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Timothy Hiott

"Father please forgive me for the wrongs that I have done.. and for those I'm about to do."

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a character in “Well, we're screwed”, as played by Nami L'Chi


Name- Timothy Hiott
Age- 18

Timothy has soft blonde hair, bleached by the sun.
His eyes are as blue as the clearest ocean, as his smile graces his face.
He's got a well toned body from working on a farm, his skin tanned by the summer sun.

Gender- Male
Personality- Timothy fits the typical farmer boy status.
Polite, hard working and respectful. Always up early.
But like any other teen he stays up late. Always respecting women like his mama taught him.

-Being up early
-Homemade food.
-His religion

+ Liars
+ Lazy people
+Disrespectful men
+ His father
+ Water

Bio-Timothy was born and raised on a farm. Though he comes from little to no money, he's constantly positive. His mama always took him to church on Sunday's and he believes there is a God and that everything happens for a reason.
He's friendly, outgoing, bright, and funny. He's learned how to ride horses, track wild animals, and even his farm animals.His father left him when he was only 8 years old.
For 10 years he's been the one doing majority of the work on the farm to support his mother, and keep a roof over his head. Though he's only 18, he's wiser beyond his years.
He was on that plane because his mother wanted him to have something to help him get into the college. Don't get Timothy wrong now, he carried great greats while mantaining the farm during his school years, but his mother knew that this trip could help his college career. So with much protest by him, he got on the plane to respect his mother's wishes.

Survival skill- Shelter Making, he's good at doing that, but also tracking. Since he's on a farm, he's had to learn how to track down animals.

Injuries from crash- Timothy got off lucky, but he did manage to sprain his ankle,and gain a lot of cuts and bruises. A few burns, but that can all be fixed. The only thing that seems to hold him
down is is sprained ankle. Everything else seems fine.


So begins...

Timothy Hiott's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Timothy felt cool water going against his cheek. Groaning he'd slowly opened his eyes. He rolled over on his back and saw shrapnel from the plane everywhere. Looking down he saw that his clothes were soaked. He was sore, he had various cuts and bruises across his arms and face. His face itself was dirty from the dirt and debris. What happened again? The plane exploded...? He couldn't remember, he just remembered being on the plane, then bam... he woke up on the beach with others. His jeans were tattered, and his plaid shirt just seemed to dangle off of him. Slowly he took the tattered shirt off of him, revealing his tank top underneath, that had a hole in it, but apparently nothing more.

He tried standing up when a jolt of pain went up his leg. He yelped and sat right back down feeling his ankle. It wasn't broken no... nor was it fractured. He could tell as much. Sprained... ha. He got off lucky. Taking the shirt he carefully wound it around his ankle before he tried standing up once more. The pain was better but not much. Barely bareable, but he had to do what he had to do. He'd walk towards a small group of concious survivors, but not before grabbing his cowboy hat that seemed to have escaped the crash unscathed.

"Hello everyone." He'd say his tone bringing a southern drawl to the group. He'd tip his hat politely as he gave a firm smile. He didn't recognize anyone here, didn't even know anyone's name. Not a shocker really. "Is everyone allright?" He'd look at them with his blue eyes, they all seemed banged up, but what he wanted to know, did anyone have any life threatening injuries.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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"Hello everyone." Emily looked at the boy with the cowboy hat and smiled. What was his name again? Tom...Tim...Timothy! His name was Timothy. She had been sitting behind him on the plane before it...well, before it exploded into a million pieces and left them stranded on some island. "Is everyone alright?" He asked and Emily looked around. No one had escaped unscathed, that was for sure. Her wrist was throbbing and going numb, she knew that wasn't a good sign. But the cut on her side was bothering her a lot more than a simple scratch. I'm sure there are plenty worse injured people, no need to make a big deal out of yourself, she thought and nodded slightly at Timothy. She still hadn't made a sound, she was scared to. She was the youngest by far, being fifteen and having an August birthday. She was at the bottom of the hierarchy. But, she needed to play some part in this, she couldn't just sit around.

"W-we need--" she coughed violently, interrupting her sentence. It hurt her lungs, but it seemed to just be something stuck in her throat. After the rack of coughs finished, she tried again, "W-we need to f-find how many supplies we s-still have. Then start a f-fire and c-cook some food. Everyone n-needs something in their s-system in order to h-heal." She said softly, grimacing at her stutter. It happened when she was shy, and only went away when she grew comfortable with someone. She looked around hesitantly, wondering if anyone had heard her and if they were going to respond.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Chloe walked over to Emily and Timothy. Great, she thought, the only people I can talk to right now on this stupid island are the weird ones of the group. Her wrist started stinging really badly, some shallow cuts covering the inside of it. Shit! I look like a fucking emo kid!

Emily was saying some crap about getting food and getting supplies and all that crap. What the hell? "Guys, we can get food later, look at my arm!" She dramatically raised her arm, motioning to the not-so-serious cuts that covered her arm. "I can't get supplies and stuff like this, it really fucking hurts!"


Devon heard someone screaming in an annoying high-pitched voice. He didn't even have to look to know it was the one and only Chloe Teise, the biggest bitch in school. She was shouting about something to do with her arm being all cut up. That really pissed him off. He looked and saw Timothy and that one girl that didn't talk standing by Chloe. They were both polite, someone else needed to go shut up Chloe.

He stood up, wiping the blood that continued to spill off his forehead with his hand, and took a step. He immediately collapsed onto the ground, his ankle twisting. Inspecting it, he found that it was purpled and swelling. Fucking great. I get to be a cripple. Standing up again, he put less weight onto his foot, and he walked over to the other three

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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0.00 INK

Awaking on rocks and sand, Leo assessed what the hell happened. Not one to hesitate from talking to himself, "So we got rocks here, and.." looking to where he lay, he spotted his side, all ripped and torn. "Damn... must of landed on it, skid across... tripped maybe." That made sense to him. Jerking his head to the show Chloe was stirring up. He rose to his feet, noticing the new slash on his leg. "Dang, t'ain't that a beaut." He'd have to do something about it.. "later." Before Leo could even plan on reacting to the tantrum, someone was kicking bodies and insulting those who have passed. Honestly, this guy freaked Leo out a bit. Making a mental note to avoid confronting him alone, Leo only waved to him before he made off to the three that had formed together only waving to him

"They sure didn't mention this is the brochure, I tell ya that." The younger girl had began to speak, and he smiled, knowing she was also fifteen, and they had a very small age gap. He felt bad hearing her stutter, knowing he would be if he hadn't try to make a joke. He only made ridiculous faces to deal with pressure, and Leo was certain he had a big 'ole goofy grin. Emily had gone over a good plan, though Chloe had interrupted her. Irked by the rude action, Leo didn't want to hold himself. "Well screw you, I'm hungry." Moving on from the complaining girl, he stood, like the others, waiting for a response, only moving to slap a bug on his leg with a loud thwack.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott Character Portrait: Oliver Winston
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Oliver frowned. He seemed to have been ignored... 'Maybe you didn't speak loud enough, idiot!" Shouted the voice in his head. He was really getting tired of hearing it, maybe if he focused hard enough, it would go away... 'Gotta get over my death, for one thing.' Said the voice. "Hello everyone." Said some kid that looked like a cowboy or something. "Is everyone alright?" Is he joking? They just went down on a flaming plane and he just asked that question?? Oliver opened his mouth to say something sarcastic and rude when the girl he was originally speaking to spoke up. "W-we need to f-find how many supplies we s-still have. Then start a f-fire and c-cook some food. Everyone n-needs something in their s-system in order to h-heal." She said. 'Holy crap. Someone, quick, get her a promotion to captain obvious!' Said Ben. Another girl walked up. "Guys, we can get food later, look at my arm!" She dramatically raised her arm, motioning to the not-so-serious cuts that covered her arm. "I can't get supplies and stuff like this, it really fucking hurts!" Oliver glared at her. She obviously didn't really care about the others, she focused only on herself. That normally would have been fine with him, but he knew that she couldn't live without others, and that she'd most likely be more of a leech than anything. "Well screw you, I'm hungry." Said another guy who just limped up. He had a pretty bad scar across his leg, and looked pretty banged up.
"Everyone, shut the fuck up." Oliver said, mimicking his brother when he was mad. It was a dark and threatening voice, a voice that promised pain. "If we're all going to be all goody-goody around here, we all seem to have forgotten rule number one for being a goody-two-shoes." He pointed at the plane. "What if someone needs our help? We gonna go searching for food or complaining about little cuts on our arms-" He directed a glare full of hate at the complainer. "While people are dying out here?" He knew he caught all of their attentions. He probably also gave the impression of being a serial killer of something stupid like that. Honestly... He never killed someone in his life. His brother killed a few, but he was dead now, and he knew he had to act like him in order to get through this. He pointed at the cowboy, who seemed to be least hurt non-bitch one. "You look around over there and I'll look around over here." He pointed the cowboy to the side of the beach opposite he landed in while he pointed himself to the other side. "Everyone else can search the plane. Its a shorter walk, but there might be more dead. Please keep this in mind; There will be blood. There will probably be gore. If you can't stand that thought, please stay here. Otherwise, you really should be helping." He knew he just took control, but he didn't care. He actually just wanted to find a good reason to look tough and maybe somewhat leader like in front of these people, and what better way than that? Besides, they might actually be useful in the future...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott Character Portrait: Oliver Winston
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0.00 INK

Timothy smiled at the younger girl who stuttered. He nodded, "I can cook...but eh..." He coughed and shook his head. "Plane food isn't the best for us...maybe we can find real food out here? Ever been huntin?" He'd say with a chuckle. Then a girl who seemed enjoy complaining came up and spoke about the cuts on her arm. He'd hold out his hand to examine her cuts. "A bit of alcohol or peroxide and some ointment will help that miss." He'd say wondering if there were any that could've survived the plane crash...that stuff was flammable. "I can fix this up." He'd say coolly before he heard a guy start taking charge. Seeing where the guy pointed he nodded.

"I'll see what I can find." He'd say politely before turning his back. Stopping he'd gaze at the various trees and branches and leaves. "We'll also have to make shelter...I can do that." He'd say volunteering himself up for the position, forgetting about his ankle. Beads of sweat were already starting to form on his shoulders and neck, giving a slight sheen to his skin. He obviously looked like he knew how to build things since he was well built and had a farmers tan. He had built his familys barn from the ground up. Surveying the trees, he made sure to know which ones to grab, and how to make them. Timothy turned to the group and surveyed everyone there. Who could help him? He could do it on his own, but it would take longer. "Er... Emily right?" He said addressing the 15 year old. Timothy motioned for the girl to follow him, "Come on.. why don't you help me..." He'd give everyone a smile before turning back to make his way down the beach, whether she followed him or not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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"Er...Emily right?" Timothy asked her and she nodded, smiling slightly. Come on...why don't you help me..." He smiled and then moved off towards the trees. She hurried to catch up with him, letting her wrist fall painfully to her side so she could put pressure on the cut. She'd read somewhere that for large gashes you had to put lots of pressure on them, especially when in motion. When she caught up with Timothy--for a boy with a bandaged ankle he sure could move--and waited by his side for what to do.

"Have you b-built shelters b-before? It seems h-hard, but n-necessary." She stuttered again and mentally cursed herself. At least it was getting better, was Emily's only positive thought. Please be gone soon so I can stop acting like a freak, she wished and looked around at the trees. "W-what about this one? It s-seems sturdy enough r-right?" She stopped and kneeled down by a large trunk of a tree that had fallen over. It looked extremely too heavy for her to lift, but Timothy and some of the other guys could probably do it. It might make a nice base for the shelter. But, she didn't know anything about this kind of stuff, so she turned to Timothy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott Character Portrait: Oliver Winston
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0.00 INK

Devon limped on over. He heard them talking about building a shelter before. He smiled; having being in boy scouts when he was a kid, he knew his way around things like this. He made his way over to them, grimacing every time he put any type of pressure on his ankle.

"Hey guys, I don't mean to intrude, but I know a little bit about shelter building, I think I could help a bit." Looking at the tree she was looking at, he agreed that it might be useful eventually, but they would need to make a quick, temporary shelter for the night, knowing that a big shelter could take an entire day to build. "This tree might be good for later, but I think we need to make a lean-to for tonight. It's fairly quick to build, and it'll keep us warm for the night. I think it would be best to do a quick shelter tonight so we can focus on getting some injuries looked at." He said the last part, glancing at the injuries on Chloe's arm.

Chloe was a little ticked off. She knew that tone they were giving her. They didn't take her seriously. "Whatever, if you're not going to take me seriously enough, I'll just go curl up in the jungle and DIE!" She turned and stomped away.

That one guy Oliver was getting mad, kind of like her. She wondered if she could get him to do some of her work, maybe all of it. That way, she could relax and tend to her obviously serious wounds. She walked over to the fuming guy. "Hey, they're not paying attention to us."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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0.00 INK

Emily looked at Devon and frowned. She supposed he was right, the tree was a little large for a temporary shelter, and they definitely needed to look at the injuries they all had suffered.

"O-okay. We'll l-look for others. I t-think--" Emily suddenly caught her sentence off and leapt to her feet. "D-did you guys h-hear that? There's s-someone else out there!" Emily exclaimed, before a sudden burning on her stomach made her double over with a small scream. I must have bumped it when I stood up, Emily clutched her stomach in pain, it felt like someone had poured liquid nitrogen on the open wound. But she shoved it aside, fearing that someone would forget about the other voice they heard and try to help her instead.

"I-I'm fine. G-go! F-find the o-other person! She needs help!" Emily spoke through gritted teeth. She couldn't see either if their faces, but she hoped at least one of them was going to help that girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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0.00 INK

Devon figured that the Oliver kid was talking to him with the messed up leg. "I'm fine, I need to work on building a lean to for the injured. I'll tend to myself a little later." This really wasn't like him, but maybe the near death experience was making him a little more kind. He figured he'd be back to normal soon. He looked towards Timothy. He looked quite strong, probably stronger than him. "Hey you, Timothy, you seem capable. Could you give me a hand?"

Looking at Emily, he really felt bad for her. "Sit down." He told her calmly "Don't push yourself too hard, okay?"


Chloe sunk down into the sand. Nobody was paying any attention to her. She didn't feel like hurting herself any more, so she simply watched everyone else do things.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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"Sit down." Devon told Emily calmly, "don't push yourself too hard, okay?" Emily smiled weakly and nodded. She slowly sank to the ground and bent her head down, shutting her eyes tight against the pain. Her wrist was numb, so at least she didn't have to worry about that. But her gash felt like it was literally on fire. What the heck did I bump into? Did I even bump into anything?

"I-I didn't do a-anything too hard. It just started. Ugh, it feels like it's on fire!" She exclaimed, the pain of the injury taking away her stutter. She lifted her shirt a little to reveal the gash, leaving her wrist curled away at her side so she didn't bump that and make that worse as well. She gasped at the sight of the cut, and it took all of her effort not to just faint right there. The cut itself was oozing blood like a waterfall around a large piece of shrapnel stabbed in the middle. The skin around it was purple and bleeding as well, and there looked to be little shards buried there too. She felt tears leak down her face, surely this pain would go away soon, right? Without realizing it, she leaned against Devon for support. Timothy hadn't said anything during this, so she didn't know what was going on inside his head right now. Turning to Devon, she blinked past the black spots that were clouding her vision. She was losing blood fast, and she had no idea what to do about it.

"I don't know what to do. What do I do? How do I make this stop?" She said through tears and darkness that was now clouding her vision to a high extent. She hated being a baby, there were obviously other, more seriously injured, people around, but she had to get rid of this pain. "Help me..." She begged, dropping down to her lowest pride levels. The only good thing that had come out of this was that her stutter was gone, at least around these two.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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0.00 INK

Oliver opened slit his eyes open. He wasn't sure, but someone was screaming. He tried moving his back a little, and stopped immediately. "Mother fucker..." He muttered. He moved, very carefully, into his hands and knees and looked around. One of the guys was talking to one of the girls, and she looked in absolutely horrid shape. Everyone else just seemed to be standing around, resting. Oliver took a deep breath and stood up, then looked at the guy laying nearby. "Food." He said. "If she pulls through, she will die if she doesn't get food. I'm going to go get some." He then turned and started limping toward the crashed plane. There has to be some crappy plane food that survived... As he walked up, he noted the amount of bodies. "Damn..." He said, looking at someone who appeared to be a flight attendant. She was strewn across several trees. "Don't bring the girls here." He said to himself. If they were back in Chicago or some other place, he would have totally done that just to see the looks on their faces. But here, he needs them to be at least partially sane. He carefully picked his way to the plane itself, where he found that everything was burnt. "Dammit..." He walked to the back of the plane, which wasn't that bad. There, he opened a drawer to find several peanut packets. There were more peanuts, but most of the packages were broken, so there were peanuts everywhere. 'Its something.' Noted Ben. "Shut up." He spoke aloud. He had a theory that it was the only thing that could shut his brother's trap, even though that's only going to make everyone else think-no, he was crazy, it would show everyone that he's crazy. 'Would that be a bad thing?' Ben said again. Oliver ignored him and picked up the peanut packets. There was enough to get everyone and have two extra, which should be given to the most hurt. 'You are hurt pretty bad...' Ben said. "Shut the fuck up!!" Oliver shouted at the top of his lungs. There was no more conversations with his dead brother while he walked back to camp, where he handed a peanut pack to the complainer. "All I could find." He mumbled, handing one to the other two. He then walked over to the other cowboy and handed him four. "One for you, one for him, two for her." He explained. "She's gonna need the extra energy." Oliver then walked back and laid down, tired after his walk. "I could really use a drink about now..." He complained.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Chloe let out a loud sigh. She over-exaggerated it as much as she could, just so that they understood exactly HOW inconvenient this was for her. "Hmph, well I will have you know that I am NOT afraid of spiders at all, and I am just as capable of anyone else on this island." She stood up swiftly. Now, she had just told a huge lie of course. She screams at the tiniest spiders, even if they're on the other side of the room. However, she refused to let those two make fun of her for it.

"I think we should check the plane first. Surely there are some water bottles or something like that in the plane. I mean, if that Oliver kid can find peanuts, we can probably find water." Nice going, she thought to herself with a small smile, I bet they don't think you're so dumb anymore.

Devon had to hold in a loud gasp when she lifted her shirt. It was absolutely hideous. Oh come on man, get your shit together. She needs you right now. He pep talked himself. Plus, I'm sure you'll be able to get laid if you're her knight in shining armor. the perverted side of his brain decided to add that. He shook his head, he couldn't be himself right now. He had to be a hero.

He took a closer look. Thankfully, the pieces were visible and sticking out far enough for him to grab. He wouldn't need tweezers or anything, which he probably wouldn't have been able to find anyways. There were maybe five or six shards of metal sticking out, but they looked really painful.

He held out his left hand towards her, in case she needed something to grab onto. "This will be rough, but we need to get it out now before the skin heals over it. If it helps, you can squeeze my hand as hard as you need." Then with that, he placed his thumb and forefinger very lightly on the largest looking piece. He figured he would start with the most painful to get it over with. Maybe, if she was lucky, she would faint from the pain and stay out for the whole thing. That would probably be the easiest on her. "Alright I'm going to count to three. 1, 2, 3!" As soon as he said three, he pulled that first piece of shrapnel as hard as he could, getting it out in one pull.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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0.00 INK

She heard Devon gasp, and she grimaced, knowing how disgusting her injury must look. She opened her eyes and blinked away the shadows that came forward. The faces of the two boys were coming in and out of focus, and her breathing had become shallow. "This will be rough, but we need to get it out now before the skin heals over it. If it helps, you can squeeze my hand as hard as you need." Emily nodded and and grabbed onto his hand, but didn't squeeze yet. She felt him put his fingers on the large piece of shrapnel, and cried out softly as it was jostled. "Alright I'm going to count to three. 1, 2, 3!" He proceeded to pull the shrapnel out in one large pull.

Emily shrieked in pain, her voice magnifying in volume so much that it must have echoed all over the island, as Devon yanked the largest shard of shrapnel out of her cut. She squeezed his hand as hard as she could, and tears cascaded down her face. The pain then faded to a dull ache, and her heavy breathing was the only sound that could be heard. She leaned her head against Devon's shoulder, fighting through darkness and tears. With the shrapnel piece out, she had lost a lot more blood, and she was losing strength quickly.

"How...many...more?" She struggled to ask, not letting go of his hand. Her vision was coming in and out, but the pain of the injury kept her semi-conscious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Devon heard a voice calling over. "If you take it out right away she's going to lose much blood and will most likely die." He looked at the amount of blood Emily was losing from that one piece of shrapnel. Since there wasn't that much left, maybe three pieces, he figured he should try to stop the bleeding a little bit more before proceeding.

With the remaining shred of his t-shirt, he pressed it to the wound with as much pressure as he could, knowing it was probably really painful for her. In health, like most classes, Devon often found himself asleep. However, he vaguely remembered that a lot of pressure on a wound stops bleeding faster, so that's what he was going to do. "Emily, I know you want it out, but I think Rhea is right about waiting. Let me slow down the bleeding a little bit. Luckily the last few pieces are really tiny, so that won't be as bad as the first one."
Chloe knew she had a good idea when she said it. She was quite proud to begin with, and even more now that the two agreed with her. She pocketed her peanuts and then turned to Leo. "Well we should go, I really want to see if my make-up survived the crash. I have some really expensive stuff in there, I would hate for it to be damaged."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Timothy licked his lips as he stared at the tree Emily had pointed out. That was when Devon came up. He smiled and nodded. "Temporary shelter for the night, permenant later." He'd said in agreement. He had heard the voice, but he was so occupied with the trees and the shelter, so much had gone on around him. He hadn't had time to react.

That was when Emily had pulled up her shirt showing her large gash. Devon had begun to wrap it, or get ready to at least. Quickly forgetting the shelter he walked next to them and leaned down. He'd hold up his hand before adding on, "Hold on, all the shrapnel... shouldn't we remove it? Then bandage it?" A blonde brow raised, he wasn't a doctor so he didn't know, but he figured having metal in you was a no no. He made mental notes to speak to her about not telling him about her major injury.

"I'll start building that shelter." Was all he would say before taking his cowboy hat off and setting it on Emily. "It'll protect you somewhat from the sun." A friendly smile, before his back was turned, he'd already be picking up large sticks and leaves carrying and dropping them off on the beach. Going back and picking up more. Dropping them off. The routine was well mundane, and made Timothy focus. Everyone was injured. That was obvious.

No one had gone back to the plane, but who would want to? Seeing the dead wasn't pretty. He remembered seeing dead animals, humans weren’t the same. Maybe that's because that's when you finally realize what mortality is. Whatever it was, Timothy forced himself to think about the current task at hand. Building a shelter big enough for everyone... maybe three big shelters? That would probably work best. He found the sand that was packed well, not slippery, but close enough to the water, and close enough to the trees should they all need to use the bathroom and gather food.

He looked up in the sky and saw clouds off in the east. Dark stormy clouds. The breeze showed they were slowly moving the groups way. Turning back to the shelters, he'd start putting them together being mindful of his ankle, though he had wrapped it well. Sticking the sticks into the ground, he'd already make small huts, just like the one he saw Eeyore on Winnie the Pooh live in. Tent like structure. After building the bases of each of the three tents he had worked up a sweat. Panting heavily he'd sit on the ground for a moment, just to catch his breath.

He didn't mind no one helping or coming to his aid, though he was glad that Devon had offered. He'd stand up and get back to work, the clouds had gotten closer, he needed to get them done before the rain came. He went back collected more branches, and drug them to the beach, putting together. He knew that since it was raning he'd have to put the leaves on there.

What felt like hours, all three were done. He'd stand back enough to survey his work. Looking back at the group he'd limp over, the strain seemed to be a lot on his ankle. "We need to gather whatever we need, looks like a storms comin in." He'd say panting a bit. He'd point in the direction of the clouds. "Looks bout, two three miles away... I dunno...but we need to find everyone, gather what we need. I know they're not perfect.. probably not waterproof... but they're something." He'd lay back and close his eyes, trying to cool himself down.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Brenner Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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#, as written by **Ava**
Rhea felt helpless, sitting in a slightly burnt airplane chair with know one around to talk to. She wondered if any of her stuff had made it. There was a chance, she thought. Though everything next to her had exploded so... Ray looked down at her noodie, it was burnt obviously and had blood all across it, some off it probably wasn't even hers. Her shorts were barely shorts and no longer white but a more red and black color.
Rhea looked at the forest and see some shelters built by Timothy. They looked nice surprisingly. Tim had taken off his hat and gave it to the little Emily who was crying her eyes out at the moment. Leaving in the metal just a little longer was for the best. Rhea layed back and closed her eyes, shading her face with her arms. All she had to do was wait for the others to come back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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"Okay I think that's enough. I'll just get all these little pieces out really quickly then wrap you up really tightly. As long as we get you food and water, I think you'll live. Plus, you'll have an awesome scar to show off when you're done with this." Devon said and Emily sighed thankfully. It was finally going to be over. Her tears had subsided, now she was just leaning against Devon and breathing shallowly.

"Thanks." She said softly when Timothy placed the hat on her head. She had to admit that it did help to not have the shade shining on her face. She briefly noticed that Tim had walked over to build shelters, but then Devon pressed down on her cut again and she let out a cry of pain. He started to remove the shards one by one, but she hardly noticed. She just leaned against his shoulder and sniffled occasionally as he pulled each shard out. She could feel the blood she was losing and she was struggling to keep her eyes open. "Devon? Is it over now?" She asked in a whisper, her eyes closing. As he wrapped the bandage around her waist, she finally let go and collapsed against Devon, allowing the darkness of sleep to finally consume her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Fox Character Portrait: Emily Heart Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Emily had fallen asleep on Devon. He had to admit, it felt good being the hero sometimes. He softly stroked her hair, not wanting to move her yet until the blood loss had at least slowed down a touch. He didn't really know what else he could do at the moment, so he opened his bag of peanuts and started eating. As soon as he finished, he remembered something they really needed, and soon. Water. He looked up at Timothy. "I think there's probably some water in the plane. I hate making you do all the work, I really do, but I can't move her yet. Can you go check for some? Don't worry, I'll pick up the slack tomorrow."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Teise Character Portrait: Leo Shilstone Character Portrait: Timothy Hiott
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Timothy stood up as he heard Devon speak. He nodded, all the work had made him thirsty. "Sure... no problem... and don't worry man, I'm used to doing hard work, and work in general." He'd chuckle as he slowly got up and stretched. Walking over he stepped in the plane wreck. That's when he saw Leo and Chloe. He had walked up when he had heard her saying something about water. "I can take the water for you ma'am." He said kindly, showing his southernly sweet smile. He saw the scratches on her arm and frowned. "Would you like me to take care of them?"

He was truley trying to be kind that was how his mother raised him. "I promise I'll try not to hurt you." He was pretty banged up himself, he had burns and cuts all on his arms and his face had been darkened by soot, but the ladies needed to be taken care of first. He was fine. Seeing Leo he'd nod. "Tell me, have you been able to find any blankets and pillows? If you have... we could use them tonight." He pointed out to the three shelters he had made. "It's gonna rain we need to gather things pretty quickly."