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Josh Chambers

"I know just the voice for my Violin"

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a character in “What if you could adopt a Vocaloid?”, as played by Scorpion01


Name: Josh Chambers

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Bi-sexual

Physical description:

Personality: Calm, lazy, playful, polite, cuddly (and I mean cuddly. Seriously, he's always hugging someone or something in his spare time.)

Bio: As a boy, Josh wanted to be a whole bunch of different things, a fire-fighter, a police-man, an actor, and many other things. But his talent wasn't in any of those. His talent was in the violin. He played beautifully on the first day of his lessons. He was given his own violin the next year, and made his family name famous all over the world. Of course, he never saw a cent. His selfish family didn't even save some for him in the bank. They just spent it on themselves. So, Josh left them, moving to his new home where he performs his own shows on the streets and in theaters, making enough to life a comfortable life with a lot of money to spare. That's when he realized that his home seemed rather empty with only him in it. He had always wanted a little brother or someone that would keep him all the company he wanted.

He was one day asked if he wanted to perform in a concert with some of the more well known Vocaloids: Miku, Kaito, Meiko, Rin, len, Luka, and a few others. He played what was required so well that he was surprised when the Vocaloids themselves thanked him for playing so beautifully. The last one to thank him was Len. The bond grew from there.

What Vocaloid you want: Len Kagamine

So begins...

Josh Chambers's Story


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Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh smirked at what he was hearing, and was trying not to laugh, eventually he did end up laughing, and when he stopped, he looked at them both. "You two are just so adorable." he said. "And you are amusing, Rin, you can stay as long as you want." he said with a small, dismissive wave as he then clapped his hands together, a few sodas appearing on the counter as he walked over and grabbed one. He opened it and chugged it all down in like ten seconds.

After he chugged it down, he slammed the can on the counter and continued to laugh at the two as they bickered among each other.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Rin looked at Josh in a dull matter, much like Len's. "I'm not hear for your entertainment." She stood up and smirked at Len. "Hey Len, are you okay with your boyfriend finding me cuter than you?"

Len rolled his eyes, but then stayed quiet for a few moments. He shook his head. "Oh please Rin, your attempts at getting on my neves are pitiful."

Rin stretched a little. "Well, like it or not, I'm going upstairs and expecting the other half of the house..." She walked out of the kitchen and rushed upstairs.

Len looked over at Josh. "I bet you told us not to go up there so you could hide your porn magazines." Len said in teasing tone. Of course he didn't know that for sure.


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Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh chuckled at what Rin said and walked over to where Len was as she walked upstairs. "Now, Len. Do you really think that if I was going to hide already impossible to find porn magazines that it would take only forty minutes? Besides, look all she wants, the only thing she'll find is the empty room with my violin in it." he said with a small shrug.

"However..." he blushed a little. "I do have to admit that she's a little cuter than you are." he said. "But," he planted a kiss on Len's cheek. "I don't know how well she cooperates when it comes to being cuddled all the time like you do~" he said, stealing a small kiss from Len's lips before standing straight. "Now let's go find out what she's doing." he said, walking out of the kitchen and back of the stairs, regardless of whether or not Len followed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len looked a little shocked to hear that he finds Rin cuter than he is. He frowned slightly. "Right..." But feeling Josh kiss him on the cheek and lips made him feel a little better.

Len followed Josh upstairs to where Rin was rummaging threw Len's room at the moment. Len sighed deeply. "Rin..."

She ignored Len and continued to explore every last inch of Len's room.

After an hour of watching Rin run around the top floor, she finally sighed in satisfactory. "Okay Len, this dude is not planning to murder you."

Len nodded. "Thanks for clarifying that, Rin."

Rin looked at her watch. "Well, that went by faster than expected... I suppose I should leave."

Len shrugged. "If you do, you're always welcome to come back."

Rin nodded. Both Len and Rin walked downstairs with eachother. He watched as Rin slipped on her shoes. "Y-You will come back soon, right...?"

Rin smirked. "Aww, gonna miss me?"


Rin stood up and gave Len a goodbye hug. Len embraced the slightly smaller female. "See ya, Rinny-boo."

They held each other for a short while. Len eventually released Rin and waved goodbye. Len closed the door and sighed. " Gosh, I need a aspirin..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh crossed his arms and he watched the two say their goodbyes, a small smile on his face as he leaned against the railing of the staircase and watched them. After Rin left, Josh stepped down from the stairs and put his arm around Len's shoulders. "Alright, let's get you an aspirin." he said after a few seconds, guiding the Vocaloid back to the couch where he sat Len down before going back to the kitchen, and opening a cupboard filled with different medicines.

He pulled out a bottle of aspirin and set it on the counter while he filled a cup with some water. He then took a couple of the pills in his hand as he brought them over to Len, sitting next to the boy as he handed him the pills and water glass. "Here you go." he said.

He then sighed and stretched out on the couch, putting one arm around where Len's shoulders would be if the Vocaloid were to lean back. "Well... now what?" he asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len took the pills in one hand and the glass of water in the other. He popped them into his mouth and chugged down half of his water. He then let it rest on his lap with his hands supporting the glass to stay up.

He leaned back, but was a little startled to feel Josh's arm. Len wasn't sure if he put his arm there on purpose or not. Even so, he kept his position and closed his eyes as he waited for the pills to kick in.

Len smirked a little. "Well, now you can go pull out your porn magazines since Rin obviously didn't find them." Len mentioned once again in a teasing tone. Even if Josh didn't find it so humorous, Len is younger, so therefore what they both find funny and what they don't is different.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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"You can't be serious about the porn magazines, can you?" he asked, looking at Len. "I mean, sure, I have some, but what makes you think that I'll show you all of my secrets within the first few days of you living here?" he asked, leaning in and close to Len so he could whisper in his ear. "When I can trust you fully, then maybe I'll show you."

With that he leaned back and sat normally, his arm still around Len as he flicked his other wrist, the remote appearing in his hand as he turned on the TV with a sigh. "Let's see what's on TV. Probably nothing good, as usual." he said as he flipped through the channels.

By now, Josh seemed like he had forgotten about Len's previous embarrassment while they were on the couch, and therefore had forgotten about his question before the Vocaloid decided that he didn't want to know. However, now would be a good time to ask if Len really wanted to know.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len opened his eyes raised an eyebrow. "You actually have porn magazines?" He scratched the back of his head. "Erm... Well, I guess people like you would have some..." He cringed as Josh whispered into his ear. "Oy! I never said I actually wanted to see them!" He blushed slightly.

Len stayed quiet for a few minutes. He was not exactly sure how to ask Josh such a embarrassing question. He set his cup of water downed and sighed. "H-Hey... Josh?" He looked over at him and gulped. "How... Eetooo.. how do guys have sex anyways...?" His blush returned once again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh seemed to blush as well when Len asked his question again. And before he answered he muted the TV. He turned his head towards Len and cleared his throat.

"Well, guys have sex with each other almost exactly like guys have sex with girls, only guys have to use what is available to have sex with down there. And the only hole down there to have sex with is..." Josh's blush grew deeper as he said the next few words. "...The anus." he said.

Josh looked away from Len, and let out a deep breath. "Well, now you know. Guys have sex with each other by using the butt." he said.

"But of course that's still not the only way to have sex with another guy. You can also use your hands, or your mouth." he added quickly with an even deeper blush.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len stayed quiet. When Josh looked over at him once again, it almost looked like he could see the innocence flow out of his body. He gulped once again. "... Oh... Is... that... so...?"

Len looked forward with a blush almost as deep as Josh's. He went quiet once again as he looked at the muted TV for an excuse not to talk. But after a little of the awkward silence, he spoke up in a shy voice.

"... Does it hurt...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh nodded at Len's first hesitant question as he watched the innocence flow out of his body. "It is so..." he said quietly in response. Then Josh was quiet, his blush very slowly beginning to vanish as the silence continued.

Then Len asked his other question.

Josh's cheeks flushed red again, and he slowly shrugged. "I'm...not sure. I've never tried it... with a human..." he said. "Or any living being for that matter." he added, his blush couldn't get any more red, but if it could, it would.

"I've heard it does during your first time, but then it feels better if you do it more..." he stuttered a lot when he spoke those words.

He fell quiet again, and after at least two minutes of silence, he turned his head to Len. "Why, other than curiosity, did you ask?" he asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len looked over at Josh. "It's just... so confusing... this isn't how I learned it at all..." He looked away as his voice gotten quiet. "Rin said that when a guy and a girl love each other very very much, they do a special type of hug..." Len pouted. "But this isn't a hug at all!" Len shuttered. "Sticking things... into... it's just..." He burred his face into his hands and sighed.

At this moment of time, Josh realized that Len was a lot more innocent than he thought. How it's possible with it almost everywhere you look seems almost impossible, but here's a perfect example right beside him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh sighed and pulled Len into him gently, letting the young Vocaloid rest his head on Josh's chest. "Well, Rin was right, in a way. Between a guy and a girl, it usually does happen within the embrace of a very special hug.." he said. "I'm...sorry if I've upset you." he said before falling silent again, feeling bad for ruining Len's innocence a little, or a lot.

Josh would then just sit there and hug Len against his chest in a comforting way, his hand gently scratching Len's back up and down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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"You didn't upset me... it's just confusing, that's all... but I'm glad you out of all people could tell me these things..." Len buried his face into Josh's shirt and sighed a little. He started to think about how it'd work out, or how men even found out they could do these things in the first place. But then he felt Josh's hand starting to scratch up and down his back.

Len let out a snicker here and there, muffled by Josh's shirt, followed by shuffling a little. "Careful where you're rubbing, your nails hit my sensitive spots." He said, a little louder since he still had his face buried in Josh's shirt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh smiled as he continued to scratch and rub Len's back gently, a little confused that he let out a small snicker here and there. Then he got his answer when Len spoke. By then Josh had turned off the TV.

"Oh? Your sensitive spots? You mean you're" he asked, moving his hand where he remembered Len snickered, his fingers leaning back so the fingertips could get to the spot and not his nails. He didn't want to hurt Len while tickling him, he just wanted to tickle him!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len felt Josh's hand start to move to a ticklish spot. Len jerked up. "N-No! Wait!" He fell back onto the couch at a attempt to dodge Josh's hands. He giggled a little just from Josh's fingers that stroked his ticklish spot as he fell back. He seemed surprisingly ticklish for his age.

Len tried to protect himself by wrapping his arms around him. Of course, Josh is a lot stronger than Len so he knew very well that if Josh wanted to tickle him, he could do so very easily.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh smirked as Len jerked up. "Hah! Prepare yourself!" he said, letting Len fall back on the couch, following him by getting on his knees on the couch and leaning over Len's body. Even though Len wrapped his arms around him, he smirked. "I can still get you~" he said, his hands slowly, yet firmly moving to Len's ticklish spots before quickly digging into the sensitive zones with a playful fury that showed little mercy.

Josh laughed as he did this, laughing either at or with Len as he tickled the Vocaloid. He was obviously having fun while doing so, and Len was laughing, so, he continued! What better way to tire out your cuddle partner before cuddling than tickling the energy out of them?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len tried to escape by rolling off the couch or something, but before he could do that, he watched Josh lean over him. "Uh oh..." Len smirked nervously. He knew exactly what he had coming to him.

He tried to shift his body as Josh's hands slowly creep to the ticklish spots on his sides and under his underarms. "Josh, don't you da- Gahahahahahaha!" He felt Josh's fingers digging into his ticklish spots. Len squirmed around furiously as Josh's hands danced on his ticklish spots, leaving the blonde to laugh helplessly.

"Josh, sthahahahahap it!!" He pleaded threw his laughter as his face flushed ever so slightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Josh had a playful smile on his face as he kept Len where he was, tickling him continually until Josh's fingers got tired, which would happen after about a minute or two of continuous tickling, giggling as he tickled Len mercilessly. After a while however he did stop, his hands laying still on Len's chest, gently pressing him down against the couch so he couldn't get away.

"I hope you enjoy this break, because when my fingers recover, the onslaught will continue." he said playfully as he leaned down, pressing his chest against Len's belly because that was where his chest naturally fell onto Len because of how he was sitting on his knees on the couch.

Of course, if Len could muster up the strength needed to push Josh off of him and then pin down the larger male quicker than Josh could regain his own energy, Len could turn the tables and tickle Josh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Kagamine Character Portrait: Josh Chambers
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Len laid in his position, panting quietly from all of the tickling he had received. He tried to get away, but Josh's hands made his attempt fail as they pressed up against his chest. Len whined slightly as Josh said he was going to continue when his strength comes back.

He watched Josh rest himself on his belly. Of course, he was trying to regain his strength himself in the process. Len smirked a little. "Oh, you will?" It took all his strength to roll Josh over so that he was on top. It wasn't that he was weak, but he was just tickled without mercy. He leaned over Josh like he did to him and wiggled his fingers where Josh could see. He then quickly dig his fingers on both of his sides and started his revenge.