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Carter Rose Leeh

"Yeah I know I am a girl with a guy name."

0 · 442 views · located in Makenzie Prep

a character in “What's Your Dirty Lil' Secret?”, as played by ♄ILoveParis♄


Carter Rose Leeh

She goes by Rose sometimes because her name is a guy name but lately she has been going by Carter

16 almost 17


Sexual Orientation:

Loner because of the whole depressed thing

Carter has light brown wavy hair the goes down to a little less than mid-way down her back. She has very dry hair which she hates. She has blue eyes, which are most likely her favorite feature on her body. Her face isn’t fat, just her cheek and even then there not that fat, but you can still pinch them. She carries around a chap stick her pocket because she hates to have dry lips. She is really pretty and has a blemish free face so she doesn’t put on too much make-up. She is small and hourglass shaped, she is 5’2 feet tall and 103 pounds. She bites her nails. She cuts herself so she has blade cuts all over her body mainly on her wrist some places on her have words carved into her.

Carter has a strangish personality. She is a depressed person but you can’t tell. She is very good at hiding it and sometimes she even tricks herself into thinking she’s happy. She is happy sometimes though, she is more depressed than happy. That must be why she cuts herself then because she is unhappy. She knows she may be a bit suicidal, but sometimes she forgets that she might be suicidal and is happy. So I guess you could say she has mood swings.
She is very good at pretending to be happy. She walks around school fake smiling at people and looking like she is happy. She doesn’t talk to many people though, it fear that they will catch on to her and blackmail her or worse tell her dad. She has been trying so hard to cheer her dad up after her mom died that she feels pressured to make him feel better.
Even not after her mom died Carter still puts people before herself. Like her dad for example, she’s trying to help him even though she is dyeing inside. It is a good quality because people like you if you have it but it is also a bad quality because with what she is doing for her dad is hurting her.
Before her mother died Carter was one of those people that you always wanted to be around. She loved laughing and having a good time. If you wanted to get away from all the drama got to Carter because she was always the happy person. She always saw the up side in things and never the down side. Someone could be in a corner crying because they boyfriend dumped her and she would have an upside like: “Hey single people have way more fun, you can make out with guys and not worry about you boyfriend finding out.”
As for Carter’s romance and love life, there isn’t much. She used to date, but she is better at the thought of doing something romantic then actually doing it. Not that she has ever had a great gut that liked her back that she could be romantic to. As for flirting she is HORRIBLE at it, she always ends up embarrassing herself, she is better at crushing on someone but not telling them.

Cheesy pizza with a lot of cheese
The color red
Brushing her hair


Storms: She is deathly afraid of them, whenever there is a little thunderstorm she freaks out.
Bugs: She freaks out whenever she sees them. There is something about those little things.
Death: She hates the thought of dying it terrifies her.
Her Secrets Getting Reveled: She has been trying hard to hide them from her dad.

She gets straight A’s
She is a good drawer. EXAMPLE OF DRAWING

Not so Skills:
She can’t ride a bike
Get scared easily

She cuts herself: She cut started cutting herself after her mom died.

She feels like it is her fault her mother is dead: Her mother committed suicide but she still feels like it’s her fault because she didn’t see it coming.

She illegally sold drugs: Last summer she sold drugs to help pay for a car that she wanted. She never tried the drugs though.

Once shoplifted with a friend: The police caught the friend and the friend never told on Carter. Her friends parents sent her to a boarding school.

Knew a girl that killed herself was going to kill herself before she did: She had told Carter and she didn’t know what to do so she ignored her.

She is crushless right now.

Relationship Status:

Carter was named after her grandfather who died a week before she was born. Her name was going to be Rose her mother’s middle name, but instead they named her Carter after her grandfather and make her middle name Rose. Carter grew up an only child but she had a pug named Cookie.
Her mother and father owned a bakery name “Sweet Treats Sweetie” when Carter was 10 she started working there after school. She loved it. The business paid the bills but there family struggled, even though it paid the bills it didn’t mean they were always on time. She could tell her parents’ marriage was falling apart too. They quit spending time together as a family. The last few months before her mother committed suicide they were really distant. They hardly talked, her mother spent all her time in her room and Carter was busy selling drugs. She regrets missing out on the last months of her mother’s life.


Average Post Length:
Depends between 100-500 words (I know not a very good estimate.)

So begins...

Carter Rose Leeh's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: A Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Emmalina Santago Character Portrait: Carter Rose Leeh Character Portrait: Ariel Santiago
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A walked through the school hallways, looking around at the passing students. It was a Monday, 3:31 to be precise, and the bell had just rang, signalling the end of class, and school. Most students were rushing out of the school, or shuffling through their lockers, but there were still the few dawdling around, just like A.

The first week back at school had been insane. Most of the students remembered the horrible events at the Back-To-School Party, which included a girl being shoved into a lake, a house and car caught on fire, a wrecked truck, and the most unsuspecting couple telling the school of their secret relationship. All because of A. The stickers she had placed all over the school were long gone, too, and had been since last Friday. When the Principal had checked the security cameras, he was shocked to see the wires cut. That had been her doing, too.

She had started texting a few of them last week, but that was only a handful of them. The rest of the school had looked on as the events unfolded, some of them blissfully unaware that next week, they, too, would be blackmailed.

A slipped her phone out of her bag, and immediately began texting. It wasn't as if it woud be suspicious or anyone looking at her, she was hardly the only person in the hallay with their phone out.

To: All Contacts

Hiii ;) Enjoying our second week back, are we? Well, that won't last long. Some of you already know me, but for those who don't:
I know every single little detail about each and every one of you. And that includes your dirty little secret.
Or should I say secrets?
What's going to stop me from telling the whole school? Well, you are. I will set you a few... challenges to keep your secrets safe, and if you don't go along... there goes a secret. xxx - A

From: Unknown Number

(Hi guys! So, see how that says All Contacts at the top? Good. Basically, that means that, for example, if Madison replied, then everyone, not just A would get the text.
To: All Contacts.
A: Hey ppls.
Madison: Hello?
Carter: Wait, who are you?
Madison: I'm Madison
Carter: I wasn't talking to you.
A: I'm A.

See how everyone got the text? Exactly! :D Also, I just picked those people at random. Thanks for being such good examples, guys!
Oh, and sorry if I blab on. I'm tired. -_-

PS: Sorry if I forgot to tag you. I'm forgetful.
PPS: Sorry for the super long OOC post IC.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: A Character Portrait: Carter Rose Leeh
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(Holly shit you guys post a lot!!) (can someone talk to Carter??? She won't start the convo though because she's just that way)
Carter stared at the clcok watching the minutes tick by until class ended. Each second seemed like hours, maybe even days. Each word the teacher said she wasn't taking in, and couldn't pay attention for over 5 seconds. She just kept drawing the same thing over and over again in the first page of her notebook. She girl crying, over the course of the day she drew that girl about 10 times. She make sure to include each feature of her from the circles under her eyes to each freckle on her face. The person that Carter was drawing was Carter. Carter when she is away form everyone else. Carter at home in a conorner, maybe even with a blade to her wrist.

Finally the bell rang after the class period that lasted hours. Carter plulled down her long sleeve shirt to make sure it covered her wrists then picked up her books. After doing that she ran out of the class room, dodging some people. Once out of the class room she looked around at all the people. She felt uncomfortable and most likely looked like it took. She hated seeing everyone be so happy, laughing and having a good time when she is haunted by memories everyday of her life. It drove her crazy seeing everyone around her, she knew she had to get home, go to her room and make her marks in her skin.

She fast walked, or maybe it really was running to her locker. Her hands shook as she got out her back and slipped her books into it. After she had put her bag over her sholder she just stared at her locker. She put her hand on the door and the coolness reminded her that she was still on earth. That she was stilll okay. It was taking all she had not to have a break-down in the middle of the hallway in school.

She sighed then shut her door and turned to face everyone in the hall. There talking had now became to much for her, and right before she was about to run to the door her phone beeped.

Hiii ;) Enjoying our second week back, are we? Well, that won't last long. Some of you already know me, but for those who don't:
I know every single little detail about each and every one of you. And that includes your dirty little secret.
Or should I say secrets?
What's going to stop me from telling the whole school? Well, you are. I will set you a few... challenges to keep your secrets safe, and if you don't go along... there goes a secret. xxx - A

"Who the hell," Carter wispered as she looked around the hallway. There where a lot of people texting and looking at there phones it could have been anyone. She all of a sudden felkt hot, very hot. She took a few deep breathes then though to herself, this is just some trick. It clamed her a little and enough to text back:
Who the hell are you? You don't scare me.

She looked around to see if anyones phone beeped. Several people's phone did beep. It was to much being in there so Carter started making her way to the door. Then she looked at some more of her texts from people she didn't know texting A back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: A Character Portrait: Carter Rose Leeh
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Aether had no reason to believe this was all a joke. Though he wasn't afraid of someone (much less a person to be trifled with), Aether knew that things would eventually catch up to him. Life seemed to be going good for him for quite awhile. His uncle gave him his old black chevy pick up, restored and everything. His mom had gotten promoted. His baby brother was earning more and more good reputation at the parish, Sts. Sergius and Baachus's. Aether guessed all of that changed last year when, at "Leadership Camp", his bunkmate gave him oral. Intense guilt flooded him ever since. And confusion.

Aether's black pick up swooned into the Makenzie Prep parking lot. Parking it, he almost hated himself. Why couldn't he have gotten stuck in traffic? Why couldn't he have just two more minutes to relish this last song, "Funny How Time Slips Away" by Willie Nelson? Ah fuck it, might as well just light up and listen. Grabbing an unfinished cigar from the ashtray, he lit up and began puffing. Nobody gave a damn if he smoked. Even when it was reefer, nobody gave a damn. Not the cops, not the teachers, not the parents. Story of his life. Out in the middle of daylight and he was still in the shadows.

"I've got history and writing today?" He asked himself, pulling down his visor and checking his schedule.

"Dammit, math and science!" Aether had an almost good enough mind to high tail it out of Dodge, but he wasn't gonna. He went to school and stayed to school to get out someday.

"Least I got art at the end of the day..."

Just then, Aether's phone buzzed in his black jean pocket. Another gift from his uncle. Pulling it out, he took one last drag on the cigar and put it out for later.

Hiii ;) Enjoying our second week back, are we? Well, that won't last long. Some of you already know me, but for those who don't:
I know every single little detail about each and every one of you. And that includes your dirty little secret.
Or should I say secrets?
What's going to stop me from telling the whole school? Well, you are. I will set you a few... challenges to keep your secrets safe, and if you don't go along... there goes a secret. xxx - A

Followed by a myriad of other texts, probably from different people.

The last one was interesting...

Who the hell are you? You don't scare me.

Must be a girl. Only girls proclaim they aren't scared. Men just punch you or go home crying to their moms.

Aether took a long, warm sip of coffee before adding his two-cents in.

Just shut up and tell us what the hell you want.

He slid his phone down his right front pocket, grabbed his coffee, shut the truck door and kep' walking towards the school entrance. With each step, a loud clang of his spurs announced his arrival, yet still no one cared.

Aether had special privilege to use the janitor entrance (on account of his father being a fallen comrade of the chief janitor, Mr. Peabody). He snuck through the dumpsters and in through the unlocked door into the janitor "closet".

He waved a good morning to Peabody, and surged his way through to the hallway, picking up one of the doughnuts on the janitors' desk on his way.

As he walked out into the hallway, he heard Peabody yell, "You're late by at least an hour."

"Really?!" Aether yelled back.

"Yeah, bucko!"

"Sweet! Missed math."

"You never grow up, do you?" Peabody asked, laughing thunderously.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: A Character Portrait: Annabell Christman Character Portrait: Carter Rose Leeh Character Portrait: Ariel Santiago Character Portrait: Alexander Setinov
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A grinned as a flood of texts came through. She opened them as she walked, turning the corner away from the school.

From: Ariel
How can I be so sure you're not just toying around? For all I know, you may just be saying that you know everything to see what I'll do.

From: Alexander
I agree with whoever just said that. What a bunch of bull. How about saying you know my secret to my face?

A replied almost instantly, turning another corner as she did so.
I can't say I know your secrets to your face, now can I? Then you would know who I am,and that would spoil half the fun! And you're right, I might be 'toying around,' but are you willing to take that risk? xxx - A

From: Carter
Who the hell are you? You don't scare me.
She had just arrived at her house as this text came through. She slipped open the door.
Never said I did, honey. ;) - A

She remembered something she had to do, and threw her school bag in the house before closing the door.

From: Aether
Just shut up and tell us what the hell you want

A smiled. Wow, they replied fast.

Tut, tut, tut. Shouldn't get me angry, trust, it's a bad idea. xxx - A

From: Annabell
Listen up. I'm not going to be yanked around like a puppet. Tell me what you want or fuck off

A glanced around at the passersby. None of them seemed to notice her.

Oh, Bells, calm down xxx We don't want you getting depressed now do we? ;) - A

To the others, that would most likely sound like a badly worded text, but she assumed Annabell would get it's double meaning.

The last text A got made her chuckle under her breath.
From: Adrianna
Hi A its me, so I need a favor. I need you to help me make blabbermouth zach shut up. I'll do whatever you want in return.

A didn't even bother replying, she had just arrived at her destination. She slipped her phone in her pocket, and lookedup at the tall building. Glancing around at the nearby people, she made her way around to the back of the building, where she began to scale the pipe. Alot of effort, maybe, but as far as A was concerned, it was kind of fun. She had always loved climbing, even if this was especially difficult. Besides, there was no way she was letting this 'victim' get away.

In the perspiration of one of the windows -- I think it's called that -- she wrote:

I know what you did. Watch Your Back. - A

She slipped down the pipe, admiring the message from below, on the kitchen window of the 'victim,' before strolling around to the front of the building. At least she did't have to worry about the girl catching her, she was aware that she was heading to the library. Even if she cameback now, she still wouldn't have spotted A, as she was already at her front door.

The message was to Asajj Uzun.


Amy gave a smile to the formidable looking girl as she passed. Her phone beeped alot of tims, too many to keep count, alerting her that she had new messages. Alexis raised an eyebrow. "Someone's popular," she commented, giving Amy a cheeky grin. AMy laughed. "No it's not like-"
"Like what? Anyway, should I go over and talk to him?"
"To wh-"
"Y'know, Cody. He's new, he might want some help and stuff."
Amy glanced over at the new boy, and rolled her eyes. "That group of cheerleaders already has it covered," she said with a grin.
Alexis sighed. "How am I supposed to compete with them? And where is Emmalina?" The three girls were practically royalty in Makenzie Prep, and everyone knew they were inseperable.

Amy shrugged. "Who cares? I just wanna' get home, and eat," she replied, tugging on Alexis's arm. Alexis laughed but followed her out, but not before saying, "Of course you want to eat something." Amy frowned. "What does that mean?" she asked, trying to keep the hurt from her voice. Alexis noticed her friends worried expression, and rolled her eyes. "It was a joke! Relax, you're as skinny as a stick!" she grinned, this time the one pulling her friend along. "C'mon!"

Amy followed, but couldn't shake the feeling that her friend thought she was fat. She glanced down at her body. Was she? No...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: A Character Portrait: Carter Rose Leeh
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Just as Carter was walking out of the school doors someone stopped her, “CARTER WAIT UP!” She turned around to see Hannah a girl from her art class they weren’t best friends of anything but they were both friendless so they hung out a bit.

Hannah has dark brown hair that is curly and chin length; she also has big brown eyes. Hannah is the shortest person Carter had ever met that is over 13, she was shorter then Carter and Carter was 5’2. I’m guessing she was about 4’9 maybe 5’o feet tall. Hannah was very pretty but at times looks a bit insane. Her hair is usually messy and she wears the strangest of clothes.

“Yes,” Carter asks. “Well I was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee,” she asks. Carter nodded but doesn’t look her in the eyes, her thoughts where on A who she was. Just as Carter was thinking about A her phone beeped, which made Carter jump, “holly shit,” she muttered.

Never said I did, honey. ;) – A

Without even thinking Carter responded.

You’re not answering my question. Do you remember what it is? Well here I’ll repeat it: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU BITCH! Do you understand what it means? Well then answer the damn question.

“Well you look pissed did your boyfriend dump you or something,” Hannah asked. Carter looked up surprised, Hannah was staring at her and she didn’t even notice. She could feel her cheeks getting warm with embarrassment, she didn’t realize that anyone watching would think she was crazy. “I.. I didn’t think anyone was watching. No it wasn’t my boyfriend it was a crazy stalker guy, he’s a creep,” Carter lied. She had always been such a good liar and she was lucky she was a good one.

Hannah just nodded then said, “want to go to the school library it’s open till 5 maybe we could get some homework done? Or maybe there will be some cute nerds.” I rolled my eyes, Hannah like every guy she saw it was pathetic, then I said, “Okay lets go.” Hannah let out a little squeal then grabbed Carters wrist. She jerked it away, Hannah grabbed one of her cuts. “Sorry,” Carter mumbled.

When they got to the library there where several other people in their studying and doing homework. Carter and Hannah sat in the back of the room, right by the bookshelves. Right when they sat down Hannah started texting while Carter got her books out on the table.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carter Rose Leeh Character Portrait: Alexander Setinov
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“Carter? Helloooooo Carter,” said Hannah as she waved her hand in front of her face. Carter jumped. She had been staring out into space for the last 5 minutes. She just couldn’t get A’s texts out of her mind they were driving her insane. All Carter wanted to do right now was go home, sit in a corner, and feel bad for herself. That was all she ever wanted to do, well and cut herself, she loved to cut herself it was the only time she could forget about the horrible things in her life and focus on real pain. Then again her thoughts where real pain, the cuts were just a flesh wound that would heal over time, her thoughts have had time and yet they still haven’t healed at all.

“Helloooooo,” Hannah said again this time she pinched Carter in the upper arm. “Aw!” said Carter as she held her upper arm like she was badly hurt. She looked around at the staring people then she dropped her hand. “What the hell do you want?” Carter whispered it came out a bit rudely. She looked around again everyone had looked away. “You quit studying,” replied Hannah. Carter rolled her eyes then looked back down at her books again blocking out all the sound around her.

She was studying biology because they had a test tomorrow. She hated biology it was too easy, then again all her classes where easy. Carter was very smart and got straight A’s. Her favorite class was art, it was an easy A because she was a good drawer and painter plus art was a way to show how she felt without really telling anyone how she felt.

Just as she was getting into deep though again someone walked into the door, it made a loud noise that made Carter look up. It was some popular jock that she didn’t know the name of. He was kind of cute but he was probably a jerk too. Carter looked back down at her book, a few second later Hannah leaned over and whispered in Carter’s ear, “he’s cute.” Carter gave her a confused look and Hannah nodded to the guy that came in a few seconds ago, that jock guy. “I don’t know, I guess?” Carter responded. “WOW YOU ACCUALY LIKE GUYS!” said Hannah a bit too loud. Everyone turned to stare. I blushed a dark red and sunk a bit lower in chair. “Woops,” said Hannah with a laugh as she lowered her voice. I could have sworn at her but instead I just gave her the evil eye and kicked her under the table.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: A Character Portrait: Annabell Christman Character Portrait: Carter Rose Leeh Character Portrait: Christopher Dawson
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Go for Chris. Consider it one of my challenges... ^^ - A

She read through the new messages. Well, it looked like Annabell got the secret meaning.

From: Carter
You’re not answering my question. Do you remember what it is? Well here I’ll repeat it: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU BITCH! Do you understand what it means? Well then answer the damn question.

A rolled her eyes.

You should know better than to mess with me xxx It's easier than you might think to tell the whole town that you sold drugs. ;) - A

(Sorry for the shit post peoples. I'm hungry. No one can concentrate on an empty stomach.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carter Rose Leeh Character Portrait: Alexander Setinov
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#, as written by Sieye
Alex sat the the desk, doodling out ideas for his next novel. It was a secret passion of his, writing. Hockey took over the number one spot, but writing always calmed him. He would always lose himself in the fiction world. Recently, he came to trying to write a mystery novel. He was always more into the science fiction type, but wanted to venture out a bit. This though, caused some severe writers block, which has been going on for some time now. Ideas were not just coming to him. He looked up scanning the room, trying to get some inspiration. He noticed some familiar faces from some of his classes, but most were underclassman.


Alex cocked his head to the side caught off guard by the girl who yelled in the mostly silent library. He looked over in the direction and watched as two girls were looking at each other, the one who got asked the question blushing and sliding slightly in her chair. Alex couldn't help but laugh a little. That kind of sarcastic question reminded him something Tyler would say. Guess everyone has those kinds of friends he thought refacing his book smiling. He started to scribble some words on the page and sighed, slamming the book a little too loud.It's hopeless he thought grabbing his bag off the ground. Screw this I'll just go home.

Alex made his way between the desks in the library and went to open the door stopping midway. Please don't screech. He opened the door slowly and sighed as no noise was made. He exited the room, playing with his keys as he heard his name being yelled. "Alex! Hold up!" It was Mr. Kaizer from Literature class when Alex was a junior. Alex was pretty good in literature and found Kaizer to be a good teacher so he respected the man. Alex looked around making sure no one was in sight. He acted like an ass when in front of certain people but didn't want to if not needed. He didn't have to do that in front of Mr. Kaizer so he was glad he didn't have to start. "Hey Mr. Kaizer. What's up?" It came out a little more informal than he wanted but it was OK. "I need a favor from you Alex. I need you to join the committee for the back to school dance."

Alex stared at him with disbelief for a second and then noticed the teacher was serious. "Um.. that's not really my thing though." he responded scratching the back of his head wondering if that answer was good enough. "I know Alex, but I need you to do this. The last I checked there was no one in the group and they really need help. I think if you join, a hockey player, it will get some to follow you".

Alex continued to stare thinking what to say next. "I'm not really popular Mr. Kaizer. Ask one of the football players. Their the ones who are the most popular. The committee will be flocked with people."

The professor sighed a second. "Always cutting yourself short Alex. Look, I trust you will actually do the job." He stopped for a second thinking and continued. "I know you like to write Alex. You're essays were always one of the top in the class. Here's what I'll do if you do this for me. I'll talk to a friend of mine who is a professor at a local college. He used to write novels and has some contacts with publishing companies and editors. I really need this favor done. I owe Miss Barkley one."

Alex gave a questioning look at him but decided to not ask. The idea of a publisher was too good to pass up. "FINE. I'll do it" he said sighing. "Miss Barkley is in the staff room right now right?" he asked as he started to walk there. Mr Kaizer smiled and yelled "Thanks!" Alex gave a small wave and walked towards the staff room. Alex got to the staff room, and knocked on the door. He slowly opened it and noticed teachers at the desks either cleaning up to go home or writing their lessons for the next day. Alex saw Miss. Barkley at her desk and walked over to her. "I'm here to sign up for the "Back To School Dance" committee."


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Character Portrait: Carter Rose Leeh
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After Hannah had said what she said the guy that they both said was cute laughed which just made Carter blush more. “You’re so embarrassing!” Carter whispered in Hannah’s ear and Hannah just smiled. If Carter was a normal person she may actually be good friend with Hannah but for now they were just art class friends.

The librarian loved Carter and Hannah for some reason, so she didn’t even tell them to be quiet. Maybe she loved them because they baked her cookies, or helped out in the library when there were busy days. Carter often does that, she distracts herself with other activities. It keeps her mind away from the dark thoughts that haunted her most of the time. Now the thoughts where back of her past, she couldn’t take it any longer she needed to keep herself busy.

“Come on Hannah lets go,” she said as she picked up her books. Hannah followed. As they walked in the halls Hannah stopped at a dance committee poster, “we should totally get on the committee,” she said and she grabbed Carter’s hand and drug her to the staff room.

Without knocking Hannah entered, dragging Carter along with her. She looked around, she has never been in here. Then she looked at the guy from the library. She could feel herself start to blush but then she reminded herself that he didn’t know Hannah was talking about her.

“The dance committee sounds so super fun! Can me and Carter join?” Hannah said. Hannah always acted like she had 10 cups of coffee just 5 minutes ago. She is so full of energy.