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Tori Wells

"Inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking, but my smile still stays on."

0 · 1,222 views · located in Camp Liberty, California

a character in “Welcome To Camp Liberty”, originally authored by partially-stars, as played by RolePlayGateway



{"Inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking, but my smile still stays on." }

|Full Name|
Victoria Elizabeth Wells
Tori {She feels like Victoria is much too old fashioned, and despises "Vicky" or anything similar. Tori, however, is a little more modern and suited to her personality.}
January 11th
|Relationship Status|
Recently single
|Team Color|
|Years at Camp|



|Quirks & Habits|
When her hands are idle, she's almost constantly playing with her hair. She doodles on just about everything she can, especially when she's thinking or zoned out. Her nails are always the same length, and if she breaks one, she will file down the others to match. Her nails are pretty much always painted, and her fingers and her toes are always painted the same colour. She carries an "emergency kit" with her at almost all times, which contains plasters, a needle and thread, a Sharpie, spare change, mints, and a portable charger.

|Talents(T) | Strengths(ST) | Skills(SK) |
⚘Working with colour⚘
⚘Sewing- by hand or with a machine⚘
⚘Talented singer ⚘
⚘History of dance ⚘

⚘Not physically strong⚘
⚘Can't cook to save her life⚘
⚘Used to luxury⚘

She loves to sing and dance, and is usually found to be taking part in one musical or another. She also loves to make old things new, and is often found to be altering a dress or shirt or something else that she found in a thrift store. She loves to paint and often uses it as stress relief. She goes for a run most mornings to keep herself in decent shape, and enjoys that- although it's the only physical exercise she does enjoy. She spends a lot of her free time listening to musicals and seeing what roles she could realistically play. She also loves to work with the costuming department to design costumes, as well as painting the sets for any shows she's in.

ΓΈBeing mundaneΓΈ
ΓΈBeing aloneΓΈ



|Cunning| |Passionate| |Loyal| |Proud| |Creative|

Many expect Tori to be an airhead- after all, she's pretty, blonde, and a drama kid. And while Tori mightn't be the strongest at math, she's certainly not an airhead. She's cunning- able to see ways to get what she wants that mightn't necessarily be "fair" but also aren't wrong or against the rules. She's level-headed, which means that if a fight starts over a decision or idea she had, she'll be sitting on the sidelines and watching with a smirk on her face. Her acting skills means she can also turn on the waterworks and earn herself some sympathy. She's the master at causing trouble and yet avoiding blame. While she isn't one to start rumours, she certainly isn't above gossiping. While she likes to play clean, simply for being able to say that she won by playing clean, she's still not above cheating if everyone else is playing dirty.

That isn't to say that she's a complete bitch, however. She's fiercely loyal to all of her friends, and if anyone dares cross them, god help them. She's incredibly creative, and spends all of her free time painting, singing, or altering clothes. She's overly enthusiastic about these things, and loves them with all her heart. That's the thing about Tori- she either is indifferent towards something or loves it passionately. There are very few things which lie in between for her. She usually keeps up her cool, chilled exterior around those who she isn't that friendly with- but her friends know exactly how enthusiastic and loud she can be.

The one side that she doesn't show to anyone, barely even herself, is that of her pride. She wants to keep up her cool exterior, and will do so, even when she's really hurting. She barely even acknowledges when she's feeling down, and detests being pitied. She'll suppress all of her feelings, telling herself that she's fine, until she finally has an almost total meltdown.

β–² Musicals
β–² Indie music
β–² Art galleries
β–² Winning by playing fair
β–² Sunrise
β–² Painting
β–² Unknown boutiques
β–² Customising clothes
β–Ό Rap music
β–Ό Rain
β–Ό Losing to a cheater
β–Ό Being cheated out of something
β–Ό Cheaters
β–Ό Being seen as weak
β–Ό Being underestimated
β–Ό Her friends being hurt



|Happiest Memory|
When she was sixteen, she entered a competition to win a summer internship with a high-class fashion magazine back home in England. She was among the youngest to apply, and wasn't expecting to win any sort of prize. However, after months of work, which was submitted half an hour before the deadline, she won the internship. She got to spend her whole summer earning valuable experience, while living in her beloved homeland. She was afraid that it wouldn't be what she wanted- but she fitted in immediately and got along with everyone. She even did some modelling, and the fact that she got that internship has helped her in her college applications. Even the constant rain of London didn't diminish that experience.
|Saddest Memory|
A few weeks before leaving for the trip, she turned up to her boyfriend's house with brownies that she'd spent forever trying to get right. The door was open, so she went in, presuming that he'd be in the sitting room or somewhere. She found him in his bedroom- with another girl, in a position that could be only taken in one way. He called her when she got home, and she broke up with him over the phone. She spent the next few hours crying, and she was traumatised for days afterwards. Even though she knows that she can do better, she's still hurting over him.


Tori's family was undoubtedly upper-class. There was old money on both sides of the family, and both of her parents had rather influential jobs. Her father was a barrister, and her mother was a consultant at a private clinic just outside of London. Yet, somehow, they managed to juggle their schedules around looking after her, to the point where they only had a nanny for one day a week. Tori grew up healthy, happy, and loved. Her aptitude for the arts was immediately obvious, and from the age of four onwards, she attended singing lessons. The older she got, the more extracurriculars she seemed to get involved in. Her parents helped her with her homework as much as possible. The one thing they struggled to do was help her practice- but often, she was happier to do that herself.

She was twelve when her mother got a job offer in California- one that offered much better opportunities, more benefits, and more connections. So they left London and moved. Her mother adapted to the job instantly, connecting with all of her coworkers and instantly making friends. Her father was the same, his experience allowing him to become a partner in a firm almost immediately. For Tori, however, it wasn't so easy. Her name and accent marked her as an outsider, and she initially found it difficult to make friends. She hesitated about auditioning for a musical- but doing so was the best decision she ever made. It allowed her to make friends. Those friends encouraged her to join more and more clubs, and before long, she was back to her old self.

By the time she reached high school, she'd started customising her own clothes and had regained her old popularity. Her unique yet fashionable sense of style only gave her even more of an edge, especially as she reached the peak of puberty. It didn't take her long to reach the top tiers of popularity, and getting invitations to parties and dates to dances was suddenly easier than ever. Her first trip to Camp Liberty was when she was fourteen and was dragged along by a friend. She was expecting it to be hell- but discovered a second home in the camp.

When she was sixteen, she was intending on going to Camp Liberty as usual. However, when one of her friends sent her a link to a competition that one of the leading fashion magazines in England was running, those plans went out the window. As much as she loved camp, the opportunity of going back home and getting work experience in the field she wanted was far too good to miss. She spent months working on her outfit for the entry, making sure that every detail was perfect. In the end, her hard work paid off, and she won the competition. Her internship started off as doing little more than fetching coffee and pairing shoes- but by the end, she was being consulted on with regards to assembling outfits and even modelling for one shoot.

When she got home, she started dating one of the school's track stars. They were together for almost two years- and while they had their ups and downs, Tori thought that it was a generally good relationship. He bought her gorgeous presents for her birthday and Christmas, and she went to all of his meets. They knew that they weren't going to keep dating in college- she'd been accepted into a college for fashion design on the West Coast, and all of the scholarships he was being offered were for colleges on the East Coast. But they said that they'd stick together for as long as possible.

That turned out to be shorter than they thought. A few weeks before she was due to leave for camp, she walked in on him cheating on her. He'd thought that she was out of town for the day, but her plans had been cancelled, so she surprised him. She was heartbroken, and still is a little broken up over it. Still, she's hoping that camp will be a distraction.


Empty spaces - what are we living for
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for...
Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore
The show must go on,
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on.
Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Another heartache, another failed romance
On and on, does anybody know what we are living for?
I guess I'm learning, I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning, round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free
The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly - my friends
The show must go on
The show must go on
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On - with the show -
I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the -
On with the show -
The show must go on...


❣Dialogue Colour: #cc6699❣
❣Face Claim: Ashley Benson❣
❣Played By: iCat❣

So begins...

Tori Wells's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tori Wells Character Portrait: Jeffery Jackson Character Portrait: Sebastian Reyes Character Portrait: Rick Eriat
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For the first time in what felt like forever, Tori could finally breathe. The smell of the woods, the hum of chatter, the array of colours that represented a camper's team... She hadn't felt this relaxed in weeks. Her parents had told her several times that she didn't have to come if she didn't want to, that they could spend a few weeks in London instead, but she'd wanted to come. She needed the distraction. And besides, some of her best friends in the world were here. This was probably the best place for her to be.

The past year or two, her ex had always accompanied her to camp on the first day. She liked to show him off a little, and he liked to be shown off. But now she couldn't help but wonder if he'd actually been checking out the talent. As soon as she'd broken up with him, her friends had admitted that they'd heard rumours that the... incident she'd walked in on hadn't been the first. She'd butchered some of his clothes in retaliation.

She kissed her parents goodbye, promised to call later that night, and started the trek towards her cabin. She found herself watching the crowd, searching for any familiar faces- or any new faces. She didn't find anyone she particularly wanted to talk to, although she flashed a few friendly smiles. Once she reached her cabin, she dumped her bags onto her bunk and started rooting in one of the bags, trying to find her phone. She grinned once she had it located.

To: Rick
Where tf is my grand welcome? You've disappointed me, ricky. Also I'm headed to the main cabin, i'll see you there :D

Shoving her phone into the pocket of her shorts, she made her way to the main hall. Her mood had already improved, and a weight she hadn't previously noticed was gone. The walk to the main hall wasn't far, but it took her much longer than usual as she stopped to greet friends- most from her own cabin, but a few from others.

As she finally made it to the main hall, she spotted her team captain and grinned. As she reached him, she flopped down beside him and rested an arm on his shoulder, leaning her head on top of that. "So, the duties of team captain don't extend to helping your teammates with their bags?" She teased, pouting a little. "I could have strained a muscle and been ruled out from activities. And all that aside, that's just a gentlemanly thing to do. Chivalry must be dead!" She declared dramatically, looking away from him as she pressed a hand to her forehead. It was only as she looked back that she noticed Jeff on the other side of Sebastian. "Oh, hey Jeff. You agree with me on this, right?" She asked, grinning at him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tori Wells Character Portrait: Jeffery Jackson Character Portrait: Sebastian Reyes Character Portrait: Ashleigh Chi Character Portrait: Alejandra Moore
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Camp Liberty Grounds
The Cabin Area
The Main Hall

Alejandra Moore
Hex: #D58162 | Outfit; X
Alex sat in the parking lot with her step-sister for what seemed to be about ten minutes. Isobel was leaving today for England and in fact the airport was her next stop after she dropped Alex off at camp. She was going to attend university over there and it would be a while before they saw each other again so they took the extra minutes to say their goodbyes. They reminisced the past a little by remembering small things like when their mother spilled cranberry juice on dad or when their dad accidentally cut moms flowers in the front yard. It was all smiles and laughs until it came down to those last two minutes where they really got down to the goodbyes. They shared a big and long tearful hug before uttering their I'll miss you's. Laughing a bit at herself Alex wiped a few stray tears before gathering her things and getting out of the car. "Take care, yeah?" Alex said as she smiled at Isobel. "Always. Have fun alright?" she returned the smile. "Always." and with that Alex closed the door and watched her sister drive off before heading towards her cabin.

When Alex entered her cabin she saw that the two bottom bunks were already taken but that actually made her happy because she liked being on top. Walking over to one of the bunks she tossed her bags up onto it before her phone vibrated in her back pocket causing her to reach back and grab it. When Alex pulled up the text from Jeffery she smiled and began typing away.

To: Kid Brother
Yeah I'm here! Just got to my cabin actually, I'll meet up with you guys soon. Oh and remind me to lecture Sebastian about his driving again. Lol.

After sending the message Alex took a second to completely compose herself with what just happened with her sister. She took a few deep breaths and smiled to herself. Everything was going to be okay she reassured herself. As she was turning to leave her eye caught one of the bags that was on the bunk below hers. She gave a little smirk upon recognition and marched out the cabin into the crowd of campers. Alex didn't last five seconds before she was swarmed by young campers from all different colors. There was no doubt that Alex's friendly nature gave her an edge in making friends and last year she made more friends than she meant too but that was alright in her book. The more the merrier right? She greeted them all with smiles and hugs before getting into a short conversation with them. It didn't take long for Alex to get lost in all the friendly faces and fun conversations she had missed from last year before realizing where she was suppose to be.

"Hey guys lets head over to the main hall for introductions. Don't want to be late" she said with a smile and the crowd of campers followed her like little ducklings following their mother. Alex's arm was linked with another girls as they approached the main hall but a little figure on a bench was the first thing to catch her attention. "Hey guys, I'll catch up with you later." Alex excused herself from the little crowd as they made their way inside and Alex headed towards Ashleigh. "So is this how we wait for introductions now?" Alex sat down next to her friend and began swinging her legs underneath herself just like Ash was doing. "If it is I think I can dig it." her head tilted back facing the sky with a soft smile on her lips as she watched the clouds.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tori Wells Character Portrait: Jeffery Jackson Character Portrait: Sebastian Reyes Character Portrait: Alejandra Moore
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dumisa
The Main Hall




Jeffery Jackson
Sebastian Reyes
Hex: #204F05; #0050CC
Jeffery and Sebastian was there, having a little conversation along with scoping out the competition for the other teams. "She's obviously on team red, I bet." Sebastian said while pointing at some random girl. "I don't care what team he is on but I want to be #TeamJeff." Jeffery said as Sebastian shook his head and scoffed slightly. "You got some serious issues, dude." Sebastian responded and Jeffery elbowed him in the side, playfully.

Their eyes turned when they heard a familiar voice. It was Tori, member of the pink team, in which Sebastian was the leader of. "Uhm, no?" Sebastian raised a brow while placing his hand upon her shoulder. "You're not in Beverly Hills anymore, kid." Jeff laughed a little, shaking his head. "Don't feel bad, Tori. He didn't even help me with my bags neither.." Jeff made a dramatic face. "And we rode together!" Jeff continued while rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

To: Big Sis
Oh, I'll definitely remind you. Haha.

Jeff sent the text towards Alexa then delved back into the conversation. "Yeah, I agree with you one-hundred and ten percent, Tori." Sebastian glared at them both then scoffed while standing up. "So, your majesty, how was your trip here?" He asked her while turning around and sitting on top of the armrest of the couch now, his feet on a cushion.

"That's for your arm, stud. Not your ass!" Jeff said while playfully pushing Sebastian. "I know but for now, I am making an exception." Sebastian stated while waiting for Tori to respond to his question. "Where the hell is Alexa?!" Sebastian shouted as Jeff looked up at him. "She's here and on her way." Sebastian nodded his head as they both turned their gaze towards Tori.