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Xel Misogi

*Yawn* That was a nice nap......

0 · 468 views · located in Trivula Fantasy

a character in “V.I.R.T.U.A.L 2”, as played by Setsugie


Real life appearance:

Name: Xel Misogi
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Personality: He's usually seen as care-free and laid back kind of guy who yet he acts childish at times, though behind that he is a Immensely smart guy, willing to stake out his neck for those close to him, and has gained the power to do so since his family owns a Dojo he is quit skilled in martial arts though nobody knows that; hes often bullied and refuses to fight back because of his self control taught by his father, "Do not fight when its not necessary." and get beaten up pretty bad but usually recovers the next day...
Crush?: ~~

Character appearance:

Looks like the Pic except that his hair is white.
Character Name: Setsugie
Reputation: Xel's avatar is well know for being one of the top players and the top Warrior class player of the game, known more formally as the Azure blade or Kenshin(Sword God) though he doesn't like being call by those names because that implies hes better than most other players.
Level: 137
Character Class: Warrior
Cloths: Wears this Kimono ... ph7q6c7fwx (no scarf), his torso has bandages covering it (Like traditional samurais).
Weapons: Xel carries 2 of the games best swords, one of them created by himself.
Hasunohana(Also know as Lotus flower) 8 foot long masamune, Master-craft (Rare) Pic--
Hyorinmaru(Also know was Frozen Lotus blossom) is 4ft 7inches long, Master-craft (Legendary) Pic--
Shuusui Kitetsu(Also means Clear Autumn Water) 4ft 11inches long -- Cursed Ultimate -Special:Cannot be bent or broken-(Special rare-Crafted by himself) Pic-- ... huusui.jpg

So begins...

Xel Misogi's Story


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Character Portrait: Xel Misogi
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Logging in.....

"Welcome Setsugie, you have 0 unread messages, know loading game state please wait..... Loading done, Please enjoy your stay in Trivula Fantasy." the normal game voice said as Xel logged in, he placed his headset on as he fell to the in-game world.

Setsugie stretched out taking a deep breath, 'This is so relaxing.' Setsugie thought taking a steps around then he walked over to a bridge nearby his location, "Hmm, I have 5 quests to do..... Temple of Nightmares, Party Quest. 3 or more members required...." Setsugie said, he tilted his head 'I need a party I hope I could find one.' he thought, then broadcasted over the chat box "Recruiting any people for Party quest if anyone's interested come meet me at the bridge by the quest hall :3" he then waited to see if anyone would like to party up with him...

The setting changes from Trivula Fantasy to Sakuragaoku High school

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Character Portrait: Xel Misogi
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Setsugie stood there waiting for anyone who would join him but then felt someone tugging on him, "Honey get off that game and help me unpack." a female voice said, the first thing that went through Xels mind was 'Moms finally back?!', he shook it of and wrote a note to any person who would come by the bridge, then used a rune to caste the message around the bridge area anyone who would pass from know until 4 hours from know would get this message: "Due to some inconvinience I have logged out, but be sure to add me to your list I am Setsugie, I'll be sure to make it up to you until next time....". Then xel logged off to help his mother who he hasn't seen in 3 weeks, after a heart touching reunion Xel ate and went to bed for the night.

The next day Xel woke up at 5:30 AM super early as always 'force of habit thanks to moms training that is' he thought, he did his morning exercises until 7:30 am and took a bath. Xel then headed to Sakuragaoku high, and just slacked off taking a nap on a tree nearby the school campus until the bell rang.......

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Character Portrait: Xel Misogi
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Xel woke up and looked at the time then jumped down knowing he was at least 9 minutes late, he walked over to the class room b-2 sliding the door open saying "Good morning." while rubbing his eye, he closed the door and walked towards the last chair on side which was by the window. He sat down still drowsy from the nap he had taken, 'people where introducing themselves' Xel thought and slightly sighed he didn't mind since it meant less time for class but to him everything played out the same. "What a drag..." Xel murmured while leaning his chair backwards, he listened to the people introducing themselves to pass the time, and memorized their faces and names just in case.

The setting changes from Sakuragaoku High school to Trivula Fantasy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xel Misogi Character Portrait: Sana Mitarashi Character Portrait: Raven Mooncrest Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
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#, as written by Kaida
"Next Up, since he was late, Mr. Misogi will you please state your name and one interesting thing about yourself?" the teacher called off another name.

Sana looked at Raven and Esme "Hey, could either of you show me where the art room is after this class?"

The setting changes from Trivula Fantasy to Sakuragaoku High school

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Character Portrait: Xel Misogi
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Xel was soon called out to introduce himself for being late 'Better know than later I guess.' he thought, Xel stood up, "My name is Xel Misogi, that's pronounced Exel by the way; And a few interesting things about me is, well, I love to play video games, read manga and watch anime, yeah I'm what you call an Otaku and I am proud of it." Xel said slightly smiling as most people labeled him as a nerd and such. That way Xel wont attract that much attention and people might leave him alone, well almost everyone the bullies wont thats for sure... Xel sat back down on his chair and leaned on his chair again.

The setting changes from Sakuragaoku High school to Trivula Fantasy


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Character Portrait: Xel Misogi
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Xel stood up placing his bookbag over his shoulder, and walked outside towards his second period, "Hmm, P.E.... I got to go to the park." Xel mumble as he walked outside and accidentally bumped a student it was a upperclassmen and Head of the Disciplinary Committee, Jake Parker, he a short tempered fuse bomb with a overblown ego and a bully using his status to do what he want whenever he wants to, "Oh, sorry." Xel said and started walking again, "Woah! wait Xel, don't you know in who you bumped into?! I should kick your ass, but I'm feeling generous if you give me all you money I'll leave you alone you little nerd." he said, "I'm sorry I don't have any money." Xel said then got grabbed by his collar and slammed again the wall behind him Xel slightly grunted "You wouldn't be holding out at me huh Xel, you remember what I do to people like you." Jake said still holding Xels collar.

Xel clenching his fist and looked at Jake his angered eyes but then the words of his Mother echoes through his mind 'Do not fight a useless fight, fight only for others.' the words his mom said when he was still training in the Dojo. "I know sir, but I really don't have any money." Xel said and relaxed his body, "Tch!" Jake replied to Xel and punched him in the face Xel fell to ground and Jake walked away inside the school laughing. Xel stands up rubbing his face "What an ego. That punch was so weak it's nothing compared to moms." Xel said as a shiver ran through his spine, then walked to the park seeing he was only 2 minutes late, xel sat down not wanting to participate in the class activities.


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Character Portrait: Xel Misogi
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(Sorry for my inactivity I haven't been on my compu :\ I'll make up for it in this post as best as I can...)

Xel after getting dismissed by the teachers walked to his home, passing through the empty alleyway jumping the dead end and continued walking, upon getting home Xel walked in saying "I'm home~" he walked inside seeing just an empty house, he walked over to the fridge seeing a note "Honey, I will be coming late home I left some money inside the basket for you to have take out if you want, Sincerely You Mother! P.S Don't stay up to late playing that game." as he finished reading he letter Xel sighed "Of again... and I wanted to say so many things.... Oh well maybe next time." Xel said and headed up to his room. Xel opened the door and placed his book-bag on the bed and then headed to the bathroom and took a shower, when he finished putting on some short pants he went inside his room and turned on his computer letting it load while he went and took a glass of water from the fridge. Xel sat down on the chair and clicked on the Trivula icon taking out the headset and controller, he placed the ID and password and connected in the Trivula world.

Setsugie fell on the digital world seeing nothing out of the ordinary in town he walked seeing a few players by, "What do I do know?" he mumbled....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson Character Portrait: Xel Misogi Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
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Setsugie had come across two female players he was about to greet them when he heard the talk about something about her comatosed state Setsugie smirked keeping hidden behind a building close by, but then the talk about hackers erupted Setsugie widened his eyes as he got serious, listening closely. 'Should I report them? She said she was a hacker also, and whats this about a file? So many questions....' he thought but then Setsugie felt something like a sudden head splitting headache Setsugie grunted he held his forced starting to breath heavily "My....Head..." Setsugie mumbled as the pain started to slowly drift away; after his little episode slowly passed Setsugie resumed to eavesdrop on the players still asking himself the questions he thought before.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson Character Portrait: Xel Misogi Character Portrait: Sana Mitarashi Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
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Setsugie had been found out 'well sooner or later they would've found out.' Setsugie thought, he walked into the open where the three girls where "Hello, I couldn't help but to over hear your conversation, I seems quite interesting." Setsugie said. Partly true Setsugie was interested in what happened to the girls though it was hard to believe he knew something was up nonetheless, "I am Setsugie." he answered; 'One of them is a hacker I got to be careful of what I say and do.' Setsugie thought " Your friend cannot log out is that correct?" Setsugie said looking that Esme's avatar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson Character Portrait: Xel Misogi Character Portrait: Sana Mitarashi Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
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"Well I can see that a problem and don't worry if you don't do anything illegal I wont report you to the administrators. Though it's weird, not being able to disconnect out of the game, comatose state, I feel like I've heard this before somewhere...." Setsugie said and started to think back feeling a slight deja vu. But the it flashed in his mind, " Know I remember it was a friend of mine, he was on the net when he stumbled upon a locked file about Trivula, he was intrigued he tried to open it but to no avail he called out a few of his colleagues and in a matter of weeks they opened it. What really shocked them was the information he and his friend found, comatose people children and adults alike he was going to release this information to the world.... But before he could he and his colleagues where sent to jail on unknown charges, and they where never heard from again, that was a ear ago, to this day I still cant contact him I search multiple times in his computer but it was wiped clean. This is the only info I have gathered in the past year from anonymous sources, and I'm not a hacker so finding that info was hard to find." said Setsugie, thinking if it was right to give hem that information.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson Character Portrait: Xel Misogi Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
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Setsugie nodded walking forwards to the group still in doubt "So if you get killed by certain cloaked group you get sucked into the game world?" Setsugie said resting his hand on one of his swords, "This all seems to be coming out of some manga or something," Setsugie then added taking a slight chuckle, he had read lots of manga to see where this was going, "What happens if she stays in the system for too long? Might the Game masters see her as a bug that need to be fixed and 'delete' her?" Setsugie said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson Character Portrait: Xel Misogi Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
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"Interesting, so we need to find whoever killed your friend, to get some answers seeing as Game masters and admins are not going to help us right." Setsugie said looking at the diagrams. 'Hmm, this is all starting to add up bit by bit. Soon I will find out who or what is doing this I hope.' Setsugie thought, "One question just out of curiosity, what where to happen if your friend dies in this state, would something happen to her or nothing at all?" Setsugie said looking at Heartwings 'Feeling exhaustion it might be because of the game state, her health points might be low also, she's a cleric heal might work it worth a shot it not going to hurt anyone right?.' Setsugie thought "Miss why not try and use your heal ability on yourself to see if the cause of your exhaustion is health points?" Setsugie said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson Character Portrait: Xel Misogi Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
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"Oh Well it was worth a try I guess." Setsugie replied, 'Weird though could she be feeling physical exhaustion, that might explain it but to feel physical exhaustion in the game world is hard to believe, well she trapped in the game so its not so hard to believe.' Setsugie thought, "Maybe you know what might be happening to your friend here miss?" Setsugie said looking at SilverMinnow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson Character Portrait: Xel Misogi Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
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Setsugie felt like he couldn't do anything to help, just watch, he felt kinda useless he sighed "If it isn't much of a problem, I wish to help in anyway I can, I am pretty strong, and though I disappeared long ago I'm willing to make an appearance to help, even if it means getting banned or worse. This is a serious matter so the more help the better right?" Setsugie said; Setsugie the Kenshin or Azure blade, rumors that he was still playing where few and hes never been seen or heard of in a long time though his reputation is god like being the best warrior class in the game and one of the top players in the game, many people think of him as a ghost who quit he game many years ago, even in Player vs Player his skill was unmatched beating higher level avatars with ease, the Kenshin was said to have quit the game but that was a lie made by himself......


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson Character Portrait: Xel Misogi Character Portrait: Sana Mitarashi Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
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"Maybe later, we need evidence first before we start making any wild accusations. The company could sue us for making false allegations, I need to get that file open somehow first. It can't be opened with brute strength, it's a delicate process and it's the only copy I have, getting another would be next to impossible. You guys could try tinkering with it to see if you can open it. Sometimes someone that has no idea what they are doing is able to complete a task that someone else might have years of experience in. I don't mean anything bad by that, just that you guys might be able to crack it or at least get it to a point that I can open it," she shrugged as she picked up the file and tossed it to Setsugie. "I'll be back as soon as I can," was all she said as she then seemed to just sink into the ground as she left them for the moment.