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Josh Chambers

"I know just the voice for my Violin"

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a character in “What if you could adopt a Vocaloid?”, as played by Scorpion01


Name: Josh Chambers

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Bi-sexual

Physical description:

Personality: Calm, lazy, playful, polite, cuddly (and I mean cuddly. Seriously, he's always hugging someone or something in his spare time.)

Bio: As a boy, Josh wanted to be a whole bunch of different things, a fire-fighter, a police-man, an actor, and many other things. But his talent wasn't in any of those. His talent was in the violin. He played beautifully on the first day of his lessons. He was given his own violin the next year, and made his family name famous all over the world. Of course, he never saw a cent. His selfish family didn't even save some for him in the bank. They just spent it on themselves. So, Josh left them, moving to his new home where he performs his own shows on the streets and in theaters, making enough to life a comfortable life with a lot of money to spare. That's when he realized that his home seemed rather empty with only him in it. He had always wanted a little brother or someone that would keep him all the company he wanted.

He was one day asked if he wanted to perform in a concert with some of the more well known Vocaloids: Miku, Kaito, Meiko, Rin, len, Luka, and a few others. He played what was required so well that he was surprised when the Vocaloids themselves thanked him for playing so beautifully. The last one to thank him was Len. The bond grew from there.

What Vocaloid you want: Len Kagamine

So begins...

Josh Chambers's Story


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Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len opened his eyes slightly as he heard the alarm go off. "Finally, now we can get out of this embarrassing position..."

Len looked slightly up at Josh's face near his. He was about to say something to Josh as he noticed his facial expression of annoyance. But then, he kept his mouth tight shut as he saw one of Josh's eyes open. Len slightly flinched as he saw the strong sense of annoyance packed into his iris. "Is he mad at me...?" Len thought to himself. "No... no, he's not looking at me..." Len then heard the alarm clock's sound start to fade. Len didn't dare to even look behind him to see what in the world happened to the alarm clock.

By this point, Len was scared to death. He attempted to flee from Josh's embrace by squirming around furiously and trying to pull his arms off of him. In the process of doing this, he made sounds that sort of sounded like a puppy making fussing sounds when it's upset or in panic.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh's eye opened again, and this time it focused on Len, only instead of annoyed, it was an amused look on his face. "If you think I'll do to you what I did to that clock, you are extremely mistaken. Besides, the clock wasn't destroyed." he whispered as he continued to hold Len to his body.

"Also, it's only Sunday. You don't need to wake up if you don't want to..." Josh said, closing his eyes with a small yawn. "By the way, you sound like a puppy, which makes me only want to cuddle you more to calm you down." he added, his eyes remaining shut as he neither tightened his grip nor loosened it. He merely held Len where he was, allowing very little movement.

"However, if you want to leave the bed, then ask, and I'll let you go." he said quietly, calmly, and with the faintest hint of playfulness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len kept trying to get out of Josh's grip. He pulled his arms, tried to kick him, tried to slip out from both under and over his arms, but seeing his attempts had failed, he started to give up hope. Len thought all the while about what happened to the alarm clock. If Josh were to hurt him or do something drastic to him, he'd do it by now. Len then started not to attempt to flee out of fear, but turn it into a type of game. Len rested for a few seconds and attempted once again, but he was no match for Josh's strength.

"Damn you!" Len laughed. He didn't even bother to ask for Josh to let him go, Len had a feeling that he would do something cleaver anyways. Len finally gave up eventually and stopped squirming. He now only did the one of the many things Josh did allow in this cuddly position, fuss even more in his defeat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh only held on to Len as he squirmed, a small smirk on his face as his eyes now lazily opened half way and watched Len struggle again and again. Josh then smirked again, letting go of Len just enough to let Len turn so that his back faced his chest, then Josh would pull Len to him, this time holding on tight enough to not allow movement.

"Now, now. If you want to damn me, you'll have to become a deity first." he whispered in Len's ear as the blonde haired Vocaloid started to fuss again.

"Although, you have succeeded in waking me up...I guess I can let you go if you really want me to." he said calmly, and with a small sigh that gave off the impression that he didn't feel like getting up today, since he was comfortable cuddling with Len.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len pouted. "You really are mean..." He smirked a little, but his smirk faded a little as his expression became bashful. "And er... you don't HAVE to let me go... I mean... if you don't want to..." He ignored eye contact with Josh and tried to suffle a little, but only grunted slightly as he acknowledged that he can't move.

Len then cleared his throat. "But don't let this fool you, you haven't broken me yet. All I need to do is regain my strength." He said in a ever so slightly playful tone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh smirked as he continued to hold Len against him. "I try not to be." he chuckled. After a bit of silently holding Len's back against his chest and resting his chin on the top of Len's head, Josh's grip suddenly loosened.

"I would continue to cuddle you until you can't resist, but I'm hungry." he said. As if on cue, his stomach growled loudly, making him blush slightly. He then smirked and stopped Len from moving again by putting a hand on the side of his head and on his shoulder, keeping him pinned against the pillow.

"Do you mind if I drink your blood?" he asked playfully, gently nipping Len in the neck before letting go of the young man and sitting up and getting out of bed, picking up the shirt he had taken off before going to sleep and putting it on, hiding his toned muscular frame.

"Alright, let's see what I've got downstairs to eat..." he said with another yawn as he opened the door to his room and started to walk out, not completely paying attention to Len as his mind was set on finding food.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len felt Josh's grip loosen. Len took in a deep breath, he could breath a little easier. He sat up, but right away he was pinned back down by the side of his head and shoulder. "Gah!!"

"Do you mind if I drink your blood?"
Len then felt Josh gently bite his neck. He quivered as he felt the nipping sensation and blushed. He stayed down until he saw Josh leave the room. The young Vocaloid then sighed and sat up. He shook his head. "God Len, what have you gotten yourself into...?" He muttered to himself.

He then stood up to get ready for the day.

By the time Len walked downstairs, he was dressed in his favorite black sweater with a wide collar, followed by a pair of jeans, loose at the legs. He appeared to of just gotten out of his morning shower due to his hair being damp. He didn't even bother to tie it into the small ponytail yet. He peaked in from behind the kitchen wall to see if Josh was in there. Len was still a little embarrassed from the incidents that happened this morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len would find Josh in the kitchen, bent over and rummaging through the fridge, which was left wide open so Josh could search for something to eat. "Hmm...." he thought aloud. "Mm, nope...nope....nope....nope....not that....definitely not that....what the hell even is that? .....Ah!"

As he rejected certain things, he tossed them carelessly behind him. If Len tried to catch them, he would find them disappearing before they got within arms distance. There was something strange either about the house, or about Josh, or maybe both; it really wasn't clear.

The thing Josh pulled from the fridge was little more than a jar of strange looking beans that looked rather dry and plain. "I still can't remember where I got these, but they work!" Josh said to himself, not knowing Len was somewhere nearby. However, Josh remained in his bent over position, still rummaging around in the fridge for something.

He was completely open for any number of embarrassing things....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len watched in awe as Josh made everything disappear as he threw the unwanted items behind him. Though at the same time, he was actually pretty scared too. He's never seen anything like it, and Len has what anyone would have, fear of the unknown.

Len noticed that Josh has not noticed him yet. He smirked as he noticed all the thing he could do with Josh open like that. Len quietly, but swiftly, rushed to the living room and took a pillow from the couch. He quietly creeped up behind Josh, being careful to not be hit by the flying items Josh was throwing behind him and placed the pillow right under him. Now his master plan can proceed. He stepped next to Josh and bent over behind his ear and blew air into it. And if that backfired, he ran his index finger down Josh's spine. Len knew this would work because he's done this to other Vocaloids millions of times.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh continued to rummage around, unaware of Len's presence entirely. That is, at least, until Len initiated his master plan by blowing in his ear. Josh let out a somewhat startled cry but did not fall over, that is until Len ran his finger down Josh's spine. This sent shivers all through Josh's body, and his legs buckled making him fall to the ground and land on the pillow, tightly clutching the jar of beans he had found in his hands so he didn't drop it.

He landed on the pillow and then, whether intentionally or not, fell onto his back, his head stopping before it hit the ground. His eyes weren't fully open, but they were open enough to be startled, and alert for a few seconds until he looked at Len, a small blush appearing on his face as he smiled and laughed. " got me there." he said, using his feet to close the door of the fridge as he remained on the ground, still clutching the jar of beans.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len laughed as he saw Josh's reactions. "You should of seen your face!" Len clenched his stomach as he laughed, his face flushing a little from the laughter.

After Len calmed down 30 seconds later, he stood beside Josh laying down on the floor, hugging the jar of beans like it's his baby. Len gently nudged Josh with his foot. "Hey, what is that anyways? Whatever it is, it must be important for you to be stupid enough to leave yourself open like that when I'm around." He smirked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh rolled his eyes and sighed, letting his head rest on the floor for a few seconds before deciding to stand up, walk over to the counter, and place the jar of beans on the counter. "I actually don't know what they're called. But they are some sort of magical bean that apparently heals you completely, and makes it so that you don't have to eat for days." he said. "The only other thing I need is something to wash it down with because they don't taste very good."

He sighed and snapped his fingers, placing his hand on the counter then raising it, revealing a soda can. "Want a soda? Or something else?" he asked Len, looking at him as he opened the jar of beans.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len nodded no. "Nah, I'll just have water." He rubbed his stomach and sighed a little, not a bad one. "After last night, anything with flavor will upset me... If the bean taste bad, don't want to make it worse with juice, soda, all of that."

He grabbed a cup from the cupboard and filled it with water from the sink. He then stared at the jaw for a few seconds. He reached his hand in and took one out. He sniffed it and scuffed a little. "Blagh... I rather eat than take this..." He popped the bean into his mouth and swallowed.

He then washed his cup. "The after taste is the worse part..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh, by the time Len had eaten the bean, had already eaten his and drank most of his soda. "Yea, never like'd the aftertaste, that's way I drink like, half a soda just to get rid of the taste." he said. He closed the jar and put it back in the fridge, not lingering so Len couldn't pull another prank on him.

Josh let out another yawn and looked at the clock on the wall. It wasn't even 8:00 yet.

He then looked at Len and walked up to him, putting his arm around Len's shoulders playfully. "Well, what do you want to do now?" he asked curiously. "As you know, we've got tons of things to do alone, with each other, or..." he paused a moment, either thinking or trying not to blush. "...there are things we can do to each other." he finished, looking Len dead in the eye with a playfully serious look that was in no way intimidating.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len raised an eyebrow as Josh yawned. He'd never guess someone would get so tired so fast, but then again, Josh must not be human. Len wanted to ask what he was, but he felt that'd be personal.

Len felt Josh wrap his arm around his shoulder. He then looked up at Josh as he started to ask what Len would like to do, like if he'd rather be alone, want to spend the various activities, or if they wanted to do something to eachother.

This made Len blush slightly and look away when Josh looked him in the eye. "L... Like what...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh smiled, "Oh we can do any number of things we can prank each other, which I personally don't want to do, or..." Josh leaned in close to Len, whispering in his ear. "We can do something...Personal~" he said, placing his other hand on Len's cheeks, gently starting to massage his face while laughing.

"You know, your blushing face is just adorable~" he said playfully. "It makes me want to tackle you to the ground and just cuddle you right then and there." he said. By now, he had already started guiding Len to the couch, undoubtedly planning something cuddly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len already knew when Josh said "There are things we can do to each other" that he no where meant that he wanted to prank, but do something cuddly instead. He slightly turned his head away when Josh whispered into his ear, trying his hardest not to blush. He then felt Josh start to massage his cheeks with one hand.

"You know, your blushing face is just adorable~"

As Josh continued on with how much he wants to cuddle Len when he blushes, it only made it worse. Len's cheeks just got even more red. By now, Len knew he didn't have much of a choice as Josh guided him to the couch. Len dragged his weight a little as he was pulled closer and closer to the couch by Josh. Len didn't mind cuddling, but even if he doesn't seem like that type of person, he becomes shy when it comes to these things.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh smirked as Len dragged his weight around, knowing that it was too late by now. He sat down in the corner of the couch, and sat Len down directly in front of him, wrapping his legs around the vocaloid as he pulled Len's back against his chest before wrapping his arms around him too.

"I could spend all day cuddling you, if you want." he said quietly in Len's ear with a small smile. "After all, you're just too damn adorable to let go of." he finished his thought as he rested his chin on Len's shoulder and resting his head against Len's head while letting out a small, content sigh of infatuation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len closed his eyes tight shut, and if he couldn't blush any harder, he did. He then felt Josh pull him up against his chest, wrapping his arms and legs around him in the process.

Len gulped as Josh whispered words into his ear once again. "Er... I..." Len felt slightly dizzy, he was just so embarrassed from all the affection Josh is giving him. He's called adorable by his fans, but for some reason, it's different when Josh says it.

Len then felt Josh rest his head on his shoulder. He moved his head a little so he would not need to make eye contact. Len felt if he did, he'd explode with embarrassment. Although Len wanted to enjoy the personal time they're spending together, he was just too tense and couldn't get himself to calm down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh's right hand rested above Len's heart, and could feel his heart beats. "Ooh~ Your heart is racing. You must be really tense." he said calmly, yet playfully and almost seductive at the same time. "In that case, I think we aught to lay down, don't you agree?" he asked. Though he didn't give Len any time to respond, using one hand to stabilize himself and Len while he scooted down and laid both his and Len's heads on the same pillow, still holding Len's back against his chest, now spooning with him on the couch.

"We'll stay like this until you get comfortable, and then we'll stay like this more. Or, we'll stay like this until it gets awkward...if you know what I mean..." he said, obviously hinting at one of them getting an erection from all this cuddly goodness.