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Kim Hye Yu

"I'm the president of FYI Entertainment, do anything that'll ruin my reputation and you'll wish you've never been born."

0 · 652 views · located in Seoul, South Korea

a character in “Voice”, originally authored by PrincessBoy, as played by RolePlayGateway


Kim Hye Yu

President of FYI Entertainment/Manager of FACE





They Say I look like...?

They Say I sound like...?

Appearance Description
She stands at a tall height of 6'1" and her weight is kept secret. She may look like a small, skinny woman at first, but don't underestimate her. She's actually very strong and very serious looking. She could kick any black belt's if she wanted too. She always, I mean, always has her hair up in the same style. Even during business meetings.

Yu's personality can be very scary sometimes and people steer away form her most of the time. She's very unapproachable when she's wearing her suits or not on stage. But deep, deep down, she keeps her feelings locked inside. She's always speaking her mind and doing what's best for her company. She's loyal to her idols and will do whatever it takes to make them number one, but FACE's attitude gets on her nerves a lot.

  • Her workers, her hair style, singing, dancing, business meetings, her idols, loyalty, and songwriting.

  • Blood, rumors, gossip, starvation, her idols getting hurt, dealing with idiots, paparazzi, meddlers, long business meetings, FACE's attitude, homophobia, fighting, and yelling (even though she does this a lot).

Yu's childhood was rather average except that her parents wanted her to be the best. They always tried to put her into new things and after time, it got very tiring. But her long days of studying and practicing helped her future. She auditioned for a Entertainment company and was almost debut right after joining. Though her years of being an idol left her empty. So she canceled her contract and made her own company, so she can have her own. She's been the president of FYI for a long time now and she's loving it. Though she hasn't be on stage for a long time too, but she likes where she is.

Hex Code

Theme Song

So begins...

Kim Hye Yu's Story

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Character Portrait: Oh Sae Ryun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu
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Kim Hye Yu

The president of FYI Entertainment was dealing with the most problematic, egotistical idol she's ever had. Yu was glad to be the president of this company, but being the manager of the face of the FYI was even harder. Sometimes it was difficult to handle Ryun. At first, he was an angel. He did everything so perfectly and smoothly, that was until she found out the real him after a year. That brat was going to be the death of her some day and maybe that day would be today. "Ryun, how many times do I have to say it? Stop being a spoiled brat!"she roared at FACE's face (lol) with anger. Thank goodness they were in the overall meeting room so no one could hear Yu's harsh yelling. The president had her finger caressing her temple, a full on migraine coming along. "I know you are upset about all of this, but you need to stop being selfish. Give other idols a chance."

That was right, Ryun was made about the rookie group. The rookie group that she was about to have a meeting with in about fifteen minutes. This groups wasn't like any other, this group was Ladies & Gentlemen. A co-ed group who's popularity had been raising the roof ever since information got out about them. Yu was proud of herself that the was the first rookie group to ever surpass views and search topics before even debuting. Which was why Ryun was so mad about. Ladies & Gentlemen's popularity had been going up so lately that it might even surpass FACE's popularity. With a raging migraine in her head and a yelling, attitude given idol in her ear. "Oh, please just shut up! For crying out loud, I'm about to go into a meeting with them in ten minutes. Leave before they get here." Yu shook her head, knowing it was futile to try to get him to leave. He was so stubborn sometimes...he reminded her of herself when she was younger. Maybe that's why I put up with him for so long...

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Character Portrait: Oh Sae Ryun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu
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Oh SaeRyun - FACE

He doesn't remember a single day throughout his entire career when he has been so unsettled, so angry. He's been arguing with his most trusted ally in this industry and as well as his Manager. However, SaeRyun couldn't seemed to recall a time when he'd been this upset with the President of FYI Entertainment, no matter how close they've been together for these past years. He crinkles his nose up a bit as he continues to yell. "Haah? What is this, President!" Leaning back into the leather seat chair, he kept his feet propped up onto the table. "Ryun, how many times do I have to say it? Stop being a spoiled brat!"she roared at FACE's face with anger. It didn't affect him too much as he continued. "Ladies & Gentlemen? You tell me, what is this? This rookie group hasn't even debuted yet! And yet, they've already gotten so popular? You tell me, what have they done to deserve that?" He yelled as he leaned forward again, taking his feet off the table as he did with exclaiming arms. The president had her finger caressing her temple, a full on migraine coming along. "I know you are upset about all of this, but you need to stop being selfish. Give other idols a chance."

He huffed, letting out a frustrated sigh, stuck in his anger. He has been a stubborn man for the majority of his life. He wasn't going to stop doing that now. "Why should I give a chance to some group who hasn't done anything to get what they've deserved?"" He yelled. "No one else seems to have given the rest of the rookie groups a chance, and yet, these guys are already so popular!" He stood up now, unable to sit down and contain his emotions. "I refuse to give them a chance. They don't deserve it!" With a raging migraine in her head and a yelling, attitude given idol in her ear. "Oh, please just shut up! For crying out loud, I'm about to go into a meeting with them in ten minutes. Leave before they get here." Yu shook her head, knowing it was futile to try to get him to leave.

SaeRyun slouched back into his seat, an irked expression on his usually collected and composed face. "Hell no," while he cursed every now and then, he couldn't but feel that nostalgia of his gang days with the way he seemed to hold this resentment. It was a bad feeling that he didn't like. "You can try all you want to get me out of here, but I want to see this rookie group that everyone's so excited about. What's so great about them?" He made a click between his teeth and tongue in annoyance. "Go on, bring them in! I want to see these Ladies & Gentlemen that everyone's so revved up about. I'll just sit right here, and you can go on, have your meeting." He settled further into the seat. "And I'll just sit right here." He kept a hard stare at his manager, who seemed even more annoyed with his stubbornness. There wasn't a way in hell that he was going to budge in this decision.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Lee Sae Character Portrait: Kang Jin Eun Character Portrait: Oh Sae Ryun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu Character Portrait: Kim Ji Yeon Character Portrait: Park Jin Hyeon
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Park Jin Hyeon - Hyomin

Hyomin stared out the window of the van for the drive, quite comfortable in the outfit she had chosen to wear today. Black tank top, dark-wash jean skirt and lovely silver heels that made her appear four inches taller than her natural height of 5'4''. She was always comfortable in outfits such as this and tended to always look sexy and stylish, even before this had become her role or concept for the group Ladies & Gentlemen.

Uee leapt from the vehicle first, quickly followed by Hyomin herself, while the others followed quickly and the group was brought up in the rear by their manager; Jun Lee Sae. She followed the leader into the building and down the hall after an insane display of affection from the woman at the front desk, apparently a good fan of Uee's. He turned, his face showing his disgust, and Hyomin hid her giggle of amusement.

" Thank you very much," she said graciously as the group passed the woman and continued on their way, knowing the lady hadn't even noticed Uee's hidden expression as she found herself practically soaring with happiness.

Upon reaching the meeting room, Uee hesitated slightly before with his hand on the door handle and, before Hyomin could push forward to hurry the group along, opened the door to stride inside quickly. He halted in front of the co-leader, which caused her to bump into him, and raised his arm with his finger pointed at another male in the room. His tone was accusational and angry as he raised his voice, which cracked and caused Hyomin to wince.

Sae made his way past her and placed his hand on Uee's shoulder comfortingly, "Uee, please, don't make a scene..." The nearly twenty year old manager was very obviously nervous, the tremor noticeable in his tone of voice as he tried to cool the leader's anger.

" Uee, calm down." Hyomin murmured calmly as she stepped further into the room and turned to face the male. " Relax for now, there's important business we are here to meet for." The co-leader tended to try to be Uee's voice of reason when he was angry, though it obviously didn't work all the time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Lee Sae Character Portrait: Kang Jin Eun Character Portrait: Oh Sae Ryun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu Character Portrait: Kim Ji Yeon Character Portrait: Park Jin Hyeon
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Kim Ji Yeon- Shine

Staring out the window of the van,Yeon messed with the new outfit she had just gotten the day before. She always had to make sure everything was perfect,not because of what people thought but of what she thought of herself,she never saw herself as a what you would call a pretty girl but she tried her best to hide it.

As they pulled to a stop she saw Uee get out frist followed by Hyomin. She took her time getting out of the car but got out third and watched as their manager followed last. She looked around the buliding before hearing some annoying voice talk to Uee. Knowing exactly what his expression her probably had on his face,she smirked and chuckled a little before catching herself. As they passed the women she heard Hyomin say thank you. She just acted like she wasn't there and just kept looking forward. she new it was rude but honestly fans annoyed her at times and this was one of those times.

When they reached the meeting room,Shine looked at her outfit knowing that they would have to make a good impression. She madce sure her wavy hair was still in the right places and fixed the two bows she had in her hair. "Perfect." She said it to herself,she knew sometimes how much everything had to be at it's best,annoyed the others but,hey she couldn't help it. They all stopped which made her almost lose the poise she had,that wouldn't have been good for anyone because when she lost her grace she was well.......let's just say she could turn into a female version of Uee at times.

She started to hear someone's angry voice which made her frown,she hated yelling and fighting. She listened closely heaing the group's name,it wasn't long before the door opened and Uee as usual had something to yell about.She hated yelling espcially from her other band members. she looked down and saw their manager,Sae pass her and talk to Uee. "Uee, please, don't make a scene...." She nodded and looked at them. After a second she heard Hyomin try and calm him down," Uee, calm down." She clear her throat and spoke in her soft tone. "Yea,he's not worth it." She looked at FACE and then back at Uee. "Just try and breathe in and out,it really does help sometimes.And,well you know I hate seeing you angry."She is what you call a peace maker,she hated when others mostly her closest friends were anything but happy,I mean they had a good life and they needed to appericate that. As she walked deeper in the room she how must have been yelling,her being well her she just smiled at him slightly and turn her attention back Uee.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Lee Sae Character Portrait: Kang Jin Eun Character Portrait: Oh Sae Ryun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu Character Portrait: Kim Ji Yeon Character Portrait: Park Jin Hyeon
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Min Ki Park - October

Min Ki bobbed his head along with hi music that played through his head phones, singing along to some Japanese rock music. He ran a hand throughout he his soft red hair as he stared at his other members, he fixed his black outfit with a yawn. He had a bubble tea In his hand. He had made sure to have woken up early and bought one because he despised coffee and refused to drink them.

Min Ki followed out of the van second to last and stretched once out before sipping his drink. He followed his members into the building and watched the lady talk to Uee. Once everyone had begun making their way from her she smiled to him as he waved. “Thank you.” He bowed and shot her an innocent smile before running after the others. No matter how crazy, or mean, or obsessive fans were he would always respect them. There was no reason for him to be rude and crush their hopes or anything.

The youngest had got destracted and had to run to ctach up with the others, once he did he started to hear someone's angry voice which made him pout. ’Are my Hyungs and Noonas fighting?’ He leaned closer to listen closely hearing the group's name, it wasn't long before the door opened and Uee was there. Manager Sae pass the group and went to talk to Uee. "Uee, please, don't make a scene...." October was confused, why is Uee-Hyng upset? After a moment Hyomin try and calm him down, " Uee, calm down." Than Shine tried to get him to calm "Yea,he's not worth it. Just try and breathe in and out,it really does help sometimes. And,well you know I hate seeing you angry."

October let out a soft whine as he pushed his way up to Uee, “Uee-Hyung? Why are you upset, don’t yell or frown please you will get wrinkles.” He stated innocently as he got on his tiptoes and poked his hyungs forehead with a soft, innocent and adorable smile. He knew no one could resist his cuteness and hope that his joking and smiles would help calm Uee down so he could figure what was going on. He was the cute innocent adorable maknae—that had amazing skills in everything. His eyes went to the other to in the room and he gave them a curious look.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Lee Sae Character Portrait: Oh Sae Ryun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu Character Portrait: Kim Ji Yeon Character Portrait: Park Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Kangjoun Oriko
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Oh SaeRyun - FACE
He had been settling comfortably in his seat when the designated group that was to arrive came in. He barely gave them a glance before the first one that came in, and then began yelling. "Annyeong- what?!" It was a small guy, much smaller than that of his own build, and SaeRyun couldn't help but become annoyed with how long his hair was. "You! You're that guy!" What, had the kid never heard of a haircut? And frankly, addressing him so informally got was already forming a bad impression. "You're that guy who cut in line right in front of me!" He shrieked, his normally high toned voice cracked a little. SaeRyun tightened his jaw slightly, despite the otherwise blank face that he was able to maintain. Out of all people, this kid doesn't recognize me? Me? The face of this very company that he's standing in?

While his ego was being bruised, he looked over the insulting little thing, and then over the other people who came into the room. A less than impressive male came in, placing a hand on the long-haired boy—what was his name again?—'s shoulder, whispering something. Must be the manager. No member of this apparent popular group would look like that. A girl followed in after him, "Uee, calm down." She was supposed to be the co-leader, right? He'd done his research. She had a pretty face. "Relax for now, there's important business we are here to meet for." At the very least, she had more professionalism than the leader did. Oh.. He vaguely recalled. This kid's supposed to be the leader? He thought to himself, keeping silent out respect that had been found at the very last second for his manager and the President of the FYI Entertainment.

Another followed, this one also being female. "Yeah, he's not worth it." Hm. Must be taking after their leader. No professionalism. "Just try and breathe in and out, it really does help sometimes. And, well you know I hate seeing you angry." But at least she was more professional then the Uee kid. Another followed, a much more innocent-looking and feminine boy. This one screams maknae all over him. He places his arms over themselves close to him, as he merely observes. “Uee-Hyung? Why are you upset, don’t yell or frown please you will get wrinkles.” Much too innocent. He wouldn't survive very long in this business with that sort of mindset. Then again, he didn't really just what the kid was capable of just yet, so he wasn't going to be too quick to judge. A final came followed after, much more nonchalant than the previous, seeming slightly out of it. "So guys, can't we just get down to the freaking situation at hands here? I mean I know we aren't the brightest of people but really."

SaeRyun's blank expression turned slightly more serious. Sloppy. This group.. is just.. sloppy. He turns towards the President, with a slight glance that says exactly what he was thinking, This? Is supposed to be 'Ladies & Gentlemen'? He turns around again before she could say anything. Then again, they're still rookies. Of course they haven't developed professionalism just yet. ..Some more than others. He keeps quiet, as the leader, Uee, seems to have only become slightly angrier, but he maintains a thinking expression that's hard to tell much from. Though, just what was this kid thinking about? 'Guy that cut him in a line'? Really? What was this nonsense?

"You're rather rude, aren't you. And you're supposed to be the leader of 'Ladies & Gentlemen'? Please," he pauses in his teasing tone, switching from his arrogant like attitude to that of a much more serious face, as he unravels his arms away from his chest, as they now merely are pressed against the table. "You're a joke, and a disgrace as to what you're supposed to become." He stands up from his seat, now deeming disinterest in this entire matter. He turns towards Yu, "you're right. I should've left. There's nothing to see here." He begins his way around the President, and goes to the other door in the meeting room, "excuse me then." And promptly leaves without another word, ignoring whatever may have been thrown at him verbally.

As soon as the door closes behind him, and he is halfway down the hall, he gets into an elevator, I should get to practicing that new song that I was working on last night, and flips out his cell phone, and takes around 15 minutes to completely finish a text message to Yu that would more likely be on vibrate or was turned off. [President, please forgive my behavior that I have portrayed in the Meeting Room earlier. I will take responsibility, and that I apologize sincerely. Please do not be too mad, it doesn't look good on your otherwise pretty face.☺—Ryun]

And to think that he felt threatened that his popularity would go down because of this group. SaeRyun has a half-smile on his face he's walking out the elevator and heads to the recording studio. Then again, he could never know.. but for now, he had nothing to worry about.

((OOC: Sorry that cut off any other ways of interaction, but I feel that this way, it will be better. Good reactions and then straight to the point of the meeting. (: .. As well as establishing a bad impression on both sides. If you guys would rather that I change, please tell me or discuss it with, and I shall edit it as it is to be seen fit.))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Lee Sae Character Portrait: Kang Jin Eun Character Portrait: Oh Sae Ryun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu Character Portrait: Kim Ji Yeon Character Portrait: Park Jin Hyeon
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Kim Hye Yu

Yu just rubbed her temples even more. This was all too much. She thought it was going to go better, but once Uee walked through the door, she knew all hell would break loose. She knew Uee could be such a handle. She was the one who recruited and transferred him to FYI Entertainment. She went through his profiles and after actually talking to him during a scheduled lunch, she found that he had much anger that wasn't dealt with. After drilling him about certain things, she found that even through his anger, he was just a defenseless child, er, adult. She had him on pills, nothing to serious, but just something to help him calm his nerves and anger. It worked a great deal as he started to grow with the rest of his members. Though, she couldn't get rid of all his anger, it somehow became one of his personality traits after sometime, but she was okay with it here and there.

Then when Uee came in and realized that he met SaeRyun once before, with him cutting in front of the smaller man. She actually facepalmed and almost fell out of here chair at the accusation.She stood up as their manager came in after, along with the other members trying to calm their leader down. Though, she chuckled lightly at the thought of Uee not even knowing who SaeRyun was. She walked over to the little bundle, listening into her client's outburst. The president just sighed when he walked out the room. Shit just hit the fan.

"Well...I should actually thank you." She looked at the shocked faces. "What? I was trying to get him to leave before you guys got here." She chuckled again before showing her serious face. "Now, I'm very sorry FACE's words. Don't take him serious. He's an idiot." She smirked, but still looked quite serious in a scary way. "Anyway, let's get down to business,"she walked back to her main chair, sitting back in the seat,"I know you guys have been working on the dance moves for weeks, but time fort he actual singing. We have your songs finished and we would like for you guys to start practicing them with your dances." She actually smiled sincerely, but only for a second. "And Uee...Your's might be a little hard, since your dances are more vigorous than the others, but I hope you do your best." She turned to look at Sae and gave him a smile too. "And you were actually on time, good job." She knew he loved to be praised, just like Uee does.

Then she felt her phone vibrate on her hip and she scowled. Taking her phone, she scanned it thoroughly before sighing. [It was still unacceptable...I saw that look on your face. You haven't seen their talent yet. Don't retort back. After you record, I want you to meet in the storage room next to Ladies & Gentlemen's dance room. I'll tell you why there. ☹ -Yu] She threw her phone back in her pocket and resumed the meeting. "After giving you guys the lyrics, please go to your dance room to resume your practice today." She picked up a stack of papers, all the songs that they have to record. Only three of them will have music videos, five of them will be performed on their debut stage, and the other four songs are just their for their album. "I'm pretty sure you guys will love your main song." She still kept the papers to her, but she would give them out after letting them listen to the songs. She actually wrote their main song. She was confident that they'll rock the stage with the song.

[OOC: Hey, yo. It's okay. Actually it kinda fit. Anyway, the storage room next to the dance room has once of those windows where you can see into the dance room, but the people in the dance room can't see through it. It'll help the plot go through. So, that's what Yu was talking about to SaeRyun. Just thought of it. Xd]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Lee Sae Character Portrait: Kang Jin Eun Character Portrait: Oh Sae Ryun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu Character Portrait: Kim Ji Yeon Character Portrait: Park Jin Hyeon
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Kang Jin Eun - Uee

When the other members came in and tried to calm Uee down, it actually helped a lot, but he couldn't help it his angry expression. He was naturally an angry person from the get go. When SaeRyun started to talk back at him, the small Asian just gritted his teeth, listening to him. "You're rather rude, aren't you. And you're supposed to be the leader of 'Ladies & Gentlemen'? Please," he pauses in his teasing tone, switching from his arrogant like attitude to that of a much more serious face, as he unravels his arms away from his chest, as they now merely are pressed against the table. "You're a joke, and a disgrace as to what you're supposed to become." Of course, after the man had left, the president got out for her seat to comfort the words that were said. Thankfully, Uee's long hair shielded his face from everyone, as his eyes were tearing up. That guy doesn't know anything about me! He quickly wiped his angry tears and hurriedly took a seat, listening to Yu's words. The idiot comment made him smile a bit, but hearing her say FACE, he froze. "Wait. What?" He was thoroughly confused. "That guy was FACE?" He couldn't believe that. He's watched FACE's performances, he was so nice, so friendly. There was no way that douche-bag was FACE! He actually somewhat admired that guy, but now that image shattered. He bit his lip harshly, trying to keep his anger steady.

He immediately brightened up at the sound of their songs. He was so excited, he's been waiting for the time they get to finally sing. Though, nothing could even go against his love for dancing. Listening intently to the president's words, he was playing with the end of his hair with his lips in a cute, but awkward smile. It was very rare to find him smile and his smile now was the only smile he could really do. I'm pretty sure I'll love the main song, president. He eyed the papers, he so wanted to start memorizing the lyrics now. He couldn't wait!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Lee Sae Character Portrait: Kang Jin Eun Character Portrait: Oh Sae Ryun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu Character Portrait: Kim Ji Yeon Character Portrait: Park Jin Hyeon
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Park Jin Hyeon - Hyomin

That guy had been FACE?! The FACE of FYI Entertainment?! Somehow this tiny bit of information had slipped by Hyomin as she now found herself staring after him as he left the room. She could only imagine how Uee was taking it because, from what she knew, FACE had been his role model for some time now. Though she quickly forgot about the argument at the mention of music and, to be specific, the songs they would be singing.

Their songs were finished and could be added to the dances they'd been practising, finally! The co-leader smiled as Yu pulled her phone out, turning in her heeled shoes to look at Sae. " Yeah, great job Sae," Hyomin added with a wink, aiming to make the younger man blush as she usually did. It posed a sort of amusement for her but she didn't feel anything more than friendship for him... Even with her constant flirting. The President finished with her mobile quickly but, by that time, Hyomin was listening closely as Yu spoke once again.

" I'm pretty sure you guys will love your main song," Yu said easily, to which Hyomin's smile grew. " What's it called?" She asked, genuinely curious as she glanced from the papers the President held in her arms to her serious expression. The woman was much taller and so Hyomin had to look up to do this. " And we probably will, won't we everyone?" At this Hyomin turned to look at each member, her smile in place on her lips as she stared into each person's face. The small, pale face of the curious October who was the youngest of the group. She focused on him for a few seconds before gazing to the others; Juhan, Shine, and her fellow leader Uee. Who looked extremely happy now that the vocal parts had been brought up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Lee Sae Character Portrait: Kang Jin Eun Character Portrait: Oh Sae Ryun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu Character Portrait: Kim Ji Yeon Character Portrait: Kangjoun Oriko
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Kim Ji Yeon- Shine
Every word that fell from that idiot's mouth just infuriated Shine. He knows absolutly nothing about us and yet he's already acting like an ass! But,she didn't let her anger be too visible so she just dug her pale pink painted nails into her small palms. Before she could even think of something to say he left,thank God too because if she was to say something it would start a lot,and I mean a lot of tenion between the group and him. She exhaled deeply before taking a seat and clearing her throat lightly. As Yu spoke,she was absolutly speechless,that was FACE! No,no way in Hell that was him. No way! But,then again why would she lie? After a second,Shine pushed the thoughts out of her head as she heard the word,songs. She looked at the others who looked pretty excited as well,but who could blame them? They were good at performing.....Oh who was she kidding they were amazing when you put them all together. She sat up a little straighter in her seat,if that was possible.

Finally,we can get started. Happy dance time! She smirked at her thought and let out a small chuckle." I'm pretty sure you guys will love your main song," She couldn't help but be excited and smile with her white teeth showing. She looked at Hyomin as she asked the same question that was on her mind," What's it called? She just nodded and looked at the co-leader as she asked the group a question. " And we probably will, won't we everyone?" She nodded and watched as Hyomin looked at October. She couldn't help but feel a bit envious that she could be like that. She had a little crush on October ever since they met for the frist time and only if she could read minds to see what he thinks of her. She looked down at her nails trying not to mess with them like she always did when she was nervous. She just needed to focus on the music not on FACE,not on her little crush,not on anything else but how much she couldn't wait to start singing which was hopefully soon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Lee Sae Character Portrait: Kang Jin Eun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu Character Portrait: Kim Ji Yeon Character Portrait: Park Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Kangjoun Oriko
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Jun Lee Sae

Boy, Sae felt like he was on top of the world! He hadn't been late after all! Imagine that! He felt like skipping around the whole damn building he was so happy. These little things really mattered to Sae. He stood there, grinning like a madman until Hyomin congratulated him with a suggestive wink, making his face tinge pink. Not only was he easily pleased, he was also easily embarrassed. And that Hyomin... jeez. 

After recovering from his little flustered moment, Sae clapped his hands together twice to get the attention of the band. [b]"Alright Ladies & Gentlemen! You can give the lyrics the once-over for a second, and then it's off to the dance room! Sae might be shy at times, but other times he knew how to command attention and get down to business.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Lee Sae Character Portrait: NPCs Character Portrait: Kang Jin Eun Character Portrait: Oh Sae Ryun Character Portrait: Kim Hye Yu Character Portrait: Kim Ji Yeon
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#, as written by Kim Sia