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Vampire Wars (Revival)

Deadend City


a part of Vampire Wars (Revival), by Crystal Flamedance.

A maze of a city.

Crystal Flamedance holds sovereignty over Deadend City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

654 readers have been here.


It's very easy to get lost in Deadend City. It's filled with interlocking alleys that are much too dark for human eyes come night. Well...their own fault for putting their buildings so close together in such a strange pattern. A few of these allesy have dead-ends...small surprise. But these mazes make it easier for theives and such to make a living. So...will you get lost?
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Deadend City

A maze of a city.


Deadend City is a part of Vampire Wars (Revival).

5 Characters Here

Valisia Garnet [0] An enigmatic vampire who you would be well advised to become close to
Vincent Rowley [0] Vincent's a 489 year old vampire assassin who wishes to start his life over once more, sadly though he has seen the cities true face and now he doesn't know if he can.
Al'Sha'Heznat [0] Mysterious human whom seemed not to have allied himself with either side. He constantly watches each side, and sometimes, for the right price, might offer this information to the other side.
Vanalee Nightingale. [0] A vampire who's roamed the earth far too long.
Songrose [0] A nearly-three-thousand year old vampire.

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"Hmmm...." The man started. "I'd love to hear one of your tales, Miss Songrose....but I wonder..." He stopped, rubbing his forearms, his fingers brushing over the marks that had been left there. "Have there been any other humans like myself? Too stupid to stay away from the vampiric race?" He asked, bearing that trademark smirk. "Or perhaps, one about a man whom fancied himself to be a vampire slayer, only to realize her was screwed by the fact that he's outmatched both physically and mentally?" He asked, rolling his shoulders.

"And perhaps....after you share a tale of your own, I'll share a tale...." He claimed, while taking a seat next to her.


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I nodded. "There are always humans like that. Ignore instinct and focus on other things. They don't usually last long because the vampires they get close too kill them." Because the vampire is so willing to take a free meal. As always. "And there are always a lot more who think themselves to be vampire killers. Of course, just to be mean, the vampire won't kill them, but turn them into vampires. So then the vampire hunters are the very creatures they hate and think they're destined to kill." I shrugged. "I've never had much patience with vampire hunters; they assume the old-fashioned view of vampires; disgusting creatures that live only to drink blood. I let them live as humans, but that doesn't mean I don't give them a bit of a scare. I'll bite them, but I won't release the venom to turn them." They often tried to kill me after that for revenge for turning them, but they were always surprised when they didn't want blood, and realized they weren't vampires. So easy to laugh at. " for a tale...what sort of tale? As I said, there aren't many fight, more wandering and hiding." Though I wondered, if he asked about how I was turned, what details could be left out.


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"Oh, Songrose! I'd not want to hear of a fight between you and someone. Because frankly, I'd make me want to dig them up and hit them for you!" He said with a laugh. "I'm actually interested in how you became a vampire? Was it some sort of sickness? And also, what could you tell me about the leaders of the two 'gangs'. Any information on them you could spare is more than enough for me!" He said with his growing smile.

"And don't worry. My tale will not be about fighting either. Rather, my past. And after the misery. I'd rather not go into said detail again. It's not so much of a tale as it a question.... Well, It's kind of both. But you go first!" He said, leaning forward, and propping his elbows on his knees.


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Of I became a vampire. I leaned back. "It's kind of a long tale, you know. This might take a while, but again, it's been a while since I've had company to talk to.

"Now...three thousand years ago we didn't quite have houses; more like huts. I lived with only my parents and older brother until he married and moved out. He did still come to visit me; quite often, actually. Now, this is a while before I was turned, but I like to go a bit farther back, you know? Well, one day every man in our little village was sent off to fight a war; which is the reason why I wasn't married when I came of age, and was supposed to be. A year or two after that, the enemy army raided the village. They were evil creatures, really. A lot of what was left of our village were killed, my mother included. I was left for dead after..." Ah, I should have laft that part out, I thought. ...Well...I supposed it would explain the mother part. I shrugged. "After they raped me. Which did leave me with a child, one that I had to try to care for on my own, too. There were really only a few of us left after that, and we tried to leave." Ah, the part I did hate so much... "I kinda took command of our tiny band of women, and a couple of them were in the exact same position I was in; a child they had to care for by themselves. I went off on my own, and that vampire...he's the one that I killed; the only one. He killed the child, and changed me, and that's the only reason I killed him."

I reached back, pulling out the sketch. I glanced at it before showing it to him. "He was only a year old, too..." I shook my head. "Asking me to give information on the leaders...what kind of information, and why? I'm not a spy; I won't relay information that will end up to any of those...trouble-makers, for lack of a better term." I wasn't going to give out information that would do anything to help the war along. They were just fine sitting at a stalemate.


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Asher nodded to Song, and responded to her tale events in order she told him. It was going to be a long, long chat.... "A family? I suppose after nearly three-thousand years, you miss them ever so greatly. As for the war, my father grew up a mecenary, because he couldn't handle the life that wasn't a soldier's. So he simply became a soldier of fortune... I'm sorry that you did not wed, and even moreso that you were raped. It's a terrible feeling, that I've shared, I assure you. The feeling of their presense never comes off, no matter how hot the water, or how furiously you scrub. However, you were left a child, as I was not. I suppose that must've been a great burden for someone like you to bear. And the pressure of command is a burden as well. I'm sure you did everything in your power. And I'm glad you resolved that vampire problem...if that can be called solving." He stated in one big breath.

Asher took the sketch, and admired it. She was quite skilled at drawing, he thought, before she proceeded to semi-awnser his other question. " I suppose you're right, Songrose. This perpetual draw is by far the best choice. The war will last much longer, and there will be more casualities for each side. Husbands torn from wives, fathers from children, children from parrents. I don't believe that you need to give me any information on them." He turned back to her, eyeing her up and down. "Did you draw this from hand?" He asked her, flipping around the sketch.


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"Of course I miss them; it's been a long time since I've even talked about them. No one comes around often enough to talk, let alone hear a story. Though, as I said before, maybe it was a good thing I was bitten before I had that chance. I don't mind that I never wed; just that I had the child to care for him on my own. And taking command like one else was keeping a level head. I had no choice but to step up...and the child wasn't nearly as great a burden. ...And it wasn't like I killed the vampire on my own, you know. I've already told you that older vampires are stronger. I had to have help, or it wasn't going to get done." And I probably would have gotten myself killed. I was just lucky an older vampire had come along and was willing to help me, I thought. ...but, if this stalemate did continue for far too long...somone would be bund to lash out. "And yes, I did draw that myself; just something to give myself to do in spare time. I've got several copies of the exact same thing lying around here in various places. I've had too much time on my hands, you know. Why do you ask?"


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"Because." He began. "It looks like the same style of the portriat of my mother, that my father kept in the den of our house. Have you drew another person?" He said, offering the photo. "The short, rapid strokes that seem to add demension- personality." He would say.

Asher smiled. "Well, anyhow, I suppose it's time for my end of the bargin. You see, my tale revolves around what I found out about my father after a few years of going through his things. He was not just a mercenary; but a "Slayer" too. One whom found mythical creatures, and killed them.... Usually, he had slim chances of actually finding one, much less killing one. But he had an edge." He said. "You are a vampire. You are skilled with magics, and have lived one hundred times my life. Surely you can identify his edge for me."

He reached behind him, and pulled the blade from it's scabbard on his back. He offered the weapon to her, the blade glowing a now wicked violet as it neared her. "Can you identify enchantments?"


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I eyed the dagger cautiously. "Yes...I can identify some enchantments...that might actually hurt me, you know," I warned, leaning back a little. I didn't want that to touch me. "How did he manage to get a hold of something like this? I thought humans had lost all ability to use magics generations ago." For me to see was a very old weapon. "I don't recognize the individual weapon...but I do recognize the enchantment. It was the one human used most often to keep my kind away. Sad thing was, it affected older vampires better than younger ones. Put it away, if you will." I took the picture back, though, and looked back at him. "I haven't drawn anyone else; only the same one since I lost him. ...Actually..." I thought about it. "Well...for a while, I was sketching a lot of people, trying to blend in, really. It was hard to convince people that I had to keep the curtains closed to do a proper sketch, but a lot of people didn't really care. I may have, but it was a while ago..." I couldn't even remember just how long ago anymore; it may have been a few generations, or a few years. "I don't keep track of time anymore, aside from day and night, and winter and summer. I don't count years anymore except to count my own age."


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Asher nodded, and resheathed the blade. "Would you believe me if I said he said he found it? I wouldn't know exactly, but all since I can remember, he's had the blade. He told me that it was "Our Burden to bear" though, I'm still puzzled by what exactly he means. I'm sure it was something of value to know." He said, rubbing his head.

He smiled as he went on about her drawing. He rather liked for her to talk, moreso than to talk himself. He was still pent up about Songrose agreeing to walk with him when it stormed. He wanted to jump to the celling. But he controlled himself as best as the childish man could as he sat and listnened."I see.... Would you ever want to start doing that again, Songrose?" He asked her with a curious expression. She seemed to like to do it, and maybe he could put the last of his father's mercenary money to use. He had maybe enough for a medium sized house.... What was he thinking?! Asking Songrose to live with him! It was completely out of the question. He had known her for perhaps a week, if that. She would surely decline.

"Anywho, it is probably just my imagination." He would state, before looking around again. His eyes were now fully adjusted to his dark enviorments, and to someoen whom could see perfectly, his eyes were as large as dishes. He could make out nearly everything's vague forms and shapes.


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He was looking around now. could he see anything? ...Probably. There was only a little light, but enough to probably make out forms. Colors, I was sure, would still be beyond him. Their burden to bear...of course. Though if he didn't understand, was that a good thing, or a bad thing. "The burden to bear...ever wonder why you're not bothered by vampire company? He wanted you to hunt vampires...maybe he though hunting vampires would be in the blood." I shrugged. ...He looked like he liked me talking, anyway...I looked at the sketch. "I suppose, if I could manage to do that and keep my being a vampire a secret, I wouldn't mind. Though it was hard enough to convince people once that I had to have the door closed. And what would I have people do; come here into the cemetary to have their portraits done? That alone would cause suspicion. Besides, it's hard enough to find the supplies for one without being able to buy them. How would I manage to get enough without others being suspicious?" It would be hard to get that going again; and I didn't have somewhere decent for them to go for something like that. They'd figure it out soon enough. ...But this man...something was going through his mind. I debated reading the thoughts going through his mind, but decided against it. He didn't need to be swamped with my own thoughts on top of his.