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Opal Goldsworthy

"My dear sister truly should listen to me more often ... Is what I would say if I cared."

0 · 533 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “World of the Dark”, as played by Kura Ravengade



"'A princess must always remain regal and composed, no matter the circumstances'. As if!"

A Little of This, a Little of That


"Just a little bit about me that I think
you should know, for your own sake and sanity."


| Name: |
Opal Mariniyen Goldsworthy {Mariniyen ~ MAH-RIN-EE-IN}
"It's an old-ladies' name ..."

| Age: |

| Nickname: |
Strawberry {Due to her coloring}, Iris {Her favorite flower}, Luna {due to her birth falling on a lunar eclipse}, Kitty {She has a weird obsession with cats ...}
"I just love animals, but kitties are my favorite! They're so cute and adorable!"

| Sexuality: |

| Quirks: |
Despite her royal and vampiric status, Opal has always been a bit of a free spirit. She tends not to heed the warnings that the guards and her personal one, Vincent, and goes ahead and does whatever she wants. She'll often get in trouble in the small {instert location} that the Goldsworthy's reside in, and is always running Vincent dry with her trouble.

| Eye Color: |
Ocean Blue

| Hair Color/Length: |
Pink; Waist-length

| Role: |
The Eldest Sister

| Romantic Interest: |
She's had a crush on her guard, Vincent, since the first time that she met him, which was during one of the days that he was being trained by her old guard, Claudius. She had been running through the halls of their home and had heard them in a small room that she had run by, and so, being the curious five-year-old that she was, she peaked in and saw him. The seven-year-old Vincent had made her heart skip a beat at the first glance.

| Duties: |
She was placed in charge of the royal vampire's security team, along with the small army that has been trained to protect the vampire race.

A Bit More In-depth

"Everyone has their secrets. But they're secrets for
a reason, so shush and don't tell!"


| Talents:
~ Art ~
~ Music ~
~ Stealth ~
~ Flexibility ~
~ Litheness ~
~ Violin and Harp ~
~ Archery ~
~ Swordsmanship ~
~ Hand-to-hand Combat ~
~ Fencing ~

| Likes: |
~ Candy ~
~ Food ~
~ Nature ~
~ Casual Clothes ~
~ Leadership ~
~ Respect ~
~ Annoying Vincent ~
~ Teasing Vincent ~
~ Jokes ~
~ Animals ~

| Dislikes: |
~ Being Ordered Around ~
~ Disrespect ~
~ Sour Foods ~
~ Thunderstorms ~
~ The Unknown ~
~ Secrets ~
~ Tools ~
~ Music ~
~ Archery ~
~ Climbing Trees ~
~ Painting ~
~ Sculpting ~
~ Sketching ~
~ Her Violin ~
~ Her Harp ~

| Fears: |
~ Failure ~
~ Failing as a Leader ~
~ Making Vincent's Hate Her ~
~ Disappointing Vincent ~
~ Disappointing Those Who Depend Upon Her ~

| Weaknesses: |
~ She would do anything for food ~
~ Opal would give her life to save the innocents, and her loved ones ~
~ She doesn't really seem to understand that some of the things she does could be dangerous for her ~
~ Sunlight when she isn't wearing her necklace ~
~ Fire ~
~ Wooden stakes ~

| Strengths: |
~ Her Loved Ones ~
~ Her Army ~
~ Leading ~
~ Her Courage and Bravery ~
~ Her Bubbly and Enthusiastic Personality ~

| Abilities: |
~ Persuasion: By using only her voice, she is able to talk lower class and normal vampires and other weaker beings into doing her will. When using eye contact, she can often do the same to strong creatures, even those in the same class as she and her family.
~ Creation: The ability to bring that which one draws or creates with their hands to life; the ability to bring nightmares/dreams to life; the ability to bring thoughts to life; the ability to bring stories to life; the ability to bring inanimate objects to life;
~ Animal Communication: The ability to speak to animals
~ Super-Speed: The ability to run at a faster rate then others.
~ Super-Strength: The ability to be strong then most.

{More to be added}

So begins...

Opal Goldsworthy's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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ImageBrinley, as usual, has been up since the crack of dawn, practicing in the gym that has been allocated for the training and conditioning of those who have been chosen to guard the Royal Family- elite positions that are gained through a highly selective process. In fact, many of those who have them are born into the role, or have been groomed for it from a very young age so that they can serve the family in the most effective way possible. Brin, to some extent, is one of those people, having been found on the streets at a young age, at which point one of the guards took her in and submitted her to be trained for a future position as a guard. The woman, though young, has been serving the royal family since she was around twelve years old, with missions that progressed in intensity until she had become a full time body guard for the King himself, up until his passing.

The young woman, after a few hours of training, showers and returns to her own quarters to dress and prepare for the awakening of the Royal Family, something that usually happens relatively early in the morning. Besides, there will be a foreign dignitary here this morning, sent by the children's uncle, who will be expecting to see the younger princess, Katherine. Why the uncle continues to send these men, despite the fact that his niece does her best to ignore them, is beyond Brinley, but she is not in the position to be sending him a letter of complaint or anything like that, after all. Instead, she does what she does best- prepares, plans, and protects. The young woman dresses in her typical garb, composed of comfortable black pants, made for easy maneuverability and temperature control, a white, button down shirt, with the sleeves folded up past her elbow, and a barely noticeable bullet proof vest beneath the shirt. Not that she really needs it most of the time, because the young woman does her job efficiently and can handle most threats before they attack, but it is standard, and she'd rather be prepared and not need it than unprepared when she does need it. Her shoes are simple black trainers, styled to look far more formal than they actually are.

Brinley walks down to the Mansion Grounds just in time to watch the younger princess gallop away on her horse, carefree as you like. She sighs, "I swear to god, if her guard is sleeping on the job." The threat goes unfinished, but is not an empty one all the same. Brinley is not the sort to make empty threats, after all, and is certainly not the type to ever bluff about something. If she says to run, she means it, and if she says she'll shoot someone in the foot, you'd better believe that the girl is going to do it in a heartbeat if her instructions are not followed. She's not the most sentimental, or sympathetic, of people, after all, and expects to be taken seriously in all that she does. Hardly the image of a lady, despite the fact that the girls she protects are expected to be the epitome of just that- a lady. But she's a bodyguard, not a princess, and will not hesitate to remind anyone who takes her lightly of that.

"Right. I suppose Randall is actually competent enough to keep an eye on Opal, wherever she is," Brin decides, but all the same, decides to continue on her rounds of the exterior, checking for any flaws in the security that has been recently tightened around the manor. "Go watch Katherine and, if possible, get her to come back. She can ignore that he's a suitor, but the man's still got influence, and we can do with a few less enemies," she tells a guard who had come up to alert her of the suitor's arrival. The man nods, gets on a horse, and rides after the princess.

How I love these little visits, Brin thinks sarcastically, before deciding that she'd better go and make sure that someone is welcoming in the suitor. I'll look over the premises later, I suppose, the young woman decides, though she doesn't like this shift in plans. Going without her regular check makes her feel somewhat uneasy, because she likes to know exactly what's going on around the place at all times, but she'll have to deal with it for the moment.

"Welcome, sir. The princesses should be here to properly greet you shortly- they are currently a bit busy," Brinley says vaguely, before glancing towards the head maid, who immediately takes cue and begins guiding him over towards the tea room and asking the man if he'd like something to drink. Randall's the one who took the butler courses, she thinks with a slight frown, hidden as soon as the suitor glances her way impatiently. "Can someone get Princess Opal and Randall down to the public tea room?" she speaks softly into a small microphone, used for simple communication, that is implanted in the unused button at the top of her shirt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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"Can someone get Princess Opal and Randall down to the public tea room?" The words played across the intercom and earned a flick of Vincent's ears as he was waking from his nap. Since this was treated as a regular sleep hour for the Royals, he had opted to sleep in his transformed state outside of Opal's quarters. In fact, he would have done this inside had he not been left the impression of the door being locked when he'd settled down for his nap. After all, as he saw it- few would be dumb enough to assault a target with an attack wolf over nine feet in size.

"Rituation?" his voice came out deeper than normal due to his being in wolf form and due to the jaw change, the 's' sound wasn't possible. With a painful series of pops and bodily contortions, he shifted into a human form again. Had he not been wearing his uniform, he'd have been left naked. But his service attire had been designed to handle his transformations. His attire seemed like a lean cross between military body armor and a butler's uniform- most noticeable was a an empty holster and scabbard. Due to his current status, he was not allowed to carry a weapon in the presence of Royalty except during Wartime or official ceremony. He'd filed for special permission, after all as a guard some form of weaponry would be reassuring.

A quick glance at a hallway mirror showed that he was still presentable for a formal dealing was underway. According to the quick explanation he was receiving, it was precisely that. He quickly paged for some other staff to handle his princess before changing half of his face to wolf form again, a careful sniff at the door and even more attentive listening showed everything was well enough. With this, he shifted back just enough to keep only his left ear as a wolf's. A precise yet loud knock on the door was done with his right hand.

"Mi'lady, it would appear your esteemed uncle has sent a Duke for a visit to your Royal Highness's younger sister. Unfortunately, it would appear the younger princess has done her usual and it falls upon your Highness to rescue the situation in the public tea room. Pardon the disrespect on my behalf, but I shall see to the guest while the other staff assist in your morning preparation." He inwardly winced at his technical inappropriate address to Opal, overuse of the Highness is disrespectful.

At this point, a set of maids arrived to take over. As such, he hurried off while donning a set of white gloves and a small mark on the floor caught his eye. On a separate intercom he called for the mark to be cleaned before switching back to Brinley, "Brinley, which Duke are we dealing with?" He instantly assumed the guest would be a Duke, after all, a princess would be introduced to no one lower than a Duke and anyone higher than a Duke would have demanded a longer preparation time. "Depending on the Duke, we might need to switch out the silverware, two are allergic to silver. Furthermore, while we can probably settle with the normal tea, I know at least one is allergic to it- by the way should conversation be required. While I doubt you need reminding, protocol demands the Duke be addressed either as 'your Grace' or with 'Duke' preceding his name. If special preparations are needed, I'll need you to stall for thirty seconds for the arrangements." He was giving absolutely the minimum time required for such arrangements, in fact he was actually being a bit unrealistic. But if need be, he could roll up his sleeves to make the gears move at proper speed for a smooth morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Dawn's early light was streaming through her open window, the warmth of the rays basking over the girl's porcelain skin. She couldn't help the small yawn that escaped her lips, her blue eyes fluttering slightly as a beam of sunlight caught her gaze and momentarily blinded her. Her hand twitched and nearly smeared blue paint across the easel, but with another quick twitch, she yanked the brush back and away from it. By the time the light moved out of her eyes, the paint on the brush was already half-dried. In an attempt to salvage what was left on it, she stirred it in some water, drained it by pressing the bristles against the side of the cup, and stirred it in the blue paint that was a blob on her paint pad. She lifted the brush once more and proceeded to paint, noting with the corner of her eyes that Katherine had taken off on her horse, as per norm for the girl when presented with suitors.
Opal let out a soft sigh. It was true, she wasn't the most responsible older sister and potential ruler of the vampire race, but at least she had come to terms with her fate and had accepted it. Their uncle would undoubtedly end up forcing her sister and her to marry young, and once married, would undoubtedly force them to choose who will rule the vampire race. She knew that Katherine didn't want it, but her brothers were another story all-together. She wasn't sure if they did or not, but no matter what, she would be the one to become queen of their race. And then she would rid them of the stupid rules that had held her captive all of her life.

She still had the scars that had beaten her into this decision.

At the thought of them, the scars began to ache, which had long-ago healed yet were painful nonetheless. In an effort to get her mind off of the past, she turned back to the painting. One more dash here and it will be done ... But ... Should I finish it?

ImageHer powers were both a gift and a curse. The ability to bring things to life often came in handy, but she could never finish a painting or a drawing without it animating itself. She had no control over the drawing and story part of her powers, and over the course of seventeen years, she had managed to gain control over her thoughts and other people's dreams and nightmares - and by control, she meant that she wouldn't bring them to life merely by thinking of them or seeing the other person's nightmares.

"Damn ..." she muttered, pulling her hand back. After a moment, she leaned forward and slid the brush down in a soft curve, before returning it to the water cup. As soon as the line had been made, the picture slowly faded away. A soft sound that resembled a mew slid around from behind the art easel, and out rolled a small, black kitten with bunny ears and a bunny nose. It attempted to stand but stumbled and tripped over it's own paws before landing face-first on the floor. It looked up at her, it's big blue eyes wide and surprised, and with a soft cry of, "Cute!" she snatched the kitten up and clutched it to her chest. It mewed and closed it's eyes, nodding off almost as soon as she picked it up.

"You know, you and the others are my only friends," she said softly to the kitten-bunny, her finger gently scratching it's head.

It was true, though. Aside for the things that she brought to life and her sister, she really didn't have many friends. Vincent was nothing but formal with her, and her maids were only seen when she needed to them. Her powers were the cause of it all. Despite the fact that all vampires had some sort of ability or abilities, hers were somehow scarier then other powers. Her ability to bring a person's nightmares to life, along with things that aren't supposed to be alive, scared other vampires and werewolves. Even her own father, who had tried to beat away his own fear by hurting her, her sister, and her mother. But he never could, and that fear had ruled him.
"Mi'lady, it would appear your esteemed uncle has sent a Duke for a visit to your Royal Highness's younger sister. Unfortunately, it would appear the younger princess has done her usual and it falls upon your Highness to rescue the situation in the public tea room. Pardon the disrespect on my behalf, but I shall see to the guest while the other staff assist in your morning preparation."

Had that much time truly passed since she had awoken? It must have, because when she looked outside, the sun had risen even further, enough so to tell her it had been at least thirty minutes since she had seen Katherine leave.

Vincent's words and tone of voice caused a small shimmy of sadness to slither through her. Why couldn't he at least treat her like a person instead of just a charge who his duty it is to protect?

Two maids made their way through the large doors to her room. She had already made her bed and showered. She had left her hair down to dry and be fashioned by the maids, one of whom went to her closet to fetch her an outfit to meet the foreign dignitary who was to attempt to become betrothed to Katherine - she wished him good luck with that.
The maids did quick work with her hair and makeup, and she dressed herself. They had basically just swept her hair to the side and allowed it to cascade down over her left shoulder and slightly in her face, while her makeup was simple and unnoticeable, yet stunning nonetheless. By the time that they were finished, she looked like a doll - and she hated it. So in an effort of rebellion, she dropped a simple that fancy black hat atop it, one with a light pink and white feather sticking out of the pink ribbon that wound around it. Slipping into her white heels, she moved a bit to adjust the large amount of skirts that billowed down from her waist before turning and starting from the room.

She made her way down and into the tea room. Outside of it, she paused to summon up her composed and regal self that she reserved only for situations such as this that called for it, before finally pushing the doors open. Her hands folded over one another before her waist as she strode into the room, her head held high and her hat slightly lower on the front left side of her face.
"My sincerest apologies are given to you for the current absence of my sister, Sir Hemsworth. I am sure that you were looking forward to meeting her, but you know children; they often come down with the silliest of illnesses at the last moment. She wasn't feel well so she deciphered that it would be best to get some fresh air, and therefore went for a ride on her horse. Lord knows where she wandered off to, but someone has been sent to fetch her," she explained, a gentle smile on her lovely features. "I seem to have forgotten my manners, however, so would you like to have a seat and some refreshments? Green tea was freshly brewed and poured into the finest of porcelain tea cups. Our chef also prepared some delicious sandwiches for you personally if you would be interested," she offered, moving to the seat and lowering herself into it. One leg crossed over the other beneath her skirts, her hands folding over one another atop her knee.

Sir Hemsworth smiled and lowered himself into the seat across from her, found a comfortable position, and accepted the offers for food and tea.

"I must say, despite everything I've been told of you, Lady Opal, you are quite the composed young woman. I was informed by your dear uncle that you were quite the wild-fire," he said with a kind smile.

Opal's lips twitched up into an amused grin and she stifled a laugh behind her hand. "That sounds just like Uncle, spreading rumors about me to his friends," she easily brushed off, and the Duke relaxed further. She turned around to face Vincent, her hand moving to lightly drop atop his. "Has Katherine been retrieved yet, Vincent?" she asked, her eyes moving up to meet his.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy
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As Katherine lied in the field she had begun wondering about what her real reason was for refusing to be handed off to some duke or anythng of the sort to please her uncle and to be able to be what the rules of becoming queen of her kind required. Her mother, Victoria, had endured the same thing. She was forced into a marriage with her husband. That is why their uncle had not been crowned king as his sister had beat him to it and got married. Katherine refused to live like that. Her forced marriage to an abusive man is what hepled to fuel her depression and well when Katherine was young Victoria's story ended there. Katherine didn't want to end up like that. She wanted to be free of such things and live by her own terms and really she never felt herself t be good enough to become ruler.

Though Katherine would never admit it she thought Opal was right for becoming a queen. Katherine was younger and a tad more rebellious and adventurous than her sister. being tied down by such a title didn't seem to fit her right. All of these had come up many times before but she's never had anyone to express such things to. She couldn't go to her sister because she didn't want Opal to see her as weak. She could've always compelled someone to listen but that wasn't really loyalty. Katherine would always be an ear to listen to and a shoulder to cry on for Opal but it was never the other way around. Katherine wouldn't let it be that way. Yes it was a bit hypocritical in a way but that's just how it is. Katherine sighed and quickly pushed those thoughts away as she hopped back on her horse and went back to the manner. From afar she spotted what must've been her suitor's way of transportation and though wrong, Katherine was happy.

Wouldn't be betrothed to someone if she didn't even know them. It seemed wrong to her. She didn't know who it was nor his position in her society but also she spotted farther off outside the gates the press. Yes, it had been offcially a week since Katherine and her sister Opal had made the existence of vampires public to the world. They were forced to apprehend a rogue vampire that harmed innocent people and was causing a mess throughout Japan. Katherine and Opal could not just idly sit by and watch as this vampire decided it'd be fun to reak havoc and scare humans. They had no other choice but to detain him when they could even if it meant nearby reporters were covering a story. They were caught on camera going live, nationally using their vampiric abilities. It was out of there hands from there but now they had the press hounding them for pictures and interviews. Unfortunately it wouldn't be long before Katherne and Opal would have to do at least one interview or a press conference.

For now the press was on their property so whatever Katherine did they were at fault because she'd be defendng herself. Katherine brought her horse back to her appropriate placing and quickly made it to the gates. She could've done so faster than any huma could've ever hoped to but s of now she hadn't had that much blood intake lately so she wasn't willing to risk it. Katherine sighed once more as she got close to the gate. Reporters started asking their relentless questions. "Princess katherine are you really a vampire?!" Katherine rose an eyebrow. They recognized her as a princess but not as a vampire? Yes she and Opal had admitted to the reprters after detaining there target that they were the heirs to the kingdom of their kind. Yet the reporters only recognized them as a sort of royalty but not of the supernatural. Flashes were from several different directions aimed at her.

"All of you are tresspassing on private property. If you refuse to leave I'm afriad I will no longer become liable for my actions." after that stament and casting a smirk to them they put down their cameras and microphones with obvious expressions of fear. "W-W'll leave right away." one reporter stated before they all dispersed and went on their merry way. From her actions alongside her sister it seemed they were fearful of what she is capable of as not any of them actually know of her true capabilities. They feared her and probably Opal and it was rightfully so and for right now it came in handy. After turning back she made her way into the manor and to the dining room seeing that breakfast was served.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Image"Duke Aldo. Allergies are cats and dairy. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not completely incompetent," Brinley retorts to Vincent in a hushed voice, so that she goes unheard by the Duke. Of course, it isn't completely accurate- in the fact that it would be contrary to popular belief. She is well known to be highly capable when it comes to his job- which is security, not being a serving girl. She took one course in it, and after that made it clear that her responsibility was keeping the royal kids safe- not catering to their every whim and need. Besides, they already have several capable butlers and maids- their guards should focus on guarding, not on what sort of tea is most appropriate for breakfast versus lunch. Not that she has a problem with Vincent knowing these things- she just has a problem with him acting as though she doesn't know. Even if she doesn't care about which teas or proper, or whether the table cloth is soiled -which is isn't-, the girl still knows which person is which. She's in charge of security checks on those who meet with the Royals, after all, and thus is very familiar with the particulars of Duke Aldo.

As Vincent tells her how to address the Duke, Brinley swallows the urge to roll her eyes, knowing that the gesture of irritation would be caught by the Duke, and quickly registered as the royals having a haughty employee- the last thing she needs is a scolding from a man she doesn't even work for. "It should seem that another can take over with the stalling," Brin comments softly. As Princess Opal has arrived, Brinley makes a point of melting into the background, present but not really worth noticing, or so it should seem. The gloves on her hands, set with metal over the back of the palm and the knuckles, do make it quite clear that she is security, not serving, and the maids and butlers know well enough not to mistake this and lecture her for not working- she doesn't take kindly to being mistaken for regular help. Of course, it rarely happens anymore, as she's been working for this family for much of her life. As a child, she often had to help the maids anyway, despite being in the middle of training for a security position. That's probably why she dislikes having to do such things now, because she'd prefer to have grown past that point.

Not that she doesn't still take on those tasks when necessary- like when she's supposed to be more subtle of a guard, scoping out for possible threats without attracting attention. After all, people are hardly going to let their guard down with an armed guard scowling at them, and therefore can be more difficult to spot. Although, normally she has a good instinct for these things- she just isn't going to jump the moment she has a stray thought, because that could lead to a different disaster entirely- like creating a distraction in which the target escapes. Not a situation she's been in, of course, but something she has been lectured to avoid since she was eight years old. Vincent may have been trained for longer, but she's had similar training, and has been learning on the job since she was twelve years old and incredibly expendable.

Naturally, Brin makes a point of being much less expendable these days, by making herself as useful and efficient as possible. When it comes to hand to hand combat, she is the most brutal of the guards, hands down, and therefore is safe more often than sorry. Many people who have worked with her view the woman as severe, though she is quite capable of becoming as charming as she likes to be- it's just that she doesn't often like to be, unless it benefits her in some way, or aids her mission to protect the Goldsworthy kids.

She watches as Opal, the eldest daughter of the Royal Family, takes over with ease, slipping into her charismatic guise for the sake of the visiting nobility. The girl is a free spirit normally, but at least knows how to buckle down when responsibility demands it- like when she needs to cover for an absent sister, for example. Still, Brin restrains a smirk at Opal's smoothing over what her uncle has been saying about her. While she isn't the one being addressed about the location of Katherine, Brin looks over towards Vincent and Opal and turns slightly towards the door, making it clear that she is going to fetch the girl, so that Opal can entertain the guest and Vincent can ensure that all goes smoothly.

As soon as Brin has slipped out, as silent as a thief, a guard who had been standing near the door slips into place next to her. She glances to see that one of the Duke's men is also positioned there, and thus stops so that they aren't leaving a stranger as the single guard positioned at the door. They've screened him, of course, but that doesn't mean that things can't change- for all they know, the Duke is out to kill Princess Opal, make it seem like an accident, marry Katherine, and then do away with the rest of the heirs as well. Things happen all the time, but they tend to be especially dangerous when dealing with such a powerful family.

"Where's the younger?" She asks the guard in a whisper, to be answered that Katherine was last seen going for breakfast in the private dining room. Brin nods and instructs him to return to his position before walking off towards the dining room, where she finds Katherine.

"Excuse me, Your Royal Highness, but there is a visitor for you in the tea room. Your sister awaits you there, as well," she adds the last bit, as though that may tempt Katherine into a room she is going out of her way to avoid. "With all do respect, My lady, simply meeting with him isn't the same as signing a contract." In all honesty, Brin probably isn't above dragging Katherine to the room, if she must. After all, she worked for the parents before she did the kids, and is used to following orders above theirs. Princess Opal is the overseer of security, above Brin, in fact, so she still could get away with only a moderately severe punishment, should she see fit to force Katherine into the tea room. Maybe even less, as it would be meant to save face. The Duke is not without his own influence, after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Markus K. Heimrich Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Katherine had not even taken a bit of food before Brinley walked in. She sighed at her words. "I know Brinley but knowing my uncle he's probably going to try and marry off to please his own needs. I refuse to become like my late mother but I'll meet him though there is no promise he'll like me enough to marry me or even attempt to." She giggled at her own words. Katherine had walked passed Brinley waiting momentarily to see if she'd try and force her to the room. Katherine could've easily made it felt like her spinal chord was being ripped out but she though Brinley as being an almost friend so Katherine wouldn't do so. She left the dining room and into the tea room spotting her sister and Duke Aldo whom was now standing. Katherine knew her uncle didn't actually care for her or her sister Opal all he wanted was to look good.

By trying to provide marriage and a future people mistaken him as a wonderful caretaker and not a maser manipulator or cruel sadist as he actually is. Not many people outside of the family even know of his true nature. She doubted the guards even knew of his true colors but in fact he was the one whom had their parents. He knowingly let his own sister marry an abusive man not having a care in the world as she would be the pblic face of royalty yet he'd be controlling her like a pawn. It's why Katherine defied and loathed him as she guessed Opal did too. Katherine loved her mother more than anything and when she had passed Katherine lost herself. Now seeing Duke Opal brough home the fact that if she and Opal weren't careful they'd become their uncle's pawns as well.

After all his true goal is to become the sol ruler of the vampire kingdom. No heirs to get in his way not even his own. It's why he has no children despite being several centuries old. Even the former queen and Katherine along with Opal's maternal grandmother wasn't like her son. Katherine loves her grandmother Miria because she can relate to her the most. Miria would more than just understand how Katherine felt about arranged marriages. It's because of Miria that Katherine has the darker and more cruel side to her. Of course Katherine has never shown that side to her guard Markus the only ones to see that side was Miria and Opal. I need be she could always revert to such tactics to get what she wanted which was, freedom. Katherine lost the chance at a real family long ago and now her uncle is trying to rip away her true lifelong wish which is to be free to love, be with, and be who she wants. To do what she wants without having to worry about assuming a throne she didn't want at first.

Only now things are different and as she saw Duke Aldo stand and formarlly greet her something was made clear. If Katherine assumed the throne than she could be granted that freedom and give others the same like Markus, or brinley or even Vincent if they wished it. ith she and Opal remaining only heirs to the throne they are to be expected to marry one of their own kind and produce an heir or heirs of their kind to maintain the purity of their kind. If Katherine become queen she and Opal can marry whoever they want and do what they wish. As she greeted Aldo as well she had continued thinking how that didn't seem like a bad plan or maybe if possible she could rule alongside Opal. No, that was just wishful thinking but she could grant herself and Opal along with others their freedom before handing the throne over to Opal if she wanted it.

Now that seemed like a wonderful plan in Katherine's eyes. Though she wouldn't be marrying Duke Aldo to get that. When she hd sat down and spoke with him jut in the beginning five minutes she could tell he was an egotistical, self-centerd spoiled brat and that was very far from her type. After he was finally finished talking about his attributes and petty accomplishments he was bored anough to leave which made Katherine very happy. She had made her way back into the dining room thinking that maybe now that settled the issue with the whole suitors thing. She was sure her uncle's arsenal of suitors was empty as the last remianing one that had yet to wed was Duke Aldo and she knew even her uncle wouldn't stoop so low as to send anyone lower than a duke. Katherine really did hope that was the end of it but she was also thinkign that if it was he'd end up coming from Italy to Japan to make either her or Opal choose a man to wed but she was sure she and her sister could her own against their highly corrupt uncle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Brinley's response brought relief to Vincent, it meant special preparations weren't needed. Granted he wasn't exactly pleased at having to handle real silver for the Duke Aldo Hemsworth, but the gloves would keep his hands from the metal. Try tray arrived on time, as expected of royal staff and he quickly shifted his head to that of a wolf. It brought his already keen sense of smell to its full potential and quickly smelled the sandwiches and tea...all clear. Still, caution taught him better and he quickly drew a portable machine designed to examine the chemical contents of materials. This would detect something he couldn't smell, the machine tested clear on the tea, and on the one sandwich he selected for testing outside of the room.

A final examination revealed none of his fur had gotten in the food as he brought his face to a human guise. "-so would you like to have a seat and some refreshments? Green tea was freshly brewed and poured into the finest of porcelain tea cups. Our chef also prepared some delicious sandwiches for you personally if you would be interested." He used those words as his cue to step into the room with the platter and quickly set up the plates and tea in silence. After all, a butler was to be seen but not heard unless addressed. When he reached his customary spot slightly behind and to the left of Opal, she put her hand upon his own.

His mind began whirling at this point, according to his butler training this was against all protocol. But his military training demanded an order from one of the crown super-ceded protocol. This caused his heartbeat and breathing to rise a bit, his hair even shifted very slightly in discomfort. The two sides of his training clashed for dominance, after all he could neither lecture or question Opal at this time. This feud lasted nearly a second before military training proved the victor, although the command was nonverbal, he was being ordered to stay. This thought brought his breath and heart rate back to normal, but he began a mental review of the body language and circumstance behind Opal acting this way. His thoughts were interrupted as the princess spoke.

"Has Katherine been retrieved yet, Vincent?"The question would normally be answered, but due to his wandering mind Vincent had a slight delay in his response.

"To my knowledge, the princess Katherine has not of yet been located," from the corner of his eye he saw Brinley slip out of the door. "Though it would appear Miss Brinley Keating has currently set off to fetch her royal highness." His tone was calmer than he was at this time, another benefit of his training. A quick survey revealed he did not need to refill any cups at this time or serve out another helping of sandwiches... a fact he appreciated. "In regards to the safety of the royal personage, concern is no longer necessary. Though it is my most humble opinion that one of my fellow wolves be used as a preventative measure in the future." He knew his suggestion was a breach of protocol, but his mind had already reverted to thinking like a soldier...not a butler. It was not long after he'd finished this thought that Katherine and Brinley had returned to the room.

Unconsciously, the hand Opal was holding popped at this bit of knowledge. It was nothing more than instinct on his part, albeit one repressed. Experience told him that if trouble were to occur, it would have been when the girls had been separated or now. A well informed assassin-to-be would have accounted for Katherine running off and thus Opal stepping in to save face. This meant that if any trouble were to happen, it would be at this point and as such his body deemed the best response was to shift forms. Naturally, this didn't actually occur but the snapping in his hand was a clear indication of his distrust of the situation on a subconscious level. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembered that he'd forgotten to bow or whether the arrival of the duke or the princesses had been announced.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Opal was forced to swallow down her amusement at Brinley's annoyance, for the sake of saving face in front of Duke Hemsworth Aldo, who, in all honesty, was slowly making her more and more uneasy. His beady eyes almost seemed to leer at her, and when Vincent had finally answered her question and returned to the present - she knew he had been lost in thought, due to the fact that she had been around him so often for so long - she was more then happy. The Duke turned his eyes up to her sister, however, who entered the room not too long after, and a feeling of protectiveness surged up within her. If he laid a finger on Katherine ...

But he didn't. In fact, he seemed to tone down his gaze when she entered, and an imaginary flipped switched from 'Creepy' to 'Impress'. Not that he really impressed either girl; she could see that much in Katherine, and most definitely felt unimpressed also. In all honesty, she wanted to return to her room and solitude and paint - even if she had been told over and over again by her closest advisers that she 'needed to stop' before she made someone extremely afraid of her.

It was a bunch of crock.

By the time the Duke had left, she was more than ready to return to her room. Although, she had yet to each breakfast or any food, and knew that if Vincent were to find out, the lecture of the century would be heading her way.

Where was her grandmother when she needed her?

She could feel her depression welling up - the exact depression that she had been spending most of her life forcing back with a fiery spirit. Nobody knew - at least, she didn't think that anyone knew. She prayed that no one did.

She took a sip of her tea to finish it off, before lowering it to the small plate that matched it. She placed it on the tray that rest atop of the small table between the chairs, rose from her seat, and started for the door. For some odd reason that she couldn't place, she felt a burning anger in the center of her chest, which was directed at Vincent of all people. He hadn't even done anything to warrant this anger, and yet, it was there. It was like a ball of fire swelling and expanding between her breasts.

With her head high, she calmly closed the door behind her. It didn't take long for her to return to her room. The maids had fed the kitten, the random living things that almost magically appeared in her room now a common occurrence, and the kitten was sleeping on her bed. Opal crossed the room and lowered herself to her knees, crossed her arms on the edge of the bed, and dropped her chin onto her arms. One hand reached out to gently stroke the kitten's head.

"You're my only friend, you know that? But you're cute, so that's okay. You won't leave me like Mama and Father did, will you? You're also so much kinder to me than Vincent. He's just ... Cold. He doesn't even talk to me like he used to, either," she said quietly, her eyes growing sorrowful.

"Katherine doesn't talk to me anymore. She just rides her horse or dances ... Or something ..." She didn't even know what to say. Her mind was a complete jumble of a mess at that moment. She closed her eyes, sniffing and forcing back tears, and the kitten moved closer to her, at which point she hid her face in it's furry neck. "Grandmama doesn't visit anymore, and none of the servants or guards speak to me unless I talk to them first ... Which is why I made you," she whispered, a few tears soaking into it's fur. "It's why I create you and everything else. But they just don't understand ... They think I do it to start them ... It isn't fair, Chessy," she whispered to the kitten, the name that she had given it finally escaping her lips.

Opal finally pulled away and wiped at her eyes. "I'm sorry, Chessy. You can go back to your nap now," she said with a wobbly smile. She pushed herself up and moved over her vanity, where a quick check of her makeup and hair sent her into a frenzy to readjust it before anyone could see her.

A soft swoosh of sound made her freeze mid-movement. She had been pushing herself up from the chair, and a slow look in the mirror once more and over her shoulder confirmed her rise of fear.

Duke Aldo stood inside her balcony doors, his eyes on her.

It took her several moments, but she managed to slowly turn around and face him, her head high and her eyes dark and hard in an attempt to hide her initial fear.

"If you take another step further, I'm going to scream," she said softly, her voice a bit wobbly and betraying her fear. A smirk slowly drew across the vampire's face, his eyes also dark yet in a masochistic way.

A shiver slid up her spine.

Before she could react, the Duke was at her side, his one hand pinning her wrists behind her back as he spun her around, his other hand slamming her face into the vanity.

He's so fast ... He's so strong ... Why can't I defend myself and fight him off?

"Take your hands off of me and let me go!" she cried, struggling and squirming beneath him in an effort to free herself. It was the last thing that she wanted to do, but she really had no choice, and with a soft growl of anger, she calmed her voice.

"Release me this instance," she said, her voice soft and compelling. Due to his lesser vampire state, he really had no way to fight off her Persuasion, and with a hard shove, she sent him hurling to the floor. She was on him in an instant, the combat training her mother had insisted on from the age of four enough to help her in this exact situation. She had his arms pinned behind his back, and with a yank, she tore a ribbon from her dress and wrapped it roughly around his wrists. He struggled beneath her but it was to no avail, and by the time anyone could have opened the doors to her room, she would be sitting on the cushioned bench at the end of her bed, her hands folded in her lap, while a struggling foreign dignitary lay tied on the floor with several of his fingers broken.

"Next time, get here faster," she said softly, but a small tremble was traveling through her body, one that betrayed her fear. "Take him away," she ordered, pushing herself up, retrieving Chessy, and striding from her room. It was then that she took to the music room and allowed the tears to come. Chessy curled up on a couch nearby, while Opal lowered herself onto the piano bench. Her favorite song, one that she had composed and asked for Katherine's input on, almost immediately began to float across the keys, just the same as her fingers did. It was until she was halfway through the song that the tears began to spill, but she paid them no mind, and instead focused on the notes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Vincent noticeably relaxed when the meeting with the duke had gone smoothly. He took it upon himself to see the duke and his men to the door, and even exchanged a warm farewell with the man. This resulted in him making a professional mistake, letting his guard down and falling into a sense of security. His return to the tea room was at a casual pace instead of his usual hurried state. Rather than demanding the usual staff handle the left over silverware and platter, he took care of it himself. In fact, he was in the kitchen when the news of the attack on Opal's personal quarters arrived. He immediately dropped what was in his hands and began running, shifting, stripping and dropping to all fours in the process. His outfit limited his movement on all fours, and right now he really needed to speed.His haste resulted in him going in as straight a line as he could manage, though he didn't break any walls or furniture there would be many claw marks.

It was at this point, he mind began to play games. His father wouldn't have lapsed like that, his father would have also known what to do when Opal placed a hand upon his own. Nor would the man have hesitated to break through floors and walls to get to his charge, hell his father wouldn't have even't left his charge. Vincent began to blame himself, after all he'd failed his primary job...clan policy dictated punishment regardless of the outcome. Whether he'd only get more silver rod stuck in his back, then stitched in to keep burning at him or lose his life was another story. He picked up speed as he moved, his bulk now crashing on turns with enough force to begin breaking furniture. At the final stretch to Opal's room, he didn't even slow and instead used his speed and bulk to take him through the doors.

The sight that greeted him was reassuring, but saddening at the same time. Opal was fine, but she'd obviously been shedding tears at the piano she was now sitting on. The assailant, none other then the Duke himself, was tied at the bed post...already subdued. This simplified things a bit, but orders were still orders. The contract his clan had been repeatedly renewing called for the immediate execution of those that attacked the royal person after information had been gleaned from them. Despite his being naked in Opal's room, this demanded his human form- to which he was forced to return. There were four scars in his back, just along the spine and each held a rod of silver.

"By my clan's contract with the king, Hemsworth, you are now wolf food. By mere courtesy, you are hereby given a chance to provide any and all information you know pertaining to any associates you may have. Should you tell the truth and significant threats to the crown be eliminated, your execution may be forestalled." Vincent's voice came out cold and even, nearly mechanical in the fashion he spoke these line. He lifted the bound duke in the air with both hands, then simply dropped the man in a fashion that let him keep his eyes on Opal, the door and the window. He then sat on the man, waiting for other security members to arrive. He'd experience in interrogation, but in his current mental state, he knew he was compromised. But he had one final arrangement to make, resulting in him shouting due to his lack of equipment.

"Brinsley, bring the Wolf Kit. The wolf Vincent Randall is suspected of dereliction of duty, as per protocol a review of the client and immediate commanding officer is required to provide punishment- charge is self brought." He'd put both women in a strange situation, as those two would be the ones responsible for his review in punishment. Brinsley was the local head security, any authority past hers would have to be called in from Europe. But she would have gotten a large suitcase full of clan and business protocol, explanations along with everything needed to punish and execute wolves in any fashion deemed necessary. It also contained his record and the explanation of his stakes: the first was mandatory as per tradition, the second was for screaming when the first was inserted, the final two were simply due to 'untoward thoughts of client-unbecoming of station and duty'. Clan policy doubled the number of rods each infraction. He also had one red x in one of the the three boxes by his name, which would probably require him to explain in person.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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ImageAs Katherine made a comment and giggled, Brin, to her benefit, did smile somewhat, though it was really more of a smirk. Genuine smiles aren't really in Brinley's arsenal- she's armed with smirks and raised eyebrows, but nothing else. Of course, when she catches the glance that Katherine throws towards her, and the calculation in that glance, she raises said eyebrows, knowing precisely what is on the princess's mind. She's been working here since Katherine was eight years old, and isn't about to accept any sort of mental torture from her royal highness. One of the things that she has been trained in is guarding her mind, although it is far from complete as a protection against the royals. Still, she and Katherine have a trust of sorts, and she knows the girl won't use her abilities on her. What's the point of a highly trained security guard if you go around subjecting them to excruciating torture all the time?

Princess Katherine leaves the dining room after a few seconds, and Brinley follows behind the young girl, because that's simply what she's expected to do. Once they enter, the younger princess, to her credit, acts as cordial as possible, but it is quite clear that the match will not be going through. Brinley doesn't really care, of course, but she can't see herself guarding such an insufferable bloke. Well, unless the pay is very good, of course- everyone has a price tag, and Brinley is no exception to this rule. When she leaves, Brinley follows after her, because her guard is still missing in action, it should seem. He's younger than Brin- she's the eldest of the elite guard team- and is a second generation. It often seems to Brin that everyone else comes from some long tradition of service, whereas she's just the stray that got picked up the street. Not that I'm complaining, she muses, because the pay is good, the food is phenomenal, and she knows that the alternative probably wouldn't have been pretty- a young girl with no education, growing up on the streets making her way through petty thievery and, to be honest, not much else.

They were in the dining room for a very short period of time, however, before a servant ran in, telling them that someone had attempted to harm Princess Opal. While Brinley knows that only a very skilled assassin would be able to kill one of the Princesses while they were conscious, she immediately orders the nearest guards to not let Katherine out of their sight, and to get her into a safe area- the nearest being the safe room hidden behind the cupboards in the kitchen. There are various such rooms scattered about the place, all armed to survive a nuclear holocaust. The Goldsworthy ancestors were either very, very cautious, or incredibly paranoid.

Having dealt with that, Brinley rushes to Princess Opal's room, sliding just in time to see Vincent pinning down the would-be assassin- Duke Aldo. I knew this guy had a weird vibe. But it shouldn't have been a problem, she thinks, looking, somewhat accusingly, towards Vincent. Other guards will need to be questioned about the fact that he, as someone is now informing them, came in through the balcony without being noticed, unless those guards are dead, but Vincent is her personal guard- he carries the primary responsibility for her safety, and this incident should have been neutralized before the attacker even entered the bedroom. "Where the he-" she's about to demand why Vincent wasn't there, but is cut off by the man himself, informing her that she must go and prepare the briefcase, which is intended for the punishment of those who have not fulfilled their duties.

She knows that he won't take no for an answer, and that it is protocol for such punishment to be reviewed and acted out based upon the decision of the local leader, should the higher up be out of range- as the next higher head is. That means that Brinley is to decide how to go about this. She slips out to fetch the briefcase, and is quickly back with it, moving in such a way that her second entrance startles the person she slips next to.

"We will deal with this after interrogating the assailant," she states calmly, though the briefcase is in hand all the same. It is important to get as much information as possible, as soon as possible. After all, the man could have allies, and they can't give those allies time to kill him so that he cannot speak. She has a hunch of who it might be, knowing who has the most to gain from the death of the siblings, but says nothing. After all, if motivation is the sole explanation, Princess Opal's siblings could easily be accused as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Markus K. Heimrich Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Markus K. Heimrich

The room was somewhat small, darkened by the plain white curtains that hung over the three large windows built into the far wall. It was one of the many guest rooms in the house, then one being specified for staff and even more specified for one who took on the title 'Guard of the Royal family'. It was a title many would be proud to have. For one to serve under the royal family and to be intrusted with the lives of the king and queens children is an honor not given to just anyone. It requires the utmost trust of those in charge of assigning these guards and the responsibility to protect the royal family is rests in the hands of these specially-trained guards. This room, decorated with a simple wardrobe, dresser, and twin bed was the resting place of the youngest princess's guard. A boy who, despite being fully aware of his responsibilities, was still laying face down under the thin white covers, sleeping far passed his assigned awakening time and ignoring the round alarm clock that continued to ring every five minutes even after he'd kicked it onto the floor a few hours earlier.

There was a knock at the door, quiet at first but then grew a little louder after the first few attempts.

"Excuse me? Mr. Heimrich, sir?"

Of course it was one of the maids. The red-haired boy didn't reply as he moved his head so his face disappeared into the pillow.

"There's been a situation, sir. Are you in there?"

A sigh escaped from his lips, the hot breath warming his face as well as the pillow case. There's been a situation. That was probably one of his least favourite sentences now. He doubted that it was anything serious. That brat of a princess probably just running away from one of her suitors again. It would be a waist of precious sleeping time to go catch her. On the other hand, if he didn't get up now then one of his colleagues would force him to get up sooner or later. He'd rather not have Brinley coming in and lighting him on fire as punishment for avoiding his duties. And that wasn't a joke, either.

"It's urgent, Mr. Heimri--"

"Shut the hell up already! I'm awake!", he stated loudly, forcing himself to sit up and letting out a frustrated sigh. He could tell the woman had ran off after hearing his annoyed tone, not that he cared. He sat on the edge of his bed for a moment, trying to find some reason why he hadn't jumped off a cliff yet. It's urgent. His eyes widened ever so slightly, though he didn't really feel worried or concerned for what the maid could've meant by the situation being 'urgent'.

As if I care.., he thought to himself, though he was already slipping on a pair of black slacks over his his socks. He quickly pulled a white, button-up long sleeved shirt over a bullet-proof vest all while running his fingers through his hair a few times in an attempt to keep it from sticking up in areas and be rid of some of the tangles. Suiting up really didn't take him very long at all, strapping a leather gun holster under his arm and slipping on a black dress coat to keep it hidden. Finally he stepped into his seemingly professional dress shoes(really meant more for combat) and leaving his room in a hurry

Once he finally reached Opals room (definitely not asking for more detail on what was going on before doing so), he stopped in front of the doorway just behind Brinley. Well, this was a peculiar situation. Here Vincent was in Opal's room sitting on a man whom Markus didn't recognize but could easily tell was probably a duke from his scent and clothing while the strawberry-haired princess sat at her piano on the brink of tears. Then there was Brinley, holing a briefcase that Markus would personally prefer not get any closer to. He could just keep walking and hope that they didn't see him, aware that both guards would've noticed him being absent that morning, but he knew there was little to no chance of that. He narrowed his eyes a little at the man laying on the ground before letting out a small sigh and moving his right hand up a little to show his palm, sticking the other into his left pants pocket before putting on a somewhat awkward smile.

"Yo, Vince, Brinley...looks like you two have been having a shitty morning, huh?" He paused a moment to point his right finger in the direction where he figured Katherine would be; the dining room. "This looks a bit too complicated for me, so I'm going to get back to work and let you two handle this." Before leaving, he gave a slight bow to Opal, knowing that if he didn't show at least a little respect towards her after running late Vincent would end up chewing his head off later. He didn't want to give the two royal guards any time to reply to his quick greeting, so after his half-bow he took off down the hallway in a half jog/half run. If he was lucky, Brinley and Vincent would be too occupied to bother chasing after the disobedient wolf.

He finally found himself in front of the door of the private dining room, feeling rather reluctant to entering since he now confirmed Katherin was on the other side still eating her breakfast just from her scent, a scent he'd quickly be trained to become familiar with before he was even given the duty to protect her. After about a moment he finally decided to push the door open and step inside, definitely refusing to give her any kind of bow. There was no need since nobody else was there to enforce him to.

"You know your boyfriend is cheating on you with your older sister, royal pain." He said, leaning his back against the wall and at last finding the time to straighten the dark red tie around his neck. He slid his hands into his pants pockets and gave the girl a very fake apologetic smile. "My apologies. I meant to say your Highness, but I guess they both mean the same thing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Markus K. Heimrich Character Portrait: Alric "Al" Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Markus K. Heimrich

It was bluntly pointed out that now wasn't the best time for Markus to be making snarky comments. He was slightly taken aback by Katherine's "promise", as what she would probably like to call her threats, but not to a point where he was surprised. In fact he usually expected her to reply crossly. That was the whole point in being rude to someone - to get a rise out of them, was it not? Even so, despite his accomplishment he decided to keep his mouth shut. It wasn't that difficult to get the young princess angry, but after she starts making threats is when she gets serious.

What a pain..

He could reply in some sarcastic way but, despite how excruciating it was for him to admit it, she was royalty and she did hold authority over him. He'd really rather not have her use that freaky pain thing on him any time soon. Not long after Katherine made her point she got up from the table and made her leave in a hasty manner without another word. "Hey, wait a min-!" The doors closed, leaving him alone in the room. He had to take a few moments to decide whether he should follow her or perhaps help himself to the food set out on the table that she hadn't touched yet. Then again, chances were she was going to go to her sisters room where both Vincent and Brinley were. Neither of them would be very happy if they watched him leave to go get her only for her to show up by herself.

With that, he let out a sigh and left the dining room to hurry up to Opal's sleeping quarters where he spotted Katherine sitting beside her sister at the piano. He decided to remain in the hallway with his back against the wall across the doorway, his hands in his pockets. Can't she just sit in one place and do what she's told? Honestly, how annoying. I could be sleeping right now.

"Well, now that I'm back. What're you planning to do with the lowlife of a Duke, Brinley? We can't just kill him. That's not going to sit well with the family who sent him." Not that he cared either way.

Alric Goldsworthy

The Night Before
It was another event that involved the rich and noble families of the vampire race. An evening party taking place in a large building created precisely for these sort of occasions. This occasion specifically being a ball as a celebration for the engagement of two pure bloods, and noble's at that saying as such a party would never be held for anyone of less stature. The reason the eldest prince of the royal family, Alric, was attending this party alone was only due to his younger sister having a possible suitor visiting the next day and, knowing her, Opal would have to keep the man company and make sure things went properly. Not that the young prince minded coming alone.

This party wasn't just some event in which he could relax and enjoy the free food, either. He'd already introduced himself to most of the more important figures that were present and politely turned down three daughters from three different noble families that asked him if he'd dance with them. Not that he was complaining, he'd just much rather be at home with his siblings. After having some small talk about stocks going up with Duke Felan from England, he found the chance to help himself to a cold class of red champagne. This, of course, actually being blood infused with the basic components of sparkling wine. He shifted in his dark brown tuxedo, noting that another daughter of noble blood had decided to approach him.

"Are you enjoying the party, Prince Alric?", she said with a small smile, following with a well-practiced curtsy.

"I am, thank you. You're Lady Aluna, correct? You introduced yourself to me at the lunch-in last week. It's your cousin that is getting engaged, so it's only natural you'd be here." The Lady Aluna was a very beautiful young woman, being the age of seventeen with thick orange hair and crystal blue eyes and clothed in a matching blue dress embedded with sapphires.

"I'm honored you remember me, since we've only met once. You're sisters aren't attending?"

"I'm afraid they're both quite busy tomorrow, so no."

"That's too bad. I'd love to meet them since I rarely get to be around girls my age. Has either of them found a husband yet?"

"I'm sure they'd also love to meet you. As for them finding husband's, Katherine is a bit young yet and Opal hasn't taken an interest in anyone yet either. I guess they're just waiting for the right person."

"They need husbands in order to officially take over the throne, don't they?", she questioned, though it seemed to be more of a statement. "Have you found the right person yet, your Highness?"

Alric gave her a somewhat sheepish smile, raising his free hand and scratching the back of his head. "Unfortunately, I haven't had much luck." He quickly gave the young woman a small bow to excuse himself. "I'm sorry but I have an early flight in the morning, so I'm not able to stay long. I'll try to bring my sisters with me to Count Hitoma's wine tasting party next month in Japan. I hope you'll be there. Have a good evening, Milady."

"I'll be there. Good evening to you too." She purred, her smile lengthening slightly and her eyes narrowing softly as they watched Alric make his way to the front entrance.

He was happy to get to his hotel room and change into something more comfortable, barely bothering to do anything else before going to sleep. The next morning he rose early to shower and get dressed. It was a little relieving to be able to cloth himself without the household maids insisting that he should wear something a little more formal or proper. It was nice being able to throw on his favorite blue jacket over a plain brown t-shirt and slip on a pair of khaki pants. It was proper enough, wasn't it? Why did it matter if he wore a pair of red sneakers with it with laces that were a little worn down? It was comfortable and he definitely preferred casual over the tux he had to wear to the ball the night before.

At last he brushed his teeth and left in a limo that was arranged to pick him up and drop him off at the airport where a private jet would be waiting to leave. Within a few hours the plane touched down in Japan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Markus K. Heimrich Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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"Well, now that I'm back. What're you planning to do with the lowlife of a Duke, Brinley? We can't just kill him. That's not going to sit well with the family that who sent him." Markus had spoken those words in plain apathy, but Vincent stood since another wolf was present to take action. Before he had the chance to reply, a normal staff member brought him the clothes he'd stripped for speed. He began to dress while speaking, though he left the upper body bare since it made the matter of potential punishment easier.

"Whether the man's family is satisfied with the result doesn't matter, the fact is it's within our legal authority to end him outright." A sharp kick to the duke's floating ribs formed the period of his statement. There was no change in his expression or tone during the action, it was simply business talk- nothing more. Someone well acquainted with him, or was particularly observant would have caught a slight flash of pleasure in his eyes at the action. After donning his pants entirely, he lifted the man like one would a large sack.

"So who wants to ask the questions, my training was rather...messy in terms of interrogation." The comment was more of a way to prod Brinsley into handling the issue. It'd allow him to keep himself near Opal and clean up the mess he'd made, that and his battlefield training would hardly fall within international law. Also deep down, it was something he didn't want the girls to see but Brinsley was effectively like himself and Markus. It couldn't exactly be helped that she would be familiar or exposed to this line of work.

"Besides," at this point his voice grew noticeably darker, "I'm sure he'd rather not have me over for lunch." Special emphasis was put upon the word lunch, it was best in his mind that the prisoner truly believed Vincent would eat him. This let someone else play the good guy, and should Vincent actually need to drop by, he'd been forced to eat a man before to get the man's friends to talk. His secondary comm went off, the one for butler purposes, this time he ignored it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Markus K. Heimrich Character Portrait: Alric "Al" Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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After that, everything began to happen and pass in a blur. Vincent arrived - nearly naked, might she add - and sat down atop the Duke. A different security guard confiscated the knives that the Duke had on his person - obviously knives that had been intended to take her life - and went to send them off for finger-print testing. If they came back with anyone else's fingerprints on them along with the Duke's, they would have a suspect for who was out to kill her and who had hired him to perform the dirty deed. In the meantime, Chess hopped up and curled on her lap, her face snuggling into the soft, pink skirts of her dress as she played.

It was when Katherine arrived that she felt her lower lip begin to tremble. What if the Duke had gone after Katherine? Or what if she was actually the intended target, but the Duke felt that ridding the vampire race of her, too, would earn him bonus points with his boss? What if he had intended to kill her brothers when they arrived home?

Thank God it had been her that had been attacked. Anyone else, and the outcome would have undoubtedly been different.

Oh, no, she didn't doubt her siblings' capabilities to protect themselves. But who knew? Something might have happened to cause them to trip up and end up making them become hurt ... Or worse.

Never-the-matter now, of course. It was over and done with, and there was nothing that she could do to change anything that had happened.

She could, however, prevent what would undoubtedly happen next. With a gentle hug to her sister and a whisper of, "It wasn't your fault, and there's nothing that you could have done to stop it," in answer to the younger girl's worries, she lifted Chessy into her arms and rose from the piano bench. Several strides later, and she passed through the door and back into her bedroom.

"No one is going to be punished for anything. It is doubtful that anything could have prevented what happened. How he managed to kill the guards down below and get past them astounds me, but he did, and there's nothing that can be done about that now." She crossed the room as she walked and lowered Chessy onto her bed, before turning to face the three Royal Guards. "As for him ..." She looked pointedly at the Duke. "Take him to a prison cell for holding until his interrogation. Once the interrogation has been finished, return him to the holding cell. He will remain there until further notice. I plan to wait for Alric's return before taking action upon a Duke, of all things. His followers will undoubtedly strike back if we cause harm to him. For now, make a notice to the vampire public that the Duke will be staying for an extended period of time to further court Katherine. That would be best to cover up what occurred today."

Opal paused and looked at the guards, before turning her gaze towards the balcony windows.

"Have someone collect those two poor men outside and delivered to their families. I will visit them myself to deal out my condolences once all this has passed. Understood?" she asked, looking over at them. She glanced at Vincent. "I need you to remain here as a guard for Katherine while Brinley and Markus take care of those details. Brinley, I would greatly appreciate it if you would take care of the Duke, seeing as I trust you more then, well, him," she said, pointing at Markus. After a deep, cleansing breath, she turned on Markus.

"As for you," she began, her eyes flashing with anger as she slowly made her way over to him.

"I will no longer stand for your disrespect towards your superiors and those that are in any way a higher rank then you. There comes a time when someone is forced to draw the line on how you treat them, and I suppose that that time has come. You have become lazy, disrespectful, and force others to perform your duties due to your general lack of work-ethics," she said, stopping when she was mere inches from Markus. "Therefore, I am ordering Vincent to train you and turn you into a proper officer of the royal guards, and a proper butler in the process. Failure to become so, and I will have no choice but to dismiss you from being a guard here. Vincent will report back to me on a daily basis on your cooperation, skill level, and general basics so that I may assess your behavior. Is this understood, Mister Heimrich?" she asked. Throughout the entirety of this speech, her voice was soft, yet held a dark undertone to it, her words obviously both a threat and a promise that she would carry out on them.

After a moment of her eyes intensely searching his, she straightened herself and turned towards Vincent. "The training will begin tomorrow, but I still expect regular duties to be performed. Katherine and I will spend more time around each other so that you are both doing your jobs. Vincent, remain here to guard Katherine. For now, Markus can take care of the two men that the Duke killed. Does that sound like a plan?"

In all honesty, she hated having to act like this, but she was really left with no choice. Brinley was the only one she trusted with the Duke at the moment, Markus needed to grow up and stop acting like a child, and Vincent, well ... Vincent was Vincent.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Markus K. Heimrich Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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ImageUpon Markus's first entrance, and his rather disinterested comments, Brinley had shot him a look that was not quite disdain, but certainly met all of the possible qualifications for irritation. She had, in her younger days, worked with the young man's elder brother, who had been an exemplary guard and far more tolerable than the younger Heimrich brother. Still, she did understand that he had never quite been prepared for this life, despite having been born into a family with a tradition similar to that of Vincent's. Didn't give him an excuse to act so completely incompetent all the time- even Brin, who always appears rather bored, takes her job seriously. He acts like it's a temporary part time job that a high school kid would take over Summer break. Not all of us are so casual as to sleep in through an attempted assassination, she thinks to herself before returning her attention to the more important matter at hand: how to deal with the Duke. The young woman crosses her arms and leans against the wall, waiting for a word.

Before she can receive that, Markus returns once more and asks Brinley what she intends to do with the Duke. She raises an eyebrow, wondering why he cares, or is willing to admit that he cares. He's probably gotten into another spat with Princess Katherine, she decides. Those two are a match made in hell. "Unfortunately, politics occasionally must take precedence over the law," Brinley says calmly, eerily still as she watches from the corner. Vincent and Markus may have started training at a younger age than her, but she is the one who can be relied upon to remain completely cool in even the most pressured situations. Some people have called her a monster for this, but it does make her very good at her job, at least.

Vincent suggests that someone other than him take over questioning, but it is very clear that he leaves this open only as a courtesy. His glance towards her tells Brinley that he wants her to volunteer for the interrogation, and for good reason: Markus likely doesn't have the patience for it, after all. The young woman frowns and glances at a sleek black watch around her wrist, noting that the eldest prince, her normal charge, should be touching down in Japan soon enough. She is supposed to meet him there- it is strange that she hadn't joined him to the ball in the first place, but something had come up that obligated her to remain at the family's manor.

She looks up towards Opal, as the elder princess reenters and begins to take charge of the situation. What she says agrees with Brinley's statement that politics occasionally overcome law. "Prince Alric should be touching down within the hour, your royal highness. I was to meet him, but I will send a team to retrieve him instead," she says, quickly revising her plans because, when Princess Opal asks you to do something, most do it. Especially when she is in a poor mood, as she clearly is at the moment. Though she speaks with authority now, her eyes still have tell-tale red rings around them.

Brinley bows slightly, before murmuring something into her communication set and flipping the Duke over on his back, at which point she yanks his hands over and cuffs them together, the cuffs formed with a material that can keep in vampires and werewolves alike. She glances towards the scene of Princess Opal scolding Markus, and doing so quite angrily, and notes that the princess really could do with a day off. We all could, she muses. As the core guard team, the three of them haven't had a day off since. . .well, perhaps ever. Well, that's not entirely true. She had a day off for the death of her guardian, who passed in action protecting the royal family. Then it was back to work.

The young woman tosses the Duke over her shoulder easily, like a sack of flour, completely uninterested in showing him the proper respect at the moment- that's simply a matter of course. "Damien, Eren, prepare the cell ahead of me," she does not ask, but instructs. Being able to do that much, Brinley has earned. There's a reason that a non-legacy became head of security, after all. "As it stands, your royal highness, we also must decide upon what is to be done about Vincent. He was not there to protect you," she points out calmly. "If you wish, that can be handled after the Duke is taken care of." She shifts the full grown man slightly on her shoulders, waiting for a response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Markus K. Heimrich Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Vincent could only offer a bow of his own when Opal had given out her order. After all, outside of clan specific affairs such as quality control and key aspects of training, the crown was the law. The fact that Brinley also removed the duke from his own grasp further cemented reality into place. The update on Prince Alric had also been a surprise, in all honesty he'd assumed the man would stay over with the main court instead of returning. This left him somewhat empathetic to Brinley's plight, but with her usual ability the problem was quickly solved.

"If it would please your highness, I shall work with Markus to the best of my abilities. But with utmost respect I must point out a fact that cannot be overlooked- he was the one selected as a guard of royal personage. In short, his skill isn't something to be questioned." He kept his face to the floor as he spoke, the partial noncompliance was a matter of professional courtesy and pride.

"While my words aren't exactly the most credible in this instance, Markus is at least allowed to wield a weapon within the presence of royalty unlike myself. The point being is that while his attitude might not be royal professionalism, at the very least he has been judged to be better guard material than myself." At this point he straightened up, gaze keenly upon Opal.

"Station and protocol aside, at best I'd only be able to provide him with a crash course similar to the one I received. Though in terms of personality, not every clan is as rigidly structured as my own. It would be of great benefit if her highness would remember that we are not dogs to be trained, we are wolves. Though our lot in life might not be so luxurious as those of the crown, wolves do have their pride and unlike dogs are best handled knowing they're wild." There was a slight tinge of irritation in his voice towards the end of his uncharacteristically long speech. A thought vaguely came to mind at this point.

"My security shortcomings aside, I must also inquire whether as to whether you have eaten yet princess." His nose clearly picked up the smell of food from the younger princess. On the other hand, he couldn't catch much of a scent from his own charge.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Markus K. Heimrich Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Katherine had been sitting where her sister previously was. It wa as if she was a spectator in it all and when it came to her ordering Markus to be trained by Vincent she didn't intervene. In fact she supposrted it completely. Things had changed when it came to interrogating Duke Aldo. "Sister, I'd like to request that I'm either present for the interrogation or that I do it myself." It was a request Opal could of course refuse but Opal could be the only to refuse it. The guards didn't have enough power or leeway to be able to refuse such a request.

"Besides those vermon known as the press keep showing up here. I've scared them away for now but knowing them they'll just continue appearing so that is another matter we need to rectify as well. Someone leaked our adress to them so now there's no stopping them unless we scare them off." though that issue was never brought up now or actually ever Katherine saw it necessary to bring it up. They all had to be more careful and discreet seeing as how the press keeps showing up. For right now though she focused on the task at hand. "Anyways I'm sure I can be very persuasive." she spoke referring to the mental torture she could easily bring about.

At times like these it was an ability that came in handy. She could use it on many despite how high their tolerance pain could be and seeing how it doesn't cause actual damage they won't be abe to just ignore it or brush it off. It was a power she has known to use since her young prepubescent years. Back then she would use it accidentally but it made the maids or previous guards never wish to anger her or disobey her as the consequence could only be described as excrutiating. Seeing as Aldo attempted to assasinate her sister she would make sure she'd make it as painful as possibly and if it also revealed who his boss was and why they tried to kill a member of the royal family that was bonus.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Markus K. Heimrich Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Markus K. Heimrich

Markus remained where he was while the rest of them, aside from Katherine, discussed what would be the proper action to take for dealing with the assassin. Frankly Markus couldn't care less. Sure, it pissed him off a little that this Duke thought he could seriously get away with taking the princess's life so easily. Coming in through the window? That couldn't be obvious enough, not to mention it was in broad daylight. He probably did it at such a time because it would be a little unexpected.

The young wolf's eyes moved to the floor in thought, the voices of his fellow guards and Opal's blurring in the background. It was a lucky thing the Duke went for Opal instead of Katherine. The younger princess was completely unguarded, safe for the annoying security that were throughout the mansion. The guards outside were taken down easily enough though. Had the assassin gone for her instead, there would've been a higher chance of him succeeding, and all of it would've happened while Markus, the one assigned to keep that from happening, would be suckling up another hour of sleep. He slightly narrowed his eyes at this idea. To be honest, he was a little upset with himself, though he wouldn't dare to admit that. Tch..whatever.

"As for you,"

Markus looked up at the harsh tone to find Opal standing in front of him with a calm, but piercing glare. He let out a bored sigh and averted his eyes to the side as she began to lecture him. This wasn't the first time he'd gotten a pep talk like this. He'd gone over the same thing with teachers, trainers, and especially long ones from his father, so this was nothing new.

"Therefore, I am ordering Vincent to train you and turn you into a proper officer of the royal guards, and a proper butler in the process. That, however, was very new.

He quickly turned his head to look at her to refuse, but closed his mouth and stared back at her instead. He straightened himself out and pressed himself against the wall a little more, feeling slightly uncomfortable having an angry royal vampire standing that close to him.

Failure to become so, and I will have no choice but to dismiss you from being a guard here. Vincent will report back to me on a daily basis on your cooperation, skill level, and general basics so that I may assess your behavior. Is this understood, Mister Heimrich?"

"Like hell! I'd rather be dismissed!" That was what he wanted to say at least, but he kept silent and swallowed the words that threatened to burst from his mouth. Dismissal meant he would be unemployed and kicked out of his family.

He held her gaze with him with clenched teeth and sealed lips, not wanting to outwardly accept her order since he couldn't really afford refusing to obey it. Luckily she finally turned away from him and he relaxed his shoulders. Once again he decided not to add any input on the matter, allowing Opal to give out her commands for what they should do. Markus felt a little grateful when Vincent added his opinion on his new order to train Markus. He wasn't about to thank him, but he had to give the guy a little credit for it. He wasn't about to show modesty for hearing that he was supposedly better guard material, and the statement about wolves not being trainable dogs sure made him smirk a little too.

Nice one, Vincy!, he thought to himself. He probably would've given the guy a thumbs up, but that would've been very visible to Opal who would probably end up being more upset with him than she already was. In fact he decided now would be the best time to go off and do what he was told. Dealing with a couple of dead bodies wasn't something he was looking forward to, but it was better than sticking around.

Once he reached the courtyard below he had already called on a few of the common guards to meet him there. They must've been taken care of silently, being as both their throats were slit in quite the clean manner.

They didn't see the guy in broad daylight? Some kind of vampire ability to hide his presence maybe? Bet the first fool didn't even see him, and the second didn't have time to react..At least he made clean cuts, that makes my job easier.

"Poor bastards."

He didn't really do most of the work. A black van meant for cases like these was pulled around and the three guards that showed up were carefully placing the two men into body bags. "Hey make sure these guys get treated properly. They died doing their duty, after all. They deserve some respect." Markus said, approaching the guard who would be driving once the two bodies were loaded into the back of the van. An unusual thing for the red-head to say, but he did have a bit of a heart.

"Right!", he exclaimed, stretching his arms over his head and letting out yawn. "Time for some breakfast!" He then made his way back into the mansion and headed towards the kitchen. Brinley and Vince could take care of the rest. Besides, how was he supposed to do his job properly if he didn't have anything in his stomach?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Keating Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Markus K. Heimrich Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Markus left without a word, undoubtedly to do as she had ordered - for who would be foolish enough to disobey her when she was this angry? - and she turned to face Vincent, an unnatural scowl on her beautiful face.

"I never once said that you were trainable dogs, so don't say that I did. Do not put words into my mouth, Mister Randall," she said softly. Of course, this was far more frightening than if she were to raise her voice and shout, and she knew it. There was always something about a woman that when she spoke softly and with a certain tone in her voice, it could send chills up the spines of those who heard her voice. When one were to combine her tone of voice with the more than pissed off expression on her face, they would be best to run and hide, or to at least listen to her orders. And besides, who would be stupid enough to disobey a royal, high-class vampire? And there was the fact that she had referred to him as 'Mister Randall' instead of Vincent. She only spoke to people as close to her as he was in that way when she was beyond angry.

Her hands folded together behind her, her hat tipping forward slightly, yet she easily ignored it, the burning fire within her blocking out most minor inconveniences at this point.

"Thank you, Brinley. I know that I can always rely upon you for knowing what is right at the correct times," she said coolly, her eyes turning pointedly to Vincent before looking over at Brinley's retreating figure.

Only Vincent remained, and soon Katherine entered Opal's bedroom to join the two.

"Sister, I'd like to request that I'm either present for the interrogation or that I do it myself." Of course, Opal knew for a fact that she had every right to deny the request, but in all honesty, if the girl really wanted to attend the interrogation, who was she to deny that? Katherine had had her fair share of sights in her life, and quite a few of them were disturbing, to say the least, so therefore, Opal really didn't see a problem with her attending what would inevitably become a violent interrogation.

Besides those vermon known as the press keep showing up here. I've scared them away for now but knowing them they'll just continue appearing so that is another matter we need to rectify as well. Someone leaked our adress to them so now there's no stopping them unless we scare them off. Anyways I'm sure I can be very persuasive."

"I don't see why you couldn't attend the interrogation, but I would rather you didn't. In the meantime, however, I can take care of the press. I actually have an idea on how to do exactly that ... So yes, run along and catch up with Brinley. Tell her I said that it was alright if you watch, but you are not to participate," she said sternly. Once the girl had done so, she turned around and looked at Vincent as he spoke.

"My security shortcomings aside, I must also inquire whether as to whether you have eaten yet princess."

Opal went still, her eyes darkening slightly, and she whisked away, her jaw clenching. "I don't believe that that is any of your concern, Vincent, especially if you are going to go out of your way to disrespect me in front of the other guards," she said darkly, already starting from the room. Chess scampered over and played in between her feet until she was forced to bend over and pick up the kitten-rabbit. "Just leave me alone, Vincent. I know you don't care and you're only 'doing your job', so just stop pretending. You don't have to fake being worried about me, and I'm really sick and tired of you acting like you do. So just ... Just ... Stop, alright?" she said quietly, an odd tightening sensation in the center of her chest. A slight butterfly feeling roiled into a ball in the pit of her stomach, and she fought back tears.

"Just ... Stop ..."

With that, she lowered her head and left the room, lightly petting Chessy.

When she reached the dining hall, she sat in what was her normal seat, with Chessy curled on her lap. It wasn't long before a plate was set before her with her favorite breakfast delicacies, and as soon as she took a small bite, she realized how truly famished she was. After giving orders for food to be brought out for the animal in her lap, she lowered it to the floor and turned back to her food, eating it as hurriedly yet lady-like as was possible.


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Character Portrait: Opal Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Vincent Randall
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Vincent had known his pride had taken the better of him as soon as Opal addressed him as Mister Randall. It was a name he truly hated being called by, but he'd been in the wrong this time. Whether it was military discipline or simple guilt that held him in place until Opal left the room he didn't know. As such, he found himself alone in the princess's room. He quickly signaled for repairs to be made, though the orders had already been handled by someone else. His collar was uncomfortably warm and he felt his temper still burning at Opal's dismissal. Yet oddly, there was a sharp pain in his something had been driven into it and created something of a hollow space within.

Duty told him to ignore Opal and follow her anyways, but instead he found himself storming into his quarters. His body wanted its regular nap and food. To silence his stomach, he swallowed a snack bar...sleep would have to wait. Instinct was screaming at him, something was wrong and he knew it wasn't Opal...behavior aside, it checked out within her files expected parameters. This meant something else was amiss, military insight told him he was emotionally compromised...but something still irked him. A glance to the mirror revealed to him an image he didn't wish to see and he answered with his foot.

"I can hide the truth from the world, but apparently you will not hide it from me." The statement came out as more a lament than an observation. But his resolve was confirmed at this moment and he drew his weapons from their spot under his bed. A pair of axes, with their rear ends flattened to hammers glinted in the light. Well in truth, the hammer end had been forged first, but that wasn't important. The large chains and their size, uncomfortably large in his human form on the other hand was of immediate concern. The size was due to their being made for Wolf combat, but the chain was due to his lack of authorization at this time to carry them. He knew that he couldn't remove the chains, and taking them into the royal presence would be suicide. On the other hand, he felt comfort with their weight on his back. A Desert Eagle 50 AE was drawn from his pillow to enter its proper holster.

To ditch the unneeded weight, he dropped the sword scabbard of his uniform...the weapon he really should be wielding at his station. Unfortunately, these were more suited to his hands. He used his nose and keen ears to locate Opal at this time, and deliberately kept two rooms away. In terms of legality, his current actions were in the grey zone but since he would make every effort to keep two rooms away... he's not truly breaking any law or contract.

'I wouldn't be doing this if it were simply part of a contract-stupid' His angry thoughts took form as he stalked Opal, 'Even I was given the choice to turn this job down. Hell, I even have two silver rods in my back because of you.' Without his realizing it, he face softened up a bit and a rare smile formed on his face. A noise slightly louder than his expectation brought him back to himself.The smile vanished and his usual poker face returned, he was a soldier- a Randall of the Shield Wolf clan. He fought, he killed and did what he was paid to do- nothing more, excess emotion was unnecessary and interfered with the job. It lead to lazy comfort and clouded judgement as far as the target was concerned, the reason that particular bit of his clan's teaching appeared in his head was lost upon him.