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Seraph Mac Craith

Seraph has already seen more in his life than most ever see in a lifetime. A loner who walks between two worlds, our world and the underworld, the few friends he has are far outnumbered by the countless enemies who wait to greet him... after his death.

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a character in “World of Darkness”, as played by Crooked Thoughts


Username: Unlucky1
Status: "Its better to burnout, than to fade away."

Name: Seraph Alister MacCraith
Alias: Wrath, The Wayward Saint, The Ultimate Con-Man
Citizenship: Irish
Ethnic Race: Caucasian
Species: Imbued
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
D.O.B: 03/14/1972
Height: 5'11" ft
Weight: 160 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Handed: Left
Tattoo/Piercing: Y/N

Joined: 12/25/1992
Last Visit: 10/30/2012
Hunter Grade: ?
Hunter Type: Exorcist
Hunter Virtue: Zeal
Hunter Creed: Avenger/Defender
Hunter Nature: Survivor
Hunter Demeanor: Conniver
Hunter Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Total Hunts: ?
Creatures Killed: ?
Innocents Lost: 99

Physical Description
Constantly smoking, If you ever see Seraph without a cigarette in his mouth, he's probably planning when to get the next one. He's good looking in a laddish way, normally too busy sitting in a pub to get in the exercise he needs, unless running for his life, so he's starting to get a little pudgy. Usually he's clean shaven but has been known to get stubbley when working a particularly bad job.

Seraph is starting to look his age now, with faint signs of wrinkles popping up over his face and hands that, in his own words, "are starting to look a little the worse for wear". While an issue, he normally acts younger than he is and is a big hit with the majority of frat-boys he's met during his time stateside.

Known the world over for his trench-coat, Seraph likes to think he kicked off the trend before those blokes in the matrix started making all those teenagers the world over start to bite his style. He's usually wearing a shirt and tie under it with good trousers and clean leather shoes, though this has been known to change when alone, he likes to keep the image of being 'THE' Seraph MacCraith in public. After all, appearances are everything.

The one unifying feature of his clothes is that they're always pretty cheap. Sure, he could afford something good if he saved up a bit, maybe cut back on the booze, but at the same time it's part of who he is. The trench-coat is him in the same way his face is. Not to say he won't change the coat in the name of disguise or laundry, but his appearance is slightly iconic.

ImageSeraph is constantly losing weight because of his irregular lifestyle, thus lending to his thin, wiry build. Thrown together with his pale skin completion, many assume he is ill and may have a serious dietary issue. But to the contrary, he is just in need of a few, home cooked meals. Traveling hasn't completely rid Seraph of his Irish accent, but it flares up a great deal when he isn't sober. For the most part his speech is clear and casual, generally just shy of exceptionally crude. Regardless, he's quite the smooth talker. It's not hard for him to make friends with a complete stranger in only a few short minutes. That could be because people are drawn to his confidence, which exudes itself even when he walks, like a man who knows he's doing and like he's not worried about anything in the world.

Personality Description
To describe Seraph as a 'bastard' would be more than fair. He comes off as a brash, callous, foul-mouthed, jerk. Family? Friends? They are just tools for the Constant One to use, abuse and discard as he sees fit. And... nothing that was just stated, except for foul-mouthed jerk, is actually true. In reality, Seraph MacCraith is selfless when the cause is right. He loves his family, friends and loved ones and constantly tries his best to shelter them from the horrific life he leads. And while it is true that he's a 'bastard' its more for the point of protecting people from him.

It'd be pretty hard to call the man a hero, but he does his share of good deeds, often by incredibly immoral roads. He's a manipulative, cold-hearted and cynical bastard who tries, despite himself, to do the best he can. His cynicism is probably best explained by the sheer length of his battles, that being, he doesn't win them they just continue. Even if he defeats a demon, he can't obliterate them, and even if he does there'll be a price and eventually the demon would return. Essentially, he's always playing the long game against immortal beings which, frankly, is a losing battle.

And still he fights, because it's all you can do when you can see trouble happening and know the bloke on the receiving end needs a hand. His manipulative nature does tend to jangle against nearly everyone but he's got an incredibly wide reaching, almost global, network of friends in various places. Beneath it all, he's actually a compassionate humanist, seeking to free humanity from the oppressions of fate. It's just that he's a foul-mouthed, chain-smoking, working-class Irish man who's often drawn into struggles way above his head just because he enjoys the rush as much as he likes helping people.

Seraph MacCraith is a liar and a priest, and if you ask him, he'll tell you that they're the same thing. He's a man made of contradictions: both petty and selfless, pathetic and magnificent, gentle and monstrous, passionate and apathetic, a stunningly dangerous fool. He is a charming, cynical, manipulative, boozing, smoking, wheeling-and-dealing, foul-mouthed blue-collar, religious, con-man. In short, everything people believe of him is true. He's also an addict, and therein lies his problem.

Once upon a time, Seraph was an anti-authoritarian priest who thought he was destined to save to the world. As it turned out, all he was destined to do was fuck up himself and everyone around him, but he can't stop until he discovers the truth. As a result, Seraph has seen and done and suffered and lost immensely. He has more dead friends than living ones, and it's mostly his fault (this is not misplaced guilt; he got most of them killed, and occasionally staked them out himself like sacrificial lambs). The ideals and optimism are long gone, but he's still got the rage, a deep distrust of authority, and a pathological aversion to doing what he's told. If he could have one thing to make up for all the grief, it would be to tear down all the Powers That Be--gods, demons, angels, politicians and robber barons--and let people take control of their own lives. He's pretty sure they'd screw it up immediately, but at least it'd be a fate of their own making.

Despite his personal opinions, Seraph is willing to do business with just about anybody who won't murder him on sight. Yes, he's also a hypocrite, and perhaps even a touch jealous. On his good days, he might even admit it. Still, he flatters himself that he's something of a voice of the people when he hobnobs with the rarified crowd.

The bottom line is that deep down, Seraph wants to do good, but in the process he's prone to doing horrible things that undermine his goals and get people hurt. Some of this is because by the time a situation gets bad enough for Seraph to take a hand, it's often too bad for anything except low-down dirty tactics to work. He has bribed and blackmailed his way through much of the supernatural world back home, and for that matter he's developed quite a reputation among the mortal underworld as well. But he can't escape culpability; it's frequently his own flaws--addiction, selfishness, staggering arrogance, sedimentary layers of guilt, a misguided urge to help--that get in the way. Seraph is definitely a self-saboteur. At his best, he is capable of remarkable selflessness. At his worst, he's nearly sociopathic.

And yet, he's capable of achieving the impossible. When the chips are all spent, when the world has gone black and your last best hope has already failed, that's when you call in Seraph MacCraith. He'll get the job done, all right, but the price may be more than you can bear to pay.

Survival, to play the game for as long as he can.

Find and rescue his sister.


Religion & Spirituality

Enemies Everywhere: Over the years Serpah has made some of the worst enemies a mortal man could make. Demons and even angels view him as a soul that needs to be extinguished or enslaved. And that's not even counting the regular people like mob bosses, union bosses, politicians and real estate moguls.

Friends in Low Places: There are people who have contacts, then there are people like Seraph, he seems to have connections and friends in every bar, every honky-tonk, every cab driver, every crazy Illuminati obsessed rich person and ever night club.

Drunken Stupors: If there is one thing Seraph knows, it's the sauce. He spends nearly every night that isn't fighting demons, drinking somewhere. As a result, MacCraith is somewhat resistant to the effects of alcohol. Still this doesn't stop him from getting so drunk that he blacks out and doesn't renumber a thing, which how he likes it. Being able to forget all the bad and escape to place of unknowing, is a state of bliss he often seeks.

Shitty Life: Seraph has been responsible for many deaths throughout his life. Most of his friends and family have suffered because of him. If it was because of his powers, his enemies or something else entirely. He is constantly pushing people away so they do not become the next people to die because of his actions.

Cursed Destiny: MacCraith doesn't know it but he is destined for greatness. He is supposed to be the greatest exorcist to ever live, or maybe the worst. Either way it is the type of destiny that makes sure that innocent people are always in the way of his goals. Mixed with his guilt-ridden nature he tends to hesitate when he knows that he needs to achieve something.

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Mental Health
Mental Strength: Seraph is always thinking ahead of things. When a situation is playing out he has already figured out the best ways to win, and if that's impossible he knows the best ways to get out of the situation he's in. The important thing is that he tends to think ahead of his adversaries, meaning that he always has a way to win, or to get out of it.

Mental Weakness:
-Dissociation: is a coping mechanism for his life, sarcasm and alcohol used to take him away, sometimes he wonders if life is even real.


Physical Health
Physical Strength: Rejuvenation Edge

Physical Weakness: Seraph is a four pack a day smoker. He needs to have a cigarette in his hand and between his lips pretty much every minute he's awake. If he doesn't have a cigarette, he gets shaky, intolerant and irrational. Not only that, he can't even consider quitting. Despite being diagnosed with Lung Cancer, he still hasn't stopped smoking.

Determined Willpower
Average Strength
Average Dexterity
Good Stamina
Average Charisma
Outstanding Manipulation
Average Appearance
Exceptional Perception
Good Intelligence
Exceptional Wits
Expert Alertness
Practiced Athletics
Master Awareness
Expert Brawl
Expert Dodge
Master Empathy
Competent Expression
Novice Intimidation
Expert Intuition
Practiced Leadership
Competent Streetwise
Expert Subterfuge

Novice Animal Kin
Novice Crafts
Novice Demolitions
Practiced Drive
Novice Etiquette
Practiced Firearm
Practiced Melee
Competent Performance
Novice Security
Practiced Stealth
Novice Survival
Novice Technology
Scholar Academics
Masters Bureaucracy
Student Computer
Masters Finance
Masters Investigation
Scholar Law
Scholar Linguistics
Student Medicine
Scholar Occult
Student Politics
College Research
Student Science

Racial Power
Imbuement: This writing is a place holder for information soon to come. It is only here for appearances, used to display a sufficient preview of what the page will look like once fleshed out. Replace this with your own words once you are ready to fill out the character sheet. This writing is a place holder for information soon to come. It is only here for appearances, used to display a sufficient preview of what the page will look like once fleshed out. Replace this with your own words once you are ready to fill out the character sheet.

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Class Techniques
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Trait Specialties
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Miscellaneous Skills & Abilities
Arcane Knowledge: Seraph is very familiar with most types of magic and supernatural myths, customs and rules. While his magical skills are primarily focused around excorcisms and symbols, he also knows most local myths and superstitions. He also recognizes the magic behind urban symbols and the layout of urban cities.

Stage Magic: While probably not good enough to go professional with it, Seraph MacCraith is skilled in basic and intermediate sleight-of-hand and parlor tricks that are more commonly associated with stage magicians. Mostly he uses this to help him pick a pocket here and there or to fancy up his own magical abilities.

Confidence Tricks: For many years MacCraith lived off his ability to pull of con jobs (to the point that some of his friends from that era actually call him Conjob) He is an expert in earning the trust of a mark and getting what he wants.

Sneaky Git: Seraph MacCraith is a user. He knows how to manipulate people to achieve his goals. He knows how to manipulate so-called heroes and villains in just the right way to make sure they "work" for his goals over their own goals.

Reputation Beyond Ability: Nothing scares Seraph MacCraith. So the stories goes. No mystic can match Seraph MacCraith. So the stories goes. While real professional are better at what they all do... Seraph MacCraith is the Constant One who was taught by [Hermit's Name] and outwitted the 13 Counts of Hell. All of that together means that when he shows up in a situation he tends to be treated far beyond his ability.

Can't Drive: Seraph MacCraith has never learned to drive, he mostly relies on his friends when in the U.K. and on the Synchronicity Highway everywhere else to get his travel needs handled. But if you put him behind the wheel behind of a car, that car will more than likely end up in a ditch.

ImagePrimary Weapon

Weapon Name: Mattatron's Lost Cipher

Weapon Type: Sigils & Symbols

Material: Arcane Ink

Weapon Description/Info: The tattoos across John Constantine's forearms, this sigil shows a triangle containing flames with three arrows pointing outwards, all containted in a circle. The symbol represents the phrase "Into the light I command thee", and Constantine uses it to bring forth any creatures hiding in the Veil.

It can most likely be used by anyone, not only because Constantine is an exorcist/magician.

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ImageSecondary Weapon
Weapon Name: U.K.M.F.O. ("Used for Knocking Monsters the Fuck Out")

Weapon Type: Knuckle Dusters

Material: Silver & Iron

Length: Answer Here

Weight: Answer Here

Weapon Description/Info: Not much is known of the holy knuckle dusters. Supposedly made of blessed metal, they are knuckle dusters with various religious insignia engraved in them, such as "holy spiritus" (Holy Spirit) and "fias iustitia et piriat mundus" (Let there be justice, although the world may perish). There are crosses carved on the outer side of each finger, and the words fas, iustitia, piriat and mundus are also written on the inside.

They have been proved to harm demons and remove their glamor, as Balthazar's true form was revealed when John Constantine punched him across the face with them.

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ImageSupport Weapon
Weapon Name: Dante's Cross

Weapon Type: Holy Artifact

Material: Enochian Metal

Length: Answer Here

Weight: Answer Here

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[url=/]Rosary:[/url] Made out of Palo Santo and Devil's Shoestring.

[url=/]Holy Water Ampoules:[/url] Round glass vials filled with holy water, they can be used either to simply harm a demon and deface them of their glamor. Ten on person.

[url=/]Cigarette Case:[/url] Custom made with a nude nun straddling a cross on the face. Includes a gold lighter. Cigarettes cause hallucinations that allow him to see the supernatural.

[url=/]Original Bible:[/url] This writing is a place holder for information soon to come. It is only here for appearances, used to display a sufficient preview of what the page will look like once fleshed out. Replace this with your own words once you are ready to fill out the character sheet.

[url=/]Forged Documents:[/url] This writing is a place holder for information soon to come. It is only here for appearances, used to display a sufficient preview of what the page will look like once fleshed out. Replace this with your own words once you are ready to fill out the character sheet.

[url=/]Gris-gris Bag:[/url] Used for luck. Contains: Gold Coin, 4 Leaf Clover, etc...

[url=/]Holy Fire Spell:[/url] "Lucerna est vocem tuus, illud loqui per me, flamma est fortitudo, sit mea."

A spell used to bless fire. Blessed fire can be used to burn demons, who normally are unharmed by a regular flame. Though the injuries will not last or scar permanently like an Angel Blade would, they would hurt a demon like a human would be hurt by fire. John Constantine has taught it to Jim Moriarty.


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Also known as the Wayward Saint, Seraph is a full-time smartass with a rebellious spirit. He is known for his endless cynicism, scathing wit, ruthless cunning, and constant chain smoking. As a roguish counterculture antihero, Seraph is an individualist always looking to take the third option in life, and is just as likely to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as he is to pull a moment of awe out of his ass. Such achievements have lead to him being called "The Ultimate Con Man". Hailing from the land of saints and scholars, of which he is both, he was born into a simple working-class family. With greatness missing from his heritage, Seraph still managed to overcome his meager destiny and accomplish the impossible, becoming a living legend in the process.

He now makes a living gambling with fate; heroism and morality have no stake in the dangerous game he plays. His life and his alone is the only one he cares for and he will not risk it to save another. Seraph's motivation is solely attributed to vengeance. In a desperate pursuit of the truth, nothing will stop him from obtaining it; a fact clearly evident in his travels to hell and back, literally. The aforementioned reckless behavior is what molds so many opinions. Thinking him to be a degenerate suicidal man, many write him off without a second thought. But underneath that tattered trench coat, there was once a passionate humanist driven by a heartfelt desire to do some good in his life. To truly understand Seraph, you would have to know his story and take a walk in his shoes.


Seraph Alister MacCraith was born in Dublin, Ireland, on March 14, 1972. His mother, Katherine "Kitty" Maguire, gave birth to Seraph and his stillborn twin brother because an earlier abortion — forced on her by Seraph's father, William — had weakened her womb. Because he was unable to accept responsibility for his second son's death, William blamed Seraph and the pair grew up with a deep dislike for one another. Whilst in the womb, Seraph strangled his twin brother with his own umbilical cord; so even as an unborn child, Seraph was willingly to do anything to survive.

Life was rough growing up. A single low income job kept the family in the slums and ghettos of Ireland, in addition to spousal abuse, drug addiction, and bad parenting, a poor developmental environment was created; things couldn't get worse in Seraph's opinion. After Aoife MacCraith was born, a roller-coaster of events transpired. With a new baby girl in Imagetheir midst, the tiny bundle of joy inspired Katherine to kick her drug habit and get a job. She had not yet developed the strength to leave her abusive husband, but Katherine was well on her way to it. Meanwhile, William's drinking had gotten worse since being laid off and constantly clashing with his teenage son, didn't help either. Still, life was at a tolerable high in the MacCraith household. It wouldn't be until a few years later, that the fractured family unit would finally break. It was a day Seraph would never forget...

Just another day in the MacCraith house, you could hear the heated exchange of words from a block away. Neighbors said that his parents had been going at it all day. From what they could tell, William found divorce papers and wasn't too happy about it. Seraph and his sister had just got returned from school to witness the scene for themselves. Clothes were everywhere, strewn about all over the front lawn. The upstairs window was open and yelling be heard clearly but slightly muffled, as if they were in another room. Nobody else was outside, which was strange... Seraph figured everyone was hiding in their houses, listening and shaking their disapproving, judgmental heads. Being the protective older brother that he was, Seraph choose not to expose Aoife to another of their parents fights. Instead, he gave her his discman, as he always had, and they waited outside. No more than fifteen minutes had passed, when Seraph noticed everything had went eerily quiet. His parent's fights didn't typically end silently, but he preferred this to his mother's weeping and his father storming off. With the danger mostly averted, now was as good a time as any to go in, so taking his sister's hand in his, they went inside. It was a short trip though, they didn't even make it pass the threshold before a horrific scene froze them in their steps. A pool of blood sat at the bottom of the steps, seeping from his mother's head as his father stared down at his children from atop the stairway. Seraph put the puzzle together quickly and immediately knew what he had to do: run. Pulling his sister with him, he ran as far and fast as he could. He didn't know where he was going, he just knew he had to get help and get his little sister out of there. Eventually, they stopped just short of the train tracks nearby, unaware that William was behind them. The situation escalated even quicker from there, creating a blur that was even hazy moments after it happened. When life slowed and came back into focus, his father but a blood stain on the passing train.

Although Seraph wouldn't find this out until years later, but a toxicology screen revealed trace amounts of heroine in his mother's system. The coroner's report also made notes of a loose floor board at the top of the stairs and a piece fabric caught on it matched that from his mother's clothing. On top of that, it seems that it was his father who filed for divorce and by testament of one Patricia Rose, William had been sober for a year, a period of time of which they were intimately involved. A story that was convinced with his recent disappearance from their home. Aside from all that, there's still one thing that Seraph could never shake. In the midst of the screaming and fighting between him and his father, a violent outburst sent his father reeling back onto the tracks. The train was coming... there was no danger though, all his father had to do was step off. But somehow, for some reason, he didn't. Couldn't... It didn't seem like he was stuck, more like he was being held against his own free will. At that moment he was cross: he wanted to help and he wanted him to die. Looking back, it seemed like Aoife wanted the same. That look on her face...

In the aftermath, their father was buried a murderer and his own death was labeled an unfortunate accident; neither child grieved his death or attended his funeral. As for their mother, Seraph saw her death as abandonment and hated her for leaving them alone. With no family members to turn to, Seraph and Aoife were made wards of the country and placed in a church owned orphanage. There they received a strict catholic eduction, which included religious conformity, and ultimately, they were allowed to stay together.


Image-Joins a gang, where he picks up the tricks of the trade.
-He and his sister are in this gang for more than year.
-After being caught stealing, they are put in a church orphanage.
-Gang stays together and occasionally getting into trouble and stirring up mischief.
-Priest takes interest in him and tries to keep him out of jail, eventually makes a deal with him to take him and his sister away if he becomes a priest. Seraph agrees and they move to Vatican city.

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Adult: Before

Image-Turned his life around eventually and returned to priesthood.
-Became ordained and lived as a priest for 5 years.
-Past caught up with him, a man he stole more than half a million dollars from found him after kidnapping his sister.
-Is kidnapped and forced to endure his own torture as well as his sisters as his kidnappers try to discern where he has hidden the money.
-After telling them where it is, they kills his sister and then him.
-This moment also happens to be his imbuing and though he doesn't realize it then, his kidnappers were demons. As a result of death, he doesn't rise to the occasion and fails.

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Adult: After

Image-Somehow he survives being shot in the head (or some other place) just long enough for another priest, who is also a hermit hunter, to rescue him.
-The hermit nurses him back to health, but during this time he is in a coma.
-Through Astral projection, the hermit explains to him what happened.
-Seraph wants revenge and so the hermit agrees to become his mentor and eventually gives him a second chance.
-The second chance involves him going to hell to find the demons responsible.
-His first hunt is bittersweet, he doesn't manage to kill those directly responsible but learns who is. He also learns that his sister isn't dead and actually helped set him up.
-Seraph then dedicates his life to finding out the truth and getting his revenge.

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Quirk-Calls all women blossom

Fit birds- which is British for 'attractive ladies', Seraph does tend to think of things in 'physical' terms which affects his cognitive reasoning. Basically, he's a sucker for a pretty face.

Knowing what's going on- Seraph is something of a bastard and will nearly always play people against each other to achieve his goals, given his own lack of abilities. As such, he very much enjoys knowing the big pictures.

A good pint- Questionable moral judgement for a man so often involved in the stakes of the universe, but Seraph does like a pint of bitter when given a chance.

Heaven AND Hell- Seraph is a bit weird in that he doesn't like Heaven, Hell or anything imbetween, he'd much rather they left people alone to get on with being people. Generally, Heaven gets the message but Hell is much more troublesome.

Self-righteousness- Seraph is very hard on himself, he knows that he's a bad person but is very annoyed when someone else takes it upon themselves to make sure he knows it. Especially when said person isn't exactly citizen of the year.

Deductive Reasoning- While it's usually applied to either working out which particular nasty he's currently facing or how to get a guys wallet off him, Seraph is very good at working stuff out. Which may prove problematic for certain teenagers who vanish just as the good guys show up. He's got a fairly remarkable gift for thinking outside the box, often coming up up with theories that have no scientific grounding but can be proved fairly simply once magic enters the equation.

Getting under your skin- More a hindrance, but he's pretty good at working out juuuust the right way to piss someone off.

"Every man has his devil and you can't rest 'till you find him."

Group Name: The Unforgiven

Aoife Mac-Craith - Human Witch -

Matthieu "Blancha" Lefevre - Psychic Engineer - Tech Expert

Kira "Red Alert" Klossovsky - Sin-Eater Devil Hunter -

So begins...

Seraph Mac Craith's Story