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Alvaro 'Alfie' Cooks

the Frustrated

0 · 1,521 views · located in L.A.

a character in “Welcome To Parenthood”, as played by TushoKa





Alvaro Nicolas Cooks

Alfie, Nick, Alv

26 years old



|Face Claim|
Marlon Teixeira






Dark brown

|Height and Weight|

6'1" & 160

|In Depth|

Alvaro likes to wear his hair in a messy way, just out-a-bed sort of thing. He keeps his beard at different lengths depending on his mood. For his work he needs to keep himself fit, and boy, does he ever. Alfie has been ripped for most of his adult life and he likes to show it in the way he wears his clothes, or at times his lack of clothes.




With his abs, messy hair and his dark brown eyes it looks like Alfie could get any girl he wants. And for a very long time, that was exactly what he was out to get. But for everyone there comes a time to become more serious about life, and he realized that about a year ago. He got a new job, one that he is surprisingly good at and for the first time in his life he had a relationship that lasted longer than a week.
Alvaro's ambition is new to him, before he was a 'we'll see what happens' kind of guy. Now that his girlfriend has run away from him he is surprised to see how easily he slips back to his old lazy self.

He seems calm and collected at most times. He is not aggressive and his words are delivered with precision and purpose. He is however an introvert aggressive person. The smallest thing can set him off on a swearing spree inside his own mind. Actually the smaller the issue, the more likely this will happen. A debate is no problem, but if the pen keeps on rolling off the desk, you'd better watch out.


❤dogs ❤smoothies ❤sushi ❤working out ❤horror movies
❤his sister ❤becoming an uncle ❤jeans ❤teasing his sister
❤ surfing ❤motor cycles ❤[face claim: caitlin stacey]
❤beer ❤football


✘cats ✘coffee ✘meat ✘that he's lazy ✘the color purple
✘christmas ✘tomato soup ✘flying ✘winter ✘cooking
✘sleeping before midnight ✘taking pictures ✘violence ✘cars




Alfie grew up with his parents and his older sister Ammy. They differ by 2 years, but growing up they seemed light years apart. Most people in school never found out they were even related. Alvaro was one of the popular boys in class and took full advantage of it too. From the age of 15 he had lots of dates and girlfriends and he started going out before his parents allowed it, mostly sneaking out of his window.

When he was a bit older his parents found out Ammy was into girls. Although Alfie was perfectly fine with it, his parents were not. Since she left the house he was treated as if he was an only child. It created a tension in the house that made him very uncomfortable. As soon as he was of age he left the house as well and started living with a few boys who went to the same university. He was out more than in, basically living during the night. He has seen every bar, club and party there was to be seen. He spoke with his parents less and less, but with his sister more and more. They were closer now than they ever were as children.

About a year and 4 months ago he met [face claim: Caitlin Stacey] and the love bug hit him hard. He really was in love and tried to better his ways. Instead of bar hopping he finally finished business school and successfully applied at a company that promotes a healthy life style. Aside from doing something that he loves, he was generally happy. After being with this one girl for a year she got out one morning and never came back. Ever since then he has started to doubt himself. Was he boyfriend material? What did he do to make her run away?

To try and distract himself he tries to concentrate on becoming an uncle and his job. However, he still wants answers and he contemplates looking for his lost girlfriend, or at least call her. And with all of this to deal with, will he keep himself from falling into his old habits.

So begins...

Alvaro 'Alfie' Cooks's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvaro 'Alfie' Cooks Character Portrait: Anna Joy Boylen Character Portrait: Amaya 'Ammy' Cooks Character Portrait: Willow Marie Montgomery Character Portrait: Richie Bradley Character Portrait: Aveline Rose
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{Since we have most characters in, with the exception of few, I'm posting this, for those of you that wish to go ahead and post. Please get your characters in, if you haven't already! }

It's Autumn in L.A.. The leaves are turning the shades of oranges, reds, and even a few yellows, that those photographers love to snap pictures of. Here's the schedule for the birthing classes:

12:45 - 3:00
3:00 - 5:30

No Class

12:45 - 3:00
3:00 - 5:30

No Class

12:45 - 3:00
3:00 - 5:30

Saturday & Sunday
No Class



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvaro 'Alfie' Cooks Character Portrait: Anna Joy Boylen Character Portrait: Willow Marie Montgomery Character Portrait: Richie Bradley Character Portrait: Aveline Rose Character Portrait: Rosalia Alice Rosati
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Amaya had stayed up really late last night, trying to get caught up on her patient's paperwork, so it'd be ready for the next day when she went back to work. She hated having to miss, but she'd been really sick for the past few days. It hadn't been the first time, she had this same 'episode' last month or so. Amaya was going to see if Willow would tag-along to a doctor's visit later.

Stretching, she heard her phone buzz again and again, signaling someone was contacting her. Glancing at the clock on the phone, it was only 11:30. Amaya sighed as she unlocked her phone, to see a voicemail from the surrogate who was carrying her and her fiance's first child. "Shit." She muttered, and listened to it.

"Hey Amaya I know it is early and I just um.... wanted to call asking if you were coming to the birthing class. Wondering if you could make it or if there was a delay. Sorry to call early. Home I didn't wake you. Bye."

Feeling her heart rate slow down, she let out a sigh, and put her phone on the nightstand again, before rolling over, and expecting to find her gorgeous fiance. "Mmm... Willow... Babes, wake up. " She nudged her shoulder lightly, before pecking it, and Willow's cheek. "Babes, forreal, we've gotta get ready for the birthing class." Amaya giggled, and pecked Willow's nose.



Richie had just woken up, when he heard a female voice. "Passengers, please unbuckle your seatbelts, and take the nearest exit off the plane. Thank you for flying with us, and have a wonderful day." What time is it? He groaned as he shifted in his plane seat, and looked at his wristwatch. Exactly 11:30.

"I hope Rosalie isn't too mad... I'm a little late." He muttered to himself. Richie stood, straightening his camouflage uniform, and making sure his boots were still laced, before opening the overhead compartment, and getting out his camouflage duffle bag.

Like a herd of cows, all the passengers slowly inched their way off the plane, and walked through a long hallway, until they reached inside the airport.

"Now.. if I'm right.. Rosalie said she'd be..." He stopped kinda by the door, and looked around. There were hundreds of people in the airport at this hour. How was he possibly going to find her? Or.. how would she recognize him? He rubbed his chin as he looked, his duffle bag straps in his right hand. Richie'd grown stubble and had longer, darker blonde hair in the months he'd been away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvaro 'Alfie' Cooks Character Portrait: Anna Joy Boylen Character Portrait: Amaya 'Ammy' Cooks Character Portrait: Willow Marie Montgomery Character Portrait: Richie Bradley Character Portrait: Aveline Rose
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#, as written by TushoKa


Slowly opening his eyes Alfie noticed there was more sunlight than there should have been. To his right he could see the alarm clock which showed him it was 9.30 in the morning. Shit, I'm late. When turning over to his left he saw the girl who lived in this apartment. She was blond, and Alfie seemed to remember she had sparkling blue eyes. What he could not remember was her name. Something starting with an S he thought...

Looking over at her he could see she was still fast asleep, maybe aided by the amount of alcohol they consumed the previous night. He slowly removed her arm from his chest and waited a few seconds. Her eyes twitched a bit, but it didn't look like she would wake up. He lifted the sheets and slipped out of bed as carefully as he could. The search for his clothes was not an easy one. He found his shirt half under the bed. His pants could be found on the couch in the living room and his socks and shoes were partly in the kitchen and partly near the front door. His wallet and keys were still in his pants and for some reason his watch was in his left shoe.

Just before he left he had a last glimpse into the bedroom to have a look at... Suzy. No, not Suzy, maybe Stacey...oh, whatever it was, he didn't really care. He stepped through the front door and closed it behind him. At street level he halted a taxi who took him to his office building on Wilshire boulevard. Fully realizing he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday he had to find a way to sneak into the the office without any prying eyes spotting him. He took the east entrance and went into the stairwell rather than the elevator. He sprinted up to the 15th floor as quickly as he could. He opened the door ever so slightly and saw no one around at the moment. He opened the door a bit further and sprinted to the office in the corner. He opened the door and closed it right away. Made it...

He walked to the cabinet in the corner and opened it, revealing a huge mess and a lone sports bag on the bottom shelf. He always kept a bag of gym clothes and normal clothes as a spare. He sat behind his desk and called the first number that he called every single day, his 'boss'. "Hey Marc, do you need me for that meeting with Josh Jiving Juices? I might be needed somewhere else if you don't." After getting the go ahead he picked up his cell phone and send a message to his sister.

Hey Ammy, I know you have that birth thing today. I've cleared my schedule, so please let me know if you need a ride or something.

He tried to sound casual, but to be honest, he was quite excited about becoming an uncle. It was his primary thought these days. After her of course...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvaro 'Alfie' Cooks Character Portrait: Anna Joy Boylen Character Portrait: Amaya 'Ammy' Cooks Character Portrait: Willow Marie Montgomery Character Portrait: Richie Bradley Character Portrait: Rosalia Alice Rosati
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Amaya giggled as Willow gave her that tired smile she'd fell in love with. She was bursting with happiness as her wifey was now awake.

"I'm awake, I promise..... Who was that on the phone?"

God, Amaya felt love for her fiance every morning. "Well, first it was Anna wanting to know if we were still going to the birthing class or not." She groaned, and got up, joining Willow in the bathroom, and brushing her own teeth as well, before finishing her answer. "Then, Alvaro called, wanting to know if I needed anything." Amaya rolled her eyes.

She got her phone, sending quick texts to the callers.

To: Anna
"Hey! Willow and I are coming, and we'll just meet you there."

To: Alvaro
" We're fine, bubs. If you wanna come, I don't care, but it might be a little awkward in a room of pregnant women for you."

Alvaro, her brother, seemed so... interested in the baby. Like, he actually wanted to stop having one-night stands? Never, Amaya chuckled mentally, before turning her attention back to her fiance after she slipped in some tight-ish jeans, and a white v-neck shirt, and was adding some dangly earrings.

"You're coming with me, right?" Amaya turned towards Willow, looking at her curiously. "Yes, Amaya, I am." She giggled, imitating Willow, and then sitting on the edge of the bed, watching her before holding out her arms, as she was ready to go.

"C'mere cutie... God, you're so gorgeous.." Amaya smiled, her white teeth shiny, and her eyes just a little watery.



Richie looked around for about a minute more, before spotting his fiance. "Rosalia!" He smiled big, and went over to her, but then nearly stopped. How long was he away again? Over 5 months? Yeah.. that sounds about right... so..

He got Rosalia pregnant? His eyes grew wide at the sight of Rosalia... with a pregnant belly.

Richie hugged her oddly, and then took a step back still holding her hands. "You're pregnant... with me?" His face had be ice white, and he m bit his lower lip. "Darling, why didn't you tell me this sooner? I could've gotten a leave... I could have been here with you.." He felt horrible now. He'd missed the whole pregnancy pretty much... besides the birth.

Why didn't she tell me? All he seemed to think about was the baby. Was it alright? Was Rosalia alright? "We'll have to wait until after the baby to get married... and.. do you have stuff for the baby? " He rubbed his forehead slowly, and took a deep breath.

He may be in the Army, but that doesn't mean he's strong enough to be ready to be a father on impulse.

Blanking out, for only a second, he looked at her. She seemed so happy. Happy to be having the baby. The baby he didn't know about until a minute ago. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad... With Rosalia, they'd been through hell and back, just with him in the Army.

But, if he has a kid.. he'll want to spend time with it. And in order to do that, he has to have time, which means resigning from the Army. He'd been in for almost over 2 years coming up. His contract was for at least 4, if not 10. That'd be the first 8 years he'd miss things with the kid.

"Welcome To Parenthood..." He mentally sighed, and wondered how the heck he was going to do this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvaro 'Alfie' Cooks Character Portrait: Dianna Williams Character Portrait: Aveline Rose
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Dianna woke up with worries that she needed to tell Aveline the girl she has started to have deep feelings for and she had to tell the father Alfie before she was showing and it was two late to have some sort of dignity. She had went secretly to the doctor and had an ultrasound and the baby small but really cute. Dianna got up out of her bed and walked to her closet grabbing a baggy lace dress. Looking it covered and was a tiny bit unnoticeable. See it was necessary that she told both them no matter the consequences. She changed into the dress and looked in the mirror. It would have to do till she got more pregnancy clothes. She walked to her kitchen and opened the fridge looking inside to see what for yummies were in the fridge. There was only some strawberries and milk. She opened the cupboard and saw that she had cereal.

She grabbed all the stuff and put it in one bowl enjoying the taste of it all. After breakfast she walked to her purse and opened it and grabbed her cellphone. She found Alife's number on her cell phone yet. She pressed in the number and texted him with a small note. -Hey Alfie, Do you remember where I live? Come on over at 10 this morning. Please it is very important. Xoxo Di- She smiled at no one in particular but was very proud that she had the guts to do it even though she had been worrying about it for a while. She looked for the number of Aveline's and grabbed out the pad again and began to text her with this note. - Aveline! It's been a while. How about you come over and we can talk? My place 10 o'clock its important. Xoxo Di-

She nothing to feed her guests so she grabbed her purse and decided to hit the grocery store. She walked down to the parking lot and walked into her car. She drove to the store and began walking down the aisle. She liked to bake in her free time and decided baking something for the guests might put them over easy. She grabbed a bag of flour off the bottom shelf and realized that was getting heavier or it was her.

She grabbed a few other necessities like milk, eggs, chocolate chips, cookies, some wine for her guests. She bought a few more items also. She went to the cash register paid and went home. She quickly placed an apron on her and began to bake a pound cake which is light and fluffy and quite delicious. Once she was done she realized that it was 9:30 hoping her guests would come soon she opened a book and began to read waiting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvaro 'Alfie' Cooks Character Portrait: Dianna Williams Character Portrait: Anna Joy Boylen Character Portrait: Amaya 'Ammy' Cooks Character Portrait: Willow Marie Montgomery
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#, as written by TushoKa


Alfie didn't have to wait long before he got a reply from his sister. He picked up his phone when it started vibrating and read the message she send him.

We're fine, bubs. If you wanna come, I don't care, but it might be a little awkward in a room of pregnant women for you.

Alfie thought of the idea of a room full of pregnant women and himself in the middle of it. Somehow it made him a bit nervous, maybe a guilty conscience over the amount of one night stands he had had in his life so far. Alfie was sure he wouldn't be the only male in the class, but still, if Ammy and Willow were sorted there was no reason for him to be there. After all it was more his job to spoil the baby than to spoil the mothers, or the surrogate mother for that matter. Alfie hadn't asked why they would use a surrogate, but afraid of an awkward conversation he had never pushed the subject. Ammy knew that if she had anything she wanted to talk about, she could always come to her brother.

He thought back to the blonde that he had woken up next to this morning. Just another one on the pile of mistakes in my life. Alfie always had been quite the fan of one night stands, until he had met Dianna. She literally changed his life, she made him want to be a better boyfriend, a better worker, a better brother and a better person overall. He never had anyone push him so much with what seemed so little effort. He never thought he ever would, but he had bought an engagement ring after almost a year of being together. He had to be careful sneaking around to keep it a secret. He even went to the jewellery shop with one of his friends who had the same ring size as Di. He remembered he was just waiting for the moment when she left.

Not a note, not a sign, not a message or even a text. He just came home late from work one day to find all her stuff removed from their apartment. It was actually his, but they had stayed there together for months, in pure happiness. At least I was... He had been confused about her leaving, shocked, and after a week of not seeing her he had broken down in tears for the first time in his adult life. That was the time he was so grateful to his sister. Their talks helped him through it. The only thing he did not follow her advise about was to look her up, or call her at least. His pride or his stubbornness would not allow it. It was she who had run out on him after all. He had stayed by the phone waiting for weeks, until at one moment he went to the bar to drown himself in sorrow and alcohol. He blacked out and the following morning he had woken up to a girl he did not recognize, very similar to his experience with the blonde girl this morning. He picked up where he left off before he met Di and started his one night stands business as usual. One difference, it made him realize what a sad case he was. It never had before, but his only long term relationship had shown him how life could be.

Deep in thought he heard his phone vibrating once more. Convinced it was a follow up message from his sister he grabbed it and looked at the name reflected in the screen and the picture in the background. He opened his drawer, looked at the box with the engagement ring inside of it and closed his drawer again. He stood up from his chair and paced around the office for a solid minute before he picked up his phone again. With shaking hands and not knowing what to expect he opened up the message.

Hey Alfie, Do you remember where I live? Come on over at 10 this morning. Please it is very important. Xoxo Di-

Alfie checked the time on his phone and realized it was 9.15 AM, one hour... He read the message over and over. It was so light and matter-of-fact like, he almost thought it must be from someone else. He got upset over how light it was. After a year of happiness and the sudden disappearance of her and her stuff this was not a satisfying message. No apologies, no 'I miss you', no 'I made a mistake leaving you', none of the things he had hoped to see. She must mean her own place, the apartment she still had when they were already living together in his. He had not even once driven by the address although he always suspected she would be there. He was afraid of running into her and hearing the reason why she left..., he still was. He must have done something wrong, otherwise why would she leave?

He decided it was time for an answer, an explanation, maybe a rekindling. Lord knows that's what he really wanted. Just to forget about the past three months and continue as if she had never left. He left his office and went to the parking lot where his motorcycle still stood from the previous day. He shouldn't ride while being this nervous, but he wasn't thinking straight. With minimum traffic he arrived not much later and parked in front of her building. For once in his life he was 5 minutes early and after taking a deep breath he knocked on her door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvaro 'Alfie' Cooks Character Portrait: Dianna Williams Character Portrait: Aveline Rose
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Dianna was still reading when she heard a knock at the door. She took a breath and looked into the mirror. She wasn't showing too much they most likely wouldn't even notice if she was pregnant or not. She took another breath and got up and walked to the door. Before she opened the door she looked down and made sure her dress was good and that she looked good. She felt so bad for what she did to Alfie before and knew he probably hated her so it would be unlikely he would come but if he did by some miracle she knew that she couldn't back out anymore. She felt so bad for leaving him, but she did it because she was starting to get feelings for Aveline. But she didn't want to string him along.

She opened the door and she felt like her mouth fell to the floor. It was Alfie did she actually think he was going to come. No not at all. "Al-Alfie how are you?" She said moving aside so he could come in. "Please come in and take a seat." She looked at the place it seemed intact for him to see. She closed the door behind him and waited till Aveline had the chance to come. She had already put the pound cake already out with the wine and watched him for a moment and smiled gently.

She heard that second knock and knew who it was. She walked to the door and opened it. "Hi Aveline. Come on in." She looked at them both and smiled. "Aveline this is Alfie and Alfie this is Aveline." She sighed and sat down realizing this was going to be a long day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvaro 'Alfie' Cooks Character Portrait: Anna Joy Boylen Character Portrait: Rachel Turner Character Portrait: Willow Marie Montgomery Character Portrait: Richie Bradley Character Portrait: Aveline Rose
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Amaya chuckled at her fiance's behavior, and took her hand in her own. "I think we just practice positions with Anna, which I'll do." She winked, and squeezed Willow's hand lovingly.

As if on que, a rather lanky woman appeared out of a small office in the corner. "Good morning, Mommies & Daddies! I see most of you are here already, so if you will, lay out a mat and sit with your partner!" She laid out one mat for herself, and was prepping herself for the start of class.



"Well, I was planning on stopping into a few shops today. Maybe making a registry. There's this cute little place in the city that sells specialty items and also offers birthing classes. I was thinking about stopping in and signing up for a few... Wanna go? I've got the car outside, I'm sure you're ready to be back on American soil... I know I'm glad you're back."

Richie smiled as his hands were placed on her stomach, and he didn't feel the baby. He was starting to feel slightly worried, but started to calm himself down, and kissed her cheeks.

"Already so much like their mother, hmm?" He chuckled, and held her hands in his. "Yes, I've been dying to get back to home. To you, and.. our child now." He smiled,wrapping his arm behind her as they walked towards the exit. "It's been too long since i've been home." He swallowed, smiling still, not thinking it was physically possible to wipe the grin off of his face.

Why wouldn't he be happy? He was home, alive, with all his limbs, and he was getting married to the love of his life who, currently, was carrying his child.