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X-Men Next Generation Rise of Nexus

New York City


a part of X-Men Next Generation Rise of Nexus, by CageValcore.

The City we live in

CageValcore holds sovereignty over New York City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

451 readers have been here.


The City we live in
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New York City

The City we live in


New York City is a part of X-Men Next Generation Rise of Nexus.

1 Places in New York City:

9 Characters Here

Rowan White [0] "Fight me at your peril"
Violet Maundrell [0] "Its Violentious! Not that hard to pronounce..."
Dax Reynolds / Ragnarok [0] get out of my way...
Jesse Lebeau (Shuffle) [0] "One, two, three? Screw it, fifty-two should do the trick!"
Jordyn McIntyre [0] "I know what I'm doing so quit telling me what to do."
Serena Johnson [0] Know your enemy, know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster.
Tyler Ross [0] Hold on tight, now take a deep breath.
Michel Bain / Angelus [0] "Dont make me fight you" -his eyes looking gentle as he speaks-

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#, as written by R3lly
Jordyn sat up."I don't think that's true, you're most definitely feeling something besides hate right now. If you're feeling hate right now, why were you rubbing my back?" Dax looked at the door his face showing nothing. "If she hasn't realized it by now maybe this was a waste of time." He thinks starting to become angry. "Did you know that Magneto was practically burned alive?" Dax stands up ignoring the rest of her words. "honestly I had hoped you realized it by now," He begins. "It's all about lust baby, I'm a male and you're a female. I really didn't think it was that difficult." Dax laughs slightly. "Never have I had feelings for anyone, never." Dax starts walking to the door. As he gets grabs the handle he turns his head. "As a child I was born with several problems in my frontal lobes, from this I rarely became anything but angry, even my joy stems from anger. On the other hand it also gave me 'special' talents that we now call mutations. Dax opens the door and steps out shutting it behind him.

Dax heads back to his room. he enters through the broken doorway. "This needs to be fixed." He says his anger building. He looks at the fragment of the door and they begin to pull together then fall back onto the ground in one piece. Walking to his dresser he pulls out a small knife and leg holster as he straps the holster on he slips the knife in it. He grabs a stereo from underneath his bed and slips a cd into it. He grabs the stereo and goes to the danger room. Setting the stereo next to the door he looks up. "Computer," He yells out. "Construction setting 75%!" The room changes into a large construction zone setting and police officers begins to arrive. Pressing play he draws his sword and looks around. "Let's do this" He says coldly charging at the first officer. As he swings his blade downwards the cd begins to play. that would be the song.


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Jordyn sat on the bed in a pissed off fury. Her poor bed-frame was in a crumpled heap. She really wanted to punch something. She tore another sheet of sketchpad paper. She composed a letter to Dax.

Dear Dax,
Thank you, Darling. You have helped realize something today. I can't reveal my true emotions to anyone. I would normally lie and say I'm glad I met you, but I figured that since you were brutally honest to me, I'd show you the same respect. I wish I would've never even stopped the bullets from hitting you in the back of the skull. Here's your ring back. I'm not the kind of person that is owned.
Goodbye forever,
Jordyn McIntire.

Muttering a stream of swearwords under her breath, she began packing clothes into her duffelbag. She was done with the school and everyone in. As far as she was concerned, she wasn't needed here. She wasn't going to leave without telling anyone. Where she was going? She had no idea at that point. She'd learned everything she needed. She could take care of herself and didn't think anyone would miss. She stormed upstairs and entered the headmaster's office. She nodded to Rowan, absolutely no emotion on her face.
"I feel that my place is no longer at the school," she said, keeping steady eye contact with him, "I shall begin my own journey to find Nexus." She turned sharp on her heel and headed out the door. She headed to Ragnarok's room and set the note on his bed with the ring on top of it. She molded the room model into him.


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Violet realized she left her headphones and iPod in the infirmary so she got out of bed and walked out of her door. She saw Jordyn go into Ragnarok's room and she wondered why she was in there. But she nervously and quickly walked straight to the infirmary. Violet walked inside the infirmary and when she found her iPod, she saw Angelus. Violet saw that he was talking to himself and she asked him, "A-are you o-okay?"


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Head-Master: -Appears in front of Jordyn looking Like Ross. then turns back to himself- "Where are you going? are you ok?"

Angelus: -Looks up at Violet. His right eye Red and his left eye Blue- "We dont know" -His Head suddenly lowers- "We must Kill Ragna .... He messes with her he dose"


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Violet started to get worried so she lifted up Angelus's head with one finger and started to study his eyes which had turned into two different colors. She started to understand but then she noticed that she was looking in his eyes. Violet quickly looked down while blushing a lot.


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#, as written by R3lly
His body dripping with sweat Dax looks around at the damaged construction site. He released so much rage he had pulled bits of the site up and threw them at his foes. Looking up he whispers, "Computer end simulation." Dropping his sword he drops to his knees waiting for his breath to return to him. After he catches his breath he picks up his sword slipping in into its harness. He walks over to his Boombox and turns it off leaving the danger room. Walking through the halls he keeps his head down. When he gets to his room he tosses his boombox onto his bed and turns on the light. He hears a papery sound as it hits his bed. He walks over to his bed and reads the note Jordyn left. A dark look crosses his face as the ring starts to float in front of him then is compressed into a small ball the jewel dropping onto his bed. "Glad I could help." He says his eye twitching.

Noticing the door still on the ground he stomps on it a few times listening to it pound into the floor. "I hate this place." He says angrily. He looks over to his dresser and raises his hand throwing it to the floor the dresser follows his hand. Pushing his hair out of his face he leaves his room a wild look in his eyes. "I'm going to finish this." He says his left eye twitching slightly. He stops just outside the infirmary. Drawing his sword he drives it into the floor. Storming into the infirmary he points a finger at Angelus. "I'm going to end your life you miserable little pigeon!" He shouts his rage starting to affect his telekinesis as objects around the room begins to move and compress themselves.


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Violet turned her attention to Ragnarok who came in. She looked at Angelus and then she looked back at Ragnarok and started to panic a bit. She closed her eyes and then she started to think of what Darth Vader would do since the the 'force' was kinda like telekinesis. Violet lift Ragnarok up while choking him without even touching him but she failed so she held Angelus's hand so the energy shield can go over him and then she asked Ragnarok, "Why do you want to take out your anger on Angelus? Did he ever try to hurt you without you leading him to do that?" Violet smiled when she noticed she didn't stutter.


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"Anywhere that's not here," she replied, her face completely empty of any emotion, "and I'm peachy." She sidestepped him and continued walking down the hallway, towards the main entrance of the school. She was done with its stupid hallways and people who pretended to care, but never really did. She really wanted to destroy everything, everyone in existence. She wanted to send everyone to Hell and watch the world burn before her eyes. As the anger progressed in her head, the metal in the floor began to tear loose. It left big gaps and holes in the floor. She smirked before storming out onto the grounds. She made it to the small area of woods before she sat under the biggest tree. She wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face in her knees. The tears were streaming and she couldn't stop, no matter how hard she tried.


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Angelus: -Roars Like a Rage filled Animal and Lets go of Vi blasting through the energy shield he jumps into the air. coming down on the ground punching it hard with the Right hand hosting the Red devil ring. The ground start cracking open with red energy rushing toward Ragna at lightning speed. He swings the Left hand out at the same time sending an blast from the Goddess Ring. The Blue blast splits in two a foot away from Ragna. one going toward Ragna the other going toward the Roof. The Red Blast splits 2 feet away from Ragna. one going left and one Going right- -Blue Blast at Ragna- {If Taken} -Strikes him Hard in the Chest smashing him into and through the wall behind him brutally- {If Dodged} -Blue Blast at Roof Hits the Roof Making it Crumble down- {If Taken Dose its own Damage and makes Red Blast on floor inswtant hit} -All the Rocks, Bricks, and Steel Garters fall on top of Ragna doing massive Damage to him- {If Dodged or if taken either way. only if Blue blast at him is Dodged} -Red Blast makes a Circle crushing the blood under him dropping him harshly to the floor below- {If Roof Cave in is taken then the floor falling cannot be dodged} -Floor Falls out from under him breaking hurting him severely. then the Rocks from the roof fall hitting him again and breaking a bone / bones- {You Get to Chose witch bones. but must break at least one bone. Be Realistic please. But don't make him look like a pussy. Im cool with just a leg breaking}

Head-Master: "Jordyn Please Listen to me" -He says walking in front of her- "I know your Having a hard time. and I know you where close to Magneto. And I know you don't wish to talk about it with me. but please know that I care about you Like a Daughter and I do Care and would like to help you. And this team needs you Jordyn. The X-Men need you. the Human race needs you. I know you are a good person and want to do whats right. In respect of you. I will not stand in you way if you truly must leave. But please know that we need you. and I care about you. and if you wished to make friends they would care about you too"

{Thats the best I got Honey. If that don't Bring Jordyn back like you Requested. than im not able too}


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Jordyn was thinking about what the headmaster had said. She was closer than most to Magneto. She knew that she was needed. She also didn't think it was okay to let the world go to shit because she held a grudge against another one of the X-Men. Her parents taught her that things needed to be done whether you wanted to do it or not. She took a deep breath, before she headed back to the school. She stopped at the main entrance. It was as if every fiber in her being rebelled against the thought of going back inside the school. She went back in anyways and headed to her room. She dropped her belongings off back in her room, before she headed back to the headmaster's office.
"I'm sorry, headmaster. I was just over-reacting. I'm staying," she said and took a seat by the window. She heard a bang come from down the hall. It was probably Dax and Angelus butting heads like they were children. She rolled her eyes and plugged her headphones in.


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#, as written by R3lly
A soon as Angelus yells out Dax knows he has gotten his desired result. Shutting his eyes he tries to let the anger free from his mind only to be hit by a blast of energy. As he is pushed through a wall he opens his eyes, spotting his sword he uses his telekinesis to pull it to him cutting into the blast and super heating the sword. As the smell of burning flesh fills the area, he watches as the roof collapses and takes the floor down with it. Dax begins to laugh darkly as he walks towards the gap he raises his empty hand, the debris rising with it. "Are you quite done yet pigeon?" He asks mockingly charging at Angelus as his feet leave the floating debris they drop back to the ground. He swings his sword at Angelus turning it at the last minute so the flat of the blade hits his abdomen. {If taken} The blow causes Angelus to cringe his body and Dax swings his leg at him kicking him in the side of the head. {if dodged] Dax drives the blade into the floor and throws Angelus against the wall with his telekinesis pulling on his limbs until he hears his arms snap out of its socket. Then Dax drops him and walks over to Angelus and stomps on his left shoulder three times. {if taken} He raises his hand and pulls a large section of the wall away and drops it on Angelus before walking to his room.


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Angelus: -Takes the First hit. But Counters the Second. Grabbing Dax's Leg. He Throws him Backward his Long wings opening to protect Vi witch is more important to him than any thing. He fires a Both Blasts at once. the two starts circling each other like a DNA strand-

Wanda: -A magic circle suddenly appears between Dax and Angelus { ... 24#/dhbz1u } stopping Angelus's attack. as red energy hits both boys in the chest separation them harshly. As the Scarlet Witch walks into the room- "Fighting like a bunch of worthless school children. YOU!" -She says pointing at Dax- "Be gone NOW!. And you two" -She says Pointing to Angelus and Violet- "Go to your head masters Room like you where Ordered"


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Violet, kinda scared now, tilted her head a bit in confusion. Everything happened so fast in her eyes. She obviously put her energy shield up when the battle had started. Violet saw the roof fall and she started to telekinetically throw them away so she wouldn't get hurt. She jumped a bit when Wanda came in and told her and Angelus to go to the headmaster's room. Violet hated to fight but someway, it made peace but what she just saw was a beginning of a rivalry. She looked at the ground and then she quickly ran to the headmaster's room, not looking at anything but the ground until she arrived at the headmaster's room. She looked up and entered his room nervously. Violet smiled a bit at him to be nice and hoped whatever he was going to say was good news. She was still kinda scared from the fight that happened earlier so she was shaking a bit. Violet was new to seeing other people fight with powers and was afraid of the roof almost killing her.


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Head-Master: -Nods Respectfully To Vi and waits for every one to enter-


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#, as written by Belynta
Rowan watched as the headmaster disappeared after Jordyn and wondered just what the hell was going on but she was not the type to pry and so she leaned against a wall in his office and waited. He reappeared not long after but she stayed silent knowing he would tell her if it was important. She heard steps coming down the hall and knew from the smell that Violet was approaching. She had never really spoken to the other girl as she seemed very shy and Rowan thought she would frighten her with her animalistic ways. After a few moments Violet entered the room and Rowan nodded at her in greeting but said nothing.


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Jesse turned the corner to the headmaster's door and walked the rest of the way. He pulled his right hand from his pocket and knocked briefly before entering. Rowan and Violet stood on opposite sides of the room and the headmaster stood in the middle as always. He nodded briefly to the headmaster and Violet before walking over to lean his back on the wall beside Rowan. From the look of things, they weren't waiting for him obviously. The headmaster was looking a little on the impatient side, where Violet looked like she was about to bolt out the door any minute.

"You guys look like a lively bunch," He said quietly to Rowan. "No Ross yet?"


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#, as written by R3lly
Rage fills Dax again but unlike last time it's the desire for revenge. Standing he pushes one of his hands outwards and knocks a large section of the wall free. Jumping through the hole he made he lands outside. Walking to the garage he gets on his bike. Revving the engine he opens the side compartments and sticks his sword inside to join the others. As he starts to drive away he turns his head to the school. "I'll kill you all..." He mutters angrily. With only one goal in his mind Dax rides out. Using a telekinetic blast he pushes the gates open and starts to drive on the main road. Pulling out his cell phone he goes into Google maps and finds a pretty well known Brotherhood hangout. Driving faster he arrives there in about half an hour. Getting off his bike he goes inside the building and pulls the shopkeeper over the counter and pushes his face close to his. "Nexus." He hisses angrily. "Where is Nexus!". A few patrons obviously norms rush from the store in an effort to save their own lives.


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#, as written by Belynta
Rowan smiled slightly at Jesse as he came and stood beside her. "Not yet, I don't where anyone else is either. I have been here a while."
Rowan could still smell blood on him and without realising her nostrils flared as she automatically analysed the scent, to anyone watching it would have looked a little unusual.
"Are you okay?" Rowan asked him.


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"Are you okay?"

"Hm?" At first, Jesse didn't know what Rowan was asking about. He was wondering where Ross was. He recapped the trip he'd taken to the infirmary before heading to the headmaster's office and realized she must be asking about his hand. "Oh, right. Yeah, it's just a scratch." He pulled his hand from his pocket and produced a card from what seemed like thin air. He charged the card slightly, causing the outlines of the images to glow a bright red. With a quick flick of his hand, he spun the card and released it in a long practiced way he liked to do, causing it to spin horizontally and hover slightly above his hand for a second or two before he caught it between the index and middle finger of his left hand. Even as he extended the card out for her to take, the outlines of the image continued to dance and flare as the small amount of charged energy stayed in motion through the card. Eventually, without charging more of the potential energy in the card, the card would lose the light from the charge. But it was a slow process in returning the energy to a standstill without his power. And, for a while at least, the Queen of Hearts would continue to illuminate at anyone's touch.

Jesse was about to say something else when he felt his phone go off. He read the text from Ross and turned his attention to the headmaster. "Looks like Ross got caught up, so unless you'd want us to wait for a few others, I guess we should just get on with it."


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-The Store owner looks at Dax and Takes in a deep breath- "Genosha, He is on Genosha" -He says and Shivers-

Head-Master: -Nods to Jesse- "Tell us Now dear boy. Student can fill each other in later"