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When the War Began

When the War Began


When the small town, Sycott, South Carolina is invaded a group of ordinary friends must become soldiers in order to save their families, their town and their country. (Still Accepting)

1,797 readers have visited When the War Began since Calvazara created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:,,_when_the_war_began


“In our time, no foreign army has ever occupied American soil. Until now.”


Day 22

It’s been just over three weeks since the invasion started, swarms of troops gathering at Sycott Harbor, according to reports it’s one of five ports captured by the enemy in the South. They’re planning something big we can all feel it; it’s been far too quiet these past few days, no planes or helicopters flying over head to try and relocate our position. Are we thankful? Relieved? No, at least when they were flying overhead we knew they hadn’t found us, the not knowing has caused apprehension to set in, many are filled with dread, I included. But in this situation fear is dangerous; we’re starting to turn on each other, everyone is suspicious of anything and everything making tensions high. What are we to do? There seems to be no one else. Only the ruthless enemy remains, our families are either dead or imprisoned and I’m beginning to think that they are the lucky ones, I hate myself for feeling it, but what we are left with is a fate worse than hell. One thing for sure is that I am not going to sit here any longer and wait for them to come and get us, we have killed them and they have killed some of us, what I’ve turned into doesn’t make me proud but if I’m going down, I’m taking some of them with me.

-Laura Anderson

The Plot

In a small South Carolina town called, Sycott it is just another ordinary February day for a group of six friends, they attend their local high school when half way through the day the military arrive, the only problem is they are not American soldiers, things quickly turn from bad to worse when the principle is shot in front of the students when he questions what they are doing there. The rest of the enemy soldiers soon open fire on the students, amiss all the chaos the friends manage to escape, driving from house to house to find that their parents are missing or dead. On the road to safety they come across some treacherous paths as they go from innocent high school seniors to battle hardened soldiers as they face the enemy in guerilla warfare as they fight and die to take back what is important to them. Little do they know that it is not only South Carolina which is under attack, but the entire Eastern Seaboard.

The Characters

Male 1: Xavier Cane
Male 2: Jagger Steele
Male 3: Alexander "Xand" Ripplet
Male 4: Danny Parker
Male 5:

Female 1:Laura Anderson
Female 2:Allison Burnett
Female 3:Ellie Dennis
Female 4:
(May add more character dependent on popularity)

Age: (All characters are between 17-19)
Appearance: (Realistic Picture and description)

Good Traits:
Bad Traits:
Thoughts on Killing/Fighting:
Your characters first reaction to the violence: (Would they run away, will they stand and fight, Will they cower? Diversity please!)
Weapon of choice:

Family: (Add their current status i.e Alive, Deceased or Captured)

The Rules

*No God modding
*Be considerate to other players
*Literate Players only
* Post at least three times a week
*Character reservation last 24 hours
*Be prepared to edit your character if they are too similar to another
*Violence is a big part of this RP only join if you can handle that.
*Posts to be a good paragraph
*Only submit a character if you intend on staying active in this RP
*Put "Take back" at the end of your character application, so I Know you have read these rules
*Swearing is allowed
*Be inventive but not crazy
*Remember w can't all be heroes so it's okay for your character NOT to go on every mission
*Romance is allowed but we don't need graphic details.
*Enjoy yourself's, I say this because I really do want you to enjoy this RP!

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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10th February began like any other for Laura Anderson, a high pitched ringing awoke her from her slumber at 6am like usual, letting out a low grow she hit the snooze button before turning her head and closing her eyes once more. Until five minutes later when her alarm clock once again rang out into her room, opening her eyes she finally swung her legs over the edge of the bed and turned the ringing off, with a large yawn and stretch Laura stood up, walking over to her window she opened up the curtains and sunlight quickly flooded the room, causing Laura to squint until her eyes adjusted. Looking out the window she smiled it surely was a beautiful day, the sky was blue, without a cloud insight, yet the frost on the ground showed the winter chill that was still eminent.

Grabbing her dressing gown Laura opened the door to the hall and walked towards the bathroom quietly as to not wake her mom and younger sister. Laura quickly showered and then walked back to her bed room, sitting down at her dressing table she blow dried her long hair, before applying her make-up. Once satisfied with her appearance she went to her wardrobe and pulled out her outfit for the day, when she was ready she checked the time on her cell, only to notice that there was no signal, with a shrug she quickly dismissed it putting it back into her bag. Walking out of her room she went to her sisters room to see her sleeping peacefully, with a small smile she sat down on the edge of the bed and ran a hand over her sisters hair “Mornin Luce” she spoke softly as her sister stirred “Come on darlin, time to get ready for school” she said as Lucy opened her eyes.

Once Lucy was up and dressed they walked down stairs to see her mom hurrying around the kitchen preparing breakfast “mornin mama” Laura chirped taking a seat at the table.

Carole turned at smiled at her eldest daughter “Mornin baby. We got a letter from your dad today” she smiled widely, Laura rushed over to the envelope with her name on and opened it quickly, the smile on her face made her happiness evident “What’s that?” Lucy sleepily asked from the table.

“A letter from daddy” She smiled brightly, getting the other envelope of the counter top “There’s one for you too” she said handing it over to her little sister who immediately seemed brighter.

Laura felt a lump in her throat as she read her letter, she tried not to think about her dad and brother often for she would often end up crying about the dangerous situation they were in, yet, whenever she received a letter or phone call of one of them she was set in a bright mood for the rest of the week.

“Lori baby, come sit down for breakfast” her mama said carrying the last breakfast dish to the table. Her mama was a big believer in ‘breakfasts the most important meal of the day’ and so she never let one of her children leave without a full, hearty breakfast and today it looked like blueberry pancakes, her favourite.

As they ate breakfast they chatted happily amongst each other “Want me to drop Luce off to school on my way?” Laura asked helping her mom clear the table.

“That would be a big help if you don’t mind darlin” Carole said loading the dishes into the dishwasher.

Laura shook her head “Not at all” she smiled giving her mom a kiss goodbye “Luce come on I’m taking you too school” she said walking into the hall to put on her shoes on and grabbed her bag “you ready?” she called to her sister, grabbing the keys to the Jeep her father let her use when he was deployed.

A few minutes later they were pulling out of the drive, Laura leant forward to turn the radio station but was just greeted by static “Luce try and find a station” she asked not wanting to distract herself from the road. Lucy turned the dial trying to find a station but nothing came through “huh, well maybe there’s something wrong with the radio” she said with a slight shrug.

It wasn’t long until they pulled up in front of Lucy’s school “Have a good day, I’ll be here to pick you up at three.” Lucy jumped out of the car saying goodbye to her sister before running over to a group of her friends. Luckily her school was no more than a ten minute drive across town from Lucy’s, pulling into a car parking space, cutting the engine, before getting out she tried the radio once more yet she was still greeted by static, a confused look crossed her face “too strange” she stated again quickly dismissing it with a shrug. Grabbing her bag she got out of the car and walked towards the building, grabbing her cell phone she went to text her friend Ginger, yet there was still no signal “What is going on?”


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Character Portrait: Laura Anderson Character Portrait: Xavier Kane
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After sweeping the floors, washing the laundry, and wiping down the tables, Xavier was ready to go to school. His outfit was made up with a baby blue t shirt and rbight white skinny jeans that weren't too tight. His feet were covered with black and silver converse sneakers. He grabbed his phone, keys and bag before dashing out to his new Honda civic. Well, actually it was used but it was new to him and he was quite satisfied with it. He tried to turn the radio on but there was too much static, so he started humming one of his favorite tunes from his favorite song of his favorites band. There weren't any clouds in the sky and he was smiling. It looked like it would be a nice day. Then he turned into the driveway of Dunkin Donuts and ordered a dozen donuts plus a large coffee coolatta. He got one every morning, there was no way he could live without them.

"Crap," He looked at the time and pressed down on the gas pedal. He should have been at the library to tutor this freshman girl about ten minutes ago. He groaned in annoyance. Poor kid, he'd have to call and apologize for missng the tutor session. He skidded into the parking lot of their school and quickly got out of his car, fishing his worn black bag for his phone.

"Come on," He muttered looking for it and soon he felt a cool rectangular metal object and triumphantly took it. Then he shook his black hair out of his eyes and started dialing the number. He stared at the bright screen frustratedly. "No signal? Why isn't this working?" He whipped his head up and looked around, he would feel awful if he wasn't able to contact the girl and apologize for not showing up. Xavier narrowed his eyes and spotted his friend Laura. He smiled and started running up to her.

"Hey Laura, Can I use your phone?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Laura Anderson Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis Character Portrait: Xavier Kane
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"Ellie, Ellie, Wake up!"
Ellie opened her eyes to see her mother looming over her. "Get up, you'll be late for school," her mother told her. "I don't wanna' go to school, I wanna' sleep," Ellie mumbled, rolling over. Her mother sighed and yanked the blanket off the bed. "Hey!" Ellie protested. "Get Up. Now," her mother ordered. "Fine, fine," she muttered as her mother left the room. She got dressed and brushed and straightened her hair.

She headed down to the kitchen and made herself some pancakes. She placed on some strawberries and drizzled on some whipped cream, before adding a dollop of ice cream. Her father walked into the kitchen. "You shouldn't be eating such unhealthy things at breakfast," he said. "It's got strawberries," Ellie protested, mouth full of whipped cream. Just then her mother entered. She walked over to her father and wrapped her arms around his neck and began kissing him lightly on the lips. "Ugh," Ellie grumbled, pushing her plate away from her. "I'm outta' here." She swung her bag over one of her shoulders and rushed out to her car. She looked at her phone, checking the time. "Shit," she muttered, quickly slipping her phone back into her bag. She turned the keys, and the car came to life.

She parked her car in the school parking lot and hopped out. "Hey, Laura! Xavier!" she called, jogging over to them, waving her hands like a maniac. She stopped beside them and pushed her brown hair from her face absentmindedly. "I'm not late for once," she joked. "So, what did I miss?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brendon Layne Character Portrait: Laura Anderson Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis Character Portrait: Xavier Kane
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"Just one more lap!" His sister, Katherine, called out to Brendon, a happy smirk on her face. He groaned. He had already been training for an hour and a half, and his body was starting to get tired. He rolled his eyes, pushing his goggles back down over them and pushing fiercely off the wall into the pool. His arms moved quickly, his legs kicking with muscle as he swam quickly in one more lap. As he reached the wall again, he hoped out of the pool, breathing heavily.

"Remind me never to take you training with me again." He said to his sister, catching the towel she threw him. Katherine laughed. "It's not my fault that you brought me. Oh and by the way, you have fifteen minutes to get to school." She said, checking her watch. Brendon groaned loudly and stood up. "Thanks for the warning." He sarcastically yelled over his shoulder, running into the boys changing room. His sister waited outside the door as he changed. "How are you going to get to school?" Brendon called, nearly done changing. "I can walk. It's not too far." Katherine replied.

Brendon sighed, exiting the changing room and grabbing her arm as he started towards the door. "Call Kelly to come pick you up okay?" He asked, seriousness pastered on his face. Katherine gave a slight nod, ushering him out the door. "I'll be fine. Now go! You have ten minutes." Brendon gave her a quick hug and nodded his head, going over to his motor cycle. "Wait!" Katherine called, running over to him. She signalled to the bag she was holding and Brendon reached in, pulling something small and furry out of his bag. He unzipped part of his jacket and slipped it in, giving it enough space to breathe. He turned around and hoped on his harley, reaving the engine and taking off.

He smiled as the wind whipped through his hair, literally. Time wouldn't be an issue at the speed he was going at, and anyways the school wasn't too far from the pool. In a few minutes, he was there. Brendon rode into the parking lot, parking his motorcycle and getting off. His hands were on the front of his jacket, keeping most of it closed and a little open. He looked around for his friends, and saw them. Laura, Xavier and Ellie. He walked over to them, looking into his jacket every few second. "Hello," he said, giving everyone a warm smile.


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Character Portrait: Brendon Layne Character Portrait: Laura Anderson Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis Character Portrait: Xavier Kane
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Ally groans as the alarm clock wakes her up, she'd had a great dream that now was a distant memory. she hits her alarm clock for it to shut up and for once it does as she wants. she glimps at the time, noticing that she has a full hour to get ready until she has to get in the car and drive to school. She gets up and walks towards the bath room, taking a quick shower to wake up. When she gets back into her bedroom she looks at the time and notices that that "quick shower" hadn't been so quick after all. "SHIT!" she rushes to her desk, getting the blowdryer and drying her hair, then almost running to the big pile of clothes by the wardrobe that she hadn't had energy to put away yesterday. she gets a pair of high waisted jeans shorts and a white top with some funny print on it, the sun is shining out and there isn't a cloud in the sky so it seems to be warm, and rushes out of the room and down the stairs, skipping breakfast cause there really isn't any time. " bye mum! bye dad!" she yells as she picks up the large converse bag from the hallway. She hears them mutter something as a goodbye before she's out the door and in the car, speeding down it to be in time for school. She reaches it only minutes before they start and goes to her friends she sees a little further ahead, "hey guys what's up?"


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Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt
"Ugggghhhh..." The young male hadn't gotten sleep most of the night, his dreams haunted by the demons of his own creation. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"Could this day get any worse?" He had asked to no one in particular. He rolled out of bed and started towards the mirror in the adjacent bathroom. He looked at the bags under his eyes, the bags that had only gotten worse in the recent weeks. He seemed to stare into the alternative universe, where a mirror image of himself seemed to stare right back. "You must be having a hard time too..." He asks his reflection with a sigh, turning on the faucet and starting his daily routine.
Brush the teeth, fiddle with his piercings, shower, dress in the day's clothes. The deeping purple under his eyes paled in comparison to the blackness of his clothes. A black hoodie with a picture of the fourth horseman plastered across the front, and leaking into the back. His jeans, baggy, yet still a dark blue. His brown hair was spiked with a small amount of gel, just enough to spike it, but just little enough to keep his hair pliable. He glanced at the clock.
"Time to start out..." He reminds himself, walking into the nearby kitchen. The small one story house was just enough for him and his dad, despite his dad working long hours at the plant, and basically never being home. Smiling to himself, he sees a small brown bag sitting on the kitchen counter.
"Thanks dad." He says as he grabs a cereal bar and his lunch, placing the latter in his backpack with his books, and starts to eat his cereal bar as he walks the long three miles to school, just to arrive early enough to dodge the masses of people that tend to flock to the school right before the first bell rings. He slumps in his desk in Homeroom, starting to scribble on his paper that he had pulled out to kill time before the rest of the class shows up.
He always managed to make it to school before most of the faculty and had to be let in by the janitor, who he has had more than a few long discussions with, and reveled in the silence before the rest of the school arrived. His friends never really showed up until about halfway through their first class, so he was always alone that first period...


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Laura Anderson Character Portrait: Allison Burnett Character Portrait: Ginevera "Ginger" Miles Character Portrait: Xavier Kane
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It was an everyday ritual for Ginger to wake up earlier than the most of the town, she has to make sure their chickens are fed and plants watered even before she takes her own breakfast. It was more of a rewards for her though, cause at the end of her morning tasks her grandmother make sure she serves the three of them the best breakfast as much as she can. Yeah, times can be tough but living in a small town has it's benefits. They have to thank the good soil and great small town. Even if they live off of her grandparents welfare and and retirement benefits (plus a little value she got after her parents died) they were able to live a comfortable life. They barely had anything to spend on since they grow or breed most of their food in their small farm and that her grand parents are healthier than a bull despite their old age, the three of them had nothing more to be thankful for.

She was an only child and was left under her grandparents care when her parents died when she was 13, they had a car accident which led her father to be DOA and her mom in a coma for a few months. When she was turning 14, she had to make the hardest decision of her life. Sign the papers with her grandparents to pull off the cord and finally letting her mom rest in peace instead of deteriorating and looking like a limp vegetable.

Despite, the dark phase of her life Ginger still lead a positive life thanks to the support of her grandparents.

Just before she had left the house the same time she does every weekday, she dumped an apple on her backpack and made sure she had her pepper spray (disguised as a lipstick) and Swiss knife with her usual things. In a few minutes she was just a block away from the school. She checked her water proof wrist watch to see what time it was, it was awkwardly quiet even for an early morning. Cold even, good thing she brought her hoodie her bag. She pulled it out as she continued to walk, catching glimpse of her phone which weirdly doesn't have any signal. She cursed her subscription quietly as she pulled the zipper close and wore her hoodie.

She turned in the corner. She walked a little faster, checked both sides if there was an incoming vehicle and crossed the street towards the school. She doubted anyone was as early as she was but saw a familiar face, he was welcomed by the school janitor but Ginger decided to seat by the steps of the entrance and wait for her friends. Besides she needs to soak up on some Vit D from the sun, it'll keep her warm and comfy.

After a few minutes after half an hour, she saw her friend's jeep parking as a few more students arrived as well. Laura might have not noticed her as her friend pulled out her cellphone from her bag and had Xavier then Ally rushing, joined her. "Yo Lor! X! Al!" She called out their names.

She grabbed her backpack and stood up, "Can it be more chilly?" She approached them as she shivered.


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If anyone lived around Jagger's house they might complain about the loud music emanating from the garage door at 5:45 in the morning. Some screamo rock here, heavy metal there, even some heavy dubstep once in awhile is what was driving Jagger to lift up his bar of 245 lbs from the rack of the bench for his third set of 10. As the bar came down towards his chest Jagger sucked in some air and with an explosion sent the bar up to where his arms were straight, he continued this nine more times and racked the weight back up with a loud clang. Jagger sat up with his elbows on his knees, feeling the burn he looked at the ground really thinking about nothing. He planted both feet on the ground and stood up. He walked towards the stereos and grabbed his water bottle took a swig and sat it back down while grabbing a jump rope and started his cool down excersizes by jumping rope for 5 minutes.

Jagger was jumping in front of a mirror he had in the garage to help him keep rhythm and correct any mistakes in his techniques. Jagger normally never cares much for name brands but he loves the heck out of Under Armour, which shows by his whole work out outfit. He was wearing Matching blue compression shirt and shorts underneath the black Combine shirt and shorts. And of course he was wearing the Under Armour Attack training shoes. Call him crazy but he loves the brand when it comes to working out.

A few minutes later Jagger finished his rope as well as stretching and turned off the stereo before opening the door to get in the house. He finished the water bottle and mixed some protein up while being satisfied for working out for a good hour. He took off his shirt and shoes before drinking his protein. He walked towards the bathroom while chugging down the shake. He put the empty container down on a table near the entrance of the bathroom. He walked in stripped and took a good hot shower. He walked out of the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his stomach and extending to his knees, grabbed the empty protein container and threw it in the kitchen sink as he walked past to go in his room. He turned on his radio to listen to some news just to find static, on every station. Jagger shrugged and turned off the radio figuring he needs to buy a new one.

He threw on a fitted black shirt with a faded graphic representing the UA logo with the words "Tactical" behind it. He also grabbed a random pair of jeans and put on his blue Vans. He threw some gel in his hair to keep his hair looking messy and grabbed his mirrored Aviators. He walked back to the kitchen opened the fridge and grabbed some orange juice and an apple. He chugged the orange juice down and chomped on the apple. Jagger grabbed the keys from the key hanger by the garage door to his Black V6 2011 Nissan Altima. but before he left he looked at the pictures of his father in some desert and his brother in some jungle. Jagger said a quick prayer for them to be safe wherever they are and left the house.

Jagger walked past the home gym to the opposite side of the garage and entered his black car. He sat down and sighed as he thought about how lonely it is to be the only one living in the house before starting his car. The garage door opened and Jagger pulled out, shut the garage and roared down the lonely road to town. He tried the radio and all he got was static, he shrugged again. Maybe a sun spot he thought. After a few minutes he reached th school parking lot and parked near a familiar Jeep. He got out with his Multicam backpack and walked towards the entrance.

"Can it be more chilly?" Ginger said to the very familiar group of friends. Jagger chuckled," Don't be such a little girl!" he secretly hoped he startled her since he was behind her and all. He winked at Ginger and greeted everyone else with a good ole "Mornin!" He kept walking and stood next to Laura flashed a smile and said playfully," Is it possible for you not to look pretty?" He looked around with his smile and asked a question not really directed at anyone," Has anyone else had any problems with their radios?"


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jagger Steele Character Portrait: Brendon Layne Character Portrait: Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice Character Portrait: Laura Anderson Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis Character Portrait: Allison Burnett Character Portrait: Ginevera "Ginger" Miles Character Portrait: Xavier Kane Character Portrait: Alexander "Xand" Ripplet
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"Don't be such a little girl!" A voice suddenly said behind her. It was no other than Jagger and it made her frown, he always picks on her and never saw her more than a friend while she kept her admiration for him a secret. Sometimes she questions herself whether it was right to continue liking him eventhough he saw her as a friend.

"Whatever," She adjusted her backpack and gave him a glare. And then he focused his attention towards her best friend, Laura, and said, "Is it possible for you not to look pretty?"

OUCH! Her heart felt a grip of jealousy as he openly admired her best friend. It made her look down at her shoes as she played with her balance and bit her lower lip. Of course Laura always got the attention- she's taller, prettier, and has a better lifestyle than her. Who would want to date a girl who's living with two old people and a farm at their backyard?

Then suddenly Jagger changed the topic and asked, "Has anyone else had any problems with their radios?"

Come to think of it, Grandpa wasn't listening to his favorite radio station this morning like he always does.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jagger Steele Character Portrait: Brendon Layne Character Portrait: Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice Character Portrait: Laura Anderson Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis Character Portrait: Allison Burnett Character Portrait: Ginevera "Ginger" Miles Character Portrait: Xavier Kane Character Portrait: Alexander "Xand" Ripplet
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Alli looks at Ginger, trying to see how she was after Jagger's not so subtle flirting with Laura. That has gotta hurt but Ginger only looked down on the ground and bit her lip, no freaking out. It seemed like Jagger didn't even know that Ginger liked him or he was just playing dumb, which made the whole thing even worse than if he just didn't know.

When the subject gets changed to the radio problem she flinches, so she hadn't been the only one with statics instead of music."so it wasn't just me? thought it was something wrong with my car or something." she looks around their small group, apparantly she hadn't been the only one with radio problems, which didn't seem right, what was going on?

She reaches in to her bag to call her mum and ask her to put some money on her bank card so she could buy lunch. she find the phone and looks at it, no signal. "damnit what is wrong now then? this is the third time this month! hey can I borrow anyones phone mine doesn't have any signal. she dumps her phone back into the bag and feels her stomach rumbling, " and maybe something to eat? I forgot to eat breakfast"


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Laura smiled brightly as Xavier walked over to her "Hey" she greeted "Hey Laura, Can I use your phone?" Laura raised an eyebrow "yours not working either?" she asked, pulling her cell out of her bag "I've not been able to get a signal all morning" she stated, checking to see if it had come back yet, shaking her head she dropped it back into her bag "nada" she said with a shrug.

"Hey, Laura! Xavier!" A voice called and Laura immediately knew who it was "Hey Ellie" she replied cheerfully to one of her best friends, greeting the girl with a hug
"I'm not late for once," she joked making Laura laugh "I know It's a freakin' miracle!" she mocked playfully."So, what did I miss?" Ellie asked, Laura simply shrugged "not a lot really, no ones cells are working though" she explained "Well neither mine or Xavier's, what about yours?" She asked curiously.

Brendon walked over to the with a happy smile on his face "Hey" Laura greeted with a small smile "What on earth are you hiding?" she asked with a raised eyebrow noticing him keep glancing at his bag, She let it drop for a moment as Ally wandered over to them, she gave her friend a warm hug.

Ginger was the next member to join the group and Laura greeted her best friend with a warm hug "hey hon, I got a letter from my dad today" she said quietly with Ginger being the only one who she ever spoke about her father and brothers deployment and her emotions on the topic, Laura couldn't help but feel a little guilty whenever she mentioned her parents but Ginger's grandparents were the greatest, she considered them her surrogate ones, considering hers had died a long time ago and Grandma Miles made the greatest damned apple pie in America, Not to mention all the times she would play with Ginger up at the farm, some of her happiest memories were revolved around the Mile's family.

Laura laughed slightly as Jagger popped up behind Ginger, startling her best friend slightly "Is it possible for you not to look pretty?" Jagger asked playfully making Lori roll her eyes "you know for a quarterback your pretty soft" she smirked teasing her friend "Has anyone else had any problems with their radios?" Jagger asked, she was surprised to learn that it wasn't just her "so it wasn't just me? thought it was something wrong with my car or something" Ally answered and Laura nodded in agreement "Yeah I thought the same thing, It's a bit strange don't ya think, no cell or radio signal?" Reaching into her bag she pulled out an apple "You can have this to put you on if ya like?" she offered it too Ally.


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Brendon nodded his head, watching the conversation of his friends go on. He flinched slightly when they talked about no signal. What about Katherine, he thought. She's probably stuck at the pool still. "Uh maybe just all of your phones are messed up?" he proposed, hoping he was right. He didn't talk too much when he was with the group, rather he sat back and watched. Suddenly, out of no where, a noise like a bark came from his shirt. Brendon looked down at it, still holding it awkwardly and coughed hoping none of them would notice.


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"Damn it," Xavior scowled. Then he looked up.

"Oh I have donuts in the car, Alli,"

He handed her his keys as he redialed the number. He also had to call his sister. He had left her breakfast in the microwave. He didn't want her to not have any food before she went to Middle school. "C'mon!" He shoved the phone deep into his pocket. "I stood this girl up at the library today, Think she'll be pissed?"

He shrugged, but he was starting to feel really guilty. Even though his language wasn't the best he was considered the "nice" one of the group.

"Uh maybe just all of your phones are messed up?" Brandon suggested. Xavier glanced at him suddenly as a bark came from his shirt.

"Dude, why's your shirt making noises?" He asked tilting his head.


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"what was that? that sounded like a dog, haha was that you?" Ally asks Brendon seeing him cough. "ooh thanks I'm staaarving!" she takes the apple from Laura and starts eating it.

she takes Xavier keys and starts walking towards his car noticing how quiet it was she looks up at the big watch on the school, it says half past eleven which seems a bit strange. " hey is it just me or is that clock not working? what time is it?" she looks back around at her friend seeing them look up at the clock and back at their own on their phones or watches. the place is almost deserted and it seems they are the only ones not running to class."crap.... are we late or something?" she asks, panic starting to wash over her. THis was not a good start of the day.


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Character Portrait: Xavier Kane
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Xavier looked up as Ally panicked. His eyes narrowed at the empty court yard. Where had all the other students gone? THey were there just a few moment ago...

"The times are all wrong." He stated, looking at his cell and then at the pocket watch that hung on a silver chain that clipped onto his silver, black and green belt. Both were different from each other.

"What the hell." He swore. He had obviously jinxed it. HE had thought it was going to be a good day and not it was as screwy as its ever been.

"What a crappy day," Xavier commented, looking around.


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"Just a cough. Don't worry." Brendon said, looking back in his shirt, then to the clock. He looked around for other students, and after not seeing any frowned. "We're late aren't we?" He said, hitting his head with his hand.

It seemed this group was always late, no matter what. But why wasn't the clock working? The clock ALWAYS worked. He shrugged it off. This school's weird, he thought. Real weird. Then he looked at Ally, walking over to the car to get the doughnuts, and he laughed slightly. "Grab me one eh?" He said, the smile coming back into his face.

"extremely creepy," Brendon said, shrugging it off. He just wanted to make sure his sister was okay.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jagger Steele Character Portrait: Brendon Layne Character Portrait: Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice Character Portrait: Laura Anderson Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis Character Portrait: Ginevera "Ginger" Miles Character Portrait: Xavier Kane Character Portrait: Alexander "Xand" Ripplet
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9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jagger Steele Character Portrait: Brendon Layne Character Portrait: Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice Character Portrait: Laura Anderson Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis Character Portrait: Allison Burnett Character Portrait: Ginevera "Ginger" Miles Character Portrait: Xavier Kane Character Portrait: Alexander "Xand" Ripplet
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Ellie checked her phone. "Mine's not working either," she muttered. "Hey, is it just me, or is that clock not working? What time is it?" Ally asked. Ellie followed her gaze to the school clock, and then to her phone. "The times are all wrong," Xavier noted. Ellie rolled her eyes. "No shit," she teased. "But...why?" She glanced around at the group. She had a bad feeling...

"We should probably head to class," she added. "Hey, where is everyone else?" Strange...she was sure everyone else had been there just a few minutes ago. They were definitely there when she had arrived, at least, she though they were. "We're late, aren't we?" Brendon said. "I didn't think I was late today but..." Ellie shrugged. "Brendan looked over at Ally, who was approaching Xaviers car, going to get the doughnuts. "Grab me one, eh?" he asked, smile forming on his face. "And me!" Ellie grinned.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jagger Steele Character Portrait: Brendon Layne Character Portrait: Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice Character Portrait: Laura Anderson Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis Character Portrait: Allison Burnett Character Portrait: Ginevera "Ginger" Miles Character Portrait: Xavier Kane Character Portrait: Danny Parker
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Laura listened patiently to her friends conversation, looking at the clocks she gave a slight shrug "Maybe there's been a power cut" she rationalized "i'm sure it's nothing to worry about" she smiled "But your right we should head to class, besides I have History with Jackass Jones" she groaned in frustration walking into the building "And I don't need another tardy on my record" she stated with a small laugh.


Danny Parker sped to school that morning, after waking up a mere twenty minutes ago, it was a miracle that he was only running five minutes late. He munched on his toast as he drove, washing it down with a bottle of water, pulling out his phone he tried to send a text to his cousin Laura, telling her that he would be late but upon trying to send it he noticed he had no signal "god damn it" he cursed dropping his phone onto the passengers seat. Hitting a red light at the intersection he groaned in frustration, hitting his steering wheel with some force, when the light turned to green moments later her sped off towards the school. Luckily when he arrived he soon found a car parking space, getting out he spotted Ally over Xavier's car, at least he wasn't going to be the only late one this morning "Hey Al!" he called walking over to his friend "What ya doin?" he asked "Dude are they donuts!?" he asked, his stomach rumbling.


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"you know for a quarterback your pretty soft" Laura had said in reply to his comment. "I'm a linebacker thank you, I'm a little meaner than most QBs!" He said with a wink. To most people watchingJagger and Laura they would think he was flirting so he could pick her up, but in actuality that's how good of friends they were. Jagger wouldn't be afraid to test out new pickup lines on her and he'd record her reaction for when he really had to use it.

After silently listening to the conversations about phones and the the radios and the clocks Jagger shivered. "This sounds like an EMP just burst above us..." he thought to himself," it can't be though, no one is stupid enough to hit the heartland..." He frowned as he was thinking about this. Jagger forgot to turn on his phone, so he decided to check it and sure enough it wasn't getting service.

He forced himself to stop freaking out and put a smile on his face. Joining the conversation he said," I don't mind being late, Coach Samuel teaches psychology so he won't mind. But I'd rather not push my luck." Switching the subject," No one wanted that apple but everyone wants a donut. Really guys?" He let out a small chuckle as he walked towards the classroom. He turned around looked at ginger," Hey are we going or what?" he said with his smile


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Brendon started walking into the school, still clutching his sweatshirt, when he stopped, a quick pass of nervousness on his face. "Uh guys what period is first?" He asked. The class that he was 90% sure was first had a teacher allergic to dogs. Wouldn't that just be great?

Today's gunna be even worse I guess, he thought. trying to come up with a solution. You can't just put it in your locker can you.. or leave it in the hallway. Can you?


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Character Portrait: Xavier Kane Character Portrait: Danny Parker
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"The doors still unlosked, Help yourself," Xavier grinned at Danny and pulled his keys gently out of Aly's hands. He glanced at the building uninterestedly. He'd much rather stay out here and just chill. He also wanted the phones to start working. He needed to wake his sister up. If he didn't she'd probably stay in bed all day and skip school.

He He sighed and fiddled with a strand of hair. "Guess we should head on in, huh?"


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"seems like it, can't believe im going to have to go to detention again! this is all you guys fault!" she says jokingly, eating at the doughnut in her hand then walking briskly back to ginger to give her one. " here you go, fresh from Xaviers car! crap I think I have math as first lesson.. I'm screwed, meet you guys at the cafeteria for lunch?" she asks them all, then walking towards her classrooom where a very nice detention slip will be given to her.

and true enough there it is.


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Xavier quickly followed after her. He had math with her afterall. He walked in just in time to see Ally be handed a detention sllip. He sighed. Detention again? He didn't want that. Nope. He pulled the teacher aside as she was his mothers friend. THe teacher gave a curt nod waved her hand to let him go. He smirked and walked slowly to his seat in the back of class. If he had detention, there was no way for his sister to get home since both parents worked late. She hated riding the bus... He sighed, he loved his sister but sometimes she was so much trouble with her issues.


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She gapes as she sees that Xavier got away without a detention slip. Since she sits in the seat infront of him she turn around and look at him. " how the hell did you get away without a slip? that is not fair! I don't want to be alone in detention" she pouts. She hears someone cough beside her and slowly looks up."ooops" She sees Mrs. Dalton stand beside her with a frown. " so a detention slip is not enough for you. Would you like another one or will you let me hold my lesson". As she hears the words she nods and stays quiet. If she gets to many detention slips her parents will take her car. "good, then I will now continue teaching this class math"

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Sycott by Calvazara


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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis
Character Portrait: Allison Burnett
Character Portrait: Xavier Kane
Character Portrait: Jagger Steele
Character Portrait: Brendon Layne
Character Portrait: Ginevera "Ginger" Miles
Character Portrait: Stan Block
Character Portrait: Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice
Character Portrait: Michael Cannon


Character Portrait: Michael Cannon
Michael Cannon

Wood shop teacher

Character Portrait: Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice
Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice

"Fight smart."

Character Portrait: Stan Block
Stan Block

I'm a farmer. I grow corn and cattle, sometimes wheat. Oh, and coffee beans! Good times.

Character Portrait: Ginevera "Ginger" Miles
Ginevera "Ginger" Miles

having me around will keep you sane- trust me

Character Portrait: Jagger Steele
Jagger Steele

Well there goes the neighborhood

Character Portrait: Xavier Kane
Xavier Kane

How glorious

Character Portrait: Allison Burnett
Allison Burnett

why did this have to happen to us?

Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis
Ellie Dennis

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.


Character Portrait: Xavier Kane
Xavier Kane

How glorious

Character Portrait: Jagger Steele
Jagger Steele

Well there goes the neighborhood

Character Portrait: Stan Block
Stan Block

I'm a farmer. I grow corn and cattle, sometimes wheat. Oh, and coffee beans! Good times.

Character Portrait: Ginevera "Ginger" Miles
Ginevera "Ginger" Miles

having me around will keep you sane- trust me

Character Portrait: Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice
Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice

"Fight smart."

Character Portrait: Allison Burnett
Allison Burnett

why did this have to happen to us?

Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis
Ellie Dennis

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

Character Portrait: Michael Cannon
Michael Cannon

Wood shop teacher

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Michael Cannon
Michael Cannon

Wood shop teacher

Character Portrait: Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice
Ayala "j@ck50n" Brice

"Fight smart."

Character Portrait: Jagger Steele
Jagger Steele

Well there goes the neighborhood

Character Portrait: Xavier Kane
Xavier Kane

How glorious

Character Portrait: Ellie Dennis
Ellie Dennis

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

Character Portrait: Allison Burnett
Allison Burnett

why did this have to happen to us?

Character Portrait: Stan Block
Stan Block

I'm a farmer. I grow corn and cattle, sometimes wheat. Oh, and coffee beans! Good times.

Character Portrait: Ginevera "Ginger" Miles
Ginevera "Ginger" Miles

having me around will keep you sane- trust me

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Most recent OOC posts in When the War Began

Re: When the War Began.

One question!, are we waiting for anyone to write? because it seems this RP has stopped Oo

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

Well the soldiers have already attacked us, so people who know what the different army uniforms or weapons from around the world will know who attacked, like my character for example. Im just modeling him after me and I would be able to tell Chinese soldiers from North Korean soldiers. Call me a war scholar if you will but I know more about the world's militaries than most soldiers I know. So my character could speculate what armies they are. Cause Im still not sure who they are.

I wouldn't say Japan's army is in this alliance, we protect them so technically all they have is a defense force. Which is pretty much a police force. Personally I'd say the Asian Alliance should consist of China, North Korea, Cambodia and Vietnam. Those guys alone would give the US a run for its money. China has the manpower, NK has the nukes, Cambodia controls the camps and Vietnam is just a jack of all trades. But again that's my opinion.

And lovechanning:
A small town hostage deal would work but they brought in tanks, helicopters, jets, planes. The only way they would get to a town in SC is by jamming all signals. Im sure some military base would notice the jamming and someone would notice the aircraft and naval vessels incoming. Yeah you're right no alliance would take over the states without the rest of the people knowing but an unprecedented attack could create a foothold for an invading country. Once that foothold is there they could stay in the states for as long as their resources hold.

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

Thought I'd jump in and settle this, I was planning on keeping this a secret, like in the Tomorrow series where you never actually find out who is invaded, but since people are asking then I'll tell you. I'm going on the concept of surprise, Imagine Pear Harbor but in a much broader scale, yes, I know the US military is much more developed since the 40's but just humor me please, a member of Roosevelt staff even stated that if the Japanese attacked the mainland then they could get as far as Chicago before they could stop them. I'm going of the same thing, The enemy is an alliance between the countries in Asia, so: China, North Korea, Japan etc. I know it isn't probable but it's RPing people were suppose to use our imagination! Anywhoo their task is simple, a land grab, The Chinese outnumber Americans 4:1 so you could imagine China's force alone. They have co-ordinate a mass invasion of the Eastern Seaboard, targeting small towns and pushing forward, this doesn't mean that the US army aint fighting back but for the towns already invaded their aint much hope ans so the US focus on stopping them penetrating even further.

Okay now that's cleared up, None of your character can know the scale of this operation or who the invading bodies are.

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

besides no other country- even alliances- can take over the USA without them knowing. A small town hostage can be more probable than taking over the whole USA.

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

Lol I know that, sorry I didnt explain- I was thinking maybe something like a small town hostage crisis. Maybe Sycott can be a small town island where they have taken over and a small army can do that especially if they are funded by someone in the government who ties up with another country. Of course, no one would figure out how they did it at first.

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

No private army in the world could take out the USA. Not enough manpower or funds.

IMO I think it should be North Koreans, Cambodia, Iran, Iraq, Venezula all make an Alliance or something

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

can I suggest something like a private army? Initially they have tampered with signals and such.

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

I added some of my knowledge of the military for the attacks. In real life if there were dozens of plane and choppers in the air they would need some air support. Unless some third rate country is attacking us then that air support would come in the form of jets. Now jets breaking the sound barrier over an inhabited area is illegal because the force shatters windows. So it's a good indicator that something is wrong, I hope I didn't add too much or god mod or whatever. I just wanted to make it realistic and interesting.

Also, what country or country alliance is attacking us?

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

I plan on my next post being the attacks starting :) just waiting for happyface to reply to my post

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

i like how Jagger was ignored haha

Calvazara, I vote we should start the attacks now, cause I think we are losing people

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

This is starting from the day it begins so the students will be getting up and going to school, and then half way through first period the military arrive at the high school and after words with the principle they open fire, and storm the building capturing students, somehow ours manage to survive and one by one they go to each others homes searching for their parents etc...

There are no cell phone signals, on the radio is just static and then just before they show up at the school the power goes out. Hope that helps

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

Wait, so what's the social-political climate? Are people still going about their lives? Has the attack happened yet? It sounds like people have been captured but are there enemy soldiers patrolling the city?

Have people basically continued life as if nothing happened?! o.o

[Edit] I'm gonna go infer from the posts then :P

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

I'm working on my post now, so it shouldn't be too much longer and they will be in school but my post, well mine starts in the morning and then travelling to school etc, but I'm planning on having the invasion starting half way through first period where they surround the school and start to open fire and start rounding people up, then our characters will escape and so on haha...

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

So when are we going to start? I personally can't wait for this.
Interesting idea. Though, also, where are we starting? Are we in school when this happens?

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

you guys can both submit characters :) I don't mind going over :)

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

I'd like to reserve the last male :P liky :-)

Scratch that, I can play a chick, reserve plox :D

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

Can i reserve the last boy? i will make him now

Re: [OOC] When the War Began.

@Houngmaku not a problem :)

@Imperial Waltz well I got the idea from Red Dawn and the Tomorrow series and other than the basics (such as the invasion) yet events won't be the same we, it is up to us what we do and the outcomes :)