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"FDA certified, full Quarter Pounder... of DOOM!"

0 · 535 views · located in LAIOS

a character in “Welcome to LAIOS Part II”, as played by Taunbon






Real Age:
B-Tech Mechanic

Charles is an incredibly... average looking guy. While rather tall at 6'3, that is the only thing really exceptional about his appearance. His long brown hair curls slightly, especially near the tips and especially when wet, his deep brown eyes are perceptive, but not endearing as many would wish. Someone who doesn't pay much mind to his appearance, a small 'scruff' of hair usually sits on his chin and, often, will stretch across his jaw. Not noticeably strong, he is rather thin, what muscle he does have, having been built up in his job. His teeth aren't too white, and there is a slight overlap in his front two, but it doesn't take away from his large smile or loud, boisterous laugh. If it wasn't for his loud, excited personality, Charles is someone people would pass by on the street without ever looking at twice.

Reason for playing LAIOS:
It was a new and awesome sounding game? He had just broken up with his girlfriend (well, dumped, but a man has his pride), as such, he had an 'abundance' of free time on his hands. Besides work and family, he didn't really have anything else to do, so, he bought the game. A VR high fantasy game where he could run around and 'wreck shit'? Yes, please. He didn't see it as a way to escape life, nor a way to be 'more' himself, to him, it was just a game to pass time, to have fun, share some laughs, but at the end of the day, it is just a game... one he found he was surprisingly good at.



Avatar Sex:
Level at Start of Roleplay:
Beast - Bull
Dual Wielder

Hex code: #8A0707




In Game Appearance
Angus is an extremely unique PC, so much so, that if it wasn't for his status designating him as a player, most would think he was a creep or NPC, that is how differently he looks from the default race and class. The default beast tend to be overly 'charming' men and women with little animal ears and tails, often some form of cat or wolf, or, very feminine animal humanoids and Angus is anything but that. Standing nearly eight feet tall, Angus is a tower of muscle. Massive cords of muscle flex and bend under his scarred black fur and his hands are gigantic giving the, very likely, image that Angus could easily crush a man's skull with just his hand and his long, powerful legs end in massive hoofs that trample and crush anything in their way.

A beast of the bull, Angus truly looks like a massive walking bull, or just a Minotaur as he calls himself, and very little about him looks human outside of his humanoid shape and hands. Two thick, massive horns sprout out of his forehead, pearly white with spiked iron rings clasped along them standing strong and proud above his dark, beady red eyes and his lengthy snout. Inside his maw, are wickedly sharp teeth, more the mouth of a dragon then the mouth of a mere bull (sadly, no, he cannot breath fire). Long, braided black hair runs down the back of his head coming to rest at his shoulders.

His broad torso is covered in thick, heavy black chains that connect to large metal pauldrons on his shoulders. Unlike his chest, both his arms are covered in a heavy, thick black plate that go to frightening looking spiked gauntlets. His powerful legs are left uncovered, save for a large chainmail loincloth that protects his unmentionables. As a Minotaur, he can't exactly wear shoes, but his shins and ankles are covered in thick, black plate. Two massive, unwieldy axes hang from his waist, they look so large and heavy that a normal man would struggle to just lift one, but Angus swings them as easily as a man might swing daggers. It is not wrong to say he, truly, has a face that only a mother could love and can send young children running and screaming from his presence, in fact, many NPC town children do run and scream at the sight of him.

⚜ Pain Train (Sliding Dash): Angus' sliding dash barely resembles the one used by others, in fact, it so little resembles it that he calls it his 'Pain Train'. This skill resembles a charge, and due to Angus' size, massive strength, acrobat skill and race, his charge hurts. Few things hurt more then getting slammed into by a metric ton of fur, muscle, metal, horns and raw fury (and he will use the horns to his advantage doing massive damage on the charge), due to how often he uses it and the natural buffs his character gives to it, he will stagger foes near his strength/size or those bracing with shields, knock down those below his strength (which is most things), and for characters with much lower strength then he, will be sent flying back.

⚜ Roar: While not usually allowed for his class, it seems his race as 'Beast', as well as size and intimidating appearance, let him have the option to take it which he did. He will use the Roar to stun his foes before unleashing his Pain Train on them, to ensure they can't dodge and will take the full blunt force of his powerful opener. Angus is not sure if it is race, size or appearance, but he swears his Roar has further AoE then a normal roar.

⚜ Acrobat: A necessary skill for his treasure hunting occupation, nonetheless, Angus has found it immensely useful. His powerful legs, and rather high level of acrobat, all him to leap meters into the air, run faster (Which further improves the damage of his pain train) and allows him a certain speed and agility his size (despite his class) would not normally allow.

⚜ Seeker: Given his size and appearance, bartering and persuasion are just not something he can really use on NPCs, so this skill has been immeasurably useful giving him the gold to pay exuberant prices as well as finding rare magical equipment to lessen the amount of gold he must pay. Due to his race, he has a certain 'connection' with nature and thus can tell when something is out of place or unnatural which helps greatly in finding secret cashes or trapdoors, his nose, being a beast, is immensely potent letting him sniff out hidden treasures as well as gaps in caves that seek to conceal their treasures from him (although, often, his size will come back to bite him as he may be unable to enter a tight space).

Gloves: 15% Magic Resistance
Body armor: 30% Damage Reduction, 8% chance to regenerate 15 HP when struck
Leg Armor: 32% Stamina Regeneration
WEAPON(s): His two axes, Dra'Ka and Drogon, both do different things. Dra'Ka ignores 18% of their armor while Drogon adds a Bleed effect (periodic damage).
Boots: Movement Speed 34% Increased.





Close Combat


Archers - Real men get into the thick of it.
NPCs - A mutual dislike, it seems.
Onions - They taste and smell revolting.


Blender - Very, very, very few people can hope to best, much less, match Angus in a one on one melee confrontation, his axes moving amazingly fast and reduces whatever is in his path to bloody smears and giblets.
Strength - Angus is immensely strong, each of his blows backed with bone shattering force.
Fast - Thanks to his class, race, skills and items, Angus is fast. Blindingly so for his size. Note, he is fast, not agile, so he won't be doing elaborate flips and dodging, he can merely run and strike with blinding speed although he isn't half bad at parrying.
Animal Instincts - Because he is so... beastial, Angus has a 'sixth' sense for danger and has a knack for finding extra gold and magical items.


Ranged Combat - Angus is a pure melee combat monster, he has no way to harm anyone at ranged, as such, he has to get close to fight them.
Enemy of NPCs - NPCs tend to loathe Angus with a passion. His appearance is so off putting, and hideous, that some vendors will outright refuse him service, quest givers will attempt to cheat him on his reward and merchants will drive up their prices.
Animal Instincts - Because he is such a monstrous beast, he is far more susceptible to his baser instincts and pheromones, as such, persuasion and charm-like abilities are incredibly effective against him, much to his utter annoyance. So, in other words, a character, especially female, with a strong charm ability can lead him around by the nose if they so wished.


Being Stuck In Laios - The game is fun, but it is just that, a game. His life is waiting for him outside and while he doesn't let himself think about it, being stuck in this world would be a nightmare.
Charmers - Characters with high charm abilities terrify Angus. If they turn their power against him, he can't stop them. He wants to, he wants to disobey, but his body refuses to answer him as it follows them like a love-stricken puppy doing whatever it is they wish as he is trapped within his own character.
Family - He is afraid that a member of his family could jump into the game world to find him, he doesn't want to be stuck, but more then that, he fears anyone he loves to be stuck as well.





Abrasive ღ Boisterous ღ Independent ღ Optimistic

There is nothing different between Angus and Charles for they are one and the same. He sees no reason, never even had the notion, to create some sort of 'persona' for himself. He is merely him... although, in this case, he is merely him in the body of a massive bull. Angus tends to wear on people as he is a fairly abrasive fellow. He is always honest, bluntly so, and most people aren't fond of that as he has no filter between his brain and mouth. While, on paper, an honest man may seem like an odd thing to dislike, but few people like it when someone constantly points out their flaws and makes a mockery out of their efforts. Make a mockery of them he will as he tends to be extremely sarcastic often making light of himself, the world around him or the people around him as it will sound no different as if he was remarking on the weather. It is not something he does out of malice but just instinct. He was raised with a family that values deadpan insults, sarcasm and other such humor and, so, it is just a part of his character, in fact, he will often not notice he has hurt anyone's feelings as he doesn't tend to pay others much attention and just assumes others have as thick a hide as himself.

What Angus does have is a certain energy about him. He is loud, energetic and exuberant. He is always willing to go, to explore and to have fun, this seemingly endless energy is hard for most people to keep up with as Angus, and in turn Charles, loves to be doing something, loves to be in motion. This is a boon to have in his profession as a treasure hunter as, well, he enjoys looking for the items more then finding them, and if he were to be honest, he feels a touch of disappointment that his search has ended rather then the elation at finding some unique item or cache of treasure. His opinions, always blunt, are easy to hear as 'dull roar' is his normal speaking voice. His laugh carries and he tends to laugh often and with heart. This unbridled energy tends to make itself known if he is bored, impatient stamping of his hooves, tossing of his horns and, if someone is nearby, he will engage in mindless prattle in the hard fought battle against dreary boredom.

Despite his love of conversation, Angus is an extremely independent person. Even as a child, he enjoyed doing things his own way, at his own time. No one can rush him or force him to do anything, in fact, he will openly rebel at any attempt to control him. His time in Laios has only increased that due to the NPCs and their extreme dislike of him forcing him to have to be even more self-reliant. This independence borders on an extreme fear of dependence, which has some truth to it. Angus hates relying on other people, it is not that he fears they will let them down, which they likely will, it is more that he hates personal weakness. If he can't do it himself, can't survive by himself, then he is weak and, thus, somehow less worthy. This refusal to do what he doesn't want, refusal to compromise and refusal to lean on others is likely why he has never joined a guild (Well, not to mention how NPCs hate him and would cost any group or guild more then it would to just not have him, but details). Despite being hated by NPCs and often disliked by other PCs due to his nature and appearance, Angus is an extremely optimistic person. He tends to be light hearted and finds light, and often jokes, anywhere he looks. It is hard to damper his spirits, of course, it is not impossible to do so, and when his mood goes south, he tends to sulk for quite sometime.




Charles lived a fairly normal life. Had his share of daddy issues, mother stayed with him for reasons he could never fathom, even to this day, did fairly well in school, went to a trade school, became a mechanic, moved in with his best friend in their two bedroom apartment, got a 'serious' girlfriend, broke up with her, got another one, broke up with and, overall, led a normal life as he would say, he has no complaints although he is thinking about traveling. After his last breakup, he bought LAIOS on impulse. He always enjoyed video games, although work and his social life had taken up so much time that he had only played once in a great while, but with his sudden influx of free time.. why not?

Of course, his original opinion on the game was fairly low with the game bombarding him with overly feminine characters as if he were an insecure teen who needed to play someone better looking for an ego boost, not something he appreciated. While he was very tempted to be a dwarf, the only race that didn't seem to be trying to choke him with their hair lights and tight jeans, he wanted to change it up a little as a dwarf was something he generally played in other games. With some trepidation, he picked beast then spent three grueling hours trying to make it look awesome instead of a skinny boy toy with kitty ears, a daunting task if there ever was one. Charles wanted a character that was awesome, strong, a character he could get into and have fun yelling random quips, and he finally had him, Angus (100% Grade A, of course), his massive Minotaur, happy with his choice, he entered the world.

Well... tried to. The game asked him if he was sure four times before it accepted almost as if it didn't want his mighty Minotaur Angus, continually asking if he was sure he wanted this avatar and, constantly, reminding him that he couldn't change it once accepted, but it eventually let him in... to a very, very, very surprised NPC. It was then that Charles, now Angus, learned that NPCs... did not like him. At all. Quest givers would cheat him, sometimes outright denying him the quest, vendors would overcharge him or try and cheap him out of his stolen goods, sometimes, refusing him service and, once, he was chased out of a Elf Village. It seems it had a quest above saving a kidnapped girl, but at his arrival, the villagers assumed it was him that had taken her because.... reasons. Having to dodge the villagers and fight the few players that had arrived had not been a pleasant experience.

His appearance also effected his social ability. While some would hover around him out of curiosity, few wanted to party with him, and those that did, quickly left. The distaste the NPCs had for him extended to his party members, and they would get treated almost as poorly as he. Perhaps, if he had partied with someone with high persuasion it would not have been an issue as their high charm would have balanced out his very, very low charm, but people that put such stock in their character's charisma, generally, want more aesthetically pleasing companions. So, Angus became an extremely skilled solo player out of necessity.

When the game locked them in, Angus didn't give it much thought. He assumed the company would fix it, hell, he thought they were incredibly stupid as how in the world did they not consider this when they built the game? Moreover, how they expected to even remain a company once everyone got out and they were sued into oblivion, but as time went on, and players disappeared from the game never to return, Angus started to get... angsty. He no longer picked duels against other players, not wanting to harm them as it was just a game, he cannot fathom how people could take it seriously enough to want to harm someone in real life over a virtual world. He has heard of other players putting together guilds to try and find a way out, and while, in his free time, he does dabble in the same, looking for clues, he has dedicated his time to exploring. Angus firmly believes all of 'this' will work itself out, so why waste his time worrying? Might as well do... something while he waits.




Face Claims:
Katsumi Matsunaga - Another
CS Design:
© By: FaddedFox ©
Played By:
By: Taunbon


So begins...

Angus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goliath Character Portrait: Accido Character Portrait: ArcticFire Character Portrait: Psychedemo Character Portrait: Cain Character Portrait: Shade_Strider
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0.00 INK

╚═╣Hello all Players! This is your Game Master. I would first like to wish you all Happy Holidays! I would like to inform you all of an event that will be occurring shortly. The first Christmas event will commence on December 25th. During this event, the town of Vael will become a battle zone where event specific monsters will appear. If you do not wish to participate in the event, refrain from visiting Vael that day or stay indoors so you are not attacked. Regardless of participation, all players will receive a box of candy canes (12 canes) as treats, 10 health and 10 mana potions as a present from me. The event also has two parts. Once the monsters appear, midnight on the 24th, there will be a competition of who kills the most event creatures. The winner with the overall highest kill count will receive a mount of their choosing, a Christmas dinner that can be shared with 5 people, and 20 health and mana potions. The person that comes in second will receive the same things except the mount.

The second part of the event will happen at midnight on the 25th. A boss will appear in the town and will not attack anyone unless it is attacked. The player that does the greatest damage and takes down the boss will receive a dragon egg, the Christmas dinner, candy, and potions. I thank you for your patronage and hope you are all happy with your gifts! Happy Hunting!
---Game Master Time stamp December 18 5:00am




Night's Guile


Hex Code:

Vael tavern - Gold Gallion

December 24th. It was a peaceful, normal day for the most part in Vael. It was two in the afternoon so most players were up and awake doing whatever they needed to get done that day or doing some grinding in the field to get ready for the event. The sandy beach town had been transformed for the season and snow fell from the sky as realistic as if it were really happening. The snow flakes were delicate and cold to the touch and the air had grown chilly enough to allow the snow to rest on the ground. Some players had even stuck their tongues out to catch the falling snow. The NPC children had a lot of fun gathering up the multitude of ice on the ground and tossing it around at each other in a fight and engaging players, begging them to join them or throwing random snow balls at passerby. Playersand NPCs alike were making snow angels and building up snowmen. It really was like a winter wonderland and Shade_Strider wasn't a huge fan. The cold sucked but he supposed cold weather was better than blistering heat. Over all, things had been cheery. There was even a giant tree in the middle of town that hadn't been there before covered in lights and decorations that towered over the buildings and in every town. The game music had changed to the instrumental of Chirstmas songs but thank the Game Master that he only applied that feature in the town square and not everywhere else in the game. Shade might have actually wanted to die in game just to escape the overly cheery lullabies of the holiday. He thought Christmas music in real shops had been annoying. Even the fields had snow falling everywhere.

A lot of the players were talking about the coming event and what it meant. They remembered all to well the event that had trapped them in the game. It had been an event to welcome all players but it really hadn't been an event at all. It had just been the Game Master removing the log out feature and giving them a few potions as a starter kit. It made the players wary if anything. What would happen this time? Was it really an event? There were other players that ignored the event and others that were excited for it to. It was all a mixture of emotions like everything else in LAIOS.

In Vael's tavern, the Gold Gallon, 'life' went on as usual though even the tavern was decorated with Christmas decorations and stockings. It was almost sickening how Christmasy it all was. Shade_Strider wanted to cut something. The drink was good however and the bard singing? Stunningly gorgeous as usual. Shade loved everything about his Princy and his voice was amazing to though he always found himself lost in the tenor or the man's voice or his deep hypnotic eyes rather than his lyrics. EclecticPrince was singing as was his occupation, standing in front of a game table where many of his friends were already gathered. Shade_Strider did sometimes start staring at the man, game in front of him forgotten momentarily.It almost made him oblivious. Almost.

"Bullshit!" Shade_Strider called out suddenly with a grin, his smoldering ruby colored eyes narrowed on Granite. He so did love playing cards with Prince's brother. And his jokes were fun to when Granite decided to chip up. "I call your bullshit, Granite. I don't believe you put down 2 Queens! Flip them over, you liar. Don't you agree, Demo?" he asked and glanced at the other player at their table. They weren't exactly friends but gaming with her was fun to. "You call his bullshit to, don't you?" Shade_Strider's leather black wings fluttered behind him in his confidence. He was positive the other demon didn't have the cards he professed. This would be a good turn in the game since Granite at that point had far fewer cards than he or PsycheDemo.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Psychedemo Character Portrait: Lilac Sin Character Portrait: Mononoke Character Portrait: Angus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Taunbon

Treasure Hunter

N/A - Freelance


Hex Code:

Auren - Forgotten Tomb #324 - Name Pending until Angus can be bothered to think of one.

Angus stomps echoed loudly through the damp cave as his thick hooves smashed down onto the hard surface beneath him. His fur was wet from the humidity, and his own sweat, sticking to him and an entirely uncomfortable fashion, and he could only begin to imagine how badly he must smell to anyone that had the misfortune to be nearby, but that was hardly his fault. Auren sucked. Whoever decided to toss in a hot, humid jungle filled with poisonous creatures and deep swamps needed to be shot. Then stabbed. Then shot again.... and maybe dragged behind a pissed off Minotaur with some kind of contraption that captured all of the Minotaurs exerted stank and channeled it right into his nose. Hell, it barely felt like December in the hellhole that was Auren, but Auren was where his level was at, and more importantly, Auren was filled with ancient ruins and ancient ruins meant ancient treasure and ancient treasure meant epic adventure and epic adventure meant... well, something, something, Angus to the rescue.

Forgotten Tomb #324... Name Pending had him on ends. Most caves and forgotten tombs was packed full of nasty critters and monsters, but this one had nothing in it and that was bad. When a tomb was empty that meant traps. Lots and lots of traps. His bestial instincts were screaming at him that something was off, something was wrong. It had screamed at him this loudly since he had that unfortunate run in with the massive, mutant centipede... three hours ago. Pausing to catch his breath and try to cool off, although that was destined to fail, but one can hardly blame a fellow for trying, and he scanned the darkness before him with his dark eyes, his snout like an arrow that pointed out exactly where his attention was as he looked for anything out of place or out of shape. Nothing.

It had been one long tunnel, well hidden under a large boulder, for the last two hours. It was... disconcerting. Opening up his pitifully small friend's list, he checked on Lilac Sin, a habit he had long formed since they parted months ago, to ensure she was fine and was relieved to see that, indeed, she was still doing well. Once more, he looked at the message button floating in the air before his face, taunting him. What could he say? 'Hey, this is Angus, you know, the burger with the extra side of murder? Soooo, it has been awhile, whatcha been up to girl? Me? Just exploring some cave in the ass end of nowhere. Sorry about cutting and ditching you, no hard feelings right?' Ha, even he knew that wouldn't work. Swallowing a frustrated sigh, he swiped his hand and dismissed the window. Hopefully, she was having fun with her guild as Christmas approached.

Rolling his shoulders, he stepped forward... and his hooves sunk in an inch as his sharp ears heard a distinct click. "Shit," he whispered, as if that made a difference. Of course, it was just like him to step on the one damnable trapped spot in the massive tunnel system, because that was just his luck. This game had it out for him, he just knew it.

A loud grinding and rumbling started behind him, and despite knowing he shouldn't, Angus turned his head, his eyes widening over his large snout as a massive round boulder tumbled down an unseen ramp to crash down in the tunnel behind him with a thunderous crash. "Oh, come on! This is some Indiana Jones bullshit!" Despite his outraged cry, the boulder slowly started to roll forward before building momentum. Not wasting another second, Angus turned on his hooves and bolted down the tunnel.

His hooves dug deep into the stone beneath him, taking out chunks as he dug into it with each powerful step, his massive thigh muscles bulging as they gave Angus 110% of their output, their very survival on the line... just like the rest of his body. His eyes scanned the walls and ceiling, there had to be a way out. Had to. There always was. There! A small out cove in the roof... a... very... small out cove.

"The fuck!?" Angus roared in anger, his legs still pumping furiously under him. He understood what was supposed to happen. He was supposed to jump against the wall, bounce off, grab the roof ledge then hold himself in it while the boulder passed. But there was one glaring issue with that: He wouldn't be able to fit his shoulders in there much less his entire body. That was blatant discrimination against his size!

That wasn't an option. Angus lowered his head, as he continued to sprint for all his worth, there had to be another way. Well, no, there didn't, but he certainly hoped there did as he didn't want to end up as beef paste. No one liked beef paste. The rumbling grew louder, and worse, closer, so he braved a look over his shoulder just in time to see... a popup. If Angus had time, he would have laughed at the sheer inopportune time, without reading it, he dismissed the window in time to see the boulder incredibly close. Far too close.

Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn! The words repeated themselves in his head in a panicked mantra. His eyes made out an opening ahead in the darkness, but his nose told him that it wasn't safety... it was a drop off. He could smell the damp, dank smell that was wafting from it, it was a pit. He would fall to his death or be crushed by the boulder. His eyes glanced from the edge to the far wall, his legs still pumping, he could try to jump. It was far. Even by his standards. If he used his axes like ice picks, he might be able to stick into the wall then slowly crawl his way back around, but he doubted it. The stone walls were slick with water and had not handholds. But what other option did he have? He couldn't just go ba...

Go back. Skidding to a halt near the edge of the chasm, Angus looked back at the massive boulder rolling his way. Go through that? Did he have a choice? Taking a deep breath, his lungs filling with air, he lowered his head and charged the boulder activating his Pain Train. Giving himself one final reminder about how mindbogglingly stupid this plan was, Angus lowered his head, raising his right shoulder and let out a roar of defiance as he smashed into the boulder. An earsplitting crack traveled down the tunnel as the two titanic forces collided. A large crack formed where he smashed into the boulder, but it wasn't enough, not nearly enough. He had slowed it, but it was still coming. Grasping it in his hands and pushing his body against it, he tried to bring it to a stop, but it kept coming. His hooves were digging long groves into the solid rock beneath him as the boulder slowly pushed him back. Casting a quick look over his shoulder, dismay filled his heart as the chasm was slowly getting closer and closer.

Closing his eyes, Angus gathered what strength he had left, well aware his stamina bar was quickly depleting and pushed back with everything he had against the boulder. His muscles bulged, crying out in pain as his body felt like it was tearing itself apart in its desperate gambit for survival. Unleashing a soulful, dreadful roar fueled with all his pain, passion, panic, anger and fear, his body gave its last defiant effort to stop the boulder and just as his left hoof started to slipped off the edge and into the dark abyss seeking to consume him, the boulder came to a halt.

Eyes closed, Angus didn't open them for a few seconds, not willingly to believe it worked. It. Worked. He was alive! He let his horns rest against the rough rock, he couldn't believe it. He was alive, but... Now what? With the rock coming to a stop, and the tunnel only having a slight angle in which the rock was able to slowly build up speed, he might be able to roll it back up... all the way to the top? He doubted he could make it that far. His legs felt like jelly and his arms were burning, but what choice did he have? Slowly, he leaned his weight against the boulder and started to push with all his might as he slowly, but surely, moved the boulder back the way he came.


Sweat dripped down his body, his chainmail loincloth chaffing in all the wrong places, as he desperately fought the boulder, step by step, up the tunnel. He cast a baleful gaze at the opening above him that would have saved him so much effort if they had made it a size fit for real men. But, it was then that something caught his eye. A slight gap in the side wall, angling himself closer, his dark eyes peered at it. "Very clever," Angus said through gritted teeth. The gap was angled so only someone coming back up the tunnel could see it, likely, when they jumped into the out cove above and dropped back down after the boulder had passed, they would have seen the opening and investigated, but not only that, the hole was big enough for Angus to fit. Thank God.

Angus let his eyes fall down to the distance between himself and the gap. He would have to move fast. If he was too slow, the boulder would catch him and crush him, but he doubted he could move it much further, he was at his limit as his stamina bar kept helpfully screaming at him. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the boulder then flung himself at the wall, feeling the wind rush pass as the boulder missed him by inches. Pulling himself into the small tunnel, Angus collapsed to the ground, staring at the dark, damp rocks above him before laughing. His laugh was loud and carried throughout the tunnel, the laugh of a man who thought he was dead but, against all odds, managed to survive once again. He laughed until tears rolled down his eyes and into the sweat mattered fur of his face, until his ribs hurt and he couldn't breath. He had done it.

Regaining his composure, well, mostly, a giggle escaped here and there, Angus pushed himself to his unsteady legs and leaned heavily against the wall as he walked down the small tunnel, desperate, just like Alice, to see what awaited him on the other side of the rabbit hole.

The small tunnel eventually opened up into a small room, the room had beautiful carved sculptures of an odd two-legged lizardman like race and a pedestal at the middle with a small round disc laying at the center. Taking extra care of where he stepped, as if those statues came alive and attacked him, he was going to throw the biggest bitch fit this side of Vael. Coming up to the pedestal, he leaned close, examining the small disc, which, he found out, was an ancient coin of.. some type. Sniffing around it, he didn't smell anything out of the ordinary nor did he feel any air coming from around the pedestal, so it was unlikely it would drop down if he took the coin. Reaching out his massive hand closed around the tiny coin and pulled it off, he tensed waiting for something to happen, but when nothing did, he let out a sigh of relief as he turned it over in his hand.

It wasn't worth anything, he knew that just by looking at it, at least, it wasn't worth anything on its own. The small golden coin was curved in small markings, and he was enough of a gamer to know it meant one of two things: It was a clue to a much, much larger treasure or, possibly and, it was a key to open the door to a much, much larger treasure both sent pleasant tingles running down his spine at the thought of the hunt. Tucking it in his inventory, he paused finally remembering that very rude message that had nearly made him trip and pulled it up.

Briskly reading through it, he raised an eyebrow, a Christmas event? If he left now, he could likely make it.. but he would have to suspend his hunt for a bit.. This could work out as he could stop and see if that tricky little minx had any knowledge of ancient looked doors within Auren, and if not, either or Moe could tell him more about the coin through examination. Either way, it was worth a look.

Pulling ups his friend's list again, he tapped Psychedemo's name and started to compose a message:

"Hey! This is the Beef of Kings. I have found a... well... coin. Weird right? Well, anyways, this coin has some kind of inscription on it that I can't read. I think it likely leads, or opens a door, to a much larger treasure trove, and I thought you and your Knights-of Collecting-Old-Shit-That-Nobody-Else-Wants would be interested in it. I should be at Vael in a few days for the event thingy.

Faithfully Forever Out Of The Reach Of Tricky Little Minxes,

Angus the Great and Beefy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cain Character Portrait: Lilac Sin Character Portrait: Montanax Character Portrait: Angus
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0.00 INK



Lunar Glade


Hex Code:

Vael - Skies

Once the message from the Game Master was sent out, reminding Lilac of the fact that time was still passing, that Christmas was just around the corner, it... honestly wasn't a good feeling at all. If she hadn't gotten this dumb game, she and Aria could've been spending time buying gifts for the family, for mutual friends, they could've been happy. They could've been together. Now, Lilac had no idea if her sister was safe, alive, or trapped in the game under an unrecognizable name, or perhaps even already dead. That last possibility was a particularly devastating one that honestly, was better off not thought about lest she overwork her heart in the real world.

She was flying in circles above the ocean city of Vael when she sent private messages to all the guild members barring Accido and Montanax, asking for updates, preferred allies and formations and the like, knowing Montanax valued survival over all else. The information slowly trickled in and Lilac kept a mental notebook of what class combinations worked well together, which people could naturally cover each other's weaknesses, and which people didn't get along at all. Pairing the more war-happy people with a higher level yet level-headed player, pitting weak with the strong, doing whatever she could to ensure the maximum amount lives were retained as well as optimizing the amount of estimated experience gained per group. It was tough work, yet Lilac enjoyed it as she seemingly danced through the sky, flapping her wings as she went, fluttering gracefully. Her face remained mostly expressionless, only the faintest flicker in her amber eyes to show how much fun she was having.

It felt good to be able to contribute, to do the bulk work that allowed Montanax and Accido to focus on other things, for them to think of the big picture. They accommodated her despite her age and Lilac was incredibly thankful for that, for the opportunity to be helpful and prove her worth. Even if it was somewhat tedious, Lilac didn't mind at all. Her mind wandered as she organized names together, thinking of someone who she thought was going to be a good friend. Angus, the bull. His name floated in front of her face on her friend's list, near Accido's name and she wondered if maybe, maybe, once she was stronger, once she was smarter, maybe she could send him a message and show her old friend how far she'd come.

That'd be nice, right? In any case, it was good to know he was still alive. Someone tough like Angus would definitely be able to survive long enough for the Lunar Glade to find an escape. Even if they never spoke again, it was fine. Maybe if she was lucky, she'd catch a glimpse of her former friend during the Christmas event.

Her mind then went to Cain, her teacher and mentor. That reminded her, she'd soon have to turn in the latest homework assignment of 30% Fire resist boots. Honestly, it was easy, and she wanted to do something harder, something more complicated, but the experience would eventually add up. Hopefully he'd be proud of her, and give her a big assignment next time. Still, there was time to worry about that later - for now she sent Cain a little PM that she'd completed the task and then finished organizing the team formations. Once that was dealt with, Lilac spied the Guild Hall and swooped down to it, maintaining her expressionless face.

She sent Montanax her arrangements via a PM and requested for him to look it over and tweak whatever he thought was necessary. With that done, Lilac entered the guild, offering Montanax a subtle nod and a little smile, hair slightly a mess from the flying. She rearranged the crown on her head, enjoying the fluff of her hair. "Hello there." She said sagely, noticing the smile on his lips. "I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself." She paused a little, wanting to be more useful if she could. "If there's anything further you'd like me to do, do you mind letting me know? I'd be glad to help out more."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goliath Character Portrait: Accido Character Portrait: Psychedemo Character Portrait: Cain Character Portrait: Mononoke Character Portrait: Angus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Red Rum


Knights of Lore


Hex Code:

Vael- Town Square

The message from the GM had come as a bit of a surprise to Moe. The realization that Christmas was just around the corner had left her a bit confused on how she should feel. Should she feel sad that she wasn't getting to spend the holidays with her family, or was it ok to honestly not to feel that bad about it? Deciding that she didn't want to be alone at her house with all of those thoughts, Moe decided to close up shop and head out on the town.

Watching all the joyous faces of players and NPCs alike pass her by, Moe could feel a small smile curling the edges of her lips as well. Pulling her cloak closer to her frame as she trudged through the snow, Moe wondered what exactly she should do. Having left her home really only to not be alone with her thoughts, she didn't really have a clear plan of what she should do. Eyes shifting to all of the people running around attempting to catch snowflakes and build snowmen, Moe sighed. At least everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, she had at first been worried that all of the players would be depressed over the fact that they weren't spending this holiday season with their families.

Suddenly spotting a shop dedicated mostly to selling ingredients, Moe's smile grew brighter. The store was located near the center of town, close to the giant Christmas tree. As she hurried inside, the NPC behind the counter's smile grew as well, it wasn't exactly her first time coming to this store. "Welcome young lady! Please, look around as much as you'd like!". Nodding her thanks, Moe began to scroll through the list of buyable items that the store had to offer. An idea had already begun to take root in her mind, she should make some sweets for all of her friends that had helped her thus far. It wasn't very much, but it was at least something she could do for everyone. She could bake some cookies for some of her guild members like Psyche, Goliath, and maybe even Cain. Moe could also probably bake some cookies to give to Accido as thanks for all of the training she'd been giving her. And then she'd make an unnecessarily large cake for Angus, he'd overpaid her for repairing his equipment again and she'd been looking for a way to repay him. After buying all of the necessary ingredients, Moe and the store owner exchanged thanks before she braced herself and headed out into the chilly wind again.

Not quite wanting to head home just yet, Moe once again began slowly walking through Town Square. The lively Christmas music was an interesting change of pace to the game. Leaning back against one of the brightly lit up buildings, Moe watched the people passing by in happy dazes. Happening to overhear some passing players talking about the upcoming special event, she began to think of her own plans. Moe knew that the event would be a good place to help her level up quickly, but the thought of fighting monsters alone honestly made her a bit queasy. Maybe she'd consider participating if another player offered to party with her, but other wise she'd probably just spend the entire time at her house, repairing other players equipment if it was needed. "I'm such a wimp..." Moe scoffed at herself, drawing patterns in the snow with the tip of her boot as Christmas music flooded her ears.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Psychedemo Character Portrait: Angus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Taunbon

Treasure Hunter

N/A - Freelance


Hex Code:

Bug Infested Swampy Hell of Angus Torture + 5, Also known as the border of Auren and Vael in shorthand.

His hoof sunk in, a loud gulping sound echoing among the trees as a gooey substance attached itself to his leg. Yanking his large, furry calf up, he glared down at the nasty green ooze clinging to his hoof before closing his eyes and slowing counting to ten to control his fury before he ended up turning a nearby tree into kindling.

One. Two. Three. Its alright, man, you got this. Four. Just a jungle.. swamp.. thing. Five, don't let it get to you. Six. Seven. You.. Fuck this place! Eight. And fuck the designer. And fuck the coder. And fuck the guy who brought coffee. Nine. And fuck the mailboy. Ten. No, double fuck that kid. Fucking prick. Fuck him with that overpriced coffee!.. And hold the god damn cream!

Letting out a slow breath, Angus slowly lowered his foot back to the solid... well, mushy wet floor trying to ignore how the goo collected dirt to cling to him. Placing his hands on his hips, he felt distinctly calm after his mental vent. Really, it could always be worse, he mused, as he swatted his neck to kill yet another insect that had crawled through his fur to bite him, truly, those little bugs went out of their way. It had become an automatic response, the swats, he only noticed when he wanted to know. The small bites and nips no longer raising a response out of him.

Pushing forward, he toke some solace in that fact, it could always be worse. The giant bugs.. monsters.. and everything else that was made from nightmares were certainly abundant, but nothing that was too bad. He only had a few hours more walk before he reached the teleport pad and could get out of there, really, he could manage. Then he would get to show the minx his shiny new coin, and she could be jealous that her peeps weren't half as beefy as him. That would show her what for!

Vainly trying to keep up with his self-deception, he started to list all the things that could make his situation worse... Rain? Yeah, his temper would have gone south in the rain. Sure, the giant snakes and other insects were bad, but at least there weren't any spiders. Giant, massive spiders? No thank you. That was the stuff of nightmares, and he had no desire to sequel and run like a little girl. Raising his eyes to the trees above him, his body froze. White. White things were hanging from the trees... and they oddly... resembled webs. But it couldn't be. No one would put giant spiders in a VR game that would be too cruel.. seeing them in an RPG is one thing, but.. no, they wouldn't, he had to be seeing things.

Oh, God, don't be webs. But there was nothing else it could possibly be. Those were webs. Massive. Massive webs. A soft clicking sent a shiver running down his spine as his head leaned back and his heart froze. A massive, horse sized, black spider was hanging from a thread above him. It had been using its web to lower itself down, to attack him when he wasn't looking, its large, knife sized fangs where rubbing together. It almost looked like a man rubbing his hands before a meal, but the clear liquid spilling out from them as well as the soft clicking they made when they rubbed together banished that thought right out of his head.

The spider eyed him with his large black eyes, all eight of them, as it continued to lower itself. The rustling of a branch brought him back into his mind as Angus faintly heard a very, very high pitched scream which, surely didn't come from him, must have been someone else in the forest, obviously.... As he fled. He did not think about it, as a beast, his instincts were far sharper and had far more control over him then a normal avatar, and normally he fought, but this time, he fled.

The ground shook under his hooves as the spider behind him dropped to the ground, intent to chase after its prey. Its long legs moved far faster then his as they quickly covered the ground nimbly climbing over roots and boulders that Angus had to jump over or run around. His panicked dark eyes trained on the monster behind him, he didn't see the web in front of him until it was too late... until he was already halfway into it and fairly stuck.

Angus jerked around, trying to pull himself from the webs, but they were stronger then any chains he had ever seen. The soft clicking sound got louder in his head as his panic grew and so did his struggles, his muscles straining to break free of the webs, a shadow fell over him, and he tore his head around, the spider mere feet away.. and just like before, his fight or flight response flicked, but just like a cornered bull, it flicked towards fight. Red obscured his vision as his arms broke free, not bothering with his axes, too lost in the panic fueled fury, he struck out with his massive fist, striking the spider in its large head.

Catching the massive monster off guard, it stumbled back, shaking its head before lunging forward, its slobbering fangs wanting to pierce deep into his flesh and unleash the poison within, but his fury was too great. His hand gripped one of the fangs, the spider squealed in shock and pain as his fist gripped it and pulled its head to the ground as his right hand came down like a hammer, once more striking the spider in the head. The spider was screeching in pain, trying to wiggle away from its dangerous prey, but the fury blind Angus paid no heed, flipping it onto its back with one hand and jumping on it to straddle its thorax. His fist rained down, his arms shooting out like piston, one fist pulling back only for the other to fly forward. Carapace cracked, ichor splattered out, matting into his fur and a string of even going across his muzzle as his fist kept raining down, punching through the thick black plates and sinking into the goo on the inside as the spider gave one last shriek of pain before its legs curled in.

His chest heaving, the spiders legs around him, Angus let out a roar of victory, his voice shaking the rocks around him as his inner beast let its dominance be known to everything around him. As the red haze lifted, Angus took stock of his surroundings... of... the... numerous web covered holes that were in the rocks... of the soft clicking sounds that came from all around him as dozens of monstrous spiders came out to see what was happening, who had disturbed their nesting ground.

His mind still not fully his own, understood that once more, he was cornered. His hands fell to the axes at his hips as the red haze descended over his vision, tearing them from their holsters as he leaned his head back, his horns proudly high in the air as his large maw opened and bellowed another toe-curling roar of difference.

Sometime Later

Angus stumbled through the forest, his health low, his body covered in scratches and bleeding out green pus leaking from many of the wounds as his strong body fought off the poison the spiders had tried to inject in his body. He wasn't far from the teleports, but he had to say, this day had sucked. Lowering his head, he leaned against a tree before pushing off it and back towards his goal, leaving ichor covered nesting ground behind him, the broken and beaten bodies of monstrous spiders covering it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Psychedemo Character Portrait: Cain Character Portrait: EclecticPrince Character Portrait: Granite Character Portrait: Angus
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0.00 INK


Information Broker

Knights of Lore


Hex Code:

Vael tavern- Gold Gallion

Typically, Psychedemo would say that she enjoyed surprises in the best of times. They added a spice to life, bringing spontaneousness to monotony. Even the less...pleasant ones tended to make for an interesting story at the end of the day, and were at least controlled without much destruction, havoc, or overall trauma towards her or any involved. Harmless fun.

Surprises such as looking up from your deck into the eyes of your resident stalker, however? Less fun than one might expect.

Admittedly, however, she had long gotten used to the sudden appearances of the priest, much in the way one might expect frozen roads in the middle of winter, or for a particularly devious pet cat to crawl onto a freshly laundered suit. The second one tended to be more fitting in Psyche’s opinion, really.

“Hello, Cain,” she said dryly. Pale blues wandered up to the paper above Shade’s head, taking in the paper- the list of names and doodles of cards alike- with a degree of amusement. From the sound of it, Cain was well acquainted with everyone’s favorite mercenary...and had taken it upon himself to pester the other, as well. She glanced over the paper with a careful eye, scanning the names for future reference, before making as if she were observing the illustration with just as much scrutiny.

“I didn’t know you two knew each other already.” This part was spoken with the mage’s typical affableness, with her showing little of the wryness of earlier. Smiling brightly, Psyche gestured over to Cain with a flick of her hand, before returning it beneath her deck. “Oh, this is the roommate I’ve mentioned before,” she began. “Cain, meet Prince and-” Her attention was temporarily stolen as Granite suddenly rose from the table, announcing his need for air before trudging away. “Well, that was Granite that just walked away. They’re friends of mine. And considering how well you’re getting along with Shade, I’m assuming I don’t have to introduce you two?”

This last bit was spoken with even more mirth than before, if that was possible. Another comment was about to fall from her lips when she had caught a notification in the corner of her eye. Curious, Psyche took a moment to open it, skimming over the message and stifling a chuckle as she did so. “Excuse me for a moment.” Rising from the table, Psyche placed her cards face-down upon the polished wood, dusting her hands as soon as they were properly out of her grasp. “I’ll fold for this turn, too; I need to take care of something real quick.” Then, with one last look at the paper, she added,

“Oh, and Cain? Thank you for trying to help, but I don’t think it was necessary.” With that, she took a few steps away, opening the PM and observing it in proper detail. The lavendette scanned over it once more, before giving her fingers a bit of a twitch and setting about writing a response.

“Hello, again, Angus. It’s good to hear from my favorite Hamburger Helper again. :)
I’ll have to take a look at it when you arrive, but if it has some sort of inscription on it, it probably does lead to a treasure of some sort. Depending on what’s on it, I may have to take it to another Knight for them to look at, but either way we’ll have to see what we can get out of it. Message me once you’re back?


A Certain Tricky Minx.”

After hitting the “reply” button, Psyche took a few more moments to look through her PM box before shutting it and returning to her seat. While she was quite curious as to what was wearing Granite down, she had known the demon for long enough to know better than charging after him, demanding to know what was the matter. Boundaries were a necessity to most, or such was her logic.

And, at any rate, the interactions between one Shade_Strider and Cain would certainly prove to be quite interesting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goliath Character Portrait: Accido Character Portrait: ArcticFire Character Portrait: Psychedemo Character Portrait: Cain Character Portrait: Shade_Strider
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0.00 INK


Alchemist // Tailor
None// None
182 // 200
Hex Code:
#00008B // #388E8E
Vael Town

Seraph was probably the person most excited for the event even though he wasn't going to be down in the town actively participating. This was his first real event and he wanted everyone to enjoy it, even those that weren't taking part in the battles. It was almost time! The Game Master was grinning ear to ear as he peered down at the town from his perch on the balcony of a random house. He didn't have the high level of the acrobat skill to get up here but he was the game master so he had a few cheats he could utilize when needed; Like getting to places he shouldn't be able to. He wanted to be able to watch everything happen as they unfolded for the event and a high perch was the most advantageous. He smiled to himself and leaned against the balcony as he stared down at the center of town. Those that were going to participate were already gathering in anticipation. Some players had locked their doors and shut off the lights but he could see a few staring out their windows, interested in seeing what was going to occur.

"I thought I might find you here, Seraph," said a voice behind him.

Seraph sat up and looked behind him to see his favorite person in the world; Nightingale. She was the reason why he had locked the game the first time after all. He waved excitedly at her and rolled onto his heels and then back to his tip-toes. "Nightingale! I thought you weren't going to come into town because of the other betas that gathered. They are all here. But do you like what I have planned for the event?"

"Neither of us should be here and I advised you not to come, but I knew you'd come anyway. You never listen. And of course I liked the event. You did a good job," Nightingale answered with a small smile. Seraph really was like a child, her precious baby. She had to protect him should the other betas spot Seraph and turn their attentions away from the event and try a full on attack on Seraph. They would all have higher levels this time around and unlike Seraph, she couldn't see what level they were. It worried her a bit but Seraph was Seraph. He was still the Game Master and there was no way he'd be able to resist coming to the center of the activity in the game. She knew first hand how much he loved his players and everything he did was for them to enjoy. Who wouldn't want to see the results of their efforts?

"I had to come. Tonight is the event! I want to watch everyone. I want to know what I can improve on next time. I have already gotten a lot of feedback! I went a little overboard with decorations it seems," he chuckled and raised a hand to rub the back of his head. "And that is not fair, Nightingale. I do listen. I just decide not to follow your caution," he answered. He had to make sure everything was running smoothly after all.

The archer walked over to Seraph and reached out a hand to ruffle his hair then. She couldn't help the grin that played on her rosy lips when the boy blushed and tried to dislodge her hand. "Nightingale!" he called out exasperated and took a step back to try and fix his hair. He hated it when she did that. Nightingale on the other hand loved watching him get flustered. He was just too adorable. The Game Master huffed and crossed his arms. He glanced back at the center of the town. "It is almost time." Seraph took in a deep breath and closed his eyes to center himself a moment before he completely turned his back on his companion. When he opened his eyes, his once expressive gaze were blank, code rapidly flitting through the blue hues. It was time to send out the message that would initiate the countdown.

╚═╣Good evening all players, this is your Game Master. The first half of the event will be initiated shortly after this message. I hope you all have a happy holiday and enjoy the event. Before they spawn, here is some extra information for you. The monsters that will be appearing do not have a predetermined level. The level of the strongest player in your team will be determining the level of the monster for that party. This means that if the highest party member is level 100, the monsters will also be level 100. This is a feature set to give each group a fighting chance and the most exp. If someone joins your battle, the monster level will not change and both parties will get half of the exp. The party or soloist that kills the most monsters will be determined at the end of the event. Thank you for your patronage and enjoy the event!

--Game Master Time stamp December 24 11:58pm.

Once the message had been sent out, Seraph blinked four times before his personality reemerged and he twirled in a circle and stopped to face Nightingale. He clasped his hands behind him and leaned against the balcony. "Will you be joining the event?" he asked her then.

Nightingale placed a hand on her hip and gave a nod. "Yeah. I think I will. This event is a good way to level up. I won't miss the chance. Meeting the other betas however will be quite the inconvenience. Good thing I have a few things to help disguise myself unless they directly come in contact with me," she mused. At least the betas wouldn't be able to attack her in town since she to was a PC. If they saw her here though, they'd immediately seek Seraph out. She had to stay on guard. "I guess I'll change," she mused and started to leaf through her equipment to pick out the best equipment for this event. She quickly put on her dark blue light armor with the crimson trimmings. A cape hung behind her and she tugged at her finger-less gloves to check the fit though she didn't need to and tapped her boots on the ground. It was a little cold for such a thin outfit but it was a game. She wouldn't freeze to death and it was only a little nippy. She equipped her second choice bow and arrows and caressed the pale blue feathers. She would use her rare item but if the betas saw it, they would recognize who she was immediately. She didn't need to use it. Lastly, she equipped her head gear that looked more like a winged masquerade mask that covered her entire face. Like the rest of her current outfit, it was a baby blue with red trimmings and the feathers themselves looked like they were dipped in blood. It might not look like much, but the outfit was reinforced with a variety of enhancements. That was one thing she loved about the game; you could wear clothing like this and still be well protected if you knew where to purchase and who to ask to craft them for you. Nightingale then hung her hair up in a messy pony tail and smiled at Seraph.

"Well, time to join the fray. I'll talk to you after the event, Seraph. I look forward to seeing what you have come up with."

Seraph beamed at her and gave her a wave. "Enjoy the event!" Nightingale used her acrobat skill to hurry away from the current balcony and took up her place instead on top of the tavern of Vael and readied herself.

7...6...5...4...3...2...1... The clock struck midnight and a firecracker shot up into the air from the center of town and exploded above the area as the bells rang. The sky was illuminated with red and silver lights from the fire cracker. Almost instantly, monsters began to spawn in the town all around the people standing there. Of course, they were all Christmas themed. There were tiny Santa Elves running about, Polar bears with ribbons and bells, China dolls and jack-in-the-boxes hopping about, and growly snowman clawing with their stick arms and angry expressions. At fist, they didn't attack anyone but after they finished spawning, they went after who ever was closest. Nightingale was quick to target one of the toy wolves with her arrow and took in a steadying breath before letting her arrows fly. The wolf howled and turned in her direction but using her rapid shot she was able to get some good hits in and the wolf couldn't reach her where she was so she had pretty easy pickings. She didn't want to win the event. She just wanted to gain experience so being solo made her a bit slow, but that didn't matter. She had a goal and wouldn't waver.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Accido Character Portrait: ArcticFire Character Portrait: Psychedemo Character Portrait: Cain Character Portrait: Rakugo Character Portrait: Lilac Sin
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0.00 INK


Information Broker

Knights of Lore


Hex Code:

Town of Vael

Rakugo couldn't help but laugh. Lucive, huh? Well he was a cutie. He didn't have much time to focus on that however. His little dwarf friend was already running gun-ho out the door. Of course, his favorite jelly was always running head long into things. He would really have to watch out for him. He didn't want to turn around and find his friend dying because he couldn't keep up with him. He took most things in this world as fun and games since LAIOS was supposed to be a game, but matters like this were less silly. Stranger or no, Rakugo wanted to ensure that as many people as possible survived to reach the outside world again. The fox put a smile on his face and put the Noh mask back on before he rushed after Man-O-War and brandished his blade. "Don't leave us behind!" he called out. Of course he was the only one lagging. Lucive and Man-O-War were already fighting a Toy Soldier. Rakugo let out a battle cry as he spun, slicing at the giant toy. He was the one doing most of the damage considering his level matched the monster while the others were lower level, but with the three of them, the battle ended quickly.

Rakugo beamed as they got their exp and items. "Good job, boys. We make a good team," he mused. Rakugo took the moment to glance at everyone else in the direct vicinity. Ah, he saw that white fox again. His only clue. He was 90% sure she was a beta and he wanted to approach her and try and glean some information from her, but he could not. Not yet. This event wasn't going to be conducive for that right now. And oooh, who was the priest beside her? He remembered seeing him out and about but he hadn't really investigated him any. If he was partnering with Ms. Foxy, then he needed to be on his list to. He would get to the bottom of this. Though he liked LAIOS and all it offered, it was a game. He couldn't let appearance wipe away the memory that he was really out there, not in here. "I will find you, Game Master," he cooed to himself more than anything.

The fox's ear twitched when he heard a jingle and turned just in time to catch the massive scythe that was coming at him from a deceptively adorable rag doll. "tsk, tsk, darling. Such rude manners." Rakugo was forced on the defensive as he blocked the onslaught of rapidly moving swings. "A little help, guys?" he called to his party. He was relieved when the doll was finally stunned thanks to Man-O-War and Lucive. Rakugo coated his blade in poison then and began a flurry of attacks of his own.


The first part of the event lasted a few hours with the monsters never pausing. They just kept spawning just when you thought the mob was thinning. There was an infinite number and the only way to escape the war zone was to hurry into the tavern or into one of the houses that covered the streets. Players and monsters were vanishing left and right. Rakugo and many of the others that were higher leveled tried to help those weaker but even they had limits. Many players were losing their footing against the mob. Thankfully however, the GM did finally allow a brief reprieve. A message went out to the players signally an hour break so people could go ahead and stock up on potions and the like. The damage had still be done however.

Lilac Sin, Psychedemo, Mononoke, Angus, Accido and Lucive were gone. Yes, even Lucive. And Rakugo blamed himself for his death. Rakugo had gone off to protect a little girl that was running from a monster and when he had turned around, he wasn't able to get to Lucive on time. He had tossed a potion only to have it touch Lucive after his HP hit zero. He was shaken about the death of his party member and could only imagine the guilt and hurt Man-O-War would be feeling right about now. Rakugo put away his sword and tore off his mask as he walked over to his friend and gripped his shoulder. "Man-O-War..." he called softly, "I... I am so sorry for your loss. I should have paid more attention to you and Lucive."