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Marie D'Ancanto

"Don't touch me if you know what's good for ya, sugah."

0 · 1,266 views · located in Xavier Institute in Washington DC.

a character in “X-Men: Before The Last Stand.”, originally authored by Sly_Mafia, as played by RolePlayGateway



I'm not the greatest of leaders. I have my weaknesses. But no one's perfect and I'll do my damnest to keep my friends safe.

Name: Marie Tara D'Ancanto

Nickname/Code Name: Rogue Not a lot of people know my real name and I'm plannin' to keep it that way. So, I'm Rogue. And only Rogue.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual Not like it actually matters.

Mutant Power: Power Absorption - Rogue can absorb the powers, personality traits, talents, knowledge, and memories of any person if she touches them. However, the ability has left her skin quite deadly to the touch as it can kill someone if she holds onto them too long or if they hold her for too long. It's a painful experience for the one who touches her and Rogue abstains from actually touching people if she can.

Physical Description: Rogue is known for being a very beautiful young woman and it's not hard to see why. She has piercing icy blue eyes beneath expressive and full eyebrows. Because of her powers, she abstains from wearing a lot of skin-revealing clothing and because of that, she hardly goes outside unless it's cool enough for all of her layers. Because of this preference, her smooth pale skin is almost ivory and is extremely soft to the touch. She has a slim build that has been toned from private training with the Wolverine and natural curves. Some of the dumber folks - those who are not aware of the wrath this 5'5 girl has - joke that she is a tease as Rogue is slightly if not well-endowed in the chest area and seems to be fine with cleavage-bearing tops. She has soft, plump lips that are of a rosy shade. Long, dark hair cascades down her shoulders and backs in natural, soft waves and is almost always seen down. As of recently, she decided to dye those two streaks of white in her hair back to her natural hair color. It was too much of a reminder of the weaker girl she had been when Magneto cornered her. It is quite rare that you would see Rogue without long-sleeve tops and jeans. However, she might opt to not wear gloves as she is quite careful with her movements when near other people.


  • Mixed Martial Arts Cyclops was pissed as hell 'bout it - not like I care - but Logan spent a lot of time trainin' me when he got back. It was kinda our bondin' time since he abandoned me. I learned from Cyke, don't get me wrong. But if there's one thing Logan did better than Scott, it was fightin'. Can't say it didn't make me one of the best fighters on the team.
  • Music As a kid and before I destroyed my family with my powers as my Daddy would say, I used to play the cello and the piano. I actually still can and on my free time, I play the cello. It kinda keeps me grounded and at peace with everythin'.
  • Strategist I don't try to take Cyke's thunder, but since Miss Grey's death, he hasn't exactly been the best and emotionally stable leader that he was. And somebody had to step up. So, I kinda took it upon myself to help out with plans for battle strategies.
  • Stealth If you haven't noticed, my power's kinda the most useless one and fightin' ain't the only thing you can do for your team. You gotta play dirty and I've been called real sneaky for how I can blend in with a crowd and remain unseen. Useful skill, learned it from Logan.

Personality: To most, Rogue seems to be this quiet girl that stays in the background, hardly ever talking or bringing attention to herself. When she first came to the mansion, most dubbed her as a loner and some still see her as this. However, the people that have gotten close to her and has seen her grown up since her arrival will tell you that that's only a shell of who Rogue is. Her powers are more of a psychological nature, giving her a reclusive nature not because she always prefers isolation, but because it helps with controlling her powers. But, despite that drawback, that's only one layer of who Rogue is.

She is actually quite sociable and kind. She has a deeply compassionate heart and a genuine care for others. It's another reason why she prefers being alone. She cares too much for people to want to hurt them. Bobby Drake, one of her best friends, would be one of the few people that knew that she actually hates herself because of her ability. However, Rogue is selfless and has never out-rightly shown that self-hatred. She would never want anyone to worry about her emotional or mental state and would rather focus on yours. She puts her friends and team members first and has shown an even deeper level of protectiveness over younger students. Rogue is also not one who is easily impressed with childish games or pranks and is seen as serious although she does like to laugh and play around from time to time. She has a quick temper, one should note, a trait she inherited from the Wolverine and that wasn't even from when she touched him. She does not take foolishness well and will put you in your place quicker than you can apologize. Rogue is quite independent and hates when everyone feels as though they need to come to her rescue.


Rogue was born as Marie D'Ancanto to Priscilla and Thomas D'Ancanto in a small town in Mississippi. Her family was very religious as her father was the reverend at the town's only Protestant church. Rogue grew up in the church; she was a part of the youth department, sang in the choir as a soprano, played the piano when the church's regular organist was not available, and volunteered on the weekends with her family, etc. She was relatively one of those one-dimensional personalities that would not stand out too much and was genuinely a good girl. She got good grades and was the apple of her father's eyes.

And then it all went to hell.

Marie had a huge crush on one of the best-looking boys on her high school. He was a junior and she was a freshman, but her father approved because said boy swore he was celibate and he was already looking at great colleges. Plus, Cody, the boy, was a part of the youth department in the church. Of course, she wasn't one to approach someone or be so forward, but he was very persistent about getting in her pants - no one knew this until later - and pursued her. When she invited him over to talk about what song selections they should use for the next youth Sunday, she was not prepared for his forward advances on her.

As she sat at the piano to play a small tune they were considering, a fourteen year old Marie gasped when he wrapped an arm around her waist, sat behind her, and began kissing her neck. While this should have excited her that her crush was responding to her feelings, it only frightened her. When she turned to stop him, he kissed her. At first, Marie's first instinct was to pull away, slap him, and scream upstairs for her father. But then she melted into it, not wanting to ruin her first kiss. However, the kiss triggered her mutation and before long, Marie found herself suffocating with Cody's memories. She could see his plans of just wanting to sleep with her to say he got the preacher's daughter, she could see him wetting himself in kindergarten, his victory at the last football game, and his own first kiss, etc. Her eyes flew open and she saw Cody's eyes were open as well, widened with fear and pain. She pulled away and watched him collapse to the ground, shaking violently with black veins appearing in his skin. Marie screamed in horror and both of her parents appeared, horrified by what their daughter had done.

It was very evident in the next two months that she was no longer welcome in her home or in town. Everyone eyed her as if she were the manifestation of a plague and her own father would not even stay in a room for one minute with her. Fed up, Marie packed her own bag with clothes, toiletries and any other necessity. She had always wanted to travel. Now, she had the excuse. Her mother found her on the way out and despite there not being any remnants of love in the house, the woman sent her out with at least one-hundred dollars. Marie learned to keep her distance on the streets, learned how to use a pocketknife, and most importantly, she made her money stretch. It would be two years later that she hid in the back of the Wolverine's truck. After some careful bantering, she was in his care and after the issue at the statue of liberty, she has been a student at the institute and a member of the X-Men. Her relationship with Logan still remains the same; this father-daughter bond that remains unbreakable. However, she knows that she isn't the same little girl anymore and can't depend on him or anybody forever.

So begins...

Marie D'Ancanto's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marie D'Ancanto Character Portrait: Bobby Drake. Character Portrait: Kitty Pryde
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It was such an experience for all of the students, the influx of new students and the fresh wave of eagerness and excitement for a new school year and new possibilities. It was a happy atmosphere...well, as happy as you could get in a school built for mutants. People were eyeing one another skeptically, some even had the courage or maybe heart to smile at others. However, it meant nothing to Rogue as she stormed down the stairs, dark hair billowing behind her like a curtain of the darkest chocolate. Her eyes were determined and if some of the students didn't already know her, some of the males would want to approach her. The off-the shoulder top she wore exposed a creamy, sloping shoulder and the very evident fire in her eyes blazed with an intensity that either made your blood boil or had you cowering in fear. The smarter people cowered in fear.

Just as Rogue was about to turn another corner, a large hand - that must have belonged to a smart owner - grabbed hold of her black sleeve-covered arm and pulled her back. Her whipped around, the instinct the bring her other fist to a face halted only by the familiar hazel eyes of her mentor and father-figure.

"Ya look like you're lookin' for trouble, kid," he said lightly, raising an eyebrow at her clenched hand. Rogue relaxed her hand in response, but the hardness in her eyes did not waver.

"Just lookin' fer Mr. Summers, sugah," she replied sweetly and tried walking away, but Logan tightened his grip on her arm slightly. She tossed him a glare over her shoulders before facing him, trying to calm herself. After touching Pyro two months ago, she could still feel his mutation buzzing just beneath her skin, the warmth obviously getting to Logan because he gave her a look. She had held on to John a little too long.

"Like I said, lookin' for trouble." Rogue rolled her eyes, eyeing the older man pensively. "Darlin', aren't you supposed to be greetin' people? Ya know, being welcomin'?" She smiled tightly.

"Yeah, cuz everyone wants to shake hands with the girl whose skin could kill them," she sneered. "Logan, I'm not starting nothin', but Mr. Summers has been avoidin' me for about a week now. And danger room sessions start -

"Calm down, kid." Rogue hadn't even realized it, but her skin had heated up even more and it was affecting the adamantium in Logan's skeleton. She shot him an apologetic look. Logan sighed. "Scooter's been dealin' with a lot. Let him alone."

"But -

"Rogue, perhaps it is better you come speak to me," she heard the Professor speak in her head and sighed in defeat, any of her protests dying on her tongue.

"I gotta go, Logan." Logan gave her some type of advice, which only proved that he was losing the gruffness of the Wolverine and was adapting to the institute a little too well. That only meant that he would want to leave sooner or later. She frowned at the thought, but smiled when she bid him adieu. Rogue hurried down the hall and painted a smile on her face when she saw Bobby, Kitty, and some new girl. "Hey, y'all. Have either of you seen Mr. Summers?" Of course, she knew that she was about to talk to the Professor, but there was no harm in asking. She glanced at the new girl, giving her a small smile that hopefully reached her eyes. "And hello, sugah. I'm Rogue." She didn't, however, extend her hand towards the girl. Her hands were bare, the gloves forgotten as she had just gotten out the shower almost thirty minutes ago. Besides, she didn't want the poor, unfamiliar girl's first experience here to be the one who experienced the Rogue.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marie D'Ancanto Character Portrait: Bobby Drake. Character Portrait: Kitty Pryde Character Portrait: Jessie Liles
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Jessie Liles

Jessie smiled as she looked at Bobby and Kitty, she was chatting with them for a while as they were in the hall. Jessie looked around and smiled as she looked at all the new students arriving, some were her age, others were older or younger. She smiled at a little nine year old girl that walked by her and walked through the wall, Jessie blinked and smiled as she figured anyone could use their powers freely, yet responsabley. Jessie sighed and looked back at Bobby and Kitty. She was about to say something when she heard someone say, '' Hey, y'all. Have either of you seen Mr. Summers?" Of course, she knew that she was about to talk to the Professor, but there was no harm in asking. She glanced at the new girl, giving her a small smile that hopefully reached her eyes. "And hello, sugah. I'm Rogue." She didn't, however, extend her hand towards the girl. Her hands were bare, the gloves forgotten as she had just gotten out the shower almost thirty minutes ago. Besides, she didn't want the poor, unfamiliar girl's first experience here to be the one who experienced the Rogue.

Jessie looked at Rogue and said, '' It's such a pleasure to meet you miss Rogue. I've heard lots about you, you're amazing. And the name's Jessie Liles, by the way.'' Jessie looked at Rogue and gave her a friendly and sweet smile. Jessie looked at Bobby and saw that he gave Rogue a look that seemed a little odd for them being only friends. Jessie only shrugged and brushed it off.

Bobby Drake

Bobby looked at Rogue as he heard her say, '' Hey, y'all. Have either of you seen Mr. Summers?'' Bobby looked at her and gave her a sweet smile, he then said, '' Morning Rogue. And no, I haven't see Scot all day.'' He looked over at Jessie and Kitty and smiled. He looked back at Rogue when he heard her say, '' And hello, sugah. I'm Rogue.'' He looked at Jessie and her, he smiled as he heard her talk with Rogue.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marie D'Ancanto Character Portrait: Bobby Drake. Character Portrait: Kitty Pryde Character Portrait: Jessie Liles
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''Morning Rogue. And no, I haven't see Scot all day." Bobby's response was the first that registered in Rogue's mind and she smiled at him gently. She almost forgot that she was supposed to care that nobody had seen Scott.

Despite the fact that many would question the nature of the relationship and the fact that some of that was probably being fed to Kitty, Rogue could only feel a swell of happiness and pride in having Bobby as a friend. When Scott questioned her leadership abilities, it was Bobby that came to her defense. When Logan left her all alone in this mansion and she didn't know a soul, Bobby greeted her first. She would always be grateful for the shoulder to cry on that he offered. She noticed, from the corner of her eye, the new girl staring at them quizzically and her attention returned to the girl as she spoke.

'' It's such a pleasure to meet you miss Rogue. I've heard lots about you, you're amazing. And the name's Jessie Liles, by the way.' Rogue found herself chuckling as Jessie spoke. There was this wide-eyed eagerness and complete honesty in the girl's body language and voice that was...refreshing. The smile on her face, not like the one she greeted them with before, was wide and genuine.

"Amazin', huh sugah? That's a first," she replied with a grin. "I'ma keep that in mind when I'm the one in charge of danger room sessions, alright?" Rogue eyed the door behind them for a second before sighing. Might as well get this over with. "Look, I gotta talk to Professor Xavier. I'll see y'all soon." Just as she reached the door, she glanced back at Bobby and Kitty. "And try to show her a little fun, why don't y'all? At least show her a decent game of pool before I beat ya at it again, ya hear?" With one more smile, Rogue entered the office and closed the doors behind her. Charles Xavier turned his wheelchair around to meet her, a pensive expression on her face. She smiled shyly. "Hi, Professor."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marie D'Ancanto Character Portrait: Bobby Drake. Character Portrait: Evan "Spyke" Daniels Character Portrait: Kitty Pryde Character Portrait: Sara Laughlin Character Portrait: Jessie Liles
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Jessie Liles

Jessie smiled at Rogue as she and Bobby talked. She brought her attention back to Rouge when she heard her say, "Amazin', huh sugah? That's a first, I'ma keep that in mind when I'm the one in charge of danger room sessions, alright?" Jessie saw Rogue look at the room they just came from. Jessie smiled at Rogie again and said, '' Yep. You're an X-Men, that means you have talent and all that greatness!'' Jessie said that with a little blush as she felt a little enbaressed by saying that. Jessie saw Rogue look back at them and say " Look, I gotta talk to Professor Xavier. I'll see y'all soon." Jessie nodded and said, '' It was apleasure to meet you, Rogue. See you later, maybe.'' Jessie saw her walk to the door and stop right at the door's entrance.

Jessie and the others hear her say, "And try to show her a little fun, why don't y'all? At least show her a decent game of pool before I beat ya at it again, ya hear?" Jessie smiled and laughed softly at that remark. Jessie looked at Bobby and said, '' If Rogue can beat you, I bet I can.'' Jessie said in a playful voice as she waved good bye to Rogue. Jessie looked back at Bobby and Kitty and said, '' It's getting a little late. I kind of want to see the rest of the mansion, so you guys go and have fun, I'll meet up with you guys later at around twelve, okay? Bye!'' Jessie said with a kind smile and a wave as sh ran off for some adventure.

Jessie was skipping down the hall, she was full of energy and excitement. Jessie slowed her skipping to a steady walk and she continued her walk. She took a couple of turns and came to the main stairs. She walked down them, she sighed and she heard her stomach growl. Jessie looked around and sighed, she needed to eats something before her stomach began to make noises. Jessie looked through a couple of doors until she looked into the kitchen. Jessie walked in and saw two people, one was a white, middle aged woman, and the other was a half black, boy, that was around her age. Jessie blushed as she made eye contact with him, she gave him a flirty smile and opened the fridge. She grabbed an apple and took it, she grabbed a cup and filled it with water, she walked over to the table and started to eat it. She didn't feel like interupting their conversation, so she gave them space.

Bobby Drake

Bobby smiled as he heard what Rogue said.''And try to show her a little fun, why don't y'all? At least show her a decent game of pool before I beat ya at it again, ya hear?" He smirked and said, '' I only let you win. Let's see who wins next time. It will be teams. Two on two.'' He said in a playful and sarcastic tone. Bobby looked as he saw Rogue leave, he turned to Jessie and smiled. He then heard her say, [b]'' If Rogue can beat you, I bet I can.'' Bobby laughed and nodded. He looked at Kitty and gave her a playful wink. He looked back at Jessie when he heard her say, '' It's getting a little late. I kind of want to see the rest of the mansion, so you guys go and have fun, I'll meet up with you guys later at around twelve, okay? Bye!'' Bobby waved and said, '' Alright. See you then!'' Bobby waved and looked back at Kitty, he then said, '' So, what do you want to do now?''

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marie D'Ancanto Character Portrait: Clara Noble
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Rogue slid into the nearest chair after as soon as Xavier gave her permission. For a moment, she felt subconscious, fidling with the long sleeves of her shirt and constantly making sure that her hair covered her bare shoulder. Professor X just continued to stare at her, a slow smile appearing on his face that made Rogue bite her lower lip in curiosity.

"You're nervous," he commented and Rogue could feel the blush creeping onto her face, the warmth spreading to her cheeks. "Your thoughts are everywhere." Xavier chuckled. "You think you're in trouble. Why?" Rogue shrugged, bringing up her left foot to rest on the chair she was occupying and wrapping her arms around said leg.

"You interrupted Logan trying to give me advice, Professor." Wheels, she could hear Logan in her head and inwardly chuckled before remembering that she was in the room with a telepath. The smile never left Xavier's face. "Once you stop the Wolverine from givin' you advice, that's how you know you're 'bout to get it." Xavier chuckled, pure mirth dancing in his eyes.

"I see. Well, you're not in trouble at all, dear." Rogue's shoulders relaxed. "But I do have a request." Rogue perked up, tilting her head curiously.


"Be a teenager." Rogue was lost then and was about to inquire what he was talking about when Professor X put a hand up, silencing her before she could even make a noise. "I know you think you have a responsibility to your team and to the newer students, Rogue. But you are still just a teenager."

"Professor - " The beginning of her protest fell on deaf ears as the Professor's hand rose again. Rogue huffed in response and slouched in her seat, pouting slightly. Logan would laugh if he saw her expression. She probably looked like a petulant child on time-out.

"Go greet people. In fact, your roommate is roaming the halls as we speak searching for her brother. I am sure you could help her. I have already informed Logan that he is in charge of the first session, but you...for today, are to be...normal." Rogue snorted unattractively.

"Professor, normal is bein' able to shake your roommate's hands or huggin' your friends without havin' 'em make sure your hair is in the way of your face touchin' theirs," she retorted before taking it back, biting her lower lip. Xavier's eyes softened in response.

"Rogue -"

"It's fine," she said quickly. "You're right. I'll go help her and then maybe make myself a sandwich or somethin'. See if Logan still wants to see that Avengers movie." Professor Xavier only nodded in response, allowing Rogue to slip in just as quickly as she came. Before she could get too far down the hall, he was in her head. "Your powers...they manifested mentally, Rogue. You should be aware of that. As extensive as the mental and emotional training we have to do will be in order for you to gain control of it, you will. You are stronger than you think." Knowing that Rogue didn't like too many people in her head - she had enough as it is - he told her where her roommate, Clara, was and where her brother's room was.

It didn't take Rogue long to find a lightly-tanned girl where the Professor said she would be. The girl's hazel eyes revealed how lost she must have felt and Rogue approached her shyly. When she neared the girl, she gave a short wave and a smile. Be normal, he says.

"Hi, sugah. You're Clara, right? I'm Rogue, I'm supposed to be your roommate. Lookin' for somethin'...or someone? I can help ya out if ya want."