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Wren Braillian

"We could do our schoolwork... or we could go surfing on the roof!"

0 · 338 views · located in Tyrillia Academy

a character in “Tyrillia Academy”, originally authored by Wild1, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name:: Wren Braillian 
Theme Song:: Who says -Demi levato
Gender:: Female
Age:: 15
Rank:: commoner
Sexuality:: straight 

Appearance:: Wren falls into the "petit" category. She stands at at a whopping 5 feet, and is way past her growth spurt. Wren has large green eyes which seem to shine with their own light. She has long wild brown hair. Usually there's a few flowers tangled up in Wren's hair. In terms of clothing Wren is a big believer in lots of colors and layers. The more the merrier is her apparent motto. 

Personality::  Wren is a daredevil who loves to take risks. She seems to go out looking for trouble sometimes, as her tendency to ignore rules gets her in trouble so often. Wren loves people and is extremely friendly. She has a glass is half full personality and always tries to keep a smile on her face. 
However, Wrens smile does slip sometimes, especially when she's angry. Wren has a short temper that comes out when people insult her friends or beliefs. She's surprisingly willing to get into a fight for someone so small. The fights she's lost greatly outnumber those that she's won.

+ adventure
+ sunny days
+ chocolate chip cookies

-the color black
- fire
- Vegetables

Fears:: She'd never admit it, but Ren is really afraid of fire. 

Relationship:: Wren has had a couple of flirtatious relationships in the past,  but nothing that got past kissing and handholding, and certainly nothing that lasted. She has a bit of a crush on Erath Potane, but she would never willingly admit to it.

Skills:: Wren is pretty adept at climbing and at swimming.

Clubs:: Swimming & Choir



Name of Bond:: Tally
Race of Bond:: Leviathan, but she pretends it's just a talking mini snake. The only person who knows what it is is her older sister.

Personality of Bond::
Tally has a dark humor, and can come across as mean or even evil. She stays small because she's loyal to Wren, but she's always encouraging her to let Tally change and "crush those who believe they are better than the lower class"

Skills of Bond:: Tally can change shapes between a giant sea dragon and a very small snake. In snake form pretty much all Tally can do is talk and slither. In sea dragon form she's fearsome standing at about 15 feet tall with a wing span of 
25 feet. The scales on her back are nearly impenetrable but her stomach is soft and vulnerable. Tally has gills and lungs, and instead of fire breathes jets of water.  After she switches from one form tithe other Tally has to wait an hour before she can change back.

Wren was born to a family of commoners who are at the bottom of the totem pole.  When she found out that her talking snake bond was actually a leviathan she was incredibly excited.  She went to show her older sister. 

Her older sister told her never to show anyone because people might try and take Tally away. Wren's sister was fully aware that this wasn't really true, but she was jealous and preferred people to think her sister's bond was just a talking snake. However recently Wrens sister moved out and without her Wren is having a hard time keeping  a hold on her desire to show off Tally.

Mom- Bryn Braillian

Dad- Dean Braillian

Sister- Milly Braillian 

Other:: Tally considers roofs a perfectly acceptable place to hang out and do things like surf with kitchen trays. 

So begins...

Wren Braillian's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond Character Portrait: Wren Braillian
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#, as written by Wild1
Sayer Redmond

It was good to be back. While the idyllic days of summer were nice for a week or so Sayer had quickly grown bored of the relaxed pace. He had quickly driven himself to near insanity trying to find activities that would fill up his time. So while the majority of the student council went onto the stage with dark circles under their eyes and forced smiles Sayer went onto stage in a mood that was positively cheery. Even the fact that some bozo had yet again decided that Aslan was the perfect fit for student body president couldn't dampen his mood by too much. But, such was fate, and truth be told Aslan was pretty decent when it came to speeches. As the ceremony on stage came to an end Sayer quietly moved off the stage and into the crowd that was by no means "orderly."

Moving slowly and calmly through the sea of stampeding students he patiently waited his turn until he received his dorm assignment and key. As he walked down the hallway, moving carefully out of the way of a girl who'd decided that sprinting in zig zags was the best way to reach her destination, Sayer carefully went through his mental checklist. His bond Xanthus was by his side (frolicking with people that passed him by in the hall,) his luggage was all in order, he had his schedule tucked carefully into his pocket, and his room key was in hand. As Sayer reached this point in the checklist he looked up and discovered that he had reached his destination.

Wren Braillian

Good grief speeches were boring, Wren thought to her self as she stared up at the ceiling. She clicked her tongue against her teeth, blatantly ignoring whatever it was that Aslan was saying. Wren zoned back into reality when everyone started to rush towards the doors of the auditorium, jostling her in the process.
"What did I miss?" Ren asked the small snake curled around her ear.
If snakes could roll their eyes then tally would have as she replied, "Basically you have to go outside of the auditorium, show your documents to some teachers, and grab the key to your dorm."
Wren nodded, looking around at the crowd before her. It could take ages to make any progress in the direction of the doors. There was no way she was going to try making it through that crowd. She stood at elbow height and would probably end up getting a black eye within the first few minutes. Ignoring the strange looks of fellow students Wren climbed up on top of her seat. From their she made her way to the doors of the auditorium, precariously perching herself on the top of each seat before striding on to the next.

When she jumped down near the doors she gave an award winning smile to the other students who were looking at her in the same way they would regard a fish who had decided it would prefer to live on land. Moving into the hallways she made a beeline for the shortest line to receive her room key. Unfortunately for that turned out to be the shortest line because it was the wrong line. After waiting an extra twenty minutes Ren was scowling when she finally received her room Key. Now she was in trouble, no doubt her room mate would reach the room before her and snag the best bed. Well, that wasn't going to happen. So Wren took off at break neck speed, zig zagging across the hallway towards her room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Steen Character Portrait: Wren Braillian
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#, as written by Wild1

Upon reaching the room first Wren had beamed. She got first pick of the bed and settled in with a smile.
"Welll, I approve. The water entrance is a nice touch, I might make use of that in the future..." Tally hissed near her ear. Wren grinned, "Sounds like a plan, I didn't know mini snakes enjoyed swimming."
Tally hissed, "You're fifteen Wren. it is time you showed you're strengths. let me grow and I will crush those who should bow before-"

Tally was cut off when a guy entered the room, "Hullo, am Damien." Wren took the guys hand and shook it aggressively before replying, "Pleasure to meet you I'm Wren." Wren was a little taken back that her roommate was a guy. But hey, she wasn't about to complain to the headmaster. Chances were she'd have enough trouble with the headmaster without complaining about her room mate.

During all of this Wren was smiling and ignoring Tally as she whispered in Wren's ear, "A BOY!!!! How dare the school board do this! He shall suffer! Let me kill him! I will tear his head from his shoulders and drink the marrow from his bones! I will turn his skin into parchment and then..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Damien Steen Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond Character Portrait: Wren Braillian
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#, as written by Wild1

"Wow... strong grip you got there." Damien said, shaking out his hand. Wren winced a bit, "Sorry, I and be a little uh, over exuberant."

As Tally vocally considerd how much water it would take to drown Damien Wren heard him say, "Your not killing anyone." Wren looked over and realized that he wasn't talking to Tally, he was talking to his own bond. A grin broke out across her face, "Your bond wants to kill me? That's awesome!"

Realizing how weird that had sounded she took a moment to rephrase, "What I mean is, it makes this alot less awkward 'cause my bond wants to kill you too."
Reaching behind her ear she pulled out the tiny snake wrapped around it that was Tally. Holding out her finger with the serpent perched on top of it she made the introductions, "Damien this is Tally she wants to, and I quote, "Drink the the marrow from your bones." "

Tally hissed at her bonded, "Your nefarious meddling in my plans is not appreciated Wren. Damien, it's not a pleasure to meet you."


Sayer sighed and knocked on Aslan's door again.

[ooc: hint hint, nudge nudge]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Aubrey Mooreson Character Portrait: Damien Steen Character Portrait: Sayer Redmond Character Portrait: Wren Braillian
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#, as written by Wild1

" Now if you touch him and I will personally eat you Tally, you wouldn't be much of asnack anyways but still enjoyable no offense Wrett or whatever your name is"
Damien's bond Vone spoke in a deep ruble of a voice.

Tally hissed at the water monster, "Oh you are very wrong little thing very very very wrong." Wren's eyes widened and she quickly placed Tally back behind her ear. She chuckled a bit hoping her nerves didn't show , "She has a small complex, she believes she huge and dangerous. She's uh, really just a small talking garden snake."

Wren smiled awkwardly, curse Tally and her big mouth. "Well this isn't really getting off on the right start is it? ""

Wren laughed, this time it was a genuine one,"Oh, murderous bonds aside it's fine. At least your not some stuck up blue blood snob who hates my guts..." Wren pause, realizing her mistake and sighing, "Unless of course you are a blue blood in which case I'm screwed..."


"Yeah yeah, come in Sayer," Aslan said from inside the room. Sayer smiled at the malice in Aslan's voice, there was no doubt the guy hated him just as much as Sayer hated Aslan. It almost made Sayer smile.

After a deep breadth Sayer entered the room, being careful to close the door slowly so it wouldn't slam shut. He turned to discover he was facing a girl who was presumably Aslan's room mate. If not, well, it wouldn't come as too much of a surprise to him.

He nodded politely to the girl, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Sayer."

Looking over her head towards Aslan, in the most polite tone he could manage, "I suppose you'd like me to unpack your stuff...?"