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We can be Freaks Together

We can be Freaks Together


"We were raised in cages. Like lab rats, used and experimented on... Then we learned to fly."

4,346 readers have visited We can be Freaks Together since opossum666 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


"We were raised in cages. Like lab rats, used and experimented on...
Then we learned to fly."

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In a time where Max and her flock didn't exist, a different flock is born. Raised in the dreaded School, they were tortured and used for the Whitecoats cruel experiments. They escaped. An intern by the name of Alicia Rusalka took pity on them and hid them away. While they were en rout for a transfer to The Institute, she injected the truck driver with a tranquilizer, then hijacked the truck. She drove the six experiments to her parent's vacation house in the mountains, a two day drive from the school. She told them it would be their home from now on, that they wouldn't have to be scared anymore. That she would protect them. She lived with them for a year, taking care of them, and taking measures to remain hidden. She shut down her credit card, got rid of her cell phone, hid her web presence. She was one hell of a hacker, good at hiding herself. Alicia took on a job at a computer repair shop in the town an hour a way, wanting to support her new little family.

However, the peace Alicia had given the children was short lived. The School found her. They caught her at work and told her they'd let her live if she told them where the children are. She refused. They took her back to the school and tortured her family in front of her, saying they'd do even more horrible things to all of them if she didn't tell them where the six children were. She didn't want to see her family hurt, but she couldn't tun in the children. Alicia Hung herself with a bed sheet in her cell, unable to deal with the stress.

Now begins the story of the six children, the new Flock, hunted by the School, hoping to survive.

"This is our family."

Name: Alek||Age:17||Gender: ||Experiment Type:98% Human, 2% Fox ||Face Claim: Emma Stone ||Status: PLAYED BY TRISTISNOX

Name: Puki||Age:16||Gender: Female ||Experiment Type:Human, Avian||Face Claim: Nozomi Sasaki ||Status: PLAYED BY OPOSSUM666

Name:Tyson ||Age:16||Gender:Male ||Experiment Type: Human, Gibbon, K9, Cat||Face Claim: Wentworth Miller||Status: PLAYED BY FULLARMORNAVY

Name:Synxa ||Age:14||Gender: Female ||Experiment Type: Human, Cat||Face Claim: Toxic-Temmie ||Status: PLAYED BY KANO

Name: Addy ||Age:12||Gender: Female ||Experiment Type: human, snake||Face Claim: Rowan Blanchard ||Status: PLAYED BY EMPTYMARSHES

Name: Rooke||Age:10||Gender: male ||Experiment Type: human, avian||Face Claim: Asa Butterfield||Status: PLAYED BY SILVERHEARTED

Name:Alicia Ruslaka ||Age:34||Gender: ||Face Claim: Tatiana Maslany |||Status: DEAD

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Toggle Rules

1. No god modding
2. Please no Mary Sues/Gary Stus
3. PM Opossum666 to reserve a spot, thanks!
4. You can submit any kind of experiment, it doesnt have to be human avian. But if it's not human based, please notify Opossum666.
5. If you want to play a Whitecoat or an eraser, that's great! If we dont get anyone playing these, then they will all just be NPC.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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Rooke was quiet and pouty the rest of the way down from the cottage all the way to the alley way. His arms were crossed, and his lip stuck out. When they got to safety he realized that Tyson was having a rather hard time staying up an wake. His silent tantrum ended right then and there as his being was filled with worry. When Tyson passed out Rooke rushed too catch him. He didn't help much, but let Tyson land on his good shoulder before slipping off and hitting the ground. It was better than just slamming into the ground, Rooke assumed. The sparrow frowned and kneeled down, his jaw clenching. "This is all my fault...." Rooke mumbled under his breath, making sure no one heard what he said. Standing up he looked to Synax, who was asked to heal him. "I only need my wing and most of my shoulder healed, the rest I can live with. You should focus more on Tyson," Rooke said to Syn.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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As Alek walked to her flock, she mentally kicked herself for not taking better care of the bodies. If the School had sent Erasers after them (which they always did), the creatures would be able to pick up on her work. She did have a very distinct way of killing and their scent was all over the place. Oh well, what can you do? The day stretched on with the sun slowly sinking in the sky. In the late afternoon she found a small stream and cleaned herself of the dried blood that spattered her upon the death of one of the hunters. Unless someone looked close enough at her dark clothes, no one would notice that she was painted with blood.

The closer she got to the city, the more alert Alek became. She hid her ears, tail, teeth, and claws so she appeared more human than hybrid. Before actually entering the city, she caught a few rabbits, wrapped them in some old (now) useless clothes, and easily slipped in without anyone noticing. It didn't take long for her to find her flock in an alley way with Tyson passed out and the others worried. With a smile she stepped out of the shadows, "I'm glad to see everyone made it." She walked over to the small group. "I'm glad everyone is okay... ish." She rubbed her cheek and hugged Puki and Addy, gave a warm smile to Synax, and hugged Rooke while placing a kiss on top of his head. "I have a few rabbits and sticks for a fire, eat up." Then she walked over to Tyson who was still passed out. Pleased to see the gunshot would hadn't opened, she knelt down and gently shook him. "Ty, you have to wake up. Come on Ty. You need to eat. Tyyyyyy."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke
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Addy froze at Alek's motion to stay quiet, as the men came through the living room. You could practically hear a pen drop, as she held her breath in absolute fear. She started to panic when Rooke began to awake, but she saw that Tyson had managed to quiet him down.

She tried to put a word in when Alek told them to leave, but before she could Tyson swept them out of the house. She hated the idea of leaving Alek at the house, but she knew there was no point in protesting. There was nothing they could do and she knew, deep down that Alek could take care of it herself.

When they landed in the alley, she knew Tyson was in terrible shape. She nodded at his words giving him a small hug not wanting to hurt or damage his wounds. When he collapsed she let out a small gasp, when but gave a small noise of relief when Rooke put him safely to the ground. That's when she really focused on Rooke, he wasn't in great shape either, "Rooke, are you alright? I-Is there anything I can do?" She said in a small voice. She knew he wasn't in a great mood, but she felt terrible. She was about to check his injuries when the voice of Alek behind her, made her jump. She turned around beaming and ran to hug the girl, "I'm so glad you're alright!" She exclaimed happily, before letting her go sensing her worry over Tyson.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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Rooke looked over to Addy as she talked. He stood still as she approached him, but when Alek came back he just stared at her before going and plopping down on the ground. He spread his good wing out comfortably while trying to gingerly move the injured one. Once comfortable he sat there slouching, slowly putting pressure on the battered and scraped side. Grunting he instantly stopped. Looking at his arm he didn't even bother trying to move it. Dried blood crusted his clothing as he looked at the wound. Most of the bones were out of his shoulder, thankfully. Rooke looked back to Tyson and Alek when Alek started to hum her words and softly shake Ty. His lips pursed as he simply watched.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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"Well, it seems Ty still needs some time to rest." Alek stood and turned to her flock. "We'll make some food and hopefully the smell will entice him out of hibernation." She grinned easily although inside she felt a little jittery at him not stirring. She build a small fire and assigned Addy to watch over it while she skinned the rabbits with one of her new knives and cleaned them before skewing them on a thin but long stick that went over the fire. "Addy, rotate them every few minutes so they evenly cook." Then she sat cross legged and pulled Rooke into her lap. "Now my little bird, let me see your shoulder." She inspected it and nodded satisfied with how the others had cleaned it. "Synxa, since we have down time please heal him." The cat slinked over and quickly yet efficiently healed Rooke with barely any indication that he had been wounded. "Thank you. Rest and eat. Tyson can wait until you're feeling more up to it."

"Rooke." She said gently as she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him to her chest. She nuzzled her cheek to his hair. "I think you know we need to talk about you flying off earlier." She kept him in a tight (but not too tight) hug in case he had any desire to flee. "I think now you know that was a terrible idea, it was dangerous not only for you but also for everyone else. From now on you have to bring one of us with you if you decide to go somewhere." She raised her eyes to look at everyone. "Everyone needs to work in the buddy system." She began slowly rocking back and forth. "It's dangerous for all of us to be alone. It's easier to be caught if we don't have someone watching our backs. No more going off on your own, okay?" She knew he felt guilty about flying off, getting, and attracting the hunters... Hell she would have.

[OOC: Since Synxa is up for adoption, I had her do something to move the RP along]


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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Alright, cool. I didn't realize that Synax isn't in the RP. I'll try to not mention her?

Rooke flexed his shoulder and wings once Synax had healed them. Although still a bit sore they were perfectly fine. His bad eye and side were also healed well. Rooke imagined there was hardly and scar tissue on his shoulder now. He put his wings away when Alek picked him up and put her in her lap. He snuggled into her instinctively as she hugged him. He frowned at the scolding, tears starting to burn at his eyes. "I just wanted to help... I would of been okay if I wasn't so stupid and looked where I was flying... I promise not to do it again," He mumbled, looking down in shame. He nuzzled his face into Alek's chest, hugging her tightly. He listened as she talked to the rest of the group, nodding in understanding.

Rooke was quiet the rest of the time as Tyson slept and Synax rested. When Syn finally had the energy to heal Ty, Rooke got up and sat right next to his older 'brother'. Once Synax was finished healing Tyson Rooke checked his shoulder. There was barely a scar. The sparrow sighed, and sunk back onto his butt, slouching and messing with his shoes. Realizing his clothing was covered in blood Rooke went over to his duffle bag, grabbing a shirt, as well as some pants. They were rather clean, the pants only having a little bit of dirt on them. Glancing at the group he shuffled behind a dumpster, quickly changing his pants first before pulling on his favorite flannel shirt. He walked out into the open as he finished buttoning the shirt, his dirty ripped clothing under his arm.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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Alek cradled Rooke in her arms until he decided to get up and look over Tyson. Smelling the rabbits, she got up and found them to be ready. Taking them off the fire, she carefully passed them out to every. "Rooke, once Ty wakes up make sure he eats this." She wrapped the last rabbit it some cloth and placed it next to the sparrow. "Puki, I want you to watch over everyone and the fire, don't let it get too big I don't want it attracting attention. Addy, you'e with me. I want to check the immediate area. Sit tight, we'll be back to." She waited for Addy to be next to her before silently walking down the alley and beginning to scout the area.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke
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0.00 INK

Addy had kept herself off to the side for the time being as she watched the others. It wasn't that she felt distant, she just didn't feel like they needed her at the moment. She sighed as she sat on the concrete ground of the apartment and watched Rooke with a sad sort of look. She felt awful about his wing and she couldn't imagine the pain he must be in.

At the sound of Alek's voice she looked up and nodded, "Of course" she said. It felt nice to finally be put to some useful work, as she stood up and brushed off her clothes looking at Alek.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Tyson, who had fallen into a deep state of REM sleep, suddenly sits up with fangs and claws fully extended. A look of fear, pain, sadness and anger as he looked around. Upon seeing the others he relaxed and propped himself up in the corner of the alcove. His body was still a little out of sorts from his long day but thanks to the rest and healing, he felt a lot better."Addy... were you... Alek...? Its about time. What's the matter, little fox not that quick or cunning? And were is my buddy Rooke? Puki beautiful as always. Why does everyone look so worried, and what smells so good." That's when his stomach decided to make the loudest rumble it could and reminded him that he had skipped breakfast. He started debating how and when to till the others about everything, the way he really feels, about his brother and sister and about... him... about being an eraser. "I'll wait till everyone is sitting down and I've had a chance to eat, then I got to just come out and say it." he thought to himself, of course having had the dreams, or more accurately nightmares, he just had should help him talk about everything.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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Rooke was off playing with some of his rocks he had taken from the house. When he heard Tyson talking he perked up, quickly standing. He trotted over and gave Tyson a big hug, still being careful of his shoulder. He smiled, bouncing excitedly. Remembering what Alek said about giving him the last rabbit, he trotted over to where Alek stored it. "You were asleep for a long time! Everyone was getting worried that you might not wake up. Alek is off checking everything out. She got some rabbits on the way back to us, she wants you to eat," He showed Tyson the raw rabbit. He smiled to Addy, Synax, and Puki, her spirits obviously up now that Tyson was awake.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith
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With Addy by her side and not straying too far from where her flock was staying, Alek explored the surrounding 1 mile area. She made sure Addy and herself stayed in the shadows and away from prying eyes. Although the city was up to date on security, she still managed to move as though she was nothing but a shadow. At the moment nothing seemed to give off red flags and to her relief different stored lined the streets. With luck, she would be able to pawn off some of the things she pilfered thus collecting more money so they could get new clothes. They really needed something that was ripped, stained, or bloody. Right now they stuck out like highlighter markers on a white page. They could also do with some real food and possibly a cheap motel to stay in for a few days. The latter more a luxury than anything; they could live in an abandoned building.

"Alright Addy, let's head back to the others." Alek ruffled the girl's hair before turning and creeping back. It took less time to return since they weren't making any detours. By the time the two slipped in through a window she found Rooke sitting happily near Tyson. "Look who's finally up, you lazy bum." She grinned at her hybrid flock member. "Thought I was gunna have to dump ice down your shirt." She plopped down on the ground in a very unlady like manner. "The areas secured for now so everyone can rest assured we are safe for the time being. Lights out soon, tomorrow's gunna be a long day exploring if we're up to it. Our mission tomorrow is to try and blend with this city."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith
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0.00 INK

Alek drummed her fingers against her lips as she thought about something that had been working through her mind since Alicia's death. She really wanted to bring this up, but with everything that had happened she wasn't sure it was the right time. Then again, when was any time the right time? "Alright guys, I've been thinking," Her face was serious as her eyes stayed glued to the floor before her even though she saw nothing. "I've been thinking a lot about what to do. We... We can't keep running. They always find us, especially with all the tech that's out these days... How... How would you feel about possibly sabotaging The School?" She ran her hands through her hair a little frustrated at not being able to convey what she wanted to do. "No matter what we do, as long as it's still active, we'll never be able to out run the school and they'll keep doing experiments. They'll keep creating Erasers, assassins, spies, soldiers, anything they need to suit their purpose... They can't have that power. It's... It's not right."

Biting her lip, Alek looked up at her flock, "We don't have to decide now and we wouldn't go after them until we have a solid plan and backup plans... But," She let out a sigh and stood, needing the freedom to move. "Just think about it I guess. If you don't want to I'll understand and I'll run to the end of the earth to keep you safe." The anxiety that once showed on her face was replaced with a gleam that told of the anger that lingered inside from the horrors she experienced. "But I for one am tired of being treated like an animal that needs to be caged."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith
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When Alek first started Tyson thought she might say something like they needed a place to hide not just holdup or even a place to make their stand. But as soon as she said "possibly sabotaging The School?" his face light up. It was as if their minds had synced, Tyson had been thinking of going after the school since they escaped. Over the year he started to except that, that was just a dream and his reality was that he had to watch over the other. Overwhelmed with excitement like none of the others have ever seen he jumped to his feet and ran to Alek. He gave her a big hug, then placing his hands gently on the sides of her face, gave her a big kiss on the lips. Still running off the excitement of the idea of attacking the school, he ran to a nearby dumpster, jumped on to it then jumped to a window ledge. Grabbing the ledge he climbed up four floors using what ever he could as a hand hold. Once there he swung onto the fire escape. Hoping the railing he climbed down the side of the fire escape till he reached the last landing. From there he made his way to the ladder, hit the release and rode the ladder down. Hoping off as the ladder stopped a few feet off the ground, he looked around at everyone, and that's when it hit him. He had just kissed Alek in front of everyone... Clearly embarrassed he made his way to the far side of the dumpster and sat down leaning against the building.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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To say she was startled was an understatement. Alek hadn't seen Tyson so excited in forever (perhaps never). It was nice seeming one of the flock so free for once that they let themselves be overtaken by pure emotion. When he hugged her, and thus agreed with her plan, she nearly melted into it; she did loved hugs. When he kissed her, she locked up in surprise and felt her cheeks burn . Let's be real, none of them really had any time to even think about being anything more than friends or siblings with another. Being kissed on the lips was new. With a slightly ajar mouth her eyes tracked as the part primate teen jumped around happily and then froze realizing what he did. He quickly disappeared near the dumpster.

It was quiet a moment before Alek let out a laugh and walked over to him. Mussing Tyson's hair, she gave him a smile letting him know that the kiss wasn't a big deal before addressing the flock again. "I know Ty's at least in, but I want to know what everyone else thinks. If you need time to think it over, that's fine and before we start planning we need to work on blending in here and finding a safe place." She tapped her lips as she thought about what their next moves would be.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke
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0.00 INK

Rooke ran over to Tyson, "Well if Ty is in then so am I." He said with a smile before he remembered that Ty still hasn't eaten yet. He runs back to we the rabbit is and runs back with it, "But first you got to eat something."

Tyson took the rabbit with his right hand then put his left arm around Rooke carefully pulling him down so he is laying on his back across Tyson's lap. with a smile, "Since you ask so nicely I guess I can try some. That is as long as the rest of you have had some." He smiled at Rooke then looked up at Alek, still smiling. Not only did he have a family again, he was now gearing up to take care of the people who stole his real family from him. But a thought that had never accrued to him before suddenly made him look away from everyone. Had he never been taken to the school, had he never lost his family, had he not escaped, he never would have meet these wonderful people, he never would have grown so close to them. He started to almost feel grateful for what the school had done, but he quickly suppressed the feeling.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith
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0.00 INK

Alek listened and watched everyone's faces. She smiled as Rook agreed to the rough plan of going after the School and then chuckled a little when Ty pulled the young boy into his lap. The attention on the boys didn't last as she watched apprehension on Puki's face show through. "I don't know..." The avian girl's motherly side worried about the idea. It was dangerous and the flock were more likely to get caught or die with the crazy plan than being on the run. She didn't want to see any of them hurt, more so killed.

The apprehension on Addy's face made Alek speak up, "We don't have to decide now. I just want you to think about it. If anyone doesn't want to, they don't have to."

"You're thinking of splitting the Flock up?" Addy hated being alone, she also hated the idea of everyone not being together. Both Puki and Addy disliked the idea of everyone not being together, it was bad enough when Alek had stayed behind to take care of the hunters but to purposefully be apart for an unknown amount of time seemed like torture.

Alek's face softened, "We'll cross that bridge when we get there. I'm only saying that I'm not going to force anyone to go against the School if they don't want to. We'll think of something. But right now, everyone needs to get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow. I'll take first watch, everyone try to get some sleep." She walked over to give both Puki and Addy a reassuring hug. They honestly wouldn't be making a move against the School for some time because it would be a lot of planning to ensure everyone got out safe and mostly unharmed. Half an hour later Alek found herself close to a dim fire with Addy's head in her lap and Puki's foot resting against her hip. Synxa was resting off to the side, far away enough to not be touching anyone but close enough that she felt the presence of her makeshift family. Alek looked up at her brothers, "Try to get some sleep." She knew them, Rooke may have an easier time falling asleep, but Tyson was always a gamble. He had somehow snuck out of the house under her radar... She was going to be more vigilent with him. Can't have her alertness dull.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith
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With Rooke snuggled up under his arm Tyson looked over an smiled at Alek, for the first time he was starting to feel the connection to the group. He knew with what they had planned they had a lot of work to do and no shortage of danger or obstacles to get through. With Alek as alpha, his two little friends Rooke and Addy, with the help from the other two, nothing was impossible.

Secretly Tyson was probably more worried now though, he was feeling a connection to people, and trying to have them all blend in but stay together felt like a dream more then a plan. Tomorrow still seemed to bring a feeling he thought lost to him a feeling of hope.

In the morning, Tyson who had taken last watch, sat perched on the fire escape watching over his family. As soon as he saw anyone move as if they were waking up, he jumped and rolled as he landed. Springing to his feet he grabbed a bag he stashed aside that night and handed them all an aluminum wrapped dinner. Inside was a little chicken, half a corn on the cob, and two roles kept warm by the chicken. "Eat up. I got them from a place that was going to throw them out." Thou he said it with a smile the look he shot Alek told a different story.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puki Character Portrait: Tyson Character Portrait: Alek Character Portrait: Rooke Character Portrait: Addy Smith Character Portrait: Synxa
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0.00 INK

Death. Corpses. Rot. The smell. Gagging. Blood. Wake up. Alone. Blood everywhere. Don't vomit. Wet. Shh, be quiet. Dead bodied. Wake up. Don't say a word. Pain. Silence. They know. Red everywhere. Your fault. Killer. Innocent. Wake up! This is all your fault. No exit. They'll come. Everyone's dead. No speaking. Don't move. Covered. Murderer.

With a slight twitch, Alek woke without opening her eyes. She listened as Addy sat up and yawned loudly before squeaking when a container was given to her. Puki pushing gently against Alek's leg as she also stretched her slightly sore muscles and then got up to munch on her food. Barely making any sound, Alek heard Synxa sit up. Her ears also caught Rooke waking up. Satisfied all of her flock was awake, she opened her eyes to catch Tyson's look. She smiled at her older younger sibling in thanks and quietly munched on her food. Her stomach still turned with queasiness. She hadn't had that particular dream in a while... it was probably because of having to use her skill yesterday on those hunters.

Once finished, she stood up and loosened her muscles from a night in an awkward position. Turning to face her flock she said, "Alright my lovely Flock, today we have business to take care of. First, we need to find some clothes that don't make us look like killer homeless kids, we are of a higher class than that. I have some money so we'll head to a local salvation store or Goodwill and get hopefully two outfits." She thought out what they needed, it would be better to split up, but after yesterday she wasn't sure any of them were ready to break into smaller groups. "I have some jewelry I want to pawn, while I do that with Addy, I want the rest of you to go to a drug store or some other store that sells essentials and start getting stuff. I'll make up a list and once Addy and I are done we'll meet up with you. If we have money left over, maybe we can find somewhere to stay so we can clean up a bit if not we'll have to find an abandoned building. Lastly, within the next few days I want to get to know the homeless/ transient population. They can be handy with information and ways to disappear."

List: Shampoo, Soap, Conditioner, Brush, Non-perishables, First Aid, Scissors, Ibuprofen, Toothbrushes (unless still have), Toothpaste, 1gal water

She wrote herself a separate note and stuffed it in her pocket before folder the main list up and passing it to Puki. "If there's any repeats on the list don't get them and if you can think of anything else that's important get it. Let's go." She grinned before turning on her heels and heading towards the street. As the rest of the Flock followed, she fell back to watch them.

Puki happily walked beside Synxa chatting with her about something the quiet feline had drawn the day before. As she spoke and listened, her eyes scanned to make sure everyone was together but otherwise was relaxed and enjoying the sun. Addy was giddy, bouncing around while staying close to the large group. She fluttered around from different groups talking about how excited she was to finally be in civilization again. For the first time since staying with Alicia, the young Mamba was acting like a regular 12 year old.

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Arcs are bundles of posts that you can organize on your own. They're useful for telling a story that might span long periods of time or space.

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Game Master Controls

Welcome home, Promethean. Here, you can manage your universe.


Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

Add Quest » Quests

You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 1 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Home by opossum666

Welcome home...

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.


By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Synxa
38 sightings Synxa played by Kano
Please don't touch....
Character Portrait: Rooke
54 sightings Rooke played by SilverHarted
"Holy cheese balls!"

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in We can be Freaks Together. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Puki
Character Portrait: Alek
Character Portrait: Tyson


Character Portrait: Tyson

"Death to all who threaten MY family."

Character Portrait: Alek

You'll have to go through me to get to them. Bring it on.

Character Portrait: Puki

Team mom!


Character Portrait: Tyson

"Death to all who threaten MY family."

Character Portrait: Puki

Team mom!

Character Portrait: Alek

You'll have to go through me to get to them. Bring it on.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Puki

Team mom!

Character Portrait: Tyson

"Death to all who threaten MY family."

Character Portrait: Alek

You'll have to go through me to get to them. Bring it on.

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