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Vigilantes and Gangs

The City of Lansburg


a part of Vigilantes and Gangs, by Rabidness.

The city in which this roleplay takes place.

Rabidness holds sovereignty over The City of Lansburg, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The City of Lansburg

The city in which this roleplay takes place.


The City of Lansburg is a part of Vigilantes and Gangs.

6 Places in The City of Lansburg:

5 Characters Here

Blondie [4]
Hyde [3] "Move along, Child. If you don't want your head smashed in, that is."
The Rover [1] "You're a horrible exuse for a person."
Jordan Nyx [1] "Why do I force myself to put up with this sh**"
Smarts [0] "Ugh, being smart is such a chore..."

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Character Portrait: The Rover
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The music's reverberation rippled in the air, only seen by the massive about of cigar smoke. Cheap perfume and water downed whiskey swirled to every table, making the stuffy warehouse a clichΓ© "gentlemen's" club. Crispy, sweaty, dollar bills fell from shaking, weak, boys hands and landed neatly at her feet.
Donka's hips caught every beat, and moved with the rhythm as though born to flow with sound waves. Her dreadlocks were pushed up in a bun, and her loose curls moved with the body. Clothes slipped down her small frame, revealing smooth, clean Romani skin. The crowd went wild, throwing more items, as Donka twirled around the stage, and grinding the pole.
This was her last dance, before she would go out and do what everyone seemed to lack the ability to. The idea of what was going to happen to a low lift thug, entered Donka's mind, while still pulling off her last dance bit.
As Donka was doing the "Butterfly", images of last night's glamour actives played inside her head.
The revolver seemed like a sliver dragon, breathing smoke out of the its mouth, after an attack. Blood dripped out of a small bullet hole in a man's chest. His brown eyes were wide, and per surprise was on his rough, tan, face. Every inch of the alley smelled of gun smoke and blood. Donka's mouth didn't even twitch when the other two men shouted, and came up with empty threats.
Her arm dropped down and her body moved, missing the knife that was lodging at her. She was quick and pistol whipped, causing the man to drop on the floor cold. Donka shot the man in the back of his ,dirty blond, head cleanly. It was all too easy killing them.
The last man didn't even try, he ran at her, slowly, and right as his arms were above his head, to strike her, there was two bullets right through his chest. His bat fell to the floor before he did, making the tin echo across the alley way. The man's last words were a waste, on curses, and "You're dead".
The music stopped, and Donka laid on the dirty stage picking up, even filthier dollar bills. Tonight was going to be interesting, she thought as she hurried off the stage.

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Character Portrait: Jordan Nyx
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#, as written by Miyer
"Great. Brother trying to get married again with one of his failures and I have been left alone with hardly any money for pizza. FML." She groaned out and began to hit her head against the wall, the days had been moving slowly with nothing to keep her entertained.
Sometimes her brother would complain about some thugs who she would go and 'have a word' with, than they would magically arrive at the police station the next day, all pretty smile and missing teeth. Maybe she should try hitting the bars, there were often enough thugs hiding in back alleyways for her to get her fix but recently Jordan had been looking for a bit of a challenge. Instead of running around just beating people up, she wanted someone who could take her on and beat her up... Bit masochist but don't judge!
Her brother had been getting on her case recently with dropping out of school and finding a job, he was even complaining thats he didn't ever have a date because she beat them all up! It wasn't her fault that most guys she met were wimps.
"Looks like it's the clubs than, better than rotting away in front of a TV." She sighed out and she left the house, taking her set of keys and slipping them into her pocket before lighting up a cigarette and starting up her bike.

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Character Portrait: Blondie
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Blondie was leaning up against a wall. His thin shoulders were slumped, and his hair fell across his face, completely covering it. He was wearing a banged up flannel shirt, and an over sized parka. His jeans were ripped, dirty, and starting to creep up his ankles. A tall man in his mid 20's approached Blondie.
"Was up, boy? Why ain't ya hangin' with the rest of us." The man asked. He rested his hand on Blondie's shoulder, causing the younger one to look up. The man had only just joined the Speedsters a couple days ago, so it wasn't his fault for not knowing Blondie usually kept to himself. Blondie had to fight every urge in his body to not deck the guy in the face.
"I gotta go," The blonde stated flatly. He shouldered past the older man who only stood with a look of confusion. The teen did not have to go anywhere but he didn't want to have to be pressured into actually hanging out with everyone, especially the rookies. He had become close friends with the heads of the gang, as well as the members who had been with the gang for a while, he didn't feel the need to befriend the newbies.
The door of the gang's HQ swung out and banged against the metal bar behind it, creating a loud clanging noise. Blondie pushed himself out of the building and into the cool air. Chattering coming from down the alleyway made him look over. A couple of Speedsters smoking looked up and said their farewells. Blondie said his goodbye by flicking his head up. The dark alleyway opened up to an empty street, a street that held lots of memories for the teen. He sauntered down it as he tried to figure out what to do.

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Character Portrait: Blondie Character Portrait: Hyde
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Hyde was even more grime-covered than she had been earlier that day. Along with the yuck and trash that entangled her hair, fresh blood splatters dotted her clothing and face. Her favorite bat swung from her belt idly, also bloody, as she made slow steps down the empty street. She giggled to herself in glee. Her "Hyde" had been satisfied at the knee-breaking of her client and his bow-legged retreat, so her "Jekyll" shone with pure brilliance now.

As she walked, she heard quiet talking. Glancing down a side alley, she saw a couple Speedsters smoking behind their hideout, chuckling to themselves. Had she really walked that far in such a short amount of time? It hadn't seemed like she had walked that much at all, only a few short minutes ago she was in center city, bashing a poor saps kneecaps bloody. But stranger things have always happened, and her Jeykll has never been the brightest crayon in the box. Hyde was the smarts, Jeykll was just there to look pretty.

Far down the street, Hyde could see a lone figure receding into the distance. From what she could see, they seemed pretty male to her, and that was really the extent of her standards. Hyde wasn't going to turn down a free-be, that was for sure. She took off running down the street to catch up with him, bumping into his back as she came to a clumsy halt.

"Oi, Oi!" Hyde called, rounded him so that she was standing in front of him to block his path. The dirty, scarred girl frowned suddenly. He had looked a lot older from the back, but now he just looked like a kid. Damn it. She put her hands on her hips, inspecting him, "Oi, you underage?" She asked, cocking her head to the side like a bird, already thinking how long it would take to seduce some of the Speedsters back in the alley if this went wrong.

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Character Portrait: Blondie Character Portrait: Hyde
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Blondie started to fall forward when something collided into his back. Before he could catch himself, the same thing spun him around. He was now facing a woman who looked as if she never bathed. A bit surprised, his eyes grew big. He leaned back and looked her up and down. After fully checking her out, he laughed. Sure, most girls he knew weren't exactly tidy, but this was ridiculous.
"Did you just step out of a trashcan...?" He asked. Remembering her question, he added," I just might be." He pulled a piece of trash from her brown hair, "But honestly, I can't take you seriously." On the outside he tried to stay calm, but on the inside he was freaking out. His heartbeat started to quicken. His eyes kept darting from the bloody bat swinging from her waist, back up to her face. He shoved his shaky hands into his pockets where a small knife was waiting for him in each pocket.
He contemplated on what he should do if she does start to attack him. Stay here and fight? He wasn't really in the mood. Run? He could probably run faster than her, if she were to chase after him. He chose the latter. He started to slowly walk backwards, and turn his body ever so slightly.

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Character Portrait: Blondie Character Portrait: Hyde
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Hyde started on the defense, not much liking to be looked down on, especially from a kid. She supposed she had just come from a trashcan, but she still took offense to it being pointed out. But, her defense faded quickly to a childish pout at his "I just might be.' Just her luck. Though, to be completely honest, her morals weren't exactly very high to begin with anyway. Maybe she should just stick it out, see where it goes? Maybe.

Hyde sighed from her internal conflict, hooking her thumbs into her belt loops idly, "Aye, what I do in my free time is my--" She paused as he started to move away, ever so slowly. Hyde's whole body tensed in reflex, everything tightly coiled and ready to launch herself on him if he bolted. The kid looked mighty suspicious right now, really, and she didn't need the cops on her tail if he was a snitch too. Her hand moved toward her bat, but only rested on the top of the blood-slicked surface, ready but not yet bashin'. Not just yet.

"Oi, oi..." She said quietly, "Where'ya think you're going, kid? Weren't we having a lovely chat?" Hyde's voice was light, but her gaze held pure seriousness.

He was only a tad taller than herself, but it was enough for her to have to raise her face to look at him. Blonde had never been her preference anyway, so it wouldn't be too much of a lose if Hyde had to 'Take care of things.', but still a bit of a bummer. He wasn't bad looking and she wasn't sure she felt up to finding someone else.