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Dominic "Dom" Fiore

"You may want to pick your jaw up, you're starting to drool."

0 · 891 views · located in Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters

a character in “X-Men: Good and Evil”, as played by CloakedSchemer



Name: Dominic “Dom” Fiore

Age: 17

Alias: Flux

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation:  Heterosexual

Appearance: Dom stands at an even six feet. He has blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Physically, he is very muscularly toned. He is slightly more built than what would be considered average for his age, but not in an obscene way. He maintains himself very seriously and diets and exercises to make sure he always stays in top form. He fancies himself as something of a ladies man, albeit a closet one, so he tends to leave his hair long enough to style and wears a lot of form fitting clothes and expensive jeans and shoes.

Personality: Dom is a paradox. Externally, he exudes an air of uncaring. Dom tries his hardest to make it seem like he's not trying at all. He is very intelligent and very adaptable to situations, however he tends to lack common sense. Dom dislikes being the center of attention, but loves to be admired from afar.
Internally, Dom craves for attention. Being alone and poor for most of his life, luxuries and attention are what Dom seeks from everyone around him. While this is what he wants, and he can usually get away with it when the person is shallow enough, he probably wouldn't know what to do if someone with depth gave him a challenge. But, in the end, maybe it's a challenge that he needs.

Powers/Abilities/Mutant Enhancements:
+Can manipulate gravity to varying degrees for a variety of effects
+He can only reliably intensify gravity on the surface of his body and somewhat push it outwards, greatly enhancing his physical combat.
+Has the potential to manipulate gravity from a distance, either diminishing its effects or intensifying it. However, now he can only dissipate gravity in a small zone in front of him.
+Street trained MMA fighter. Extremely brutal in hand to hand combat.

-Since he is almost exclusively a martial arts fighter any long range powers cripple him if he cannot close the distance between him and his opponent.
-Dom does not like to use his powers in a way that does not augment his combat skills as it leaves him physically exhausted to the point of fainting even with the slightest attempt.

Alliance: Uncaring of his affinity, he does what will most benefit him. Tends to stay with whomever will value him the most.

History: Dom grew up in a Chicago orphanage, not knowing where he came from or who his parents are. When he was very young, he cared about such things, but now he doesn't even give this a second thought. As far as he's concerned Dom does not need nor want any family. At the age of seven he was adopted by Maria and Sal Fiore. They were nice enough, and gave Dom everything he needed. However, he never truly felt like they really cared about him.
Once he was in school, Dom took an interest in martial arts, and the Fiore's enrolled him in the most intensive Mixed Martial Arts programs that they could all around the city. He competed and almost always won his competitions. When he was fourteen he was at a local tournament when the other boys in the competition thought they might be able to win if they make him lose focus during his fight. They began heckling him from the sidelines during his fight calling him an orphan loser, and that nobody loves him, and you don't have a real mom and dad. In anger, Dom struck his opponent with a hard straight to his sternum and gravity fluxed and intensified to such a degree the force broke it completely, shattered three of his ribs, and stopped his heart.
In the ensuing madness after the boy collapsed to the ground, he saw Maria and Sal run from the crowd of spectators, and he was left alone. It was only after he saw the mother of the boy weeping and crying out over his body that he ran. Ever since that day, Dom has lived on the streets of Chicago. Over time, he realized what his gift really was, thinking that originally he had some kind of enhanced strength. He began to earn money by participating in underground street fights, enough to get him a small apartment in the slums of the city. He was glad that he looked old enough to pass for eighteen. Over time, his refined form of fighting fused with the dirty, brutal style of street fighting. It was one week ago now that he received his get out of jail free card, a letter from the Xavier Institute. Now he had a way out of this shitty apartment, and who knows, maybe his skills can finally be used for something other than beating in strangers faces.

So begins...

Dominic "Dom" Fiore's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore
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For the first time in a long time, Dom was anxious. He had a very reminiscent feeling of being young and alone in the orphanage. It was time for you to make yourself look presentable, only the healthy looking kids with a smile on their face get adopted. Now he felt like he had to make that same first impression at his new home: The Xavier Insititute.

He had gotten a taxi from the airport, he had used the last bit of money he had saved for the plane ticket and had only twenty dollars left on him to pay for the cab. He was desperately hoping that it would be enough. Having to act like a young street kid by skipping out on a cab fair was not the impression he wanted to make.

His palms were sweating as he ran his fingers through his hair one last time, staring at his sapphire eyes in the mirror, making sure every last strand fell perfectly. After all, this was the make it or break it point. Either he strides in their, looking his best and people take notice, or he’ll just blend into the background and become forgotten. Or worse, they may not like him at all.

For all of his worrying, it was most likely displaced. Just get it together and calm down, you know you’ll be fine. You’ve smooth talked your way out of dozens of sticky situations where the alternative was a fight at gun or knife point, these privileged kids should be a no brainer. Well, in truth he didn’t know if these kids were privileged, but to him a kid that grew up with a reliable bed to sleep in was better off than he was.

He looked down at his small beat up backpack which contained what little clothes he had with him. He couldn’t wait to get a job and buy new clothes, nice clothes. With how well-off this mansion looked in the picture, he was hoping that maybe they would provide him with money for shopping, but anything was better than what he had now. He was wearing a faded grey long sleeve shirt that was two sizes too tight, it hugged his torso, albeit maybe a little too tightly. He had slim fitting jeans on with rips that he had put in himself, and classic black Converse sneakers. He looked
normal at least. Which was for from how he actually felt.

The cab finally began its way up the long driveway, and Dom stared in awe at the majesty of the mansion that stood before him. He could make out a few other kids making their way through the front entrance. The cab slowed to a halt and the cabbie turned around to face Dom. “Nineteen seventy-two please,” he said in very thick Spanish accent. Dom sighed in relief and pulled the battered twenty dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to the cabbie.

“Keep the change.” With that, Dom exited as quickly as possible, before the man could complain about his twenty-eight cent tip. He stood staring for a moment, adjusting himself to the magnificence that was his new home. This is it, give them hell.

The main entrance doors were wide open, and he strode through with confidence. A mutant quickly came up to him, she had an intimidating appearance with red skin and horns, but this didn’t phase Dom in the least, he had once fought a mutant that was scaled like a lizard and could camouflage himself. “Hi there! I’m Nadia, you must be a new student. Let me help you with your bags!”

Dom just hoisted his backpack upon his shoulder, nervously. “No thanks, this is all I have. I’m Dom. If you don’t mind, I’m just going to mingle a bit.”

“Not at all, let me know if you need anything!”

Dom pushed further into the foyer. He noticed a few teens around him. He was trying to see which ones noticed him. Preferring to draw someone in, he locked eyes with a blonde girl from across the room. It was only for a split second, but that was enough for him. He strode up to her, leaned against the wall next to her and said, “Hi, I’m Dom.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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Sophie was idly chatting with Nadia when they bumped into a girl coming around the corner. The girl seemed irritated with Nadia and scolded her for trying to touch her. Nadia tried to introduce Sophia to the girl, but the girl wouldn't really have anything to do with her. Nadia questioned the girl, asking where she was headed and the girl mentioned that she needed coffee. The girl took a second thought and introduced herself as Liz and mentioned how nice Nadia was. Sophia nodded in agreement that Nadia was in fact very nice and then, Liz, being lost for words awkwardly left.

Once she was gone, Sophia gave Nadia a questioning look. "Oh don't worry about her, she's just the moody type." she said with a laugh. "You'll love your room, it's not very big, but it has a great view of the lake." Nadia said, clapping her hands together. This thought cheered Sophia up considerably. Nadia talked the rest of the way to Sophia's room which wasn't that much farther away. Inside it was a little small, but it didn't feel cramped to Sophia. She asked a few questions about where the bathrooms were and where she would shower and Nadia responded kindly to them all. She mentioned that they would be having a small get together brunch for the new students to meet and mingle. "It's going to start pretty soon, so we should get going!" Sophia left her bags on the bed and followed Nadia downstairs to they foyer.

Once there, she could see that other students had begun to show up, and that there were more Nadia's than just the one who had been escorting her. She looked at the one standing next to her and began to speak. "Is tha-" but she was cut off as Nadia spoke. "Yeah, yeah, I know there are like four of me, but that's normal here." she said and the other Nadia's walked over to her. Once they touched her, they all phased back leaving only one Nadia. "Now," she said, announcing herself to the room as a whole. "Let's do a head count." She ticked off everyone on her fingers and gasped. "Oh, we're missing one, hold on." she said as another Nadia seemed to step from her skin. This new Nadia went in search of the missing member who was sitting in the gardens. "So, while we wait, how about everybody just introduce themselves to one another." She said and smiled.

Sophia was hesitant at first, but could see other people spreading out and didn't want to feel like the odd one out. She glanced to her left and saw a guy standing there with a guitar case next to him.She quickly took her chance and walked over to him. "Hi, I'm Sophia." she said holding out her hand for him to shake. She then remembered the incident earlier when Liz didn't want others to touch her. She figured this had something to do with her ability and didn't want to seem insensitive in case this boy had a skin-related power so she let her hand fall awkwardly back to her side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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Lydia hadn't been doing anything important. She had changed like she had wanted to. She was wearing a nice pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of knee-high black leather boots, and a matte off-the-shoulder tee that had a nice little beaded design running down the center of the blouse. The only jewelry she wore were a pair of feathery earrings and a few bracelets on her left wrist. All Lydia had done was brush her hair and checked her nails, which were colored a very dark blue. Just as she finished dressing, Nadia had knocked on her door briefly and told her to come back downstairs to greet others and of course, inner Lydia actually didn't mind meeting people. Besides, she had been a social butterfly at one point. Lydia was famous for making friends quickly. However, now...she didn't feel as confident as she used to and meeting new people set her on edge with a nervousness that Lydia was not akin to. But Nadia came back with a comforting smile and reassured her that everything would be okay.

She had just finished decorating her room as she saw fit, loving being able to be alone. As much as she loved people, she actually preferred being alone sometimes. Having a roommate was...stressful. Lydia wasn't good with handling stress. Bad things happened when she was blinding two of her best friends. Not even here for an hour and I'm already depressing myself, she thought with a sigh and pulled out her cell. Speaking of best friends, she hadn't even contacted any of them.

"Hey, hon," Lydia chirped happily in the phone. Their conversation ended up going on and on about nothing and everything. Cynthia was telling her all about her last shopping trip and surprising run-in with none other than Vanessa Hudgens. Vanessa-freakin-Hudgens! Lydia almost squealed at that point. Cynthia's parents had taken her to California and judging from the excited chatter, Cynthia was having a blast. And Lydia couldn't be happier for her. Just as the conversatio continued, Nadia started talking and Lydia had to shush her companion, trying to hear what Nadia had to say.

"So, while we wait, how about everybody just introduce themselves to one another." Nadia announced and one of her headed out to find that missing person she spoke of. Lydia sighed and ran her gaze over the room, peering through the throng of new classmates and hopeful friends in search of one particular person to start a conversation with. Just as she was about to simply force her way into the crowd, a very tall - or at least all from Lydia's perspective - guy with deep blue eyes locked gazes with her. It was a fleeting moment and Lydia immediately went back to her phone conversation. But then stranger-guy walked over to her and leaned against the wall beside her.

"Hi, I'm Dom." He greeted her.

"Hey, CeCe! I'm gonna have to call you back," she said and hung up before her friend could reply. Hiding her cell away, Lydia's eyes flicked back to his clear, sapphire ones and she gave him a bright smile. "I'm Lydia. Nice to meet you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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Out of everyone in the room, Dom chose the right girl to talk to. Lydia was obviously going to be the queen bee of the new students, and if Dom had a good foundation built with her, he didn’t foresee any problems with becoming invisible. Besides, she was easy to talk to; mainly because she did most of the talking. There wasn’t much that Dom had to offer up unless he was responding to a question she asked directly, which was rare.

While Lydia was telling him about her friend CeCe that had just gone to California and her sighting of Vanessa Hudgens, Dom took the opportunity to survey the other kids in the room. After Nadia had announced for them to mingle, they had mostly split off into little groups, or to be alone if they were the anti-social type.

He spotted one odd looking boy sitting by himself, he had his nose buried in a book. Another girl with brown hair and a bored look on her face was leaning up against the wall opposite him. He could tell she didn’t really want to be here, and surmised that saying hi would probably change that look of boredom into one of contempt.

There was another boy who looked his age, maybe a little younger talking with another brunette. He carried with him a guitar case. Before the girl had walked over he seemed to be lost in thought. It was the same look that Dom got when sizing up his opponent, one of analytic inquisition. It was odd to see it outside of a fight, Dom’s arms tensed in reflex, but he quickly shrugged it off.

One last boy who was a little paler and skinnier was off to their side. He looked just as foreboding as the brown haired girl, but with less anger in his eyes. Dom was wondering what powers everyone had. He always thought you could tell a lot from a mutant’s personality based on their gifts.

One of the Nadia’s was walking into the kitchen, and Dom could make out another female figure, with
.purple hair? Not something he found very appealing.

He turned his attention back to Lydia, who was still gabbing on and on. But Dom really didn’t mind. Her voice was sweet, not annoying and conceded like you would expect from a girl of Lydia’s beauty.

A lull seemed to form in the conversation, so Dom flashed her a smile and thought he would ask the only question that was on his mind, “So, what kind of powers do you have?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall Character Portrait: Robert "Robbie" Kaltos
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Liz turned a bored gaze onto the students around her, they had already formed their own cliques and teams. How cute. She would still be in the kitchen, sipping coffee and learning recipes from the cook, if Nadia hadn't come in with her sweet smile and demanded that she come 'socialize'. What a joke. Nadia knew perfectly well the reason why she stayed away from people. Liz sighed and leaned against the doorway. Perhaps the woman had simply been wanting to do something nice, try to get this angry ...girl some friends. Well Liz didn't want friends, not until she could find a way to be normal. Not until she could be sure that she would get out of control and hurt someone beyond repair. Her throat was starting to get tight, her heart beating faster and her fingers started tapping. The students were an odd number, including herself. That was going to annoy the crap out of her.

With a sigh she pulled her hood up over her head and left the group, walking away from the building and into the gardens. There was a small pond with benches and hedges around it that was peaceful and away from the world. Liz sat down on one of the benches to watch the small ripples in the pond from the wind. She needed more coffee, but Nadia had said she would simply drag her out of the kitchen if she went back in there.

"Why are you so determined to be alone?"

Speak of the devil. Funny considering the color of the woman's skin. Nadia sat down next to her...well one of the Nadia clones.

"Hey. Sorry I was getting paranoid in there."

"Yeah I could tell when I saw you leave. You really should try at least to make a friend."

"Nadia....friends cause emotions. And emotions are bad. You know this so why do you push it so much?"

There was a small pause as the woman considered the question. "Because you need someone Elizabeth. You need a friend, or a companion. You can't go through life on your own, no matter how...old you get."

Interesting way to say it. She sighed and nodded. "Fine. I'll go back in there. But I won't approach anyone, just watch. And I want to get another cup of coffee."

Nadia smiled at her. "That's alright, I just want you to be around people, people like you."

They walked in silence back to the gathering of people and Nadia took off to talk to people. Liz just rolled her eyes with a smile and headed to the kitchen to get more coffee. She was bordering on having an addiction. Once she had her coffee she made it back out to sit on a chair at the edge of the group. Sipping her drink and watching the other students wearily.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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Lydia talks a lot when she's nervous. It was a realization that hit her while she was yapping on and on to Dom. And she really was yapping to this guy. Like, it would probably be irritating if she was the one listening to her crap. She even started telling him about Cynthia and the whole sighting and for some odd reason, Dom didn't walk away. It was one thing when she actually found him kinda cute; it was another that he was this cute guy and he was actually listening to her. If Lydia was in his situation, she'd have probably walked away.

So, after awhile of being the only one talking(mainly because she was pretty sure she hadn't even given him the time to talk other than when she asked small questions that required very little in responses), Lydia paused and bit her lower lip. What was it that someone called her at one point? A prissy, neurotic, and a control freak that never knows how to shut up? Wasn't the whole point of starting over to not be that girl?

So, she shut up. And that kinda left a bitter taste in her mouth and an awkward pause in the atmosphere between the two of them. She found herself wringing her hands together and running her eyes over the room, smiling at a few of the people she managed to catch eyes with. Her eyes fell on the pale, skinny guy that seemed stand-offish. Lydia tilted her head slightly at him as he seemed to either not notice her staring or ignored her completely. Either way, she was actually a tad bit intrigued for some odd reason and didn't like to see him so alone.

"So, what kind of powers do you have?" Dom's masculine voice had a surprisingly deep tone that sent chills down her spine and tore Lydia from her staring at the pale-guy. She quickly met Dom's gaze with a smile before the question actually reached her ears. Then her smile gradually thinned out and Lydia found herself biting her lower lip again.

" should be talking so much seeing how that's all I do," she replied with a nervous giggle. But Dom's stance was persistent and she knew she needed to answer the question. And actually saying her power out loud sounded...stupid. It was something out of a children's book or one of those corny pick-up lines this guy used at her school. You look like something the sun spit out, she recalled before deciding to answer. "Sunlight. I can manipulate sunlight. And...if I channel it, I can burn you with it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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"Sunlight. I can manipulate sunlight. And...if I channel it, I can burn you with it."

Dom wasn't the least bit surprised by her response. He was right, you CAN tell a lot about a person's personality based on their ability. But what does that say about me if I've only ever used my gift to hurt others...? Dom didn't ponder that thought much. It wasn't something he wanted to carry with him in this new life.

Dom shifted his weight off the wall and looked more directly into Lydia's eyes, blue as well, but not as deep a blue as his own, it had an added serenity about it Dom liked them a lot. With a huge grin he said, “That doesn't surprise me one bit, it completely suits you, you certainly light up a room full of kids who are mostly off in their corners like they were put in time-out.” Dom ended the last part with a small chuckle. He had hoped Lydia found that flirtatious enough. Dom thought that flattery was the best policy for Lydia.

But, he had noticed how she was also surveying the room as they spoke, and her eyes lingered on the pale boy that was alone. No one came here to be alone. Everyone was so segregated. Only one other conversation was taking place, and that was between the more petite brunette and the kid with the guitar case.

Dom knew what it was like to be alone, he had been for most of his life. But, he also knew that this wasn't the time or place to embrace that fact. Dom caught the attention of the Nadia coming back in from the kitchen, “Hey Nadia.”

“Oh hi Dom. I see you're not shy,” she said with a slight head nod towards Lydia.

Dom ignored her little innuendo, but he was almost entirely sure Lydia saw it. “I was thinking maybe it's a good idea if we could go around and show everyone else our gifts. It might be better to get to know everyone that way. It doesn't seem like socializing is everyone's forte, and we did come here to learn more about people like us.”

Nadia lit up at the idea. It seemed she may have been searching for a solution to this lifeless gathering. Nadia turned to the room and said, “Everyone, gather 'round. We're gonna have a little demonstration from Dom on what he can do.”

Everyone was staring at him now. Oh boy, what did you just get yourself into? This isn't exactly what I had in mind Nadia....But oh well, like I said, give 'em hell.

“Hi everyone, I'm Dominic, but ahh, call me Dom. Okay...” Dom gave one last little smile out of the corner of his mouth and walked away from Lydia, into the center of the room. Wait, what am I gonna do? I can't very well just punch the floor and make a crater in here. Guess I'll just have to make something float in front of me, I don't want to try anything else again, I don't want to faint.

Everyone was waiting. He turned around to look at Lydia, it made him feel more comfortable when addressing the crowd. He put his backpack down and said, “I'll need a volunteer.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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He stared down at her with an intense stare that made Lydia feel self-concious and like she seriously needed to check her lashes or something. They got clumped sometimes, which was such an annoyance. With a huge grin, he said, "That doesn't surprise me one bit. It completely suits you. You certainly light up a room full of kids who are mostly off in their corners like they were put in time-out." Lydia giggled at that while a small blush rose to her cheeks, but she agreed. Everyone was separated like this was high school and cliques were actually okay.

They weren't.

Trying to ignore the piercing stare Dom had given her, Lydia turned her attention to the room again and slipped her dainty hands into her back pockets. Just as she was about to ask Dom about his mutation, Nadia emerged from the kitchen with a warm, bright smile in their direction.

"Hey, Nadia," Dom exclaimed and Nadia stared at them knowingly.

"Oh, hey Dom! I see you're not shy." Instantly, Lydia's blush returned and deepened, forcing her to turn her head in embarrassment. But Dom didn't seem embarrassed at all; he was actually unaffected.

"I was thinking maybe its a good idea if we go around show everyone else our gifts. It might be better to get to know each other that way. It doesn't seem like socializing is everyone's forte and we did come here to learn about people like us." That was a true. And it might be effective. There were so many people yet no one really wanted to be that one starting a conversation. And Nadia seemed to agree.

"Everyone, gather 'round. We're gonna have a little demonstration from Dom on what he could do." But Lydia was sure having attention on him was not his idea and felt bad for the guy as he approached the center of the packed room. Her eyes scanned the wary, nervous faces of her peers before her eyes fell on Dom once more.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Dominic, but ahh, call me Dom. Okay." Lydia bit her lip at his anxiety, a small smile forming. No one wanted to be the first for anything. That was just human nature at this point. But then Dom's eyes met hers and she felt her smile grow, hoping that she could be some kind of support. "I'll need a volunteer." No one moved and Lydia sighed.

"Sure," she replied with a shrug. "Why not?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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Dom was counting on Lydia. If she didn't volunteer for him then he'd have to make a vase or something suspend in midair, and wouldn't that be exciting to see?

"Sure, why not?" Dom sighed in relief and smiled as she walked forward.

“Okay, just relax and don't move, this won't hurt a bit.” Lydia looked slightly nervous, having no idea what Dom was about to do to her. Dom actually noticed that her weight began to shift to one side, and her front foot lifted the sole every so slightly off the ground, as it to dictate that if Dom was going to try and harm her, he had quite another thing coming. It was a reflex any fighter would have. Dom knew he liked her for a reason.

Dom took a deep breath and raised both his hands outwards, palms facing Lydia. He put all of his focus into his power, willing gravity to dissipate in the area around Lydia. And with that, ever so gently, Lydia lifted from the ground.

At first she was startled, her face a look of sudden shock, but after a few seconds she realized what was happening and the look on her face changed into a gleeful smile. Who wouldn't love the chance to experience zero gravity?

Dom would have laughed and smiled back, but all of his concentration was going into keeping her suspended. He could feel the familiar fatigue begin to creep up on him, and a bead of sweat began to trickle down his face. Letting Lydia float too high up could be dangerous too, once gravity returned she'd fall right back down. Dom couldn't ease gravity back, it was either there or it wasn't.

Dom flashed his eyes up to Lydia's, she was about four feet off the ground now. Lydia saw, and stopped smiling long enough to know what he was going to do. Dom let gravity return to normal with a loud exhale of exhaustion and Lydia landed gracefully back on solid ground.

No one moved as Dom was trying to catch his breath. He felt dizzy but he refused to show too much weakness in front of everyone. “That takes a lot out of me but it's the most fancy thing I can do. I can also intensify gravity on my body and force it outwards, but I wouldn't wanna make Lydia a pancake.

“So, who's next?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia
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Katherine looked up at the crowd that was gathering. Shrugging, she decided to look on with them. Walking over, she frowned at the fact that she couldn't see over any of them. "I hate being short..." She grumbled to herself. Then she face palmed and looked up quick enough to see the blonde girl from before, levitating, due to another guy's powers. "Lame... " Katherine said, but a bit loud. The crowd looked at her, and raised an eyebrow, as if asking, Really? She covered her mouth in an exaggerated yawn. Most if the group snickered at her action. The others were giving her the, as if you could to better, look. "So cool, I can levitate people..." She muttered, but only a few could hear her. They chuckled a bit, and Katherine crossed her arms, and glared at the guy with the gravity powers, and gave him a look that said what are you gonna do about it boy?

(Super short but it's getting late.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Vincent Rochat
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"Everyone, gather 'round. We're gonna have a little demonstration from Dom on what he could do."

I guess it can't hurt...

Vincent rose from his seat and moved over to the group of students that were gathered around this 'Dom' to watch him show off by levitating some blonde girl. Levitation huh? That's pretty impressive, lifting that girl up like that.

Nothing was going to make him show his powers off to the people here, Vince crossed his arms over his chest and watched on; wondering who was going to show off next. If nothing else, it was interesting to see what powers the other mutants here had. He'd really had nothing to do with other mutants before, not that he'd known about.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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Alexander "Alex" Hughson

Alex smiled lightly when the girl pulled her hand away, shaking his head as she went on a ramble of how he might be sick and what he should do. "No-No Sophia it's part of my power." He said, running a hand through his hair. "I'm not sick." He chuckled, opening his mouth to say more, but then turning as Nadia gathered the group together. A boy was ready to show off his power. He watched, interested, as he lifted the girl up, but it wasn't the girl he watched. He instead watched the boy, and the effect and drain that using his power seemed to have on him. Behind him, he heard a girl muttering things, and didn't look back, giving her the attention she probably wanted.

As he let the girl down, Alex could see sweat trickling down the boys face. Incredible, he thought, glancing around for the next person to show their power. It's not that he didn't want to, but he didn't want to be the next to go. He looked at the girl who had been talking to the gravity boy, and who had volunteered. She looked nice enough that her power probably didn't involve doing something that could hurt someone. "Why don't you go next, sunshine?" He said, in a friendly way, not knowing how correct his words would be.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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Lydia was amazed when Dom was able to lift her like that. It was scary at first, but once she was up, it was probably one of the most amazing things ever. The smile on her face never felt so real until that moment and all she could do was direct that smile at Dom. But then their eyes connected, signaling that he was going to try to set her down, and Lydia nodded understandingly. Besides, he looked a little tired.

Finally, when her feet were on the ground, Lydia grinned at Dom more. She heard a few people snickering about something, but was hardly paying them any attention. Until one of the guys said something.

"Why don't you go next, sunshine?" She heard him ask and she glanced his way for a moment. Why he was able to know exactly what her powers were was beyong Lydia. But she was already in the center of the why not? Try not to blind someone, Lydia, she told herself mentally.

"Umm...sure," she replied with a slight nod. "For the record, you were actually kinda right...about calling me sunshine. My power is that I can harness sunlight. I can blind each and every last one of you just be activating my powers." Closing her eyes for a moment, Lydia felt her power come alive and warmth filled her veins. Her skin grew pale, almost transluscent and her hair lightened immensely, billowing around her. When she opened her eyes, she revealed ligth gray eyes and Lydia smiled brightly, holding up her palms to reveal identical orbs of sunlight. "These can burn you if I throw them...kinda like fire."

Before long, she relaxed herself and the light within her faded, the sunlight in her hands disappearing. Her hair went back to normal and fell down her back in somewhat tousled waves and the color returned to her skin. Blue-gray eyes twinkled as she shrugged.

"It's not much of anything...and it's pretty useless at night unless you need a human flashlight," she told everyone. Then she turned her eyes back to Alex with a challenging glint in her eyes. "Why don't you show us something, Hot Shot?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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Alexander "Alex" Hughson

Alex smiled nicely as the girl looked at him, watching her seem to reflect on her mind quickly, telling herself something. She started talking, nodding slightly, saying how he had been right with the name he had used for her. He watched her completely, used to observing a persons body language. He saw her eyes close, her skin growing pale and her hair lightening, much like him when his power was in use. He could feel warmth emitting from her body, confusion hitting his mind as to if they had the same power. Well I mean that'd be- Woah, he thought, watching the orbs of.. sunlight? It was incredible, the whole thing.

He listened to her words, taking notes in his head as he had for the boys power. He thought about how it looked, speculations of its power, how it reacted with the normal genes of a person, and more, thinking quickly. She made a mention about fire, and his mouth smiled, chuckling lightly. He watched her light fade, the ords disappearing as her coloring returned. She spoke about her power being lame, despite how incredible he thought it was. She turned towards him, a glint of challenge, the type that was more fun than not, in her eyes. He smirked at her words, stepping to the front of the group.

"Just like I did, you seemed to have... called my power before knowing it." He said, knowing it sounded confusing, but shrugging it off. [b]"Okay so I'm Alex." He spoke, looking at the space between him and the nearest person. Taking a few more steps back, he said, "I don't really know how to explain it, so I'll just do it." Alex took a deep breath, blinked once, and flexed his arm, at first, a ball of light forming over his hand, then his whole body erupting in flame as the tips of his hair changed to blonde tips, and his eyes turning into red eye shapes, instead of eyes. Then, taking another breath, the fire faded out, his features changing back to normal, as he stepped away from the center, keeping his head done, not making eye contact with anyone. Most people thought fire was a monster, so he was going to try to stay on peoples good side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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0.00 INK

Sophia was a bit disappointed when Alex was cut short from telling her his powers. In truth, she was actually extremely interested in knowing what everybody else could do, but she was trying to be polite and not be intrusive. Alex had been interrupted by Nadia, who was calling the group to form circle. One of the other guys was going to show his ability. Nadia and the guy who introduced himself as "Dom" seemed to think that this would sate everyone's curiosity and people would focus more on making friends. At least, that was what Sophia thought they had meant by it.

She watched with rapt attention as Dom levitated the girl he had been speaking to into the air. She assumed that others thought this was telekinesis or some such thing, but Sophia could tell the difference. He had no control over her body or where it would go, only the air surrounding it. Sophia had the correct assumption that his power had something to do with controlling the gravity, though by the look on his face, it took a great deal of concentration. She could hear muttering from other people behind her and a prominent "lame" which she chose to ignore. She thought this power could prove very useful.

After Dom was done with his demonstration, the girl who introduced herself as Lydia stepped up to the plate. She watched as this girl controlled the sunlight, forming into orbs and seeing her skin become pale and her glowing. "Cool," she whispered under her breath. She liked that power. It seemed pure and innocent.

Lydia and Alex exchanged quips and then he stepped into the center of the semi-circle. He didn't waste any time in showing his ability. Sophia looked closely as light flickered over his hand, wondering if he had a similar power to Lydia. Then his body caught fire and she panicked. She whimpered and shrunk into the person next to her, though she had no idea who that was. After a few seconds, the fire faded from Alex and he seemed unarmed. As Alex stepped from the circle, she looked at him different. She looked at him with fear now instead of the kindness she had before.

After a minute or so of no else sharing their power, Sophia decided it was time to demonstrate her's. She stepped into the circle. "Hi, my name is Sophia. To demonstrate my ability, I'll need a glass of water." Nadia quickly went to the kitchen and fetched her the water she requested. She set the glass on the floor in front of her and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and with a swirling hand motion, the water flew from the glass. She opened her eyes to reveal they had changed to a very light blue. As she watched the water, it shifted in the air forming flowers and all sorts of pretty shapes. Her mind flashed back to the image of Alex on fire and the water splashed to the floor. " Sorry, I'm still learning." she said sheepishly. "I can also breathe water."

Nadia clapped as Sophia exited the semi-circle. "Great, does anyone else have anything they'd like to share. You don't have to demonstrate what you can do. You can just tell us if you're uncomfortable. It's important that we know what sort of power you have, that way, everybody can feel more at ease." She said smiling brightly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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Katherine wasn't looking for attention. It just found her. Her and we're crossed as she watched the others demonstrate their powers.

Katherine thought that the one with the sunlight powers was interesting. Her powers match her personally, Katherine could tell that by her voice, scent, and appearance. She also thought it was rather comical. She was going to say something like, 'what are you going to do with those powers, create rainbows?' A small while appeared on her face, thought she kept her mouth shut.

She already hated the fire controller. Fire+ Feathers= Pain for both parties involved. Though his powers were powerful and interesting, she thought that he would have trouble controlling them, which means fun for her later.

The last one was the most intriguing. Katherine looked water for the most part, except for the fact she can flying soaking wet. The water controller had potential, that was for sure. Something seemed to have caused her concentration to falter. Katherine narrowed her eyes.

Katherine's wings were flat against her back, and because she was in the rear of the group, no one could see them. She wondered if she should volunteer next. So she did. As she made her way to the front, people moved out of the way, without her having to ask. When she stood in front, she flicked her bangs out if her eyes. "Hi, my name is Katherine. Call me Kathy and you will experience a slow, painful death." With a nod, she pulled the metal rod out of her pocket. It grew to full size with a shift motion, creating a click sound. She spun it in her fingers as she spoke. "I know many different forms of martial arts, and can kick someone's ass by opening my mouth." She stopped spinning the pole, and slammed it down on the ground. "My senses are heightened as well." She blinked as she heard a voice say from to her left, "Doesn't everybody?" Narrowing her eyes, she responded with a very serious expression. "Is that so. Can someone what tell you that that chick there is your girlfriend." She pointed a girl in the crowd who tried to act she wasn't there." l can smell you all over her. And that freshy over there is your younger brother."She nodded towards a short brown haired boy. The original one who spoke to her turned a lighter skin color. "That's right. Keep your mouth shut." Katherine turned back to the crowd. "I can reach the speed of a jet when in flight." She unfolded her wings, which made a few people step back. They towered over everyone. "I can't really demonstrate that in here. Though I would be happy to outside." It was more like she had told her powers instead of showing them. Well, she didn't want to hit the ceiling or break the building, so that was a problem. "Any questions?" The staff shrunk as she spoke, and she put it back in belt.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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It seems Dom had a good idea with having everyone go around and show their powers. After he had gotten the ball rolling, one by one more and more of the mutants stepped up to show what they could do.

Dom was glad that his time in the spotlight was over. He didn’t like it when everyone stared at him, it made him uncomfortable.

He was recovering quickly from his little dizzy spell, that little trick wasn’t near what he could actually do, and the exhaustion was slowly becoming more familiar and manageable, but he dared not try to exert more power.

Lydia had gone after him, showing the room how she could become as radiant as the sun. She called her power pretty useless, but Dom thought she was being way too hard on herself. If you could blind your opponent in a fight, you’ve all but won your battle. And those orbs looked like they could do some serious damage.

The boy with the guitar introduced himself as Alex and showed his ability to manipulate fire. Dom was impressed. It was obviously a very offensive power, and Dom could see hesitation in his eyes when using it in front of people. He checked to make sure he was a good distance from people when he activated his abilities, and for good reason, the heat he exuded could be felt from clear across the room.

The brunette he was talking to went next. She manipulated water out of a glass and made different shapes out of it. Then he saw a frightened look flash across her face and the water dropped to the ground. Dom was wondering why she had looked scared, but he just watched with the crowd. In the ensuing silence he could hear a motorcycle from outside.

It was the small girl who had glared at him before who went next. She pulled out a staff from her belt as she went on and on, patronizing others and trying to intimidate people. Dom returned her fierce glare with one of uncaring. His eyes locked on hers, but he just looked bored. Dom wasn’t frightened by her in the least, and if what she wanted to do was intimidate him, she would have to do a lot better than twirling a staff.

By her abrasive personality, Dom knew that acting nonplussed by her little show would only incense her rage more. He didn’t care. From her attitude and general mocking he had already decided he didn’t like her. He had hoped she wasn’t dense enough to not realize that he was telling her that she wasn’t better than anyone else here, but Dom didn’t expect much.

The girl with the purple (well actually in the light it was obviously pink) hair stepped forward, and the glass that Sophia had moved the water from began to melt. She then explained her ability to everyone, to disintegrate matter, and then exclaimed that no one can ever touch her, and ran from the room. Dom felt sorry for her. He felt guilty for judging her on her hair color earlier; she obviously had a lot more problems than not being fashion conscious. He felt that she truly didn’t want to leave, but her nerves got the better of her. Maybe he should introduce himself personally later; a one-on-one situation might make her more at ease than being in a crowd.

All of these mutant powers were both fantastical and daunting at the same time. Dom began wondering how they would begin to teach them all how to master their power, rather than being a slave to it. Dom surveyed the room. When his eyes met Lydia’s he couldn’t help but smile, and gave the “’sup” nod to Alex. Dom was thinking he was going to like it here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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Lydia was ecstatic. After she had presented her powers, Alex came and showed them his. For a second, Lydia mistakenly assumed that their powers were alike, but immediately realized she was wrong. She felt the power emanating from the fire that surrounded his body and had to take a breath. When Alex finally went away, she noticed the sense of almost sadness and wondered why. Was he ashamed of his powers? Did he not like it? It was pretty frickin' awesome, she thought before this girl named Sophia came up.

She manipulated water out of glass and shaped it. It was definitely one of the most interesting abilities Lydia had ever heard of and she couldn't help but smile at that one. Sophia told them that she could breathe underwater, which was pretty awesome because Lydia knew she'd never leave the water if that were possible for her. But then the water dropped and Lydia noted the sudden petrified expression on Sophia's face and some part of her wanted to comfort the girl for whatever reason there was to comfort someone.

And then this Katherine chick - and don't call her Kathy, Lydia reminded herself. Because the girl was deadly serious about that. She went on and on with her patronizing ways, eyeing everyone as if they were to fear her. And Lydia...Lydia her bitch mode moments and for a second, the mode was activated. She found herself folding her arms over her chest and staring at the girl everywhere she walked, not bothering to let her gaze falter. There was nothing threatening about Katherine. Lydia had met and dealt with girls like her back in her high school - physically and psychologically. They weren't girls who were actually threatening or as cold as they wanted you to believe; they just had been hurt before and didn't trust people. And aggression, despite how much Lydia disagreed with its use, was the easiest way to handle people.

And then Liz demonstrated her abilities. She was pretty amazing looking and Lydia immediately admired her. While Lydia would never have her hair color change to all the colors of the rainbow, she definitely wouldn't mind adding some streaks or something and this girl...her style was pretty awesome. The glass that Sophia used melted under the girl's doing and she explained her ability to disintergrate matter. But then Nadia spoke to her and Liz pretty much yelled, "I already told you no, everyone listen -DON'T touch my skin. Ever." And she ran out of the room, claming a need for coffee, and Lydia's heart went out to her.

For a second, the room was silent save for the mindless murmuring about the "weird girl" and how everyone's powers were pretty awesome. But there was a tension in the room after that outburst and even Nadia didn't seem to understand what was going on. Lydia found herself catching eyes with Dom and smiled before turning her attention to the rest of the room.

"So..." She began and pondered what her next move would be. Not everyone seemed up for "demonstrating their powers" and that was okay. They'd be living in this house together for a minute; everyone's powers were bound to be seen. Suddenly, a big smile appeared on Lydia's face and she turned her gaze to Nadia, putting on her biggest puppy dog eyes. "How about a pizza party outside?" Nadia pondered that for a long time before smiling at Lydia in return.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos Character Portrait: Elizabeth Randall
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Alexander "Alex" Hughson

Keeping his head lowered as he headed to the back of the pack, Alex made the mistake of glancing at the one girl he was hoping wouldn't judge him. But he was wrong. As his eyes quickly lifted, looking at the face of Sophia, he couldn't help but feel guilty. Often enough his power had some how freaked people out, and though they had called him things such as monster or beast, no one had ever looked at him like that. Her fear was more than evident in her eyes, and he wondered why he had even shared his power in the first place. This always happens he thought, pausing at the back of the group, picking up his guitar case and shifting his weight to one leg. Whenever he shared his power, it seemed that despite what you would think, he was the one who got hurt. Because people can be cruel, but so can fire and fear of the element created fear of the beholder. Or something like that.

Barely letting his eyes lift to watch the front of the group, being able to see over everyones heads as he was taller than most, he was able to see Sophia's power. At first, he understood why she might be slightly scared. Fire and water were opposites and all, but when he gave it a bit more consideration, he didn't understand. Fire didn't destroy water, it couldn't. And your power wasn't who you were. You were the same person either way. If anything, he should fear her. But he didn't. She seemed to nice to be evil or anything.

Alex watched yet another girl step up, the one who constantly called for the attention of everyone in the room, and seemed not to be happy unless she had it. What's her deal, he thought, watching her as she demonstrated, after having a weak back and forth with someone. She seemed interesting, on the other side of her powers, but the look she had given him for the brief second their eyes met insisted she was also uncomfortable with his power. Great. First hour, and people already hate me.

He scratched his neck as a nervous habit, though he watched the pink haired girl step up. Though he was unable to see the demonstration of her power, by the sounds of it, it was something both incredible, and destructive. He would be sure to ask her about it, he acknowledged, as the girl stepped down from the spot light, pushing through the group and going to the kitchen. If the day continued as it was going, he may have to do the same. With a final glance up, it must've been a stroke of luck that he caught eyes with Dom, nodding back at him and grinning. They guy seemed cool enough. he made yet another mental note to talk to him, and the girl with similar powers to his, who then suggested a pizza party. Maybe that would be- The last word to his though was fun, though with a second glance around the crowd, recieving a few more glares, he sighed, close enough to Lydia, Dom, and Sophia that if he spoke, they would hear him. "I think I'll pass. Wouldn't want to scare anyone else." He said, his voice seemingly friendly, though if you listened, you would be able to hear the bitter sadness behind it. "I'm hitting the kitchen."

He grabbed his bags, both guitars in either hand, and walked towards the kitchen, following the path the pink haired girl had taken. He put down all bags except one guitar, the nice one he didn't trust leaving alone, and walked in. There were quite a few people in there, though it was easy to find Liz. He walked over, his head ducked slightly, though a smile on his face. He paused a few feet away from her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Bailey Character Portrait: Dominic "Dom" Fiore Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Hughson Character Portrait: Katherine Torvedia Character Portrait: Sophia Marinos
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As smart as Dom was, he sometimes could be completely oblivious to the obvious. Once the powers demonstration had died down, Alex and Sophia both looked distressed. Lydia had suggested a change of scenery for everyone, moving outside for a pizza party. Dom had thought he would get a chance to talk to Alex, maybe make a buddy instead of flirt with Lydia all day (not like he minded that).

But no sooner had Lydia suggested the move did Alex say, "I think I'll pass. Wouldn't want to scare anyone else." Dom was confused, who had he scared in the first place?

Being so used to only dealing with his own emotions and not having to comprehend others, Dom never realized that Sophia’s frightened expression that caused her to drop her water and Alex’s sadness were most likely connected. In the streets you only cared about yourself, and in a fight you only cared about your opponent, there was little time for Dom to brush up on his emotional intricacies.

Everyone had seemingly dispersed. Some students went to their rooms, others had went outside to indulge in the pizza that seemingly appeared from the kitchen from no where, while some lingered, still too shy to try and make a friend.

Dom had been outside, politely refusing pizza as that didn’t fit into his diet. He didn’t want to follow Lydia around like a love sick puppy, wouldn’t that seem desperate, he thought. But, he stayed close enough that if either of them wanted to steal a glance at one another, they could. If it was possible, Lydia lit up even more outside, he assumed it had something to do with her being directly in the sun’s rays.

Dom had just been laughing along with a few other kids who were telling funny stories to one another over pizza and soda when her heard a loud ruckus coming from one of the above balconies. Dom looked up to see the girl Katherine leaping from the building.

At first, Dom thought she was just trying to be loud enough to get attention, but Dom realized there was another kid attached to her leg once she took off. Everyone had quieted down when they saw what was about to happen, Dom had actually realized a second before she began to plummet to the earth. He saw a dangerous look in her eye, he knew that look. It was the same one an easy opponent would have right before they went in to attack.

Dom had almost no time to react, at the speed they were dropping the boy dangling from her feet was going to break something, and if he landed on his head that would be his neck. Dom had seen and caused enough violence to know when something was going to cause injury beyond repair.

He didn’t know why he cared about the well-being of this boy. It was actually very uncharacteristic of him- he has snapped necks without giving it a second thought. Maybe it was because he knew this wasn’t what either of them intended to do to one another. Actually, he wasn’t entirely sure this wasn’t what Katherine intended.

Either way, he raised his hands and mustered as much power as he could. He was far away to where they were going to crash and he had never dissipated gravity from this great of a distance. With one final push of his mind, gravity disappeared from where the boy would land and all the force that would have careened onto his neck disappeared and almost as instantly as gravity wasn’t there, it returned, unable to continue his power.

The boy landed with a light thud instead of a sickening crash. Dom collapsed to his knees and felt nauseas. Great, now you’ve done it, was Dom’s last thought as he saw black and the ground rushed towards him.