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Anastasia McCoy

What is a lie but the truth in masquerade

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a character in “X-Men: No Man Left Behind”, as played by RubyBlue


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【More Than Just A Pretty Face...】
“ Love of beauty is taste. Creation of beauty is art.”


Full Name ☜ Anastasia Carlisle McCoy

Nicknames☜ Ana, Ane, Staci if you want to press your luck

Birthdate☜ January 11th

Age☜ 27

Ethnicity ☜German/American

Gender☜ While biologically a woman, Ana has the ability to morph her body into that of a man's. Working parts and all.


Hometown☜ Washington D.C.

【Be On The Lookout For...】
“ Nothing. You'll never see me coming.”


Height☜5'10" (variable)

Weight☜ 125 lbs

Eye Color ☜ Blue (variable)

Hair ☜ Dark brown and kept long, straight and loose. (variable)

Body Type☜ Ana's natural body type is very much like her mother's. Tall, lithe and more arms and legs than she knew what to do with, especially when she was a kid. Slim hipped with a healthy bust, she's very aware that her appearance can become overtly sexual which results in her not being taken as seriously as she'd like

Special Markings

Anastasia's appearance is always fluid, but when she's in her "normal human" form she has a few tattoos. Preferring words to images those are what constitute most of them. Two on her ribcage referencing Nietzsche and her own poetry and one on her shoulder referencing Shakespeare. She is most definitely her father's daughter.


Ana's true natural form is one that very few have ever actually seen and most aren't even aware it exists. You would think with parents who were as unique looking as Anastasia's she'd resemble them more, perhaps by being blue or furry and you would be right. Anastasia actually resembles Mystique quite a bit with a few differences. While Mystique has red hair Ana's is naturally brunette and unlike both her mother and brother Kurt, Anastasia's eyes are naturally very pale blue with a visible pupil. Anastasia also shares her mother's unease with her natural look choosing instead to keep her appearance as human as possible.

【Behind The Mechanics】
“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ”



+ Learning. Anastasia shares her father's voracious appetite for knowledge reading anything and everything she can get her hands on.

+ Being Social. When Ana isn't in one of the distant corners of the planet on some assignment she was at home in the mansion with all the rest. Never one to let things get dull and boring, Ana is usually trying to organize some event or party, being a general gossip and is always the first person you want to go to if there's anything you want to know.

+ Fashion. Being capable of forming whatever clothing she desired Anastasia fell in love with high fashion. Pretty easy when you never have to actually buy any of it, or launder it or wear it twice if you didn't want to.

+ Technology. Be it the newest phone, laptop, gaming system or whatever hi-tech new fangled device they'd assigned to her at S.H.I.E.L.D. Anastasia adored it. She is incredibly adept at programming/hacking which comes in quite handy in regards to her profession

+ Music. While Anastasia admits to no musical talent herself she loves music. Classical, eighties alternative, indie, name it, she digs it.

+ Being in control. Ana is a bit of what you would call a control freak, perhaps due to the fact that she can control every detail and aspect of her appearance. It would only make sense that she'd also like to be able to control everything else as well. She's not overbearing, or overly demanding she just has an idea in mind and is quite put out when it doesn't come to fruition. Especially if it's due to someone else lapse.


+ Her natural appearance. Much like Mystique, Masquerade is uncomfortable with her abnormal looks. It wasn't very safe to look different, times hadn't changed especially when it came to mutants and Anastasia preferred if no one looked at her at all. As she grew older her opinion changed and instead decided that if people did have to look at her then they'd see the "beauty" and never the "beast".

+ Failing. Something that Anastasia isn't very familiar with, with her intellect and abilities Ana had never had to try very hard to succeed. Though as one grows older one realizes you can't succeed at everything and in fact more often than not the odds were firmly in favor of failure. Anastasia will do anything and everything in her power to complete her assignments even going as far as to risk her life and possibly the lives of others. All for the greater good is how she sees it. If thwarted she is prone to bursts of rage which burn bright and hot and sputter out relatively quickly.

+ Assumptions. When most people look at Anastasia McCoy they see an obviously attractive woman with a body honed by years of training and espionage. People naturally assume someone who looks likes Ana can't possibly be smart. They make digs at her personal appearance and lack of intelligence to her face as if she won't catch it. Women think she's a whore, men think she's easy which are both untrue. Though it bothers her she doesn't speak up knowing that in the grand scheme of things it's better to let people assume whatever they want.

+ Being left to her own devices. Being a rather social creature Anastasia likes to be surrounded by people and noise, even if she's just doing her job and blending in.

+ The fact that she can't seem to foster any kind of stable, romantic relationship with anyone. Everything was short-term for her. Ana didn't know where or who she'd be from one day to the next and it made it nearly impossible for there to be anyone serious in her life.


+ Anastasia is a notorious gossip and snoop. She's naturally very curious and her ability makes it incredibly easy, too easy.

+ Drinking. Something she picked up on one of her assignments that she couldn't drop. She's not an alcoholic per se, she just tends to overindulge when the opportunity arises, never while working. Ana isn't worried about it, though it was something that had once concerned her father enough for him to have a discussion with her about it.

+ Ripping any piece of paper or napkin in her hand into tiny bits. Something she's done since she was a child that annoys everyone.


+ People seeing her true self. It'd been so long since Ana herself had seen her own blue skin and odd pale eyes in a mirror it seemed like a dream and if things went as planned she'd never dream it again.

+ Losing anymore of her family. The list keeps dwindling and even now she could sense her older brother, Eric, pulling away. She's vowed to do everything in her power to make sure no one else is lost, now it was her turn to be the protector perhaps.


Anastasia hopes for normalcy one day. The whole wife, mother, picket fence, get a dog thing. Sure she'd a be a mom who was licensed to kill, but in her opinion being licensed made her more responsible. She yearns for a partner in crime, someone who could see beyond the shifting layer that was her appearance and through to who she was as a person.

One day, not anytime soon or anything. She was young yet after all. She wanted to be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Anastasia viewed S.H.I.E.L.D. as her life having been an agent her entire adult life. She sees no other place for herself and is quite ambitious if maybe not the most qualified. Yet.


Her secret drinking problem which she denies even to herself. Though never out of control while on assignment while away from work Ana will spend days at a time drunken and oblivious. This is something she keeps away from the school though she also has a hidden cache of alcohol, you know, just in case.

That she's ashamed of her abilities, appearance and generally with the fact that she's a mutant. Ana knows that this would be the last thing either of her parents would want her to feel and that her father had instilled in her her whole life that she was perfectly perfect the way she was. She just couldn't see it the way he had.

There's also the fact that Anastasia is always naked. Her ability grants her the power to arrange her molecules in any way she desires, including into clothes and jewelry.


Anastasia suffered from an eating disorder that began when she was twelve which was triggered by her mutation. With the constant need to be in control of something, anything when her life seemed to be such chaos she grabbed onto the one thing that had turned against her. Her body. Waking up literally blue one morning did nothing to help matters, by this time her father was well aware that his daughter needed help which he acquired for her discretely. Til this day Anastasia still feels triggered to starve herself or work out maniacally when incredibly stressed. A fact she also tries to keep many secrets.

Synesthesia is something Ana has lived with her entire life and didn't know was abnormal until she was told that people didn't see things the same way she did. having Spatial Sequencing Synesthesia meant Ana saw numbers, dates and times surrounding her. She could point at the number eleven which could be to her right, Wednesday over her shoulder and the year 1989 near her left foot. There is some thought that people with SSS have superior memories though it is something Ana has neither proven or disproven.


Charming, sweet and quick, these were the things that came to mind when most people thought of Anastasia McCoy. Much like her father, Hank McCoy, Ana was extremely intelligent and surprisingly gregarious even though she was a naturally secretive and furtive child. Paired along with her curiosity, Ana was constantly found sneaking around, eavesdropping and being generally nosy and while not done out of ill will it was something that her father did his best to discourage. People had a right to their privacy and it wasn't right of her to take that away from them he'd told. Which as a spy for S.H.I.E.LD. had actually become her career, something which didn't seem to bother her father now that it was done in the name of justice.

Anastasia can be highly manipulative, an added tribute to her abilities, and is sometimes called out for being a bit of a control freak. Anastasia felt as though if she weren't in control of certain situations that they would never come into fruition. At least not like she saw them, she was methodical and painstaking in her planning and if she had to use her mutation to achieve her goals she wouldn't hesitate.

The shapeshifting mutant was incredibly loyal and ambitious, having already plotted the course she wanted for her career she was now trying to piece together some semblance of a private life. Something Anastasia had no idea how to do but was determined to succeed at.

【Armed And Dangerous...】
“ I am everyone and no one. Here and there and nowhere. Faceless and nameless is all you'll ever know. ”


Mutant Alias


Mutation Capabilities

Anastasia is a metamorph like her mother Mystique which means she has the ability to shift her cells into formations of other people. Even down to fingerprints, retina patterns, and voices. She is also able to reproduce the appearance of clothes, jewelry, weapons and other accessories.
Since Ana is capable of constantly shifting her cells they are constantly rejuvenating which retards the aging process while also giving her enhanced healing. Also has the ability to become immune to some toxins if introduced into her system.

+ Mistress of Disguise. Obviously

+ Enhanced Agility gained from either or both parent.

+ Knowledge and mastery of cutting edge weaponry

+ Extremely skilled actress

+ Enhanced memory of dates and times due to synesthesia

+ Highly trained in hand to hand combat as an assassin/spy

+ Adept in the reading and interpretation of other people's body language


Anastasia doesn't own much being able to replicate whatever she might need or given her weaponry by S.H.I.E.L.D. Though she has a few things she has kept through the years due to sentimental value.

+ Pocket Watch that once belonged to her father and his father and his father before him. It's silver and never keeps the right time but Ana cherishes it.

+ Compass. An old brass compass hanging from a tarnished old chain. Something that once belonged to her mother which she keeps tucked away in an old jewelry box.

+ Her irreplaceable record collection along with her record player

+ Her phone. Always her phone.

+ While Ana is capable of shifting into nearly anything her body mass remains the same. So even if she's assumed the form of someone who is seven feet tall and weighs 500 lbs she'll still only weigh 125 lbs.

+ Though she possesses enhanced healing it doesn't mean she is immortal. One good bullet to the brain and she'd be done for and while she does have a resistance to some disease and toxins she is not immune to everything.

+ Capable of holding forms for long periods of time though the "thinner" she is stretched the harder it is to hold. It can become very exhausting pretending to be someone else day in and day out, on your body and mind.

+ Quick to lose her temper when thwarted or feeling especially frustrated, something she becomes deeply ashamed of once it's retreated.

【A Glimpse Into The Past...】
“ Every saint has a past, Every sinner has a future.”



Anastasia was born on a snowy night to Raven and Henry McCoy, better known as Mystique and The Beast. She came into the world, perfect, pink and for all accounts and purposes quite normal much to the chagrin of her mother. The idea of once again having another child without a mutation was something Mystique never wanted to deal with. She loved her husband and she wanted to love her daughter and did her best to mask her disappointment. All Raven could hope for was that one day her daughter's mutation would manifest itself and she'd finally be able to breathe free.

Needless to say Ana was a complete daddy's girl, finding her gentle giant of a father to be fascinating and patient with his quite precocious daughter. Ana knew her mother kept her distance from her because she was afraid she'd be an average human, Ana had been old enough to see the relief in her mother's eyes when Junior had finally revealed his mutation. Anastasia knew that now all of Mystique's focus would be upon her, waiting for the day when her daughter would come into her own as well. Secretly the youngster hoped that the day would never come. How bad could it be to be "normal"?

It was shortly after Junior's mutant abilities made themselves known that Raven took her children and grandchild to Charles Xavier, knowing that this would be the safest place for them in the long run. At least for the ones who proved mutant. If Ana never showed any mutation she would at least be with her father. Either way that was the last time Anastasia ever saw her mother. They were never close but she hopes that wherever Mystique is she's alive and that one day Ana will have the chance to actually talk to her and perhaps learn from her.

After having been left behind by her mother, Ana became even closer to her father. Sharing his interests in literature, science and philosophy it was if she were a tiny Hank McCoy. Spending her first few years at the mansion exploring every nook and cranny, the girl had found quite a few hiding places to amuse herself in. She wasn't being trained or taught to use powers because she didn't have any and when her father was busy, which he often was, she was left to her own devices. Which usually consisted of spying, eavesdropping and learning secrets to be shared some other time. Anastasia was often reprimanded when caught and instead of stopping she just became better at staying hidden. Something that would prove to be an ability she would hone to an almost preternatural strength.

By the time Ana had reached eleven she'd begun to manifest certain symptoms of her mutation. Scraped knees were gone in no time, no more scars, no colds and this began to frighten her. Feeling as though she were losing control of herself and who she was becoming Anastasia developed an eating disorder, determined to gain control of the one thing that was turning against her. Her body. When she turned thirteen years old she was 5'7" and weighed 85 lbs, something which alarmed her family who couldn't help but to notice her gauntness if not her mutation. After having starved and stressed her body to it's maximum her mutation finally broke free and fully manifested itself. Anastasia was blue, and she didn't mean depressed. Her skin was now a pale blue, her eyes pale and strange and her hair now so black it was nearly blue. She was a shapeshifter, just like dear old mom. Where was she when you actually needed her was all Ana could think to herself as she watched her reflection slip back and forth between her two faces.

Terrified of what she saw now in the mirror Anastasia relied on her father to help come to terms with her mutation and even how to begin controlling it. It was also her father who organized a way to help his only daughter through her eating disorder. It took a lot of hard work and concentration but Anastasia was finally able to gain some semblance of control over life and her power in her late teens, it was then that S.H.I.E.L.D. approached her to join the fold as an agent of espionage. Something Anastasia jumped at, finally something she would be good at. Finally a way to step out of her family's shadow and perhaps a reason why she was born like this. Now she'd be able to prove her strength and that she wasn't a delicate flower that had to be watched and guarded at all times.

Having been an agent for nearly nine years, Anastasia has seen much, been many people and even had to kill a few. it wasn't something she dwelt on, it was her job and she was fighting for what she thought was right. At least what her father thought was right. After the events of M - Day Anastasia has returned swiftly back to what she considers home. To see what remained of her family and hopefully to find answers to how they were all supposed to live in peace and harmony now.

【Just A Little Extra...】
“ A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. ”

*All Optional*
Theme Song☜ Truth - Handsome Boy Modeling School


Hank McCoy - Father
Raven Darkholme - Mother
Kurt Wagner - Half brother
Eric Lensherr Jr. - Half Brother
Markus Wagner - Nephew


Anastasia is a fan of high fashion, though her tastes tend to stray towards classic, stylish vintage. when on her own time. Although to Anastasia it was as if her whole life was one big game of dress-up and make-believe

Thoughts on Humans

Ana is quite open-minded when it comes to her views on humans. Of course she'd prefer it if everyone could look past their differences and find a way to work towards peace but then she'd be putting herself out of a job.

So begins...

Anastasia McCoy's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy
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Anastasia McCoy stepped out of the back of the standard government issue vehicle that had picked her up at the airport and taken her straight to the mansion. Her home, she thought wistfully as she closed the car door behind her and saluted lazily to her driver. Traveling light a she always did, Ana watched the car disappear down the drive and absently wiped her damp palms on the front of the black trousers she was wearing. There was no luggage to struggle with, no bags to haul, she only had to drag herself inside and face reality. This place had been her home for years and to the young mutant it had always been a place of refuge. Two weeks ago that completely changed.

Squaring her shoulders and straightening her fitted black blazer Anastasia McCoy went in search of her family. There were any number of them and they could be anywhere. The men in her life. She thought to herself with a smile as she skipped up the stairs and slipped through the massive front door. Ana knew that her brother and nephew were probably up and about by now somewhere, the only question was where? Taking a moment to acclimate herself back to being at home she stretched lazily and laughed aloud when her stomach grumbled. The boys could wait, her stomach apparently, could not.

"Breakfast." She said aloud, as she headed in the direction of the kitchens. Ana might not find any of her family there but by now she was famished. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top espionage agent had been moving nonstop since the finish of her last assignment. The twenty-seven year old had been alone in Moscow doing reconnaissance, something she detested, when the events of M-Day happened. Feeling helpless as she read and watched television to keep as informed as she could before she finally finished up and took a flight home. Which she'd done eighteen hours ago. At this point her body was running on fumes and all she really wanted now was a cup of coffee and bacon.

Slipping unnoticed, as she usually was, into the kitchen Anastasia perked up at the smell of fresh brewed coffee. "Oh, thank god." She sighed as she effortlessly plucked a coffee mug from the top shelf above the coffee maker. Being 5'10" had it's advantages, but then again if she were 4'11" it still wouldn't have mattered. Hopping onto the counter she slowly began to sip her black coffee while nodding a greeting to the others who had gathered for breakfast. All Anastasia needed was caffeine and then she'd be ready to take on the world again.


Gasping for breath Fen awoke suddenly, instantly still, alert and confused as to where he was. He'd been waking up like this every day since he'd been found outside the mansion as if his body couldn't acclimate to a normal bed in a normal bedroom. Twisting and struggling out of the sheets that had wrapped themselves around his thin body in the night he fell onto the floor with a thud and groaned aloud. That's right. School. He remembered now. Picking himself up off the ground he tossed the sheet to the floor and began to make his way to the shower, stopping short when he remembered that it was inappropriate to roam the halls naked. At least that's what they told him his first day here. Quickly tugging on a pair of shorts that he found on the ground, he grabbed a change of clothes and a towel and exited the room that had been assigned to him. Fen liked showers and found the luxury of them to be fantastic. It made a remarkable difference on a person's psyche to be clean day in and day out.

Having spent spent fifteen minutes basking in water as hot as he could stand, Fen scrubbed himself clean, quickly toweled off and dressed in the faded jeans and t-shirt someone had left for him to change into, having left behind the shoes that he still didn't care to wear. Having been found in nothing but rags, the twenty-two year old werewolf was glad to have the clothes but the shoes seemed to be pretty useless as far as he was concerned. He would start small, someone had said that once. That was something he remembered...from somewhere.

Keeping to the shadows he found his way outside where he spent most of his time. Fen had consented to sleep in the mansion at the behest of some of the teachers. For his safety they said even though he'd never felt as safe as when he could see the sky above his head. A grin crossed his thin pale face as the sun hit him, a warmth he was unfamiliar with yet already loved. Taking a moment to glance around, his light blue eyes wide and wary like an animal's, Fen began his daily routine of exploring the grounds that surrounded the large mansion he was calling home now. For now he felt much more comfortable with the inhabitants outside, the shy young man was still working his way up to the inhabitants inside. Talking to people was something he was completely useless at and the thought of embarrassing himself yet again didn't appeal to him today.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Hurricane Character Portrait: The Raver Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair Character Portrait: Tulio Fury Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington
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#, as written by Vix


Tulio didn't know what to make of what just happened, but he did know this: his stats, his previous facts, screw them. Tommy was a changed man, one that Tulio wasn't sure if he trusted.

For starters, Tulio could tell that Tommy was getting aggravated. All the signs of a previous aggressive man were there - if he wanted to practice seeing those signs, he just had to look at Caelan. Regardless, Tommy's personality shifted in a way Tulio hadn't been expecting, and it all started with the simple statement of agreement. Tulio's eyes instantly began to fade back to their dark brown coloring upon hearing that he was right. While his face gave away nothing, besides its cold, mysterious exterior, the man was baffled on the inside, and completely thrown for a loop. Good thing he could hide his emotions near perfectly, or else he would have swore that Tommy would have laughed at him internally - another thing Tulio needed for his self esteem.

However, Tulio's face slowly did begin to recede to show a bit more emotion after Tommy finished agreeing with him: fatigue. Tulio was tired of having to be vicious to Cat's suitors, even though that fire burned day and night. He was tired of harassing Caelan and now Tommy, only to find out that Thomas had changed (Caelan hadn't, but it was still like punching a wall). Most of all, Tulio was just tired in general - he hadn't slept a wink since Cat had been unconscious, something that Tulio knew was going to lead to a serious crash in his nervous system, along with a few other functions. He was usually not one to crash like his sister did, but it was inevitable: when one does not sleep for two weeks, one crashes.

There was a minute of silence, one where Tulio continually held his somewhat cold and quiet facade while he watched as Tommy reigned in his emotions once more. Once again, another indication that the man had grown up while Tulio had remained the same - another blow of uncertainty to his self esteem. However, Tulio felt his nerves seemingly pinch in his head at being called Tutu. Tulio's jaw clenched a little, and the original hardness in his eyes returned, but they remained their original colour. Thomas had no right calling Tulio by his pet name, something that Jojo had been calling him for years and hadn't let anyone else dare call him that. Calling Tulio Tutu was like if a student called Caelan 'Cubs'; it was a death sentence waiting to happen. While Thomas (Tulio didn't feel right calling him Tommy now - the man known as Tommy was an idiot, but this Thomas... proved a little more dangerous) had made a good point in stating that it was up to his sister on whether or not he stayed, Tulio had nearly bypassed all of that logical reasoning just because that man had the audacity to call him Tutu. Tulio wasn't even sure if the man was trying to annoy him, get under his skin, or whatever angle a man like Thomas Castellano could get at.

Upon seeing Thomas' head turn towards Cat, Tulio's remained sturdy and unreadable. It was easy for a guy like Tulio to remain unreadable to most the folk - a combination of constantly conflicting emotions and a degree in criminal psychology could do that for a man. Nevertheless, Tulio watched Thomas the entire time as he spoke to Cat, knowing that she had all the power. And yet... Tulio knew what the outcome was going to be even before Jojo said a word. He could feel her raging emotions, and he knew that both of them didn't really know what to think about for Thomas. Regardless, there were two things that Tulio knew that decided the outcome. One - Cat had lingering feelings for the mob boss, which seriously tired Tulio out. Two - with the number of mutants being so low, Cat wouldn't be able to refuse a mutant that had claimed to give up everything - while she may not know how her heart felt, she knew it was still there.

So Tulio merely stood there, facing Thomas Castellano as his eyes pleaded that Cat take him in. After a while, he turned to his sister, but his eyes remained clouded and murky as they seemingly always did: after all, the eyes were the gateway to the brain. If you could read one by their eyes, you can read their very being.

Cataleia couldn't really do anything but blink and listen. When he mentioned that he had given up everything and left for her, an unexpected rage flared up in her. She listened to Tulio speak to Tommy before finally finding the strength to stand on her own. She could feel the slack-jawed gaze of others as she grabbed tightly onto her brother's shoulder to steady herself before she spoke, her tone as controlled as she could manage.

“I was with you for five months and left you because you were consumed by an ungodly darkness and seemed to no longer care for me. What you are telling me now is that it took you eight years to realize that you were sorry. Eight years to leave behind everything when I left everything and everyone without a second thought after you killed someone. Eight years you never called, texted, or visited to say you were sorry or to check up on me. Nothing. For the first five of those eight years, I worried that I'd look on the news and see your death or see you were put in prison or see a Wanted advert for you. Thomas...I'm not going to turn you away. I'm not that heartless. Charles would have taken you in. Ororo would have taken you in. So I will take you in....Eight years...”

Her tone was firm and she could see from her peripheral vision that she had earned a few nods of approval. “And...Don't ever call him Tutu. That is my name for him.” She frowned, though a few people around her chuckled. “Joe, please show him to a room. Everyone else – Get some breakfast and stop gawking. Show's over. We have a lot to do today, so chop-chop. Julio, Caelan, Ulric, Erik, Alex, Lina, Ben, George, and Ana! Meet me in my office in half an hour!” She didn't yell. She never had to yell. But her voice would carry and be heard by everyone within a fifty foot radius as though she were standing right next to them and having a friendly chat.

She put her personal feelings aside and a gentle smile on her face before turning to Joe. “I'll need you there as well, hun.” She didn't give Tommy a single glance, knowing she would only break into tears if her gaze lingered on him for too long. No doubt she'd find herself drinking and smoking with her cousin later that evening when others had called it a night. For now, she snapped herself into a strictly business state of mind, unwilling to further show any signs of weakness in front of so many. No, they needed to see that she was strong and would be able to take care of everyone.

Sighing, she released her grip on her brother's shoulder.

Caelan glanced at his little sister's who's mouth was full of what her friend Alexandra always referred to as “The Death Sandwich”. He had tasted it and it wasn't...that bad. Anastasia McCoy had walked in just as Alex mentioned where Julio might be and Caelan gave all three of the ladies a light wave. He began to walk out, heading for Ulric's office when Alex made her last statement which inevitably earned her a nice middle finger from him.

He paused a moment outside of the kitchen, his keen sense of smell picking up a very distinct cologne and his hearing picking up an even more distinct voice. His lips literally curled back over his teeth as a rather animal-like growl rumbled in his chest. He was quick to push out of the way everyone that stood between him and the man that he was going to tear apart limb from limb. He paused his war march as Tulio started speaking. After the two men exchanged words, there was a silence as Cataleia brought herself to her feet.

Caelan was afraid of what she was going to say. He knew she wasn't going to turn him out. Him staying meant that he was going to try and get back on her good side. He was going to try to take her from him again. He wasn't going to let that happen – It would be a cold damn day in hell. He listened to her words, clenching his fists as she granted him permission to remain. His stomach knotted up as he saw the pain and hurt in her eyes. The sadness that made her radiant glow slowly grow dim. But, Cat being Cat perked back up quickly and got straight to business, doling out orders.

He took that brief moment to move towards her, blocking her view of the mobster. He towered over her quite a bit, reaching to her face with his hand. He felt a bit better as she tilted her head to the side, letting herself rest her head into his hand as she closed her eyes. “Couldn't find Jules. He's probably in Ulric's office again. Which you should probably be there right now, too. C'mon baby.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead before wrapping an arm about her waist protectively. He gave Tulio a curt, respectful nod and regarded Tommy only with a warning snarl before heading down the eastern hall.

When they approached the doctor's office, Zalika was sitting on a nearby shelf, speaking in low tones to her husband. Cat gave them both a cheery smile and a wave before being ushered into Ulric's office by Caelan, who's hand she had grabbed on the way there. Sure enough, Julio was there. Cat gave them both a smile and a wave before glancing at the boy with wings that was just waking, rubbing his face. She and Caelan moved to the side as he stumbled his way out of the room. He was met with a hiss and answered with a shriek. Cat giggled as he tore down the hallways. Oh, Zee. Caelan enjoyed a chuckle as well, picking up Cat and setting her on the cot where the boy once was.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoey Craven Character Portrait: Cortez Craven Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Tarot
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Cortez woke with a start. He lay on his back and stared up at the ceiling, watching the ceiling fan spin for a moment. He had a horrible nightmare. One where Zoey was literally pried from his arms. He could still hear her screaming his name as they dragged her off calling her a mutant freak. Cortez dropped a hand over his eyes and sighed. It was just a dream. The same damn dream but a dream nonetheless. He sat up. Maybe he could talk to Lina about this. He was by no means a psychic but it's been said that even humans have had premonitions. He hoped to high heaven that wasn't the case. That would mean he failed to protect his sister. No matter that he died in the process, all he cared about was protecting her and in his dream he failed. He took a deep breath and sat up, his chocolate hair fell in front of his face as he cracked his neck. He looked over sleepily at the clock on his bed side table. Shocking, He wasn't exactly late to breakfast, surely Zoey was wide awake but she woke with the sun half to the time, whereas he woke with the moon, or at least wanted to.

He showered and dressed in a simple graphic tee and loose jeans, he slide on his Converses and made his way toward his baby sister's room.


Zoey sat in her new room. She was still getting use to this whole 'being mutant' thing so it was strange. Everyone was so different, some had tails, others hand wings, she could have sworn one was had green hair. This was gonna take some getting use to. She had Cortez though. He'd been a mutant for a while now. Their parents had kicked him out for being one. She was sure that they'd do the same to her, if given the chance. Maybe not. She was making them a great deal of money being that she was an actress and all. Not that it mattered. The very night she discovered her powers, Cortez and Lina came to get her. She adored Lina. She spoiled her to bits and Cortez really liked her. He really really liked her. Zoey giggled a bit to herself thinking about it.
Just then there was a knock at her door. Climbing out of bed, already dressed in a pink and black tutu, a jean vest, a black shirt with rainbow sleeves, and calf high sparkling converse. She made her way to the door, She opened it to find her brother leaning against the door with a crooked grin. “ Morning, Twerpette, Ready to go?” He asked. She made a face. Why he called her that, she would never know. It didn't matter. “I've been ready, I was waiting for you.” She said and gave him a hug. He hugged her back. She really missed her brother when he left but now he was here everyday, she'd see him in the morning and before bed. He picked her up and put her on his back. “ Okay, so, You remember which rooms are off limits right?” He asked as they made their way down toward the kitchen. “ Yes.. I know.” Zoey huffed. “I know.” She said and Cortez chuckled some. “Alright.” He said as they entered the Kitchen. “Morning All!” Cortez greeted Alex, Ana and Lina as he and Zoey smiled and waved. “Hi.” She chirped and slid off of Cortez' back. She ran over to give Lina a hug. It was good to see a familiar face, even though she just met her, recently.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Raver Character Portrait: Zoey Craven Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Cortez Craven Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Prism
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Ana sipped on her coffee and nearly did a spit take as she heard Cat's voice as if the other woman were standing right next to her. It had been over a decade since the two had first met and Anastasia never got use to it. Cat usually said it was because Ana was so high strung that any slight disturbance caused the spy to flip out to which Ana pointed out that it was her job to have a heightened sense of awareness. Needless to say they agreed to disagree. "Never gonna get use to that." She muttered to herself as she waved at Caelan as he briefly made an appearance in the kitchen and just as quickly exited. Knowing that she had at least half an hour before she would meet with Cat and most importantly her brother, she decided to begin breakfast.

Hopping down from the counter she sat her nearly empty mug of coffee down and opened the fridge. Gathering eggs and bacon she set to preparing herself a thoroughly unhealthy breakfast. As the smell of frying bacon filled the air Anastasia took note of the new arrivals to the kitchen, she'd never met them before and gave the duo, who looked to be siblings, a quick, warm grin. "Good Morning." She called cheerfully, momentarily forgetting the reason she was back at the school, instead reveling in the feeling of once again being a part of the community that was so warm and inviting at the estate.

Finishing up her breakfast, the tall brunette made herself a plate and left behind any leftovers for whoever might be hungry. Refilling her coffee Ana once again perched herself on the counter and began to nibble at her breakfast, growing more nervous as the minutes ticked away until she would be face to face with everyone again. Although as she took note of George's entrance into the kitchen the meeting seemed to fade from view. She'd had a crush on her teacher, former teacher for over a decade and her heart always went a bit pitter-patter when he was near out of sheer habit probably.

"Good morning, George. You look well." She called in greeting as she deftly broke off a piece of crisp bacon and took a bite.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair Character Portrait: Tulio Fury Character Portrait: Zoey Craven Character Portrait: Druid Character Portrait: Cortez Craven Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy
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As the events unfolded around him, Tulio merely stared off into space. His cloudy brown eyes had somewhat glassed over while everybody else continued on with their lives. It was as if Tulio had merely taken a step back from reality and watched as everything happened, not being a part of anything.

it all started with Cat's response to Thomas, with her emotions finally reining themselves in so that Tulio could breath a little easier. She conveyed her frustration towards Thomas in being absent - Tulio didn't really care about this part as much, since he didn't want him with his sister regardless - and even added a little jab at the end about his pet name. Tulio gave hard stares at those that thought it was funny, to which they promptly shut their mouths and averted their eyes from his. Jojo then made a statement for certain individuals to make appearances in her room, which Tulio knew also meant him. After all, as the second to the Headmistress, any meeting was his meeting. Think of him as VP, if you will.

Caelan then thought that right now would be a good time to show his own face as well, and Tulio watched as Caelan made more of an impact on Thomas than any of Tulio's words, and he did it with only a few words and gestures. When Caelan gave Tulio a curt nod, he was obligated to return it, albeit with the always present annoyance that Tulio held towards Caelan. Not only did Tulio dislike Caelan, but after he was basically upstaged by the Neanderthal, Tulio held a little more anger towards Caelan and himself. Sure, Tulio had spoken razers, but as that annoying saying went: actions sometimes spoke louder than words.

Tulio then watched Joe lead Thomas away, and the foyer to the Academy slowly began to clear itself of people as they all went their separate ways. Caelan led Cat away - much to his annoyance - and soon Tulio was basically alone, still standing in the same place. His thoughts were wandering constantly and randomly, thinking about everything and nothing. He even ignored some random students that were either trying to get by him or impress him or something - Tulio didn't know.

A deep sigh was soon released from Tulio, which he had hoped would remove the tension, nerves and worries from his body to no avail. Sure he was thrilled that Cat had awoken, but during her two weeks absense Tulio had only slept 2 or 3 times and for no longer than 3 hours. The bags under his eyes were starting to get a little more visible than he normally liked them to be, but what could he do? Sleep only came to him in either the form of a black out, or after hours of activity. 'Trying' to fall asleep for Tulio was like asking Caelan to do algebra; it was virtually impossible and quite frustrating to watch.

Needless to say, Tulio knew he would have to move soon. Thinking that food would probably be of the most aid to him, Tulio checked his watch before descending the rest of the stairs. 9:56 AM. Tulio had a little under 30 minutes to make his way to her office, which offered enough time for food. He sombered his way towards the kitchen, with the smells of food blasting him in the face a few feet from the doorway, and his stomach suddenly grumbling in protest. Tulio guessed that he probably hadn't eaten for a while, so it would be good to get something.

As soon as he entered, he nearly lost his somber look to be replaced by one of surprise and raging emotions. Of all the people to be in the same room at the same time, it had to be Orfy and Alex. He should have been able to smell her extreme sandwhich, but he must have not registered it when he did. Awkwardly enough, however, it was much easier to block his emotional value for Orfy this time round, as he had been practicing - for Alex, Tulio always was able to block hers out, as he had done so for years now. At this time, he also noticed that Anastasia, Cortez, and Zoey were there, along with his cousin Julio and that kid Fen. To Julio, Tulio gave one of his soft, small smiles which were usually reserved for people he held close. Regardless of the boy's hobbies or English skills, Tulio always held some sentiment towards his little cousin. The other four? Well, he had been on a mission or two with Anastasia, but the sentiment and trust was equal throughout all four: he was neutral to them all.

Keeping with his known demeanor of silence and mystery, Tulio simply walked over to the stove while nodding to those that gave him good mornings. As soon as he did, he grabbed the necessities he was after: a kettle, tea leaves, tea bag, spoon and a muffin from the fridge. In no time, he was already boiling water on the kettle while grinding the tea leaves to the bottom of his tea cup. He did so methodically and slowly, taking his time while the water in the kettle boiled. It was just how he did things: sure they were the older ways of practice, but Tulio held them in high regards. After all, the medieval people were able to hold their own throughout most of the 9th centaury without an internet connection, so why couldn't he?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair Character Portrait: Tulio Fury Character Portrait: Zoey Craven Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Druid Character Portrait: Cortez Craven
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0.00 INK


Alex's only response to Caelan's middle finger is a brief grin, one which fades back into a smile when she is distracted by the familiar voice of the headmistress, informing her, among others, that they are to go and visit her within the next half hour. Her eyes widen marginally, and Alex cannot help but glance in Lina's direction, wondering if the red haired girl had already known that Cat has woken up, and chose to not reveal this fact to her. If this is the case, it is likely due to her lack of a deep connection with Cat--so Alex tells herself, anyway. Lina has always been of the secretive variety, but she'd like to believe that the girl would have told her something so relevant and so soon to be revealed. The sound of the coffee maker starting back up draws her eye briefly towards Anastasia, but brief is the key word in this sentence, as she is not particularly close to Ana and has no real sentiments in regards to her, other than a slight disdain for her apparent habit of occasionally gossiping. After all, Alex is the sort of person who has, despite being normally quite friendly and polite, dropped platters of food onto people's heads when she heard them gossiping about those she cares for.

One of the teachers, George, enters the kitchen without saying much, though he is acknowledged by Ana upon entering the room. Following his arrival, a familiar voice greets them as Cortez and Zoey, siblings who have recently come to the institute, make their way towards the growing number of people who find themselves inside the kitchen. "Good morning- and hello," Alex responds brightly smiling once more as she walks over towards the refrigerator and pulls out what will be her own meal form the morning: a bottle of Dr. Pepper. She has never been one for eating large breakfasts, the sort who gets by until lunch with a handful of pretzels at the most. Only adding to the gathering is the arrival of two more people: Fen and Julio, who show up together. They've been attached at the hip recently, it seems, and always seem to be relatively near to each other: it's good, because Fen is still adjusting to this new lifestyle.

"Good morning," the blond young woman repeats, this time addressing Julio and Fen, before taking a drink of her fresh bottle of Dr. Pepper. Her mother used to warn Alex that she would rot her teeth out, but obviously the words of caution did little to diminish her love for several brands of soda. They were horribly processed and altogether terrible for you, but Alex can't bring herself to care enough to stop. Thus, she doesn't. "Really? I'd better stay away, then- I burn toast," Alex jokes, though there are undertones of truth clear to anyone who has witnessed her making an actual attempt at cooking. It simply isn't her thing, regardless of what she tries. Perhaps with the microwave, she can fix it to zap meals to perfection, but that really is the peak of her abilities.

The last, for the moment, person to enter the kitchen is the brother of the headmistress. He is a somewhat brooding looking man, with a sharp intellect. He and Alex interact, of course, but she has never really formed a proper opinion of him, in all honesty, though she admires his mind, if nothing else. He does not verbally greet them, and Alex immediately nods to him in acknowledgement, following his pattern of rather simple good mornings with this small motion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Prism
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0.00 INK

As George headed to the fridge to collect a few eggs for his omelet Ana greeted him. He quickly said, "Hello, Ana. Good morning." With his head in the fridge he began whistling while he looked for his organic, free-range eggs. He found them, plucked them up, and took them to the table. He drummed his fingers on his chin for a moment, his eyes closed. He returned to the fridge and puled out a red bell pepper, an onion, and a block of goat cheese. Dodging the many people in the kitchen and almost gagging at the remains of a horrid sandwich that could only be the work of Orfelina, he returned to the stove. He unburdened himself, grabbed a skillet, and entered his thinking pose yet again, muttering under his breath. Then he quickly opened his eyes and turned to Anastaisia. "Oh my! You're back! This morning, yes?" He walks over to her beaming, "I surely hope it was this morning or I've simply missed you for days on end, and that wouldn't do at all." He extends his hand to her for a handshake. "How have you been darlin? Can I make you an omelet?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Summers Character Portrait: The Hurricane Character Portrait: The Raver Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair Character Portrait: Tulio Fury Character Portrait: Zoey Craven
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
“Strange – That's usually Zee's effect on people.” She gave a light giggle and ran her fingers through her colorful, yet mostly pink hair. “I'm fine. I feel great. Just a few aches here and there. Little case of the jelly legs. But its normal. Give me another hour or so and I'll be right as rain.” She spoke nonchalantly, almost cheery as she swung her feet back and forth. While this had only happened once before, she remembered the “quick” recovery and didn't think too much of it. The first time had done it was an attempt to make it from her S.H.I.E.L.D. training to her Microbiology class on time. She had traveled at the speed of light and was there before anyone even noticed she had left. But she materialized naked in her dorm room and didn't wake up for a whole week.

“Ah, shit. I need to call daddy. Sorry, Ric! You can check my pulse and stuff later, kay?” She nearly punched herself in the face for not making a call to her dad her first priority. He was probably having a heart attack right about now! She slid down from the cot and gave Ulric a tight hug before moving to Caelan, leaning up on her tiptoes and kissing his nose before dashing out the door. She gave several smiles and waves on her way down the halls to her office.

Closing the door behind her, she pulled out her phone and called up her father. She sat in her “Big Boss” chair and spun around, waiting for him to pick up. She didn't bother putting him on speaker phone as she sat down her iPhone in her lap. It took three rings before he picked up the phone. “Cat?! Is that you? Are you alright? Her father's voice was frantic – Jeez, he was worse than Tulio. She sighed and smiled softly. “Yeah, daddy. I'm alright. Just a headache and the jelly legs. That's it. I just wanted to call and let you know that I'm doing fine.” She could hear her father sighing in relief, but knew that he was still worried.

“Good. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to watch over you – But I had some business to take care of. The others are with me. Sweetheart...A Bill is being pushed. One that will require every mutant, every super human, every single person that seems just a little bit more than human to register with the United States Government. They will have to give up their names, addresses, information on their family, their capabilities, occupation. Just...everything. There's talk of using them for testing and...God. But its against Constitutional Rights, so it won't pass. Though, I want you guys to be extra safe just in case – These guys don't plan on playing fair.”

Cat had stopped spinning in her chair.

In the kitchen, Lina smiled as her friends filed in one after the other, offering waves and soft hellos. Seeing Tulio come in, she gave only a simple nod. There was absolutely nothing in her body language – not even a single, miniscule, out of place twitch – that would denote the secret she was harboring. She went about as she did every other time she saw him, though she admittedly had to force her heart not to race. It was then that her crappy phone finally received the text message that Benjamin had sent, a light smile crossing her lips as her thumbs moved slowly across the keys to reply.

\\Burn. Burn the house. On hands and knees. Coughing. Out we will crawl. Captured. Tagged and bagged. Chained. Pain. Thus marks the fall of all mutant kind. Our beacon of hope. Our light. Snuffed out. Taken away. Leaving us all alone. No hope. No life.//

Lina was about to hit send, but her phone clattered to the floor and her eyes began to glow. Her tone was dark, her face contorting into a look of grim disdain. The vision she saw was not a pretty one. Everyone seemed happy at first, but then men in black suits came. They surrounded their home and set it to fire. They threw grenades and shot most people that tried to run away. Crosses were being put up. More people nailed to them. Tulio and....Why were Tulio, Julio, and Cat leaving? No. They weren't leaving. They were being taken away. By...Thor? And a woman. She didn't know the woman. And...Fen. He was leaving, too. A grey Lycan walking alongside Loki. Why were they being taken away?! They were needed here! Lina called out after them, running across the lawn. But she cried out in pain as she felt a sharp pain in her chest. Then sticky warmth...Everything went blurry. Fire, people running, screaming. Her father and Caelan running for her. Captured. Then it all went dark.

As the glow in her eyes receded, she crumpled to the floor. “We have to go. Now...Before they come.” She had curled into the fetal position, shaking her head and grasping her hair as though she were about to pull it out. She could soon feel her brother's strong arms wrap around her. Caelan had left after speaking with Ulric, having asked him to check on Cat anyways. He didn't know what she saw, but he didn't like the way it sounded. “Tulio, I need you to get the rest of the team and have everyone pack up in a calm and collected manner. Tell them that we're moving out soon. To get the children away from the freaks at the gate.” He gave the man a nod before heading towards Cat's office. It could take a while to figure out where they were going and how they would get there unnoticed, but surely Cat had a few tricks up her sleeves.

All Tulio had heard was the sound of something hit the floor, and instantly some off feelings started to brew - somewhat like his tea (bad time for jokes, but he has to make a few sometime). Tulio turned around, his eyes widening as he realized it was Orfy that had dropped the phone. She looked in pain for a few seconds, and then literally fell to the floor. Tulio dropped the tea bag instantly and nearly ran to her when he heard her speak in a low tone and Caelan suddenly appeared. Tulio hadn't a clue where the man had come from, but was actually quite relieved: while Tulio could merely put off that he was just running to a friend, he didn't want to take any chances with their secrets coming loose. Tulio blinked once more, his eyes falling back to their original position as Caelan told him to collect the rest of the team and get everyone out of the mansion.

While Tulio normally didn't like taking orders from Caelan, he instantly relented and nodded: right now wasn't the time for petty emotional values to get in the way. Tulio walked towards them as Caelan raced out the door with his sister, with Tulio noticing that nobody had grabbed her phone. Feeling the need to make sure he returned it, he bent down to pick it up, and as luck would have it the screen was still bright with life and facing up, allowing Tulio to read what she was about to text to Benjamin. Burn the house? The.... fall of mutant kind? Tulio almost stopped reading right there, he was almost sick. Tulio, now having seen all of Orfy's memories and entirety, knew that she had this Chronovision mutation, which Tulio roughly guessed meant something to do with seeing into time. If that was the case, what was she talking about? Tulio's grip on the phone became taught, before shoving it into his pocket to stand.

He scanned the entire room, his dark eyes scanning each and every person in the room. Only instead of cloudy, distant thoughts that usually glittered his eyes, they were clear: still dark, but strict and a little authoritative. Now was the time for action, and Tulio was not going to let this place burn because some worthless humans were jealous. "You heard the man. Begin preparations for mass evacuation of the students and staff - keep the younger children under the pretense that this is a drill to avoid having panic spread amongst them. That is the last thing we need now." It was as if Tulio had become an entirely different man.

Gone was the distant thoughts, the wispy soft voice, the quiet mannerisms: when it came to game day, Tulio became a hardened, disciplined man. Sure he was serious most of the time, but when it came to missions and possible attacks? Tulio became uncaring for nonsense and excuses. "Julio, George, Alexandra, meet me in Cat's office in 5 minutes after establishing the protocol and procedures to the rest of the staff to execute. Any other X-Men you find, send them there." He scanned the rest, and without another word swiftly moved out the door towards where he had guessed where the rest of the team was: huddled around Ulric's office. He had a hunch that Caelan would be taking Orfy to see Cat, so he decided that it would be the most logical to send the X-men to the Head Mistresses office, as it would make things easier when everyone was together

Nearing the medical room where Ulric was usually found, Tulio spotted Zalika and Eric in some form of conversation. Hating to interrupt but knowing that he had to, Tulio spoke in the same straight, low voice and in Ulric's direction so he could hear it. "Ulric, set in motion the evacuation protocol for the sick - drill today." Tulio knew that Ulric would understand what he meant by stating it was a drill. In a lower voice, he spoke to the married duo. Probable attack on the Academy. Team's forming up in Cataleia's office in 5 - help Ulric if you so wish and inform him."

Knowing that Zalika wasn't really one for being all soft and stuff, he made it at least sound optional to help out Ulric so that Tulio didn't get his head bitten off. Tulio knew of Zalika's powers - and Eric's mutation was seriously no laughing matter - so he didn't like offending an asset of the team. Besides, offending people wasn't what he did.

With that, Tulio continued on towards the classrooms, assisting in the evacuation wherever he could. When those 5 minutes are to be up, he would move back to Cat's office, but for now, he acts.

Ulric smiles warmly at Cat's jest, certainly glad that the headmistress is up and about once more. It will save him plenty of trouble, as Zee tends to do a little bit less damage when Cat is there to take care of students that might otherwise turn towards the more vicious woman. Perhaps the difference is not too significant, but enough that he can expect to have a slightly more peaceful time than he has had for the past two weeks. Then again, with the escalating hostilities towards Mutants, something only increased within the past fortnight, this will be only a shred of respite from the tensions constantly weighing down on everyone.

Being a pacifist, he very much dislikes the idea of the pressure prompting actions which may lead to a full out war, and is optimistic enough to hope that such an outcome might be avoided. He was raised among humans just as much as mutants, after all, and knows that not all humans are as malicious as those who stand outside the institute gates, screaming dreadful profanities at frightened youths, who already have enough to deal with as they try to manage the development of their abilities.

Not all of them were born to mutant parents, as he was, or even to parents who are supportive of who they are. In fact, several of them have to keep their identities a secret from their own family members, or were cast out by those who they are bound to by blood, sneered at and viewed as freaks among their kin. The idea of such treatment mortifies Ulric, as though he is ashamed on behalf of a people that he doesn't actually belong to. That has always been his personality, though.

"I'm sure you will be, but I'm obligated to check over your vitals anyway. Humor me?" Ulric asks, turning towards his desk to get out a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope. Of course, before he can so much as reach them, Cat releases a swear and a spoken realization of her need to call her father. "Well, can I just-" but before he can finish the sentence, Cat has given him a quick embrace, kissed Caelan on the nose, and disappeared down the hallway. Although he releases a sigh in response to all of this, Ulric can not grudge her a call to her father, being one himself. But now is not the time for him to dwell on his own daughter- those thoughts he generally tries to reserve for when he is alone, and no one can see him worry.

"Can you follow her and make sure that she doesn't collapse on the way there, please?" the doctor turns towards Caelan, crossing his mind and offering a gentle smile to pair with the request, though he knows that the man is unlikely to have any problems with chasing after Cat--he seems to be constantly doing it, after all. As expected, the elder Howlett sibling takes off almost immediately, following the woman down the hallway. Watching him go, Ulric rubs the back of his neck and releases a small yawn. There doesn't seem to be any business for him to deal with, and thus the man sits down in his chair and leans back, staring through the window and up at the infinite blue sky. He is fortunate to have a view of the back of the institute, and therefore doesn't have even the slightest view of the protestors.

All the same, he is not allowed even the smallest moment of peace. Although neither had intended for it to happen, Orfelina's sudden vision, with its great strength, glimmers through Ulric's mind. Of course, given that it hadn't been intentional, he feels the vision rather than sees it, and is suddenly overcome with an immense pain that makes him visibly flinch. What was that? he wonders, immediately concerned that someone near by is in pain. The doctor is already walking towards the door when Tulio comes into view and addresses him. Immediately understanding, Ulric nods and walks further into his office. There are two doors in his office; one door is to exit into the hallway, and the other is into the larger clinic. His own office has a cot for immediate treatment, but those who are terminally ill, don't want him to treat them (a case for some of the more stubborn patients), or have some other reason to stay longer than they otherwise would, are in the clinic through that door.

For the moment, there are only a few people in the room, and he is able to organize and evacuate them. One remains, a resting patient who had gone through a somewhat taxing treatment after being assualted and nearly killed by the mob. The patient has a mutation that is rather harmless, being a healer as Ulric is, though her mutation is peculiar in that she takes on the pain of other people, relieving others at her own cost. She is an empath on top of this, a skill that Ulric has always found to be rather lonely. The doctor goes and wakes her up instructing the young girl, for she is only ten years old, that there is a drill. "Come on, there's an evacuation drill," he tells her, but the girl only blinks at him drowsily and turns back over to fall asleep once more. He simply scoops her up in his arms, then, and walks out to where Zee and Eric are.


Roll back a few minutes and switch the scene to the kitchen, where Alex is smiling, not minding the growing number of people inside the kitchen, for it is large enough to fit them all with ease. When she sees her friend take out her archaic phone, the young woman grins teasingly. "You really should upgrade, Lina- that thing is practically a-" her sentence goes unfinished, for the light-hearted mood vanishes the moment that her friend drops the cellular device to the ground, causing it to slide away from her a few inches. The smile on her face fades until only a small remnant of it, forced into place, lingers. "Lina-" she begins again, extending a hand towards her friend to grab her on the shoulder. The hand misses as Orfelina shrinks down into a fetal position, pulling desperately at her vividly red hair as though trying to pull something out of her mind.

Alex falls onto her right knee beside the girl, but it is Caelan that wraps an arm around his younger sister, seeming to appear out of absolutely nowhere. He speaks with a clear and authoritative voice, his serious expression removing memories of the man who had only a while ago stuck his middle finger out at her for joking about him being kicked out from the sickroom. Needless to say, Alex is frightened, and she can feel goosebumps rising on her arms. The young woman rubs her right forearm to make them go away before turning her attention to Tulio.

The tone in his voice is equally as startling as Caelan had been, for it shifts from quiet and vague to clear cut and forceful. Giving him her attention seems natural, as he immediately steps into the position of giving orders. Alex nods in response, the smiles from earlier having left completely in order to make room for an expression to better reflect the sudden gravity of the situation. After he has left the room, she turns towards George and Julio, trying to offer a slight smile, though it seems completely out of place in this situation. "I'll get the kids from the younger classes," she informs them, knowing that she will be able to keep up the facade of a drill rather well. Besides, many of the younger students know her well, because she likes to tinker and make toys for them all. After speaking, she gives the reassuring smile once more before exiting the room as well.

It is a brisk walk to reach the younger wings, but feels like miles until she reaches the part of the school. The young woman stops in each class to inform the teachers of the situation and relay Tulio's instructions. Her next stop is the dormitories, in case any students are still in their rooms at the moment. Her thoughts dance between the children, Orfelina, and the situation in its entirety. Five minutes. . .just one more dorm to check, though, Alex tells herself, having gathered a duck line of younger students that follow behind her, some complaining and some deathly silent. Finding no one in the last rooms, she leads the group that she has built up, composed of perhaps six children, towards the other classrooms so that they can regroup with their schoolmates before she goes to Cat's office.

As the Headmistress was informed in detail of her beloved friend's vision, she had waited for her team to gather. Things seemed to be going rather smoothly at first. They had plans to head for the Avengers' Tower because it was nearby and they were allies and family with government pull and popularity amongst American citizens that they might never achieve. Everyone had packed what was most important to them. All that was left was the clearing of the house. Cataleia had found herself in full uniform for the first time in a while, thinking that her colorful hair went quite well with it. She cleared her throat before addressing the school.

“I know that you've all been told that this is a drill, but its not. I'm not going to lie to you. There are people coming for us.” She paused and rolled her eyes at the shouts of lying and betrayal and false hope before closing her eyes and shouting loud enough that every window rattled. “Enough! Not once did we ever say that our walls were impenetrable. Not once did we say that as long as you're here, nobody would ever bother you. We gave no false hope at all. What we gave was a promise. A promise that as long as a single one of us is breathing, we will still fight this war. A promise that as long as we can still fight, we will defend you. A promise that we would never abandon you.”

Some had piped down while others grumbled. There were a few children crying and many people left. They simply pushed their way rudely past the crowd, elbowed the X-Men out of their way, and left. Cataleia didn't stop them. If they didn't want to stay, she wasn't going to hold them prisoner. As soon as the door closed behind them, Lina fell to the floor. “They're here!” It was a blur of movement as the X-Men (plus one or two guests) put the house on lock down and stood their ground outside and watched as their exterminators rolled in. Tanks, SUVs, jets, and helicopters coming upon their lawn with men and women ready to gun them down.

That battle was their first since the war began.

But not their last.

The numbers have dwindled down to quite a pathetic number as compared to before. The battle was a short one, but hard fought. It was neither a win nor a loss that Cataleia lead to them, but perhaps a draw. Deadman would call it a win because none of their enemies walked away alive. But, the mutants that Xavier's once house...well. They were divided. As the battle began, many ran outside in hopes to help. They had no experience and were quickly gunned down. Then you had those who thought to escape from the back. They ran and nobody has heard from them. All in all, few mutants left Xavier's that morning. At least compared to the amount there was before.

Raver, Nexus, Prodigal, Hurricane, Tarot, Techna, Deadman, Red Son, Masquerade, Prism, Wonderland, Oz, Paragon, Wraith, Seraph, Fen, Druid, Rewind, Persuasion, Xerox, Yin, and Yang as well as about seven others. They were the ones that stuck together. They were the ones that made it out and had found themselves in the bayou country. Those without vehicles being shoved into the extras of Cataleia and Orfelina's. Cat thought they everyone who could drive should drive. She didn't want everyone piled into the “X-Calade” for fear of being caught. Everyone in their own individual vehicles would be easier for splitting up. They didn't travel completely together, everyone taking different routes so that they didn't appear suspicious.

The Avengers' Tower was out of the question. Nobody could know where they were. They played it safe and assumed that their lines were tapped as well as those of the Avengers and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. It was presumed by the public that they were all dead. But Stryker knew better – He investigated the scene himself and he saw that there were few bodies, none of them being who he wanted them to be. He saw many cars missing and many things from the house. Sad part for him is that he had no idea where they would head.


“Uncle Remy! Look!”

Lina hopped off of her Big Dog Pit Bull, pulling out of her pocket what looked to be a used .45 round. “Can you believe it?!” The gypsy girl looked as though they had just arrived at the Carnival – Not once had she ever shown this much joy in front of anyone at Xavier's. Why was she so happy as she parked her motorcycle and put it up on its kickstand? Maybe because she saved the life of one of her best friends who happened to be her secret lover. Maybe because she got shot in the face for him. Maybe because she got shot in the face saving him and the bullet was simply pushed out of her body and not even a scar was left. She had a headache, which her brother assure her that getting shot in the head anywhere was something you never get used to, but other than that she was perfectly fine.

She threw her arms around the neck of a rugged-looking man who had the same eyes as one of Julio's.

“Lookit dat, cherie! You gon' be like yo' pop and big brother after all, eh? Good fo' you. I'ma gon' go 'head and find somethin' to put a real small hole in it and we gon' string it up into a necklace like yo' daddy and brother got.” The man wrapped her up in a large hug and spun her around before looking around some.

“Oh! Don't worry – Everyone else is coming. They're fine.”

She had noticed the look of worry in his eyes and immediately knew he was looking to see where everyone else was. Fortunately, she would stop every now and again so that she could use her ability to check the present and check on her friends. They were all fine and on their way. She was still shivering with excitement, bouncing in her godfather's arms before noticing his house, her jaw dropping. Xavier's was larger, but she didn't think that he actually bought a mansion. She thought he was exaggerating. “Holy shit. You really did buy a mansion.” Remy only laughed, though he had a bit of a prideful gleam in his eyes.

Lina, strangely, could not bring herself to be worried or even a bit depressed over the battle at Xavier's. She was still focusing on the fact that she took a shot to the face and lived and also the fact that those closest to her were still alive. Even her father was on his way to Gambit's! She had caught him on the road on the way there and he said he just needed to make a pit stop first. She felt invincible. Unstoppable. She vowed that with her new power, she would make sure that she would never give up the fight. No more sitting on the sidelines!

She pulled out a cigarette and her father's lighter, taking a deep drag and exhaling with a faint smile. The humans wanted war? They got it.

[OOC: I will get up Cat's, Julio's, Caelan's, Zee's, Markus', Brian's, Sophia's, and Skylar's by this weekend (: If you want to collab with me, just give me a holler and let me know. I will also be finishing Caelan's CS as well as working on the other four!]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Joe Rogers Character Portrait: Tarot Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Joe Rogers Character Portrait: Tarot Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois Character Portrait: Prism
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Adelaide looked up at the man who'd called himself Joseph Rogers and saw him for the first time truly. A look of confusion crossed her elfin face as she tilted her golden blonde head and smiled cooly at him. "Thanks for telling the truth. I would've known either way but I must say it's refreshing." Letting her sunglasses slip back over her large eyes she let a true grin cross her face at the explanation of his mutation. Adelaide had always harbored envy for mutants whose powers were obviously powerful, something explosive that they could defend themselves with. All she had was the gift of reading emotions and if she was real calm and collected she could control them. The young girl could barely remember the last time she felt calm or even slightly collected.

"It's nice to meet you Joe, I think you might be the first person here who has actually talked to me like an adult. I appreciate that." The young parisienne finished as she watched the man control the bluish white energy with a small flick of his hand. Bending down she began to pluck at the small white flowers that dotted the lawn, deftly taking the small flowers and swiftly chaining them together. "They're going to make me start classes soon, you don't happen to be a teacher or anything?" She wondered aloud, thinking it might not be too bad to be stuck in a classroom with someone like Joe. He made her feel safe and she hadn't had that since she was ten years old.

With a sudden gasp she lurched forward violently, the stitches holding her still healing abdomen together tearing as a wave of emotions hurtled down upon her. Adelaide was never quite prepared for this kind of thing and to be honest she could go her whole life without feeling it again, but it did make for an excellent warning signal. "It's just like before." She gasped as she grabbed her middle and climbed to her feet, head whipping about in all directions, trying to pinpoint where the enemy was coming from. "They're coming, Joe. They're here." She managed to say more calmly than she felt before she bolted away like a frightened rabbit.

For a moment the emotions ran rampant through her and it felt as if they would tear her apart before Adelaide settled on a thread of determination and was able to to work her way back to the school, to be evacuated once again. She thought they'd be safe, that's what they said in paris and it had been a lie. Addie had known then that it was a lie but had decided to bathe in the comfort of the words for as long as she could. Now that was all over.

Finding herself face to face with a squadron of unmarked soldiers she froze like a deer in headlights before regaining what little composure she had left. Using her gift to persuade them to see each other as the enemy she watched passively as they massacred each other before escaping into a vehicle with a few others who weren't readily recognizable. Addie didn't know where Jamal was but could only hope that they'd both been as lucky as they were in Paris.

Arriving in Louisiana in a dark mood, Adelaide carefully extracted herself from the car she'd spent way too much time in in the last couple of days. Sore and tired, Adelaide warily wandered away from the majority of the group. Intent on finding a moment's worth of tranquility and perhaps a friendly face, Adelaide took a seat on the veranda and waited to be told what to do. Something she was still having difficulty getting use to.


Anastasia grinned to herself as she waited for George to acknowledge her properly as he usually did, he was just a bit absent-minded perhaps. Some might see it as Anastasia not being important enough to actually register on his radar where she saw it as she was so memorable that it was impossible to imagine the mansion without her presence. Reaching out to take hold of his hand in hers she squeezed softly before tucking her hands back beneath her legs. "An omelet sounds perfect, actually." She replied, Anastasia might have just eaten but her metabolism worked at such a high rate that she was usually consuming one food or another. Why not let her ex-teacher make her second breakfast?

"No, you haven't missed me. I just got back this morning. Technically I'm just supposed to be coming back home but you know us S.H.I.E.L.D., we're never off duty." The tall brunette answered, she knew the reason she was back in the states and not in Russia. They could say it was for her own safety all they wanted but Ana was certain that the fact she was one of their best agents and quite lethal in her own right played quite the part in her assignment here. Things weren't going to remain calm for long and when it finally did boil over, she'd be here. Defending her home and keeping the rest safe. Just like she'd always been taught to.

It was then that the chaos began, first in the kitchen. Orfelina passed out, or fainted and Caelan was back within seconds. Seeing the siblings Ana instantly went in search of her own brother, Eric, knowing that Orfy was safe with Caelan and the rest. Entering into one of the main hallways she was met almost immediately with rapid gunfire catching a bullet to the right
shoulder which was quickly taken care of by her rapid regenerative abilities. Still hurt like hell though. Cursing silently to herself she morphed into a copy of the enemy knowing that it'd be much easier to slip in among them and scatter them to pieces that way. Ana was half-afraid that she'd be mistaken for an enemy combatant but took the pains to mentally blast the fact that she in fact was Anastasia McCoy and not a mutant hunter. Quite the opposite of how she usually worked.

Slipping into their ranks, Anastasia quietly and efficiently took out as many of the intruders as she could. A flash of a knife here, a dropped grenade there, rapid blasts of gunfire filled the air and once again, not for the last time that day, Ana was hit. Growing fatigued she worked her way towards Cat's office, knowing that's where they'd regroup and plan any strategy. Masquerade knew in her heart that the estate was lost, that they'd have to move on if they wanted to keep the ones who were still alive safe.

Covered in dirt and blood, though with no visible wounds Anastasia returned to her normal appearance and listened as Cat gave instructions. Acting like the good little soldier she was, Anastasia grabbed a jeep and filled it with whoever was standing. She hadn't found Eric or Markus and she didn't know if they were alive or dead. It was times like this she wished for telepathy, just so she could reach out and find them if they were still there. Slipping into a cold silence she made her way to Louisiana, to Remy's house, one of her father's oldest friends. Perhaps there she'd find her family and if not...then she'd start planning her attack.

Pulling up to the mansion that was to be their safe haven for now, Ana smiled to herself when she saw she wasn't the first one to arrive. There were others, and that gave her hope. Hopping out of the jeep she began to look around for a familiar face, or at least someone who looked like they knew what was going on. Noticing Ulric stationary in a car she gave him a half-hearted wave, unsure if he was capable of actually having any sort of conversation yet. Moving on, she slowly crept into the house and began to explore. Something Ana had never been shy about doing. Someone had to secure the premises, who better than Masquerade?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Hurricane Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois Character Portrait: Prodigal
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#, as written by Vix
Zee's display on the battlefield was more a show of guns than it was powers. But, that was the usual for her as she ran through the battlefield, firing round after round until she had no bullets left. It was then that she resorted to more savage means of fighting, gracefully sprinting about and tackling her foes to the ground before using her claw like nails to pierce their chests and their hearts. She could feel the power of Bast surging through her as she found herself snapping the neck of a woman aiming for Ulric from afar. But the battle was over rather sooner than expected, leaving her heaving breaths on the battlefield, as covered in blood as most others.

While Cat spoke of taking separate vehicles to avoid suspicion, she had already decided her vehicle of choice. She knew every other person was probably going to opt for taking one of their motorcycles. Way to help out with passengers and carry-on luggage. She frowned as she watched everyone leave the garage, peeling out. She especially frowned at Castellano who loaded into a car with Kid Cap. Tulio seemed too frazzled by something else to much care enough to attack the mafioso. Which really piqued the African cat woman's interest. Who did Tulio care for enough that he wouldn't even attempt to harass enemy number one for such actions? She would investigate later.

Not really.

She didn't care.

Instead of loading up into one of the remaining cars, she took her sweet time jogging back to the mansion. She also took her sweet time scouring every corner of the home for anything that they might need later or things that they probably wouldn't need, but didn't need enemies to find. Like Danger. Cat had probably forgotten all about the fact that Danger was an actual person-thing. But Zee collected her as she collected all of the school's information onto one of Lina's devices before giving everything a good charge of lighting.

She had everything she needed and it wasn't much, but it was all loaded into the Black Beauty – She renamed the jet and felt she had the right to since she was pretty much the only one who flew it. She was soon taking to the skies and on her way to New Orleans. She would be the first one there, of course. Even if she did leave an hour and a half after everyone else. Remy's house wasn't that hard to find after she left the jet in the warehouse where Remy kept his trove of stolen goods. It was a mere twenty blocks away, so she hoofed it the rest of the way. She greeted Remy with a “hey” before ditching him for the backyard where she found a nice pecan tree with a few low branches.

The sun would be coming up in about five hours and the others would start arriving. She didn't bother with a bath because she was too exhausted. So, she simply took perch on a low branch instead and curled her tail around her body and passed out. What woke her was the snap of a twig causing her ears to jerk up and her body to stiffen. Her eyes shot open and she gingerly sniffed the air. Oh. It was just Anastasia. She gave a nod to her in-law before heading past her, not speaking a word. She was on good terms with Ana and all of her other in-laws. They held an air of regality that was much like her own. They knew what they wanted and they never slacked off. And their family values were enviable. They stuck together.

Sure, many of them were terrorists. But they only wanted what was best for mutants. Sighing, she simply made her way around to the front of the house where she assumed everyone was to be arriving soon. She watched as few people passed by her. There weren't many – Maybe twenty or twenty one of them that left Xavier's. She sighed and ambled her way past Lina and Tulio lacking her usual grace and poise. She normally carried the air of a predator and a princess rolled into one. Now she just looked...defeated. She sidled up next to Remy, both of them silent as they watched everyone slowly arrive. Zalika herself was doing a head count. Erik was missing...Joe and Tommy were missing...Markus was missing...

She frowned deeply until she heard a call for help from the house. Remy seemed to know what was on her mind and gave a light smile. “You go on 'head and see what dey need, cherie. Ah'll keep watch for the others.” He was concerned as she was, though mostly for his son...Julio hadn't shown up yet and he could be a bit reckless sometimes and he wasn't previously exposed firsthand to the harsh ways of some humans. Zalika gave a silent nod and turned to head back up towards the house, trying to be quick but not really trying too hard.

That is until she saw her husband kneeling on the ground and as covered in blood as she was.

She was quicker then and was soon at his side, kneeling next to he and the Empath. She was gentle as she took his face into her hands and turned it towards her own. “My liefde, wat het met jou gebeur? Is jy orraait? Het jy sien Markus? Praat asseblief met my.” Her thick African accent rolled from her tongue smoothly as she spoke in her native tongue in a much more gentle tone than she had ever used with anyone. But, that was generally her tone when she spoke to her husband anyways. It still never failed to surprise most students that she was capable of such gentility.

She pushed back some of her snow white hair that was tinted red with dried blood, trying her best to get him to lock eyes with her and establish that he was at least some form of okay. Her ears were a tad drooping and her tail had curled around her leg as it did when she was anxious.

OOC: Translation - My love, what has happened to you? Are you alright? Did you see Markus? Please speak to me.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington Character Portrait: Druid Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois
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Fen wasn't quite sure what was happening, all he knew was that he was afraid. There had been a commotion, Something to do with Orfelina and he was no longer holding Julio's hand. It was times like these when Fen's animal instincts overrode his human and it was either fight or flight. So the boy ran. He could hear what he thought was gunfire, people screaming and crying. He could smell smoke, gunpowder and blood and it terrified him. Beginning to hyperventilate he ran for the freedom of outdoors, an unwise move as people who fled were being mowed down by a hail of bullets. He could hear the announcements coming through but he couldn't listen. Terror had taken hold of him.

Before he could reach the door he found himself cornered by men with guns, men who were enjoying themselves. The werewolf could smell their sick happiness all over them and wasn't surprised when they shot him. Taking a few rounds to the torso would generally incapacitate most people, lucky for Fen he wasn't most people. His wounds began to heal themselves as his body began to push the bullets out of his body. Covered in his own blood he merely looked at them silently as they raised their guns yet again. The only difference was instead of a skinny scared boy standing in front of them there was a nine foot werewolf coming right at them.

In a panic the group of men unloaded on Fen but it was as if their bullets were pebbles, bouncing off of his thick hide and ricocheting back at them. Before the men could turn to run or contemplate what was happening Fen was upon them. He'd let the wolf take control and the wolf wanted these men dead, they were just like all the rest. All they wanted to do was to hurt anyone who was different and they didn't even have the decency to be ashamed. After ripping out the last man's throat Fen howled wildly and made for the outdoors where once again bullets didn't matter. The giant savage wolf tore through the ranks of men, ripping, shredding and devouring anyone who he saw as an enemy. He'd nearly killed Anastasia McCoy, lucky for her his sense of smell was uncanny.

When he finally came back to his senses and the red receded from his vision he sniffed out the rest of the survivors. Still in his lupine form, he listened alertly, capable of understanding even while transformed and licked the few, rapidly healing wounds he'd acquired. Fen was glad to see that most of his friends had made it, he had no idea where Julio was but Fen knew that the younger boy was powerful in his own right and could take care of himself.

Shifting back into his human form, he hastily grabbed a pair of pants and jumped into the vehicle driven by Masquerade. Covered in blood, frightened and sick at what had happened he barely remembered the trip to Louisiana. This may or may not have anything to do with the fact that Adelaide was also a passenger in the vehicle and may or may not have tampered with his emotions to give herself some peace.

As soon as they arrived the occupants of the jeep went their separate way. Ana inside, Addie the porch and Fen went in search of Julio. Instead he found Ulric sitting alone in a car. Fen was aware that Julio was great friends with Ulric and when Fen couldn't find his friend he was usually somewhere around Ulric.

Knocking gently on the window that separated the two men, Fen asked the blond man. "Have you seen Julio. He might be lost." Straightening himself he stepped back from the car and looked around, inhaling the air and wishing he hadn't been such a coward. He should have stayed with his friends and protected them. Instead he'd just become a dumb animal again just like he always did.