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Aubrey Mooreson

"Bren, get away from that... Oh! My apologies..."

0 · 746 views · located in Tyrillia Academy

a character in “Tyrillia Academy”, originally authored by Jeggy, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name:: Aubrey Mooreson
Gender:: Female
Age:: 15
Rank:: Commoner
Sexuality:: Straight

Appearance:: Aubrey is kind of between short and average height, slim build, and could almost be called pretty with a pinch of freckles dusting her not-quite-pale face, lightened by bright blue-green eyes, her angular features framed by the wavy-ish bangs that always manage to come out of the twin french braids that trail down to the middle of her back. She keeps her dark brown hair in braids as to keep them out of her eyes (except those silly bangs) while she flies or plays with Bren. Because of such often romping, she'll usually be seen wearing shorts, tee shirts, and sneakers, or barefoot as well. She only wears skirts and dresses when she needs to look nicely.
Personality:: When you first meet Aubrey, she might seem quiet and almost cooly polite, but really it’s just shyness. Get her to talk and she’ll maybe crack a smile for you. She likes to keep somewhat to herself with her Bonded, partially because she’s too unsure to reach out to others. This seems to give her free time to work at her studies, but not too too hard because some of them, like geography and math, just bore her and she finds herself doodling or reading or had gotten up to do something completely random on a whim. At times like these she may seem a little out of it, as she will sometimes daydream and forget her surroundings, but she’s certainly not stupid.
Likes:: Flying with Bren, chocolate, sunny days, being outside, drawing, reading.
Dislikes:: Snotty Blue-Bloods and Nobles, bitter food, being inside too long.
Fears:: Bren getting hurt or leaving somehow, causing Bren pain, evil Bonds (like demons, etc.), not making any friends.
Relationship:: Single/never been in a relationship before.
Skills:: Aubrey is good at going unnoticed; walking quietly and not talking, that is if she feels the need to. She’s a moderately good artist, preferring to sketch with just a pencil or charcoal usually. She’s also very good at flying with her Bond; they are so close they trust each other completely. (if that counts as a skill).
Clubs:: Art/Photography

(Sorry, the picture isn't working here so this is the link to it: ... _white.jpg)
Name of Bond:: Bren
Race of Bond:: Griffin (Male)
Personality of Bond:: Like you can probably imagine, griffins eat a lot and Aubrey often carries treats with her to bribe him to behave. Bren doesn’t always mean to poke his beak everywhere, he can’t help being curious and very playful. However, he is a bit of a vain creature and constantly preens. But when it comes to Aubrey, Bren gets very protective if he thinks she’s in any discomfort or danger, and believe me, you don’t want an angry griffin coming after you.
Skills of Bond:: Griffins are quite agile for their size, strong, and amazingly graceful fliers with sharp talons and claws.

History:: Not much to tell; As a commoner, Aubrey grew up doing some work, but lived comfortably with her small family of three, having a happy childhood. This will be her first year at the Tyrillia Academy.
Family:: A loving mother and father who thought boarding at the Academy would be a good environment for her to learn and try to socialize.
Other:: Lollipops~

So begins...

Aubrey Mooreson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson
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#, as written by Jeggy
Aubrey blinked into the dark of the auditorium, big like the rest of the school that she’d seen so far. She made her way to a slightly less empty section in the middle of the audience and sat in an aisle seat, with Bren beside her. She kept a firm hand on his shoulder, to remind him to sit still and take up as little room as possible, and for this gave him an apple to munch on while she hefted her luggage into the seat next to her and got a look around as her eyes adjusted and others yet filed in. It was pretty astonishing to see so many types of people and their Bonds, big and small, common and rare, and it made her feel a bit less uncomfortable about having a griffon sitting beside her. She turned to smile at him and he nuzzled her cheek, reassuring her as he felt her unease. Then lights flashed onto the stage and people entered; the Headmaster, a nice enough man, and then a teenager possibly a bit older than Aubrey herself. She liked the look of his bond, but as he introduced himself as student council president, it was pretty obvious he was of high birth. Aubrey tried to listen nicely and give him the benefit of the doubt; not all blue bloods and nobles would be snobs, right?

She watched all the teachers enter, searching their faces to try and guess personalities. The basic learning teacher seemed so sweet right off the bat, Aubrey hoped the others wouldn’t be too hard as well. From there she let her mind wander, half listening to the instructions she’d already gone over many times.

When the stage lights dimmed and the people and their bonds left it, Aubrey got up with the rest of the audience, making her way across to the teachers. She nodded and uttered a small ‘thanks’ when she got her key to dorm F, grateful to join the flow of students heading to the dorms. Upon finding the hallway of the dorms, Aubrey made her way through the alphabetic doors until she turned and stopped in front of ‘F’. She glanced down at the ever-eager Bren, and unlocked the door.

It had the basic furniture of any comfortable bedroom, doubled of course, with the exception of a large shelf higher on the wall, holding another bed. Aubrey set her bags down beside one of the two empty beds, and smiled brightly at Bren who was already trotting around and sniffing everything. “How cool is this?” she said to him. The room was built as if for her specific bonded type, and she wondered if other dorms were similarly created. She watched happily as Bren easily made his way to the bed above hers, a perfect place for him.

Aubrey opened one bag and put a few things around her area, as if to fully mark it, glad that she had made it to the room first, though she would be interested to see who her roommate would be. She sat on the edge of her bed, wondering what she would do the rest of the day. They had the whole day to explore campus and meet the other students, so maybe she would wait awhile and meet her roomie before going and wandering around.

Watching Bren explore the room happily, sometimes turning to look at her or circling her before going back around the room, Aubrey began to feel excited for this school year.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson
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Aslan Portegar

He ventured through the halls followed by Babur who yawned a lot which exposed his large fangs that could easily tear through armor so the other students bowed their head down respectfully. Aslan hated people like them, people who thought that just by showing Aslan that he was better then them without even fighting and thinking that he would think better of them. People like that were just scum to his eyes. People like them weren't worth his time.

Aslan slid his key into the door and opened the door only to find a simple, but not quite pale young girl with freckles sprinkling her face. She was observing her Bond, a griffin, who was flying around and exploring the not very large room. Aslan had once again been paired up with some good for nothing person who would probably be just like everyone else he came across, and not only that, she was younger than him too.
Great, so not only am I stuck with scum but I also have to babysit, Aslan complained to himself.

He set his large luggage on the bed the girl hadn't already commandeered with all of her affairs that had invaded half of the room. He didn't mind the girl spread out her belongings so she wouldn't feel homesick but it made Aslan remember how much of a family he didn't have. Because of that feeling he was already detesting the girl even though it wan't her fault so he decided that he wouldn't even say hello. . . unlike Babur.

"Hello, I'm Babur," the giant lion went to present himself kindly towards the girl and the griffin, "and don't mind the cranky blonde, he just hasn't been sleeping all that well."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson
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#, as written by Jeggy
When she heard the door open, Aubrey stood and turned apprehensively to see who could be walking in. Her blue-green eyes fell upon the face of Aslan Portegar, and for a moment held confusion. I didn't realize these dorms were co-ed… she thought, held tilted to one side. Bren returned to her side, eyeing the Lion, and she jumped just the tiniest bit when he spoke.

"Hello, I'm Babur, and don't mind the cranky blonde, he just hasn't been sleeping all that well. This made Aubrey smile, and she nodded pleasantly to Babur, then addressed both the boy tossing his bags almost frustratedly onto the second bed and his bonded with her own wary greeting.

"I'm Aubrey Mooreson, and this is Bren," she said, resting her hand on the griffon's feathered head. "Nice to meet you." she added after a moment, trying to ignore what looked like the beginnings of a scowl on Aslan's otherwise quite handsome face. She gratefully decided on not holding out a hand to shake, as he seemed to be more or less preoccupied.

She worried faintly if they wouldn't get along, but maybe he was just tired, like Babur suggested. However she wasn't going to be the one to try to start an awkward conversation, and if Aslan was cranky, she didn't want to provoke him. She sat back on her bed, bringing her legs up to cross. She glanced at Bren, making sure he wouldn't be poking around the other pair's belongings, and made a note to get him outside sooner rather than later. But would it be rude to leave now? Would Aslan, or more likely Babur want to chat? Aubrey bit her lip and picked up some papers, going over her schedule again and added some notes to keep herself momentarily busy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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Amalthea Oprah

She had almost started closing her eyes as she lied down against Sloan but then she heard the door to the dorm open and she stood up to go greet who ever came through it. WOW! Was her first reaction. He had amazing red hair and wore sunglasses which she wondered why he didn't remove them because they were indoors. She was about to walk over to him and shake his hand but a small red dragon sniffed her and Sloan who had also stood up to greet the new comers.

"Misfits, I suppose?" The little dragon said with an almost thundering voice.

"Please Forgive Matheus, he's just being really tiring"

Amalthea wasn't liking the Bond but was appreciating her roommate a little better. She stuck her tongue out at the dragon who left into the cave followed by Sloan who went to lie down once again and the dragon did the same. Amalthea turned her attention to the red haired boy who started taking out his stuff and she noticed his different pair of sunglasses which were really starting to intrigue her.
"What's your name?" The guy asked.

"I'm Amalthea Oprah, but you can call me Ama if you want," she answered quickly without losing sight of those sunglasses, "And who are you? Also, what is up with the sunglasses!"

Aslan Portegar

The girl presented herself normally which sort of made Aslan feel more comfortable. She was the first person today to now boy her head and not even say he name or a polite welcome to him. Maybe she wasn't all that bad but Aslan still felt like a babysitter.
"Well, I'm Aslan but I think you already know that," Aslan said after falling backwards onto his bed.

"You could at least say, nice to meet you Aubrey and Bren," Babur scolded him.

"Whatever, I'm tired remember," Aslan put his hands behind his head.

He didn't feel like unpacking, he didn't feel like moving, he didn't feel like doing anything as a matter of fact because he knew that sooner or later Sayer would come. Sayer, the boy who was supposedly his childhood friend even though they didn't like each other. Sayer the boy that doesn't have the guts to tell Aslan how much he dislikes him and instead pretends to enjoy being together with him all because his family willed them to get along.
Why was Aslan thinking about Sayer? He had another person in his room at the moment and Aslan hadn't seen Sayer ever since the morning ceremony. He shifted to his side on the bed and stared into the blue-green eyes of the small girl.
"So what ranking are you anyways?" He didn't really know what else to say and he felt like testing the girl to see if she would stick up for herself or crumble down in front of the all mighty Aslan Portegar.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jeggy
Aubrey held up a thin hand to cover a giggle as Aslan and Babur bickered. She decided she really liked Babur, and that she and Aslan might be able to get along well enough. She felt comfortable enough with them, and thought she notice Aslan relax a bit too, so she snapped her fingers on one hand softly to call Bren to her side and started to doodle across the papers in front of her to fill the quiet.

“So what ranking are you anyways?" The question came out of nowhere, and Aubrey looked up with slightly creased brows to see the older boy had propped himself up on his side. His clear blue eyes bore into her own and she felt annoyance match the slight challenge in his voice.

“Commoner, and what’s it to you?” she replied, chin set and voice carefully reserved. Was she supposed to find Mr. School President intimidating? Bren brought his beak together with a quietly hollow click, ruffling his feathers. Aubrey ignored him, steadily watching Aslan even after her pencil continued moving again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson
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Aslan Portegar

Commoner, and what’s it to you?

The girl had spark in her. On the outside she seemed quiet and reserved but there was no way a girl who would talk like that could possibly be quiet and Aslan knew exactly what he wanted to do with her. He liked people who were honest about what they thought and who weren't afraid of talking back at Aslan (without too much talking back because he was a Blue Blood and needed to be respected).
"I just wanted to see your answer," he smiled at her as she kept on writing or drawing or whatever she was doing, "I don't get it, you act quiet and shy but you're not afraid to talk to me normally and you seem confident when you talk. So what are you? Shy or confident?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jeggy
"I just wanted to see your answer." Aubrey would be the first to admit that she was surprised to see Aslan smile, but she had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at his reply. "I don't get it, you act quiet and shy but you're not afraid to talk to me normally and you seem confident when you talk. So what are you? Shy or confident?" Now her pencil slowed as she considered an answer to such a question, and her braids slid across her back as her head tilted, as she often did in thought. 'Why, I'm Aubrey Mooreson,' she could say with a shrug and a wink. But no, she decided, that would be teasing.

"I'm confident that I know when and when not to talk," she responded after a moment. It didn't surprise her that Aslan, like so many others, mistook quietness for shyness. Yes, Aubrey was definitely on the introvert side, and she had been a little overwhelmed when she first came to the school, but she was sure of herself and even if not, Bren was always there. Bren, who seemed to have finally bored himself to sleep beside her. She gave him a pat and got up, walking over to her desk where she had already set out her sharpener and such supplies, and twisted her pencil meticulously. It always annoyed her when the end snapped off just as it was getting nicely sharp.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadia, Olivia, and Lara Wiles Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch Character Portrait: Girardo Beyk
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Aslan Portegar

Aubrey seemed to take her time in finding the answer to Aslan's question but her answer bewildered Aslan, "I'm confident that I know when and when not to talk."

For a moment, Aslan said nothing while Bren walked around on Aubrey desk and then he suddenly burst into laughter which even surprised Babur. He laughed for a while going on and off with outbursts until finally he had to wipe the tears from his eyes and stop smiling because he jaw was hurting. It had been a long time since the last time he had laughed.
"You are really something, you know that?" Aslan said still giggling a little, "Well I hope that you will feel confident enough to know that with me you can talk whenever you want."

For the first time in several years, Aslan felt like he could actually have a friend. Not a friend like Sayer (who basically was like a puupy and a babysitter put together) but a real friend that would point out Aslan's flaws and enjoy his presence, not because he was rich and respected, but because he was Aslan. The simple, fighting, blond haired, blue eyed boy.

Amalthea Oprah

What. A. Smile. Ama was fascinated by the brilliant grin the red haired girl had put on her face.

I thought you had a crush on the Edryk boy? Sloan said telepathically.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can check other people out!" Ama had said that a bit too loudly and with a very red face.

When Girardo said that he needed to speak with Arcadia about the Student Council in private Amalthea did not refuse, she had just embarrassed herself in front of a, face it, sexy chick and very attractive guy. She just exited the room and walked through the halls of the dorms with her head down trying to get rid of the tomato red cheeks of hers. All of the dorms were bustling with friends talking to each other, girls showing their clothes and boys doign these really complicated handshakes that Ama never understood.
There seemed to be one dorm, Room A that was empty and with an open door. She peeked inside and saw that it was practically identical to her room but there was a black haired boy sitting on one of the beds it was only when she saw his face that she spontaneously yelled, "Dear lord! Sh** F*** Mother of sewer rats!"
Now she would never get away unnoticed.

"Nice going Sherlock," Sloan had a hint of despair in his voice. . . anyone would understand why. Amalthea was a desperate case.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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0.00 INK

Amalthea Oprah

She realized that she had woken him up which made her feel even worse and she face palmed but then he asked for her name, "Um. . . I'm Amalthea Oprah but you can call me Ama if you want, I mean if you don't I understand because getting too close is just --"

"Shut up," Sloan made the best suggestion yet.

"Yeah I'll just shut up now."

When Edryk passed her a drink she flushed and her hands started to shake so she mentally told herself to stop being such a freak and just drink already but then he put on some music and that was just he weakest point. She loved to sing and she knew the words to almost every song, it was an addiction. . . singing. But she couldn't do it in front of Edryk he would think she was ridiculous so she bit her lip.
"Nice. . . Pen?" Ama wanted to forget abotu singing and try to make conversation but Edryk had completely zoned out and stared into empty space.

Once he stopped zoning out, Ama saw a pained expression on his face and she almost wanted to hug him but instead she said, "You want to talk about it? I heard that saying what is on your mind helps."

Aslan Portegar

He heard a knock on the door and he knew exactly who it was so he signed knowing that his short pleasant time with Aubrey was over. His 'Nana' had arrived.
"Yeah yeah, come in Sayer," Aslan said viciously.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jeggy
As Aslan burst into laughter, Aubrey turned around and leaned against the desk, the pencil now still in her hands as she watched the boy’s shoulders shake with chuckles until tears squeezed themselves out of his eyes. To tell the truth, the laughter was contagious, but Aubrey set her mouth in a straight line. She still couldn’t tell if he was laughing at her or with her, and was wondering if he would even stop because it was a little awkward to just stand there and watch even the surprised Babur, until he wiped at his eyes and finally spoke again.

"You are really something, you know that?" Despite the sincerity, Aubrey almost chuckled herself and did raise her eyebrows. She wasn’t used to such compliments, but she supposed she did know that because her parents had said so a few times over the years, but you know what they say about a mother’s love. "Well I hope that you will feel confident enough to know that with me you can talk whenever you want."

This really did make her smile, and she didn’t hold it back. “Thank you, and you should feel confident with me as well,” she agreed, still smiling. It was such a relief to know that she would get along well with Aslan. But their enjoyable moment would have to be short lived, because a knock came on the door. Aubrey started, about to cross the room and open it, but then Aslan spoke with such a different tone the she was stunned for a split second into just staying put. She turned her curious gaze to the door, wondering how this Sayer could bring such spite out of her new friend.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Damien Steen Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond Character Portrait: Wren Braillian
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wild1

" Now if you touch him and I will personally eat you Tally, you wouldn't be much of asnack anyways but still enjoyable no offense Wrett or whatever your name is"
Damien's bond Vone spoke in a deep ruble of a voice.

Tally hissed at the water monster, "Oh you are very wrong little thing very very very wrong." Wren's eyes widened and she quickly placed Tally back behind her ear. She chuckled a bit hoping her nerves didn't show , "She has a small complex, she believes she huge and dangerous. She's uh, really just a small talking garden snake."

Wren smiled awkwardly, curse Tally and her big mouth. "Well this isn't really getting off on the right start is it? ""

Wren laughed, this time it was a genuine one,"Oh, murderous bonds aside it's fine. At least your not some stuck up blue blood snob who hates my guts..." Wren pause, realizing her mistake and sighing, "Unless of course you are a blue blood in which case I'm screwed..."


"Yeah yeah, come in Sayer," Aslan said from inside the room. Sayer smiled at the malice in Aslan's voice, there was no doubt the guy hated him just as much as Sayer hated Aslan. It almost made Sayer smile.

After a deep breadth Sayer entered the room, being careful to close the door slowly so it wouldn't slam shut. He turned to discover he was facing a girl who was presumably Aslan's room mate. If not, well, it wouldn't come as too much of a surprise to him.

He nodded politely to the girl, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Sayer."

Looking over her head towards Aslan, in the most polite tone he could manage, "I suppose you'd like me to unpack your stuff...?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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Amalthea Oprah

(( it's okay Fruity ^^ I totally understand what you mean ;) ))

Apparently, Ama was really cheering him up and she didn't know why but she also felt that he was making her day. Maybe it was because he was blessing her day with his beautiful presence. Then Edryk took off his shirt and she saw his torso full front.
HOT! Hot, sexy, lovely presence! Ama rectified herself as she turned completely red and I swear, smoke was puffing out of her ears.

When Edryk bent down to grab another shirt she saw his scar going down his back. It was huge and it seemed to painful that instinctively Ama stood up and kissed his back like she would always kiss wherever Sloan got hurt. For a second she didn't realize what she did she just kissed his back and then smiled at him and said, "There you go, all better now."
. . . Then, reality came back and slapped her on the face, "Oh Sh** F*** Motheof sewer rats! I am so sorry! I just, I'm used to doing that when Sloan gets hurt! I am so sorry! Gosh I am such a moron!"

Edryk just put his shirt on and looked at Amalthea and said, "So are we gonna go have some fun?"

Great, now he must think I'm a freak that kissed random wounds, Amalthea thought to herself.

You sort of are, Sloan laughed at her.

Oh, you shut up!

Aslan Portegar

Aslan had turned back onto the flat of his back to stare up at the ceiling, the last thing he wanted was for Aubrey to see his fighting or arguing with Sayer and the only thing he could do to avoid that was to not see Sayer's face.

"I suppose you'd like me to unpack your stuff...?" Sayer proposed.

"Do what you want," Aslan hadn't planned on unpacking and he was forcing no one to do it for him because. . . well, let's just say that his clothing weren't folded and his belongings were in a mess.
Then Aslan decided that he would maybe introduce Aubrey to Sayer, who knows, maybe they would hit it off and be friends. Maybe they would talk about him behind his back and then he would realize that they really weren't his friends. In any case, he had forgotten what it was like to have friends in the first place.

"Sayer, this is my roommate Aubrey Mooreson and her Bond Bren," he gestured toward the cute little girl who was still standing near the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jeggy
Did Sayer really just offer to unpack for Aslan? And did he just accept it? Aubrey thought, bewildered, glancing back and forth between the boys. Sayer obviously wasn't of that a low rank to do such actions for the blue blood, so Aubrey made a note to ask Aslan about the exchange later. Another glance at the blonde staring intently at the ceiling, and she switched that to Babur.

"Sayer, this is my roommate Aubrey Mooreson and her Bond Bren," Aslan said in way of introduction. Aubrey met Sayer's soft brown eyes with a nod and a 'hello'. Hearing his name, the griffin lifted his head and looked around the room. He got of the bed and stretched, walking over to butt his head into Aubrey's hip. He would need to get outside sooner rather than later at this point, and Aubrey would like to get a look at the campus as well. This was their day to do it, after all. She knew Aslan was certainly not a newcomer to the school and Sayer didn't seem it either, but still she spoke up to ask,

"I'd like to take a walk around the campus, if either of you would like to join Bren and I." She could practically feel the thickness in the air and wondered why Sayer even stopped by, but fresh air will always do one good, especially on a day like this she noted, looking out the window. Bren saw the gesture and scratched lightly at the floor with a front talon. Aubrey walked over to her bed to reach her backpack, and tossed Bren a treat while watching the boys for an answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wild1
"I'd like to take a walk around the campus, if either of you would like to join Bren and I."
Xanthus had watched the entire thing placidly, silently waiting for Sayer to put him in the spotlight. Unfortunately that wasn't happening quick enough, and things between the humans were getting tenser by the minute. So Xanthus did what he was best at and pranced out into the center of the room before striking what he deemed was an attractive pose.

Sayer smiled, his mood lifted by his goofy mate,"I'd enjoy that, and you should know that the horse posing in front of you is Xanthus..." Sayer trailed off as Xanthus stuck his head in Aubrey's face.

Xanthus said in his disproportionately childlike voice, "Aubrey! It's a pleasure to meet you, and a pleasure to meet me! Now," Xanthus turned away from Aubrey, his eyes alight with joy, "Babur!!!" And Sayer was back to scowling... why oh why did that infernal creature lack the ability to detest anyone who was actually worth detesting?

As Xanthus pranced over to Babur Sayer said to Audrey in a serious tone, "I apolagize on behalf of him."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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Amalthea Oprah

"That kiss felt really good,you must be a good kisser. Oh and don't worry,your not a freak...just shy. Well I don't wanna lose you already."

With all of those praises all at the same time, Ama had become bright red or maybe totally white because she was feeling embarrassed but also thoroughly happy. Edryk's bond kept on talking about sushi so Ama winked at the dragon and said, "Do not worry my friend, I am dying to eat some sushi too, so how about we go by the cafeteria first and ask if they have any?"

When Edryk grabbed her hand she didn't even know what to do except respond to what he said earlier, "No one has ever told me that I was shy before so thank you. . . I guess, and you would be surprised how good of a kisser I am! I wouldn't never want to let go of your hand, not for anything in the world."

As those words flew out of her mouth, instead of feeling stupid and embarrassed she actually felt really good and knew that she could talk to him even though she had a major crush on him and that every word through his lips was a gift and every touch was a blooming flower on her skin. She wanted to know more about him, she wanted to be his best friend and his lover.

Aslan Portegar

Aslan hadn't moved from his face towards the ceiling position until Aubey proposed a nice walk around the school. He knew tha school well and had been dying to give her a tour but then Sayer spoke first and said that he would like to accompany her. There was no way in hell Aslan would walk with Sayer so he went back to frowning at the non-expressive ceiling. Sure Aslan was dying to punch Sayer on the nose then knock him out with an elbow blow behind his neck but he didn't want to show Aubrey his violent side that he could barely control so instead he sourly said, "Do what ever you want."

Babur on the other was over joyed to see Xanthus and he gave the horse a large hug keeping his sword-like claws inside of his furry paws, "Xanthus!!!"

It was amazing how a horse and a lion could get along so well and on top of that be the Bonds of two people who hated each other's guts.

Just when is Sayer going to be honest? Aslan sighed with more anger than despair.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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#, as written by Jeggy
Before either boy answered her invitation, a dark stallion pranced into the room, posing eagerly.

"I'd enjoy that, and you should know that the horse posing in front of you is Xanthus..." Aubrey nodded in reply to Sayer, watching the charismatic horse. She was glad she would have some company, but before she could ask Aslan again if he would come, Xanthus trotted up right to her and stuck his long, eager face right in front of hers.

"Aubrey! It's a pleasure to meet you, and a pleasure to meet me! His youthful voice cracked an upwards tilt to the edges of her lips.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Xanthus!” she got in before he ran over to Babur, which surprised her into raising her eyebrows as Babur gave Xanthus a similarly excited greeting. Both bonds obviously loved other people, but it struck her as odd that the two of them were so compatible, considering their human counterparts. She shook her head slightly, turning to Sayer as he leaned closer to apologize.

"I apologize on behalf of him." Aubrey, watching the huge lion wrap his paws around the horse, just shook her head. She knew how excited Bren could get sometimes. Speaking of whom, a certain griffin was now feeling left out and jumped off her bed and walked over to the other bonds, circling them while flicking his tail. She kept her eye on him, until Aslan spoke up, surly.

"Do whatever you want." Aubrey frowned, but she probably should have seen it coming. She mentally shrugged it off; she’d have plenty of time to talk with him later, I mean, they were living together.

She started walking to the door, now itching to get outside, as well as three bonds were taking up quite a bit of room and it was feeling crowded. The intercom came on, and she brightened a little. “Aslan, maybe afterwards we could meet for lunch, then?”

She turned and snapped her fingers, and Bren reluctantly broke away from the little party and stood at her hip, looking up, head cocked. She smiled at him, and he knew he was finally going to go out. He chirped and took off into the hall. Bren couldn’t talk like some bonds could, but they were so close they easily understood each other. Aubrey looked back at Sayer before following him out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Berach Vulian Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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Amalthea Oprah

Edryk had quickly dragged her to the cafeteria and the whole way she couldn't help but smile while Sloan easily ran next to them without a problem but also mocking her.

If you stay smiling like that too long your face will never show a different expression again, Sloan said telepathically.

It's not true, Amalthea answered.

No shit, Sherlock!

Keep digging, Watson.

Amalthea laughed internally, it had been a long time since the last time Ama had responded to Sloan with his Sherlock and Watson pair jokes. Before, when they were younger and Ama was sad, Sloan would call her Sherlock and she would be Watson, apparently it was a pair of spy men that solved mysteries together back on planet Earth. So together they would act like spies. . . but she grew out of it now.

When it was her time to order she looked at Sloan and said, "One maki and one sashimi sushi plate for the big boy," she pointed at Sloan and then said, "and four pounds of dear meat for myself."
The Sloan and Ama laughed then she waved her hand telling the chef not to worry, "I'm just kiddin', just the sushi please."

"I'm going hunting," Sloan said then left the cafeteria into better hunting grounds where he would probably nap a bit as well.

Aslan Portegar

Aslan turned his back to Sayer and Aubrey so that he wouldn't be tempted to leave with them and then start a fight, plus he knew exactly who would be at the cafeteria, Berach Vulian. . . If that teacher was there, which he would be, and Aslan went in with Sayer, aslan would even be able to poke Sayer without having Sulimon, Berach's Bond, chewing down on his arm.

"Babur, you can go with them, I'm just going to stay here," he said it coldly so that Aubrey would leave quickly and he could cool down his head and maybe finally decide to clean up with stuff.

Babur went over to Aslan so that he could be patted on the head and he said, "I'll bring you back some deer."

"Thanks, man," of course, Babur wouldn't do that but he would go for a hunt to get his own meal.

So Babur decided to go with Aubrey and Xanthus to the cafeteria and accompany them but also because there was no way the lion could possibly stay in the room while it was such a sunny day out. Aslan wasn't planning on staying in the room either, just a little and then he would go outside.

Berach Vulian

"Lunch, boy do I enjoy lunch time," Berach was making his way to the caferteria from the teachers dorms where he had already placed his luggage and visited his room.

It was the same room as last hear with branches all around for Sulimon to climb around and a cactus bed for Sulimon to sleep on. But that wasn't the best part of the room, what Berach truly enjoyed in his dorm was the king sized bed with a very fluffy mattress that made him feel like he was sleeping on a cloud. But he had to earn that room and one of the ways was watching over the students in the cafeteria.

Actually, he wasn't forced to survey them but he sort of liked taking out pretentious kids who started meaningless fights and get them straightened out. Mostly Aslan! He was such a troublesome kid, he couldn't even count the number of time Sulimon and himself had to straighten him out.

The other teachers would sometimes come too, just to talk tot he students or for the students to come and talk to them and ask questions. Since class was only starting tomorrow it was a good time for the teachers to get to know students so that they wouldn't end up looking down at their attendance list to find out the name of a kid. . . which was a very common sight with Berach.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Berach Vulian Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch Character Portrait: Girardo Beyk
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Amalthea Oprah

"Don't worry babe. . . I was just resting and I'm sure after this I'll take you out on a date."

"Resting my ass! And don't you dare say that you'll take me out on a date because before all of that you have to tell me what's going on!" She scolded him and she felt bad but she knew that it had to be done, yet she held tightly onto his hand, "Explain yourself!"

She sat down on the edge of his bed and wiped away her tears messily and also did some very non-lady-like sniffing to get her boogers up her nose instead of leaking out. She was happy to see him smile and laugh with Girardo, apparently they seemed to be friends, probably childhood friends because they both were Blue Bloods.

Berach Vulian

The kid left with his bond so Berach just stood there, "Damn kid, did he purposely make me talk to myself?"

Doubtful, Sulimon answered telepathically.

Aslan Portegar

He didn't stay long in his room, he went to the basketball indoor court and got a ball then started to shoot hoops. He had been playing for such a long time so he practically never missed the hoop. There wasn't much else he could do to calm down but if some guy came around and started to get cocky then Aslan would solve his anger the way he always did, a nice fight.

"Hey Xanthus," Babur followed behind Aubrey and Sayer, "Do you want to go to the woods, I'm going to hunt a meal but then we can chase after squirrels if you want and you can find a patch of grass."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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#, as written by Wild1

Sayer followed Aubrey out of the room only slightly reluctantly. On the one hand, he was supposed to be on Aslan suck up duty... On the other hand, going on a walk would be a lot more fun... Surely his parents wouldn't get made at him for one minor transgression...

Lost in his thoughts as he was Sayer failed to notice that he was completely neglecting Aubery and creating what she might think was an awkward tension. So, as xanthus pranced happily along beside him, Sayer asked, "So, are you excited for the new school year?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond
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#, as written by Jeggy
They passed through the halls, Aubrey gazing all around with curious eyes and Bren at her hip. So big! And so nice! She ruffled Bren's head and he clucked, shaking it playfully. He, too, was excited.

Watching out of windows, she spied a grassy, courtyardish area with other kids milling about. Aubrey stretched her neck to peer out at it at each window they passed, aiming to find a doorway out when Sayer spoke again.

"So, are you excited for the new school year?"

Aubrey still was looking all around, and nodded. "Tyrillia is a lovely facility, and it's cool to be with so many other people my age with so many different types of bonds." She paused a moment, and when she continued it was with a hint of nervousness which she attempted to cover with a light voice. "But it is a bit intimidating being so big, and again, so many people." Aubrey turned her face up to his, which was a bit of a ways. "How do you like it? This isn't your first year, I'm guessing."