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Zoey Ani Waya

"I do what I must"

0 · 345 views · located in USA Midwest

a character in “Undead Apocalypse”, as played by Love me Not


Zoey Ani-Waya

Sex: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5'8'
Weight: 146 lbs
Race: Native American
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
Tattoo: Two tribal arm band tattoos on her right bicep.

Physical Description:
Zoey wears clothes that she finds or that is given to her, so she typically doesn't care about how she looks as long as her body is covered. Zoey being of Cherokee decent has a prominent profile, a long nose and strong features and dark complected. She has been told that she's pretty but she doesn't really see it and doesn't think it's a priority when you trying to survive is such a harsh world. She is strong, and muscular but not enough to loose her femininity.

Zoey is typically very quiet and reserved with a good head on her shoulders, she very rarely acts before thinking and doesn't like to go off half cocked. She has a soft spot for children and tries her best to help anyone who she is capable of helping. Zoey is very intelligent even though she didn't really get proper school training; but what she is lacking in schooling she makes up for in common sense and survival skills.

Glock 17

❂Water purification tablets
❂Water bottle
❂Sleeping bag
❂Fire starter kit
❂Pup tent

Zoey grew up quickly in the mountain country; after the outbreak her family and many others that lived on the reservation moved up into the mountains in hopes avoiding the Zombies. It didn't work Zoey and her family and friends found themselves running every chance they got and the Zombies always on their tails. Living in a world like this you learn how to shoot a gun fast, Zoey is a good shot and was put in with the group that kept watch most of the time. Still even with her talent; she lost her whole family, mother, father, brothers eventually Zoey went off into the deserts and hills on her own. With only conventional weapons Zoey isn't much coming up against a Zombies but she's quicker and can move around crevices and cave allot faster than them. She just hopes that she can live another day.

So begins...

Zoey Ani Waya's Story


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Character Portrait: Zoey Ani Waya
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Zoey had be skirting just outside of town for the past three days, but she was running low on supplies that meant she had to enter the danger zone. Most of the dead lurked, there was no gain fro them to come out in the wastes becuase their food source typically stayed away from it. But not Zoey she grew up with hardly nothing, so being out in nothing was normal for her. Just as she entered the town she already heard shots being fired. Zoey sighed, that meant that where living people in the town, and they were stirring the dead up shooting like an idiot. She tried to stay in the alleys, instead of down the main road thats when she saw a grocery store. "Perfect" she said to herself and headed in that direction, thats when she turned a corner and saw movement in a car. It was crashed into a building, Zoey took cover so she could observe the situation before heading in that direction. It was possible that it was a dead stuck in the car, but seeing as the intelligence of a dead was very lacking it was possible that it wasn't as well.

Zoey decided that the prize of possible food was worth the risk of going through this path to the grocery store. She pulled out her gun from the holster on her thigh and crouched done moving with stealth in the direction of the crashed car. Thats when she heard, a radio coming form the car the voice coming from it was choppy. The movement in the car stopped and then Zoey observed the being in the car respond, Great, I only just found out someones alive and I'm already being asked to do a favour,"..."Tell me where you are, and I'll be there... . Well whoever they were, they weren't a dead because they were talking and responding coherently to the radio. She she let her guard down only slightly and stood up straight, but not putting away her gun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katchinah Dwam Character Portrait: Zoey Ani Waya
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Hnnnnggg neeenggnegggh!

The engine of the little BMW roared as the gas was twisted. For a larger cycle, the old-timer held up just fine, and had plenty of 'Umph' behind the handle. Little Katchinah tried to keep herself from grinning, but every time she hear the machine's roar, it reminded her; her daring escape from the bandits that had captured her. How she'd foiled them....

At least in her mind. Really, she kneed a guy in the nads, and left him in the dirt.

The young girl adjusted the goggles protecting her eyes, which were on the road ahead. She had to swerve in and out of the piled up traffic, which was a little harder with the sidecar attached to her motorcycle, but she managed. Not that she would admit it, but she glad that the motorcycle had a sidecar, which made it drastically easier for her. She had been on the road for a long time now, and she was very comfortable with the vehicle. It almost made her sad that she knew the would inevitably have to ditch it. She'd actually grown quite attached to it. The bike could crash through zombies, and could carry four people, although doing so was far from safe.

Katchinah looked up at the road, seeing the dulled greenish sign. While she knew civilization meant zombies, it also possibly meant survivors. And it most certainly meant cars.... and cars had gas in which she could siphon.She wanted to make the stuff in her blitz cans last as long as she could. The Apache girl would feel around her body, making sure that 'Plastic Peacemaker' was on her hip. The last thing she wanted to do was go into a hostile zone completely unprepared. She revved the engine again, and sped up, hastening towards the town.

The sun beat down on the indian as she encroached the outer borders of town, seeing the ruins of buildings; it was a small town - nothing huge, but it would have basic amenities. She debated simply rolling through the town on her 'chopper', but, it would only attract zombies... and waste her precious liquid gold. But she couldn't park it... someone could just as easily stop and loot it. And she needed every bit of supplies she had. After a short debate on which would be worse situation, the indian girl decided to find somewhere and park secluded. She drove a small way into the town, before looking around rolling at a meek ten miles an hour, just looking for a place to park. With a sigh, she finally decided a small alleyway. The L' shaped bend would make sure she had at least two exits. She pulled into the secluded Alley, and kicked the stand down on her bike. Twisting the key, the engine finally died, leaving her to dwell in the blatant silence....

It was unnerving...

Scary, almost....

After a few seconds of peace, finally Katchinah dismounted her bike, picking up the sawn-off shotgun she kept in the sidecar, and picking up her pilfered war club. Her knife was firmly planted in her boot. She tucked the club next to her glock's holster, pushing it into her belt. With a soft sigh, she peered out onto the street. She was quite surprised- no Zombies had come out of the woodwork to examine the sound of her motorcycle. And she heard why; A loud clap of thunder echoed through the sky. Nay, not the thunder that comes with rain, but the ballistic percussion of a large caliber handgun. The thudding of the rounds filled the sky, and hope filled Katchinah's heart. Guns meant people. Perhaps a caravan. Perhaps HER caravan! After all, the leader did carry a Colt Anaconda! She looked both ways out into the street, before cutting across it, and into another alleyway.

With the double-barrel in hand, Katchinah was careful, and jumped lightly if anything moved. She could feel herself getting jumpier... and taking more precautions. Her ears were fully alert, and her green eyes took in all they could. She rolled her feet as she moved through the alleyway, her boots clapping lightly. She carefully rounded a corner, seeing a woman standing, looking out into the street. She couldn't tell exactly what she was doing - something she was sure, but she couldn't tell. She could tell that she was no zombie, by the way she was standing up straight, in a distinct stance. Katchinah jerked her body back around the corner, leaving only her head poking around the corner. She wanted to call out to the woman, but instead, retained silence. She just watched, curiously... wondering what she was doing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Krad Xavier James Character Portrait: Zoey Ani Waya
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"...I'm trapped inside the city's grocery store..."

"Huh, clever, close to food and shelter. But maybe it's not such a good idea when there's most likely zombies everywhere there..."

"...The dead are swarming outside..."

"Yup, there we go, I guess I better-" Krad's thoughts were interrrupted by the sound of movement outside.
He froze for a moment, before kicking open the car door and turning to face his opponent.

What he saw was not what he expected.

Standing in front of him, was a human. Not dead, not a zombie. A normal, female, human. "And she has a gun..."

"Hello...." Krad said, cautiously, "I would appreciate it if you didn't shoot me, there's already too many of the dead around here..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Krad Xavier James Character Portrait: Zoey Ani Waya
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Zoey nodded and breathed a sigh of relief as she put her gun back in the holster on her thigh, "Sorry I wasn't sure whether you were friendly or not, even the living can be dangerous at times.

She looked in the direction of the grocery store she had seen before, "I had though about going to that store to see if I could find supplies but... after what you wayward friend said over the radio I'm not so sure I want to do that now". She turned in the direction she came, "Funny I have a feeling like I'm being watched, either way I'm getting out of the open". There were buildings all around that had the potential to provide shelter, food and water, she she decided to head for the closest thing that looked promising.

There was an old gas station just a few yards away, with a convenient store, "Hey I'm about the head over to that gas station maybe I can find some decent supplies in there. Your free to follow me if you like or go on it's up to you, and it really doesn't matter to me. Frankly it would be nice to talk to someone other then myself for once. Either way the choice is yours, I'd be willing to split anything I find with you" she said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Krad Xavier James Character Portrait: Zoey Ani Waya Character Portrait: dranka temren
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wow today is really starting to turn out strange thought dranka i've actually to find 8 survivors in one day, but the other 6 are... Dranka stopped himself their so as to stop any memories from coming back. instead he focused on the two living humans he found. they were talking but he couldn't make out what they were saying.

he could go over and talk to them, learn their names and maybe some other information, like why they were here. he decided against it. it would only end in two ways, either they ask him for help or they just kill him, both of which he wouldn't want. he decided he would just follow them and see what they do, so if they do something stupid, like set off a flair, he could get away with no problem

the female human started to seem like she was going to move so dranka prepared his pack and sword. this may lead him to trouble but he just couldnt leave a possible gold mine to just walk away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Krad Xavier James Character Portrait: Zoey Ani Waya Character Portrait: Lucian Aleksander Rousseau
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Hearing the two people talk, Lucian tilted his head slightly to the side, trying to listen in on their conversation. He realised how out in the open he was, and moved slightly to the side to stand in a shadow cast by one of the buildings. It wasn't a particularly good hiding place, if you could even call it a hiding place, but it was better than where he had been standing before. He quietly sighed a breath of relief when both of the people confirmed they were alive, and at least partially sane.

When the girl mentioned that she was going to the convenience store at the gas station, he decided it would be a good time to jump into their conversation. Lucian walked forward, each one of his steps clearly filled with caution and reluctance. Despite both of the people having assured they were alive, Lucian couldn't help but be slightly hesitant. After all, nothing was ever what it seemed any more. "Hello!" he called, putting on a cheerful mask as he got closer. It was always better to make it seem like you weren't scared at all, even if you were mentally trembling with fear and feeling like you were about to wet your pants.

"Are you humans? Sane humans, to be precise?" he asked, stopping about five feet away from the two people. Five feet was always a good distance. It could easily be covered if you needed to attack, but still left you enough room to run away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Krad Xavier James Character Portrait: Zoey Ani Waya Character Portrait: Amora 'Armour' Candenza Character Portrait: Abigail and Cole Stryph Character Portrait: Kaylie Rose Character Portrait: dranka temren
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Dranka just couldn’t believe what he was seeing, survivors coming out of the woodworks. After everything that’s happened in the past few months it just seemed too good to be true
Dranka had stationed himself on a low-lying building with a pair of binoculars, watching things play out. So far he’d seen six living people all converging around a gas station. Makes sense, food, shelter and fuel but by the simple fact that supplies are limited this situation could end in conflict. Hence why Dranka was up here rather then going in there himself.
He pulled out an packet of stale biscuits and prepared for the show


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Krad Xavier James Character Portrait: Katchinah Dwam Character Portrait: Zoey Ani Waya Character Portrait: Lucian Aleksander Rousseau
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Katchinah listened in softly on the conversation that followed the vehicle-bound folk closing her eyes, and acknowledging the situation. At least it seemed like they all were not bloodthirsty marauders. In fact, they seemed quite peaceful! It eased the Apache girl, making her smile. Someone out of the world that hadn't lost their mind. Aside from herself, anyway. She peered around the corner again, watching as the girl started away, for the gas station as she said she would. She'd begin to round the corner, when she heard a new voice, making her gasp softly, and jerking her body back around the side of the building. She clasped her shotgun close to her body, and silently looked back towards the woman's 'group'.

However, what she didn't expect to happen is for her to taken off guard. Katchinah had not been paying attention to the direction she had came from... and when her head bolted around, she yelped. A zombie was ten feet from her, lumbering at her with large, outstretched arm, and mouth agape. Startled, Katchinah fell over onto her back, directly out into the alleyway. Seeing it's prey had fallen, the zombie hobbled faster, moaning loudly. Katchinah brought the shotgun down from her chest-clenched grasp, and leveled it at the zombie, pulling the trigger on the sawn-off, filling the alleyway with a deep thud. The buckshot blasted chunks of rotting meat through the zombie, revealing the rancid meat behind the skin. The trigger was pulled a second time, sending the pellets through the zombie's spine, and blasting it into pieces. Crippled, the zombie flopped down like a rag doll, it's head at her feet. She instantly scooted away, placing her back against the alleyway wall as she pulled out her Glock. She looked around; searching for other zombies...looking for the other threats.

Before she realized that she had just thrown her position away for the group she was spying on!

Katchinah, out of self-defense, pointed her Glock down the alleyway towards the other survivors. She didn't look very hostile... in fact, she looked more frightened than threatening. Nonetheless, she remained silent, with her gun pointed towards the only other potential threat.