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Alexander Lancaster

The Swordsman

0 · 346 views · located in The Flats

a character in “White Group.”, as played by Addrinvan


Alexander is 5'8 and 170 pounds/ He has brown hair and a brown close cropped goatee. His left eye is grey with a scar running across it. Most people assume that he is blind in that eye which is false the scar is just a coincidence he was born with a mutation that caused one eye to be dark green and the other grey.

He is also in incredible shape which he uses far to often on the ladies.


Alexander is a bit of a brat because he knows he is the best and he doesn't think anyone could beat him in a fight. Though when he is not being a brat he can be very charismatic and seductive. Though both go away when he is actually in a fight. He becomes focused, but aware. He sees his surroundings and uses them to his advantage whenever he needs to.


Alexander uses a Rapier to fight with, he also keeps a stiletto for silent assassinations if they are necessary. Alexander wears a finely crafted tunic and a pair of equally fine pants. He also wears a decorative fencer's jacket. The equipment that he carries that isn't for fighting is obviously a terribly expensive bottle of brandy which he keeps strapped to his belt.


Alexander was born to a caravan family who participated in a circus. It is their that Alexander began to learn about fencing and swordsmanship. By the time he was 12 he could beat every swordsman in the circus to he decided to branch out and begin challenging people to duels. Here he learned many valuable lessons and what if felt like to kill. By 18 he moved away from the circus and became a mercenary. He fought in battles around the wastes and gained the nickname "Butcher of the Wastes." After executing 53 men and women when his side finished victories. Some say he was ordered to do it others say he did it for fun, but either way he has the reputation of a bloodthirsty killer. It was after this that Alexander joined White Group. He is now 23 and awaiting his first mission from the group.

So begins...

Alexander Lancaster's Story


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Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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Target: Alfonzo Guerra
Occupation: Ex-highwayman turned gunfighter (Does trick shooting in between duels)
Plan: Watch Guerra's show from behind the cover of the crowd when he takes a bow cut his head off, grab the pistols and run (If necessary shoot the brothers with the revolver).

It only took one step into new mesa for Alexander to realize what a true shit hole was. As he walked down the street all he saw were casinos, bars, hookers, and shady looking people hanging about. Alexander stopped at the first person he saw that didn't look like a hooker or bandit and asked, "Excuse me mam, but would you happen to know were a Ginger Cat Pub resides within this city would you?" The twenty something woman replied to him, "What business would a proper looking young man like you have in that hole?" "Heard there was a gunslinger there that put on a pretty good show." Alexander replied with a slight twinkle in his eye and the smile that could make most anyone melt. The woman stuttered slightly and said, "I-I'll take you over their myself." "I would really appreciate if you would." Alexander replied as she began walking towards the pub. "It's a good distance off." she said while beckoning for him to go down an alley way before her. That made him suspicious, this was basically a kill zone just then he saw movement on the roof and drew his sword. He heard sudden movement behind him as the woman ran toward him with a knife pointed out. He spun around slicing the armed hand off then decapitating her. Using his years of experience he manages to avoid every drop of blood. Then the rest of the bandits poured from the roof tops, there were five of them not including the now dead woman. The biggest and dumbest looking one stepped forward with a blunderbuss pistol pointed straightish at Alexander whom then realized that pretty much all the bandits were drunk. The man pulled the trigger and the gun didn't even spark he had forgotten to light the blasting string. Alexander laughed slightly as the bandits ran forward at him with clubs and cleavers. The biggest man got there first and used a wide overhead swing, Alexander just ran the man through the liver with a classical fencing stab. Then the other men were on him and Alexander blocked or dodged every hit flawlessly killing two more. This is when Alexander noticed that there were only three men fighting him, he looked around and found the final man climbing about on the roof tops about to jump on Alexander. But, as Alexander looked at the man on the roof the bandit on the ground saw this as an opportunity. He kicked Alexander in the leg and Alexander's leg bowed and just then the rooftop bandit pounced down on top of Alexander pinning him to the ground. Alexander lost hold of his sword and drew his stiletto stabbing the man in the kidney twice and pushed him off. The second man came forward with a massive downward swing with his cleaver. Alexander dogged just in the nick of time and drove his stiletto up under the bandits chin. "Well that was a PAIN IN MY ASS!" Alexander yelled whilst picking up his rapier. But, when Alexander looked forward he saw the pub and said, "Well I guess it wasn't all a loss after all." Alexander searched the bandits and came up with a couple of pieces of jewelry that may have been worth something, but other than that the bandits must have been completely incompetent.

He then walked forward into the pub and Alexander traded one of the pieces of jewelry for a beer and sat back for the show to start. The man came forward with a little bow then turned and shot the beer right out of Alexander's hand. Alexander smiled and gave a slight clap. The man's show continued wowing the crowd. Alexander looked around and saw the two brother's sitting ready to pounce on anyone that attacked the gunman. The show came to an end with an applause from everyone Alexander included. The man took a bow and that is when Alexander struck. He drew his rapier and crossed the five feet to the man in literally a blink of an eye. He cut for the mans neck, but the man moved and redrew his pistols then fired at Alexander who manages to dodge at the last second behind another man now filled with hot lead. Alexander came forward again this time making at least some contact as he stabbed straight threw the mans left hand and followed up with a stiletto strike aimed for the mans eye, but it was grabbed midair by one of the brothers who's fist slammed into Alexanders noes with enough power to send him sprawling. Alexander tried to stand, but the two brothers were on top of him in an instant which was lucky because it blocked Alfonzo's shot. Alexander then swept around with his rapier cutting off one of the brother's legs. He used his momentum to catch the other brother off guard and cut his arm off. Now that Alexander was on his feet he used his agility to doge in between tables and counters to stay out of Alfonzo's line of fire. Soon he was in striking range and stabbed forward with a flurry that was mostly blocked with the gunslingers guns, but one got through and buried it's self deep into the other mans neck killing him instantly. Alexander then grabbed up his guns and put them in his waist band. He almost ran out the door, but went back to the bar and grabbed a gigantic bottle of whiskey then ran out and headed back to base with a few bruises and a couple of bullet grazes he figured it was a pretty good job... if a little sore over his entire body and really tired and now drunk.
Target: Eliminated and plated pistols in operatives hands


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Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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Targets: Hamish Walker, Petra Walker, and Mary Walker
Plan: Sneak aboard using a much smaller airship in the dead of night and take out each one of the heirs before the night ends. Get caught on purpose Whilst trying to "kill" Dylan and escape when the chance arises.

Alexander adjusted his silk tie which was part of his most expensive suit that would make anyone jealous no matter how rich. He walked up to the airship dock and found the smallest and shadiest looking boat and captain he could. "I need you to take me to another ship i'll give you 100 for the trip there I wont be needing your help for the trip back." Alexander said. "How far away is this ship?" The man asked. "A couple of hundred feet that way." Alexander said whilst pointing in the direction of the Walker flag ship that just left port. "That's an awfully long trip I think I'll need at least 200." The man replied with a grin. "You'll take what i'm offering you or I will just take my business somewhere else." Alexander said with a slight amount of anger in his voice. "Alright, alright i'll take what your offering." The man said whilst extending his hand Alexander dropped 100 beads into the hand and then they were off. The small ship may not have looked like much from the outside, but it was incredibly fast compared to the Flagship they were chasing, though the flagship was hardly going it's full speed. After about five minutes they were along side the ship.

Their ship was the size of an ant compared to the ship and was in no way noticeable in the darkness of the night. Alexander jumped onto the ship when the coast was clear and the hired captain pealed away making a beeline back to the docks. That was the easy part now to kill the heirs Alexander thought to himself. He decided to start with Petra he figured it wouldn't be hard to get her alone with his good looks and charm. The other two would certainly be a problem though. He began walking towards the front end of the boat were the party was more than likely already on it's way. Soon he saw Petra walking about talking to some of the people on the deck. She began walking his way with a drink in her hands this was his chance. He began walking forward and using his skill as a fencer he stepped in such a way that would make her bump into him without her realizing it was his doing. It worked and he had to grab her by the wrist to stop her from falling to the ground. She dumped the entire glass of red wine onto her self.

She looked like she was about to scream bloody murder when she looked at his face and realized how handsome he was. "Oh my I'm very sorry mam." Alexander said steadying her. "It's quite alright. Why don't you walk me to my room so I can get cleaned up." She replied. "Why I would be honored to." He said with a fabulous grin that really showed of his boyish charm. She blushed slightly and they were on there way down to the lower decks. This was when he noticed they had a shadow following them. He figured it was a guard whom he could dispatch when they reached her room. But, as the walked he realized how bad of a shadow the man following them was. So it wasn't a guard that must mean it was Lance Baggins. When they reached the room the shadow finally spoke up. "You think you can just come down here and have my woman without a fight?" He said whilst running forward obviously about to throw a punch. That was when Alexander had the perfect idea on how to cover up this first murder. Lance threw a big looping punch that was so easy to block Alexander almost yawned. Lance then followed up with another looping punch this one Alexander ducked and used the chance for a take-down he didn't want any bruises on the man that would cause and suspicion. He then wrapped his arm around Lances throat and squeezed cutting off the blood supply to the brain which caused a knock out almost instantly. Alexander then stood up and brushed himself off. "

Wow that was amazing you are and amazing figh..." She was cut off mid sentence by a gigantic left straight which slumped her to the ground and she immediately began to sob as he had just broken her nose. He then dragged them both inside. Lance still knocked unconscious he was easy, but she was a thrasher and was hard to get in the door without making much noise. "I'm not going to kill you, but I might if you don't stop thrashing." he lied. This made her stop and let him drag her inside with ease. He searched around the room and found a knife that was sharp enough to cut through skin and he pocketed it then went up to the girl and said, "I lied." with that he wrapped his hands around her throat and unlike with Lance he cut of her air supply rather then her blood supply which would take twice as long and would be extremely painful, but would look better if the body was found. When her eyes bulged and she stopped struggling he knew she was dead and stopped squeezing. He then moved on to lance who was just regaining conciseness. "I can't believe you murdered that girl Lance. You must feel so guilty you can't take it anymore and just end it." Alexander said whilst quickly grabbing the man by the wrist and slashing straight down the artery causing blood to almost spurt out. At this rate he would pass out in ten seconds and would be dead in 20. When the man was out Alexander wrapped Lance's fingers around the knife to make it look like a murder suicide. Now if someone found these bodies they wouldn't immediately assume that the other heirs were in danger, of course after he killed the second one it wouldn't matter. Now for Mary.

He stepped out of the room when he was sure the coast was clear and climbed his way back up to the deck and looked around for Mary. She would probably be somewhere near the old man being his favorite and all. But, he was wrong she was alone leaning over the edge of the ship. It would be so easy to push her over. So easy in fact he couldn't believe that she was unguarded. He looked around for a while before he finally saw the woman on the roof scanning around with a crossbow. He moved around finally finding a way up to the woman on the roof. He began sneaking toward her when he stepped on a board that made a fairly load creaking sound. The woman turned instantly about to let lose a bolt, Alexander was just fast enough to move so that the bolt pierced his shoulder rather than his head.

He grunted, but still moved forward at and incredible speed tackling the woman to the ground. He pulled out the bolt with a grunt and stabbed it straight into the woman's eye. She twitched a little, but died soon after. He then took the crossbow and put another bolt into it from the woman's bag then he hid the crossbow and jumped down with the dead woman in his arms. The young girl turned at the sound and her eyes widened as she saw that her guard was dead. "Sorry little one." Alexander said and kicked the little girl over the railing. She didn't even make a peep as she fell. Alexander then threw the woman over board whom obviously made even less noise.

Alexander then got back up to the guards spot which had a good view of the main party were he had seen Hamish a little earlier. He took aim with the crossbow it wouldn't be an easy shot nor would it be that hard. He let it lose and it struck Hamish right through the nose. Blood sprayed out onto some of the nearby dancers. The woman Hamish had been dancing with screamed. Alexander had enough time he knew to get away but it was part of his plan to then make a mock attempt on Dylan to be sure he wasn't suspected. Alexander dropped down and drew another bolt back into the crossbow this time taking aim at Dylan. He let it loose and it slammed into the eye of a guard near Dylan. Suddenly several guards were on him. He dogged the first attack that came at him. But, within seconds he was surrounded and another hit him in the back of the head knocking him out almost instantly. Alexander quickly came to which was good, but he was already well bound and being dragged to the brig. They threw him in and he waited almost two hours before someone came in.

"I am Lesley. I will be your interrogator for the day. So why don't you just tell me who sent you to wipe out the Walker line and I will let you live. If you don't give me what I want I'm going to torture you then kill you like the dirty whore you are." The man said whilst setting down a bag that he then opened. It was filled with blades and other tools that made Alexander's skin crawl. "I'm willing to talk if you'll give me a deal." Alexander said while tearing his eyes away from the tools on the table. "I gave you the deal." He said while taking out a hooked blade that Alexander knew was used to peel away the skin. "It was the Baggins. I didn't kill all of them Lance Baggins killed Petra that girl. But, h-he couldn't take it so he offed himself." Alexander said not at all feigning the fear in his voice. He figured they would knock him around a little not send in a professional torturer. The man took the knife to Alexander's pointer finger and pressed it hard enough to draw blood. "You gotta believe me man." Alexander yelled. "Oh I do." he replied and let the knife slip which tore off all the skin from Alexander's finger. Alexander screamed so loud he was sure everyone on the ship heard. The man then put away the knife and took out another tool which was used to put onto fingers and would slowly shatter them to the point that they could never be used again. Just before the man began cranking another came in and whispered into Lesley's ear. "Well it looks like something else has come up. My associate here will finish my job here. He isn't as precise as me though, he prefers to use his fists, but it's just as good." Lesley said while packing up his tools. The new man was a piece of muscle that looked like he could bench a small airship. The fist punch connected with Alexander's face and he saw stars. The second knocked him over with the chair clanging over. He felt this loosen the arm and he finally saw his way out. The muscled man picked him up and punched him again and Alexander fell once again this time knocking the arm of the chair completely lose, but Alexander kept it in place. The man stood Alexander up again when he punched Alexander griped the arm and swung connecting with the mans groin. He fell over with a grunt holding his groin. Alexander undid his other restraint and beat the man to death with the arm of the chair. He then spit on the muscle bound man whose face was now mush. Alexander towards the door, but stopped first when he saw a gun it was new world, but better then nothing. He checked the barrel it was loaded so he ran out the door. He began sneaking when he reached the hallway. He realized with every step he was leaving a trail of blood from his finger so he quickly wrapped it up with his tie and continued on until he found a window.

He looked out and saw that they were on the dock. He snuck out the window and shimmed his way towards the wood of the dock and jumped off the boat and just barley grabbed hold of the wood. He pulled himself up and snuck passed the guards and police. Seeing Jones walker weeping over the deaths of most of his children Dylan was by him comforting him. Alexander continued on until he found a doctor who disinfected his wounds and wrapped up his finger. Alexander then payed the man and bought some extra bandages for the trip "home".
Targets: Eliminated, Operative severely injured.


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Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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Mission: Protect the town from the bandits.
Plan: Divide and Conquer.

Alexander shuffled up the road feeling all the damage he had taken the day before. He could barely move his left shoulder, if it had been his right struck by the bolt he wouldn't have even taken the job. He finally arrived to the town were the people were gathered ready to meet him. When they saw his beat up shape they all whispered in almost perfect unison, "This is what we saved up so long for?" "I heard that and trust me I can function just fine, there are thirty of them anyways not even the white groups agents are good enough to take on 30 gang members at once, right now you're not paying for my body, but my mind and no matter how broken I become physically my mind will always be worth the price." Alexander said looking each in the eye showing no sign of the pain that he was really in just by moving his jaw after the beating he took. "Now the leader of this town please step forward." Alexander said politely, but also very commanding. A young woman whom looked wise beyond her years stepped forward and replied, "That would be me I suppose."

"How many times has this town been raided?"
"We lost count a while ago."
"How many deaths?"
"We don't fight back anymore so none, but at the rate they are taking our money and supplies we will start to starve in a few weeks."
"Which direction do they come from and in what kind of formation?"
"They come in the same way as you did and as best as I can tell they're just a big blob of men with no real organization."
"How well do they follow their leaders orders?"
"Not well, it can take days for the leader to gather up some of the hornier gang members." at that she looked down and back up obviously pained and embarrassed.
"When do they attack?"
"usually midday, Friday or Saturday."
They continued to talk about what weapons the gang would come with and other such important things.
"Okay, so they're predictable, disorderly, and disobedient. Yeah they don't stand a chance." He said lifting her chin up slightly and giving a big smile, which would have been extremely attractive if his face wasn't welted and swollen all over.

"Alright, anyone who would like to fight step over to me anyone who either can't or wont fight are going to help set up for our counter attack, fighting is optional that is not." Alexander said. 12 men and 3 women stepped over to them including the leader of the town. "Alright you ten and all the children I want you to go onto that mountain and start digging a trench that is just deep enough to not be seen if you squat." Alexander said pointing at the crowd. "The fifteen to fight gather any viable weapons and explosives that you may have." Alexander continued. "I am also going to need two houses that some people aren't to fond of that is near the entrance of the town and they have to be across from each other, but not directly they have to stagger a bit."
The leader who's name he had learned was Tabitha volunteered her home and another man named Ricky volunteered his house which was in the perfect position to both hide men and set explosives by.

He set the rest of the town to work digging two shallow ditches in the place were the enemy should be cut off from each other and stunned the holes would be be filled with explosives and shrapnel like things such as nails, plates, jewelry, and silver ware Alexander had also brought with him 30 musket balls that were split evenly between the two holes. Soon the explosives on the two houses were set in such away to blow them down across the road effectively cutting the enemy down the middle. All the miners willing to fight were to take on the back end which they determined to be the weaker end as they were lesser in armaments and armor. Alexander would hold against the front side long enough to be reinforced by the miners on the back side. He was probably putting to much faith into the ability of the miners, but he didn't seem to have much other choice.

Soon it was midday Friday and Alexander's forward scout came running in yelling, "They're coming, They're coming!" Alexander yelled out for the men and women to get into position which they did flawlessly. After five minutes the gang crested the hill and Alexander's explosive lighters got into position. After three more Alexander walked out in front of the gang and yelled "Halt!" which was the signal for the lighters to light the string. They did halt if only to laugh. First the houses exploded killing two of the enemy that were in the derbies way, the debris did their job and effectively cut off the enemy from escape. Then the two shrapnel mines went off in perfect unison blowing away at least half the men on both sides of the enemy. The miners then charged in almost perfect unison with Alexander as he charged at the enemy who was now stunned and confused. Alexander recognized who the leader was right away and charged at him whilst he was still dazed, cutting him neatly two. Alexander then moved on to the next and then the next. Sadly the men were coming back together on both sides. But, the miners had killed enough in the first charge that there was no way they could lose now. Alexander on the other hand was no so lucky. They had already stabbed him twice and one had thrown a knife that cut at the side of Alexander's cheek causing the skin to separate and even though Alexander's mouth was closed you could actually see some of his perfectly white teeth. But, Alexander fought on dogging and slicing. Then Alexander was shot right in the upper leg by one of the younger looking gang members, it wasn't immediately deadly by it's self, but Alexander was so completely surrounded that when he fell to the ground 4 men jumped on top of him right away, which helped they tangled themselves up hurting each other and stalling Alexander's death just long enough for the miners to make it around the debris and for them to defeat the remaining bandits killing them down to the last man whom seemed was going to get away, but Alexander took out the gun he had picked up earlier aimed, and fired striking the man in the side of the head blowing his head to pieces in a shower of crimson blood and brain matter. The men and women's cheers were the last thing Alexander heard before loosing conciseness. He woke up 3 days later with Tabitha and the towns local doctor standing over him. "Well I best be on my way." Alexander said but he didn't even attempt to stand up. "That was a close call kid, you were in surgery for three hours as I dug this here bullet out of your leg." The man said whilst gesturing to the metal slug in his hand.

"I've had worse."
"Maybe you've felt more pain, but there is almost no way you've came that close to death before." Tabitha said
"You'd be surprised. Doc how long do you think I need to stay before my leg is healed up enough to get back to base?"
"Depends on were base is."
"Not close."
"I'd give it a month before we even try to walk on it and maybe another 6 months of physical therapy."
"So two weeks then?"
"I guess. You know as long as you're fine with losing a leg."
"Three then?"
"I guess if you really rough it you could do it in three, as long as you don't walk on it for a little while after that."

Three weeks later Alexander waved goodbye to the townsfolk and headed back to the white group hide out using his sword as a cane the whole way. It took him quadruple the time it took him to get there, but he made it all the same.

He headed up to Mr. Charles's room and told him what happened and how Alexander's leg was.

Mission: Complete, Alexander was Mortally wounded and permanently scared in many places, but the damage to the town was minimal and very few miners lost their lives in the battle.


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Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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The walk up to New Mesa was an unpleasant one. By the time Alexander arrived his leg felt as if it were on fire. The town looked like an even bigger shit hole than before. He saw even more muggers than before and they didn't even seem to try and hide what they were. "I must have been on the good side of town last time I was here." Alexander muttered to himself. Though with his new battle scars he could tell that most of the muggers didn't even glance at him twice figuring that he was a bit to much of a target. Even though he was fairly sure he would not be mugged again that didn't change the fact that he was still weary when he approached a group of women who were quite obviously prostitutes. He grabbed at his bag of beads and tossed five of them to one of the girls.
"What can I do for you handsome?"
"I'd like to know if you know were a man named Wynn works?"
"Oh that dumb ochillian? Yea he worked down the street at Gregger's"
"Hey teach that animal a lesson or two. They don't deserve to be in this town."
Alexander grunted at this and then continued on down the street. He stopped at Gregger's and looked up at the sign that had a large breasted naked woman hefting two overflowing pints. Alexander walked through the door and was immediately surrounded by a sea of flesh both male and female offering him private dances and anything else he could imagine and some he could not. He pushed through the crowd and took a seat at the bar. There was another woman there serving drinks, but unlike the others she was fully clothed. "Can I get you something or are you going to sit there and gawk at the only clothed person in the place?"
"What is your name?" Alexander asked. "Gah you creeps you could have any woman in this place besides me and you go for me."
Alexander smiled his now lopsided smile, "A man named Wynn used to work here did he not?"
"Still does as far as I know, but the lazy bastard hasn't been in here for quite a long time."
"He is dead."
"What? No... no you're a lair"
"I didn't know the man, but we worked the same job together."
"I didn't know he had another job." She said in a slurred voice.
"Well he did and I'm meant to find his killer."
"Who'd he work for?"
"White Group."
"He... he was an assassin?"
"I would guess so"
"Do you want a drink?"
"Then can I help you in anyway?"
"Has anyone come in and threaten you in the passed few months."
"Other than Gretche's thugs? No one."
"Did he seem nervous or on edge?"
"No, never. The fact that he was in white group explains a lot actually. He never got afraid even when some of Gretche's thugs raped and killed one of our girls. Just now that I think about it that man never came back in. He kind off just diapered Wynn must of killed him."
"I really am gunna need your name."
"Harper Bell."
"I've got just a few more..."
at this point all the workers had gathered around and most were crying. But, as Alexander looked around he noticed that one of the girls was missing. "There is a girl missing who saw her leave?" Alexander asked with urgency. "Barbara just ran out the door naked." One answered. Alexander sprinted out the door and saw the girl weave towards Gretce's place. He chased after her with sword drawn. People darted out of their way. Suddenly Alexander was at the doors of the casino. There were two bouncers out front who looked like they could do some damage to Alexander by themselves. Then Alexander saw a gun poking out the window. Then another then another until every window had a gun poking out. Soon a scared man walked out. He was wearing a heavy duster. "What the bloody fuck are you doing to my girl!" Gretch yelled. He seemed angry. But, Alexander could see the calm on his face. His hands were in his duster ready to draw a pistol or maybe his famous throwing knives. "I reckon you're Gretch" Alexander said. "I reckon you're a dead man if you don't tell me why you were chasing my girl. If you're a rapist i'll just cut your dick off and feed it to the dogs. If you aint you better say other wise because my men's fingers are getting mighty itchy and I wouldn't want them to slip before I get to have my fun." Gretch said with the sickest smile any man could ever have stitched across a face. "No sir, i'm not a rapist, but a good friend of mine was killed recently and I have good reason to believe that woman knows who the killer is or at the very least where I can find the killer." Alexander explained whilst slowly putting his sword back into the sheath. "You lying sack of shit. She aint never been out of this town. Least not in the past year and a half." Gretch turned his back and gestured to the two bouncers to take him inside. Alexander considered fighting, but the guns were still trained right to his head and not a single gun looked like it would miss a shot. So Alexander let them take him without a fight. They sat him down in a room that was dark and had a strange mix of the smell of feces and fresh blood. Gretch came in a few moments later with a knife in hand followed by two bodyguards one a man one a woman, both looked like killers that much was clear. They took positions on either side of the door. He didn't say anything he just slashed Alexander across the face making an X across the scar that was forming over his cheek. It was a perfect slash Alexander immediately respected the man even if he was bat shit crazy. "Did you wanna kill me, steal my money, or just fuck me in the ass?" Gretch asked. Alexander was getting pissed. "Yes." Alexander said with out a hint of sarcasm in his voice. The binds they had put on Alexander were poor and he had gotten them off pretty easily. So rather than wait until Gretch got to use his immense skill at torture Alexander decided to make his play as fast as possible. Gretch screamed his eyes basically on fire from pure rage. He stabbed straight down for Alexander's crotch. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. is all Alexander could think as the blow was blocked only inches away from it's target. Alexander considered himself a fairly honorable fighter, but now was not the time. He took hold of Gretch's knife arm and then Alexander slammed his head against Gretch's nose. Blood squirted out almost straight into the air. The two guards were already moving forward. Alexander then kneed the already more or less incapacitated Gretch in the nuts and then disarmed him taking the knife for his own. Alexander then move forward with jumping blow straight for the man guard's eye. The blow was smacked aside by the woman's foot with the grace of a dancer. The big man took hold of Alexander and the woman side kicked him in the stomach. Alexander managed to tense his abs in time to mostly stop the blow, but it still hurt like crazy. Alexander slammed himself and the other man into a wall. Causing the man to let go, but Alexander also fell forward. But, before he hit the ground a placed his hand on the ground and spun back to his feet. He blocked another kick from the woman and pushed her back. He then quickly turned around and slammed his heel onto the downed man's neck as he tried to get up. The crunch that followed was both sicking and satisfying at the same time. The woman looked angrier than before. They must have been dating or something. "Did I kill your boyfriend?" Alexander taunted. The woman drew two revolvers at a speed that seemed in human. Alexander ran forward as she fired. She was angry enough to miss her first shot which gave Alexander time to get in close, but the second shot hit it's mark right next to the wound he got from the crossbow women. Alexander caught hold of both revolvers and slammed his body against her's smashing them against the wall. She lost hold of the revolvers and he came out on top slamming his fist into her face over and over again until he was sure she was out cold. He could now hear people running down the near stairs. So he sprinted up and out and ran towards the exit. "Were the fuck do you think you're going?" Asked Gretch with a smile. Somehow he had gotten in front of Alexander. "Through you." Alexander stated. He took aim and was about to take a shot when three knives took flight from beneath Gretch's heavy duster. Two slapped away his guns then the other drove it's way into Alexander's stomach. Alexander ripped out the knife and ran forward at Gretch. He tackled Gretch over and hovered the knife over Gretch's eye ready to drive it into the skull. "Who killed Wynn?" Alexander asked calmly. "Dunno I was busy skull fucking your mother when that business was happening." Gretch said then he spit on Alexander's face. "Where is the girl?" Alexander asked ignoring the spit. "She's just down the hallway I gave her to some of my men to have a good time with." He smiled. Alexander slammed the handle of the knife onto Gretch's temple knocking him out. Alexander was only a few steps away when Gretch began to stir. Alexander ran forward down the hall and through the door that was supposed to have the captured girl. She was fully clothed and there were no men in the room. Just her. Alexander ran forward and grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of the room. He then pushed her out a window in the hallway. She landed on a pile of garbage. Alexander then followed suit and landed next to her. She was crying the whole time, but when he put the knife to her throat she stopped making a sound as she cried. He snuck(I know it is sneaked, but my god that sounds horrible) her back to Gregger's and used the back room as a interrogation room from the graces of the bartender.

"Who killed Wynn?" Alexander asked whilst taking out his flask of alcohol that he never though he would drink. "I honestly don't know." She cried out. Alexander took a swig of the brilliantly aged drink that must have cost the poor sod Alexander took it off of a pretty bead or two. "Then why did you run out the door naked when I started asking questions about Wynn?" Alexander asked after he took another swig. The girl was straight up balling now and Alexander was starting to get nervous that she really didn't know anything, but he didn't show it at all. "Stop crying now!" Alexander yelled. She stopped crying, but still let out a whimper every few seconds. "You don't know who I am so I think I'll tell you a story. It was one day after the largest battle the wastes gangs had ever seen. Hundreds lay dead by my sword alone thousands by others like me. But, for every one man and woman that lay dead we had 10 captives. For every ten captives we had one that would be worth a damn on the market. So the order to execute most of the captives came down the line of command. But, really it was up to me. I decided it was the best choice. I personally executed 50 or so people. But, my men executed hundreds. Other peoples men executed thousands." Alexander smirked. "Oh... oh god. You're the Butcher." She whispered. "So tell me who killed Wynn?" Alexander said whilst pulling out his new world gun and cocking it back "I'm just a spy for her, don't hurt me." She cried out tears freely flowing again. "Tell me her name and location and I'll let you go, you know I will. I'm a man of my word." Alexander said whilst placing the gun against the girls head. "They, they call her Miss Globe." She cried. Alexander gave her a look that said he wanted more. "I'm supposed to meet a direct associate of her's soon. It was just on the outskirts of town. I'll take you there." She cried out her eyes pleading for mercy. Alexander smiled then pulled the trigger on the gun and it made a loud click, but no bang. The girl blinked, but she was dead faced and that told Alexander more than he could ever have learned even from hours of torture. "Fuck." She said to herself. "You got me." She continued. "I want to know were this woman is." Alexander said whilst holstering his gun and gesturing to his bottle asking if she wanted some. She smiled and nodded he tilted it for her and she took a long gulp. "Smooth, how do you even know I was telling the truth about that?" She said after taking a gasp of air. "I don't, but what I do know is that my budget for this mission is nearly endless, so unless you have some kind of actual allegiance to this person whomever they are that isn't based around money I can double it, hell if I ask nice I can triple it." Alexander said whilst taking out his blood and brains covered stiletto. She looked at the knife and back up, "I doubt you could even match it." She said. "I'm not a patient man, so you either accept what I have offered you which is at least double the money or I kill you here and now. I know your not afraid of death at least not directly, but I'll kill you rest assured." Alexander said whilst placing the stiletto over her throat ready to slash it. "Okay, okay I accept." She said her voice not even breaking from the pressure of the blade. "Take me there and I'll see to you getting your money."
Alexander said as he untied her. Harper came in a few seconds later with some clothing. Alexander had forgotten that she was completely naked with the death threats and all that, he had to admit she was quite a beauty. To bad that wouldn't last.

They left early the next morning, she was mad that she wouldn't be getting the money here and now. But, the amount she had asked for wouldn't even have been possible to carry. Not that it much mattered. Alexander was probably going to kill her when they reached the location. They stopped at a small inn the next night Alexander wouldn't let her out of his sight so they ended up sharing a bed. Which any sane man would have tried to take advantage of, but Alexander never thought of him self as very sane. So the night was uneventful. They woke up early the next morning and they grabbed a quick breakfast of stale bread and cheese it wasn't great, but Alexander could tell that they had both had way worse in their lines of work. "So who'd ya piss off to give you that scar across your pretty face?" She asked between bites. "I led some resistance against a band of brigands got pretty beat up." He said whilst lifting up his shirt and showing a couple more of his scars. "You defended a village against bandits?" She laughed. "Don't worry I almost bankrupted them with my fees." Alexander said as a he took the last bite out of the bread. "Alright take your poddy break now because were not stopping till we get to Miss Globes place." Barbra said which was the girls "real" name

They walked another eight hours before they saw a low bunker that was obviously some kind of remnant of the old world. "There it is home sweet home." Barbra said. "This was were Wynn was killed?" Alexander asked whilst drawing his stiletto. "I would think it is the place that he was killed, but I wasn't present for that business." Barbra said as she picked at her nails. "Well go on then you first." Alexander said pointing the stiletto at ger at her. "Great threats again. You know I'm not afraid of death." she said slouching down to the ground. "Makes me feel better to threaten other people's lives. Seriously go or I'm just going to cut your throat." Alexander said with a smile that most certainly did not reach his eyes. "Fine tight ass let's go." she got up and walked to the door. She simply opened it and then ran ahead at a speed that was completely unlike the speed that she had ran away from him when going to Gretche's place. She was there one second and the she practically disappeared. He heard a click and the door behind him let out a sound as if steam was being pushed out like a tea pot. Then there was a bang and a dart was flying at him. He knocked it aside with his knife, but it still grazed his face. He almost immediately felt the effect of the drug. Alexander bent over and barfed losing what little food he had. He dropped his weapon as he continued to retch. Then he passed out simple as that.

Alexander came to a few minutes or a few hours later. He didn't know if he was in the same building or a different one. All he knew was that there was a horrible intimidating woman standing over him. "Miss Globe I presume?" Alexander said even though his mouth was incredibly dry and his head throbbed like crazy. "You would be correct young man. I hear you were the Butcher of the Wastes?" She asked. "Naw that was just a lie I told to try and get that girl to speak up about where you are." Alexander said. "Last I heard the Butcher may have been working for white group. And so does... did Wynn. Why are you guys after us?" She asked while walking behind Alexander and wrapping her arms around his neck. Alexander smiled then slammed his head back to try and catch her in the nose, he missed. "Dill get in here our guest is being a very bad boy." she called. A man the size of a mountain came in. "The regular treatment madam?" He asked whilst taking out a bag. She nodded and walked out of the room. He pulled out a vile that was full of a greenish red liquid. "What would you prefer horrible nightmares or remembering the worst memory in your life?" He asked pulling out another vile that was black. "That's not so bad. Surprise me." Alexander said. "Ha that's what they all say. I just hope you keep your sanity long enough to feel real fear." He laughed then grabbed Alexander by the jaw and opened it forcefully then poured it in.

It started the second it hit his stomach. His vision faded back to to the time he executed those 50 people. "Sir, I can't do it I can't execute the kids." James his second in command said. "You will do as I order!" Alexander yelled. "No, I'll sneak them out start an orphanage on my own or something just let them go!" James yelled back. "I can't I was ordered to have my men kill everyone and you are disobeying my orders and everyone else's!" Alexander screamed. "I won't kill them and none of the men will either, we already executed all the adults. 3 men have already committed suicide from what they've done. I will not have the death of 50 children on their shoulders." James stated. Alexander pushed passed James and walked up to the line of children and drew his sword. He looked into the child's eyes then looked away and slashed the child's head from her shoulders.

Days or minutes later Alexander came out of his nightmare and Miss Globe was holding more of the vile in front of his face. "Oh god no more no more." Alexander stuttered out whilst trying to blink away his tears. The women laughed the shrillest laugh she could it was terrifying. "All I heard was more." She said and poured more down his throat. The nightmare continued as Alexander slowly started to lose his mind. The children crying as he cut through them.

Alexander came back to the world again and he just stared ahead not even recognizing where he was. All he saw was their faces. They were no longer giving him the drugs, but all he saw was their faces. "Stop please stop..." he said as Dill came in with some food and water. "Your a tough one you know most would lose their mind after the second dose especially when they do the shit you have done." Dill said. Alexander just wept more as he felt the gazes of the children every time he closed his eyes. "Stop looking at me!" He screamed whipping his head side to side.

Miss globe came in with a new vile, it was white. "If you tell me everything you know about white group I'll give you this, it is a poison. You will die and in extreme pain, but you will die." She said looking at him through the white liquid. "No." Alexander said. "Fine then, that was your only chance. I will get you to talk." She said throwing the poison to the ground. Dill came in again this time with a different grouping of bottles. "This little piggy went to market, This little piggy stayed at home, This little piggy had roast beef,his little piggy had none. And this little piggy went... 'Wee wee wee' all the way home..." Each line went with a bottle he took out. At the end he said, "Open wide Alexander." Dill said as he grabbed Alexander's jaw and poured in the drugs. He felt the feeling of grogginess immediately. It was a form of truth serum. Miss Globe walked back in a grabbed a hold of Alexander's face. "Do you work for White Group?" She asked. "Yes." He said whilst slowly closing one eye then the other then opening them again in the same order. "Do you know where their head quarters are at?" She asked. "Ye... no." Alexander replied wiping his head back and forth. This continued for what seemed like hours. In the end Alexander didn't give up the location of the head quarters. But, he did tell Miss Globe about a good chunk of the white group members. Telling their strengths and possible weaknesses. "I think that is most of what we are going to get from him in this state." She said. "Start trying to make him into a double agent." She said. "Madame he's not exactly the double agent type. That only works on the weak minded and the greedy and as far as I can tell he is neither." He replied to her looking nervous as hell disagreeing with her. "I know, just try if he wont turn he wont turn. Just try your best." She said then walked out of the room. Dill then went to work. He would drug Alexander up to see the dead children when he did something wrong. But, when he agreed to something the bad drugs would be replaced by drugs that made the memories go away. Slowly Alexander gave in more and more. It wouldn't be long before he broke completely. But, he was still hoping beyond hope that maybe Mister Charles would send a member out to get him. He felt like he left enough of a bread trail for a good tracker to follow. But, then again he was starting to blame Charles for what was happening right now. Strangely almost forgetting it was Dill and Miss Globe doing the actual torture. He was confused, but more angry then anything else. "Maybe if I just do What Miss Globe asks I can be free." He would think to him self. Always followed with "No, she wont stop ever. Right?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adalin Nyx Character Portrait: Colonel Augustus Autumn Character Portrait: Mister Charles Character Portrait: Arachne Webspinner Character Portrait: Gretch Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bosch
Gretch groggily got to his feet and pulled a knife from his coat but he was far too late, Alexander had long since left.

“That little fucking cun...”

“Boss!” Max burst into the room interrupting Gretch . His gun was drawn and he instinctively checked the corners of the room. Gretch noted the small but important display of tactical knowledge. His replacement for Jenks might be a fool but he knew how to handle a gun.

“What the fuck just happened Max? Who was that fucker with Skycove Smile?”

Max knew Gretch was referring to the intruder with the cut up face.

“Dunno Boss, but I know who might know. You know Jimmy No lips who drinks in Gregger’s?”

“How many people do you think live in this town are called Jimmy and also have no lips? Of course I fucking know him! Get to the point!”

Gretch was pacing like a caged animal, he wanted blood and come hell or high water he was going to get it.

“He says he saw the Bartender talking to the guy.”

“Who? The Ochillian?”

“No the woman, whatdaya call her. She only pours drinks.”

“Harper Bell, frigid bitch.” Gretch muttered as he went for the door.


Sixty seconds later Gretch was barrelling through the front door of Gregger’s. His nose was still a bloody mess from where Alexander had broken it but he still brought enough fear with him to silence the entire bar. It wouldn’t heal right but Gretch didn’t care. He stood in the middle of the bar and dared anyone to make eye contact.

“Jimmy?” He said finally to the room.

“Yeah?” A hideously ugly man nervously replied from one of the tables. True to his name Jimmy no lips had no lips after an unfortunate tryst with a tribal who was going through withdrawal. Apparently she’d chewed the lips right off his head while he was passed out drunk.

“The little fucker who was in here, chased the girl, who was he talking to?” Gretch asked but his eyes had already fallen on Harper Bell.

“Her!” Jimmy shouted releasing a rope of spit from his disfigured face as he pointed a trembling hand at Harper.

“Everybody out! Now , Now, Now!” He yelled pointing at the door.

“Go on off you fuck!” He said as the crowd made its way past him and toward the door. Harper didn’t move as she was transfixed by Gretch’s stare.

Once the bar was empty Gretch pointed at Harper. Max and another of Gretch’s boys grabbed hold of the woman and sat her down at one of the tables. Gretch removed his Duster and gently draped it on the chair opposite. Finally he removed a large cleaver from his apron and set it in the fire that was burning under the hot water stove.

Silence reigned once again.

“Grecth you can’t trust...” Harper started.

“Shut your fucking mouth!” Gretch screamed his face inches from Harper’s.

The silence was thick and oppressive for a few more minutes while Gretch lifted the cleaver and tapped a knuckle to it. A sizzling sound told him it was ready. He returned it to the fire and pulled out a second Cleaver.

“Arm.” He said.

Max grabbed Harper’s left arm and held it out straight on the table. Gretch shimmied up to the table and watched Harped squirm for a few seconds with a look of utter panic on her face.

“Pleas...” She started but was cut short when Gretch slammed the cleaver down severing her left arm in the middle of the forearm.

“I told you to shut your fucking mouth, Harper.” He said calmly while she collapsed in a screaming heap. Gretch dropped the cleaver and nonchalantly walked back to the fire under the hot water stove where he retrieved his other cleaver which was now dully glowing. He quickly returned to Harper, grabbed the bloody stump and pressed the cleaver against it.

“Gotta stop the bleeding, don’t want you passing... Too late.” He said as Harper’s scream ceased and she slipped into unconsciousness. The last thing Harper remembered was the smell of her own scalding flesh.

She came round a few seconds later to find herself still sitting at the table. She first looked at her left arm which was minus hand. Gretch was sitting opposite her using said hand as a back scratcher.

“Wakey, Wakey sleepy head!” Gretch said with a genuine smile.

“Wh.. Why?”

“I got questions, you got answers. Never really saw the point in fucking about with beatings or threats or theatrics. I’ve come in shown you I’m not fucking around. I have shown that right?”

“Right.” She said quickly her eyes wide from fear and skin pale from blood loss.

Gretch slapped her hand down on the table and pointed with his own.

“The man who you were speaking to, chased the slut over to my place, what was his name?”

“He never said.” She said panic and fear choking her answer.

“Ok that’s ok. I believe you. What did he want?”

“Wynn, he was asking about Wynn.”

“Wynn Carnival?” Gretch asked.

“Yes.” She said. Gretch caught the look of surprise in her eye. People always assumed he was just a dumb violent thug who happened to get lucky. It was a perception he cultivated far better to have people underestimate you than overestimate you.

“It’s my business to know stuff, just like how right now it’s your business not to fuck me off. Why was he asking this?”

“He said Wynn worked for the White Group and that he was there to find him. Said somebody had killed Wynn and he was here to find out who.”

“So mystery man works for The White Group?”

“Yes that’s what it seemed like.”

“You’re doing great Harper. Where they headed and why’d he pinch my whore? He sweet on her or something?”

“No, nothing like that. I overhead them he’s going to try to find a woman called Miss Globe.”

“Don’t know her.”

“She’s an Ochillian I think. A mercenary. Barbra was working for her, helped her track down Wynn.”

“Righto. Last question then it’ll all be over.” Gretch said as he stood up and pulled his Duster back on.

“What is it?” She moaned.

“You didn’t juggle or nothing? I mean I’d feel just terrible about this whole...” He managed to get out before he broke into peals of laughter while he waved goodbye to Harper with her own severed hand.


Back at the casino Gretch decided it was time to put get some questions answered. He collapsed into his chair and put his feet on his desk.

“Maxy, looks like The Cripple has either gone off the deep end and wants to start something or he’s got a dog off the lead. I want everybody doing everything they can to make New Mesa as unwelcoming to those White Group fuckers as possible. If there’s even a wiff that somebody’s one of their spies he goes on a spike out the front. I want people scared to even whisper the name.”

Gretch opened a drawer and pulled out a bottle a clear liquid Max knew was shine. Gretch took a long swing before resuming his orders.

“Second I want the fucker that came in here broken down until he’s a fucking paste and I want this Miss Globe bitch to explain why she’s bringing her shit to my door. Lastly that crippled fucker Mister Charles. I want him dead.”

Max just nodded this was a tall order. He turned and made his way out of the room.

“Oh and Max get rid of this.” Gretch said lobbing something at Max who was too slow to react which earned him a slap across the cheek from Harper Bell’s disembodied hand.

Max left the office to the sound of Gretch screeching with laughter.


Mister Charles approached the Long-hut with the smithy attached, apparently the Ochillian that ran it was something of an Artisan. He was immaculately turned out as usual despite his ride from the workshop but he was travelling light and would be carrying less on the return trip.

He knocked the door with his cane and was soon greeted by a not unattractive Ochillian who was covered in dirt from a hard day of labouring. He knew she was alone as Arachne was in training at the moment, he was sure of her routine.

“Hello how can I help you?” She said with a cheery smile.

“Hello. I’m looking for Armoured Serpent, the blacksmith.” Charles said extending his hand.

They shook while the Ochillian explained he had found her.

“I represent a rather large band of mercenaries and they’re in need of quality arms. I understand you’re the best in the area.”

“Well I don’t know about that...” Serpent began to bashfully explain.

“No, no need for modesty a good friend of mine, Arachne Webspinner, recommended you.”

“Ah a friend of Arachne’s you should have said.” Serpent said as he welcomed him inside.

She offered him a seat and some food but he declined citing the need to return to his mercenary unit.

“I’m simply here to offer you a retainer. This retainer in fact.” He said as he handed her the plain canvas Napsack he had been carrying.

Serpent opened it and sharply drew in a breath.

“Mister there’s more beads in here than I’d make in three months.”

“Consider that your retainer, someone will be by next month with more of the same.”

“What do you want?”

“At the moment nothing, but one day I will call on you and ask you to use your skill as a blacksmith to earn these beads. I expect you to be ready for that day.”

Serpent just nodded as she let the beads fall through her fingers.

“ I’m sorry but I must be going, it’s getting late.”

Serpent stood and extended her hand.

“Mister I don’t know what... I don ‘t even know your name?”

“Charles, Mister Charles. Speak to Arachne I’m sure she’ll tell you all about me.”

He doffed his hat and returned to his horse and the road back to The Workshop.

He knew it was a low move and he didn’t begrudge Arachne happiness, if anything he hoped this would make it easier for her to tell the truth. Charles knew it was near impossible to keep secrets from one you genuinely cared for. He hoped Armoured Serpent would be seduced by the beads and know to keep her mouth shut.

He also knew Arachne would pick up the subtle message of his visit, there are no secrets in the White Group.


Augustus Autumn rolled his shoulders and perused a report sitting in front of him telling him increasing numbers of Tribals had been mounting near the camp. It was resulting in small skirmishes between them and his men. While he’d yet to lose one of his specials he was worried about needlessly wasting supplies.

He clucked his tongue and made a decision.

Twenty minutes later he had his Captains assembled.

“Cole, the Gating gun is now operational and installed on our Flagship?”

“Yes Sir.” Captain Cole said with a slight note of giddiness in his voice.

“Outstanding. Captains Baker, Franklin and Lewis your groups are rested and ready to move?”

“Yes Sir we can be on the move in two hours.” Franklin responded.

“What about if we disassemble the camp?”

“Give us three.” Baker said.

“Make it happen. We’re marching on New Mesa. It’s time to let these goddamn savages know The Confederates are here and we’re going to fix this rotten excuse for a region.”

“Yes Sir.” The four Captains said in unison as Autumn dismissed them with a wave of his hand.


James Costner slowly pulled back the curtain and peeked out the window of the hotel room he was staying in. A blizzard was blowing outside but he was warm from the fire Jenner had kept burning in their small room at the Inn.

“Are they still out there?” Jenner asked from the bed.

“Yes. Three at least, They don’t know we’re here.”

“So we wait it out.”

“Yes.” Costner said as he let the curtain fall back into place. He glanced at Jenner who was sitting in a chair by the fire. She still looked strange to him even though she’d dyed her hair black over three weeks ago.

“I’ve been thinking James. I know someone that might be able to help us.”

“Help us escape?”

“No help me find and the kill the bastard that killed my father. Then whoever ordered him to do that and from there anyone who benefitted from it.”

Costner was only mildly shocked to hear the coldness in her voice. She’d lost her father, brother and two sisters all in a war between business men she didn’t understand. She’d mourned, briefly, then the hardness began to creep into her voice. Costner knew then that her childhood was over, her innocence lost. She ran to The Flats to find out who she was but in the end The Peaks told her. Her path would be one of death, blood, revenge and tears.

Costner knew this because he’d walk the path with as long he could.

“Who’d you have in mind?” Costner asked as he walked over to his own seat.

“Lyn the mercenary who brought me to you.”

Costner exhaled in a low whistle as he sat down.

“I don’t think mercenary covers exactly who rescued you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well... Assassin is probably closer to the truth and they don’t come cheap.”

“Please, James I’m a Reese. I can give as many beads as she wants. Father wasn’t stupid he set aside enough in case of a blizzard like this. Enough to pay Lyn the Assassin to wrest control of my family’s fortune to me, after that beads won’t be a problem.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adalin Nyx Character Portrait: Mister Charles Character Portrait: Arachne Webspinner Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bosch
“He did what?” Mister Charles asked his mouth agape.

“Bust right in there and give Gretch a hell of a beating. Bastard had a broken nose” Elaine McGovern said with a snort as she threw a cup of Tanu Tea down her neck.

“Then what?”

“Gretch threw everyone outta Gregger’s except Harper Bell. Last I saw her she was minus an arm and talking about getting out of New Mesa.”

“Not a bad idea.”


“I just got word something big is going to hit there soon.”

“Thanks for the warning.”

“Warning you now”

She snorted and took another slug of the tea. It was a viscous dark blue liquid that was popular in New Mesa and with the Confederate Army. Charles thought they would be quite happy there.

“Well C here’s your warning Gretch is on the war path for the White Group. Word is he’s killing people based on even a hint they’re connected to you, which means I’m leaving anyway, good thing to, I’m too old for this dancing nonsense. Maybe I could find a rich man to take me under his wing.”

Charles smiled and stood from the small table they were sharing at the small Pub.

“Until next time Elaine.”

Job: The Medua Mission.

Charles returned to the Workshop a few hours later where he found Arachne’s mission was complete but still no word from Alexander or Ada. Alexander would get a tongue lashing for going after Gretch and Mister Charles wondered if he should have Gretch killed. With the Confederate Army on the move to New Mesa though it was possible that job would be taken care of for him.

He was sitting reviewing Arachne’s report when a runner burst in through the door. It was a young boy, one of his “Alleyway Allies”. While he would avoid using a child in a combat role he had found them to second to none at the great game. They could slip in and out of places relatively unnoticed even in plain view. Adults like Elaine had their place, for there were things that people would only share on a bedroom pillow, but his eyes on The Flats often belonged to children.
The child standing in front of him was called Puck.

“Puck how did you get in here!?”

“Mister! Mister! They got the... they got...”

“Take a breath, sit down.”

The filthy child sat on the chair opposite Charles’ desk and struggled for breath. Mister Charles rose and called for a glass of water.

“What is it? How did you find this place?”

Mister Charles never met contacts in the workshop, he didn’t want people knowing the exact location of his bed.
“Followed you a few months back.” Puck explained as he took a gulp of water.

“How many know where this place is?”

“Just me.”

“Good.” Charles said as his heart rate dropped. Puck didn’t know it but the Workshop was now his home, and rightfully so the child had stalked Mister Charles all the way back to his lair. If that didn’t warrant inclusion into the White Group nothing did.

“Now what did you want to tell me?”

“The big man, your big man. They got him.”

“Alexander? Who got him?”

“The Ochillian woman. She’s scary. Hit him with an arrow.”

“Is he dead?”

“Don’t think so they took him away with them.”

“Took him where?”

Puck scrunched his face up in a thoughtful pose.

“Madua, The Ghost town.”

“How long ago was this?”

“Bout a day and a half.”


Mister Charles grabbed a pen and quickly scribbled a note to Arachne.


Alexander has been taken, the boy handing you this message is called Puck he will guide you to the town of Medua. It’s a mining town that has been abandoned these twenty years. They say a tribal band called “The Ridgebacks” operate in the area and live in Medua. They are easily the most powerful gang in the east although not the largest. This tells you something about their methods.

The Mercenary group that has taken Alexander is not believed to be a part of this gang however they are operating in Medua so expect there to be some sort of business dealing there.

I’m going to send Ada after you but it is imperative you not waste time. I want you to go to Medua and have a skulk around. See if you can locate Alexander or glean any intelligence. Do not assault until Ada arrives or two days pass from you read this sentence. If possible retrieve Alexander. If not he is to be killed. We can’t risk leaks.



Puck handed the letter to the Ochillian woman and scratched his ear.

“So we going or what lady?”


A few hours after Puck had left his office Ada walked in looking tired and a little beaten. He knew she had failed her mission. The Guardian’s stance told Charles that her ribs were still in pain and he wondered if he was doing the right thing sending her out again.

If he didn’t though it would leave Alexander and Arachne on their own.

She began by explaining that her mission was not a success but Charles simply held his hand up.

“Later. Right now we have a much larger problem.”

He produced a map and pointed to the town Medua.

“Alexander was supposed to find the killer of Wynn Carnival, a bartender and one of our contacts. Something went wrong. Alexander apparently had a run in with Gretch before getting snatched by a mercenary band led by an Ochillian female.”

He looked up from the map at Ada and wondered if she would be able to pull this off. He knew Guardians were tough but this could be suicidal. Whoever had taken Alexander down was clearly smart and his team would need their wits about them. He continued with his briefing.

“Arachne is already on the way with a boy called Puck who knows the way. She’s going to observe and start working on a plan. You need to follow them and save Alexander. They only have a head start of a couple of hours but you’re going to need to lug the equipment. From the look of you I’d recommend a rifle and engaging from a distance, let Arachne get up close. Kincaid might be able to help you, he’s developed an item called a silencer that may help conceal your position.”

He gave a smile but knew it was weak. He was asking them to go against two enemy forces one of which had already taken down one of their comrades. His operatives were tired beaten and he had precious little intelligence to offer them. It could be a massacre or their finest hour.

“Of course that could all change when you get on the ground. Medua is also home to a tribal gang called the Ridgebacks. It’s made up of Ochil, Tanu and Humans so be careful. I don’t think they are working with the Mercs but they will defend their territory. “

Charles let out a long sigh.

“I’m sorry it worked out like this but this is what we do. Get the job done Ada.”

He waited for any question before dismissing the fragile looking Guardian.


Miss Globe watched Alexander rave under the effects of her drug.

The Blackwort was a terrible plant, it’s roots when ground up and consumed enabled the user to travel through their own memories to most painful times in their lives. She’d seen killers turn into gibbering buffoons in a matter of minutes. Alexander though was holding on and she respected him for it.

Wouldn’t change anything though.

So far he’d admitted to being in the White Group and all but admitted he knew where the Workshop was. The location he wasn’t about to give up.

That’s why she would move on to the next stage of her Blackwort interrogation. Blackwort was sometimes called scab. This was because of its highly addictive qualities. Like a child that picks a scab despite reopening a wound, addicts to Blackwort would continue to use despite its effects. By now Alexander would have enough in his system to be dependent.

She ordered he would receive no more and see if he felt like talking after a few days of withdrawal.

Alexander was chained in a basement below a shattered Old World Town. The place had been picked clean by scavengers years ago and was now home to a Gang called the Ridgebacks. Their leader, Blasta was a large man who Miss Globe suspected carried Tanu blood as well as a wicked addiction to sand. An addiction she was able to exploit. That’s how they had been given access to the Ghost Town.

The Ridgebacks provided security around the town while she and her band of mercenaries remained in the destroyed old world basement which was actually part of a larger network of tunnels that ran all over Medua.

Up top the Town was over looked by the Ridge from which the Ridgebacks took their name, this was a tactical disadvantage as a sniper could play merry Hell but if they wanted to get Miss Globe any attackers would have fight their way though the Ridgebacks and Her Mercenaries.

She felt she had enough time to break Alexander before the White Group could save him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adalin Nyx Character Portrait: Arachne Webspinner Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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0.00 INK

The drug had been working it's way into Alexanders brain for days now. He was afraid, but more importantly angry. Now at everyone and everything. Miss Globe opened the door for his annual torture on top of the drugs. She swayed forward coming towards Alexander in an almost alluring manner. Her body was saying that she was friendly and inviting. But, her eyes told a different story. She was angry, but not at Alexander. Alexander was just an outlet for said anger there was something deeper. Some true hatred. Maybe Charles had wronged her in some way. Or maybe the world had. Either way, Alexander had come to love those eyes. Even when she was torturing him all he could think of was fixing that look in her eyes no matter what caused it. But, Alexander was a survivor. And he knew what had to be done. When she stepped within reach of Alexander he grabbed her very suddenly and pulled her to the ground. He then slammed his fist against her face several times, but she was recovering. She kicked him off then stood up. But, she wasn't stupid she knew she couldn't beat a trained white group agent, so she called in Dill. He charged in with sword drawn. He slashed at Alexander in a large arch. Alexander dogged, but his reflexes were slowed from not standing up for several days. Alexander then tackled Dill to the ground. And was about to throw a punch when Miss globe slammed a chair on his back. His forehead slammed into Dill's nose as he was hit. It killed him instantly. Alexander then got up and kicked Globe into the nearby wall. He picked up Dill's sword then stopped. "You are an unbelievable tease you know?" Alexander said, then he ran out and locked the door behind him. Alexander then sneaked through the mine taking out any unsuspecting guard that got in his way. Alexander finally made it outside. There was about a quarter mile to the nearest cliff. That is where Alexander was headed. He continued on with a crouched run, but he didn't see any enemies. He climbed to the top of the hill and immediately hit the deck. It was Ada, she looked pretty banged up. He stood again and tapped her on the shoulder. She immediately had him down with his stomach on the ground, Alexander cried out "Ow, fuck it's me Ada." She didn't release right away. She looked pissed that Alexander had gotten captured. They then gathered up Arachne and when back to base. But, something didn't feel right. There hadn't been enough resistance to his escape. The girls looked like they were ready to go through an army and Alexander had just walked out. Maybe he was lucky, or maybe they had a tail. But, at this point Alexander didn't much care.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adalin Nyx Character Portrait: Arachne Webspinner Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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0.00 INK

#, as written by slcam
As Arachne gave her general plan, Ada realized how great the odds against them were. It did not especially lessen her determination, but the thought lent itself to her tension. She nodded as Arachne finished and indicated the rifle sitting across her lap. Despite her dislike of the cold separation the rifle gave from her enemies, Ada would not hesitate to use it to their advantage as much as was necessary.

She frowned as Arachne made arrangements for if she did not come back, stubbornly refusing to accept the possibility of failure. Nevertheless, she nodded firmly. "Understood. May the hand of the Lord guide you," she said, adding the customary blessing without a thought as she scanned the area.

Arachne soon started off, and Ada again took up her position, monitoring the motion of the guards and Arachne's path to the mine. They would certainly need perfect timing and the favor of God to make it out with Alexander. Ada did not know the man well, but she was not much for socializing. However, she still took this rescue mission with the same attitude and determination as if she had been rescuing a family member. In a way, she almost was.

So far, the plan was going smoothly. Arachne was certainly skilled, though Ada had expected no less. However, on Ada's second scan of the guarded entrance of the mine, she found the guards lying flat on their faces. She scanned the area nearby and soon spotted what must be Alexander. He had made it out himself.

Ada immediately began racking her brain for a way to get him out without issue and notify Arachne to get back. "Why did we not agree on some signal?" Ada muttered to herself, irritated by the oversight. Finally, Ada decided on something that would give them a bit of breathing room. Hopefully, it would be no issue. Arachne was sharp enough to figure it out. It would not take her long to realise it was not for her sake that Ada had been firing since she was in no immediate danger.

Alexander's path out was thick with patrols. Not wanting him to run into big trouble, Ada quickly put her makeshift plan into motion. She quickly scoped out a couple guards a few hundred yards across the town, well away from the escape route. Ada aimed and fired, loading then firing again in quick succession. The shots were aimed so the men would turn slightly as they fell, making it more difficult to figure out where they were coming from. Though the gun still seemed loud, Ada could easily see the difference. The guards closest to her had not heard anything yet. Ada dropped a couple others in that region, missing only once when a man unexpectedly stopped to look at something, but that was quickly rectified.

Finally, she was satisfied with the damage and fired a non-fatal shot at a man in easy view of several others. His screams could easily be heard, and Ada let out a slow sigh of relief as the rest of the guards began to run toward the noise with yells of their own. Ada figured it would be awhile before they figured out what was going on and where the shots were fired from, since a quality gun capable of such shots was difficult to come by in the Flats.

While she was observing, she suddenly felt a tap to her shoulder. She moved reflexively, kicking the legs out from under the unknown threat and Pulling her dagger. As soon as the man hit the ground, she had a knee planted in his back and a dagger to his throat. Instead of one of the guards, Ada found herself looking into a familiar, if somewhat battered face. She had forgotten how quickly Alexander had been approaching in her consuming task. She looked him over with a emotionless, somewhat distant gaze, slowly letting him up. She let out a short sigh, releasing the pain the sudden movement had given her before gathering up her gear. They did not have much time.

It was not long before their little group hastened away from the town. Ada frequently left the makeshift group to watch their tail and disguise their tracks however she could, watching for any sign of a tail. Something was off, there should be some pursuit with that noisy of an escape. There seemed to be nothing behind but a long stretch of desert. She returned often to allow Arachne to do her own scouting if she wished, making sure Alexander was moving along despite whatever damage had been done to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Adalin Nyx Character Portrait: Colonel Augustus Autumn Character Portrait: Mister Charles Character Portrait: Ruby Gowen Character Portrait: Gretch
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bosch
Ten hours Later.

“Marvin this heat is getting unbearable. I swear it’s getting warmer.”

Marvin looked up at the Sun and then back at his travelling partner, Christine Carol. They were sitting on a wagon being dragged along by sullen looking nag. Christine was a trader operating between Farpoint and New Mesa, she’d employed Marvin as a guard a few years ago when the route started to get a little dangerous and she felt she could use the backup. She now viewed the man as a kind of surrogate son despite his attempts to be taken seriously as a mean guard.

“We can stop for water in few miles, there should be an oasis coming up.”

They sat in the comfortable silence of friendship and watched as the countryside crawled by.

“What’s that?” Marvin said with a tinge of surprise to his voice as he pointed to a form off to the left.

Carol looked but could only see a small dark lump.

“It’s moving.” Marvin said as he dug around in his pack of the brass telescope he always carried.

Carol slowed the horse while Marvin investigated.

“Oh my, it’s a woman!”

Carol slowed the horse while Marvin jumped out and slowly pulled his rifle from its scabbard. She shook her head at his exuberance, the man was a romantic despite all his posturing as a tough mercenary. He was always looking for a damsel to rescue.

As he approached he could see she was an Ochillian although it was difficult through the dirt and dried blood. It was clear she’d been badly beaten.

“Are you alright?” Marvin asked as he approached and attempted to look heroic.

“Of course I’m no... I mean no I need help, bandits raided my caravan on the way to Farpoint, beat me and stole my cargo. Bastards.”

Marvin lowered his rifle and helped the woman to her feet. He quickly glanced along the horizon as he had heard of these honey pot ambushes before.

“Come on we’ll patch you up.” Marvin said as he supported the woman toward Carol and the caravan.

One Week Later

Jenner Reese looked out of the porthole of the Airship she had spent the last three weeks onboard, behind her Costner adjusted finalised his preparations and rechecked the bags he had packed. He didn’t bother with Jenner’s as he didn’t think it right to check the young woman’s personal items but he’d made it clear she’d have to carry whatever she packed.

“Ready Jenner?” He asked.

She nodded and lifted the small pack she’d prepared.

They were both dressed for further travel and stood out from the rest of the passengers because of it. It wouldn’t matter though once they were on the ground, in The Flats. Up in the Airship the assassin’s blade could come from any angle at least out on The Flats they could see it coming.

They disembarked and found themselves standing on a rickety pontoon in the middle of Farpoint. They walked along and passed an urchin clutching a raggedy stack of papers.

“New Mesa Falls to the Fed Army! Read all about!”

Jenner stopped and was about to speak to the child but Costner pushed her along. She bumbled along for a few moments until they finally got out of the throng of the crowd.

“The Confederates are here? I hope the White Group is still functioning they’re the only ones that can help us.”

One Week Later.

The truth was the White Group was in bad shape. The kidnap of Alexander and the work load had taken its toll on the team. Mister Charles knew he was pushing the team too hard but that was a good thing it meant they had too much work coming in. It was for this reason that Charles decided it was time to recruit again.

Of course contracts were still coming in through Mister Charles’ network but with the Confederate invasion it was better to lay low. He hadn’t been out of the Workshop in weeks and was starting to feel cabin fever setting in. The other members of the White Group where recuperating from their numerous injuries but there was no rest for Mister Charles, he was marshalling all his resources to learn as much as he could about the Confederate Army, try to find Gretch and lastly work out what was happening with Miss Globe who apparently had taken an interest in the White Group.

Charles was in his office going over some reports when Puck wandered in. Recently Puck had been given a wider role in the network acting as an intermediary between Mr Charles and the informants he had out on The Flats.

“Morning Puck I thought you were still out collecting reports?”

“I was but I ‘eard summat that I thought you should know.”

“Which was?” Charles asked.

“Some girl and this man she didn’t want people know she was with were walking ‘round Farpoint trying to find out about Miss Ada and The White Group.”

“Really? Do you have names?”

“Yep, She’s calling herself Carla or something and dyed her hair but it’s Jenner Reese.”

“How do you know that?”

“I was the one who told you about the bloke looking to set up a contract. I knew her from Kiladeys.”

“You went to Kiladey’s? At your age?”

“Yeah not anymore though getting too old. Gotta start saving my cash.”

“You’re ten... nevermind do with your money what you will. Send word to Farpoint. I’ll meet with Reese from what I hear she’s suffered a family tragedy.”

Puck nodded and left the office whistling a jaunty tune.

One Week Later.

Miss Globe had been travelling with Carol and Marvin for almost two weeks. Marvin was blinded by a woman being in his proximity to the extent he couldn’t look her in the eye. Miss Globe thought this was pathetic. Carol was a different story, the old woman had quizzed her about her story and was sure to keep an eye on Globe at all times. Miss Globe couldn’t be sure if it was old fashioned racism or if Carol was just a good judge of character but Globe only needed to get to the length of Farpoint where she could restock, rebuild and then go after the White Group again. She wasn’t sure how it had happened but somehow they’d slipped through her fingers again, once more shaming her. She thought how many people had died how much pain had been caused for the Spruce Framed Havelock Rifle. Of course now it was so much more than business she would finish what she’d started with Ada and she knew Alexander would be carrying the psychological scars from what she’d put him through for the rest of his life. That man would be irreparably changed and for that they would meet again.

They had stopped for the evening and Marvin was getting the fire started. Globe felt uneasy not about her situation but something in the air was disturbing her.

“Marvin you checked the perimeter?”

“Uh why yes... I checked it right and proper isn’t nothing out there gonna get you ma’am.”

Globe nodded but still she felt uneasy she looked out from the small camp they’d set and looked out across the Flats. As happenstance would have it Marvin’s kindling caught light as Miss Globe was looking across the Flats. She wasn’t even sure she’d seen it but for a brief second she caught something glinting that seemed to have ducked behind a sand dune.

She stretched and cracked her back before walking to the wagon and grabbing a small spade or as Carol called it the portable toilet.

“Excuse me.” Miss Globe said as she walked away from the Camp.

Once she felt she was far enough away to be undetected she broke into a jog and looped back around the camp. Sure enough behind the dune she found two Feral Tribals. Both heavily sunburnt and muttering amongst themselves.

Quietly she snuck along as she raised the spade high above her head. At the last moment she turned it in her hand to ensure she striking with edge of the spade and not the flat of it. All Ochil had to think about the best ways to maximise damage given their diminutive size.

She brought the spade down with all the force she could muster and sickening crack echoed across the Flats. Her victim instantly began to spasm so Globe let go of the spade and turned her attention to the other Tribal who was wide eyed with disbelief. Globe leapt on to his back and curled her lithe arms around his neck before squeezing the air out of him with the crook of her elbow.

The man collapsed and Globe quickly patted down both for whatever she could find. One was carrying a rusty looking blade while the other had a particularly shoddy looking New World revolver. She grabbed both and was about to kill the unconscious tribal when she heard a scream coming from the camp.

She peaked over the dune and saw a man wearing a battered looking duster standing over Carol’s motionless body. Marvin was pointing his rifle at the man who was brandishing a tiny knife like it was a dart.

After a swift movement too quick for Globe to see from distance the stranger was suddenly standing behind Marvin while Marvin clutched a bloody wound running the length of his right arm.

“Hell he’s fast.” Globe whispered.

The man didn’t kill Marvin but instead produced a long knife.

“Alright little one! Bet you think you’re real lucky but that luck’s done run out!” He shouted across the Flats.

“Now my two amigos ain’t shown up yet which makes me think they’re face down in some ditch which...” The stranger looked at Marvin. “What’s yer name pecker breath?”

“Fuck you.” Marvin muttered.

“Wrong answer.” I a fluid motion the stranger stabbed Marvin through his cheek causing the man to roar in pain.

“Which means Peckerbreath here is gonna pay!” The stranger called out.

Globe quickly went to the unconscious tribal and tied him up using torn clothing from the dead one she then slapped him awake. He tried to scream but Globe had gagged his mouth. When he started to struggle she punched him repeatedly until he stopped. She had to do this couple of times but she knew even a tribal would get the idea when beaten enough. Besides she liked it because she imagined it was Alexander’s face.

When the Tribal was feeling more cooperative she pulled him to his feet and marched towards the Camp.

“I have a hostage!” She called out to the stranger in the duster. As she approached she could the man’s face was a patchwork of scar’s sunburn and dirt. His hair grew at crazy angles at it looked like his skin was on the wrong skull. In the flickering of the campfire in front of them it looked like his skin was constantly shifting.

“Lady I don’t give a good fuck about no hostages.” The stranger called out as punched Marvin hard in the ribs.

Miss Globe’s hostage muttered a protest but she silenced him by jerk his hair back.

“All I’m saying is you let my boy go and I let yours go.”

The stranger started laughing.

“Lady do you know who I am? Seriously I don’t care about that fuckstick.”

The hostage again whined and again she pulled his hair to silence him.

“To be on the level I don’t care him either.”

“That so lady? You can’t steal my fucking bit.”

The stranger lifted a gleaming blade and threw it directly into the throat of Miss Globe’s hostage. She felt the Tribal’s blood roll out of his neck and on to her hand so she let the corpse drop.

“See what I mean you have to be willing to commit to the bit.”

Miss globe raised the Tribal’s pistol and sent a bullet directly into Marvin’s face.

The stranger let Marvin’s body drop.

“Now that is surprising.”

“I know you. You’re Gretch.”

Gretch took a theatrical bow.

“Indeed I am and you sure as shit ain’t no caravan guard.”

“No but from what I hear you’re on the way out now the Feds have taken Mesa.”

“Ha, it’s only loaned to them.”

“ I think we can work together and get ourselves back on our feet. Looks like you could use some quality help and I need a posse.”

“Why what’s a sweet little Ochillian like you need with a posse?”

“I got a bone to pick with the White Group.”

Gretch’s face slowly curled into something approximating a smile.

One Week Later.

New Mesa was completely under Confederate control while there were some incidents of the local populace rising up in an attempt to defy Confederate control these were limited to a number of isolated individuals. Cornel Augustus Autumn put this down to a simple lack of leadership it was for that reason he ensured a list was drawn up of any potential rabble rousers and they were taken care of.

Unfortunately one name had not been checked off his list.


He knew it would be far too fortunate to have Gretch die in the assault but still he had hoped. Now the madman was out there on the Flats plotting revenge, Autumn wanted to send out squads to look for him but his force was stretched enough holding the town.

Nevertheless word from the Peaks was his ambitious gambit had paid off. He was being hailed as a military genius for taking New Mesa with such a small force. He had to admit himself it had been a brilliant idea to use Gretch to take the town only to attack when the tribal had done the dirty work. Now Autumn was being widely tipped to be the next leader of the Confederacy all he had to do was maintain the tempo of his campaign which thankfully was being given a shot in the arm by reinforcements coming from the north. He was to receive two regular units as well as a small boys unit and a Specials unit. More than enough to hold the town which meant he could focus on expanding his borders.

Of course he still had multiple problems to overcome. Hope wouldn’t stand for an invasion of their borders and if the stories were to be believed the Guardians of Hope had the potential to cause a lot of damage before they were conquered. Farpoint wouldn’t be as tough to crack but everyday he didn’t attack gave them time to develop a resistance. Autumn was betting on the independent spirit of the Flats being their downfall. It was often said getting Flatlanders to work together is like trying to herd flies.

One Week Later.

Jenner Reese had begged, and Mister Charles had felt uncomfortable. She needed help taking on Mozambique, the man who had her family murdered, but she didn’t have the money to pay. Of course she did have something Mister Charles wanted.
“A simple trade you and your Mister Costner work for us and we’ll gladly help. I need help doing organisational work in the office and when I go out, with the way things are in New Mesa, I need some kind of protection. It seems Mister Costner has a penchant for keeping people alive so I’m sure he can do for me what he did for you.”

Of course they agreed. Jenner though hadn’t counted on enjoying the work though, she’d been at it for a few weeks and for the first time in her life felt truly useful. Sure she was collating information for a group of Assassins but she’d lived on the Flats she knew it was a rough place and in a way the White Group helped keep some semblance of order.

She was standing in the large Library, a room that contained all the information the White Group had gathered over their existence. She found it fascinating reading, it seemed like all she had done was pour over records from past jobs and surveillance reports.

Mister Charles had given her an important job, she was to prepare the briefs for the next round of jobs. She’d dropped them into Mister Charles and he was currently perusing them. It reminded her of her when her tutors would check her multiplication answers.

Mister Charles entered the study and set the stack of papers in front of her.

“Excellent work Miss Reese. The agents are ready for action, as is our new recruit, the spirited Miss Gowen. Post the Jobs.”

Jenner nodded and lifted the stack of papers before leaving to post them.

The Inside Job.

Location- The Peaks, Southern Territory. Igur Penal Mine.

Target- Hanzo Guinness

Information- This one will require a bit of travel. Igur is a Confederate operated Penal Mine in the south of the Peaks. It is quite different from the Flats in terms of Climate and Geography with its tall mountains and cold climate. The mine produces various metals and ores used by the Confederate Army including metal ores and coal.

Igur is famous for being notoriously tough with an astronomical inmate death rate. This is because Igur contains the absolute worst the Confederacy has offer. It does not divide for gender race or creed and the only thing that really matters inside its walls is how strong or smart you are. The guards are little help due to their corrupt nature which includes organised betting on fight between inmates. In closing Igur is not a nice place.

You are to find a way into Igur and find the man Hanzo Guinness. Guinness was part of a gang that pulled a diamond heist . Guinness found himself holding the bag and was able to stash it somewhere on the Flats unfortunately he was then captured by the Confederates. It is your job to break Hanzo out so he can lead the members of his gang to the stones. No doubt the Confederates are also aware that Hanzo knows where the stones are and will be asking him where they are. I’m sure they aren’t asking nicely.

Planning to Fail.

Location- New Mesa

Target- Confederate Plans for future troop movements

Information- New Mesa is now completely under Confederate control. The force is being led by Colonel Augustus Autumn who by all accounts is a masterful tactician and fighting man. Of course this says nothing about his morals.
Having seen what is happening in New Mesa several parties have become very interested in knowing where the army plans to move in the future as this information would be of great financial importance. Therefore these plans are to be located and recovered by an operative. Of course it is vital that this operation is undertaken in complete stealth as if the Confederates become aware that they have been infiltrated it is likely their plans will change. It is also for this reason that the operative should copy rather than steal the plans. So be sure to bring a pencil and paper.

While it may be possible to pass off one or two killings and blame it on the local people know that if the body count racks up the Confederates will become aware of your presence and the mission will be failed. Additionally the local people will pay dearly if you do decide to pin a murder of a Confederate on them.

House Call.

Location- Farpoint

Target- The Widow Mary Kane

Information- Mary Kane has been a pillar of the Farpoint community for over thirty years. She is widely respected for helping build the town and is a permanent fixture of its aristocracy. She has been known to undertake charitable works particularly among street youth in New Mesa, for example her Kane carts provide food and blankets when the temperature drops. She is viewed as either a force for good on the Flats or as a foolish old woman with more money than sense depending on how cynical the person is you talk you. One thing is clear though she’s a force for good on the Flats.

You are to kill her.

The widow Kane has been in poor health recently and our client would prefer she does not get better. The only stipulation is the death cannot appear to be a murder.

Kane lives on the airship her husband bought before his death with the money he made from his airship freight company or rather the airship freight company he sold to the Walkers. In recent months she has become somewhat reclusive with the only visitor she admits being her Doctor. If you are able to intercept the Doctor you may be able to present yourself as a replacement. If not you may rather take the direct approach and sneak in to kill her in her sleep.

Kane has become quite paranoid in her old age and maintains a rather large staff of ten guards each one of whom is intensely loyal to her. Additionally she has a cook and a maid.

Whatever method you choose the murder must look like an accident or natural causes there can be no suggestion of foul play.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Adalin Nyx Character Portrait: Colonel Augustus Autumn Character Portrait: Mister Charles Character Portrait: Ruby Gowen Character Portrait: Gretch
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0.00 INK

Target: Hanzo Guinness
Location: The Peaks, Southern Territory. Igur Penal Mine.


In truth, Ruby wasn't sure what she expected joining the White Group. They were mere Flats mythology as far as she'd been concerned up until now, and for all intents and purposes, Ruby wasn't exactly the quiet methodical type in most scenarios. But, Mr. Charles had made contact with her and apparently Ruby had something to bring to this table. It had taken her two weeks to mull over the decision. But it was when New Mesa fell to the Confederates that sealed Ruby's fate. Fuck the Confederates. Fuck their rules. Fuck everything they did, will do and if Ruby has anything to say about it, fuck them until they can't do anything anymore.

It took her two days to make her way to the Workshop, the mysterious headquarters and her new home as it were. Entering with an uncharacteristically nervous apprehension, Ruby for the first time realised how claustrophobic she was. Perhaps it was her pirates blood and love of the wide open spaces of the Flats. The bunker itself wasn't all that unwelcoming and when Mr.Charles had initially inducted her, explained what was expected and laid out the do's, don'ts and everything in between, Ruby began to feel a sense of belonging.

It was a few days after her arrival that Ruby took the opportunity to jump at a job. Cabin fever had begun to set in and the quiet nature of the bunker was starting to have adverse effects. Ruby hadn't met her other 'colleagues' yet, and that probably contributed to her sense of loneliness. When Miss Reese posted the first of the jobs, Ruby was quick to sort through them. Two required more patience and care than Ruby had to offer but the first one, that sounded like something Ruby could sink her teeth into.

Ingur Penal Mines:

Ruby awoke abruptly, three days later. Her hands were cuffed tightly and her wrists were raw and tinged slightly with pain. Her vision was blurry initially but it didn't take long for her to realise what was going on when she came to full consciousness. The air was almost cuuting as it brushed past her face. Looking to the ground below she could see snow. It seemed the Fed's had taken the bait and Ruby was just moments away from being dropped into the mines. She hadn't accounted for the three day sleep though, or the fact they'd suspend her hanging over the side of an airship for god knows how long. She breathed in deep, thankfully they hadn't beaten her -yet. And apart from a dull headache and her wrists, she was otherwise fine.

Someone yelled from the deck above and Ruby felt the ship descend through some mist and she saw a platform suspended about a mile up from the ground on the side of a mountain. The airship docked and Ruby plunged to the ground about three feet as her captors released her hold. Hitting the ground hard Ruby coughed as she was roughly picked up by mine guards.

"The bitch is to go down to the deep. Colonel Autumn wants her.. repenting deeply".

The escorting guard from the airship laughed. He looked to Ruby, holding her equipment up from arms reach,

"Colonel says you can get these back when you've earned them."

Ruby pulled out from her holder grip and kicked the taunter fair in the groin causing him to keel over with his eyes popping out of his skull,

"Look after them for me."

she chided as her escort punched her in the back and dragged her off the platform and into the Prison-mine.

It had been nearly three days since Ruby's arrival to the mines and she almost regretted this entire assignment. In the short time she'd been here she'd been forced to wander the deep - the roughest most dangerous part of this prison mine. The deep was the most horrific place of this entire operation. This place was meant as a productive prison. Littered with people of all ages, sizes, ethnicity and more. The prison was established on and into the side of a mountain named the Peak. The prisoners were essentially allowed to free roam, but placed into specific sectors. In the deep, the prisoners were forced to dig and build the prison further while collecting resources from these establishing mines for the Confederacy.

Ruby was in a constant battle to keep herself from being tortured or forced into some sort of bet-brawl by the guards within the few short days she'd already spent in the deep. Forced to work in near darkness and sleep wherever there wasn't someone else, the deep was a literal mind-fuck and a special destination it turned out, for those who personally pissed Autumn off. It turned out hijacking one of his Fed crews that wandering the Flats and killing them wasn't looked highly upon.

But Ruby was persistent and determined that her first job was going to succeed. So far she'd sussed out how the deep was monitored, and buddied up to a few inmates already; she'd also learned that the airship that had brought her here was still docked and was due to leave in a days time, and by chance learned that Hanzo Guinness was currently being interrogated at the Flank, or more commonly known as the Guard's Level - also the level above her's. Apparently the Confederates wanted the diamonds he'd stolen and hidden too, just as expected. But apparently getting the information wasn't as easy as expected and taking him into their nest was apparently where they kept their 'persuasion devices'.

Ruby had to move fast and she wasted no time putting a plan together. Fortunately for her the sector of this prison-mine had to use dynamite to clear more tunnels for further development. Unfortunately for Ruby, she was expressly prohibited to use them. But, like always, Ruby silently said fuck it to herself and when the place quietened down for the night, she set about putting a full-throttle plan into motion. Ruby was going to use the organised-chaos the guards had going against the entire prison. She found herself a dark corner to hide in while the guards did their check.

As two of the guards approached Ruby, she kept herself flush against the wall. The two, unbeknownst, ignored her and Ruby moved fast, kicking the one closest to her in the kidneys, then the back of his knee, forcing him to the ground in submission. The dim light gave her enough cover and she was able to punch the other guard in the stomach causing him to double over as she placed her hands on either side of his neck and pulled her knee upwards to collide with his face. The guard fell slumped to the floor as Ruby patted him down taking a small automatic handgun from his body and a stun baton too. Turning the baton on, she hit the other guard who was fumbling back to his feet causing him to slump next to his comrade unconscious too.

Ruby heaved in triumph and was caught off guard when suddenly a bright light shone into her eyes and another guard swore out loud and yelled into some sort of communication device,

"Back up in main tunnel of the deep!".

Ruby suddenly had to squint as the almost darkness was suddenly blinded by blaring lights. So the bastards kept everyone in the dark on purpose. Ruby adjusted and looked up in time to see her snitch aiming a handgun right at her and a number of inmates around them watching. He looked nervous, but Ruby could tell he'd shoot if given the opportunity, so she did the only thing she ever did; Ruby got loud.

"RIOT!" was all she needed to say.

A nearby inmate watching the scene unfold lost his shit at Ruby's words and king hit the guard holding her up. Her words, and the other inmate's actions sent a shockwave of unstoppable rioting that like a venom, poisoned the entire place within minutes. Ruby had her diversion. Grabbing a few remote controlled dynamite, Ruby began her ascent through the maze of mines, following small maps situated on the corners of intersections until she found herself back in the established part of the prison and soon slipping up into the Flank.

It was utter chaos everywhere else in this place but the Flank. True to her nature but unbeknownst to her, Ruby's one syllable word apparently had more power and drive than she'd thought. The Flank, normally a hotbed of Confederate Prison Guards was silent and abandoned. The Guards were all out in the rest of the mines bashing, killing inmates, trying to keep whatever order they had before and in turn they were being bashed and killed. By pure chance she found herself outside what was marked 'Interrogation Room' and from the inside she could hear shouting and arguing.

"What the fuck do we do?"

"I don't know, why the fuck are they this bad?"

"That bitch Ruby Doom -"

"Don't fucking call her that -"

Ruby pushed the door open slowly, letting it fall open as suddenly the inside went quiet. She heard the movement of guns as they were aimed towards the door. Ruby took a deep breath as she looked behind her and in front. She could hear the chaos a ways off, but no one seemed too concerned with the Flank. Ruby moved fast, turning the corner into the room crouching, her right leg stretched out as she crouched to provide a crutch and left leg stabilizing as she fired once into the face of one guard and then once again into the other.

Ruby pulled her right leg back in and stood up, pocketing the gun into the pocket of her prison pants, looking over the man sitting in the middle of a room, cocking his head to the side with a hood over his face and his hands tied behind him.

"What do you want?" he asked with a static, gruff voice.

Ruby smirked, pulling the hood of his face, "I want you."

The two made their way up each level of this sadistic prison as fast as they could. Unfortunately for Ruby, Hanzo was frail from weeks of apparent interrogation. He was a man of approximately 50 years of age, and while in reasonable mental and somewhat physical health, he had endured pretty exhausting trauma. But Ruby pushed him hard and with a bit of difficulty, the loss of all her ammunition, and stun baton, Ruby and Hanzo made their way to the same platform she'd been dropped off at earlier, appearing out in a giant hanger that overlooked the platform just in time to watch the airship that brought her here take off.

"Fuck. My guns and clothes!" Ruby grunted. "Bloody Cowards!"

She ran to the edge of the platform, looking down, too far; besides, it would take weeks to get back to the Flats and then some to get back to the workshop. Ruby turned back to Hanzo, shrugging her shoulders, that's when she noticed the small airship in the hangar that led off the platform.

"That's our ticket out of here." Hanzo chimed in, cottoning on to Ruby's plan.

Starting up the ship, Ruby cheered as it roared into life and breathed a sigh of relief as she and Hanzo took to the sky. They sailed for two hours before they managed to catch up to the ship that had left the Mining Prison to sort itself out - if it ever would. Ruby took the opportunity of being disguised as a Fed ship and pulled up on the side of the other airship dressed in a spare uniform left on board she'd found. Hanzo looked nervous but Ruby just smirked again,

"They've got a few of my things..."

It was ten minutes later Ruby made the leap back to the small airship, looking to Hanzo calmly as she told him he might want to distance themselves quickly. As they pulled away from the airship Ruby turned to wave as what was left of the crew on that airship waved erratically at her.


The airship suddenly exploded, breaking in two, falling about a mile or two to the ground below. Ruby yee-hawed and blew a kiss to the smoking rubble that hit the ground below with another explosion.

"Girl's gotta have her stuff" she joked holding her clothes and weapons up.

Ruby settled behind the controls of this ship and rode the journey out all the way back to a few miles from the workshop. Ruby pushed down a rope ladder when they were about twenty feet from the ground and made Hanzo climb to the ground, quickly switching the airship to an ascent and locking the controls, Ruby made her way down the rope ladder having to fall about three feet to make a safe landing. Hitting the ground jarred her ribs again and Ruby winced in pain as Hanzo helped her back to her feet.

"It's all good.. It's all good." she boasted as she straightened up.

The two walked the rest of the distance, a total of thirteen miles to the Workshop. Ruby had succeeded this time. Hanzo was safe. But it was at the cost of her physical body, and one big target by the confederation she'd placed on herself. Still though, Ruby had fun for what it was worth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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0.00 INK

Alexander had been relaxing since he was rescued. He went and visited the town that he had saved a while back. The people were glad to see him and he them. It was a nice couple of months getting away from it all. He made friends with a lot of the people and he was even starting to really like Tabitha. She was a beautiful and strong young lady which was perfect for Alexander. She didn't need a lot of upkeep and she was nice to Alexander Which was all that really mattered to him. He even started to forget about what Miss Globe did to him. He had nightmares, but he always had, had nightmares they were just varied now. At this point Alexander was seriously considering quitting White Group it wouldn't be that hard. But, he decided to take a few more jobs so that he could really fix up the town using his money, maybe expand it into a trade center it was dead in the middle of the flats and was an easily defendable position. A month or so after Alexander was back in tip top shape he was given a mission with this mission also came a sword and dagger combo made by Armoured Serpent. The job was basically the job he pulled back at the Walker's airship, but this time he just wouldn't get caught.

Alexander hitched a ride on a caravan that was heading to Farpoint. It was the first time since his first mission that he felt comfortable with his ability to complete a job. It would be rather simple to take the place of the doctor. All he would have to do is watch the airship for the first few days and figure out the doctors path. Then he would capture the doctor on his way to work. He would then take him back to a safe house and interrogate him to figure out what was wrong with the lady. Once he knew what was wrong with her he'd continue formulating a plan. It was another couple of hours before they got to Farpoint so he got some shut eye.

Alexander awoke to gunfire. He quickly grabbed his sword and peaked outside. It looked like a Confederate patrol. Alexander didn't care much for the politics of the flats least not any more, but these guys were attacking an innocent caravanner family and Alexander wasn't going to let that happen. The Gunfire stopped. There was a crying baby, but other than that he didn't think anyone was hurt not that he could tell from inside the caravan. He heard a voice say, "We don't want any trouble from you confederates just let us on our way please. We have children here." The Confederates replied with a bullet. The crying suddenly stopped. Alexander rolled out of the caravan and slammed into the back of one of the Feds. The mans back crunched when he hit the floor. Alexander then grabbed the man's fallen rifle and fired it blowing the head off the other Fed. The rest of the feds were unarmed. Most looked drunk. Alexander drew his sword and charged in hacking and slashing away at them with speed and accuracy he had never felt before. His skills had been improving after every mission he just couldn't feel it because of all his wounds. Soon all the feds were dead except for one. Alexander sheathed his sword and looked into the eyes of the fed that was left. "Tell your leaders that The Butcher of the Wastes is back. They'll know who I am." Alexander said.

Alexander then helped the family burry their now dead baby boy. "You're really The Butcher?" one of the children asked. "Afraid so." Alexander replied. "Why would the Feds be afraid of you? I mean you killed tons of people, but they have an army." The child said. "I'm famous amongst the people for killing a lot of folks. But, among the feds and the upper class on the flats i'm known as the only guy in the flats that has ever led and organized an army that is still alive." Alexander said thinking about his days of leading the waste gangs into war. It was stupid really they were fighting over a wasteland that had literally no worth. They gained nothing and lost so much. The only thing that was really gained was that most of the gang members were dead so the flats was free from their tyranny for a few years. But, the popped back up again. There were no more groups that were massive and organized, but there are just as many hungry kids so there are just as many gang members.Alexander had walked away from the family a while back. They were lucky he was there, but they'd probably meet the same fate in the future.

Alexander finally made it to Farpoint. He took his time knowing that the only thing that could happen to his target was that she'd die of some natural cause and he'd get paid anyway. He started scouting the ship watching the doctor and figuring out his route. Unluckily, the doctors path was extremely inconsistent so he'd just have to jump in on the guy when the chance arouse. Then one did. The doctor took a wrong turn down a dead end road. Which proved that the guy was just taking random paths to try and avoid a tail. Alexander walked down the alley way and the doctor turned around ready to leave when he saw Alexander. "Look man I have some drugs on me that's it no money and the drugs won't get you high, but you can have them anyway." The man said looking terrified. But, there was something wrong with the whole thing. It didn't occur to Alexander until now, but there was no one on the street behind them, but a single guy who looked like he could rip Alexander in half with one arm. The Doctor and the man charged Alexander together. "They said the lady was paranoid, but come on this is ridiculous she had a guard on her doctor and the doctor was a warrior. Alexander dogged to the side and the two men came to an abrupt stop and drew their hidden weapons. One had spiked knuckles and the other had throwing knives. Luckily Alexander was better armed. So Alexander sliced the big mans hand of when he came to punch. The sword cut through the hand like butter he would have to thank Armored Serpent for the fine craftsman's ship. He then stuck the dagger into the mans throat creating a disgusting sounding sucking wound. Alexander then turned to the doctor. He dogged the mans throwing weapon then charged him. "What's wrong with the old broad?" Alexander asked after tackling the man into a wall. "She's having heart problems." He said as calmly as a man could with a dagger inches from his crotch. "The medicine you have is for her heart?" Alexander asked putting pressure on with the dagger. "Y-yes." He stuttered out. "If I were to give her to much would she die." Alexander asked while put a little more pressure on. "Yes even a little more than her normal dose would kill her." He cried out. "Good." Alexander said and then he drove the Dagger in then out. He walked away leaving the man to bleed to death which he would in a matter of minutes. Alexander then walked over to the airship and stepped up to the guards at the front. "Halt." One yelled at him. "I'm the stand in doctor the old guy got stabbed in the crotch and died. Look I even have her medicine." Alexander said as he pulled out the vile and the syringe. "Alright go in, but Ellis here is going to tag along to make sure you don't do anything stupid on your first day." Alexander walked onto the ship and the woman followed behind. He wasn't sure what to do about her, but he'd touch on that problem when he got to it. He walked in and he saw that the woman was asleep. He gestured to the guard to stay by the door. "No need to wake her up." He whispered. Alexander then filled the syringe to the top and stuck it into he vein. He then pushed it all in then refilled the syringe and stuck that in also. He then walked away and out the door. "That's all she needs for know. But, I'm thinking i'm going to change her drug. This one is really, really easy to give an overdose with." Alexander said and threw the drug over board. Knowing that no one would know what it was besides the doctor. He then walked off the boat. The next day he came back, "Hello you two." Alexander said to the two guards at the front. "No need for you Doc. She had a massive heart attack and died a few hours after you stopped by." She said. "Did you apply life saving techniques?" Alexander asked. "Yes sir, but it was no use. Don't worry sir, it wasn't your fault she had been teetering on the edge for a while the old doc was worried about her all the time, said she could go at any minute." She explained. Alexander walked off with his shoulders slumped.

It was funny how he had just screwed over Farpoint and probably made it easier for the feds to take it over when he had warned the feds that he was coming for them. It was just an impulse to say that, it certainly sounded bad ass, but now the feds were probably coming to take Farpoint and that ladies leadership really could have helped get this town through it. "Ah well, were all going to die I just helped a couple of hundred people on their way today no biggy." Alexander mumbled as he walked back to the White Group base.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adalin Nyx Character Portrait: James Costner Character Portrait: Colonel Augustus Autumn Character Portrait: Mister Charles Character Portrait: Puck Character Portrait: Ruby Gowen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bosch

Hanzo Guinness was safely in the hands of his criminal gang who had been more than happy to pay Mister Charles and the White Group what they owed. Hanzo on the other hand was too happy with his reversal of fortunes to make much sense.
Mister Charles was happy as well, Ruby had performed admirably and would make an excellent addition to the team. He was slightly concerned about the interest her job would generate in the Confederate army. His concern only grew when he received the report of Alexander’s mission.

Around the same time Mister Charles was learning about Alexander’s Antics Colonel Autumn was doing the same. He was sitting in the office that had once been Fat Nic Escobar’s then Gretch’s and now his. Fat Nic’s Casino had been rebuilt and was now the Confederate nerve centre the gaming tables that had once stood in the place had been replaced by Models and maps of the surrounding areas and towns. Each one, with the exception of Hope, was well detailed thanks to the reports of the Confederate’s sources.

Colonel Autumn was lost in a world of thought and deeply reading a report by a survivor of a caravan ambush. Apparently the Confederate patrol had blundered into an ambush masquerading as a trade caravan. The Attack had apparently been led by a native calling himself the Butcher of the Wastes.

Autumn sighed and dropped the report before looking at the assembled captains before him. They were fighting men, all very good at following plans but poor at coming up with them. They needed Autumn to tell them what to do.

“At this point I see no reason to be worried about this Butcher. I have arrived at this conclusion through method of... Captain Hayes?”

“Deduction Sir?” Captain Hayes offered.

“Correct Captain. What I have deduced is this was not the work of a single man. The survivor, clearly traumatised, is having trouble remembering what he saw. I have no doubt it was a single man who threatened him but I imagine the massacre involved a well organised group. One man taking on an entire patrol? Unlikely.”

Autumn smiled, a gesture designed to inspire confidence.

“Secondly, by leaving a man alive we know this group to be vain. They wanted us to know what they had done, so that we might fear them. The Confederate Army does not fear, in particular we do not fear highwaymen with delusions of grandeur.”

The Captains nodded, happy that Autumn was there to take charge and ease their worried minds. The last thing any of them wanted was terrorist campaign.

“Lastly are any of you aware of who this Butcher of The Wastes is? Apparently our group of miscreants are unaware of the history that name carries around The Flats. Depending on who you speak to he’s either a hero of the weak or a mercenary that murdered fifty three Women and Children to celebrate a victory. Innocent people, not Slaves or Ochil, free Humans murdered by this butcher. Say’s a lot about them that they would choose such a name.”

The Captains stood in silence for a moment before Captain Lewis spoke up, the dead Confederates had been a part of his garrison.

“What will our response be?”

“Of course Captain we can’t let this stand and a strong message must be sent to any who are involved or are thinking about getting involved in this sort of thing. Our response must be swift and decisive.”

Autumn bridged his fingers and returned to his thoughts before standing and gesturing to a map.

“There is a small town, a trading stop really, called Ganhj about five miles south of New Mesa. Your squad is to travel there and select fifty three people. Execute half on the spot, ensure this is witnessed and the reason for the action is made clear. It is a response to the killings committed by the gang calling themselves the Butcher of the Wastes. The rest are to be brought to New Mesa where they too will be executed and displayed as a deterrent. Hopefully this will discourage the Flatlanders from picking up arms in an unwinnable war. The Confederate Army also shows mercy on their opponents even when they do not ask it.”


Mister Charles shook with anger as he read the report of Alexander’s actions. His actions had put the entire White Group at risk for the sake of a single Caravan. He waited for the Confederate response which he was sure would be swift.

It was.

Puck told him about the massacre at Ganhj and the reason behind it. Apparently the Confederate troops had really worked the place over before murdering fifty three of the town’s inhabitants as a response to the actions of the Butcher Of Wastes. Half of the bodies were currently hanging around New Mesa, just as Gretch had done when he had been in charge.

Charles collected the report he had received about the massacre and sent it to Alexander. He also included his message alongside the report.

“I do hope you had fun playing the Hero Alexander, However I do feel it doesn’t suit you just ask the fifty three Innocents. Or is it One hundred and six now?”

Charles regretted sending the message but he could not abide recklessness and felt it had to said. For all his combat skill Alexander still had to learn the wider consequences his actions could have especially when facing an enemy like the Confederate Army.


Ada as always reported directly to Mister Charles after her mission had been completed, not only had she successfully reproduced the plans but she had completely avoided detection. Charles commended her on her work and watched as the young woman left his office. She didn’t respond to his praise and not for the first time he wondered what Hope did to turn children into such emotionless killers.


The next day Charles had the plans Ada copied in his possession and was getting ready for an arduous journey.

“Ready Mister Costner?”

“Ready Mister Charles.”

Charles nodded and threw his pack onto the back of his horse before climbing on. Costner did the same with his own horse.
The two men were setting off from the Workshop and making their way to another meeting. The client had chosen a meeting point deep in The Flats which was becoming more common as the fear of Confederate spies was becoming more real.

Already Charles was seeing more and more signs of the occupation. Confederate Airship were making piracy a top priority as well as increasing their hold on New Mesa and the surrounding lands. It was clear the Confederates thought they were there to stay but what this meant for The Flats remained to be seen. Skycove was an obvious choice to attack as Charles had heard rumblings the Pirates were trying to sort out an Independent Navy although there were voices of dissent that thought it would be wiser to just migrate south and leave the Flats to the Confederates. Hope was something of a mystery as its interactions with the other towns were limited. There was no doubt they had weapons stockpiles but their religious beliefs meant they did not have many soldiers and would be unlikely to attack the Confederates unless directly threatened. Nevertheless Hope would be a place the Confederates would be wise to stay out of. Farpoint would fall quickly as it was a town founded on commerce and the Confederates had the most beads. To Charles it seemed unlikely that the Flats would be able to resist Confederate rule. While there was a willingness there to resist the people of the Flats were too disorganised to present a real threat.

They needed a leader.

The meeting they were travelling to would conclude Ada’s plan copying job. Mister Charles had been approached by a Group claiming to be attempting to put together an Independent Army that could one day dead direct blows to the Confederate Army. Of course Mister Charles had no interest in their fight. The White Group would always exist regardless of which flag the Flat’s where under. However when it became clear the group had substantial financial backing, thanks to Claude Kane who had recently inherited his mother’s fortune. In all the White Group had been heavily involved in starting the Resistance even if they were doing it for beads.

After a few days travelling they eventually arrived at the meet. It was taking place in a cave network to the west, a nice out of the way place where a meeting could take place away from prying eyes.

The two men spent a few hours scoping the place out but could see no signs of life.

Eventually Costner stealthily entered the cave but didn’t find anything amiss. The pair entered the tunnel network and eventually found themselves in the chamber where the meeting was to take place. Charles could feel the hair on his neck bristle, there was something off about the meet but he felt confident with Costner there.

Soon they heard a distinctive clip of heels against rock. Both men turned to face an Ochillian Woman wearing a white shirt and tan trousers.

“Madame Ti’loke?” Charles asked.

“Yes I assume you two are representatives from the Organisation?”

“The White Group? Yes, it’s fine to say the name.”

“Good Then it’s fine to say our name, the Flats Resistance Army.”

“Not an Army quite yet is it?” James asked.

“We’re recruiting.” The woman said a little defensively.

“We have the information as requested and our operative was undetected. In fact she tells me she was feet away from Colonel Autumn himself. Could have ended the whole thing there.”

“Why didn’t she?”

“If you’re good at something never do it for free. The Operative completed her task as instructed. Now to business.”

He opened the bag containing the plans but instead of producing them he pulled out a Revolver and pointed it at the woman.

“Miss Globe, I presume?” Charles asked solemnly as he pointed the weapon at the woman’s head.

“How’d you...”

“Know? The lie was good in fact it almost had me convinced. Until I saw your face. My Operatives told me about their encounters with you and the wounds on your face seemed familiar. The rest was guess work I don’t know any other female Ochillians that would need to resort to this kind of deception to get my attention.”

Miss Globe smiled.

“Very good. I hope you don’t think me a rank amateur but time was against us.”


“Ah it would appear you don’t know everything.”

Charles heard a sudden whoosh pass by his ear. Costner roared a curse of pain and when Charles glanced back he saw the man had a large blade sticking out of his shoulder. Costner quickly wrenched it out but Charles didn’t have time to consider what was happening as he quickly found himself tagged with an similar knife. Immediately he knew it was drugged.

“If it’s any consolation I got your man Alexander in a similar fashion.” Miss Globe explained.

Charles heard Costner hit the floor behind him and knew he was a few short seconds away from unconsciousness himself. He tried to steady his aim but Miss Globe was floating around the sights so he lowered the weapon.

“Bugger it.” He said before raising it and firing off every round he had.

He then collapsed.


A slap woke Mister Charles up and he saw himself staring into a horribly scarred face he knew all too well.

“Charlie! Welcome to the party.” Gretch beamed. He was wearing a leather apron that was covered in various knives and cleavers. “Me and your partner here where just getting acquainted, playing us some twenty questions.”

Charles took a second to get his bearings. He still in the cave but was now tied to a wooden chair as was Costner who was about twenty feet away and facing him. Costner had taken a beating to be sure but he was still more or less in one piece.

“I got questions Charlie. A lot of fucking questions and you two fuckers got answers!”

“If he finds the Workshop he will rape and murder everyone he finds in there do you understand?” Charles called out to Costner.
Gretch turned and looked at Costner. “Not even necessarily in that order.” He shrugged.

Gretch stretched and walked into a space roughly half way between the two men.

“Now we’re going to play another game. Twenty Questions is getting fucking boring. What to play though... what to play...” Gretch pondered as he stroked his chin in a theatrical display.

He abruptly clicked his fingers. “Mum’s not here, so why don’t we do something... bad?”

“Could you bloody well get on with it? I don’t have time to indulge your ramblings.” Charles said staring hard at the Madman.

“Alright. See Charlie that’s why I like you. Straight to the point. All Business. We coulda worked together and run these Confederate dickpleasers out of town but you hadda send one of your fuckers after me. So now you gotta die, then that piece of shit assassin you sent is gonna die and finally you know what’s gonna happen? All your little fucking killers are gonna work for me. Wanna know why?”

“As I said, let’s move this along.”

“The War. I’m the resistance, I wasn’t shitting ya. Who else is gonna stand up to these Confederate fucks? Who else can lead men? I took a bunch of fucking know nothing tribals and took New Mesa. I can send these solider boys back to whatever diseased whore spawned ‘em.”

“Eloquent as always.” Charles sighed.

“Here’s the deal, I want to know where the White Group club house is first. You know take care of the past so I can move on. So I’ve come up with a simple game to get me answers. Let’s take a closer fucking look at your friend’s chair.”

Gretch strode over to Costner and booted him in the chest knocking over his chair.

“See all these twigs and straw and wood and shit?” Charles looked at the heap that was tied under Costner’s chair. “That’s kindling! Don’t you worry now Charlie boy. Yours is exactly the same.”

Gretch heaved Costner’s chair back up.

“We’re gonna play us some Eeny Meeny Miney Moe. The loser gets to be barbecue and the winner gets to watch. It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

Gretch pointed at Charles.

“Eeny Meeny... Wait I don’t want any cheating so before you ask I’ve pulled those fucking false teeth Charlie. You can’t be sucking down no poison to get out of it, the loser is going to feel this shit.”

Gretch pointed at Costner and began his rhyme again.

“Eeny Meeny Miney Moe,
Catch a Tanu by the toe,
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny Meeny Miney Moe.”

He stared at his finger for a long moment before following it to the loser.

“I’m sorry Charlie. To be honest though it was always going to be you.” Gretch shrugged.

“You Fucker!” Costner yelled from across the room.

“Do NOT tell them anything! We WILL be avenged!” Charles shouted at Costner.

“Sure thing Charlie, whatever you say.” Gretch said as he gathered together some flint and crouched down behind Mister Charles.

“Do not let me down. Tell him nothing.” Charles said making eye contact with James.

Gretch theatrically smelled the air.

“I think something’s burning!”

Gretch exploded into gleeful laughter and got to fanning the flames.

“NO you Bastard! You sick fucking bastard!” Costner screamed from his chair.

The kindling quickly erupted and the flame travelled to the leg of Charles’ trousers. The man gritted his teeth and stared at the floor while trying to ignore the pain and Gretch’s frantic waving and dancing. He tried to go somewhere else, to a time when he was happy and undamaged but after a lifetime spent killing people for beads he couldn’t think of a single happy moment.

Like Gretch said he was going to feel the flame.

Costner watched as Mister Charles seemed to ripple behind the heat haze. Blood was running down Charles’ mouth from how tightly he was gritting his teeth but eventually he threw his head back screamed with pain. The scream filled the room and Costner thought it was loudest, longest thing he’d ever heard.

Gretch dropped to his knees with the twisted joy he was getting from the moment.

“Let it out Charlie! Die knowing I killed you!”

Soon Costner couldn’t see Mister Charles through the smoke and flame. All that told him Mister Charles was still there was the screaming but eventually it stopped. Then only the crackling of the fire remained.

Costner dropped his head.

As the fire died Gretch got to his feet and walked to Costner.

“I’m going to leave this here for you to take a right long fucking peep at. Tomorrow morning at dawn you are going to tell me where the White Group call home. What I did to that is nothing compared to what I’ll do to you. I just wanted to kill him. You I want answers from. You’ll be alive for days while I work on you. Fucking days.”

Gretch patted Costner on the cheek before standing and leaving the cave.


Eventually the smoke cleared enough for Costner to see what was left of Mister Charles and he felt his resolve waver. Gretch was going to kill him of that there was no doubt what Costner had to decide was if he was going to die keeping his word to Mister Charles or die quickly.

Costner didn’t sleep instead he spent hours just staring at Mister Charles’ immolated body and thinking about his failure. His first time out with Mister Charles and he’d let him died in the worst way it was possible to imagine. Costner closed his eyes and prayed to whatever God he could remember.

He prayed for the chance of revenge.

He was interrupted when he heard shifting rocks behind him and for a second felt fear grab his heart that it was already dawn.

“Psst James?”

Costner tried to turn in his seat but couldn’t see where the voice was coming from, then he felt small hands working at the ropes that held him. Once he was free he quickly stood and turned to face his rescuer.

Grubby faced Puck stood in front of him and wiped his nose.

“Puck how did you get here?”

“Found a hole in the ground.” The child explained simply.

“Why are you here?”

“Didn’t trust the meet. I always watch meets I’m not sure about. I have Mister Charles’ back only he don’t know I do.”

“Puck about Mister Charles...” Costner started as he positioned himself between the boy the horror of Mister Charles’ corpse.

“I know, but we gotta get outta here and tell the others. Ain’t no way we’re gonna take on nobody. No weapons and Gretch got an Army in the next chamber over.”

“An army?”

“Tribals all of ‘em but he sure got a lot. Let’s get out of here.” Puck sounded scared and the courage it must have taken for the boy the rescue him became apparent.



Puck showed Costner the hole in the ground through which he entered the cave and Costner followed him out. On the way they passed along a rock shelf that took them over Gretch’s Army. Costner counted at least fifty tribals and there had to be more on patrols. It wasn’t enough to take on the Confederates but Gretch was building his army.

Eventually the duo found themselves looking at a make shift stable with a lone guard. Costner guessed there were only a few hours left until dawn.

“Don’t worry I know how we can sneak past him.” Puck said but Costner put a hand on the boy’s shoulder.

“You wait here and don’t come in. I’ll get the horse and bring it out.”
Costner got to his feet and walked to the Stable. Puck waited for about five minutes before Costner returned with a horse and covered in blood.

“James, you’re bleeding!”

“Not my blood kid.”


At dawn Gretch was surprised to learn Costner had been able to escape. He had assumed the cave only had one entrance but it was no matter without their leader the White Group would be no more, he’d had his revenge. As for Alexander without Mister Charles’ network to protect him eventually Gretch would track him down.

A thought then occurred to Gretch which sent him to the stable where the stench of death was over powering.

Every horse in the Stable was dead as was the guard. In fact it looked like before he’d left Costner had taken his time killing and mutilating the man. On the wall in blood was a simple message.



“James are you alright?” Jenner Reese asked James Costner after he explained what had happened to Mister Charles.

“It was pretty rough but he took it like man. He was more worried about me breaking than he was about himself. He was one tough old bastard.”

“We have to let the others know. I’ll brief them when I put up this week’s jobs.”

“What do you mean? There’s no White Group, not anymore.”

“I’ve been working with Mister Charles for a few months now I’m sure between us we can keep it running. The operatives all know what they’re doing and I’m sure they’ll be out for revenge, we owe Mister Charles that as well, he took us in. We also need to find information about Mozambique or have you forgotten about that? I’M though running James, we make our stand here. We’ll kill Gretch, Avenge Mister Charles and go back to work.”

Costner nodded and left the office.

Jenner lifted a pen and started to write.


Before the usual posting of Jobs it falls to me to inform you of the death of Mister Charles at the hands of Gretch and Miss Globe. I assure you this action will not go unanswered. I am using all resources at our disposal to track down this man as well as his associates. To this end all operatives are to remain vigilant for any information regarding Gretch, Miss Globe or any Groups claiming to be the Resistance to the Confederate Army as this is the group Gretch is now commanding.
Additionally, according to Mister Costner, Gretch has a particular interest in the White Group therefore Operatives should take precautions while on Jobs.

Lastly while the death of Mister Charles is a tragedy I assure you the White Group will continue to operate. This would have been his will.

The Ringleader.

Jenner Reese.

Leave no Man Behind.

Target- The remains of Mister Charles.

Location- A cave Network to the west, in the Badlands.

Information- The Body of Mister Charles is to be recovered if possible and brought back to the Workshop where it can be interred.

James Costner can offer the precise location of caves, he should be consulted before you set out. The caves are in the middle of the Badlands so expect to encounter feral gangs of Tribals as well as the occasional, hopefully friendly, tribe of Ochillian nomads.
Lastly while we believe Gretch and his army have moved on, you are to collect any information possible about the group. This can be achieved through analysis of physical evidence or interviewing those who may have seen them passing through the area.
Be aware Gretch is a feral tribal and he is considered a legend amongst these groups if you are detected by a gang of roaming psychos odds are Gretch will hear about it.


Target- Cuervo “Slim” Banner

Location- The Zong.

Information- Unlike on the Flats Slavery is common in the Peaks. All races and genders have the potential to become slaves and once someone is branded a slave that is their station for life. Branding takes place on the cheeks as a method to easily identify slaves.

Slim Banner is a Slaver who is currently operating in the Flats he seems to be specialising in Ochillians, particularly women and children. Apparently they are sought after on The Peaks by the wealthy as they are seen as exotic.

It’s a dirty trade for dirty people. The client is the Ran-du Tribe who are nomadic traders like all Ochil. Apparently five of their group, two women and three children, were captured by Slim and his gang of Slavers.

Pirates are not welcome in most places in the Flats including Skycove, probably because many pirates are escaped Slaves. The Pirates have established a market called The Zong where slaves are traded before being brought north to the Peaks. Apparently Slim and his Slavers are currently there with the kidnapped Ran-du. You are to kill Slim and recover the five Ran-Du if possible. Expect them to be heavily drugged as this is the preferred Method to keep Slaves controllable. The Zong it’s self will be crawling with Slavers so be aware.

Tit for tat for tit for tat...

Target- Captain Melvyn Lewis

Location- New Mesa and the surrounding area.

Information- Captain Lewis led the attack on Ganhj that resulted in the execution of fifty three innocent people in retaliation for the deaths of Confederate Soldiers under his command. Apparently one of the fifty three killed is worth paying for revenge.
You are to locate and assassinate Captain Lewis. The client has specified, and these are the clients own words, “Let the bastard know his death is coming”. I’ll let the operative decide what that statement means.

Security in New Mesa is much tighter after the ambush so it may be easier to engage the Captain while he is on patrol. We have his previous patrol routes and times available in library.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jenner Reese Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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Night before the mission.
Alexander got the note from Mister Charles days after his death. Alexander was afraid to open it in a way. But, he knew what it said. He'd heard about the deaths and why it was done. Alexander's brother had even sent him a letter asking, "What the fuck did you do little brother?" Alexander decided to tap into his stash of liquor. He pulled out the best bottle of brandy he had and downed the whole thing in about ten seconds flat. About five minutes later Alexander was drunk, but not that drunk. Alexander had always had a problem with drinking. It had never been full on Alcoholism, but after he was captured by Miss Globe he was starting to drink more to keep his memory suppressed. Evidently, the drug she had given him never really wears off even when you get clean. But, drinking seemed to help a little. It blurred the children's faces when he closed his eyes at least.

Alexander finally maned up and opened the letter. He read it halfheartedly already knowing what it said. The end bit was a bit cold on Charles's part, but the man was dead now so it didn't really matter. He laughed a bit about Charles's count. It was a tad low. Alexander understood war and how to win it. You don't win wars by attacking armies at least not at first. You have to take out infrastructure and possible reinforcements. Alexander must have ordered his armies to sack 20 towns, maybe more. Every single innocent, man, women, and child's blood is on Alexander's hands if they died in that war. Alexander's side was heavily outnumbered. If he had just left it his army would have been defeated easily. But, Alexander really liked to win. So if winning meant slaughtering a village of miners that were supplying the enemy with food not because they wanted to, but because they had to Alexander was down for that. And honestly he still was. He didn't like winning any less. And the power you feel when leading men and women is more addicting then any drug in existence. Alexander smiled at the thought of it. Then he broke down and cried a drunk's cry. It was probably heard through out all of White Group's base. He didn't know why he was crying really. Maybe, it was the realization that he really didn't give a shit about killing the 53 people after seeing their deaths over and over again it just wore down how much he cared. He used to be able to name every single child he had killed. Now all he had were faces, they were clear and excruciating to look at which was why he drank, but it wouldn't be long before he didn't even care about their faces anymore. Or maybe it was because he gave even less of a shit about the thousands that he had indirectly killed. But, more than likely it was because he was out of all the good liquor.

The mission.

Alexander didn't even look at the mission that was assigned to him. until he was almost a mile away from the HQ. Stupid decision on Alexander's part. He had walked a mile in the wrong direction. "Fuck me." Alexander mumbled as he turned around. On his second pass of the base he saw the new girl return. She was pretty battered up, but that was more than normal. He kept on walking until he came across a caravan. They were selling some food and Alexander was hungry so he grabbed a bite. Then Alexander saw the cook. It was a Ochillan boy no older than ten. That was when Alexander had a really stupid idea. "Hey kid." Alexander gestured to the boy to come over to him. "Do you wanna make some really good money. And get back at a slaver that has been taking your people?" Alexander asked. The boy thought for a second then nodded. "Lets go then." Alexander gestured to the boy to move. "How much is a lot?" The boy asked. "You ever had a bag full of beads before?" Alexander asked. "No, I never really had any. My tribe made me an outcast after I accidentally killed my brother. So I mostly work for food now." The boy explained. "Lets just say this. You'll have more money then most people will ever see in their life." Alexander grinned. Alexander covered the boy up to hide his ochillan features. He wasn't quite sure how he was going to use the boy yet.

When they got to the slave trading post Alexander started to ask around. He found that Slim was a rapist which was honestly an assumption. But, there was a surprise. Evidently Slim had his own personal collection of little boys and girls that were his "Servants" And he would pay top dollar for them too. Alexander walked up to where he found Slims quarters to be. It was guarded by two men that looked very overworked. Which implied that the entire base was understaffed. "I have a proposition for Mr. Banner." He said whilst pulling off the little boy's hood. The men opened the door without a word and closed it without question. He walked into Slim's room without knocking. Big mistake. What he saw was indescribable. There were little boys and girls in chains. And what he was doing to one of the boys was just indescribable. Alexanders original plan went out the window. He was going to sell the child who would have a knife on him. When the Man came to do "Things" to the boy he was to stab him to death as Alexander rescued the people that he was to rescue. But, that went out the window. Alexander just drew his sword and cut the man's head from his torso spraying blood all over the child that he was sodomizing. He then cut all the children loose. Now he was stuck. He found them clothing and they gladly wore it and he even managed to bath the one boy covered in blood. But, there was no way to get the children out. Unless he walked them out in chains. Alexander went to each child and explained what he was doing. He then chained each of them up in a line. With the little Boy he had brought with him at the front. He then rummaged through. Slims desk and found the papers that proved ownership of each of the children and the five he was to rescue. He then walked out the door first. Without the children. He looked at the two guards and just frowned. "You two are just just as sick as Slim letting that happen. Alexander then Stabbed one with a knife and dragged the other through the door and just beat him to death. He then dragged both into the room where slim was and just dropped them. He then left dragging the children along as if he were their owner. He came to the cages and Showed the guards there the papers proving he owned all the children and the five extra people still imprisoned. He looked around and did that math. He finally came to the conclusion that he wouldn't be able to break all the prisoners out. "Sir, it's not usual to have any slaves bought at a place like this. Most of these slaves are already sold to bigger markets up in the Peaks. But, these papers are authentic. How much did you give Mr. Banner for these slaves?" The man asked. "I gave him a slice from my fortune." Alexander said. The man fetched the slaves he had asked for and even tied them on for Alexander. Alexander walked with them still tied up for about an hour. Then he untied them all. Then sent the group he rescued on their way. "So what the fuck am I going to do with you kids?" Alexander asked them. "They all looked afraid. He asked them a few questions and found that most of them came from Ochillan groups that had been destroyed by slavers. "Do any of you have intact homes?" Alexander asked. Only one raised his hand. It was the little boy that Alexander had brought with him. Alexander tossed the boy his bag of beads. it was about 500 beads. Enough to buy a house. Alexander sighed and brought the children back to his house. He hadn't been there in Almost 2 years. It was falling apart. He set the children to work on his house just to give them something to do. He put the boy in charge. He had no name so Alexander named him Balder. The other Children had Ochillan names that he would learn in time. He then went to the Base. And for the first time actually met with the new leader of White Group. He explained what happened leaving out all the rescued children bit. He figured she already knew though. She seemed sharp enough. And if she was even half as good as Mister Charles she knew just about everything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Puck Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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"Tell us a story Mr. Lancaster, pretty please," One of the orphans asked. The question was followed by shouts of encouragement from the other 26 orphans. "Well... alright. Once upon a time there was a man. He was famous across all of the flats as one of the best swordsman around. He dueled over a hundred swordsmen and women without incurring even a scratch. Soon he was recruited into an army at first as just a sword, but soon they realized he was more than that. They realized he knew how to lead soldiers to victory. So they put him in charge of a unit which was were he gained the name "Butcher of the Wastes" after that they made him a general were he one many battles and won a war." Alexander didn't know how to finish his story. He wanted to make it happy, but it didn't have a happy ending not really. "What happened to him after that?" Balder asked. "He retired and raised a family. Then he died happily in his sleep." Alexander said. "That's not a very climactic end." Balder said. "No, but it is the happiest ending anyone can hope for. Now off to bed." The children ran off to their corners of the house to sleep. He had gotten each of them beds it wasn't cheap, but it was worth it.

That night Alexander had a nightmare, but unlike before it wasn't of the past. But the future. The Feds burned down his home and retook each of the orphans back to The Peaks and sold them to men like Slim. He awoke in a cold sweat. The Sun was shining through his blinds and he could hear children's laughter coming from the courtyard below. He could also see the men he hired to guard the children when he was away. They were Ex soldiers of his, some of the finest in the world two of them could equal ten Feds. He walked out of his home after saying goodbye to the children. He had instructed one of the men to start training the children to fight.

He entered the HQ and took a look at the missions. He considered them and one caught his eye. A job to stop a man named Chop Chop one of Gretch's men. Alexander looked at who was issuing the mission. It was from the head of White Group her self. She wanted to weaken the resistance for some reason. Whatever the reason was Alexander was not going to let her do it. Gretch may be a crazy psychopath, but he wouldn't allow the Feds to take what little Alexander had. Alexander left the base with one mission. Have a chat with Chop Chop and get in contact with Gretch.

He hitched a ride with a Caravan that was going by New Mesa. They were good people who shared there home with him without asking any questions about why he wanted to go to New Mesa. The children did of course ask about his scars. But, he let that go. They even sold him some good whiskey which was an easy way to his heart.

When he made it to New Mesa he surveyed the area. When he found a weak spot in their defenses he infiltrated and made it into the crowd without being noticed. He then made a beeline for Puck's little hiding spot. It was well hidden and unreachable by anyone over the age of ten so he had to find an orphan to go find Puck for him. He found one and payed a hefty sum. The boy returned with Puck. "What do ya need Mr?" Puck asked. "You wouldn't happen to know were James Squire is hiding at would you Puck." Alexander asked. "Yea, I do, but I can't seem to figure out were the meet is going to go down," Puck said. "That's alright just bring me to James I'll charm my way in." Alexander said.

Puck brought him to an inconspicuous looking warehouse. "This is were he's at." Puck said. Alexander threw him a bag of beads then told him to go home. The entrance was guarded by two men who looked as if they were playing a game of chess. But, they were armed and looked rather dangerous. "Hello there." Alexander said while approaching the two. "I know what this place is and I need to talk to James. I'm here on behalf of White Group you probably know who they are." He explained. They both drew their weapons and looked at Alexander. "Don't worry." Alexander dropped both of his weapons and presented his hands to be bound. They bound him and took him inside to see James.

"Why are you here and how did you find us?" James asked pointing a gun at Alexander's head. "I'm here to make sure the deal with you and Chop Chop goes over well and to present my services to both you and Gretch as both an Assassin and a sword. And how I found you is none of your business." Alexander explained. "Do you know Ruby?" He asked. "Not well, but yes I know her." Alexander replied. James relaxed a little. "Can you prove you're a White Group member?" He asked. "No, we carry no form of identification." Alexander said. "Fine I'll trust you, but know this I can and will kill you if you betray me or ruin my plans with Gretch. Give the man his weapons back and untie him." James ordered.

It was two days until the meet was to go down so Alexander took the time to spar with James and his men. They were all mediocre fighters at best. James and a few others had some talent, but it would take some real training to make them into warriors.

The time finally came and they went to the meet. It was off about 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) from the city. Chop Chop arrived fashionably late with a group of about 20 tribals. Alexander scanned around making sure there were no hidden snipers or anything of the kind when he caught a pair of eyes. Puck's eyes. He must have found out were the meet was somewhere. That didn't bode well for Alexander.

"You James?" Chop Chop asked Alexander. "No, that would be my friend here." Alexander gestured to the real James. They made deals about how Gretch would smuggle in weapons and supplies to the rebels if James promised to help reinstate Gretch as the leader of New Mesa and even the entire flats if the opportunity arose. James agreed quickly to the terms as they were fair and helped everyone reach their goals. "Now one more thing. My friend here has a proposition for Gretch also." James said gesturing back to Alexander. "Yea and what the fuck does he want eh?" He asked. " I would like to offer my services to Gretch." Alexander replied. "And why would he want your help ya dumb cunt?" Chop Chop asked. "Because I am an Assassin, one of the best." Alexander replied. "You White Group?" He asked. "Yes I am." Alexander said. "Gretch has expressed to me that he is interested in owning the White Group." He said. "I can't make that happen. But, I can kill anyone or steal anything he needs. Free and no questions asked. He can send any requests to this location." Alexander handed Chop Chop a pecie of paper with the address of a courier service. "Tell the service there to take it to Alexander Lancaster they'll know were to go to find me." Alexander continued. Chop Chop nodded, "I'll be sure to tell him, we could use someone like you if you are telling the truth. And if you're not. We will cut your balls off and feed em to ya."

Chop Chop gestured to his men to be off and they did just that. Alexander glanced up and noticed that Puck was gone. Probably already on his way to Tell Jenner about what went down. Alexander knew there was no hiding what he did so he went back to HQ to face his punishment. When Mister Charles was in charge the worst he would have gotten was a talking to that made him Alexander feel like shit. He had no idea what Jenner's wrath could feel like. But, he was probably about to find out.


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Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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"Men are pretty god damn easy to kill when you think about it. Just a tiny cut along the under side of your arm down to your wrists and that's it." Alexander placed his knife at the spot the ulnar artery meets the hand and traced it up the mans arm. His muscles visibly tightened as the cold steal continued up his arm. "So Guardians do fear death." Alexander stated with feigned surprise. "No we only fear one thing and that thing isn't yo.." the man was cut off when Alexander jammed the knife straight into the mans arm severing the artery. Alexander then trailed the knife downwards spraying blood all across the dusty hard ground. "I've always preferred this way of killing to be frank with you. No matter what happens from now until the moment you die you are going to die. But, it gives me a chance to talk to a dead man. When, other than now of course will anyone ever get that chance again? Huh guardian." Alexander said while he gently placed the mans head on the ground. "We will find you. And we will finish off those orphans of your's." The dead guardian said. "Your the only person who knows about them. And as I just said your dead" Alexander explained letting a little anger come into his voice breaking the calming talk between two dead men. The guardian had a reply, but it never came his eyes glazed over and death took him. Alexander stood and walked away from the body knowing that what came after the simple beauty that is death will be lot less beautiful in a few minutes. Alexander walked through the battlefield he had orchestrated. It was a work of art illustrated by swords and colored with blood. 20 dead guardians and 200 dead feds.

How in the Hell did Alexander do it?
This mission was going to be a challenge Alexander had to admit that. Gretch's idea of individually killing two squads was stupid. It would be much easier to just have both sides fight each other until one side was dead. The whole idea of a squad of Feds killing the best warriors on the flats just didn't add up. But, how would Alexander get enough Feds and Guardians into one place so that there would be a battle so that the deaths on both sides are high enough that good sense goes out the window and war is declared. It was time for Alexander to go have a chat with some of the unsavory characters he associated with back in his soldering days.

Chapter 1 Scarred Wrabble
Alexander approached Scarred Wrabbles home cautiously checking and double checking the ground with each and every step. The man was paranoid when Alexander had met him all those years ago when his name was just Wrabble he had no idea how paranoid the man had become. Wrabble was instrumental to starting the Gang Wars. He was a counterfeiter who specializes in counterfeit letter and documents generally used to prove ownership in a piece of land that isn't necessarily yours by right. That was exactly what Alexander needed to get this war going. A letter by Father Singh and Colonel Autumn each asking the other side to meet. Would be the first step.

Alexander knocked on the door in the pattern that his troops used to chant before battle. The door swung open violently and a sawed off shotgun was shoved directly into Alexander's face. "Nice to see you Alexander. Now what the fuck do you want!" he screamed spit flying from his scarred mouth onto Alexander's Jacket. Alexander slowly raised his hands. "I want some help starting a little mayhem. You in?" He said. "Fuck, if that's all you wanted you shoulda asked sooner my friend." He lowered his shotgun and gestured for Alexander to come inside. The place was a mess. The paint wasn't peeling like most old places it looked as though it was just flaking off. There was a fine green dust all over everything from the paint on the walls. "So what scale of mayhem are we talking here? Any dead kids involved?" Wrabble asked excitedly. "Yeah there probably will be a few dead kids at the end of all this." Alexander said. "Really your not fucking with my are you?" The glimmer of hope in his eyes was disgusting. The man had always loved being the cause of death. They didn't even pay him during the war. It was payment enough for him to walk through a battlefield knowing that every dead man and women on that field was dead because of his paper work. "There are children in the city of Hope right?" Alexander asked. "We're fucking with Hope? Oh goodie not only are we killing children, but religious children. You couldn't have brought me better news." Scarred Wrabble danced around in a circle as he talked. "What do you need me to do?" he asked. "I need you to write two letters asking the other to meet here." Alexander said while he pulled out his map and pointed to a gully that would be perfect for an ambush from either side. "Write it as Father Singh and Colonel Autumns. Make sure to mention that the other side come alone in both letters." Alexander said. Scarred Wrabble immediately got to work. The man really worked fast. He was done before Alexander was done wiping down the couch so he could sit down without staining his cloths green. Scarred Wrabble handed him both letters and said, "This may be my greatest work. Use it well." the man ran off to do who knows what.

Chapter 2 Getting the Letters into the Wrong Hands
Alexander was hiding in a tiny cave eight outside the city of Hope. He was waiting for a patrol to pass by in exactly four minutes. Guardians may be great warriors, but they really were over confident and predictable the guards at the walls didn't even glance around. They just assumed that nobody could get this close to the wall. Of course if he made even a tiny sound they'd hear an immediately kill him.

Only two minutes until the next patrol passed by. It would be a simple matter to climb the wall, just a rope with a hook on it. One minute now. The Guardians were in sight. Alexander stopped breathing completely and ceased any tiny movements he may have been doing before. They passed without a second glance at his little cave that hardly covered his whole body. He waited another minute then he exhaled. Alexander darted to the wall and quickly tossed up his hook and climbed it. He then wrapped it up and within seconds he was running across the roof tops of the buildings.

It didn't take long to figure out that the massive building was where The Father lived. It was an incredibly impressive building though it was probably old world. As Alexander ran towards the building he watched the people. They weren't afraid, none of them looked up. They were safe here. And Alexander was about to kill all of these people with a letter. The Guardians are strong, but they are only one town. The Feds can just throw troops at Hope until thy win. Though they would probably have to exterminate the population. Fanatics don't make good subjects.

Before Alexander knew it he was at the Fathers house/temple thing. The Father would be at the top and since it was about midnight Alexander figured he was asleep. The place was more or less unguarded, though it seemed like the place where the Orphans that would become Guardians slept. So Alexander sneaked quietly through the building until he got to the Father's door. There were two old guardians at the door. Each of them looked as though they could kill Alexander with ease. Alexander crept back down a level then opened an window. He slowly made his way up to the Father's floor inch by inch. Alexander was a good climber, but he was by no means and expert so he took it slowly making sure that he was not heard. When he made it to the top floor he opened the window and crept back in.

There he was. The Father was sleeping. Alexander could start it off here. But, he had no idea what would happen if he killed The Father. The entire city might commit mass suicide and that wouldn't exactly help the war effort. So Alexander left the letter on the Father's night table with another not written by him that said, "We're better than you think Father." -The Confederate Army.

Alexander then snuck(I know I'm inconsistent with the use of this but meh.) back through the tower and out the door. He made his way back through the city which was still just as busy at night. Back over the wall and into the wastes Alexander went. He was almost sad to see the city go.

Alexander then made record time to New Mesa from Hope. Alexander then used the same hole he had found in their defenses before that still hadn't been filled. Alexander then made it to Gretch's casino and snuck in through one of the million side doors that was guarded by drunken guards. Alexander knocked them out. Figuring that they wouldn't report anything because they were drunk enough to pass out. He made it into the central room that was relatively empty and those that were there had their faces buried in books. Alexander took a quick glance at the war map, but it was empty they must only put it up during meeting just in case of spies.

Alexander then moved on to the Colonel's desk and placed the letter at the center. Alexander then crept back out into the city to look for James. He needed the mans help for the next part.

Chapter 3 James the Crack Shot
Alexander found James Squire after a bit of searching. The man was elusive, but Alexander knew where to look.

"I need you're help James." Alexander said.

"Yeah what with?" James asked his conversation with Ruby still going through his head. He wasn't sure about Alexander. All he knew was that the man was a great swordsman and a smooth talker. James didn't trust either.

"I need you to shoot a kid." Alexander said with a smile.

"Fuck you Alexander." James said and spit on Alexanders boot.

"Your not really going to shoot the kid for fucks sake. You just need to shoot a bullet near him and he's gunna faint like he got shot. We're starting a riot... kind of." Alexander explained.

"Oh sorry about your boot. So who's the job for?" James asked suspiciously.

"It's for Gretch, he want the Guardians in the war and I can't say they wouldn't be a huge help." Alexander said.

"I'm not so sure about working for him anymore Alexander. He's a real monster." James said.

"Don't be stupid James. You made a deal with Gretch, if you break it you will die. He's a vengeful fucker." Alexander said.

"But, I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind working for that sicko." James said.

"Look, you don't have to help me. But, if you break a deal with Gretch your going to die about five minutes later and it's probably going to be my sword that kills you. I like you James. I don't want to be the one that kills you." Alexander explained hoping that James would understand.

"Do you think that starting this "Riot" is really worth it?" James asked.

"Getting the Guardians into the war may be the only way that we will win. So yeah. If I was in charge I'd order the same thing as Gretch did here." Alexander felt almost guilty for talking the man into working for Gretch, but this if anything is necessary to win the war.

"Alright i'll help what do you need?" James replied reluctantly. Alexander pulled out a map and pointed to the gully. "Go here and set up with a rifle. You may have to move to get a shot on Balder. He'll be wearing a Green hat and a Confederate powder monkey uniform. "Hit" him then immediately get out of the area." Alexander explained

"That it?" James asked.

"Yeah that's it. Be careful don't actually shoot him." Alexander said in a friendly, but also threatening way.

Chapter 4 Balder's big day
Alexander returned home and was greeted by all of his children. The ones learning how to fight excitedly showed him what they learned from Alexander's guards. Balder was getting good. Really good in fact. He would probably rival Alexander in just a couple of years. They sat down at a huge table that they had bought. The children and maids brought out a huge feast.

Alexander hadn't really realized how little he had eaten in the past few days until he took the first bite. He devoured his entire meal quickly, but to set an example for the children he did not get seconds. This may be the richest orphanage in the world, but the funds weren't unlimited and the money would be gone quickly if everyone got seconds. After dinner Alexander took Balder up stairs for a chat.

"I need your help kid." Alexander said.

"What with?" Balder asked.

"I need you to get pretend killed." Alexander said.

"I can do that." Balder immediately fell over and pretended to be dead. It was actually really convincing.

"Alright lets go tomorrow. You'll get the same pay as last time." Alexander said.

"You don't need to pay me. You gave me a family that's worth more than any amount of money." Balder said.

"It makes me feel better to pay you, okay." Alexander said.

"Whatever." Balder said and walked to bed.

They awoke early and dressed as confederate soldiers. They quickly made it to the meeting spot. The Guardians were already there. About twenty of them. Then the Feds showed up with 200 fucking soldiers. Alexander almost thought the battle was going to start there. But, it didn't. Balder and he snuck into the Confederate side. They then split up. Alexander got into ranks with the feds and Balder went off. The tension was high and both sides were teetering on fighting.

Chapter 5 The First Shot of the War
James scanned the battle field and found Balder. The boy was in a central spot. It was both an easy shot and one that would be seen by half the confederate army. The wind was blowing hard and that made James nervous. But, he took aim. The shot had to be close to be convincing. James exhaled and fired. The wind suddenly shifted and so did the bullet. It ripped through the child's chest spraying his blood across several feds. "Oh fuck." James quickly dropped the gun and ran. Alexander is going to kill me. He's probably going to kill all of us. Was all James could think as he ran back to town.

Chapter 6 The Battle.
"They killed a child. They sniped him, the cowards." one yelled. Alexander Immediately raised his rifle and fired into the guardians winging one. The rest of the unit opened fire. But, these feds were good. The officers quickly calmed the men and the fighting continued in an organized fashion after the first few shots.

The Guardians surged forward slaughtering the men in front of them. one guardian was worth ten men maybe more. They slashed and hacked at the ranks of the feds. But, they were taking casualties. The Guardians were fast, but they couldn't dodge volleyed shots. Alexander then broke lines quickly and quietly in search of Balder.

Alexander found him. His chest was blown apart. "No." Alexander mumbled. And that was it. Alexander saw red. He felt his sword move, but he didn't comprehend what he was doing. A fed yelled out, "The Guardians have spies in our ranks!" he yelled out. Alexander was hacking away at the solders who were to slow to even try and stop him. He killed twenty men before he calmed down.

The Guardians knew that they had no spies in the ranks. But, it was to late to stop now so they continued fighting to the last. man. And that last man was a monster. He killed the last of the feds him self. It was Just Alexander and him.

Chapter 7 The Duel
"So you orchestrated this fight did you?" the dead man said. Alexander replied, "Suppose so."

"So that kid was a plant then. He wasn't meant to die though you lost your cool when he did." The Guardian said.

"He was one of my orphans." Alexander said.

"So sad." The man surged forward and took a slash at Alexander. Who dodged and quickly retaliated with three quick slashes. The man parried them all and of course came back with his own strikes. Then he over extended himself and Alexander managed to slash his Achilles tendon. The man immediately dropped. And Alexander slammed his knee into the other mans nose.

The man came to a few minutes later.

"Men are pretty god damn easy to kill when you think about. Just a tiny cut along the under side of your arm down to your wrists and that's it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: James Costner Character Portrait: Grievous Wylde. Character Portrait: Colonel Augustus Autumn Character Portrait: Ruby Gowen Character Portrait: Gretch Character Portrait: Jenner Reese
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bosch


Gretch lifted the spyglass to his eye and observed to scene of bloody violence occurring a few miles away. He was standing with an entourage of not necessarily his brightest but some of his best and overlooking the scene of carnage Alexander Lancaster had wrought.

“Those Feds dickbeaters are learning the first rule on the Flats.” Gretch said.

“Wass tha Boss?” Kara asked one of the Tribals he’d taken as part of entourage.

“Never but never fuck with the Guardians. Gotta be about twenty of ‘em down there beating seven shades of fuck outta those assholes. Looks like the Grocer of the Wastes didn’t do too fucking rough.”

“Wha ‘bout now? They gonna be real angry.”

“You bet your left tit they’ll be pissed. Now we gotta do one of them meeting things, you know... a uh...”

“Parlay Boss?” One of the Entourage offered.

“A fucking PARLAY!”

“Was tha?” Kara asked.

“What are you fucking slow?” Gretch said as he lowered the glass and looked at Kara who gazed dumbly forward. She was tripping on something that much was certain. “Stupid question. Parlay is where we get all the big dicks together in one room and have chat about kicking these fuckers outta New Mesa and outta the Flats.”



Autumn was nursing a bruised face and looking at Coleman’s notebook when Wylde strode into his office. He walked up to the desk with a swagger Autumn hadn’t witnessed in many years, normally men bowed their heads when they saw Autumn.

“Most people knock Wylde...” Autumn said with a sigh.

“I’m not most people.” Wlyde responded while talking a look at Coleman’s book. He snorted derisively when he saw it was full of children’s poetry and tossed it back onto the desk.

“Well take a seat then.” Autumn said gesturing at the chair opposite him.

“I’d rather stand, I won’t be long. I’m taking command of the Alpha Company of the Specials you will remain in command of Bravo, Charlie and Delta in addition to the regulars.”

“That’s outrageous!”

“What’s outrageous is the Confederate Army is getting bested by crowd of savages. This is not your decision Autumn it comes from the Grand General himself. You are to continue with your movements but leave the Terrorists to me, my men and the Specials.”

“I strongly disagree with...”

“Are you disobeying a direct order from the Grand General?” Autumn slowly shook his head. “I’m not here to take the Glory, I’m from the Cabal there is no Glory for us. Your political ambitions in Mundus will be unaffected by my actions. If anything I’d take this as a sign of trust, the Grand General has seen fit to give you Cabal support. In a few months we’ll be shaking hands in the middle of Hope.”

Autumn was blushing heavily due to Wylde’s surgical exposure of his motivations. “Very well. I agree.”

Wylde smiled thinly. “I didn’t come to ask for your agreement, I’m simply telling what I’m doing. Operations begin today.”

With that Wylde turned on his heel and left the general to lick his wounds.


Jenner Reese.

Jenner flipped through the book Ruby had presented him with as she gave her report and made a mental note of a few page numbers. She raised her eyebrows when Ruby told her about Autumn and Wylde but held her comments until the end. After she had delivered her report Jenner eyed Ruby for a second before making up her mind.

“There’s someone I need you meet.”

Jenner than led Ruby down the cold halls of the Workshop towards a section of the Workshop not often visited. She knocked on a non descript door that was answered by Alexia Coleman.

“Alexia... We have a few things to discuss, it really can't wait...”

It was bad and Jenner regretted bringing Ruby along, of course Alexia’s first instinct was to blame Ruby. That quickly passed and the girl was inconsolable for what Jenner thought was the longest time. She could remember how she’d been when she had learned her own family was dead. It seemed like a life time ago now, it had been for some people.

“Alexia I know you’re sad and it feels like it will never end. I can’t tell you that it will, what I can tell you is you need to let it turn.”

“Turn?” Alexia asked through the tears.

“Yes, turn the sadness into something else. Those monsters worked your father against his will, they made him a slave and you an orphan. Are you going to let that stand?”

“What can I do? I’m just... I’m not strong.”

“No you’re not, but we are. She is.” Jenner said nodding to an awkward looking Ruby. “You’re smart. That means something. You give Ruby the tools and she will use them to hurt those that hurt you. I guarantee it.”

“But revenge is wrong, Father always said we... shouldn’t act out of fury.”

“It’s not fury, this is righteous indignation. This is Justice. The Confederate system only works because it’s based on strength and fear. Good in a war but look what that thinking did to the Peaks, to you father. You can stop it here, turn the storm. Your father would have wanted that.”

Alexia sniffled and finally let go of Jenner. She rubbed her eyes which were red and puffy.

“You’re right. I’ll give you’re tools but it will take some time, I’ll be working from scratch.”

“Not exactly.” Jenner said as she fished Coleman’s notebook out of a pocket.

Alexia welled up when she recognised the handwriting but choked back the tears. She took the book and flicked through it.

“My they must have found quite a haul of Old World artefacts down there. Would it be possible to...”

“Forget it. They’re gone.” Ruby said, her first words in quite some time.

“I was wondering if you could focus on these pages.” Jenner said as she turned to the pages she’d made a mental note of earlier.

Alexia nodded at each one but her eyes grew wide at the last one.

“That might take a little more work.”

“Our resources are yours. Kincaid in the Armoury will help as will Armoured Serpent, a Smithy we’ve worked with in the past.”

Alexia nodded slowly. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“That’s all I ask.”

Ruby and Jenner left Alexia to pour over her father’s notes and slowly walked back to the office.

Before they parted ways Jenner turned and spoke to Ruby.

“Very good work. If we can get half of those things working we should be alright in the coming war.”

After saying goodnight Jenner returned to the office and collapsed in her chair. She felt terrible, she had exploited someone’s grief over their dead Father to get them to make weapons, the very weapons their father had refused to make. She felt dirty. She opened the bottom drawer of her desk and produced a bottle of Purified Shine. It was the only Item that remained which had belonged to Mister Charles.

She poured the liquid into a dainty glass and corked the bottle. She looked at the glass for a while before taking a long pull and letting out a long sigh.


“Father I must insist we move to The Overwatch.” Guardian Avers said while he walked alongside the fail old man know as Father Singh. Avers was the Commander of the Guardians although his uniform was no different from any other.

“I understand but I am needed here.”

“We cannot trust those confederate wolves.”

“They maybe wolves but I have my Watchdogs.” The old man raised a weak hand in the direction of a pair of Guardian’s perched on Hope’s massive Walls.

“We lost 20 men in that last encounter.”

“I hear over 200 enemies were slew in the battle. The men fought well and drove a dagger of fear into the hearts of our enemies.”

“Yes but we couldn’t survive another fight like that.”

“You are being dramatic. That’s not a trait I knew Guardians possessed.”

“I’m sorry Father I just...”

“You just lost comrades. I understand, they were your brothers in arms, of course you feel their loss. What I will not do though is leave Hope and travel to the Overwatch.”

“Your word is my law.” Guardian Avers said quietly.

“What we now need to address is the fact that there was a battle at all.”

A smile fluttered across Avers face for a second before returning to its normal composed state.

“We have been working on responses. At the moment our focus is on disrupting supply lines, targeting their airships and preventing their rail lines from being built.”

“How soon can you start talking action?”


“Very good Avers. I give you my word.”

Avers nodded and began to walk away from the old man and toward the barracks.

“Guardian wait!” Singh shouted to Avers back. He spun on his heel and was quickly back at the old man’s side. “I’m sor... It was wrong of me to trust the Confederates and it was unfortunate that the Guardians bore the brunt. I thought I was protecting...” Words failed the old man.

“Father you are a man of peace, not meant for the filth of this world, just like all who reside in Hope. You have kept the pure, pure. The Guardians and I are damned yet by defending you and this place we may yet know paradise. This is what we do, the Guardians who died did so in service of something greater. They had the best deaths we can hope for.”

The old man reached out and patted Avers on the shoulder who visibly stiffened at the kind touch something the Guardian wasn’t used to. “Thank you Avers. Do what you must.”

The Barracks was a hive of activity as Guardians were cleaning weapons, exercising, sharpening blades and sparring. All activity ceased when Avers entered and each Guardian looked his way.

“He’s let us off the leash.”

The roar was deafening.



The Sleeping Dragon Pub was packed and smelt of a very distinctive mix of stale beer and sweat. The Pub was normally quite raucous but on this evening there was an uncommon hush over the place. Two men were standing in the middle of the floor holding the audience rapt.

“We go south and just use the southern Trade routes. We can work outta the Red Coast.” Gull Barbour said in summation of the short speech he had just gave.

The cry of applause went up from the assorted Sky-pirates. When it had died down the other man cleared his throat and gave his rebuttal. “Aye but then where? They’ll keep nipping at yer heels till they run ya out right outta land.” It was Blinky Waters speaking. Again he got a round of applause.

“Are you dense Blinky! I know you only got one eye but even you can see we’re in fucking airships we don’t need land!” A roar of support went up for Gull.

Blinky stood “Food, bed, women, fences all them are on LAND! We can’t be just be floatin’ ‘round up here. We’re sky pirates, PIRATES! Ya stupid Manpleaser!”

Gull stood with fire in his eyes. “What did you say! That was only the one time and I was in prison and it was dark and he sorta looked like a woman. A body gets lonely, Damn it!” He screamed before rushing Blinky. “I’ll take that other fuckin eye!”

This was how most of the Sky Pirates attempts at civilised debate ended up, nothing was achieved and a couple of people died. This time was different though.

A shot rang out and the fighting stopped immediately.

“Who’s shootin’!? Youse all know no shootin’ in the bar! You might hit bottle, waste the booze!” The barkeep shouted from somewhere deep in the scrap.

“If you boys are done having your wee wrestling match we’re gonna have us a talk.”

Every set of eyes in the place turned to Captain Carla Reynolds, a diminutive woman with brunette hair and a large old world revolver on her hip.

“Now Blinky and Gull are both right, but nobody cares. We’re pirates we only care about one thing which is...”

“Women?” Blinky offered

Reynolds shook her head.

“Drink?” Someone from the crowd shouted.

Reynolds shook her head.

“Violence?” Another anonymous voice called.

Reynolds shook her head. “In addition to all those things the only thing we care about is... Booty.”

“But I said women.” Blinky said looking dejected.

“Plunder ya morons!” Reynolds shouted, finally losing her cool. “All of ya sit down. We’re going to talk business.”

The pirates who moments before had been locked in mortal struggle now sat down. Some right beside the person they’d been beating.

“Alright here’s what’s going on. The Confederates are going to push us outta the Flats and down south to the Red Coast. Maybe they follow us and push us into the sea I don’t know nor do I care because the Red Coast may as well be the ocean. There’s only small towns down there and not a lot of targets. The Pirates that are down their already ain’t making a lot of beads.”

There was a murmur of agreement and Captain Reynolds continued.

“So there’s no plunder down on the Coast and then we arrive. We’d be eating each other in a week. Unless we all promise we’ll go different ways, like say half of us go in any other direction but south and into the arms of certain death or slavery. We can trust half of youse to do that right?”

“Naw Reynolds, that sounds terrible.” Gull said sincerely.

“It’s a rhetorical question idiot. That’s technique used in the art of rhetoric, which is to say the art of orating.”

Gull looked confused but nodded and leaned back in his chair in a lame attempt to feign comprehension.

“So we can’t go South and that was the only option. Which means we gotta stand, but I ain’t getting shot at saving the day for all these idiot flatlanders for no financial compensation.”

There wasn’t any applause but Reynolds could tell by their faces they were gripped.

“Now what do we know about Confederate Airships?”

“They’re big?”

“They got soldiers on ‘em?”

“No, stop it we’re not doing that again. They got plunder, weapons, food, beads, clothes, all the same shit you got on your ships except more better. We go to war with these Snowdwellers and we take what’s theirs and makes it ours. Then we fence it. We’ll make a killing.”

“Or get killed.”Blinky said.

“When was not getting killed part of piracy? This right here is a great deal, we stay on the Flats, we get plunder and we get to buzz the Feds at the same time. Its called war profiteering dummy! What’s not to love?”

The crowd devolved into a rabble as twenty people tried to make themselves heard at the same time.

Reynolds shouted and the crowd hushed again.

“Look this aint gonna work. I’m gonna find these resistance fools and tell ‘em me and the Crew of the Arcadia are gonna stand with ‘em. If any of you wish to do similarwise come find me. The Arcadia is docked near that Pub that smells real bad like bird shit.”

With that she left.


Grievous Wylde.

Wylde had collected his team and given orders to the Alpha Company. From Mundus he had brought Five other Cabal members all like him were specialists at their various roles. Wylde was an expert in individual combat specialising in the Martial Arts, to aid him on his mission two of his protégées were at his side. He also brought along an expert Sharpshooter, Interrogator and Tracker completing the Cabal Team of five.

He entered the small house the Cabal had claimed as their own and the Men all quickly got to their feet and stood to attention.

“At ease. We have the Alpha Team of the Specials, they’re not well trained but better than the regulars.”

The men followed Wylde into a room that had at one time been a family kitchen.

“Autumn is going to take Farpoint, however with recent losses he will be stretched too thin if he decides to push on. He knows this and those problems are his own. He will most likely have to wait for reinforcements. We are to focus on Terrorist activity.”

“So now we play detective.” Rakamil, the Tanu tracker, asked.

“Yes. We play detective. Shouldn’t be too hard though this resistance movement depends on numbers and luck. I encountered a group called the Black Hornets that seemed to made up entirely of drug addicted Flat Landers.”

“Easy prey.” Williams, the Sharpshooter, commented.

“There’s more to it than that. I’m thinking there are multiple groups with either no leadership or a cell structure.”

“So what’s the lead?” Asked Blackthorn, the interrogator.

“We have Names, lots in fact. Top of the list is Joland Grey, then James Squire who was in confederate custody until he was freed. Then there’s Ruby Doom, she’s something of an Enigma, there’s also been isolated reports about a group or individual called the Butcher of the Wastes. Lastly there’s the contractor Autumn used to take New Mesa. A tribal by the Name of Gretch.”

“So where do we start?” Asked Oswald one of Wylde’s Protégés.

“Our own house. Joland Grey must be found and interrogated. Additionally it’s obvious Ruby Doom has some connection to New Mesa, so we start knocking on doors.”

Blackthorn smiled.

Wylde Laid out his plan in simple steps.


James Squire.

An explosion of red and then the tiny body fell to the ground. Yet the accusing eyes remained on James. He felt them boring into him, making him feel the guilt.

He jerked awake and found himself sitting at desk in the modest bedroom he had in the Black Hornets Safe house in Farpoint. He hadn’t slept in days since he’d killed the child and it felt like he’d only been out for a few seconds. He looked at the untouched bottle of shine sitting in front of him and reached for it, he was about to pop it open when he felt the bile rise in his throat. He kicked the chair back as he stood and shattered the bottle on the wall opposite.

“LANCASTER!” He roared. As he punched the desk in front of him, any fear he had for Alexander had now long since dissipated and been replaced with fury. From James’ perspective Alexander was responsible for the death of Balder. It had been his stupid plan that led to the killing and more importantly it had put the guilt of killing a child on James. As much as he blamed Alexander he now understood what Ruby Doom had meant when she said.

“It's up to you how far you take this James Squire. I ain't disputin' the Feds are bad. I know better than anyone what they're capable of. But you also gotta know, It's not all black and white! And uniting the Flats, making a change... It ain't gonna start with random killing, of anyone.”

He got it now, his hatred of the ‘Feds had made him oblivious to the shades of grey. It made it impossible for him to see the bigger picture. That was something Gretch had preyed on, something Lancaster had preyed on.

He was pulled from his thoughts by a knock at the door and Joland Grey’s ruddy face appearing in the door Jam.

“Just got a letter from Gretch for you.” Joland said offering a crumpled piece of paper.

“Thanks.” Squire said as he opened the letter and scanned it’s contents.

"Dear Concerned Citizen.

How you doing? I am well.

But enough small talk.

Like you, I too have noticed the bags of shit walking around dressed in Confederate Army Uniforms. Like you this turn of events has disturbed me greatly and I wish to do something about it.

If, like me you, wish to address this most fucked of issues I would like to invite you to a meeting or PARLAY at Sula Rise.

Your fellow concerned citizen, Gretch."

Squire noted the location and decided he would attend.

He then made a decision, lifted his own pen and began writing.


You were right, I got in over my head and wound up doing something I didn’t want to do. That’s mine to carry. I was blinded by hate or some old black and white morality. I don’t know.

What I do know is you are right and the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. Gretch and his kind stand for something I can’t support. I just want a life of peace and freedom. It seems the only way to get that though is through the sword, I just want to make sure it’s pointed at the right people.

I guess what I’m trying to say is the Black Hornets no longer work with Gretch. We’ll stand on our own if we have to but I think your people and mine could work together. All I ask is you consider the offer.


James Squire."

James pocketed the letter and left the room. His eyes were finally open and he didn’t like what he saw.


James Costner.

Costner walked up the small ridge and spotted a decrepit looking outhouse. He drew his pistol, walked up to the rickety door and kicked it open.

The Feral tribal screamed and Costner nearly gagged from the smell. He’d caught the guy in middle of talking a dump.

“Shit!” The tribal yelled as he kicked the door closed.

Costner smirked. “Yes it is.”

A few moments later the Tribal remerged and Costner pointed the gun at the skinny man. Who stopped in his tracks.

“Can’t scare the shit outta me pal, I’m all empty inside.” The feral said he rubbed his belly.

“I’m here to see Gretch.”

“Well he ain’t here.”

“The note said...”

“Note said you come here not Gretch would be here.” The tribal smiled, showing off the few teeth he had in his head. “I gotta bring you to him.”

Costner nodded it made sense, in fact he was surprised Gretch had thought of it at all. All the representatives would have been given different locations to go to and it ensured if the Feds got wind of the Parlay only one group would be affected.


“Tell ya when we get there.” The tribal said as he grabbed his skinny horse and climbed on. Costner did the same with his and they started to head west.

They had been riding for a few hours and Costner noted that the Tribal kept taking snorts from a small leather pouch. Costner guessed it was red sand from the way the Tribal was getting talkative.

“Ya know, I know you. I know you from somewhere.”

“I think I just got one of them faces.”

“Naw, naw I know you. What was it...”

Costner had a feeling he knew where they were going.

Back west.

Back to the caves.

“It was... oh yeah. Hehehehe. Your one of them scary assassins right? Weren’t so scary when Gretch got aholdya.”

Costner raised his gun and shot the Tribal’s horse in the head. The Tribal and horse landed in a heap with a sickening crack.

Costner leapt off his horse and grabbed the Tribal by the shoulders dragging him from under the horse. The tribal’s leg was broken and shards of bone had broken the skin.

“That looks real sore.” Costner said as he placed his foot on the broken leg and applied the slightest pressure. The tribal screamed and his eyes rolled back in his head. Costner took his foot away quickly. “You’re gonna die out here but I don’t want you to feel bad about that because I personally am going to choke the life out of every single one of your friends. Then I’m going to kill Gretch and the world will be a better place for it.”

He stripped a rusted revolver and knife from the tribal while he spoke. “You know me? The only way that’s possible is you were there the last time I met Tribals which was when they killed my friend. That’s why I’m gonna kill all of you but not before I’ve used up all you got.”

He then stood and returned to his horse.

“Not many people pass though this way, you won’t get found. Should be a hot one today as well. I’d hate to not have any shade.” Costner threw the rusted knife at ground beside the moaning tribal. “You can try to crawl but I’d suggest using that.”

Costner then started to trot towards the Caves the only place where the meeting could be taking place.

“You can’t leave me!” The tribal shouted after Costner.

“You won’t be lonely long.” Costner shouted over his shoulder.


The Parlay.

Gretch sat at the head of a long mahogany table in a throne like chair. The table was in the middle of a spacious cave. Costner entered and saw that there were already a lot of people in the place. He recognised James Squire, Gretch and a Guardian from the Uniform but the small brunette woman was a mystery.

“Fuckin’ finally. Out of everyone I thought you’d be the one who’d find this place easiest.” Gretch moaned. “Take a seat... No surprises underneath this time.” He said with a wink.

Costner grabbed the chair Gretch had intended him to sit at and instead pulled it over so it was opposite Gretch placing them at opposite ends of the table.

“Great Gangs all here. Before we get started I think we should introduce everyone. Ya’ll know me, Gretch Saviour of the Flats. That there’s Jimmy Squire, representing the Black Hornets, Next we got Avery from the...”

“Avers from The Guardians of Hope.” Avers interrupted.

“That was rude AV very fucking rude I was speaking and you just interrupted like a...”

“Get on with it you sick fuck.” Costner said through gritted teeth.

“Just like Charlie. AV is from Hope. Capt Reynolds represents the Cloudfuckers and our late comer there is from the White Group.” Every set of eyes turned to Costner. “Yeah they’re real and very over-fucking-rated. Where’s the red head? I hear she’s much more fuckable than old Charlie was.”

“We won’t work with you.” Costner said ignoring Gretch’s attempts to get a rise out of him. The truth was Jenner had wanted to come but it was agreed it would be a poor idea. Instead Costner was to go and tell them the decision of the White Group. “However we would be open to working with any other group.”

“Are you actually White Group?” Captain Reynolds asked. “I was expecting some kind of lithe sexy little hard body with a set of blades.”

Avers tutted. “Hope will work with whoever wishes to end this occupation. In times such as these we’re willing to hold our nose.”

“The Black Hornets won’t work with Gretch anymore. We stand with the White Group.” Squire said.

Costner smiled when he saw Gretch’s disfigured face twist into a mask of shock.

“You little cunt. After all I’ve done for you!” He said in disbelief.

“You turned me into something I don’t want to be...”

“Who gives a fuck? Did it fucking work? DID IT FUCKING WORK?!” Gretch shouter suddenly seething.

“That’s not the point.”

Gretch turned his head in disgust. “See that’s the problem nobody wants to get their hands dirty. Jimmy here is sad because he hadda do something that goes against his personal code of fucking ethics! Avers you know what I mean. Sometimes we all gotta do things for the greater fucking good.”

Avers Nodded. “Everything to protect Hope.”

Squire shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He wanted to turn and tell Avers what had really happened to his men but if he did there would be no way the Guardians would work with any of the groups. This would weaken the resistance as a whole. So he kept quiet.

“Fuck it, it’s fine, your people were shite anyway.” Gretch exhaled loudly.

“The White Group accepts.” Costner said. Ruby had received the letter Squire had sent and Costner knew it was a possibility that The Hornets could turn. Jenner and the rest of the White Group had decided this was a good thing as it would give them some much needed manpower.

“Fan-fucking-tastic. So Avers what about Hope?”

Avers glanced at Costner and then at Gretch. “We fight for Hope and care nothing for your alliances. We will work with Gretch and his rebels so long as they are the best choice. At the moment they have the weapons and people. We will not garrison your people and will only trade supplies and intelligence. We will also lead your people in combat.”

“Yeah your boys don’t really know what the fuck’s going out outside those big walls to much do ya? But you sure know how to leave a lot a confederate uniforms on the floor.”

“So Captain Reynolds where’s the Sky Pirate Armada landing on this?” Squire asked.

“No offense to either of your boys but here’s the story.” She turned to Gretch. “You are a fucking psychotic who under normal circumstances I’d shoot on sight.” She then turned to Costner. “You work for a bunch of murderers for hire. Look I’ve done a lot of bad things for plunder but I ain’t never killed nobody I don’t know for beads as the only reason.” She then looked at Avers. “Sexually repressed cult of emotionally dead killers.” She then looked at Squire. “I don’t even know who the fuck you are. The Black birds or something? You was a nothing who got lucky a few times. That luck is gonna run out for you.” She leaned back in her chair. “Then there’s us, the pirates who, if we were all inclined to be logical here, have the power. We got the Ships with the guns on ‘em, no show without us.”

“True points all of ‘em but none of that matters. All you gotta do is choose a fucking side and stop waxing lyrical.” Gretch moaned. He felt his position of power slipping. He’d have to find away to gain complete control of the Pirate Armada.

“Well we don’t really care ‘bout the spat between the psychos and the Assassins. So we’ll offer our services to whoever needs ‘em.”

“What you can’t... You need to fucking choose!” Gretch cried.

“I am. You can use our ships to quickly transport troops while these sneaky sons of guns can do the same. No point backing one horse.” Reynolds said with a shrug.

“So Hope will fight alongside Gretch’s resistance and we’ll fight with the White Group. While the Sky Pirates will act as transport.” Squire said.

“Yeah, only Transport, ain’t no way we’re going up against their Leviathan with that Gatling gun. We’d be cut to shreds.”

“Well that concludes our Parlay. I hope it was as good for you fuckers as it was for me.” Gretch said with a smile.

“For now, Gretch. After all this is over we still got business.” Costner said as he stood and walked for the door.

“I’m quaking in my fucking boots, last time we played that game you near pissed yourself!”

Costner left the cave with Gretch’s laughter still echoing off the walls.


Joland Grey

Joland was sitting in the Black Hornet’s safe house cleaning his revolver, an act he found slightly more fiddly now he was down a finger. He dropped the cylinder and sighed. He lost his brother and his place in the Confederate Army but at least he could have pride in who he was now. With the Hornets there was none of the guilt that came with being a Confederate.

Someone cleared their throat behind him and he turned to see the face of Grievous Wylde staring back. He was flanked by Oswald and Harvey, his protégés.

Joland leapt to his feet and immediately fell over the stool he’d been sitting on. Oswald snorted and walked over to the man.

“Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!” Joland screamed.

Oswald viciously kicked the fallen man in the face and sneered in his ear. “You’re a fucking traitor, I should gut you right here.”

“That’s when Joland realised how much trouble he was in. If they wanted him dead he’d be dead already that meant they wanted to take him in.

“Please no I can’t, I don’t want to... Just let me go?”

“You betrayed the Confederacy and your own brother for... this.” Wylde said with distain as he looked around the shabby room. “There are questions that must be answered.”


In New Mesa Blackthorn had broken Joland in record time. Joland spilled everything about the Black Hornet operation in Farpoint. Now Blackthorn kept going just for the sport of it. Wylde strode into Autumn’s war room and dropped a dossier on top of a map of Farpoint Autumn was studying with his command staff.

“What’s that?” Autumn said looking at the slightly blood stained dossier.

“Names and locations of Black Hornet safe houses in Farpoint. That’s where we found Joland Grey. Said a woman called Ruby Doom killed Roland Grey and sent Joland packing to Skycove. There he met a Group called The Black Hornets led by a man called Squire. Turned out the Pirates weren’t too fond of harbouring terrorists so they sent them packing before too long. They ended up in Farpoint.”

“Squire, I know that name. He escaped execution a few weeks ago and that obviously I know Doom. Good work, Wylde very good work.”

“I know.” Wylde said as he marched back out of the office.

He returned to Blackthorn’s ‘office’ and ended the interrogation. Joland was swinging by his arms which were tied to a beam that ran the length of the ceiling.

“He’s had enough Blackthorn. It’s time for the trail.”

Blackthorn looked sad but placed the bloody saw he had been wielding on the table.

“Joland Grey you have been charged with Treason. How do you plead?” Wylde asked.

Joland blubbed something indecipherable. Wylde leaned a little closer and raised a hand to his ear in a mock attempt to hear the man better.

“Guilty. A wise choice, by the powers afforded to me by the Grand General I sentence you to be hung by the neck until you are dead.”

Joland cried but through the blood and broken teeth it came out like a gurgle.

Twenty minutes later Joland Grey had been publically executed and Grievous Wyle was on the hunt for Ruby Doom.



He had arranged to meet with the White Group later in the week and had returned to Farpoint. The small town that was nestled below the Airships of the rich. There was no will to fight there, the only thing that interested most of the population was money and power. The Confederates represented both. At least now Skycove was open to them again and he’d take the first opportunity to move the Black Hornets there. Gretch was going to Garrison some of his troops there as well which would make for an interesting dynamic. While Squire didn’t want to work for Gretch he could work with him towards a common goal. He knew the distinction was tenuous but to Squire it was there.

He tied up his horse and entered the safehouse he shared with Joland and few other members of the resistance. As soon as he set foot inside he knew something was wrong. The place had been ransacked and the three resistance fighters who had been with Joland lay dead only one had his sword drawn. Joland was missing. Could he have been a confederate spy?
Squire did a quick sweep of the area and found Joland’s revolver in bits. It was in the middle of being cleaned. That meant Joland had been taken by surprise.

“Fuck.” Squire whispered as he ran out of the house and back to his horse. He went directly to one of the other Safehouses and battered on the door until it swung open.

A young woman answered the door and her eyes went wide when she realised who it was.

“James... I do...”

“We have been found out. Everyone needs to get out now and to Skycove. You need to complete the chain ok?”

The girl nodded and shut the door in his face. He didn’t mind, it was what she was supposed to. Complete the chain meant she would need to pass on the message to the next safehouse who would pass it on the next and so on. The rest of the resistance fighters would need to sanitise their safe houses and bring what they could to Skycove.

Squire went directly to his horse and rode out of Farpoint.



The Confederate Army took Farpoint with one casualty and ten Terrorists dead. It was a good operation and it seemed like most of Farpoint was happy to see the Confederates. It was something of a relief to Autumn who needed something to go right. Now he was in charge of two locations New Mesa and Farpoint although he knew Farpoint wouldn’t cause as much trouble as New Mesa. In fact some of the local populace had offered to join the Confederate Army.

A downside had been they had only taken ten members of the Black Hornets and none of them alive. It seemed like their dedication was growing as the occupation wore on.

He was still supremely confident that he could take the Flats, he was due another deployment of troops and that meant he could better defend his conquests. All he had to do was keep the momentum up.


The Confederate Captain moaned and a thick hand slapped him awake. His eyes filled with terror as a large scarred face came into focus.

“You know who I am?”


“You know what I do?”


“I’m gonna do it to you if you don’t tell when this Airship fulla your fucking Fed buddies comes in understand.”

“Due next week, it’s called the Rising Sun just please don’t...”

Gretch slit the man’s throat before lifting a piece of paper and scrawling Alexander’s orders.


Jenner Reese.

“So they weren’t at the meeting?” Jenner asked.

“Nope, I know Gretch is a sadistic fucker and I guess we can add racist as well.” Costner responded.

They were standing in her office discussing the Parlay.

“Well then I guess we have some friends to make.”


Gretch Jobs.

Return to Sender.

Target- Confederate Troop Transport Rising Sun.

Location- In about a week it should be around the Northern Flats

Information- Good Fucking work getting the religious nut jobs or our side. Maybe you’re not a complete fuck up after all. That’s why I’m giving you this one. The Feds have got another load of troops coming in on an Airship called the Rising Sun. Problem is when those fucks get here they spread out like ants and we can’t kill ‘em all. Better to find the ant hill and burn ‘em out.

Point is I need you take out the Airship before it lands. Should fuck up Autumn’s plans and take some of the wind outta the Confederate Sails. Now he’s got Farpoint he’s a little stretched.

This is gonna be a Gang bang though. Hope, the pirates and me are in on it. You are going as my representative the Guardians are sending some prick called Brother Jacob and the Pirate Ship is called the Spry Pigeon that’s captained by a cloudfucker called Gull Barbour.

Job is simple use the Spry Pigeon to get close then get onboard. Apparently this Gull fella is so shit hot at piloting he can get close enough to drop youse off without being seen. Then you and the Brother will sneak on and take out the Soldiers. I’d suggested doing it quietlike. Use blades if you gotta drop someone and blow the fucker up. You can use smoke bombs or something to signal Gull for the pick-up. No way you’re jumping off unless you wanna end up a fucking mystery stain in the middle of the desert.


White Group Jobs

Hot Shot

Target- Williams, The Cabal Sniper.

Location- The Badlands.

Information- Gretch is a moron. This is clear now. He had his little Parlay and left out one of the major forces on the Flats. I speak of course of the Ochil. The Confederates have not made the same mistake. The Ochil have been trying to get together their war council but efforts are being thwarted as the clan leaders are being assassinated by a Confederate Sniper called Williams. We believe he is one of Grievous Wylde’s Cabal team and all we could get was a second name, Puck was lucky to get that much. Williams is lethal with his rifle and is a master of concealment. You could walk right past him and not know. He’s cabal so expect him to be a deadly quarry.

The Ochil have sent out war parties but Williams has dropped them with ease. When I learned about this situation I offered the White Group services free of charge. Hopefully this will lead to a more stable working partnership with the Ochil Clans. Assuming this Sniper doesn’t kill the leadership before then.

The Sky pirates can provide transport if you wish but I recommend using something lower key. The Hornets have offered you a squad of two members to assist, but let’s be honest their main use will be as bullet magnets, use them to identify the shooters location. The Ochil will also supply a tracker.

The sniper seems to be operating in the Badlands in a small mountain rocky mountain range called Sula Rise.

Kill Williams and secure Ochil support for the White Group.

Jenner Reese.


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Alexander placed the vile into a wooden box, he then wrapped the vile containing his worst memories. His hands trembling and palms sweating the whole time "I just have to finish," he mumbled. Alexander then slowly tied a string around the wrapping as tightly as humanly possible. It was a wall made of paper with a gate made of string, but it was better than nothing he supposed. Alexander then placed the Vile of Scab under his fluffy feather filled pillow. Pretending that hiding it was the same as tossing it in the trash. That somehow his simple halfhearted defenses would keep his lust for self destruction at bay. The bottle was there and Alexander did his best to hide his guilt about keeping the bottle and went on living his poor life.

The months after Alexander was captured weren't exactly easy for the man. It made Alexander want to taste the bitter sweet mixture that he lay his head upon at night. Just a single drop and he would feel all the pain that he truly deserved or at least believed he deserved. He broke into the supply twice, but he had never actually taken a sip. He even found a semblance of a purpose now that he had orphans and a new war to fight. Alexander thought just for a moment that he could be happy. But, then Death finally stuck a blow to Alexander that had only ever glanced off his armor before. Alexander had never loved anyone, not really.

Alexander hadn't even loved Balder, at least love wasn't the word for it. All Alexander knew was that now that Balder was gone there was a pit in Alexander's stomach that still hadn't filled. Maybe, just maybe that was what love was. You didn't know what you had until it was gone or some kind of thing.

Without realizing it The Vile had found it's way to Alexander's lips. All Alexander had to do was tip the Vile of Scab forward and he would see his mistakes again. The bitter sweet nectar that Alexander had slept on so many times went down easy. The Vile emptied in seconds. You weren't supposed to take that much...

The Nightmare of a Man Who Lives in a Nightmarish Land
The air rushed from Alexander's lungs as he hit the ground. A man twice his size standing above him. The man looked angry, but no matter how long Alexander looked the man's face would not come into focus. "You look afraid Butcher," The faceless man said a wide smile stretching across his blank face the teeth were perfectly white. Alexander tried to speak, but nothing came. Alexander tried to move. But, he felt nothing as he struggled. Not even numbness. "Why do you deserve to live when we have to die Alexander?" 54 young voices rang out from the darkness. Then the voices echoed getting older sounding with each reverberation.

The man spoke again, "Well answer them Butcher."
"I don't know," Alexander cried out.
"Of course you know. It's because you are strong. You deserve to live because no one has killed you. Is that not the law of the flats?" The man's smile faded to a knowing grin.
The man was speaking to Alexander's darker side. The side that enjoyed every bad thing Alexander had ever done.
"It is. But, does it have to be?" Alexander asked the grinning man.
"Maybe, maybe not." The man said as his eyes came into focus. One eye was gray and scarred.

A hole opened up in the ground and both the man and Alexander fell through. Into a pile of bones.
"You've filled graveyards Alexander." The man said his grin widening and his eyes sparkling. The man reached down and picked up a skull. "And you love the graveyards you've filled. Just like Scarred Wrabble loves them. You just can't admit who you are." The skull shattered in the man's hand as he talked.

"Not that you're anything like Wrabble. You're far better at killing people." The grey eyed grinning man said. His mouth focused not just his teeth. There was a long scar on his cheek that had a lighter scar running across it making a x. The grey eyed, scarred, grinning man quickly drew a sword and threw it to Alexander. Alexander hopped to his feet and snatched the clean sliver sword. The grey eyed, scarred, grinning man drew another sword that was red as blood. his hand came into focus. They were oddly famili... the grey eyed, scarred, grinning man thrust'd forward with his blade droplets of blood whipping onto Alexander. Alexander quickly parried then followed up with riposte aimed for the grey eyed, scarred, grinning man's oddly familiar hand. The grey eyed, scarred, grinning man moved out of the way at an almost inhuman speed. He then slashed towards Alexander who ducked under the blade. And spun out of his duck with a thrust. "Fancy," the grey eyed, scarred, grinning man exclaimed after he easily avoided the attack. The rest of him focused. The grey eyed, scarred, grinning man was wearing a fencing jacket just like Alexander was. Then the rest of him focused. Alexander starred into the face of his opponent. Alexander lunged forward and Alexander parried. He began fighting with a ferociousness that he hadn't felt before. A grin came to Alexander's face then a wide perfectly white smile. The swords clashed and one got through. A sword was pulled from Alexander's dead body. A bloody red sword.

The Grey Eyed, Scarred, Grinning Man
Awoke from his drug fueled Nightmare in a cold sweat. Alexander stood and took a swig of water from the glass sitting on his bed table. As the water went down it felt as though the pit in Alexander's stomach was filling. Alexander looked in the mirror his grey scarred eye looking back. "I deserve to live because no one has killed me yet." Alexander said with a grin.

Alexander sauntered out the door with an easy confidence. Down past the playing children and out into the wastes off to meet the Skypirate that would take Alexander to his target.

It was an easy journey with no trouble besides the near unbearable heat of the flats. Alexander made it to the airship just before dusk.

Friendly First Meetings.
"You're late Alexander." Gull called down from the deck. "I had some personal trouble. It's all sorted out. We weren't going to leave until now anyways." Alexander shrugged and stood at the base of the walkway. "Permission to come aboard captain?" Alexander asked. He'd dealt with pirates before and you never stepped on a ship without asking the captain first. "Aye, come aboard." Gull gestured for Alexander to come aboard. Alexander stepped on to the rickety walkway and quickly crossed onto the more solid ship.

"Alright, we're all here start her up boys!" The man yelled. He then went through a series of checks to make sure everything was in working order. They were flying in about twenty minutes.

"You're Gretch's man then?" The guardian asked. "Yea, sadly that is me." Alexander shrugged and took a seat leaning on the low wall of the ship. The Guardian sat down next to Alexander. "You aren't exactly normal for a Guardian are you?" Alexander asked. "I suppose not. I've only been inside of Hope a handful of times. Though I've never met a outsider who knew what a normal Guardian was like. I'm Jacob by the way." He extended his hand. Alexander took it and shook it with the proper amount of grip. "The Guardian I knew would never let anyone shake their hand." Alexander said. Alexander quickly began studying the man. Something just didn't add up. He was still a Guardian and Guardian's don't try to make friends. "As I said I'm not most Guardians." He said. Alexander immediately pulled out his knife and lunged for the man. He quickly dodged and shot to his feet. Alexander did the same and he drew his sword. "Are you fucking insane?" The Guardian asked. "You're no Guardian." Alexander lunged forward with his sword feinting twice and finally letting his sword strike the other man across the arm splitting the skin down to the bone getting it caught on the bone. Alexander then pushed forward and stabbed with his knife. The Guardian grabbed Alexander's wrist and disarmed the knife inches from his heart. Jacob then pulled his own sword and went after Alexander's open side. Alexander just dropped his sword and tackled The Guardian to the ground. His head slammed against the wood hard. Alexander then smashed his open palm into The Guardians nose shoving it up into his brain killing him instantly.

"What the bloody fuck is going on out here?" The captain screamed over the cheers of the pirates watching the fight. "He was spy for the Feds." Alexander explained wiping the blood on the dead man's coat. "How the fuck do you figure that after talking to him for five god damn fucking minutes!" The man screamed. "He shook my hand." Alexander said. "He offered to shake my hand I didn't ask first." Alexander said. "Whatever. boy's stuff the body in the hold we'll dump it on to the Fed ship and say he died in combat. You better be able to take on an entire ship by your self Alexander." The sky captain said and stalked back into his cabin.

The Rising Sun Rises for the Last Time
"Run her quite as you can boys. We're dropping this son of a bitch and the dead son of a bitch on the deck." The captain quickly explained as he took the wheel. They coasted in. The only sound was the men breathing. Alexander picked up the dead man a threw him over his back. Then the sky captain pulled up to the side and Alexander jumped on. The sky captain then immediately dropped below the bigger ship using it as cover.

Alexander quickly dropped the dead man and dropped low. He drew his knife then kept on going. Alexander leaned against the wall as sneakily as he could and then peeled around and down into the bowls of the ship. To the engine room. The men were mostly in the dining room from the sounds of it. There were only a few patrols and all of them looked tired and drunk. Alexander managed to get into the room and set the explosives in no time. Alexander then left the engine room and went up the stairs and found the captains quarters. Alexander kicked the door in and charged the captain who jolted from his bed. Alexander quickly covered the mans mouth and shoved the knife into his throat. Alexander then ripped open the mans shirt and carved the words Butcher of the Wastes into the man's chest. Alexander then picked up the bleeding man and snuck back to the engine room and lit the fuse. Alexander moved back through the ship and onto the upper decks. Alexander tossed down a flare and the pirate ship surged upwards. Alexander jumped back on and then the skip peeled of. The explosion was huge and the ship tore in to then plummeted to the ground. "Take me down to it." Alexander said.

The sky captain did just that. Alexander quickly placed the Captain's body out of the way of the burning ship and then they took off back to where they took off from.


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Chapter 1What Alexanders been up to.
A cool bead of sweat flowed down Alexander's face from his brow, hesitating at the scar on his cheek, but eventually poring over it. Alexander's breath was ragged he tried to calm it, but the excitement and fear could not be contained. The men around him had the same ragged breath, the breath of men about to live. There was a flash and then a few seconds later a shock wave that turned Alexander's stomach upside down. "Open fire." Alexander calmly said as smoke billowed from the target. His men peaked up and let off a volley of rounds. They whizzed and then cracked into the Confederate uniforms drilling through and out the other side some of the rounds hit more than one man. The Fed officers tried to reinstate order, but after the explosion and sneak attack they were scared. Alexander then shrugged off his fencer's jacket and stood. The Feds took a few pot shots from below, but Alexander couldn't even hear the bullets crack the air. "Fix bayonets. We aint wasting another shot on these fuckers!" Alexander yelled. The men did and then they charged. Alexander ran down first. Into the gully where the panicked feds about 15 or so in numbers fumbled with their bayonets trying to fix them. To late. Alexander cut down the first man in his path than the next. His men then smashed into the line if you could call it that of the already broken Feds. Most of the feds didn't even have their bayonets on and were killed in the first strike. The 13 remaining feds were quickly swallowed by Alexander's forty men and women. When the dust cleared all the Feds were dead and all but one of Alexander's men were standing. "Butcher, Butcher, Butcher." They chanted as Alexander smiled at his latest victory. The men had been Gretch's, but now they were Alexander's. "Pick off all that his worthy here including the cloths then return to base. And give the fallen women a proper burial." Alexander explained. He then got down on his hands and knees and began to take off the coat of one of the feds.

After about 30 minutes of looting Alexander and his men trudged back to their base. It was just a little camp that was always on the move. Alexander had learned long ago that a smaller force had a huge advantage in mobility. If they were always moving then they were always ready to run away. He had reemployed his children and guards. They were now the ones who got the camp ready for movement after a raid. After an extremely quick meal Alexander and all his soldiers quickly grabbed the tents and completely covered their tracts. Gretch had been getting rather angry with Alexander's continues moment. It made it more difficult to insult Alexander with constant meaningless messages.

As Alexander was walking out of his camp with his soldiers following a dirty pigeon squawked above Alexander then let out a dropping that missed Alexander by inches. It then landed on Alexander's shoulder. He took out the message and took a gander at Gretch's almost unreadable message. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Alexander said aloud after he finished reading. "What does Gretch want, boss?" One of Alexander's veterans asked. "He wants us to lure away the god damn Leviathan." Alexander could only shake his head in disbelief. "The what?" the veteran asked. "It's the biggest airship I've ever seen." Alexander said. "Oh..."

Chapter 2Making Camp and a Plan
The group found a nice spot about 6 miles away from the old camp. It had a high overhang that would block any scouting airships from seeing the group from above and it was walled on both sides. But, it had two exits which was perfect for a guerrilla group. The soldiers made camp quickly and expertly having done it every few days. After they were done Alexander retired to his tent, not to sleep, but to plan. Alexander preferred to have a war council, but Gretch hadn't sent him anyone with those kind of skills. And it wouldn't be until tomorrow that the Guardians would arrive. Alexander had sent a detailed report of where they were, in code of course by two couriers. One held the note and the other the cipher. This had been how Alexander kept his Army safe as he could. Pigeons could be shot down and a single messenger could be captured, but this way at least it was very unlikely for the message to be deciphered by unwanted eyes... "Oh, that was easy." Alexander mumbled. He had already come up with a good proportion of his plan. Just get a messenger captured with a semi easily broken code that detailed Gretch's numbers. The numbers would of course be heavily inflated. And would be in a position out of reach of most forces, but the Leviathan. Like the border of the Peaks. It would take a few days on foot for Alexander to get there and set up a fake army. He'd never done it before, but it had been done a few times in the far past. By then the enemy would have broken the code and Alexander would be "poised to attack" the border. The border guard would even corroborate the messages story. He would need some sky captains to risk their ships though. The message would say that there are reinforcements ready to be deployed and that the ships were ready to transport them to the battle. Alexander had already begun the code. He wasn't very good at code making, but he knew a lot of old codes from the war. He decided to use the most recent one that was used. It was new enough that one of The Peaks code breakers would probably recognize it fairly quickly and crack the code. It was an extremely complex code though and even with a cipher it would take a few days to get through.

Alexander then sent a messenger out who was truly willing to risk his life. He would be picked up trying to get into New Mesa. The thing about the code Alexander was using is that it is obviously a code with numbers and letters in random places. The best code is a code that looks like an every day boring letter that once read will be thrown away. So even when the simple guards pick up the code Alexander was using as code. "You understand that we won't be able to get you back until after the war?" Alexander asked the man risking his life. The man just nodded. He couldn't talk because he was missing his tongue and didn't know how to write. So even if they did break him into telling the plan he wouldn't fall for it.

Chapter 3The easiest battle of Alexander's life.
The "Army" was all set up. Alexander had even done a quick raid on the border to make sure that the men on the border saw Alexander's fake army which was mostly tarp from Hope. The Leviathan would be arriving and hour now to take out Alexander army. His real men had faded far away into the rocks. And the airships were ready to run. Then Alexander heard it. It was like constant thunder. The Leviathan came behind and his Airships immediately began to flee. Sooner then they were supposed to, but Alexander couldn't blame them for running now. The gatling gun opened up onto the ground tearing apart the tarps. When that happened feds came rolling out of the gates. To the surprise of dynamite Alexander had planted at the base. Killing scores of the men just to freak them out a bit more. Soon the airship was chasing down the fleeing airships after it realized what was on the ground was fake. It continued it's chase in the wrong direction until it went out of sight. Alexander's part was a success. And he could assume the the Guardians weren't going to fuck up taking New Mesa, but Alexander had no idea how they planned on keeping it once the Leviathan came back. Alexander couldn't help think that scorched earth was the beast strategy, though that wouldn't help for long either. They would have to take out the Leviathan at some point and Alexander was probably going to be the one to do it. So he started trying to think of ways.


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Alexander the Monster
"You're a monster Alexander," Balder said. He was slightly decomposed and his eyes were glazed over, dead. "You enjoy killing people, it makes you happy, doesn't it?" Balder continued. Balder's eyes were glazed over and they reflected light into Alexander's eyes. "I don't enjoy it Balder." Alexander replied defensively. "It's just necessary sometimes."
"Your hands are covered with innocent blood, my blood. And you try to justify it?" Balder asked, shaking with rage.
"I'm fighting for freedom, kid." Alexander said.
"You're fighting for Gretch's kind of freedom. That monster doesn't know freedom. Just like you Alexander."
"I know freed..." Alexander began.
"You've always been a oppressor, you have destroyed lives and peoples freedoms. You've always fought for men like Gretch and unless you start to change you will become him!" Balder screamed.
"But, what do I need to do. I can kill him. I can stop Gretch." Alexander said.
"No, you can win a war, you can kill him, but you can't rule a country as large as the flats. We know out history. A good general does not make a good ruler." Balder continued.
"I could finish off the Feds, then turn on Gretch. I'll unite the flats then leave someone in charge smarter than me. Maybe, Jenner or Tabitha." Alexander said.
"That could work. Or you will just cause an unnecessary amount of destruction that leads to an anarchy even worse than today. Or worse a dictatorship led by you." Balder said.
"So I do nothing?" Alexander asked his brow furrowed with confusion and frustration.
"You do what you think is right. But, no matter what happens you will always be a monster." Balder said with a smirk.

Interpretation of a Hallucination
Alexander's eyes shot open as his drug induced hallucination came to an end. His eyes were blood shot and head pounding like drums before a battle. He groaned then slowly swung his legs over the table grabbing a quick glance at the scar he had acquired in Tarkan. The imaginary Balder had said some pretty disturbing things. Though none of them new. Alexander didn't enjoy killing people, but he always walked the line. He relished victory and he associated victory with death. Really it wouldn't be to far of a jump for Alexander to become a serial killer. Alexander laughed at that thought. He understood serial killers now that probably wasn't a good sign.

Alexander was afraid of becoming Gretch though. Gretch was not a good leader no matter what government he might head. He'd be a horrible king and a horrible dictator. Alexander would be better than Gretch, but not much. Tabitha on the other hand. She is brave, strong, and even compassionate. She could even unite the rebels they'd follow her, at least Alexander would.

Alexander's train of though was interrupted by one of Alexander's soldiers. "Sir, you have a mission from Gretch." he said with his back straight and chest puffed out just slightly. "Thank you Robert." Alexander said as he took the letter. The man saluted then left.

To Extort or not to Extort
T.A.R.K.A.N. each letter stood out to Alexander. He loved that place and Gretch was asking him to burn it to the ground. The people are nice, the girls pretty, and the people didn't ask a lot of questions. It was completely out of the way of the fighting. Neither side needed to go there unless they started supplying a side. Alexander would be creating a reason for the Feds to go burn it down if he didn't. But, the rebellion really did need guns. Alexander was well equipped because of all of his looting and terrorist tactics. But, the main army was worse off than Alexander was during his war. Alexander wasn't going to burn the town down. He couldn't do it and he wouldn't do it to the other towns either. These were the people they were fighting if they just started turning on them that would outline exactly what kind of revolt this would be. One of blood without sides. He was going to go to Tarkan and ask for the guns. If one town gave in then the other two probably would also. And this way he would be able to look Tabitha in the eye.

Robert's Report
It seems as though Alexander is refusing to loot the towns. He knows the mayor of the one with a T. Has a real hard on for her or something like that. Anyway, we're marching to the on e with a T to ask very nicely for the guns.

Dear Robert no dick,
Why the fucking hell does he care about some bitch in the middle of the wastes? Fuck it, I don't care. After Alexander fails to get my guns like the fuck up he is, you take men and burn Tarkan (The one with a T you fucking dumb ass) to the ground. Actually, burn it either was I don't care. And I know how loyal those dickless dumb shits are that follow him. Lie to them. JUST BURN IT DOWN.
Your wonderful leader, Gretch

Alexander's Chat with a Lovely Lioness
Alexander marched up the same hill he had marched up a few months ago. The houses were rebuilt which he was glad to see. And the people looked happy. They greeted him with cheers and handshakes and even a few hugs. He had a few men with him and his children too. He even brought Robert along. The man was new, but so far he had done an excellent job.

The children of the town charged out of the school house when they heard that Alexander was in town. "Alexander's back, Alexander's back!." They shouted in unison. Alexander hugged each one then let his own children loose to play and mingle.

Suddenly the biggest hand in the world slapped down on Alexander's shoulder. "You need to go see Tabitha. She has something mighty important to show you. I'll take care of your friends here. Get 'em a nice drink I will." Drew the Innkeeper said. Alexander said his thanks to the man then walked off towards Tabitha's new home. The town smelled wonderful. It wasn't like New Mesa which smelled like shit and piss. It smelled dusty, not bad, not good. Almost not lived in. He glanced backwards and saw his kids playing. Then he saw one of his men walking back down the road towards camp. "Weird." Alexander mumbled.

It was not a long walk to Tabitha's new house and it gave Alexander little time to take in his surroundings or to think of what to say. When he arrived at her house he stopped and took a quick look at it. It was big and yellow with windows of all different shapes and sizes. He walked up to the wooden door and knocked quickly and quietly half hoping she wouldn't hear. He hadn't so much as sent her a letter in a month and hadn't seen her in two.

But, she opened the door within 30 seconds of the knocks. "Hello Ally." She said. His eyes were stretched open as he looked at her stretched stomach. "How?" was all Alexander could muster. "Do I really have to explain how babies are made Ally?" She said smiling and gestured for him to come inside. She sat him down on her couch and poured him a glass of ice cold tea. "Is it mi..." Alexander began, but was quickly cut off by Tabitha, "Yes it's yours you stupid man. Why haven't you sent me any letters, you basically own a bloody courier service."
"I don't own them, I just employ them so much they keep a courier on the ready for me." Alexander replied digging his own grave a little deeper with each word. "I'm sorry I didn't send a message I was busy." Alexander continued digging in a few more inches.
"You're too busy for me?" She asked with a frown. "No, no, no I didn't mean that I just..." Alexander was cut off by a kiss from the most beautiful women in the world.

A few hours later
"So Ally? Why'd you come here with a small army?" Tabitha asked while she traced some of the scars on his bare chest. "I need a favor." Alexander replied. "And whats that?" she raised her head off of his chest and looked him in the eyes. "I... I need your guns and explosives." Alexander said hesitantly. "I want to help you Ally, but that is a lot to ask with this war going on." She explained. "I know, but with the guns I can end this war. You're known to the people of these parts as a strong and just lady Tabitha. If you throw in with me the other towns will follow." Alexander begged. "I... I just can't do that Alexander. You know I love you, but I love my people too and they need it more than you do." She said. "That's okay. I expected that answer I just had to try."

Alexander kissed her on the cheek and said his goodbyes. He then got dressed and left. Leaving her with a promise to return before the baby is born.

Loot and Burn
"Men, Alexander has been captured by the town. After he explained that he needed the guns for our leader Gretch. They took him in chains. They are supporters of The Feds. We need to loot and burn the town and get Alexander back." Robert yelled to the men lying through his teeth. The soldiers were up in seconds armed and armored. Without a second thought they ran into town yelling, "For Alexander!" the whole way.

It was a quick march to the town and the second the soldiers got there they started looting and fanning out in search of Alexander. There was little blood shed at first, but the miners quickly armed themselves and began fighting back.

From Alexander's POV
Alexander was almost back into the main part of the town when he heard a gunshot, then another, and another. There was a full on battle going on down bellow. Alexander drew his sword and ran down the hill ready to take on any raiders or feds that were down there.

He made it down the hill quickly to find his own men massacring the town. The miners had put up a defensive, but Alexander's men were excellent soldiers and were easily penetrating the miners. Alexander ran up and into the defenses of the miners and to the hole that his men were about to surge through. The second he arrived and began yelling orders his men dropped their weapons and surrendered. But, whomever was leading the attack had properly spread out his men and they were going to run through the whole town before Alexander could run them down, but he had to try.

He sent out men in each directions to tell the men to stop fighting and then he ran back up the hill to Tabitha. He had to make sure she was all right above all else. When he arrived the wooden door was open. Alexander ran in ready to kill any man in side. But, what he saw was Robert clutching his shoulder with blood squirting out and Tabitha getting ready to slash the man's throat. "Wait!" Alexander yelled. "What the fuck is this Alexander!" She yelled back. Standing up and turning the knife to him. "You fucking come here and find out I'm pregnant with your child, then you sleep with me, then you beg me for a favor, then you fucking loot my town! And you sent a fucking assassin after me?" She immediately came at him with the knife. He dropped his sword then side stepped her first strike. He tried to grab her wrist, but she moved and immediately slashed again. Alexander let that one slip passed him. Finally she had an opening and Alexander knocked the Knife from her hand and caught it with his other one. He then threw the knife into Robert's leg as he tried to flee. She took advantage of his distraction and punched Alexander causing his nose to spew out blood. "Wait I don't wanna fight yo..." Alexander was caught of guard by another right across his jaw. He had enough. Alexander slipped her next punch and struck her chest with his palm causing little damage. This sent her sprawling onto the couch. "Please I didn't send them. I didn't start this. Robert did." Alexander explained quickly before she could get up and start attacking him again. He quickly turned to the wounded man and ripped the knife out of his leg. "Why Robert? I trusted you." Alexander asked. "Gretch told me to, no matter what the outcome of your chat was. I was told to burn the village and kill the mayor." Robert pleaded. Alexander knew that what Robert said was probably true, but Alexander couldn't let a traitor live. Especially since he came after Alexander's family. The knife in Alexander's hand stabbed straight through one of the man's spine and through his heart. It would be a painless death, but death all the same.

Alexander then turned to the now crying Tabitha. "I'm sorry, I didn't know, I didn't order this." Alexander approached her and she let him. He sat down and put his arm around her. "It's going to be okay." Alexander assured her.

The town was burned almost to the ground. It took his men hours to get the fires under control. He didn't leave on good terms with Tabitha, but he did leave on speaking terms and that was better than nothing. The mission ironically was a success. He was told to loot the town and that is what his men did. He gave back all the loot taken from Tarkan. But, the other two towns would probably pay out now.

Later the next day Alexander made a close examination of his men and found no other people to be likely spies. But, he would always be on his toes from then on.