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Rhea Brenner

I promise you I'll do my best to keep us alive

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a character in “Well, we're screwed”, as played by **Ava**



Rhea Brenner

Nicknames:sunshine, Ray
Age:16 yrs
Sexual Preference:Boys
Appearance:Ray appears as an innocent girl, she has a gentle smile. Her hair is long and brown with natural blonde highlights. She has a small curved nose and you can't really see her cheek bones. Ray has big eyebrows, the first thing you see as you look. Luckily she has perfectly straight teeth, she couldn't afford the braces anyways. She has strong bones on her small body.
Personality:Smiley but shy. Ray is caring and kind to everyone and tries her best to avoid the bad crowd. She's a little awkward but she ignores it. She's extremely helpful and can be the calm one in a panic situation. Rhea had ADHD, which means she can't concentrate easily and has trouble controlling herself (physically), her pills were lost in the plane crash so she often has large mood swings, not wanting to eat and anger issues

  • being alone,
  • extra large hoodies
  • making up stories
  • sitting on the roof

  • popular people
  • people who think they are better than everyone else
  • Geometry
  • Drinking
  • smoking
  • having the "poor kid pass" to get a free lunch
  • bubbly people.

Skills include fire making and providing for the more injured survivors

  • To be a writer
  • to graduate high school
  • to provide for her family
Good Qualities:
  • Easy to talk too
    Due to the fire Rhea faced burns all along her left arm and leg

Habits:fiddling her fingers,daydreaming, writing little side notes, apologizing, overworking
Background:Ray was born into poverty, lucky for her she lives right next to the high school, making it an free compute to education. Because she has lived without money for so long she's found other ways to appreciate life. Ray has 3 older brothers who work to support there family, luckily they do a really good job. Her mom works at a daycare across town and her brothers do yard work, clean houses mow lawns and teach basketball to kids every weekend at a local YMCA. Rhea herself works after school helping the teachers and on weekends works nights at a small diner in town. When she found out about the mission trip she decided it was the best low cost vacation she could get and would be one less mouth to feed back at home. To most people Ray comes off as an innocent lost child in a big world, but underneath she is more than that.

So begins...

Rhea Brenner's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Oliver Winston
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Oliver was getting kinda mad. Seemed that they really just wanted to do their own thing, despite the fact that people may be dying. The complainer walked up. "Hey, they're not paying attention to us." Oliver really did not like her general attitude.. "At least they're moving around, doing something useful." He said.

Before he could hear her response, he heard someone yelling. "help anyone out there?"

"Ah, shit, hold on!" Oliver shouted, moving towards the voice. He started running, then stopped. "Uh, could you keep speaking? I have no clue where you are." He shouted, looking around. 'Very nice of you to act like a big bad leader.' commented Ben. "Shut up." Oliver whispered. He didn't really move very far, so the complainer might've heard him. Which, after thinking about it, might be good. If she thought he was crazy, that might make her leave him alone, or at least act in a more cautious manner. 'You have to take the good with the bad, Oliver.' Ben said his name in a strange way, like he was gargling something while he said it. Oliver frowned. Was something wrong with him? He heard a voice in his head, but could it say his name properly?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Emily looked at Devon and frowned. She supposed he was right, the tree was a little large for a temporary shelter, and they definitely needed to look at the injuries they all had suffered.

"O-okay. We'll l-look for others. I t-think--" Emily suddenly caught her sentence off and leapt to her feet. "D-did you guys h-hear that? There's s-someone else out there!" Emily exclaimed, before a sudden burning on her stomach made her double over with a small scream. I must have bumped it when I stood up, Emily clutched her stomach in pain, it felt like someone had poured liquid nitrogen on the open wound. But she shoved it aside, fearing that someone would forget about the other voice they heard and try to help her instead.

"I-I'm fine. G-go! F-find the o-other person! She needs help!" Emily spoke through gritted teeth. She couldn't see either if their faces, but she hoped at least one of them was going to help that girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Oliver Winston
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#, as written by **Ava**
Yes! Rhea heard a voice asking her to talk louder. She opened her eyes the bright sun almost blinding her. "I'm over here!" She said and after taking short breathing breaks the wounded girl repeated this over and over. A cool breeze swept over her, it felt good and she sighed. Rhea could hear foot steps just a bit away from her. Her side burned and she winced. Keeping very still. A cool bath sounded good to her right now. She closed her eyes again waiting for the footsteps to reach her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Oliver Winston
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She kept saying "I'm here, I'm here!" In an obviously pathetic way, but he wasn't going to point that out. He found her behind some burnt wreckage, on his side of the beach, but further inland. Oliver whistled when he saw her. The girl he was looking at had burns across her arm and leg. "You look in pretty bad shape..." He said. He carefully put her hurt leg over her okay one, then put his arm under the okay one. He then put his other arm on her back carefully and lifted. "Fuck!" He muttered. She wasn't heavy, but his back was really giving him hell. He carried her back. "Hey, could you find a seat cushion or something?" He asked the complainer, although he wasn't really expecting her to do it. He then started looking at the burns. He had no medical experience at all, but that didn't stop him from seeing how bad it was. "She's in the worst condition so far..." He murmured. He then noticed a new face, another had walked up while he wasn't around. Another guy, and he looked like his leg was pretty fucked up. "Hey. You. Lay down." He said, motioning to the bad leg. He said it as an order, but he expected that it wouldn't really make much of a difference. Besides, he was panting after that load that should have been nothing to him. 'Looks like nothing heavy for you then...' Said Ben. He heard footsteps as he laid face-down, exhausted, and blacked out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Devon figured that the Oliver kid was talking to him with the messed up leg. "I'm fine, I need to work on building a lean to for the injured. I'll tend to myself a little later." This really wasn't like him, but maybe the near death experience was making him a little more kind. He figured he'd be back to normal soon. He looked towards Timothy. He looked quite strong, probably stronger than him. "Hey you, Timothy, you seem capable. Could you give me a hand?"

Looking at Emily, he really felt bad for her. "Sit down." He told her calmly "Don't push yourself too hard, okay?"


Chloe sunk down into the sand. Nobody was paying any attention to her. She didn't feel like hurting herself any more, so she simply watched everyone else do things.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Oliver Winston
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Leo was standing there in a bit of confusion. So much was happening.. "Shit, should of taken that today." Oliver was shouting at people, barking out orders. Ones that Leo wouldn't want to follow so willingly. "The damn thing blew up, t'ain't no one left." It didn't seem to matter what he did now, as Tim, Emily, and Devon were heading off one way to talk about trees and lean-to's. Leo thought the scenario.. him putting his arm around Tim and pointing off into the distance, impersonating some surveyor of sorts. You see here, we got the sea, then up there we got a bit of elevation, with a nice view of the surf. Got a bit of landscaping to do, but we'll get that done. So ya know, we'll get the boys down here and start surveying. Leo bent over laughing at this.

Glancing over, the trio had contemplated using a tree, and a few words were exchanged. Having no clue, it didn't really matter to Leo. Turning his head to a feminine scream, he told himself to go for her. Before he could, Oliver had already made his way to her. If he wanted to run over and be the hero, fine by Leo. He wasn't paying too much attention anyway, so he let it just blow by. "Okay, you do that." It was now Leo and Chloe.. Something he was unsure of. Though, he was glad that he finally found a girl taller than his little sister. Thinking about it further, she may of a been a complainer, but maybe she was just.. scared. I dunno, that sounds good. Makes sense. Besides, she couldn't do much to harm him here. "You think pilots in like, World War II and stuff. You think they hit birds when they were flying? Or would they just shoot 'em first." Sitting next to her.

Oliver had carried over this girl then collapsed on the ground. What a great leader right there. Going with the same streak of bossiness, he ordered "Hey. You. Lay down." before he fell. This struck Leo. "Sure you ain't talkin' to yourself there bud?" The man who had been on such a mission to help this girl was now passed out. Taking action, Leo got up, and crouched down to her with his elbows on his knees. "Hey, you alright?" waving his hands about.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone
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Leo stayed at her side, though she moved quite a bit. "Hey, good sign. Squirming. Means your healthy." He chuckled and held a grin. She had insisted that she didn't any help. "I'll be fine, just take care of yourself." He signed at her selflessness. It was nice, but she needed some assistance. "I don't look like an arsonist who couldn't run fast enough. Just relax, alright?" Leo could see the pain she was going through. He felt horrible that he couldn't help too much. "You should sit down, really."

"I don't know if I'll get back up." Obliging, he stooped to a seat. Sitting with his elbow on one knee, and his other leg extended, so the cut wouldn't touch his leg or the ground. He sat there a bit, not knowing what he could do. "So, anything I can do for ya?" Leo determined asking wouldn't hurt anyone... well Chloe would likely chime in with some desire, though her requests probably wouldn't be too tedious. Looking at Oliver with a face plant to the sand, and the others off still deciding what to build, though Leo didn't mind. He'd been left with two girls, and told to just relax. "Hey, vacation starts here huh?" Although one was covered in burns, and the other craved attention, it was still pretty good.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone
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#, as written by **Ava**
Rhea watched Leo joke about her being healthy. She smiled just a tiny bit too. "I don't look like an arsonist who couldn't run fast enough. Just relax, alright?" This time she wasn't sure if he was joking or not but she did try and relax. She kept her head up though, so she could see what was going on. One of the girls had turned her attention to Leo as he asked "So, anything I can do for ya?" "Well once everyone starts feeling better we should find fresh water." It was merrily an idea, Ray wasn't even sure when the next time she could move would be. She just felt putting water on the open wound would make it feel better. But she wasn't a doctor so really who knew... Leo began to speak again "Hey, vacation starts here huh?" Was he being sarcastic again? Rhea sighed. as Chloe let out her opinion. "Yeah, I guess this is kind of like vacation. We can probably have a lot more fun here than we ever would during some mission trip." Rhea instantly disagreed. They were supposed to be going to help poor starving and homeless people in a 3rd world country. Now the group of them were practically in the same position.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone
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Rhea's smile brought a wave of joy and relief over Leo. Was that so hard? At his request to assist her, she wasn't short of an answer. "Well once everyone starts feeling better we should find fresh water." Leo agreed, they needed water no matter what. "Sounds good. I dunno when they'll be ready though... how's your legs?" They could go off and search themselves, but he wouldn't want to leave Rhea there, and there was still a concern of her condition.

Chloe had looked to Leo, and he turned at the motion, to see her smiling back. Damn, did it again Leo "Yeah, I guess this is kind of like vacation. We can probably have a lot more fun here than we ever would during some mission trip" His eyes shot open with ideas, ones that probably weren't being implied, but a boy can dream, can't he? He returned the smile, "true," dragging out the vowels.

He raised his head at the sound of a panic attack. It came from the younger girl, but she was in good company with Tim and Devon. Leo decided that he needed to stay because there would be no one else for the three with him. Certainly Oliver was capable of taking care of himself. Conscious that is. Leo felt some odd responsibility to them though. "The pacts have been formed..." muttering under his breath. They had made their bonds, and they could always change, but for now, it seemed the groups were determined. "Yea, they got it handled....I wonder if that's how wolves form their packs. Like, 'I go get the elk over here, and you go chase rabbits there.' Then some wolf like gets caught in a trap, and the others got the rabbit, so now they're just different packs." He completely disregarded filtering his speech. Spewing out the first thing on his mind worked for Leo.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by **Ava**
"Sounds good. I dunno when they'll be ready though... how's your legs?" Leo had replied to Rhea who wanted to go find water. For the first time Ray adjusted how she was sitting. Her leg didn't feel better but her overall soreness had gone down. She allowed herself to adjust in the chair to be sitting a little more upright and for the first time she looked down at somewhere between 2nd and 3rd degree burn. The skin all along the side was mostly burnt off. It got worse as it went up her leg but stop at her hip due to the noodie and jacket she had been wearing. She couldn't see bone but the wound went in a good half inch. After she finished inspecting it she looked up to Leo. "Better than before. It'll heal no worries." Obviously she was going to take no attempt to move it though and she was positive her thigh muscles were messed up. Then Leo began to ramble on about how we are wolf packs and eating rabbits and traps... "We need to stay together, all of us. There is only seven of us, plus wolf packs can have from 10-15 wolves in them..." She half joked, even though it was true.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise
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0.00 INK

#, as written by **Ava**
Ray knew people like Chloe, she went to school with people like Chloe. And because Rhea was normally quiet at school she'd observed the popular people a lot. But Chloe didn't have her little group any more. She wasn't exactly vulnerable, it was more like she didn't have anyone to back her up. "Chloe," She said gesturing for the girl to come up to her. "We are clear that you will be doing work right. I don't care how many spiders are in that forest, you're doing as much work as everyone else is, right?" Ray sighed. She just wanted to make it clear right away. Off everyone there Chloe was the least hurt. She would probably be able to do more than some of the guys could, if she tried. At the same time Ray felt bad. She knew she couldn't walk and that Chloe would end up complaining that she was doing so much work and Rhea wanted to be able to help out more but she just...couldn't.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Oliver opened slit his eyes open. He wasn't sure, but someone was screaming. He tried moving his back a little, and stopped immediately. "Mother fucker..." He muttered. He moved, very carefully, into his hands and knees and looked around. One of the guys was talking to one of the girls, and she looked in absolutely horrid shape. Everyone else just seemed to be standing around, resting. Oliver took a deep breath and stood up, then looked at the guy laying nearby. "Food." He said. "If she pulls through, she will die if she doesn't get food. I'm going to go get some." He then turned and started limping toward the crashed plane. There has to be some crappy plane food that survived... As he walked up, he noted the amount of bodies. "Damn..." He said, looking at someone who appeared to be a flight attendant. She was strewn across several trees. "Don't bring the girls here." He said to himself. If they were back in Chicago or some other place, he would have totally done that just to see the looks on their faces. But here, he needs them to be at least partially sane. He carefully picked his way to the plane itself, where he found that everything was burnt. "Dammit..." He walked to the back of the plane, which wasn't that bad. There, he opened a drawer to find several peanut packets. There were more peanuts, but most of the packages were broken, so there were peanuts everywhere. 'Its something.' Noted Ben. "Shut up." He spoke aloud. He had a theory that it was the only thing that could shut his brother's trap, even though that's only going to make everyone else think-no, he was crazy, it would show everyone that he's crazy. 'Would that be a bad thing?' Ben said again. Oliver ignored him and picked up the peanut packets. There was enough to get everyone and have two extra, which should be given to the most hurt. 'You are hurt pretty bad...' Ben said. "Shut the fuck up!!" Oliver shouted at the top of his lungs. There was no more conversations with his dead brother while he walked back to camp, where he handed a peanut pack to the complainer. "All I could find." He mumbled, handing one to the other two. He then walked over to the other cowboy and handed him four. "One for you, one for him, two for her." He explained. "She's gonna need the extra energy." Oliver then walked back and laid down, tired after his walk. "I could really use a drink about now..." He complained.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Oliver Winston
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Leo observed Rhea move herself in her chair, and thought to hold a hand to assist. Thinking it over, it'd only make her burns worse. She looked over her legs, and spoke before Leo could insert any remarks. "Better than before. It'll heal no worries." "But how long?" He started to feel a bit bad, she was injured and couldn't do as much. He wanted to run, find water, just do something. She brought him back to Earth. "We need to stay together, all of us. There is only seven of us, plus wolf packs can have from 10-15 wolves in them.." "Good point." She was right, they had to stick together. "They split off, that's their fault. Besides, we outnumber them if you count nap-time over there." It sounded like they were planning for a battle, though Leo knew it was a possibility. Slim probability, but still could happen.

Standing and wondering what the heck to do, Chloe spoke up. "Well, what do we have to do first then? I really don't want to die anytime soon, so maybe we should... Find food or something?" "That too." Oliver had awoken and beaten him to it. "Might as well let him get it then." Oliver returned with food then went off his own way. Leo was glad, as he didn't have to worry about leaving the guy face down in the sand. Now it was just the two girls... and one had called the other out. Interrupting before anymore shots were fired, "So, guess all we need now is water? So uh.. how we gonna get that? Think we should go inward? I mean, if it'll make your leg better, and don't worry, ain't gonna let no spiders get you." Leo had to be honest, he sure hoped the two wouldn't wear him out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Oliver Winston
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#, as written by **Ava**
Rhea watched as Oliver came back to life. She had almost forgot he was there. The first thing he did was curse. Ray hated it. She hated swearing, Oliver was a caring guy and all but she certainly didn't like his language. Leo spoke as well by asking how long it would take for her wound to heal. "I honestly don't know, the sooner the better though." She sighed figuring she could spend anywhere from a few days to a few weeks paralysed completely on her left leg. Oliver had gotten up and ran off to find food back at the plane Rhea certainly didn't want to go back there. After a few moments she heard from Oliver a yell. He was angry, great. It only made her slightly more afraid of him.

Rhea tried using her arms to push herself up to see Emily, a smaller girl being wrapped in a cloth. That girl was tiny. The tiniest thing and would need extra attention. Ray desperately wanted to go help her, or calm her down or hold her hand, anything to be of help. Instead she sat helpless when Leo began to speak again. "So, guess all we need now is water? So uh.. how we gonna get that? Think we should go inward? I mean, if it'll make your leg better, and don't worry, ain't gonna let no spiders get you." Rhea nodded. "And we will go as a group when we do, all seven of us." She looked around doing a head count. Then she began to think of ways in her head of how she could walk with out if hurting, they most definitely couldn't wait till her burn healed. Maybe crutches would work, but they had none of the sort.

(OOC:accidentally tagged that random character always available to tag so ignore it.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Chloe let out a loud sigh. She over-exaggerated it as much as she could, just so that they understood exactly HOW inconvenient this was for her. "Hmph, well I will have you know that I am NOT afraid of spiders at all, and I am just as capable of anyone else on this island." She stood up swiftly. Now, she had just told a huge lie of course. She screams at the tiniest spiders, even if they're on the other side of the room. However, she refused to let those two make fun of her for it.

"I think we should check the plane first. Surely there are some water bottles or something like that in the plane. I mean, if that Oliver kid can find peanuts, we can probably find water." Nice going, she thought to herself with a small smile, I bet they don't think you're so dumb anymore.

Devon had to hold in a loud gasp when she lifted her shirt. It was absolutely hideous. Oh come on man, get your shit together. She needs you right now. He pep talked himself. Plus, I'm sure you'll be able to get laid if you're her knight in shining armor. the perverted side of his brain decided to add that. He shook his head, he couldn't be himself right now. He had to be a hero.

He took a closer look. Thankfully, the pieces were visible and sticking out far enough for him to grab. He wouldn't need tweezers or anything, which he probably wouldn't have been able to find anyways. There were maybe five or six shards of metal sticking out, but they looked really painful.

He held out his left hand towards her, in case she needed something to grab onto. "This will be rough, but we need to get it out now before the skin heals over it. If it helps, you can squeeze my hand as hard as you need." Then with that, he placed his thumb and forefinger very lightly on the largest looking piece. He figured he would start with the most painful to get it over with. Maybe, if she was lucky, she would faint from the pain and stay out for the whole thing. That would probably be the easiest on her. "Alright I'm going to count to three. 1, 2, 3!" As soon as he said three, he pulled that first piece of shrapnel as hard as he could, getting it out in one pull.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone
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Leo saw Rhea contemplate her wounds. "The sooner the better though." He could only agree with her statement, it was completely true. It stunk being a cripple. She agreed with going inland, but still only as a group. It was difficult for Leo, as he wasn't too patient for that. He was relieved that Chloe wanted to go to the plane. "I think we should check the plane first. Surely there are some water bottles or something like that in the plane. I mean, if that Oliver kid can find peanuts, we can probably find water." It clicked to him. "Wait, why are they dealing with trees and crap? We've got sheets of steel over there. All we'd have to do is prop it up and shit." He turned to the other end of the beach where they were doing some field medicine, and he decided to shout across to Tim later. "Well.. hmm..." Looking to Rhea again, he asked her. "Would that be alright? If we run over to the plane, get some water, and something for your leg? We'll be in earshot, don't worry." It wasn't really a question of whether she agreed, but more over if she understood.

Turning to Chloe again, "So, ready then?" She wasn't complaining, and even offering out ideas. Why do they give her all that trouble? She's really not that bad.. hell, sister gave me more trouble. He mentally thanked his sister, for giving him such a hard time. Preparation. Leo stood, leaning and sending messages to go to the plane. Maybe it's still there.. He had a bit of cargo he wanted to get to, that would be quite handy in a time like this.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Emily Heart
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#, as written by **Ava**
Rhea opened up the small bag of peanuts and ate them one by one. While Leo talked about the steel they had. "Would that be alright? If we run over to the plane, get some water, and something for your leg? We'll be in earshot, don't worry." Leo was saying to her and she took no time to respond. "Yeah! Take your time!" She said nodding her head. "I'll wait here" She joked and smiled. "Look for a first aid kit in the front of the plane, there is bound to be one." Rhea tried to be as helpful as possible.

Then Ray looked over to where Emily and Devon were. Emily was screaming and Rhea could see Devon taking metal out of her body. She scrunched her eyebrows and yelled over to them. "If you take it out right away she's going to lose to much blood and will most likely die...take breaks in between. When you take each piece out your opening the wound more." She sighed hoping they would listen to her. that girl was small and every drop of blood counted. Geez hadn't he taken any first aid classes before.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Oliver Winston
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Oliver opened his eyes a little, they were talking about something, but he really couldn't understand what... Everything was blurry, and shifting into each other. "Ah, fuck." He said. He only barely knew he said anything, he could hardly hear his words! He saw a couple of dark shapes standing and bending in front of him, who he could only guess who's it was...
He was in a back alley, with George and Bret, a couple of drug dealers, trying to get him to try something. "Just one little shot, I swear!" George said. Bret nodded. "Meth isn't as addictive as everyone claims it is, I swear it!" Lost and confused, Oliver couldn't remember if he took the drug or not... He knew that Ben put something in his water every once in a while that tasted nasty, but he never asked what it was. "Ah, shit!" Oliver said, suddenly realizing what he was doing. He was hallucinating because of withdrawal, or something, it might be him just being crazy. He focused really, really hard, and he somehow got out of it enough to look straight, kinda. "That's gonna be fun to deal with..." He spoke to no one in particular. 'You should really have not taken that from them...' Said Ben teasingly. "Shut up! Shut your fucking mouth!!" Oliver shouted. He was tired of hearing a voice from a guy that should be dead, he didn't even care who's voice it was anymore, he just wanted it to shut up! He put his head in his hands. "I'm going fucking insane..." He muttered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Devon heard a voice calling over. "If you take it out right away she's going to lose much blood and will most likely die." He looked at the amount of blood Emily was losing from that one piece of shrapnel. Since there wasn't that much left, maybe three pieces, he figured he should try to stop the bleeding a little bit more before proceeding.

With the remaining shred of his t-shirt, he pressed it to the wound with as much pressure as he could, knowing it was probably really painful for her. In health, like most classes, Devon often found himself asleep. However, he vaguely remembered that a lot of pressure on a wound stops bleeding faster, so that's what he was going to do. "Emily, I know you want it out, but I think Rhea is right about waiting. Let me slow down the bleeding a little bit. Luckily the last few pieces are really tiny, so that won't be as bad as the first one."
Chloe knew she had a good idea when she said it. She was quite proud to begin with, and even more now that the two agreed with her. She pocketed her peanuts and then turned to Leo. "Well we should go, I really want to see if my make-up survived the crash. I have some really expensive stuff in there, I would hate for it to be damaged."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Oliver Winston
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The plan seemed pretty good, Leo couldn't lie about that. Rhea's agreed, "Yeah! Take your time! I'll wait here." He laughed, and was glad someone else started to joke around a bit. "Look for a first aid kit in the front of the plane, there is bound to be one." "Will do." It was good advice, and Leo knew they needed one. "Oughta be some burn ointment in there." Rhea had shouted across the beach, and Leo ignored it. She wasn't yelling at him, so he was good. She wasn't the only voice there though, Oliver was hollering farther there. Looking back over to Rhea, "If he comes near, just get a big rock and-" cutting short and chuckling.

Chloe was getting ready to go, and getting a bit antsy. "Well we should go, I really want to see if my make-up survived the crash. I have some really expensive stuff in there, I would hate for it to be damaged." Her concerns seemed a bit off to Leo, but he couldn't blame her. He wanted to see his stuff too. He didn't doubt how expensive it was. "It would if it was worth the money." As they walked off he slipped by a compliment. "You know, I don't think you need any of that." Maybe she'll give, maybe she'll blow up. It'll be a nice show either way.