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What happens when 10 kids are brought together through a virtual gaming site known as Trivula Fantasy? Even more interesting is they all attend the same school but they have never met until logging into this virtual reality.

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3,867 readers have visited V.I.R.T.U.A.L since Kaida created it.


What happens when 10 kids are brought together through a virtual gaming site known as Trivula Fantasy? Even more interesting is they all attend the same school but they have never met until logging into this virtual reality.
Here’s some Information:

Trivula Fantasy is a virtual reality game much like that of the roleplaying games for older systems such as the PS2 or Nintendo, it is similar to the .hack// Virtual the avatars appearances closely resemble anime characters.

Each player starts out with the following:
10 Ruin stones-Teleports you to the ruins sector
10 Ocean stones-Teleports you to the ocean sector
10 Desert stones-Teleports you to the desert sector
10 Special stones-For special events
10 city stones-Teleports you to the city if you are in need of items
10 Hideout stones-Teleports you back to your hide out.
10 Communication stones- Lets you contact team members

Now let’s explain character classes: there are 8 character classes

Cleric: specializing in healing and supportive magical abilities
Dragon Knight: uses spears and their Jump ability and usually wears heavy armor.
Black Mage: a magic user specializing in attack magic.
Summoner: Calls on powerful entities known as Espers
Beast master: can control or even capture and train monsters.
Dancer: use special Dances to cause status effects or damage to enemies on a battle field.
Warrior: formerly translated as the Fighter, is portrayed as an expert of the sword and/or axe who uses some of the most powerful armors and weaponry.
Monk: a master of martial arts who favors barehanded fighting, sometimes supplemented with claws.

Character slots:

Girl 1:
Girl 2:Shou Hasegwa
Girl 3: Sana Mitarashi
Girl 4:Kristi henderson
Girl 5: Esme Heartwell

Boy 1: Jonathan Darkholme
Boy 2: Kou Hajime
Boy:3 Hyde Highwind
Boy 4:Ryou Sanosaki
Boy 5: Xel Misogi
Character porfiles:

Real life appearance:

Character appearance:
Character Name:
Character Class:

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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#, as written by Kaida
Logging in...

"Please choose your character name and class"

Small hands typed the name 'Chisana' the mouse mover over the warrior class and clicked it

"Thank you, now please design your character" The girl first worked with the hair, her avatar had long fiery red locks and eyes as blue as the ocean, her outfit was white with red lacing down the front and black that went down to her ankles with red spirals and both sides forming the shape of a heart, the boots were made to match as well. Around the middle of the outfit were two criss crossed black and red belts.

now the mouse moved over the accessories button and selected a blue and black butterfly clip.

clicking the finish button the screen showed her her avatar "Is this correct?" she clicked yes and slid the headset over her eyes and plugged it in.

Welcome!” the programmed greeting for this game as soon as her characters feet hit the ground.

The avatar looked around at the starting location it was a city filled with other players.

"Well I guess its time to find my hideout" she pulled out a small pocket watch type thing and pushed a button to open it, the world map popped up with a red dot where her home base was.

Following the built in compass she found her hideout, it kind of looked like her real life house.

Once inside she made sure to step on the save core and set this as her main log in site.

"Now to meet some people" she went back outside "Is anyone near or in tokyo online?"


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Character Portrait: Hyde Ceasar Highwind
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Location: Highwind Estate, 9:15 p.m.

Madam : "Where is Caesar at this hour? Doesn't he know that we are to dine? How uncultured he is, I only keep him around because he can only do one good thing for me and hardly does that good anymore, such wealth wasted on a man--no boy of little pursuits "

Maid: "Forgive me Madam for speaking out of place, but you shouldn't say such things about your step-son. As to your inquiry of Master Caesar I believe he's current playing one of his virtual games again madam. If you want I can retrieve him "

Madam"You don't talk to me like that you lowly servant, I can easily have you replaced. You are expendable, just as he is. I only keep him and you around for the pleasure it may bring me. You are tools, nothing more...No leave him be"

Maid:-Fists clenching in tightly wound balls, the maid bowing to the mistress- " Forgive my insolence..."

Madam: "Silly boy, playing computer games when he should be playing the only game that matters, reality" - Taking a sip of expensive wine, a crooked smirk framing her face"

Highwind Estate West Wing-Game Room
.// enter login and password
"...Dragon Knight Caesar enters Arcadia city... "

"It's good to be back in the world of Trivula , where all problems seem to dispel just for a bit. I'm like rightful nobility here, the lord I always hoped to be" The Dragon Knight spoke, a crowd of followers turned to greet him. In this world, he held quite a bit of influence, being one of the 10 afterall. One of the top 10 ranked players within the game had its own cadre of benefits and priviledges unknown to the average player.


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#, as written by Saikua
Esme stumbled through the small house she lived in with her father. There was yelling that could be heard throughout the house and quite a ways outside as well. He was drunk....again. Sqandering the large child support checks that are sent to him on booze and tv. She often stole from her father's account though to help pay for one other luxaury....internet. As well as Trivula. She had been playing for around three months now.

Esme first went to the bathroom and cleaned up the blood on her mouth and cheeks. Then she used makeup that her mother gave her as a present to hide what would be bruises the best she could before going to her room. She powered up her system and started to load up Trivula. She got her stuff set as she logged on.

Username and Password accepted. Welcome back, Cleric Heartwings. Now entering Arcadia City.

Heartwings looked around and gave a stretch. "Good to be back....especially...." She shook her head. "No no no! Enough of that now. Lets see whats up on the bulletin today." She headed out to the Announcement Hall to check on job and event bulletins. "What to do today...."


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Character Portrait: Suki Nakamura
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Suki stomps in her room after another day of being called "emo and suicidal nutjob." She sees her parents aren't home like always. She just rolls her eyes and kicks off her black converses on to her floor. She sits in her purple chair as she types in the address of the website. She tap trying to remeber her always. "Oh,right." She saids to herslef typing in her very long password and login.

She smiles as she sees it say.
Username and Password accepted. Welcome back, Monk Selestia. Now entering Arcadia City.

She looks around with a smirk on her face as she cracks her nimble fingers. "Gah,I love this place." She saids to herself with the same cocky smirk on her pale white face. "Let's see what can I do today?" She aks herself think of what she could do just so she can pass the time before having to return to the Hell that was her life.


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Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson
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Walking in the house she slamed the door behind her, it wasn't because she was upset or anything, she just needed some noise. "Tadaima," Kristy called out into the house, knowing that no one would answer her. The house was almost always empty whenever she arrived home, her little brother would be off playing at the neighbor's house and her parents were at work. Tonight she didn't need to worry about her brother since he'd be staying the night at a friend's place so she warmed up a bowl of yakisoba and took it to her room to eat. As she turned on her computer and headset and waited for them to warm up she ate her food, took a shower, and combed her hair. By the time she was done the computer was waiting for her so she clicked on the icon of the game that she'd found the night before and logged back into her game.

Logging in....

“Welcome back SilverMinnow!” the programmed greeting for this game said as soon as her characters feet hit the ground of her hideout.

It was nothing too fancy, just an underground burrow that had three exits, one was at a waterfall for bigger beasts, another was in a hole in a nearby tree that she could squeeze through and the last one was under a rock that she could flip open. The walls were made of dirt of course and to make space shelves were cut into the wall and they held things like herbs, curas, pet food, pet toys, weapons, and a few gems, nothing rare. So far she only had two pets, an overgrown mantis named Lily with an ice affinity and a ferret named Tiger with a fire affinity, both were even tempered and they both greeted her when she arrived.

"Hey, Tiger, hey Lily," she greeted them in turn as she patted each of their heads affectionetly. "Let's go see what's going on in the vr today," she announced as she left through the tree, both of her pets following her. As soon as she was out she heard a broadcast:

"Is anyone near or in tokyo online?"

It caught her interest so she looked up whoever had anounced it and headed their way. "Hey SilverMinnow, at your service, currently living in Tokyo whatcha call for Chisana?" she asked as she approached her walk had an odd skip/hop to it.


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#, as written by Saikua
Heartwings didn't find anything interesting at the Announcement Hall so she took to wandering the city. When she had first started, she had a special promo code that came with hers that had allowed her to have the kimono as a standard outfit for her character. It made her look like a Miko of Fedual Era Japan. She stopped on one of the bridges and leaned against the stone rail, looking down at the river. "What a slow night."


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Character Portrait: Xel Misogi Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
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'You've been playing for 2 hours you should take a break from Gaming.' A message ran through Xel's mind he flinched thinking 'Not know!', then got hammered by a giant red wing; Xel then was shot down falling onto the ground, Xel flinched from the pain and growled, there was a crater where he landed. Xel stood up and spat out some blood he looked up seeing a giant red dragon descending.

Xel takes his Katana which was stuck to the ground besides him, "These missions are a pain. Geez." he say's the falls on the ground and starts to walks it way to Xel; Xel swings his sword three times at the Dragon sending out 3 massive slices of air, though to little effect the dragon stopped and raised its head upwards charging a flame breath, 'This is my chance.' Xel thought, and assumed a Battojutsu stance, then as he started to move forward he disappears and reappears flying behind the dragons neck, Xel falls to a gentle tap on the floor and sheaths his sword while saying "Shishi Sonson(Lions song)", then the dragon fall dead and has a clean cut severing its neck.

Xel then raps a sturdy rope on the severed head of the dragon and begins pulling it to the Arcadia city with was only three forest sections away. Xel got to Arcadia after some time as he entered the 'gates' he heard, "Is anyone near Tokyo online?", but ignored it, passing by the Announcement Hall, Xel stopped right besides it there was a guild there that let adventurers accept elite missions, he left the dragons head outside and took a step inside, "Hey Bar-tender guy I got your stupid dragons head," Xel said pointing at the head and goes outside. The bar-tender goes outside and inspects the dragons head then say "Yup its real alright, who would have though that you would kill one though these thing are almost impossible to kill." the bar tender said while pulling Xels gi( ) then handed him a small bag, Xel slightly bows and departs from the area. Xel heads his way to the bridge seeing a maiden there with what looked like a troubled expression he walked over "You look troubled is something the matter?" the white haired man said(Xel).


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#, as written by Saikua
Heartwings looked at the person with the white hair. "Oh. I'm ok. Just been a slow night for me is all. Not much to do through the Announcement Hall tonight. Looks like you've been through a tough fight yourself Chiyu Kaze!" She casted her Healing Wind spell upon him, taking care of the wounds he had. "There good as new." She said with a smile on her face.


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Xel looked surprised as she casts her spell on him, he looked at himself seeing his wounds even the slightest cut or burn were gone "Ohh~, How cool," he said then bowed at the maiden "Thank you very much." he added with a smile on his face. "You said there not much to do right? Then how bout joining me on a quest I was about to go to the market to stock up on supplies and pick up something right know, do you feel up for the challenge miss?" Xel said point to the market.


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#, as written by Saikua
Heartwings smiled at the man. "Sounds like fun. I am Cleric Heartwings. At your service."


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Xel clapped his hands "Its settled then lets go to the market to stock up on supplies for our Quest! Oh and I'm Setsugie Warrior class pleased to meet you Heartwings." Xel said with a smile, and began to walk towards the market, when there Setsugie brought the essentials for our quest cure pots, herbs, rope, coats,etc. The last thing on his list was his weapons which he earlier left them refining at the blacksmith, "One last thing and we can go." Xel said as he went inside the blacksmiths shop the a elderly man stood, "Ojiisan I'm here to pick up my Hyorinmaru(Frozen lotus blossom) and Hasunohana(lotus flower)." Xel said "Oh why certainly young man," the blacksmith says as he takes out a what looks like normal katana with our-pointed bronze-colored star guard, and a massive 8 foot masamune, "They have been fixed as requested... boy hold on to those swords and the one on your waist they are renowned for being the best blades one can find many people will do anything to get their hands on them." the blacksmith said, Xel nodded with a smile "Yes I am aware of that Ojiisan." Xel replied placing the katana on his waits with the other katana, and simply held the masamune in his hand. Xel then turned to Heartwings "Okay then lets head out!" Xel said with a slightly childish tone.


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#, as written by Kaida
"Is anyone near or in tokyo online?"

It caught her interest so she looked up whoever had anounced it and headed their way. "Hey SilverMinnow, at your service, currently living in Tokyo whatcha call for Chisana?" she asked as she approached her walk had an odd skip/hop to it.

"jut making a call out to see if any other players are online in my area, that's all, but how rude of me, even though you already know my player name, i am warrior Chisana" the avatar bowed "Its a pleasure to meet you SilverMinnow, what class are you?"

she was genuinely curious since today had been her first day playing on this account, she had an old account but she had beaten the game once already and started all over again as a different class, the option had come up to continue from her previous level, she clicked the option and scrolled down to level 15, just as a starting point that way she would't be one hit KO'ed.


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Character Portrait: Shou Hasegawa
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#, as written by xKyrie
'Incorrect password! Access Denied.' Shou had to blink twice as she stared at the warning message flashing on her monitor. She just got home and she immediately booted up the game because she was really itching to play Trivula all day ever since she accidentally discovered it last week. But now?

She rubbed her eyes in bewilderment and looked at the system once again. She was hoping she had just been mistaken but still nothing changed. The alert message was still there, still blinking continuously. It took her moments to process the message and awhile later, she finally understood. "Eh?!" Screaming incredulously, Shou stood up and pointed on the monitor, "B-but! What is wrong!? It was just working some days ago!" She took a deep breath and said,

"I'll try it one more time!"

She clicked the exit button for the alert message and closed the program. She moved the mouse into the icon of Trivula and double-clicked it. After a while of waiting (because of the unsteady internet connection), the familiar window of the game popped up and Shou found herself looking at the log-in screen once again. Carefully typing in her username and password, she pressed the log-in button afterwards. I hope this is now correct. She then set the headset over her eyes.

Username and Password accepted. Welcome back, Cleric Harukaze. Now entering Arcadia City.

"Yay!" The blond-haired avatar let out a triumphant jump and smiled widely. "I really thought I won't be able to log in again!" She eagerly looked around was glad that everything still looked the same. I missed this! After she had stepped over the save core twice, just in case her system fails, she walked out of her 'house' and into the main street.

"Is anyone near or in tokyo online?" When she heard the announcement, her curiosity was spiked and she started walking towards the speaker. "Hello! Cleric Harukaze at your service too!" She smiled and waved amiably to both girls.


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Just as she was about to answer a familiar face appeared to which she jumped and practically tackled in a hug. "Haru! How are you doing? I haven't seen you since... well yesterday really," she said excitedly when she remembered the girl that she'd just met. "Oh yeah, I'm a beastmaster and when you made that broadcast earlier anyone could've looked up your username. At least I think that's how it works, I might be confusing it for something that only someone like me can do. I can't really say what it is that I do because they have this monitoring system that looks for keywords to make sure that no one is cheating. Eh?! But I'd never use it for cheating, only to mess around with people and look up players' userames and for a bit of fun, nothing more I swear," SilverMinnow defended her innocence not wanting either of the girls to get the wrong idea about her. "Anyway these are my pets Lily and Tiger" she introduced and as she said each of their names they raised a claw or a paw respectivly in acknowledgement.


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Character Portrait: Hyde Ceasar Highwind
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Caesar: "So, how do the preparations for tomorrow nights party look? I want this thing to go through with as few as hiccups as humanly possible, I understand with events like these there will be unforseen hiccups but what's most important is that we work out the more debilitating ones that kill parties".

Party Planner: "There's just just one of those hiccups that we haven't quite worked out yet..."

Caesar: "And that would be?"

Party Planner: "Advertising sir, we still haven't went mainstream yet to announce the public"

Caesar: "It matters not, I choose this day for a particular reason, I'll send out notices to every single player in the system via private message invitation. This will be without a doubt the highest profile cyber party to ever be executed. None has ever attempted a party of this scale. I'll be an even greater legend by the end of tonight "

Caesar turning to his advisor before heading to the door of his virtual mansion which resembled the one he lived in the real world. "I'm going out to the bulletin board to check out the marks, I hope when I return things are in procession" giving a slight nod, before exiting the premises. The dragoon bringing arm behind back, rotating joint into socket , He found that stretching in the virtual sense translated to in-game performance, even though there was no basis to found his beliefs upon. Maybe it was a sort of mind over matter thing, but either way he was reassured of its benefits. Caesar would extend arm outward as if to reach for something, in his clutches materialized a magnificient spear, a one of kind spear known for it's lightning based properties. The dragon kings spear as it was known in-game.



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#, as written by Kaida
The avatars head moved back and forth as they exchanged pleasantries "Well its very nice to meet both of you" she looked at the blonde avatar "I am warrior Chisana" she introduced again looking at the pets "These are so well trained" she slapped a hand over her mouth, she didn't want people thinking she was experienced on this game file.

"So what brought you guys to this game?"


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Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson Character Portrait: Sana Mitarashi Character Portrait: Shou Hasegawa
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#, as written by xKyrie
"Min-min!" 'Harukaze' squealed with glee, hugging back the blue-haired beastmaster. "Really? It was only yesterday?" She then asked confused, separating herself from the hug. She played with her staff and looked around before staring back at SilverMinnow. "B-but! It certainly felt like months! Anyway, Min-chan, How are you did you level up already? What's new in here? Did you find another team? Or did you wait for me? Do you want to look for monsters right now? Aaand! Did you know that I almost forgot my password? It was so scary!" The blond-haired girl asked continuously making various gestures with her hands. She almost didn't stop with her questions when she suddenly noticed the pink-haired girl beside her friend.

"Hello! Chisana right? I'm Harukaze! You can call me Haru, I'm a Cleric! Nice to meet you too! If you need any healing or buffs just PM me and I'll try my best to help you." She held out a hand and beamed at Chisana, her eyes sparkling with joy. "And yes you're right Min-chan really did trained them well! They're so cute, right!" Here, Harukaze softly patted Tiger's head.

(EDIT: I replied a bit late. XD)


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"Haru I just joined yesterday remember? And yes I'm a level 25 now, I just got here a couple minutes ago so I don't know what's new yet and no I haven't found a team yet, slashing some mobs sounds like fun. Aaand, you really need to write down your password somewhere so that you don't forget it," she sighed at her friend's forgetfulness but enjoying her hyperactivenss, she paused a moment wondering if she'd answered her all of her questions but just shook her head knowing that she'd tell her if she forgot anything. "Anyway, thanks on the complement you guys, I was working with them last night after you'd logged off, they were so wild that there was no helping it. Of course working with animals in real life helps, that and I always have a lot of pets whenever I play these kinds of games. So to answer your question Chis, I was just diving when I found this game randomly and since it perked my interest I decided to play," SilverMinnow answered with a srug.

(typically in mmorpgs you can level up the first 25-30 levels easily and quickly, just putting this on here in case someone accuses me of leveling too quickly)


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Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson Character Portrait: Ryuu Sanosaki Character Portrait: Sana Mitarashi Character Portrait: Shou Hasegawa
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Ryuu sighed, and hit his monitor with an annoyed hiss. The stupid thing wouldn't turn on. It was his first free time in a while. He'd been so busy with his job that he hadn't had any time to play. He had even run home from school to get there but now that his computer wouldn't turn on, it seemed so... pointless.

His bare feet slapped against the floor as he rose up from his chair. He was thirsty. He made his way to the small kitchen, reaching into the fridge and pulling out his carton of milk, he poured some into a clear glass. The cold thick liquid ran down his throat, giving him some new energy. He smacked his lips and set the empy cup into the sink to wash later. Hopefully, the computer would have turned on by now. Slowly Ryuu returned to his room.

"Well, well... what do you know..." He smirked slightly and took a seat. The screen brightened up the dark room and he grinned. This was more like it.

He clicked on the Trivula icon and hastily typed in his username and password.

Welcome Back, Seiko Z!

Seiko ran a hand through his dark black hair and grinned. It felt pretty awesome to be back in this world. Reality was way too hard in his opinion.

He started roaming the streets, his swords by his side. Level 27. If he had been able to go on in the last couple of weeks he was busy, he could have been able to acheive level 30 or something. He breathed in deeply.

Then a certain blue haired young lady caught his eyes. Seiko had witnessed her in action and was mildly impressed at what she could do. He started heading over to her and her group of friends. Maybe they would take a quest with him? He grinned, his eyes twinkling.

"Hello! I'm Warrior Seiko, How are you all doing today?"


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#, as written by xKyrie
"Oh! Sorry I thought it had been too long. I guess that's the reason why I'm still stuck at level 20", Haru grinned sheepishly. "And yes! I will once I log off Trivula, I don't want a repeat of what happened today! Can you teach me how to get pets too? I really want to have one like this!" She asked staring at the now resting Tiger. For a pet he looked so bored with their conversation that Harukaze can't help but pinch his cheeks. Her eyes starry and her face flushed with happiness. "Kawaii!"

It took her some moments to recompose herself and when she did, she looked at the pink-haired girl and she then answered her question earlier, "It's quite the opposite for me, I was searching for this thing called Trinity Blood or something, I'm not really sure since my classmate just stated it in passing and I was really curious why they were talking about it but before I knew it I was redirected to the homepage of Trivula. Since then I started playing here, I'm still low leveled because I'm not able to log-in everyday... my system always crashes on me!" She pouted, a little irritated as she was reminded of her defective system. "But I chose to be a Cleric because they have such cute clothes and cute sounding skills I thought I'd try it. Aren't I right Min-Min?" She smiled at SilverMinnow and then started playing tag with an uncooperative Tiger.

"Hello! I'm Warrior Seiko, How are you all doing today?"

"Hello Seiko-san!" Haru stopped and she amiably greeted the black-haired warrior once he got near them. "I'm Harukaze the Cleric, We're fine. Nice to meet you! How about you?"


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"If you want, I could do a quick dive sometime tomorrow and see what I can do to fix it, I can get to it through your gaming account," she offered as she gently took away Tiger who looked like he was about to spew fire balls. "Maybe we should find you a bunny or puppy, both of those are generally very affectionate and playful and they are often used as defensive pets," she suggsted not noticing the new guy until her friend greeted him. "Hey, I'm SilverMinnow, beastmaster," she greeted him with an awkward smile uncomfortable with how he was looking at them, then an idea popped into her head as she perked up, "I know, lets take up a quest, I'm sure that we'll find at least one pet egg that we need along the way."


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#, as written by Saikua
Heartwings followed Setsugie with a smile on her face. She pulled out an orb from her pack. It transformed into her staff, Shirouyoku, or White Wings. "So where are we headed...?" She asked him.


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Character Portrait: Hyde Ceasar Highwind
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Appearing infront of the leaderboards stationed near the towns gaming epicenter, the location holding a key purpose to the games mass appeal ,
approximately fixed at the heart of the city as it was called because many new and advanced players alike frequented the area to either form teams, engage in player vs player contests or any number of social reasons , a veritable life blood it was, it was safe to assume that without the square, much of the game would be online rpg rather than massive multiplayer rpg. A careful eye scanned the leaderboards, spotting his standing amongst his peers, ranked 4th overall in the world. He didn't seem all too surprised or bothered with his position, nor was he completely comfortable either. The criteria used to rank players was primarily based on in-game performance as well as other factors like wealth, completion of hunts, the number of rare items in ones posession, and popularity amongst the community. Uninterested, The dragon knight turned sights to the hunt board, looking for a quest worthy of satiating his legend.
" S-ranked mission, now you don't see many of those. I'm interested" There were only a handfull of players who were capable of undertaking an S-ranked mission unaided, Caesar was one such player.

"It says that I should go at the underground gate to receive a briefing from the quest giver who is anonymous, I've never heard of such an area and I visited ever inch of this city. -Checking his personal console which seemingly was updated with directions to the mark- ...this doesn't seem quite right. Could it be a set-up?" I've heard of such things. Advanced players disappearing from taking on S-ranked quests whose authorizers were anonymous. There had been talk of a rogue player hunter
eliminating high profiled players, could Hyde have been targeted by this player hunter?" It mattered not to him, if it were true, he had the perfect opportunity to see himself rise within the rankings.


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Seiko listened carefully so he wouldn't forget their names. He wasn't good with remembering but he would have to try to make an effort this time. He smiled as the Cleric introduced herself. She seemed nice. A cleric would be useful to him. Welll he hoped anyway.

"Nice to meet you," He said, Then the beast tamer introduced herself. Harukaze and SilverMinnow. Unique and interesting enough to make an imprint of some sort on his overused mind.

"A quest would be great," He said, answering SilverMinnow. Seiko hadn't been on a quest in forever and a mere thought of it had him smirking off into the air.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xel Misogi Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
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0.00 INK

Xel started walking as Heartwings asked "So where are we headed...?" Xel smiled, the took out the quest paper, "Hmm... Its called the Tower of Babylon, B-rank Special quest, We need to head out pass through the prism forest west of here... I was just there.... Uh we will find a small abandoned home go inside it, and down to the basement there we will find the job requester Xeiyadin..." Xel said, as they walked through the beginning of the prism fores 1st section(out of 3). 'Seem easy enough, but I've heard that name before Xeiyadin... Whatever.' Xel thought.

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Game Master Controls

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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 2 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Sakuragaoku High school

Sakuragaoku High school by RolePlayGateway

When in school please post here

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Sana Mitarashi
10 sightings Sana Mitarashi played by Kaida
Girl 3
Character Portrait: Suki Nakamura
1 sightings Suki Nakamura played by .euphoria.

Character Portrait: Esme Heartwell
20 sightings Esme Heartwell played by Saikua

Character Portrait: Kou Hajime
0 sightings Kou Hajime played by Monochrome
I-I... P-please don't speak to m-me...
Character Portrait: Hyde Ceasar Highwind
3 sightings Hyde Ceasar Highwind played by ZeroTolerance
All those who challenge me will fall.
Character Portrait: Ryuu Sanosaki
8 sightings Ryuu Sanosaki played by foreverxraining
*smirk* *smirk*

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in V.I.R.T.U.A.L. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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The Market

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson
Character Portrait: Xel Misogi


Character Portrait: Xel Misogi
Xel Misogi

*Yawn* That was a nice nap.

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson
Kristy Henderson

What is it? (VR:SilverMinnow) Alright time to slash some mobs!


Character Portrait: Xel Misogi
Xel Misogi

*Yawn* That was a nice nap.

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson
Kristy Henderson

What is it? (VR:SilverMinnow) Alright time to slash some mobs!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kristy Henderson
Kristy Henderson

What is it? (VR:SilverMinnow) Alright time to slash some mobs!

Character Portrait: Xel Misogi
Xel Misogi

*Yawn* That was a nice nap.

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