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Grond Wartooth

"Lok' tar ogar!"

0 · 191 views · located in Austras

a character in “Warriors guild”, originally authored by Roku Mushabuki, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Grond Wartooth
Age: 26
Gender: Male


Personality: Grond is very battle hardened as many Orcs are. He hates the thought of a mage that can't handle a sword. The only exception is a healer. He is fine with race as long as it isn't a stereotypical elf. His hobbies revolve around fighting so he is blunt and rude when it fits him. He is the type that would rather skip diplomacy and get straight to the bloodshed.
Rank: Swordsman
Warrior class: Berserker
Skills: Grond Rages in battle, ignoring pain and stress to his body. He is very strong and carries two handed weapons with one hand. He moves faster than most in his heavy armor. His blood boils in the heat of battle, giving him adrenaline.
likes: Battle, war, bravery, comradship, warriors, melee, and blood.
Dislikes: Mages, cowards, peace, those who cannot fend for themselves, and those have not tested their mettle.
Fears: Dieing in anything but battle and losing a set of limbs without dieing.
Weapons: A warhammer, one longsword, one hand-axe, and a flail.
Equipment: Chainmail, spiked breastplate, spiked steel shield.
History: Grond has proved his mettle in battle time and time again. Born in the Blood Rock tribe in the mountains he spent his childhood fighting tribes of goblins with his war pack because the Blood Rocks were vying for control of the mountains. When the fighting ended when he was thirteen he headed to more populated areas in search for merc work. Working as an individual merc had many cold and lonely nights. Two years after he left his tribe he joined up with the guild where he rose up the ranks. He stayed at his current rank because he knew that the higher one gets the less action they see. He now lives with the guild with it's members as his new war pack.
other: Grond wears battle paint in battle and is known for his fearsome battle cry.

So begins...

Grond Wartooth's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok Character Portrait: Grond Wartooth
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"Ahh! For the love Blu'k Sha! Watch your hands!" Grond told a healer that was fixing him up. He had completed a contract to kill a minotaur that was plagueing a lumbermill owned by a wealthy baron. He suffered a wound in his left shoulder from the beast's axe. Luckily his armour prevented the axe from slicing through him like rat fat. The repairs and the healing would take a good chunk out of his pay but the head was worth it. Large pay too, four hundred gold, but it wasn't like Grond spent his pay on luxery. Most of it went to repairs, potions, and new gear. He spent the rest on his guild brothers/sisters. He paid the mage and headed out to the guild.

Grond got to the guild to barge in the door with the stuffed head wrapped in his left arm. He put it on the table, unfolding the cloth covering it so it showed the face. Another proud trophy to mount on the guild walls. He started out to the back two get some berries for a rage brew his tribe made before battle. He stepped outside to the garden to find the other members.

"Family!" He shouted. "I have come back from my contract with a pocket full of gold and a story to tell. How about we drink at the tavern tonight. My treat!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok Character Portrait: Grond Wartooth
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" brother ! " Coli yelled " lt took you long enough on that contract , if it was me I would have been bake ages ago" She said with a laugh. Coli noticed Bo;kan leaving town but She did not think anything of it at the time. " So the Grond has a fairy tale to tell this one should be good" She looked At the orc thinking what has he gone through in his life, she then looked at all the scares on this mans body. Coli noticed his new wound but she said nothing out of respect of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok Character Portrait: Grond Wartooth
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Ha ha. So the baron who put out the contract said it was wildlife so I assumed it was a mountain lion problem. Nope. I was jumped by a minotaur who axed my shoulder. Luckily it was just a wood cutting axe or I would've been cleaved. By it's grunting I think it was laughing at me. After that it's attacks were sloppy enough to parry easily, than after each attack I made a counter to slash at it's limbs. It wasn't laughing when I sliced it's head right off. The prize is sitting on the table inside." He finished pointing back to the door with his thumb.

"The baron was apparently a friend of the Red Thorns and wanted to see me die without any real intentions of paying me." Grond spit on the ground at the reference of the company. "He payed alright. When I knocked everyone of his dozen guard out he was begging to pay more. Red Thorn if I never met a greater group of cowards..." He sneered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok Character Portrait: Grond Wartooth
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Revan casually threw his arm over the massive shoulders of his orcish friend as he began to lead the warrior towards the guild hall.

"Put a handful of braying children in command of a mercenary guild and you're bound to get all manner of rotund idiots filling the ranks."

The elf joked as the group made their way into the hall.

"So... hows about those drinks Wartooth?"

The guild hall was teeming with all manner of fearsome warriors, archers and brawlers. Ranking from the lowest to the highest the main floor was the common area where the guild members would convene, drink, recant tales form their contracts and pick up new assignments. On the far wall was a large fire place where a roaring fire crackled, granting warmth and light to those sitting around it. Wooden tables dotted the area where several small groups were sitting having breakfast or drinking something strong enough to knock a gnome on his ass. Revan led Grond to the bar before casually taking a seat on one of the stools.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Grond Wartooth
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When the bartender asked Grond what he wanted he shouted "Round for the house, on me!" He usually did this after a big contract. Give something back to the guild. The bartender handed him a large mug to his left side, knowing well that his right eye was blind. Completly gone to be correct. That eye was blinded on a contract that he never told anyone about. The only one who knew about it was the guildmaster but whenever anybody asked the reply was always the same. "Drop it." Now he just kept it covered up by bandaged lenen. Grond had been saving up for a magical glass eye, one that would act as his old one did before the blinding.

He drank his orcish swill happily. What Grond drank was enough alcohol to poison half a dozen human guild members.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok Character Portrait: Grond Wartooth
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Bolkan got to his clothing and gear quickly and got dressed and headed back to the guild once he was there he went to the bar and sit by coli