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Madison Delaney

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

0 · 535 views · located in Makenzie Prep

a character in “What's Your Dirty Lil' Secret?”, as played by deadaray


Madison Delaney
ImageFull Name:
Madison Anne Delaney

Maddie or Mads



Sexual Orientation:


Brief Description:
[size=90]Madison stands at about 5'7", with long curly brown hair that she almost always straightens. She's extremely lean, her muscles are defined but excessive by any means. After years of dance and gymnastics she's become extremely flexible. The tips of the fingers on her left hand have callused over from playing the guitar frequently. She's pulled more than her fair share of muscles over the years, and her left knee still bothers her now and then.

Madison does her best to be an outgoing, happy person, regardless of how she's actually feeling on the inside. She tends to care just a little too much about what people think of her, so even though she hates to see anyone being left out she generally won't be the first person to invite them into a group. She does her best to dress the part perfectly for everything she does and is kind of a shopaholic. Her ADD makes it hard to focus on anything for very long, and for whatever reason she has trouble sitting still for very long.

Dancing, gymnastics, cheerleading, singing, guitar, animals (esp. dogs and horses), rain, thunderstorms, the color green, pizza, fruit, nature, the woods, most types of music, nail polish, horseback riding, running, star gazing

being alone, getting lost, hospitals, extremely small/closed in spaces, pitch black darkness

She's a skilled dancer who's taken years of classes in several different types of dance as well as gymnastics. She's always been a pretty good singer, and recently decided to try teaching herself to play guitar. With three horses, she can ride both western and english, although she prefers western.

Not so Skills:
Patience, school work, lying, hiding her true emotions

1.) Just before her 17th birthday, she found out she has a brain tumor that can not be removed due to its size and location. Madison decided not to tell anyone because she didn't want to be treated differently.
2.) Freshman year she accidentally poisoned a boy in her chemistry class with some chemicals for a lab. He almost died, and when he regained consciousness he said he accidentally did it himself. She has absolutely no idea if he was covering for her or if he actually believes he did it himself, but she never got a chance to ask because his parents took it to be a suicide attempt and sent him to a facility to get help.
3.) The only reason she's passing the majority of her classes is because she cheats on everything.
4.) Her father is stealing drugs from the hospital he works at and selling them for some extra money to hide his gambling addiction and his new found affair. The rest of her family doesn't know, and her father doesn't know that Madison knows.

Madison is the middle child in an extremely wealthy family. Her father, a world-renown doctor, and her mother, a successful lawyer in a large firm, do their best to get her everything she wants and get her out of trouble when necessary. Her younger sister Lily is extremely innocent and knows nothing about the family's problems, including Madison's brain tumor. Tyler, her older brother, on the other hand has always been Madison's main support system and is extremely protective of her. When she found out about her father's affair, he bought her three horses as if to buy her silence. Although she hated the idea, she loved the horses to death. He bought a white one, which she named Belle, a brown one, Trigger, and a black one, Blitz. They also have a golden retriever, Rowdy.

Average Post Length:
It depends on the role play, but I like to make them long when I can. Almost always at least 100 words though.

So begins...

Madison Delaney's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: A Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Emmalina Santago Character Portrait: Carter Rose Leeh Character Portrait: Ariel Santiago
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A walked through the school hallways, looking around at the passing students. It was a Monday, 3:31 to be precise, and the bell had just rang, signalling the end of class, and school. Most students were rushing out of the school, or shuffling through their lockers, but there were still the few dawdling around, just like A.

The first week back at school had been insane. Most of the students remembered the horrible events at the Back-To-School Party, which included a girl being shoved into a lake, a house and car caught on fire, a wrecked truck, and the most unsuspecting couple telling the school of their secret relationship. All because of A. The stickers she had placed all over the school were long gone, too, and had been since last Friday. When the Principal had checked the security cameras, he was shocked to see the wires cut. That had been her doing, too.

She had started texting a few of them last week, but that was only a handful of them. The rest of the school had looked on as the events unfolded, some of them blissfully unaware that next week, they, too, would be blackmailed.

A slipped her phone out of her bag, and immediately began texting. It wasn't as if it woud be suspicious or anyone looking at her, she was hardly the only person in the hallay with their phone out.

To: All Contacts

Hiii ;) Enjoying our second week back, are we? Well, that won't last long. Some of you already know me, but for those who don't:
I know every single little detail about each and every one of you. And that includes your dirty little secret.
Or should I say secrets?
What's going to stop me from telling the whole school? Well, you are. I will set you a few... challenges to keep your secrets safe, and if you don't go along... there goes a secret. xxx - A

From: Unknown Number

(Hi guys! So, see how that says All Contacts at the top? Good. Basically, that means that, for example, if Madison replied, then everyone, not just A would get the text.
To: All Contacts.
A: Hey ppls.
Madison: Hello?
Carter: Wait, who are you?
Madison: I'm Madison
Carter: I wasn't talking to you.
A: I'm A.

See how everyone got the text? Exactly! :D Also, I just picked those people at random. Thanks for being such good examples, guys!
Oh, and sorry if I blab on. I'm tired. -_-

PS: Sorry if I forgot to tag you. I'm forgetful.
PPS: Sorry for the super long OOC post IC.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: A Character Portrait: Madison Delaney
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Madison rolled her eyes as she read the text message. 'A' was old news by now. She shoved her phone in her pocket as she went on rummaging through her locker. It had only been a week of school and it already looked like a bomb had exploded in there.

Cheer leading bag in hand, Madison headed for the locker room. The craziness of the previous week had been on her mind for days. She couldn't wait for 'A's next task. In a way, this game was almost fun. It was a little strange of course, but the challenges kept things exciting.

Madison pulled out her phone again as she walked to the gym.

To: 'A'
Message: What's on the schedule for today?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: A Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Cody Lafontaine Character Portrait: Amy Light
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Amy attempted to shove her books back into her locker, which had fallen out as soonas she had opened the locker door. She glanced down at her phone as it alerted her to a new messgae, expecting to see another text from her friend Alexis, but instead seeing the word Unknown plastered across the screen. Amy frowned but pressd the open button.

Hiii ;) Enjoying our second week back, are we? Well, that won't last long. Some of you already know me, but for those who don't:
I know every single little detail about each and every one of you. And that includes your dirty little secret.
Or should I say secrets?
What's going to stop me from telling the whole school? Well, you are. I will set you a few... challenges to keep your secrets safe, and if you don't go along... there goes a secret. xxx - A

Amy stared at the phone for a minute, shocked. No, it was just a joke... right? She gave an uneasy glance around at the passers by. Why had she gotten this, out of all the people in the hallway? Well, from the look of it, more than just her. But what did 'A' mean by Some of you already know me?

She tapped the reply button, and shakily typed in a response.

To: A (All Contacts)
Isn't blackmail illegal? Whaat's stopping us from going to the cops right now?

Her shaky hand had made her type in two A's in stead of one, but Amy onlynoticed after she pressed send. She took a deep breath and picked up a book that had fallen on the ground, slipping it into her locker before closing it with a clang. She couldn't dwell on it, it wasn't like A actually knew her secrets, that was impossible.

She had surprisingly little homework - at least, for a Monday. Monday was the worst day for her; She had French, Maths, English, History, CSPE and Art. Well, art didn't give that much homework, but the rest of the classes did. Especially History, as Miss Tuberty hated her class, and Amy had found that she hated Amy especially. Perhaps it was Amy's laid-back nature in History. She didn't see the point of it. Like, maths and english were useful subjects, but history - they were all dead anyway.

Expecting another text from A, she ignored the text. She arrived at the school doors when she reached into her bag, She was too impatient.

It wasn't from A, it must have been someone else she had texted though.
What's on the schedule for today?

Did that mean that that person believed A? I sounded almost like she knew A... was that what A had meant in her text?

She was disrupted from her thoughts by the excited squeal of her friend Alexis. Amy looked up to see Alexis squeezing Amy's arm. "What?" Amy hissed, half annoyed, half joking. "Look!" Alexis whispered, pointing.AMy followed her hand to see what she was looking at.
"He's the new kid, I think I heard his name was Cory, or Cody, or somethig like that anyway," Alexis continued. "Isn't he cute?"
Amy rolled her eyes. "Yeah. But he is also too old for you."
Alexis shook her head. "Only a year older. Not much of a difference," she disagreed. Amy laughed and slipped her phone back into her bag.


From: Madison
What's on the schedule for today?

A smiled and started walking towards the school doors as she typed.

Not telling yet. You'll just have to wait an see. ;) - A

Just seconds after she pressed the send button, another text came through;

From: Amy
Isn't blackmail illegal? Whaat's stopping us from going to the cops right now?

At this A did actually laugh out loud. Quietly, of course, but a few people passing by gave her some weird looks. She ignored them though, and ithout looking up from the phone screen, opened the schools double doors out into the smell of freshly mowed grass as the last of summer faded away.

Yuss, blackmail is illegal. But I don't think you want to tell the cops, honey. I'm sure they would be very interested to know some of your secrets. If I'm going down, I'm taking you all down with me ;) xxx - A.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Emmalina Santago
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Adriana walked down the hall, her coach drawstring bag slung over her shoulder. She wore a leather black mini skirt with a polk-a-dot cram blouse. On her feet she wore black suede booties{her outfit}. She wore her hair in waves down her back. She slid her cheer bag up her arm. She read 'A''s Message and shrugged 'A' was so not gonna rule her life. She texted her back.
to: 'A':
So what's the plan of the day Biatch?

Adriana never really worried about A's plans. They were just another challenge to her. Who really cared? She saw a couple of people and waved as she passed them. While walking She saw Madison , a friend of hers who was a fellow cheerleader.
"Hey Mads!" She said smiling brightly.
"Oh my god so I just saw Christopher" She sighed for emphasis "He's looking super hot lately"

SHe pulled out her phone.
To: Emmalina:
Hey girlie were are you?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney
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Madison felt her phone buzz in her pocket and she pulled it out. "Not telling yet. You'll just have to wait and see. ;) - A" She could never make this easy could she. Whatever it was, Madison was sure it would be fun and exciting. It always was. The murder stickers had been the most impressive part yet. It was crazy to see the entire school covered in stickers.

"Hey girl!" Madison said with a smile as Adriana came up next to her. "I'm not feeling practice today." she said. Every day she hated going to practice, but then had a blast once she was there. Of course, it was all about attitude. Madison was a firm believer in the idea that if she wanted to have fun doing something, she would.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Cody Lafontaine
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0.00 INK

Cody read 'A's message as he walked towards the locker room. 'A' had texted him last week on his first day of school, but she hadn't made him do anything yet. He was a little nervous after hearing the stories of what he assumed were 'A' inspired insanities. He was still amazed that she knew his secrets. He could understand knowing about people who lived here their whole lives, but Chris just moved in. He still got lost on his way home now and then.

He slid his phone back in his pocket without replying. Madison and a girl who's name he thought was something like Adrian or Adrianna or Amelia or something like that were walking a few people in front of him. He swung his backpack onto his other shoulder as he caught up to them.

"Hey beautiful." He said as he swung an arm around Madison's shoulders. He knew she may or may not be dating that Chris guy, but she was still a good friend. He looked past her to the other girl and smiled. "I'm Cody by the way, most people just call me 'new guy' though."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Christopher Dawson Character Portrait: Cody Lafontaine
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"Adriana" She said shrugging.
She turned to Madison "SO about Chris" She paused to recollect her thoughts, "He's like so hot" she bit her lip, one of her many nervous habits. She could totally picture herself dating him. "I think I wanna ask him out" she sighed dramatically "But everyone says he's like not popular but I like him ALOT"

SHe knew how the school worked. Populars dated populars, Loners dated loners, Its how the school worked. She also knew 'A' would socially ruin her if they did date. She was totally nervous about asking too. She is so used to guys wanting her and having her pick of the litter. But he had shown no interest yet it drove her nuts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Christopher Dawson Character Portrait: Cody Lafontaine
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"Cody" Madison said, dragging his name out. She playfully pushed him off as the kept walking. Cody was funny, and unbelievably friendly, but she knew he had his secrets. It seemed strange that they had hung out a couple times since he came to school, but she didn't have the slightest idea as to where he lived. They always either went to her house or hung out somewhere random, but never his house. Or what about the fact that he didn't know what the present radio stations were in his own car? Or that he never changed them to the stations he actually listened to? She pushed all of that aside though, because he was new and he was an excellent friend.

"Wait," Madison said turning back to Adrianna. "Are you talking about Chris Dawson? About six feet, blonde hair?" My Chris? she thought. Not that he was actually hers in any way shape or form. In reality she didn't have the slightest clue where they stood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Cody Lafontaine
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"Yeah Why?" She frowned "Oh God are you dating him?" She bit her lip "I'm soooo sorry I had no clue" She said felling totally dumb.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Christopher Dawson Character Portrait: Cody Lafontaine
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Cody laughed, bouncing back watched Madison for her reaction as Adrianna mentioned Chris. He had heard all about their big reveal at least 100 times by now, but he still didn't understand. Maybe it would have made more sense if he had seen it form himself. With one arm he gave her a nearly imperceptible nudge, prompting her to respond.

He was interested to hear her answer as to whether or not they were dating. They had announced that they were secretly dating at the party, but based on everyone else's reactions it seemed to be almost impossible.

((the radio thing was clever, did you come up with that all by yourself ;) ))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Christopher Dawson Character Portrait: Cody Lafontaine
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Madison wasn't sure what to say. She felt Cody's gentle nudge, but it didn't help her come up with an answer. He was always reassuring though. "Aren't you going out with that wicked tall guy with the dark hair?" she said, changing the subject. It wasn't that Madison didn't trust Adrianna, she just wan't sure how to answer the question.

"See you later Cody." she said as they reached the locker rooms. She pushed open the door and walked in, holding it open behind her for Adrianna. She threw her bag on a bench and opened the zipper, pulling out her clothes.

((Nah, some loser made it up... --and I don't know where Chris and Madison are going to pick up, they were pretending to be dating in the last one, but happyface hasn't messaged me back so I'm not sure what's going on in this one yet so I just kind of had her avoid the question for now haha))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney
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"WHo?" She asked quickly putting her hair in a high ponytail. She threw her bag on the bench and opened it. Adriana put on a pair of black short shorts that said 'cheer' in red letters. She wore a loose fitting crop top with that was white with a red tank top underneath it. On her feet she wore knee high white socks with knee high converses. She left her silver large hoops on. She sat down on the bench once she was done changing.
{I wasn't in the last one so I wasn't sure}
Adriana felt bad enough about thinking she had a chance. Besides any guy would choose Mads over her. She was naturally skinny and pretty and perfect. She reached oin her bag and pulled out a water bottle. She poured wine in one bottle and water in the other. Because it was wine it only smelled like grape juice and was easy to hide. SHe just tole everybody she was on a cleanse. The truth was she wasn't eating so she could lose weight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney
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((No worries haha if they don't keep going with that though I would definitely go for it :) happyface is fun to rp with))

"I don't know, I thought I saw you with some guy over the weekend." Madison said as she pulled a pristine white tank top over her head. "I guess it wasn't you though." Once she had on her tank top and bright blue sophie shorts Madison threw her bag in one of the lockers.

A few of the other girls were in the room getting changed by now too. There had been so many of them at tryouts this year, it was crazy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Emmalina Santago
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Adriana shook her head "Not my type anyway," She began to stretch her long legs falling effortlessly into a split.
"Anyway I promise if you like Chris I will step aside, I pinkie promise." She said holding out her pinkie, she has known Mads since they were five. They and Emanuella were the cutest girls ever. SO they soon became best friends, they became cheerleaders in junior high and high school together. They always stuck together. Honestly she would be popular but not as popular as she is now without them. Mads had the skinny graceful body and exotic features, Lina was the fiery latina with the adorable face, and she had the long legs and model features (ie. pouty lips, bright eyes, clear skin, etc). They made the perfect trio. They always had and probably always will. And no guy was worth risking that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Emmalina Santago
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"Have you seen Lina?" Madison said, avoiding the subject again. One way or the other she would tell Adrianna eventually, she just wanted a chance to talk to Chris about everything first and figure out just where they stand. She pulled the laces tight on her new white cheer shoes as she tied them tight and sat down on the bench. She stretched out a little standing up. Practice always started with stretching, but it never hurt to get some extra in before hand. With one hand, Madison pulled her leg up into a scorpion, checking her phone with the other. It was times like these that she was grateful she had done so many years of dance and gymnastics. Together, the pair of activities gave her incredible flexibility and balance. Not to mention they kept her toned and thin considering how much she ate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Emmalina Santago Character Portrait: Cody Lafontaine
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"Nope" She said looking around the room for Lena "Be right back I have to go fill up my water bottle. She said grabbing the bottle that actually had water in it. She walked past the boys locker room and heard Zach's undeniable, loud voice and that guy Cody's "Shit" she cussed he would be out on the field at the same time she was practicing. She had avoided telling Mads and lina about her drunken make out session with that loud mouth loser. He may be a jock but he was super annoying.

She quickly ran to the water fountain. Then stopped by her locker took a quick sip of wine, applied lip gloss, and applied her "neutral face" pouty lips, drsleepy eyes, and occasionally raising her already perfectly arched eyebrows. She walked back and smiled "Lets hit the fields" She said a mischief grin on her face.
If you cant make them shut the hell up you can persuade 'A' to do it.
She picked up her phone.
To: A
Hi A its me, so I need a favor. I need you to help me make blabbermouth zach shut up. I'll do whatever you want in return.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: A Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Emmalina Santago
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Getting up two hours late,Emmalina walks up with a pain in her right eye. She groaned remember the fight she got in yesterday with her older adopted sister. She got out of bed and rans to her small closet,she slipped off her pajamas and put on her new outfit she set out the night before. She grabbed her make-up bag,knowing she would have to hide the black eye she was given. After a few minutes of fixing her make up hair. She checks outside her door not hearing a sound,they all mus have left. She grabbed the keys to her motorcycle and ran outside.She slipped on her black helmet before pulling away.

A few minutes later,she pulls in to the parking lot and into the spot next to all her friends. "Great,i'm late." She grabbed the keys to her bike before running inside. Once she got inside her phone started to viberate,with an unknown number. Reading the text,she swallowed the knot in her throat praying it was a joke. She pushed the reply button .

I don't know who the Hell you are what games you want to play but I swear if you tell anyone,any of my secerts I will kill you. But,what is on the menu this time?

She put her phone away and ran to her room,she smiled seeing a few of her friends. She exhaled knowing she just made it. "Hey mads,sorry i'm late. So where's Adriana?" She looked around for her friend but looked back at Madison. In the back of her mind she kept thinking about that text knowing it was just bullshit,well she hoped it was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: A Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Christopher Dawson
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Not paying attention to anything, Chris walked into school, late again. After arriving earlier, he had went back home for study hall. His phone was in his pocket, and the second it vibrated, he flinched. He knew who it was before he checked it, but that didn't make reading it any easier. Reading it quickly, he typed out a simple reply.

To: A
So, what's this week's challenge?

He had just finished typing when he thought of a second person he needed to text, and he pulled his phone back out.

Hey. Meet me during lunch?

He walked to his locker, opening it easily because it was rigged, and dumped his bag inside, waiting for a reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Emmalina Santago
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Adriana walked back in the locker room and saw Lina "Hey chica," She said propping herself on the top of the counter. She examined her stomach in the mirror. Sucking in her stomach she frowned in disapproval. Then she applied lip gloss and got of the counter.
"Anyway," she said slowly "I don't see why we cant practice in the gym its hot outside" she played with her large hoops in boredom.

She had been a cheerleader since 6th grade. It was easy for her to do. She was also a flyer, it made her feel like a queen being praised by her subjects. She stretched into a scorpion and turned to Emmalina. Who's eye looked a bit irritated and puffy. She reached in her pouch and pulled out some concealer. Discretely she set it next to Lina.She naturally was as tan as Lina because her mom was Greek and her dad was Italian.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna Character Portrait: Madison Delaney Character Portrait: Emmalina Santago
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Mads noticed Lina's eye, but she kept her mouth shut. There was no need to call her out on it in front of the whole team. She heard her phone buzz on the bench next to her and automatically assumed it was 'A'. Chris's name popping up instead was a pleasant surprise.

"Meet me during lunch?"

Madison actually laughed a little bit as she opened up a blank text to answer him. Did he not realize school was already over?

To: Chris
Message: Lunch was hours ago, but after practice?

She threw her phone in her bag and turned back to the girls. "Ready ladies?" she said as she took a step towards the door. Sitting still was nearly impossible. Madison had to be moving at all times, no matter what.