicking in, after having used most of his good luck earlier in the day, and he happened to have a slight problem where he would completely forget what he was doing every so often. The time he was standing still while she was waiting for her response happened to be one of those times.
"Are you angry at us? I'd rather you say something than ignore us, please."
Walker shook his head and remembered what she had said earlier, and spoke apologetically.
"No, what happened, happened. Things like that tend to happen around me, no use denying it. But where are my manners? I am Walker McMullin. Judging from what I've heard spoken from others, you are Eilonwy, correct?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Berach Vulian Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch Character Portrait: Girardo Beyk
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0.00 INK

Amalthea Oprah

"Don't worry babe. . . I was just resting and I'm sure after this I'll take you out on a date."

"Resting my ass! And don't you dare say that you'll take me out on a date because before all of that you have to tell me what's going on!" She scolded him and she felt bad but she knew that it had to be done, yet she held tightly onto his hand, "Explain yourself!"

She sat down on the edge of his bed and wiped away her tears messily and also did some very non-lady-like sniffing to get her boogers up her nose instead of leaking out. She was happy to see him smile and laugh with Girardo, apparently they seemed to be friends, probably childhood friends because they both were Blue Bloods.

Berach Vulian

The kid left with his bond so Berach just stood there, "Damn kid, did he purposely make me talk to myself?"

Doubtful, Sulimon answered telepathically.

Aslan Portegar

He didn't stay long in his room, he went to the basketball indoor court and got a ball then started to shoot hoops. He had been playing for such a long time so he practically never missed the hoop. There wasn't much else he could do to calm down but if some guy came around and started to get cocky then Aslan would solve his anger the way he always did, a nice fight.

"Hey Xanthus," Babur followed behind Aubrey and Sayer, "Do you want to go to the woods, I'm going to hunt a meal but then we can chase after squirrels if you want and you can find a patch of grass."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Hayley Highmore Character Portrait: Samuel Yesil Character Portrait: Suren Craven
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Time jump!!!!

You all had lunch and you went to the gym room for Sports class but when you got in it was filled with smoke that put you to sleep. When you woke up you were in a hover craft and the Sports teacher Mr. Berach Vullian was standing in the middle. . . And here is where we start. . .

Berach Vullian

He didn't know why but he took pleasure in seeing the students wake up confused and lost. He then got their attention, "Brats, please listen to me because you only have ten minutes to fully understand what will be happening to you and how you can survive."

He continued his explanation but telling them that next to where they were seated was a vest and a bag, the vest holds cliff bars and a tracker to know there the person wearing it is. In the bag is a bottle of water, rope, a knife and a map. He told everyone that they would be dropped into a forest where they would have to travel through to find the red flag that is located somewhere in the forest. But he also warned that traps weren't rare and encountering an opponent was very probable.

"You are a small group so get along well because the person next to you might just save you life," Berach stared at each student, "This isn't a game, you can get injured. Some of you have already gone through battle and survival training and some of you are new to this, all I can say is get to that flag before the sun sets because who know what comes out after sunset."

The helicopter descended and all the students got off.

Aslan Portegar

When he woke up and realized that he was in a hover craft he knew exactly what was going on. It was the intense capture the flag put in place by Berach every year. He had done it several times and since he was a Blue Blood he had received much training for situations like these.
As Berach explained Aslan already dressed himself and tried to situate Babur then remembered that when carried by a hover craft, all Bonds large than a regular size tiger were put into a cage attached below the craft.

Babur, WAKE UP! Aslan screamed in his mind causing the lion to hit his head at the top of the cage.

"Oh no," Babur complained, "I hate capture the flag."

They didn't really have a choice. Aslan got off the hover craft and watched it fly away then observed all of the people around. It was true, they weren't many and he knew that if any of them decided to leave then everything would go wrong. Aslan took out his map which wasn't any help really because it was pretty much the picture of a forest from a bird's eye view.
"Damn Berach," grumbled Aslan.

Amalthea Oprah

When she woke up she nearly pissed herself because of her fear. She had never been in a hover craft or any sort of vehicle for that matter. She grasped the nets against the walls of the hover craft since she wasn't even held by a seat belt and she wished that she could wake up from this dream even though it wasn't anywhere near a dream. When Berach started explaining, Amalthea became more and more anxious about the schools educative ways.

Great, so this is pretty much a suicidal capture the flag, Thought Amalthea as she tried to bring peace to her mind but was failing at it, I don't know how to fight!

Don't worry, Cerberus' voice echoed in her mind but she couldn't see him, I'm in a cage below the hover craft, I'm here with you and I will protect you.

Having Cerberus near by reassured her a lot but when it came to getting off the hover craft and jumping from quite a height she refused until Berach pushed her off. Luckily she didn't get an injury and Cerberus came running to see if she was alright once he had been freed from his cage along with other large bonds. When the hover craft disappeared she felt totally lost and hopeless.

"I hope someone has a brilliant plan," said Amalthea so that everyone could hear her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Berach Vulian
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Aslan Portegar

The wind was gone, Erin had made it through but there was also a girl standing next to the flag with her Bond who resembled very much a dragon and yet Aslan knew it wasn't. The girl decided to piss everyone off by taking the flag and turning capture the flag into a tag-you're-it game. Aslan didn't like the girl, she had no care in the world for the wounded and all she though about was playing around. Aslan was about to go after her when suddenly Aubrey jumped onto her Bond and flew off. There was a stern and cold expression in her eyes, he never thought he would ever see on Aubrey's face.

Aslan wanted to go and help but Luca moved first and Aslan could leave all of these wounded people behind with no protection. He glanced over at Amalthea who looked terrified so he decided to stick around instead of leave. The fight was starting to look bad for Luca and Aslan couldn't see Aubrey anywhere until she finally came out of no where. He was about to go see her when Rue moved and in a few moments something happened. The Quetzal go stabbed and Erin's dire wolf got the boy called Walker. The flag was retried by the white phoenix and all was well.

Aslan walked over to Aubrey, "Are you okay? How's Bren?"

They didn't look too good so he let her use him as support then he looked up at the sky and called out, "Alright Berach, we got the flag as well as wounded people, would you mind bringing the hover craft down?"

Berach Vullian

"The kids are good, but I am going to have many things to say to them," Berach said as he looked into the hidden video camera screens.

He called for a hover craft and then waited for them to return on campus grounds so that he could give them a lecture about what was bad, what was going to have to be improved and what was good. He got out of the video room and went out to the school fields waiting for the students to arrive.

Amalthea Oprah

She had been terrified during the whole thing until the very end. A stabbed Bond made her feel so much pain even through she wasn't linked to it. Cerberus had to stay close to her as she nibbled her nails. Amalthea wasn't used to so much violence. She knew all about being rejected because she was a Misfit but she had never been in a fight and had never seem blood before.

It was only when she heard the sound of a humming motor that she lifted her gaze to the sky and noticed the hover craft above their heads coming down. Cerberus was to be put in the crate bellow while she and the others climbed up a ladder to sit on the seat belt deprived seats of the hover craft.

Since Cerberus wasn't next to her she felt the need to calm herself so she started to sing a Tyrillian campfire song:

Beds of roses
Drops of rain
Sitting on a hill you are
Looking out at the blood red sky

Beds of roses
Cry drops of blood
Sitting on a mound of dirt
Staring at the fire

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Walker sheathed his knife, and Brenna changed to rabbit form, hopping in his pack so he could walk to the ladder before he did, he stopped to speak to Luca.
"I guess I'm in your debt now. Call me if you ever need anything." He then climbed up and awaited whatever punishment he'd have to face.
(OoC: Shortpost is short, I know...)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Suren Craven
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#, as written by Siryn
Rue Tyryl

Her eyes slowly shifted open and what met her was a brightly light sky and the smell of cleaning supplies. Then she realized that she was no longer outside and that the sky above her was in fact a ceiling with a very bright fluorescent light. Her eyes focused then, and she took a deep breath feeling much more relaxed and energetic than before. Her fingers moved across her stomach and she looked down to see that her shirt had been changed out for a simple white short sleeve that exposed her pale skin. Around her stomach she felt a kind of tight pressure and lifted the shirt to see what it was.

Wrapped around her torso were bandages that were still white and crisp. Gingerly she touched the area where she'd received the deep gash from being dragged and winced only slightly at the dull ache that pulsed at the touch. Slowly she pushed herself up to look around. Her bed was situated right next to a window and across from her was another bed with another occupant. A girl with black hair who was sound asleep. Rue raised an eyebrow as she recognized that black hair and realized it was the girl who had caused a lot of trouble during their trek through the forest.

Looking around she also didn't see Luca or anyone else there with her. Throwing the covers back, she got off the bed in her jeans and socks and started walking towards the door. Her only thoughts were on finding her brother and Luca. Even if she just found one of them, she would be happy.

"Where are you going?" A soft voice asked. It was the nurse that had probably tended to her. Twisting around, Rue looked at the older woman and found it hard to speak. She opened and closed her mouth, her nerves twisting her stomach and clenching her throat.

"Luca," was all she managed and then opened the door to the infirmary and left as quickly as she could. Running was probably a bad idea as she could feel a slight pulling in her stomach. Obviously her wound had been stitched, so in order to not break the stitches or make things worse, she slowed her pace and walked quickly down the hall. She didn't even know where she was going, but she was determined to find someone who knew what happened to Luca and Erin. Even Snow wasn't with her and she was beginning to be fearful about what happened after she'd passed out.

"Luca... Where are you?"

Erin Tyryl

His arms were folded over his chest as the students were now in the presence of the insane sports teacher. At least, Erin thought he was insane. What kind of sport was that? The 'live or die' game? His irritation was clear and even more so in the presence of the boy named Walker. How he wanted to tear him apart and let him know just who was exactly the more deadly here. However, he pulled himself together and told himself that the kid wasn't worth his time and seeing as Rue was okay, he didn't need to fight anymore.

One thing was for certain though, Erin wasn't going to talk to the boy ever, and if at all possible, never set eyes on him again. A cough welled up in his chest and he quickly covered his mouth as it exploded and sent hot blood into his fingers. The fight with the behemoth had tore him up pretty good, but he wasn't too worried about it. Whatever wound he had would heal just fine, the blood was just left over from the fight. With that in mind, he just wiped his hand on his jeans, leaving a streak of crimson.

Leaning over, he got Luca's attention, "Your bond, is he with Rue? I'd like to see her once this guy gets done talking," he said jabbing a thumb over his shoulder at the sports teacher. Not to mention he was pretty tired and probably needed to have a check up with the nurse also. With a look at Luca, he determined that the taller boy needed a check up too. "You should get looked at too you know," Erin commented, then grinned, "Rue's taken quite the liking to you, wouldn't want you to be in anything less than perfect condition."

Next to him Nemesis laughed, his barking voice coughing like it always did. The huge wolf leaned heavily against Erin's thigh and flicked his ear towards him and Luca while the other kept turned the other way to listen to the teacher.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Berach Vulian
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#, as written by Siryn
Rue Tyryl

“That boy informed me to watch over you. Why not wait for their return?” The soft voice startled her as she turned to see Blue had followed her from the infirmary. Her heart jumped at the thought that Luca had ordered the bond to watch over her. Maybe there was a little more to his thoughts than just making her blush continually in his presence. If only she could do the same to him... then they'd be even. Her eyebrows came down with the thought on how she could possibly do that to the handsome boy.

"Blue, where is he? Is he alright? Please, take me to him," Rue said turning to look the demon bond straight on. Her eyes were hard with determination. She wasn't going to back down. "He's wounded, he needs to be seen by the nurses too. If you won't take me to him, I'll go myself," she stated firmly. Not to mention she knew that Erin was wounded as well. Her brother had taken quite the beating with all the fighting going on. Her worries were not just for Luca, but he was the forefront of her thoughts. All the while her eyes never looked away from Blue.

"He has a promise to keep," Rue stated. She remembered asking if she could sleep with him and her face seemed to heat up. Luca's earlier promise to her of letting her do what she wanted with him in payment for his kissing her without warning flooded her memory. She decided then that allowing her to sleep on him was sufficient payment. To her, he was breaking that promise and she was going to be sure to let him know that as well.

Erin Tyryl

“Blue? He should be. And shouldn’t you be more concerned about yourself friend? Your carelessness nearly gave your sister a heart attack with the number of hits you took in comparison.”

Erin bit his lip as he looked down at Nemesis who returned the look and pulled up his large shoulder in an attempt to mimic the human's way of shrugging. Turning he gave Luca a sideways glance before returning his gaze to the group of students. He was really thinking about just leaving the little assembly, besides, if anything he could pass it off as needing to see the nurse because of said injuries. Berach could scold him later after he'd slept for a day or two.

"Glad to hear that he's with her. I hope he'll keep her from doing anything crazy, she's like that you know. Once her minds set on something, there's no changing it. At least it's really difficult to change it."

Erin sighed then and continued to the next part of Luca's question, "Never been one to worry about myself, man. Just doesn't happen. I know I scared her, but I couldn't just do nothing either. Nemesis and I have fought a few times before, but... never something like that," his thoughts turned to fights between his father and the large gray dire wolf that was his dad's bond. Those fights had been terrible to say the least, but Erin and Nemesis had at least been on equal terms with his father. Turning he faced Luca with yet another grin, "Maybe I could learn a few things from ya hu? You're quite the fighter yourself," he commented remembering clearly the fight between the black haired girls bond and Luca. The boy had been a terrifying sight to see in action, only matched by his bond.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Berach Vulian Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson
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Berach Vullian

When all the students were on board and sitting Berach cleared his throat and made himself audible, "All of you except for Aslan, Amalthea, Aubrey and Luca understood the meaning of team work! This isn't a game, it only seems like one because if you get hurt someone comes to get you, but when you're in the midst of a true battle no one will come and save you so you better as hell work as a team!"

He could tell that some students didn't even care about what he was saying but they didn't see how dangerous the world was right now. After the Third War, incidents still occurred and some are still going on in places that are not so far from the school.

"Maya and Walker," Berach shouted out their names, "you two would be dead. Your Bonds would be dead. And the only thing you could tell yourself in you last seconds of breath would be 'I should have stayed with my team'. But I'm not saying that you kids have to stay together because your kids, soldiers do it too because they know that they don't stand a chance a lone!"

His words seemed to finally be getting to them, "All of you seem to think you're strong enough to do it on your own. You're not. No one is. Now all of you are going to the infirmary because you didn't work together, listen to each other and consider yourselves as a union force. If you had then you would be going to lunch a lot earlier. Tomorrow, we're going to be working on your team issues."

With that the hover craft left and nurses came to take the kids and bring them to the infirmary, the ones who weren't wounded went tot he cafeteria.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Berach Vulian
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Blue Horror

"Blue, where is he? Is he alright? Please, take me to him. He's wounded, he needs to be seen by the nurses too. If you won't take me to him, I'll go myself. He has a promise to keep."

As Rue’s slew of questions bombarded him, Blue Horror’s entire body became motionless except for the uncomfortable shuddering of its hooded head. By the way the red veil surrounding its top gaped up and down one could imagine it giggling silently in spite of her apprehension. Giggling again as if the entire world could burn tomorrow and it wouldn’t affect him in the slightest.

“You, Luca, Walker, so many of you humans act the same,” Blue Horror’s voice came from everywhere and nowhere simultaneously, bouncing within each corridor and pattering of the smooth masonry as if he existed in every wall. “Consider then young snowflake, what if I didn’t want you to meet him? How would you outrun something that could teleport?”

Luca M. Feygor

"Glad to hear that he's with her. I hope he'll keep her from doing anything crazy, she's like that you know. Once her minds set on something, there's no changing it. At least it's really difficult to change it."

Luca couldn’t help but frown towards Erin as the older boy seemed to bite the bottom of his lip in lament. He hadn’t anticipated him have taken his comment seriously. Still, he smiled earnestly as they both reflected on Rue’s tendency for rash behaviour, a short huff implying his shared agreement, “Oh he’s pretty good at that, so rest assured.”

"Never been one to worry about myself, man. Just doesn't happen. I know I scared her, but I couldn't just do nothing either. Nemesis and I have fought a few times before, but... never something like that," Erin paused after a moments thoughts before facing him with another grin, "Maybe I could learn a few things from ya huh? You're quite the fighter yourself,"

“You call that a fight?” Luca smiled thinly, uncertain if the senior had been joking or not. “You did well though, all things considered,” Luca looked around and caught Berach clearing his throat to get their attention. He then arched an eyebrow towards the teacher to direct Erin’s attention, “And here it comes.”

Berach’s reprimands consisted of a series of blunt observations optimised by the man’s harsh yet simple choice of words. Eyeing them all like an army staff sergeant, his muscular stature bristling with authority, he offered a final statement on teamwork, an ultimatum of what would result if they couldn’t get their act together before dismissing them all. Their transport landed then, hovering to the ground in an eloquent puff of dust as its humming engines settled to a standstill. Luca jumped off along with the rest, allowing himself to be tended to by the encroaching group of white uniforms.

“Hello there sir,” The first nurse to approach him introduced kindly, “How are your injuries?”

Straight to the point, “Pain around the ribs and difficulty breathing.” Luca stated. He rolled his neck back to regard Erin briefly, a small smirk appearing as he spoke, “I guess we best getting moving towards the infirmary, shall we then? Before Rue get herself into trouble again.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Berach Vulian
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#, as written by Siryn
Rue Tyryl

“You, Luca, Walker, so many of you humans act the same. Consider then young snowflake, what if I didn’t want you to meet him? How would you outrun something that could teleport?”

Her heart nearly stopped at the bonds words. Her eyes widened and only then did she feel true fear in the presence of the demon. It wasn't his appearance that terrified her then, it was his words. He was obviously much more powerful than herself, and she being very small in comparison, had no chance of fighting the bond. She wouldn't fight it anyway because if she did manage to hurt it, the pain would transfer to Luca. Shocked into silence and unable to move a muscle she tried to comprehend what the demon meant exactly. Did he not wish her to see Luca at all? If that was it, than the next question was why?

Her eyes narrowed at the bond, trying to stem her fear and resolve her determination, "If you didn't want me to see him then you would have done something about it a long time ago, Blue. I'm going to see him and you'll have to find some place to lock me up before I'll ever be kept from him," she returned coldly and turned away from the bond to keep going down the hall. Her heart beat rapidly as her threat hung heavy in the air and over her shoulders. Icy cold fingers closed around her heart as she hoped dearly that the bond wouldn't take her words seriously and teleport her to some dark, creepy place with no way out.

Erin Tyryl

Erin returned Luca's small smile at his mention about learning how to fight from the boy. Then gave a small shrug as Luca complimented him on the fighting. Erin didn't think he'd done all that well, in fact, he was quite sure he could have done better, but at the time all he could think of was his sister and protecting those that he could. Rashional thoughts on how to take down the behemoth hadn't come to him. Then to add to it, the student who'd made things more difficult hand invoked his rage, making it harder to think and fight properly.

“And here it comes.”

Turning, Erin gave the sports teacher some of his attention. It was a berating, exactly what he expected from Berach. It wasn't the first time Erin had heard him yelling at students and telling them what they all did wrong. It was like that the year before. Of course, Erin's last experience hadn't been as harrowing as it was this last time. His arms crossed over his chest as he sighed heavily. Then they were allowed off the hovercraft and down onto the school grounds were they were met by a ton of people in white coats. Luca went with one and Erin with another.

"Anything broken, or hurting?" The elder man asked him, peering over glasses at Erin.

"My rib cage feels a little busted up, other than that, just achy all over," he answered shortly.

“I guess we best getting moving towards the infirmary, shall we then? Before Rue get herself into trouble again." Luca called with a smirk on his lips. Erin returned the look, laughing as he let the doctor lead the way towards the school and the infirmary. Though his laugh didn't last long as it hurt to do so and he quickly stemmed it, but his smile remained.

"Yeah, she's pretty damned good at that."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Berach Vulian
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Walker's Story
Walker smiled at Luca.
"And I never give favors to people unless they've earned them." He said, and then listened to Berach. After Berach spoke, he stepped forward.
"Sir, with all due respect, we are not in a war zone. If we were, Maya would never have acted the way she had, rather using Quetzal's air control to create vacuums around her knife, which she would be using due to actual training with it, in order to make clean cuts that couldn't be mended while moving too fast for the opponent to catch. As for me, I was assisting in what WOULD have been a decoy maneuver in order to distract and delay from the final goal as repayment for being freed from the net I was stuck in. Perfect strategy does not mean perfect victory, and neither does teamwork. As for my own fate, I would have simply made myself and Brenna lucky to the point where a giant with a billboard couldn't have hit us if we were even on the frontlines, instead of acting as a medical unit, which I'm more capable of dealing with. Gym class is not war. I should know, I've been in too many to count.

Maya's Story
Maya snapped to consciousness in the infirmary, feeling her stomach to see if the hole was still there. The amount of pain she felt proved no, it was healed, and yes, it still needed time. She closed her eyes, and felt Quetzalcoatl's presence flying in from the lake. She then laid back in her bed, and relaxed herself to prevent straining herself, and blew a piece of paper off of a table nearby, and using a combination of wind and reaching a little bit to make a pencil roll towards her. Once both were attained, she started drawing out a picture of Quetzal in mid-flight, looking as if he was going to soar right out of the paper.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Berach Vulian
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Berach Vullian

He glared at Walker when he spoke and then took some steps toward the boy, "Training is meant for war, it means you practice for war, it mean you are at war. You should have done the right thing, but you didn't, so next time you will."

He knew kids like Walker, those who thought they were always right. Berach had been just like him but he also knew what hard consequences came with that kind of attitude so he let the boy go even if he didn't understand what Berach was trying to comunicate to him.

When all the students were gone he went to the teacher's lounge and sat on the couch, "So how are things going?"

"Not so good I must say," answered one of the teachers, "The North Front Army is backing up and coming close, I do hope the students are ready."

"They are. Fighting wise," Berach sighed, "but not for war."

Aslan Portegar

Aslan went to the cafeteria and ordered his meal then sat at a table where no one came to sit with him. Everything that had happened at training went terribly wrong, the only good thing was that they defeated a Behemoth but so many people came near death because of it. Aslan had to show more authority or no one would listen to him.
Maybe I should start a fight. . . He thought to himself.

No you won't, we just got out of a fight so leave them in peace, Babur intruded Aslan's thoughts.

"Sir Portegar," an errand man came to see Aslan and handed him an envelope, "for you."

The errand man left right after leaving Aslan to see the emblem of his family keeping the envelope shut. He opened the letter and started reading but when he was finished his eyes stayed wide and the letter slipped from his fingers falling to the ground.

"It can't be," were the only words he could whisper between his lips.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Berach Vulian
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jeggy
Aubrey listened to Berach but averted her fuming eyes to the floor. How did he throw a group of more-or-less strangers with only a handful of any real training between the lot of them into a situation like that and expect anything to work out?! She sucked in air between her teeth and almost immediately regretted it as her chest squeezed painfully. But she felt grimly happier when Maya and Walker got a special chewing-out. For the rest of the hovercraft ride she focused on breathing slowly and trying not to think about whatever ‘team-building activity’ was in store for them.

Upon stepping off the flying vehicle, they were practically swarmed with nurses who seemed to pick them off one by one. Aubrey knew she’d gotten some slightly-more-than-minor injuries, but she’d thought she could manage to slip away... nope, not quick enough. Some no-nonsense woman clad in white popped up right in front of her and looked her up and down before tutting softly and dragging her away with a gentle grip on her arm. Aubrey bit her lip but complied, turning instead to muse over the startling size of their infirmary. She supposed with teachers like Berach, it was necessary, as well as with the size of some bonds.

Speaking of bonds, Aubrey looked around with a crease forming in her brow. The nurse guessed correctly, assuring her that they’d be reunited with their bonds soon. Aubrey huffed but sat down on the edge of a bed, watching warily as the nurse went around the room gathering things. She was given a bandage for a fractured rib, ice for the biggest bruises, and salve for the cuts before she managed to slip away, feeling a little bit better.

Once she’d made her way safely past the reach of any nurses, Aubrey began looking around, thinking of where the bonds may have gone. Except that just then Bren rounded a corner and trotted over to her, tail flicking happily. The girl sighed, relieved, and hugged her bond. Maybe they had a bond infirmary? In answer to her questioning look, the griffin lifted his wings from his back, showing her how they’d been treated. Aubrey smiled and ruffled his head, and they both made their way to the cafeteria.

Just as she reached the entrance, out burst a stormy Aslan, too deep in thought it seemed to notice her. She clung to the wall and watched him pass, wondering what had him looking that was as she entered the cafeteria and saw kids that had been healthy or already treated hanging around at various tables. One of which held the white-haired brother of the girl with the phoenix bond and another girl Aubrey didn’t know as well as a little goblin-like creature which must’ve been someone’s bond watching the doors. Maybe they’d talked to Aslan? Aubrey wasn't up to find out and instead used the opportunity to grab some food and sat down at an empty table, grateful to be off her feet after only that short while. She tossed Bren an apple to shove his beak into and started nibbling on a sandwich for herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Berach Vulian Character Portrait: Jenniphael Durmane
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Aslan Portegar

His feet stomped on the floor as he started heading toward the exit of school grounds. He had to go. Nothing would stop him not even Babur who had his jaw closed on his pants trying to pull him back.

I don't know what you read in the letter, but you can't just leave, you have Special Bond's class next! Babur said as he tried not to hurt Aslan.

"Aslan!" Berach came running with Sullivan already a head of him to get a hold of Aslan's arm, "Where do you think you're going?"

"To save what is left of my family, if there is anyone left!" His sudden outburst was louder than what he had wished for and it caused Berach to halt in his tracks, "That's right! This letter was just given to me but who know how long ago it was sent and my fahter clearly says that the whole North of Tyrillia is under attack which is exactly where my family lives. My mother is dead, all of the servants are dead and who knows, my dad is probably dead too!"

"Aslan, you need to calm down," Berach tried to grab his shoulder but he ripped away and pointed at Berach in his face in accusation.

"When you said that the war wasn't completely over, what did you mean? Just how current is it? How close is it?"

Berach was unable to answer because just then a flaming rock crashed in the middle of the court forcing Aslan and Berach to take cover on the floor. In just a few instants Aslan could hear ringing of swords blasts of gun shots and orders being shouted out. He had heard stories of war but he had never in his life imagined to get caught up in one.

"That's how close it is," Berach answered as they ran.

An announcement was made to all the students: Students! Listen carefully, all classes are finished, you must take cover in the Auditorium right away, no delaying, don't go to get precious items becuase they won't be precious anymore if you're dead. Get to the Auditorium right away!

Berach dragged Aslan away from the edge of school grounds where Aslan noticed a crowd closing in on the school but there were others fighting them. There were catapults throwing rocks in both ways and there were Bonds forcing themselves onto each other to rip their throats out. Babur and Sullivan followed Aslan and Berach to the Auditorium.

All the students were gathered but Aslan just sat in a corner with Babur. He had dropped his father's letter when they were outside and now the only thing on his mind was how were they not going to die. If everyone was going to act just like they had at capture the flag, death was not a probability but a certainty. Things were crazy, just a few seconds ago there was nothing and now there were armed men trampling on the fresh green grass of the school.

"Gather 'round!" Berach yelled, the other teachers were on the stage with the principal and him, "This is not a drill, this is not a game. This is war. Some of you have talents in fighting, some of you are talented in other things but all of you are warriors and we are going to get through this together. For now the Tyrillian military is holding them off but we're going to have to help them and for that you're going to get a quick lesson from Jenniphael Durmane Special Bonds teacher."

Amalthea Oprah

When Aslan ran out she went back to eating and thought that he just had a family problem that he needed to deal with but then the whole cafeteria shook and when she looked out the window the grass was burning and there was a giant boulder in the middle of the court. She looked out at the horizon and noticed people fighting, they were far but there were so many that every sound they made could be heard all the way to the school. Panic ran in her and then he looked at Cerberus who had come closer to her so that she could be safe.

"What's going on?"

An announcement was made through the speaker and she immediately headed toward the Auditorium. Luckily she didn't have to go outside to do so, she ran through the halls with Cerberus right at her side. When they got to the Auditorium she sat on a chair and tried catching her breath. Then Berach made his speech that froze her blood and stopped her heart. The only thing Amalthea was talented in was music and hiding behind Cerberus while he did all the fighting then when she saw Jenniphael the History teacher she wondered how such a frail woman with such a small Bond could fight.

"I know you all remember me as your History teacher, but I am also your Special Bonds teacher and I am going to have to speed up today's class which can be very dangerous so I'm going to ask you to be very serious about this because if you're not you could die," that was not very reassuring coming from her mouth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Berach Vulian
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0.00 INK

Walker's Story
Walker heard the explosions, and then the announcement as he spoke with Maya, and as Maya got up to go, he pressed her back down.
"Stay here. Use your wind magic to screw up winged soldiers. Get Quetzal to only storm up their half of the field, and whatever happens, don't die." Maya nodded, and then stared out the window, ready to make her moves when needed. He then ran through the halls to catch the final bit of the History teacher's speech.
{Well, I wasn't planning on going out into the battle anyways, but hey, this could be fun.} He thought to himself, feeling Brenna tug at his leg as she crawled onto his shoulders.
"Just like old times down at the Wharf, eh, Walker?" she asked, holding on piggyback-style to him as they stood there.
"Yeah, just like-" As he spoke, he gasped, his pupils dilating, and his irises turning golden. "one of THOSE days..." He then turned and walked towards the door, like he'd had earlier plans and wasn't going to let a war get in the way if them. As he walked, he moved at a light pace, almost as if he was just a cat moving through the area.