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Canaan Reyes

"if you so much as hurt my friends i wont hesitate to rip your head of buddy"

0 · 565 views · located in Marvel Universe

a character in “X-men: Xavier and Magneto Unite”, originally authored by Polarisbear12, as played by RolePlayGateway


Code Name: Tigress
Civilian Name: Canaan
Age: 17
Occupation: traveler
Alliance: neutral
Image Image
standing over 6'2,her body if you look close enough you will notice faint tiger stripes on her lean body in some places being darker and more noticeable. She has long white ragged hair laced with feathers and small glass beads. She keeps her bangs tied back with a bead. She has a slender but curvy body. She has pointed ears and a small hoop going through her left ear.36in. She has a long tail with a bushy black tip. She has razor sharp nails and claws .she usually goes around barefoot. She has enlarged canines and sharp teeth. Her right eye is an astonishing pale blue, her left being a sheer pale green that almost seems to glow. Most would call her beautiful but she doesn’t believe in flattery on her appearance.


she is extremely aggressive towards people who prove to be a threat to her or her friends. She is also very protective of her adopted brother, Terra. she tends to do things by instinct. Calm when she needs to. She is almost always smiling and can be somewhat of an air head at times. Though she doesn’t believe in needless killing and would rather avoid it she will as a last resort. She is incredibly brash and impulsive, always trying to be at the front of battle. Her actions are the result of her desire to prove her worth of being a good enough to protect Terra as he has done so with her, and often vents her anger at Terra’s Golems using them as punching bags. Unfortunately for someone with great senses and knows Terra like the back of her hand she is completely oblivious of his true feelings for her always denouncing it as brotherly love.


Mutant Classification: Gamma
she is as her code name suggests; The ultimate hunter.
1) She is the ultimate hunter. Her senses and reaction time are far superior to that of normal humans.
2) She is incredibly strong and agile most people often compare her mutation with the white Siberian tiger’s characteristics.
3)she is able to transform her body sort of like a werewolf but the cat form. She becomes faster, stronger pretty much a whole new level of her previous self. She rarely uses this ability as she is calling up the animal inside her and it takes a lot of energy and concentration to keep it up and not lose herself
Unfortunately there are certain triggers that will call upon the animal inside her. Especially when she loses her temper, making her go into a rage.


she never knew her family as they abandoned her when she was born with a tail and pointed ears. And as a result her parents sold her into a circus and for a long time she was put up for show. She did try to make up for losses by befriending fellow circus members which she saw as family. The Ring Master was a cruel man who often abused her in many ways for not putting on a good show and forced her to live in a dingy cage that was completely unsanitary and small. However there was a good two good things that came out of this. One being that she had a surrogate mother who loved her very much and would often hid Canaan from the Ring Masters clutches. Unfortunately she died of a sickness that took the lives of many in the Circus to the point the Ring Master had to disband and he sold her to some street performer. Her conditions were even worse this time. She often traveled and one day while in a large town called Tuscany in Portugal she met a young boy of the age of 9 who befriended her and later ran away with her.His name was Terra Reyes. Unfortunately he had made the mistake of trying to wake her up in the early morning and she attacked him. Thankfully they had passed a gypsy camp not to far back and she took him to them to get them to stop his bleeding. And of course they did and later that week as they left the camp she told him her name. Two years later Terra’ ability appeared quite suddenly when he opened a rift in the ground swallowing a group of thugs that had attacked them. She learned how to control her strength to a certain extant and also learned how to read and write. She is still relatively new on things despite travelling the world for the past 6 years.
Other: Canaan and Terra have met Mutt Ant a couple time’s will they traveled around the world. Canaan is very protective of Mutt Ant and considers him to be the closest father she ever had.

So begins...

Canaan Reyes's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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They had traveling with the Morlocks for some time now, as much as Terra appreciated all the help Callisto had given them he couldn’t help but find the whole thing strange; especially due to the fact that one of the mutants tried to hit on his adopted sister Canann. ‘Wait now that I think about it where is she’ and Terra’s look of calm flickered into a more worried look but it quickly passed. Getting up he looked around hoping to find her; but alas he did not and began to ask around as to her whereabouts ‘Aye dios mios! She has firkin white hair how can they have nor noticed her, is it because they have already seen stranger things than a 6’2 girl with white hair And a God damn tail!’ coming back to his sense he heard some people yelp.
Without realizing it Terra had made the earth tremble a bit and some rocks jutted out of the ground causing some people to trip and panic a little. 'Oh crap' and with a well-defined blush of embarrassment Terra walked away fast hoping no one knew it was him, pulling up the hood of his jacket for good measure.

Walking around a bit cleared his head some and he heard a couple kids screaming. It was the kind a child would make when they had fun. It brought a small smile to his lips and he headed towards the direction of the screaming to see what it was they were having so much fun about.

Turning a corner he found Canann crouched down on the ground looking at something on the ground; noticing that there were no lids and assumed she must have scared them off. He gave a light chuckle and leaned against a small structure his hands in his pockets and watched her. After a while a walked over to her and touched her on the shoulder "hey you alright" his voice soft and full of worry.


having been bored for an incredibly long time she decide to explore what little space she could of the Morlocks sewer home. She thought the people here were nice enough but her adopted older brother Terra didn’t think so. 'Ugh why does he have to be so protective of me' completely unaware of the real reason Terra got mad. "If the situation had turned to That i would a have killed the ugly bastard myself or at least hurt his manhood" and she giggled to herself imagining the Morlocs face if she did so.

Cananna’s mood lightened a bit but was still irritated by what happened the other day. She then came upon a group of kids each one with distinct markings somewhere on the persons that clearly said they were mutants.

Watching them play Canann became jealous of how happy they were 'they have such a nice childhood while mine was-' she shook her head to keep thinking of her past; whispering harshly to herself. "No, no, no i will not think of that i will think happy thoughts and that’s it" repeatedly hitting her head as if by doing so it would stay.

Upon doing so the kids noticed her and ran away scared of her little tantrum leaving behind the pieces of the game on the dirty floor. "Hey wait-"reaching out to them she took a step forward stepping on a plastic jack. Her face instantly light up with joy as she remembered this game as the one Terra taught her when they first met.

Smiling softly Canann thought about Terra and all the things he did for her and she was glad she met him. When a hand touched her shoulder for a moment she thought it was someone she didn’t know until she noticed the scent. 'Ahh Terra' turning to face him she suddenly stood up giving him a giant hug." Terra I’m so glad we met did you know that and don’t worry i forgive you about yesterday okay i still think you’re awesome!” she said smiling into his face.


Surprised by the sudden hug Terra fell backwards on his butt and blushed as Canann said he was awesome rubbing the back of his head in the process. "Yeah i guess i am, well um any way could you maybe get off me please" he asked and Canann complied and sat back on her heels looking at him with a mischievous smile. "hehe don’t be so mean Terra so what are we gonna do today?" her curiosity in full.

"umm i don’t know really want to train for a bit or something?" he replied. Standing back up, brushing off the dirt that was on him. Not that it would ever go away fully as he was always dirty no matter how hard he tried.

"Oh i know lets go see what Callisto has for us today" and grabbed Terra’s arm pulling him towards where she assumed the leader of the Morlocks was.

"Canann I’m sure Callisto is busy right now" but Canann simply looked back at and shrugged "i don’t care i wanna see how their doing" and with that she continued to pull Terra behind her despite his outcry of letting him go.

Finally reaching the Morlocks main base they saw Leech one of the scouts go inside informing Callisto of something. After that Callisto had all the able bodied Morlocks to go to the surface and wreak havoc above.

Canann curious as to what was going down followed them up to the surface Terra close behind. The two covered their eyes as they adjusted to the light after being underground for so long. What lay before them was a fight between an incredibly large man vs. mutants (he guessed) some in uniforms; who were trying to hold the big guy back. The opposing mutants then began to attack the group of Morlocks that had swarmed to the surface.

“Hey why are they attacking us for?” Canann looked towards Terra awaiting an answer. And as a reply Terra slammed the palm of his hands into the ground, sinking into the pavement. With a load groan terra then began to pull his hands out of the ground, which resulted in the pavement to follow. The pavement rumbled a multiple mounds appearing the size of large bears. For a moment nothing happened then with a loud rumbling the mounds cracked and shook and uncurled to reveal large Golems. Their eyes glowed and each had a kind of stone in their chest that seemed to glow.

“Alright time to fight boys!” Canann smiled excitedly and ran off to confront the mutants in uniforms going straight towards a man his hair almost in the shape of ears .(OOC: Wolverine) The Golems followed after her lead some of the Morlocks were afraid at first then some jumped on top of the Golems riding them. The Morlocks lead Golems towards the opposing mutants while others ran off and began to trash the place. Terra watched everything from where he stood not really wanting to go head to head, besides he had to concentrate on keeping the Golems from falling apart.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel)
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Annabelle was shocked that a metal could stop telepathic waves but didn't dwell on the thought instead she focused on the battle currently happening, she listened to Cyclops' orders and took into account what Xavier had told her earlier,
"I must ask that you try not to get too involved. I don’t want you hurt."
She watched as more people joined the fight, mainly the Morlocks, if they came near her all she'd really be able to do was make them fall asleep and even then that wouldn't do much they'd just wake up 5 minutes later. 'I'll deal with that when I have too.' She thought to herself and returned to the fight before her.
Annabelle mainly focused on dodging anything thrown at her, but her dodging style consisted mainly of dropping to the ground or jumping away from any object flying towards her, but whenever she noticed civilians trapped or too scared to move she'd help them.
Annabelle took note of the Stone golems attacking some of the X men, when she looked back at Juggernaut she was met by a dust bin being hurled towards her, she was knocked through a window with the dust bin. She got up and clutched her chest, she took in heavy breaths as the bin had winded her and made it sore to breathe. She looked back up to the battle and tried to get up but she was far too weak and ended up on all fours gasping for air. "Maybe I should just stay here." She wheezed, not noticing the shards of glass around her and the pieces that managed to lodge themselves in her skin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel)
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Mutt Ant

The engine to Mutt's van rumbled as they arrived at the scene, smoke was already billowing from some of the nearby buildings and there had evidently already been quite a bit of damage made. He pulled the handbrake up and pulled it out of gear. “Shit
” He muttered under his breath as he scanned the ensuing destruction, it took some time for his senses to kick in and everything else come to view. The Morlocks had apparently decided now was a good time to make most of the chaos and had spilled forth from their sewer and Juggernaut appeared to be fighting with them.

Mutt couldn’t deny he was in awe, the fanatic in him was running about wildly in his head screaming for joy at this opportunity to see this level of mutant prowess first hand but he had his own duties to fulfil first, already news reporter vans had filled the scenes and many were already spewing the generic anti-mutant propaganda that was the norm for these sorts of events.

Taking out his phone he alerted his followers to the scene in the hopes for backup to stop the media lies. Until then however he would have to do this alone, he picked out the nearest reporter and ran flying into them butting them out of the shot. “It’s all lies! Only some of the mutants here are bad! The big guy there! He’s the bad guy! The X-men are good! They want to help! Don’t listen to the mediaaaa
” He was pulled out of the shot by the sort of person who thought necks were a band and flung into the road beside them.

Mutt pulled himself to his feet and gave himself a quick brushing down, that plan wouldn’t work twice and that guy didn’t look like he’d let it happen a second time anyway. ‘Looks like it’s onto Plan-B.’ He thought to himself as he ran back to his van, Mutt threw open the back doors and grabbed at his radio equipment switching everything on as quickly as he could before he began spouting off information about the scene ranging around behind him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore
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Ryan walked calmly and quietly through the halls of the Mansion. After he'd squeezed Jonathan, he'd kind of... well... run away. He said he was sorry and he really meant it. He hated that about himself. How he couldn't do much of anything without hurting someone or inconveniencing someone. Even his stupid tail was a nuisance. Just as he was about to go up to his room, he caught a glance of something happening on the TV in one of the bigger rest rooms. It was the X-men. They were fighting again in the city not too far from the Mansion. Ryan didn't recognize the behemoth they were facing, but he did recognize that the mutant they were fighting was beyond them and they weren't just fighting to suppress him, they were fighting for their very lives. Just then, more mutants burst from the ground and began to attack the X-Men who fought back. Ryan shook off his discomfort with Jonathan. He could apologize properly later, now he was needed.

Ryan ran outside and sat in the grass. He'd been practicing this for a little while, but he'd never really had to use it before because he'd never ground his scales down so hard before. Ryan could use his healing factor to regenerate his scales. However, he had to focus very hard. The scales were obviously a part of his body, but they had no nerve endings. That's why it didn't hurt when he ground his scales off in the morning. Ryan concentrated as hard as he could. He thought of the scales as a part of him that was missing, like a layer of skin. As soon as he had accepted that fact, as hard as it was, and made it a reality in his mind, Ryan noticed an itching sensation on his whole body, however he couldn't open his eyes and look or else he'd lose focus. He sat there, with his eyes closed and thought. If he did this, he'd have to accept who he was. He wasn't even close to looking like a human. The thought scared him. What would the others think? What would they say? What would they do? He'd spent his whole life trying to run from this. From the image of his parents telling him to leave, tears in their eyes, and telling a six-year-old Ryan he wasn't welcome in their house anymore. Worse yet, what would his new family say? Doctor Xavier, Thantos, Memory and Jonathan, Logan, Scott, Jean, Fuyumi, his other friends at the Academy, what would they think? Ryan thought long and hard. Was he sure this was what he wanted? There was no turning back after this. The whole world would be watching the place he was going to. Was he confident enough in himself to show who he really was to everyone in the world? Could he really do this? All of that was irrelevant, he was needed. Ryan's own pride, his own reservations would have to step aside. His family was in danger and he wasn't going to let an incident like Vincent's happen again.

While Ryan was lost deep in thought, his scales were growing at an accelerated rate, covering his body in a matter of minutes with thick, hard protection. Spikes jutted from his body, out from the sides of his forearms, from his spine, and from the end of his tail. The spikes were an extension of his scales, rock-like and sturdy. Without his knowing, since his horns were also an extension of his scales, they had grown as well, and now stood at their full length of 14 inches. The horns themselves were sturdy, buttressed, and black as midnight. They swept back around the sides and top of his head, protecting it from attacks. Ryan's fists became heavy and powerful, he felt strength fill his whole body as he finally stood and faced the city.

Ryan knew what he looked like, he looked like a monster. However, if a monster was what was needed, Ryan would be it. Ryan crouched low to the ground, after a second of hesitation, Ryan blasted forward towards the city in the distance. It wasn't that far, about a ten minute drive by car. Ryan would have to do his best to pace himself and get there fast. Making the distance in about 20 minutes, and surprisingly without tiring himself as much as he tought he would, Ryan surveyed the battle field and was shocked at what he found. A white haired girl was engaging Logan and there were massive stone... men? Ryan shook off his doubts, it must be someone's power. Ryan looked over to where he could smell Doctor Xavier was. Ryan could see the Professor and... what was that smell, that shape... it smelled like, it was! Vincent! Ryan was so glad he was safe, however, now was not the time for reunions, there was work to be done. "Professor, Vincent, it's me, Ryan." Ryan thought as hard as he could, directing his thoughts toward his teachers "I'm here to help. I realize you might not recognize me like this but... if this is what is needed, this is what I will be. I can be a monster for my family if a monster is what they need. You're all my family, so it's you I must protect. I will not let what happened to Vincent ever happen to anyone again!"

With that he roared, making his presence known. The roar was long and loud and filled with Ryan's primal might and urge to protect his family. With that, he leaped off the ground, again, a bit faster than he anticipated and jumped onto the nearest stone man. What was different, Ryan felt so... powerful. It wasn't at all like he used to be. Was it because he had accepted who he was? Or was it because he was a terrible monster. Regardless, he raised his fists and smashed the thing's face in, pummeling the rock until the giant no longer had a head. However, when he jumped off to attack another, the giant was still moving. Ryan dodged it's fists and tackled the behemoth, smashing its chest in and ripping its arms off. Finally, the thing had stopped moving and that weird rock in the center of its chest had stopped glowing. Good. Ryan roared again, the force of his bellow shook the dust from his body. Ryan was here, and he wasn't going to let anything happen to his family again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine)
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She attacked the first Morlocks that she could reach taking them down easily as they fought with very little style or for they were like animals in her opinion. Reaching into her shadow she drew out a small knife to cut down one of the street signs making sure to take off the sign itself; twirling it around a bit to get a feel for it twirling it backwards with a thrust knocking out the morlock that had tried to ambush her “idiota” mumbling under her breath. She ran towards the nearest one and seemed to dance as she took out the morlcoks but more just kept on coming. “Damn there’s more than I thought”. She rushed to the Prof. “Oi Prof. would you like me to constrict Juggernaut so you guys can take his helmet off, it’ll be difficult so you guys will have to move fast.

Agent Six

Landing lightly on her feet she left the group of X-Men, walking away from the battlefield. Tracing her hand on whatever reflective surfaces she could reach and noticed the oncoming news reporters as they tried to get close to the battle and filming it for the whole world to hear and criticize her people. Stopping short she got to a flipped over car placing her small pale hand on its window and closed her eyes. Suddenly she heard the yelps and whines of the news reporters as their cameras stopped working as the lens went out. ‘humans are such fools no matter how many times you try to fix it as long as I can get to it I can do whatever I wish’ for almost every camera in the vicinity had an observer spirit on the lenses and other reflective surfaces.


Terra observed the battle before him with calculating eyes and noted the black figure that had destroyed one of his Golems. Then another was destroyed and he could feel a deep aching in his chest as he felt their pain as they became lifeless piles of rubble. “Damn I didn’t think they would find their weakness so soon”. With a heavy sigh Terra slowly got on his feet and headed towards the black figure that let out a terrifying roar. (OOC: Ryan) he weaved around the fighters and caught sight of Canann fighting a burly guy with metal claw-like things coming out of his knuckles. ‘You better be careful Canann you’re not invincible’. Looking away from the two he continued on his way to meet the strange creature that managed to destroy one of his precious Golems, his anger building up inside of him and sent it to all the awakened Golems; who in return let out terrifying roars that shook the ground, their roars sounded like stones grinding against each other letting out a reverberating echo.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine)
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The stone golems attacked Logan. He was taken by surprise to see the stone beings charging at him. Logan was rushed by the giant stone figure. Wolverine leaped on the Golem’s head and slashed away. “This thing ain’t alive
 Something or somebody’s controlling them.” Wolverine said under his breath. He struggled with the stone figure that began to thrash about in an attempt to dismount Wolverine from its head. Wolverine was finally knocked from the golem’s head and he tumbled away on the ground with a broken nose. “Son of a
 AH!” Wolverine griped as his body began to recover the injury.

Aidan had decided that he would do little in effort to stop the juggernaut he felt it would simply be too easy for him to speak immobility or something similar over Juggernaut and stop him. Aidan was a serious narcissist and he would only subdue the Juggernaut if Charles or Magneto literally begged him to lend that sort of help. He simply stood watching the happening and decided to aid in the subduing of the Morlocks. One of the Morlock men charged at Aidan wildly, the man spewed acid from his mouth. Aidan dodged and when the man came close enough, Aidan sidestepped kneeing him in the stomach. The Morlock man doubled over. Aidan then began to activate his power and spoke, “You are struggling to breathe.” The man started gasping for air that refused to fill his lungs and immediately fell over. Aidan waited just before the man would completely suffocate before saying, “You’re lungs have all the oxygen they need.” The man narrowly escaped death but he had now passed out.

Aidan had noticed Annabelle nearby. There was a trash bin that flew in her direction. She seemed to have glass stuck in her skin. Aidan couldn’t resist saving the damsel in distress, it usually yielded praise. Besides this thought, he was a doctor and naturally he couldn’t stand to look at a patient in distress without wanting to try to fix the problem. Aidan casually walked over to Annabelle who was on all fours and offered her his hand. He brought his power into activation and spoke, “The glass is painlessly removed and your wounds are healed.” The glass in Annabelle’s skin simply surfaced and fell out painlessly as Aidan had spoken. The wounds healed and Aidan smiled at Annabelle. He simply relished in his work.

The Xavier and Vincent noticed Ryan’s arrival and both smiled. They were however shocked by his sudden change in appearance. Charles thought to himself, ‘amazing
 his body has undergone such a drastic transformation yet I believe it’s controllable. I believed Ryan’s transformation to be of a similar nature as Hank McCoy’s or Kurt Wagner’s but no
 I do believe Ryan could possibly change the intensity of his physical mutation at will. I do believe Ryan has a chance at a more human appearance.’

"Professor, Vincent, it's me, Ryan." Ryan thought as hard as he could, directing his thoughts toward his teachers "I'm here to help. I realize you might not recognize me like this but... if this is what is needed, this is what I will be. I can be a monster for my family if a monster is what they need. You're all my family, so it's you I must protect. I will not let what happened to Vincent ever happen to anyone again!"

Vincent communicated telepathically with Ryan, “Ryan! You don’t know how glad I am to see you. Gosh friend you’ll have to tell me how this new look came about! Ryan I know there is little time, but do know that one’s appearance is not what makes them a monster, it’s their heart and their actions. You my brother, are no monster. You have the heart of an angel. Never forget that, your heart is your strength and that is what we’re all depending on Ryan.”

Aaliyah and Vila then sent their thoughts toward the Professor, “PC think you can do a force filed or something around the area this lands it will and to it and give it more umph. It won’t hurt anyone but it will put someone off balance or nock them.” Aaliyah said.

Charles replied telepathically, “Unfortunately Aaliyah I don’t have the ability to project a shield to suite that need. However there is a mutant present who can. I will get in contact with him and in a few moments you shall have the shielding you require.” One of the news reporters nearby was in fact a mutant and a former private student of Xavier’s named Clark Van Pelt. Xavier contacted him telekinetically and Clark was able to help them out.

Clearing her mind Vila called out to the Xavier “I
I have an idea that might be able to stun the Juggernaut giving us the time we need to get to that helmet but it is rather risky
..If was can take the hydrates getting him wet I can zap him with some lighting from above. I just would need to know if everyone is in the clear so no one gets hurt. Once zapped we might be able to go in for the helmet
.I, I don’t know if it will work or not is thing but it might be worth a try.”

Charles replied, “That sounds like a good plan. However it will take a lot of coordination to pull off. I’ll have Cyclops and the others try to get Juggernaut into position. I’ll tell you when you are clear to attack.” Charles relayed Vila’s plan to the others.

Ace rushed to the Prof. “Oi Prof. would you like me to constrict Juggernaut so you guys can take his helmet off, it’ll be difficult so you guys will have to move fast.

The professor replied, “I think that would be a good idea in an effort to help out. But please be careful, Juggernaut is too dangerous to get close to, so you would should coordinate your attack with Colossus, Frenzy and or Kyle. They are close to his physical match. Also be warned that Vila intends to wet Juggernaut with water and electrocute him. Be sure not to get doused as well.” Charles didn’t want anyone other than juggernaut getting electrocuted.

Stinger then warned, “I wouldn’t waste your time trying to electrocute the guy. My electric attacks didn’t even phase the guy one bit! And they are just as bad as being struck with thunder. I say we try something else.”

Cyclops stepped in and said, “Let’s try this then.” He then proceeded to blast Juggernaut in the chest with a powerful optic blast. Juggernaut fell backwards abut he wasn’t phased badly at all.

“Oooo one eye you gotta do better than that!” Juggernaut taunted as he stood to his feet. Scott intensified his blast but Juggernaut blocked it with his hand and began to charge forward toward Cyclops. Juggernaut reached Cyclops and grabbed his head in his large hand halting Cyclops’ optic assault. He then hurled Cyclops at a parked car. Scott was now temporarily out of commission.

Frenzy moved in on Juggernaut and jump kicked him sending him backward destroying the concrete he was scrapped through. Cain then took action. He lifted several nearby vehicles with his magnetic powers and hurled them at the Juggernaut. He then told Agent Zero (David) to fire on the gas tanks of the vehicles that were about to hit Juggernaut. David followed suite and there was a volley of explosive vehicles hurled at Juggernaut. Juggernaut was getting annoyed. Cain was also growing annoyed.

Flare (Hideki) went after some of the Morlocks. A few of them charged Hideki. Hideki smirked, “Finally, enemies I can blast away.” Hideki hurled a grenade of light at the group and it exploded into a hot dome of multicolored light. The Morlock attackers fainted under the intense heat their bodies sizzling. Philip launched a volley of Time Bombs at a Golem causing some of the rock men to crumble.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine)
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As the battle continued to rage around him, Ryan heard Vincent's voice in his head. "Ryan! You don’t know how glad I am to see you. Gosh friend you’ll have to tell me how this new look came about! Ryan I know there is little time, but do know that one’s appearance is not what makes them a monster, it’s their heart and their actions. You my brother, are no monster. You have the heart of an angel. Never forget that, your heart is your strength and that is what we’re all depending on Ryan."

Ryan thought quietly to himself, "Thank you Vincent. Maybe being who I am, being like this... Maybe it's not so bad." Just then, Ryan whipped his head around. He smelled that metallic tang in the air, and smiled. It could only be... it had to be... "Thantos!" Ryan called out, as he whipped his head around to see Thantos dive out of the air and smack a golem in the face. Ryan liked fighting with Thantos. The two were good friends and even better partners. Thantos appeared to be having some issues. He wasn't as effective as he usually was. However, he was doing ok, he managed to bring one down.

Just as Ryan was in the process of disassembling another golem, they all backed away from him and grouped up. He'd found destroying them was more difficult that he'd previously anticipated, they started to reassemble unless you smashed the gem in the center. Ryan disengaged from the fight and adopted a defensive posture, he was down on all fours, his tail lashing wildly. The golems were all grouped around a single boy with black hair (OOC: Terra). Should he fight with this boy? It seemed ok to destroy the golems, they were just made out of stone. However, in this new form, could he hold himself back against something made of flesh? "I don't want to fight with you!" Ryan called out to the boy, "If you're controlling these golems tell them to stand down. The X-Men here, under the direction of Professor Charles Xavier, are simply here to detain that giant monster." Ryan said, pointing to the Juggernaut. "We have no reason to fight with you. Just turn around and we'll leave you alone. If you all retreat, you'll be allowed to leave peacefully. Our only concern here is that thing." Ryan said, once again referring to the Juggernaut.

However, it seemed the boy and the golems, who appeared to be under his control, had other plans for Ryan. Instead of talking, like Ryan would have preferred to do, they all shifted forward, challenging Ryan, who had struck first. Ryan slunk lower to the ground, a low growl rumbling forth from his throat. The golems answered back with a roar of their own. It was so loud, it shook the ground and grated against his ears like the sound of an earthquake. Ryan stepped back. They weren't backing down. Fine, Ryan would do what had to be done. "So be it!" Ryan roared and dove forward towards the golems, sprinting towards them on all fours. He leaped high into air, landing on top of one and smashing its gem.

Ryan jumped off as it crumbled to the ground. Roaring in defiance of the giant golems. Just as he was about to jump on top of another one, he felt a vice like grip attach itself to his tail and he was whipped into the air. The golem swung him around, smashing him into the ground. Ryan's body was being tossed around like a rag doll, however, something was different, strange even. The impacts didn't hurt that much. The bruises and scrapes weren't forming. Sure he was covered in scales, but they couldn't negate all the damage he had to be taking. Was he healing... faster? "No time to test this out," Ryan thought. "I gotta get out of here." Ryan whipped his legs around, stabilizing himself mid-air while the golem flailed him around. Ryan grabbed onto the golem's arm with his arms and legs and held on. When the golem finally stopped shaking him, Ryan planted his feet on the ground, dropped his hips as low as he could, and hip threw the giant golem, tossing it over his shoulder and smashing it onto the ground, roaring as loud as he could while he did it. It let go of his tail and he jumped on top it, and punched it directly on its gem and it smashed easily. Ryan jumped off as what was left of the golem shattered and returned to the ground.

"We can't keep this up." Ryan muttered to himself. Ryan looked over at the boy with the black hair, who seemed to be studying him, as if he were some foreign anomaly. He was the one who was controlling them. If Ryan took him down, the golems would stop. However, it wasn't as simple as he thought. The golems were regenerating slowly. Not wasting anymore time, Ryan charged at the boy with the black hair, intent on getting him to stop his geological assault.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Colossus (Piotr "Peter" Rasputin) Character Portrait: Frenzy (Joanna Cargill) Character Portrait: Juggernaut (Cain Marko)
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he didnt understand why this mutant wanted to help him but he didnt care. he was being stupid for getting in the way of his friend. "no get out ofthe way thats not your friend right now he is simply an animal, a killer" his voice low and rumbling.


she was having trouble dealing with the man with long claws he kept regenerating everytime she cut him but she wasnt able to regenerate so she was at a disadvantage. "dammit why cant you just stay down"snarling at her opponent. Canann then noticed any loose dirt or stone levitate off the ground and flew towards an unknown source as if drawn to something. but she knew better, this was Terras doing and it wasnt good. 'shit Terra stop you'll die' leaving her opponent to confront Terra but her opponent wouldnt let her go so she had to watch as Terra began to fight the weird black man.


looking for Frenzy and Collossus amongst all the chaos only to find them surrounded by the Morlocks."dammit" she ran over towards the two helping them take down their attackers and briefly explained what she planned and how it could help Vila. "alright now help me find him-Crap" though Ace did find Juggernaut he wasnt alone in his hands he held Annabelle crushing her and an uncounsious Scott at his feet. "okay change of plans first we need to get Scott away from him i'll handle that you two get Annabelle" without waiting to see if they understood she dived into the nearest shadow and appeared in Scotts shadow. she came up to her waist and pulled him through, to later appear off to the side Scott slung over her shoulder. she set him down and raced back to Juggernaut. "okay i do hope this works" concentrating she willed Juggernauts shadow to become tendrils that began to snake up and around his body constricting him.but Juggernaut wasnt just about to let his own shadow stop him. with a roar he actually managed to tear through his own shadow and slammed his fist into Ace knocking her back hard. for a brief moment she blacked out and she wasnt breathing.

the shadows loosened a bit and began to drift back to his shadow only to go back to constricting him this time even harder than before. Ace gasped for breathe and a cruel smile spread across her face, her left eye was completely black save for a yellow iris; Alice had woken up and she wanted to kill oh so badly. standing up shakily, blood dripped from a large cut on her forhead which was proably the cause of Ace loseing counsious and just the perfect opening for Alice take control of their body. "you'll pay for that you oversized bastard" lightly touching the cut. the shadows nearest her began to squirm and black figures walked out of them slowly taking on the image of their master. two appeared in Juggernauts shadow holding him down they looked up at him through the slits of the mask they all wore. "id get the girl if i were you before i kill this ugly bastard" Coming from Alice something was definately wrong but it didnt matter at the moment, Juggernaut was stuck and now was the time to rescue Annabelle and take off his helmet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Terra Reyes Character Portrait: Canaan Reyes Character Portrait: Misting
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all he felt was excruciating pain as it came wave after wave through his body as the black creature tore his earthen armour off his arm. thankfully he managed to throw him off, but the black creature continued to circle him looking for an opening that Terra hoped he would never give. unfortunately Canann thought diffrently and ran over to the two. she tackled the black creature only to have him grabbed her by the throat and flung away like a doll. Terra yelled and ran over towards hers "Canann, Canann wake up are you okay Canann say something!" but all Canann could do was look around before she passed out.

"Canann!" Terra too had lost it anger welled up within him and he turned to face the black creature letting out a deafening roar full of anger and pain as more of his Golems fell. Terra charged, the earth around him began to tremble and crack, his arm began to regenrate; the earth once more becomeing armour. tensing his legs Terra jumped high his fists raised above his head and he brought them down on the creature crushing him at the most if he did not evade. a large crater formed where his fists smashed the ground cracks began to form as the pavement broke away forming piles ontop each other. but Terra wasnt done, not yet he had already lost councious with that last attack, the only thing keeping him upright was the drive to keep Canann and himself alive in one piece. he reached out towards her still body, picking her up gentely in his large arms and walked away from the battlefield that he no longer wanted a part off; ignoring the black creature.

as Terra walked away his stone armour began to break away, his body sinking into the dirt as if it were water. his eyes glowed a redish white color soon and soon his head was submerged until he was completely gone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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Just as the Leviathan was closing in for the kill, a girl tackled him. The pair tumbled to the ground, but the Leviathan wasn't playing around. His claws found his their mark around her throat. He lifted her into the air, growled at her distastefully, and threw her from him. She wasn't the rock giant and she wasn't the boy with the stick, and she was in his way. This seemed to have displeased the giant, it yelled and ran over towards her, "Canaan! Canaan wake up! Are you okay? Canaan say something!" but all Canaan could do was look around before she passed out.

"Canaan!" The giant let out a deafening roar full of anger and pain, it turned to face the Leviathan, who lowered to all fours and once again, prepared himself to kill the monster. The giant charged, the earth around him began to tremble and crack, his arm began to regenerate; the earth once more becoming his armor. Tensing his legs the giant jumped high, his fists raised above his head and he brought them down, intent on crushing the Leviathan. Just then, the Leviathan felt a pulling sensation on his hind legs. He looked back and saw the boy with the stick, that he thought he'd discarded, reaching out towards him. As the giant fell on top of him, the Leviathan realized he wouldn't be able to dodge. He growled impatiently, attempting to get free. Thinking fast, the Leviathan jumped back, his movement aided by the pulling on his hind feet. A large crater formed where the giant's fists smashed into the ground, cracks began to form as the pavement broke away forming piles on top each other.The giant reached out towards the body of the girl the Leviathan had discarded, picking her up gently in his large arms and walking away; ignoring the Leviathan. The Leviathan no longer sensed fighting spirit. Killing unwilling and unprepared prey was worthless. It wasn't worth it if the prey wouldn't fight back.

The Leviathan, did however, turn his head towards the boy with the stick. It seemed he'd hampered him from attacking the giant, but he'd also saved him by providing extra backward propulsion. The Leviathan kicked off his shoes. The pulling sensation from earlier seemed to be coming from them, there must be something special about them. Regardless, the Leviathan sensed fighting spirit, and he wanted to see what it tasted like. He charged the boy with the stick, pouncing on top of him, and pinning him to the ground. The Leviathan growled softly, looking deeply into the boy's eyes. There was sadness there. He didn't want to fight for the glory of it, and he wasn't fighting to kill the Leviathan. It was a strange look, but it obviously didn't want to fight anymore. The Leviathan decided he could live. However, if he tried to hamper him again, the Leviathan could die. Scaring him away was his best bet. The Leviathan roared as loud as he could in the boy's face. If that didn't scare him away, he deserved to die foolishly.

The Leviathan leaped off of the boy, looking around for worthy prey. He saw a massive creature throw off bindings made of shadow and light. It was strong. It was, however, giving the multiple people it was fighting trouble, and deep, somewhere in his psyche, the Leviathan felt something pushing him towards the monster. He needed to protect the people there. He felt a deep bond with the group of people engaging that raging behemoth. He charged off into the battle. He was tired, and slowing down from his fight with the stone giant, but he felt a need, more pressing than hunger and survival, to bring down the behemoth in order to protect the people it was fighting. As he ran over to them, a pair of mutants punched the monster in the chest, sending him flying. The Leviathan changed direction, heading straight for the monster, who was now slowly getting up. Roaring his presence to the new prey, the Leviathan leaped into the air, pouncing on top of the behemoth and setting him off balance.

The Leviathan struck at the behemoth's head, pounding it with his fists and scraping it with his claws, but nothing seemed to phase it. It's head was odd shaped and hard, nothing was even wounding it. He appeared to have some sort of covering on top of him, bound in place by some odd mechanism. He kicked at it with his powerful legs, attempting to dislodge the cover and expose his real head. Just as he could feel the mechanism loosening, he felt a vice like grip enclose around his body. The behemoth's massive hands had found him, and were tightening very quickly, threatening to squeeze the life out of him. The Leviathan felt his body compress and howled in pain, clawing at the hands that held him and biting the soft flesh. He managed to get his knees underneath the monster's fingers and kicked out as hard as he could. At first nothing moved, but slowly, the grip loosened. The Leviathan roared in defiance, pushing against his bindings with all of his strength. Then, the Leviathan felt something change. The spines on his back and his horns lengthened, his scales thickened, and his canines grew. His claws became more jagged and wicked, growing longer and harder. The Leviathan felt his whole body strengthen, he pushed even harder against the monster's hands with renewed vigor, until the Leviathan was almost completely free of them. However, it seemed the contest of strength bored the behemoth, who reasserted his grip around the Leviathan's body in an instant and threw him. The Leviathan flew through the air until he felt something stop him. The air pressure from the speed he was moving made it impossible to move his tail and limbs to adjust his body mid-flight. He crashed into a building and blacked out instantly, his body exhausted, and his mind fading. The Leviathan's eyes slowly closed and he drifted off into sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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The others didn’t seem too pleased with the invitation of Juggernaut to the mansion. Xavier understood their feelings but Juggernaut was his brother and he much needed to make peace with him if at all possible. Things were, for a moment, slightly calm. The fighting had ceased yet agitation lingered in the air. The police and armed forces were headed toward the scene of the incident. Most of the morlocks had fled or were incapacitated. Calypso ordered those who could to retreat and carry anyone who wasn’t able to flee on their own strength away to the safety of the sewers.

Logan noticed Ace appear near him. He knelt down to make sure she was alright. She seemed to be in a good deal of pain. He could hear the sirens nearing them. The police would be there in a matter of moments. “We’d better get the hell outta dodge Professor!” Logan called to Charles.

Vincent touched his head to perform a mental probe of the minds in the nearby area. “The military is coming
 A special force assigned as a countermeasure to mutants. They believe that we were in on the Juggernaut’s attack, that we intended to harm the city. Logan is right we must leave now.” Vincent said to the group, his tone seemingly calm.

Aidan, with a flirtatious grin on his face, softly and quickly stroked Hideki’s cheek with his finger and said, “Well Love, it looks like I should be taking my leave now. Tell Charles to take care of you well until I come to whisk you away for myself.” Aidan had seriously taken up a fascination and liking to Hideki, one to which confused and flustered Hideki. Aidan then turned to Charles and spoke, “Well Charles it’s been great fun but at last I bid you goodbye. Try not to get caught lad.” With that Aidan spoke a few words and utterly vanished into thin air using his power.

The armed forces came and began to attempt to set a perimeter up around the area. Cain was very upset with the situation. He began to use his telepathic abilities to communicate with the countermeasures group. “We were trying to stop this aggressive non-mutant’s attack on the city. We’ve done no one harm. Call your forces off now.” Cain was very serious in tone. Charles and Vincent knew that if the armed forces didn’t allow them passage Cain would indeed strike them down.

The armed forced replied, “You are to stand down mutant hostiles. Surrender yourselves to the house of mutant registration immediately! I repeat, surrender yourselves to the house of mutant registration immediately!”

A moment passed and no action was taken. Charles had begun to use his powers to telepathically cloak the entire team of mutants from the vision of the armed forces. “Let’s retreat now. Those of you that can make it to the blackbird head there for transport. Mutt Ant should be nearby and possibly able to drive a few back to the mansion. I will contact him telepathically and ask him for this favor. Kent also has a Vehicle and can take some to safety. We shall meet back at the mansion. We leave no one behind understood?” Charles communicated with the group telepathically.

Victor was curious about the young woman that had her hand on his cheeks as he woke up from previously being knocked into a nearby building. He hadn’t spoken a word to her yet. He was simply observing her. She was definitely a mutant but she didn’t seem like the physically advanced type like him. He began to smirk a little. “She’s pretty cute.” He thought to himself. He decided to make his way back to the Blackbird to head to the X-mansion. He turned to Annabelle and finally spoke, “Hey you coming on the jet or not?” He asked with a tilted head and a raised eyebrow.

One by one everyone made their way back to the X-mansion. No one seemed to have been caught by the armed forces. Vincent was able to persuade Cain to stand down and not attack the threatening humans. Cain hated the fact that they had to run away like they were the guilty ones. They were being pegged like villains, mutants who were pure evil, but they were in actuality good and trying to stop a magically enhanced human that was running amok. He didn’t like the world as it was, a world that Vincent, his counterpart had grown to accept.

When things settled down, Cain spoke to Charles, Vincent, Magneto, and Pietro. They all came to grips with who and what Cain was. Charles and Magneto accepted Cain immediately with joy and gladness as their new son just as they had with Vincent. Afterward Cain was approached by Philip. Philip had heard in detail about Cain from Vincent but was curious about a few things. Philip knocked on Cain’s room door.

Cain answered by opening the door with his matter manipulation abilities. He sat on his bed relaxing and motioned for Philip to enter. After the two greeted one another, Cain asked, “So what bring you here Philip.” He looked up at Philip with a genuinely bright smile. He was happy to see Philip the feeling was different than that he felt for others.

“I was curious about what was said in the talk with Vincent and the others. You said that you feel what Vincent feels as if they were your own feelings, like how he feels about the people Vincent cares about.” Philip asked hesitantly.

“Yes. That’s right.” Cain replied calmly. After a brief moment of silence Cain continued. “I suppose you’re wondering where you and I stand with each other huh? That’s a wise thing for you to want to straighten out Philip. I shouldn’t have expected anything less from my brother’s lover.” Cain chuckled a little.

Philip was still nervous. “Well?” Philip asked nervously. Speaking to Cain was like speaking to a new side of Vincent’s personality that had a different face and body. It made Philip slightly uneasy yet slightly flustered. He felt close with him yet very distant at the same time. It was indeed a strange phenomenon.

Cain replied, “I share most of the same feelings that Vincent feels emotionally and I understand him as if we were still the same being. In the case of you
 like Vincent, I love you, romantically. When you’re in Vincent’s presence his heart flutters. My heart flutters just like his when you’re around me. He wants to do things to you, so do I. In fact, I’m telepathically calming myself as we speak so that my emotions don’t get the better of me a do something to you that you and I will regret. So yes, we are very strongly linked, Vincent and I. However, I will never act on my emotions for you. You’re dating my other half after all, not me. You needn’t worry, I won’t ever act on these feelings and eventually I’ll perfect controlling them, I hope.” Cain began to blush a little. He felt bad that he had to have this conversation with Philip and for making Philip worried.

Philip finally smiled as he began to feel relief from worry. “I see. I’m sorry Cain, it must be difficult for you to deal with.” Philip replied.

“For now, it’s a little challenging but it also feels nice. I like being in love, It’s like receiving all the pleasurable highlights of love without actually having to do anything. I feel like I’m cheating a little. Hahaha
” Cain chuckled.

Cain reassured Philip once more and he gave Philip a hug. The two parted ways and Cain decided to take a much needed nap. The events of the day played back through his mind. He remembered his frustrations, and joys. He was glad that Philip came. It put him at ease where he before felt a bit on edge.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine)
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Logan sat bewildered by all that was said to him. He simply couldn’t fathom that not only was he cloned but the clone was being passed off as his child. He hated the Weapon-X program and their beyond horrible treatment of mutants. Logan did feel sorry for X-23 for having to endure the horrors of the Weapon-X program and being robbed of a normal existence but he wasn’t ready to accept just being told that she was his daughter. Logan after a long moment of silence spoke. “She’s not my daughter. I don’t have a daughter, especially one created by Weapon-X. I guess you were concerned but listen good bub, I don’t like people snooping around in my past and business. Especially when it concerns my genetics. I’ve had enough people meddling around in my business as it is. So I suggest that you not do that again.” With that, Logan stood up and left the room.

The professor didn’t expect Logan to don anything different than he did. “I am sorry Aaliyah. Logan means no harm I assure you.” Charles apologized. He knew that Logan would need time to deal with all that was revealed to him. Charles continued, “This news, to Logan, means that it is one more way in which the weapon-x program has meddled with and changed his life. I do hope you understand Aaliyah. Logan will perhaps come around someday. We need to focus on X-23’s treatment. It is inhumane to keep her locked up forever. He must try to salvage whatever humanity she has left.” The meeting came to an end soon after.

Vincent Xavier and Philip Klein

Vincent was very glad to be home and to have gotten settled. He decided to take some leisure time. He and Philip went out for a date. It included going to lunch and some window shopping. It wasn’t so much that they wanted to buy things, but to spend time outside of the realm of the war between Mutants and their oppressors. They wanted to just spend time as a carefree couple, goofing around and joking about people, simply enjoying the day.

Vincent and Philip got home laughing and stumbling about one another in whimsical bliss. Victor walked past the door to the mansion and spotted the happy couple. He cringed upon spotting the happy couple. “Get a room pretty boys
” He muttered. They simply watched him as he went on his way with silly grins. They snickered as he got out of earshot. The couple decided to head to the kitchen for a glass of wine or some other form of alcohol. There they continued their conversation. Ryan seemed to be headed in. Vincent looked up slightly startled by his new appearance. He was not yet used to seeing Ryan in this more beastly manner. It wasn’t that Ryan looked bad or anything like that, but it was that Vincent was used to Ryan looking a tad gentler than he did presently.

Philip was in the middle of kissing Vincent when Ryan walked in. Vincent tapped Philip on the shoulder to get his attention. “Philip love, we’re not alone anymore
” He informed Philip in a silly giggly manner and peeked around Philip to greet Ryan. “Hi there Ryan! Care for some wine? And I shan’t be hearing any nonsense about you being underage either.” Vincent said with big smile. He was glad to see Ryan was alright after the mansion attack and the Juggernaut incident.

Philip turned around and greeted Ryan as well. “Hi hi Ryan! Yes please have a drink with us! I was just telling Vincent that the last time we played a drinking game he got to drunk and pink faced, he looked like a barefooted pink crayon! HAHAHA

Vincent blushed in embarrassment. “Oh hush up! I’m sure Ryan isn’t here to listen to your obscene jokes.” Vincent fought hard to keep himself from laughing and admitting defeat.

“Well you were indeed my barefooted Pink Crayon so all was well I suppose. Teehee.” Philip added.

Vincent then asked Ryan, “So Ryan what’s up? I’m serious about that wine now, you want a drink? But don’t tell my father alright? Our little secret.”

Magneto and Cain

Magneto stood in the chamber that held cerebro waiting for the results of Cain’s search. He was surprised that Cain was a strong enough telepath to operate Cerebro. Then he somewhat kicked himself for underestimating Cain’s lineage. Cain spoke calmly. “Vincent can utilize Cerebro effectively so can I. However back to the matter at hand father Erick. The two mutants that were geo manipulators who fought along side the morlocks have been located.”

Erik replied, “Good. Let’s set out to have a little chat with them immediately.” He was just about to head out when Cain stopped him.

“Wait father. It would be best if another mutant or two came along with us. It wouldn’t be wise for us to simply go waltzing through the underground territories of the Morlocks alone. They could still overwhelm us and may not believe that we are simply there to talk to the two young mutants. We could level their little realm ourselves but discretion is the better part of valor no?” Cain warned Magneto. He was very smart and didn’t like to do anything without careful planning.

Erik smiled proudly. Cain was more than capable and he loved that. “You are indeed my blood Cain. Who do you suggest we bring along with us?”

“I suggest brother Pietro, Stinger, and perhaps Agent Zero and Sabertooth if they’ll agree to it. Stinger’s powers are amplified by water and metal which there is plenty of in the sewer. Sabertooth and Zero are both cunning, ruthless, and tactful enough to eliminate anything that threatens us without hesitation, and Pietro is an effective distraction and supporting force in a fight no morlock could keep up with him in his physical and thinking speed. Not to mention us. I think this team would be most effective on this mission of recruitment.” Cain explained rather plainly. He knew Magneto would agree with him 100%. And he did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Reyes Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Canaan Reyes
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Its hadn’t even been long after Maxx left her at the mansion in the infirmary room, the nurses operated on her trying to fix her up and wake her but nothing worked. Actually it only made things worse, the head nurse second in command to Vila had told everyone that no one should be allowed to enter Ace’s room, for it was chaos in there. They had gone so far as to tie her to the bed to keep her from hurting herself or to at the very least restrict her movement.

The shadows had begun to go crazy, solidify into three-dimensional shapes. One nurse made the mistake of trying to go inside but was nearly cut in half by a shadowy tentacle. Had someone gone inside they would have seen the room was a mess, five shadowy figures circled around Ace’s body that convulsed every now and then, her back arching in pain as she would cry out. The shadows would elongate and then shorten some even curled themselves around her body protectively, trying to repair the damage done to her shadow.

Then a huge monstrous figure crawled out of a shadow on the ceiling just above Ace’s head, it fell out like an inky blob of goo, slowly crawling out and taking shape. It looked around and it spotted Ace’s body and prepared to kill her with one raised clawed hand but stopped realizing if she died it would die with her. It gave off a bloodthirsty aura, the only thoughts going through its mind was kill, kill every living thing that wasn’t like its master; Ace and it disappeared into a shadow to prepare for the hunt, its one main target the mutant that hurt its master so. In other words it was looking for the Juggernaut and this being of shadow and malice would not be an easy opponent to take down, no it will only grow stronger as night came closer.

On the outside many things happened but on the inside; inside Ace’s mind were a dark and turbulent world. The few scattered rocky landings had begun to crumble away faster than normal, new ones would rise up in its place. Shadow creatures were running rampant and one of them escaped, these creatures served as a gate keeper of Ace’s mind killing anything that didn’t belong there in their masters realm both the physical and mental one that were both connected; and always were.

Ace laid bear naked in the center of this realm curled in the fetal position, her body shivered in pain and the cold, the unbearable cold. She had a hole in her chest from where Juggernaut had punched her shadow. But unlike Juggernaut who was not a necromancer would be unaffected by the whole in his shadow but not Ace. She felt it as much as if she herself had been punched right through the chest by the Juggernauts fist. A figure similar to Ace sat beside her holding her close to her chest, it was Alice and behind Alice was another figure similar to the both of them but she was shrouded by the shadows, they seemed to be chaining her to a huge pillar; to keep this Third Child from ever escaping. But considering the condition in which Ace was in or rather both her and Alice were in the possibility of the Third Child awakening seemed inevitable.


Canaan watched Terra as he slept in a fitful sleep “damn you Terra can’t believe you did that now who the hell am I to play with” pouting. Though she knew full well why, it was to help Callisto in her attack on the X-Men ‘but their just like us why would they attack their own kind’ leaning back Canaan laced her fingers behind her head staring up at the ugly ceiling of the sewer they had retreated to. Canaan hissed a little forgetting about the large bump she had on the back of her head from when that black creature had thrown her across the street, Canaan had hit her head pretty hard but thankfully it didn’t hurt as much as it had before. Then she looked at Terra who seemed to be having a bad dream. . .

he was running and running really fast. Why am I running is that me watching me. . . I don't understand is this a dream . . .

the boy looked over his shoulder and pure terror was etched onto his face.

He continued running until finally he reached a frozen lake. He scrambled over the ice slipping when a monstrous shadow fell over him. The boy let out a bloodcurdling scream giving Terra goose bumps.

The boy quickly got up and started to run again, but kept losing his footing "RUN! RUN! KID JUST RUN DONT LOOK BACK!" Terra screamed out but no sound came out.

The boy slipped once more but this time he stayed down on his hands and knees just staring at the ice below his feet. And Terra realized why with a loud crack the ice broke under the boy’s weight and he fell into the freezing water.

Terra began to hyperventilate and soon he was shivering. He realized he was no longer watching the boy he was the boy. 'I'm drowning OH GOD IM DROWNING!" Terra tried to scream but it only earned him a mouthful of water. He started to make his way to the surface but he couldn't find an exit anywhere.

“NO where is it where's the air hole there has to be one”. Terra began to panic again when he saw that very same shadow fall over him.

“What is that? Whatever it was it was huge and formed weirdly”. Terra watched as its feet shifted on the ice as it creaked. Suddenly the ice smashed open and a large fist burst through the ice lunging at him.

That’s when Terra saw its face or what remained of its face. It was deformed it seemed to be made up of earthen materials. And it roared at him. The thing had facial features that looked similar, there looked to be a line staring from the bottom of what Terra assumed was the left side of its jaw over it nose. That scar. . . .

As the realization hit him he gasped and breathed in more water and he began to choke. He started to sink deeper into the unknown depths of the lake and watched as the thing before him smiled at him insanely with a spark of blood lust and it roared once more.

Everything faded to black and in flashes he saw the thing he would become. It started with the death of a loved one, Canaan? No he would never hurt her but then he saw her in his arms dead and he cried out in pain. And the earth responded to his call. To kill whoever did this but the earth realized he was the cause of his own sorrow and Terra could feel himself change.

First it was his feet then legs and little by little the earth began to consume him covering him in a blackness he could not free himself from. Soon he was encased in its blackness. Then that very blackness erupted and out came the creature from before. And Terra knew his guess was right; that thing was him.

Terra had finally lost himself to the sway of the earth. He began to terrorize cities first staring with the town he had lived in, in Spain the place where he had met his beloved Canaan. He killed them all. The government hearing about him attacked him but nothing they used worked not even their greatest weapon; the nuclear bomb. Even that didn't stop his rampage for as long as there was earth for him to use he will continue to come back and each time he lost more and more of his humanity until finally there was nothing left. No one could stop him not with how he was; Terra drew his power from the earth. He caused earthquakes; volcanoes erupted that had laid dormant for centuries and millennia even, the very earth shifted and cracked voicing his pain.


She noticed the way the loose dirt around Terra had begun to swirl and lash out. Soon enough Terra was drenched in sweat and Canaan got up to grab a wet cloth to wash the sweat from Terra’s brow. She hated it when he was like this as there was nothing for her to do nothing what so ever. And it hurt her, her chest ached and Canaan gently swept his hair away from his face with such a loving look in her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Canaan Reyes
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As Ryan finished speaking, Philip quickly answered him, his tone indicating that something like talking to Vincent was something Ryan should be able to do any old time, that leaving wasn't a big deal. It made Ryan feel a little better about interrupting them “No worries Ryan, he’s all yours. Besides I should be letting him do some work for a change.” Philip rose off of Vincent’s lap. “I’ll leave you two to your devices. See you later.” Philip patted Ryan on the shoulder as he left. "Thanks for letting me borrow him Philip!" Ryan called after him. It meant a lot, leaving the person you were in love with so he could talk to someone else.

“Well exactly what have you been feeling lately Ryan. I noticed a drastic physical change in you earlier although most of it seems to have dissipated now. Tell me Ryan, What were and when did the changes occur? That information may help us figure out the cause of these changes and possibly predict other changes that may occur." Vincent asked, both earnestly curious and concerned for Ryan. That was what Ryan liked the most about his, "Big Brother Vincent".

"Well," Ryan started. "It all began when I was here at the mansion, earlier today. I was walking around when I noticed that you all were battling the Juggernaut in the city and decided I needed to help. I ran outside and sat in the grass. I've known, for a while now, that the thicker my scales get, the stronger I become. I just don't like to leave them so thick because... well, look at me." Ryan said, gesturing to his horns. They were much larger than normal, sprouting from his temples, then curving down along his jaw line before jutting out sharply in front of his mouth. He hadn't had quite enough time to remove them, and to make matters worse, his hair was still shaggy. "It doesn't make the greatest first impression is all." Ryan said, growing a little self conscious as Vincent inspected him.

"Anyway, I sat down in the grass and concentrated really hard on my scales. They're a part of me, like my skin or my eyes. So, it stands to reason, that I can regenerate them, just like I could for anything else. So that's what I did. The scales grew really fast and soon I was covered in them and my horns were halfway formed. After that I got up and started running towards the city as fast as I could and made it much faster than if I had just left without changing myself. That was where the trouble began. I remember fighting those stone golems and the boy who was making them and all those other Morlocks. He hit me really hard, on the side of my head. After that... I... I don't remember much." Ryan placed his hands on the side of his head, underneath his horns. He was trying so hard to remember. "The thing is, that's what scares me. I remember fighting him, the boy. I remember... biting... something. It's all so blurry."

Ryan paused. He remembered something. A brief flash of red and his hand around someone's neck. It was... a girl? A girl Ryan didn't know. As quickly as it arrived however, the memory vanished. He couldn't recall her face or what she looked like. Al he remembered was the pain. He shuddered. Shaking his head as if to clear the bad memories. "I... I don't remember much of what happened after that. I woke up in a pile of rubble, covered in more scales than when I left to help. I met up with Thantos and Memory and then took her home. Finally, once we got back I... shaved... and decided I needed to meet up with Professor Xavier. He was in a meeting though, so I came to find you. That's the end of my story I guess." Ryan finished, placing his hands back in his lap. "Vincent..." Ryan said, genuine fear in his eyes. "What happened to me?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic)
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Vincent Xavier

Vincent listened carefully as Ryan explained what he knew of what was going on with his body and power. This would most definitely require Vincent to study Ryan’s X-gene and state of mind to see if there is a correlation between Ryan’s emotional state, appearance, and augmentation in power.

"Well," Ryan started. "It all began when I was here at the mansion, earlier today. I was walking around when I noticed that you all were battling the Juggernaut in the city and decided I needed to help. I ran outside and sat in the grass. I've known, for a while now, that the thicker my scales get, the stronger I become. I just don't like to leave them so thick because... well, look at me." Ryan said, gesturing to his horns. They were much larger than normal, sprouting from his temples, then curving down along his jaw line before jutting out sharply in front of his mouth. He hadn't had quite enough time to remove them, and to make matters worse, his hair was still shaggy. "It doesn't make the greatest first impression is all." Ryan said, growing a little self conscious as Vincent inspected him.

"Anyway, I sat down in the grass and concentrated really hard on my scales. They're a part of me, like my skin or my eyes. So, it stands to reason, that I can regenerate them, just like I could for anything else. So that's what I did. The scales grew really fast and soon I was covered in them and my horns were halfway formed. After that I got up and started running towards the city as fast as I could and made it much faster than if I had just left without changing myself. That was where the trouble began. I remember fighting those stone golems and the boy who was making them and all those other Morlocks. He hit me really hard, on the side of my head. After that... I... I don't remember much." Ryan placed his hands on the side of his head, underneath his horns. He was trying so hard to remember. "The thing is, that's what scares me. I remember fighting him, the boy. I remember... biting... something. It's all so blurry." Ryan Continued.

Ryan seemed to recall something as he paused. "I... I don't remember much of what happened after that. I woke up in a pile of rubble, covered in more scales than when I left to help. I met up with Thantos and Memory and then took her home. Finally, once we got back I... shaved... and decided I needed to meet up with Professor Xavier. He was in a meeting though, so I came to find you. That's the end of my story I guess." Ryan finished, placing his hands back in his lap. "Vincent..." Ryan said, genuine fear in his eyes. "What happened to me?"

Vincent gave Ryan an endearing look and placed a hand on Ryan’s shoulder. “You needn’t fear Ryan. I think what happened today was proof of a correlation between your powers and your state of mind. I believe you have the ability to alter your appearance and power to a certain degree based on strong emotions.” Vincent stood and paced back and forth while gripping his chin between his index finger and thumb. “You stated that as you concentrated on your scales they grew, but this was after hearing of the danger the others faced. Perhaps your body adapted to suite your current need, as if you had evolved on the spot.” Vincent began to smile. “Ryan, this is amazing! I think your body may hold the key to jump start a physical evolutionary reaction! However I do believe there is a large psychological component at work in that process and that isn’t to be ignored.” Vincent said in an excited tone.

Vincent Guided Ryan to sit on one of the kitchen stools. He looked Ryan in the eyes and spoke very carefully. “I would like to try something Ryan. I am interested in finding out if you can reverse transform as well accelerate transformation. Perhaps if I amplified your emotional focus while you concentrated the effects of your transformation could be controlled. For example, If you reached a calm state of mind, and concentrate on the reduction of your scales for example, I could strengthen that state telepathically. The change should occur and you might even regain a human appearance! Although I’m sure it wouldn’t be a permanent thing but it would be progress nonetheless. What do you think, are you willing to give it a try?”

David North, Victor Creed, Stinger, Magneto and Cain

David and Sabertooth sat in the living room watching the News. There was a report on the aftermath of the attack Juggernaut led in the downtown area. David smirked as he listened to the paranoid reporter spin his conspiracy theories over the broadcast. According to the reporter mutant were urged to register with the House of Mutant Registration as petitioned by Senator Kelly. David knew that this was indeed a trap set for those gullible enough to waltz into it. “You know, it’s actually hilarious to hear the HMR being spoken of as a goodwill group after hearing its developers talk about it’s true purpose back in Weapon X.” David said to Sabertooth as he cleaned his guns, taking them apart piece by piece. He always took pristine care of his weaponry.

Sabertooth huffed as he took a bite of a piece of beef jerky. “What’s laughable is the fact that we’re still playing nice with these X-twits. We aren’t allowed in the war room, or the holding cell bay where little miss wolverine clone is stashed. I mean damn, they could at least let us use the danger room! At least we’d be able to get some action around here.” Sabertooth replied to David.

David shrugged. “Well honestly, I don’t mind sticking around for a while. Hell, I might even join if I find nothing better to do. However, I would need to resume my work as a mercenary, the pay for teaching kinda blows no joke.” David said while grinning. David was all about money. He lived lavishly when in his private time. Living in the mansion was very interesting and made him remember college dorm life. That time seemed so far from him now.

Sabertooth cringed at the thought of permanently joining the X-men. He then chuckled, “And David that would be the day I kill you myself.”

Magneto and Cain approached the two. “Hello Agent Zero, Sabertooth. Would you be interested in lending my father and I a hand on a small recruitment mission?” Cain addressed the two with a cheery disposition.

Sabertooth replied sarcastically, “How the hell are we going to recruit anyone for the X-men and we ain’t on the team ourselves. Forget it Jr. I decline.”

David was curious and responded. “Who do you intend to recruit, where are they and why are you recruiting them? I mean this is a rather curious request and timing in my opinion.”

Cain replied, “Indeed Agent Zero. You have a very good point. I intend to recruit two mutants known by the names of Canaan Reyes and Terra Reyes. Canaan is a Geo manipulator and Terra can become a human tiger hybrid, the ultimate hunter. They are currently in the care of the Morlocks. I believe mutants of that caliber do not belong under the tutelage of the Morlocks. We need you to help watch our backs.”

David gave a slight smile. “I see. And why now are you recruiting people?”

“Good question. You are keenly perceptive Agent Zero.” Cain began.

“Please, Call me David.” David interrupted.

“Indeed. Well David the government, through the House of Mutant Registration, is attempting to conduct a witch hunt against mutants by forcing them to register their names. This is deplorable and a countermeasure must be taken. I would like to safeguard as many capable mutants as possible. I think they would be useful and safer with the X-men.” Cain replied. Magneto nodded in agreement.

David replied, “Alright I’m in. It’ll give me something constructive to do.” David stood up after having reassembled his gun and grabbed Victor by the hand, pulling him to his feet. He decided to tease Victor by wrapping his arms around Victors waist from behind and spooning him. “Victor here, my other half, will go as well. Right honey?” David smirked devilishly and he pecked Victor on his cheek.

Victor’s eyes widened in surprise. David was often poking fun at Victor, and was by far the only person able to get away with doing so. David was probably Victors only true friend. “Get off of me North or I’ll rip you a vagina!” Victor hissed while trying to keep himself from smiling at David’s prank. “Alright I’ll go. Who else is coming?”

“Stinger and Pietro have also agree to accompany us. We will head out immediately.” Magneto replied.

The group finished preparations and headed of to the Sewers, home of the Morlocks. It was quiet in the many maze like tunnels of the underground. The Morlocks were well hidden away in the sewers. Victor tracked the scent of people through the tunnels and they eventually found the entrance to the Morlock dwelling place. “Finally. I’m sick of these ratty sewers!” Stinger complained. She honestly didn’t want to go but Cain found a way to week talk her.

Cain also considered bringing Cara along on this mission however she was not seen around the mansion after everyone returned. Cain was becoming concerned. However, he couldn’t interrupt what he was doing now. He promised himself he would find out what happened to Cara the moment he got back to the mansion. He cared for everyone included in the X-men family just like Vincent did. There was a place in Vincent’s heart that considered Cara a friend and Cain shared those emotions as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Terra Reyes Character Portrait: Cain Xavier Lehnsherr
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Agent Six

she continued to look straight forwards her eyes unmoving. Agent Six slipped the glass shard into her dress pocket and let Jonathan wrap up her hands. Though she didn’t understand why he even bothered but it was somewhat logical to stop the bleeding. Agent Six didn’t bother to use her observer spirit as Jonathan lead her to the medical wing which she assumed was in the lower levels based on their decent. Agent Six let Jonathan lead her to the medics; suddenly she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise.
Agent Six looked over her shoulder if that’s how you would describe it considering she was blind. She didn’t know why she bothered if all there was darkness, but Agent Six was right to look over her shoulder for in the shadows was something that watched them with hungry eyes. The first shadow creature; the strongest gate keeper stood in the shadows watching them. It calculated the possibility of the girl being a threat to its master, then it did the same for the boy, and both were highly dangerous. It would have crept out of its shadow but it decided now wasn’t the time, it was about to go back home when it realized where the two were heading. Its glowing red eyes narrowed, it let out a low animal like snarl and slowly stepped out of its shadow.

Agent Six couldn’t see it but she knew something was there and tugged Jonathans sleeve “not alone” and she pointed down the hall and right at the shadow creature the first one as it made its way to them. It was a huge thing with glowing red eyes its body was made entirely out of shadows and it was almost like it was dripping into the ground. If Jonathan looked close enough he would have noticed that with each step it took towards them the darker everything became.

And then it spoke “all threats must be annihilated” its voice strange as if many people with different tones and pitches were talking at the same time. It got closer and closer before standing on two long legs it opened its gaping mouth that showed an endless darkness not even Ace would have been able to see in. “all threats are to be annihilated” it repeated sending chills through the air, the hallway got even darker everything behind it was laced in shadow.

In her room another shadow separated itself from its source, this one looked different more animalistic than the one from before. This one was incapable of speech, it was nothing more than fodder for its brethren to eat and play with. Nor was it smart like the gatekeepers, but it did know one thing it had to destroy what did this to its master. And with that the second shadow creature left the room in search of Juggernaut.

She had left Terra alone just for a little while to look for some food. That’s when she smelled it that same scent as from before standing at the entrance of the Morlocks home where the men in those weird uniforms and two other people who she vaguely remember had been fighting the morlocks and destroying Terra’s golems. A growl escaped Canaans throat and she walked over to them with a glare that could kill. Her eyes flashed becoming nothing more than slits as the animal tried to take over, Canaan pushed aside a morlock who kept them from entering and stood face to face with one of them (Cain) “what the hell do you want. You already defeated us once why can’t you just leave us alone” she snarled baring her teeth at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Terra Reyes
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Vincent Xavier

As Ryan focused, Vincent telepathically amplified the control Ryan was taking over his X-gene. Vincent could see Ryan’s dark skin turn pale once more. His scales seemed to fall off and wither away. Vincent was almost so shocked that for a brief moment he had almost stopped concentrating and began to stare at the transformation Ryan was beginning to take. Vincent resumed his focus and Ryan’s transformation continued. His hair was a rich black color and his yellow eyes became green Ryan wasn’t just normal looking, he was a vibrant and fair. Vincent was so in awe yet not surprised, for Ryan was beginning to look as angelic, and timid as his personality was. After Ryan had lost all physical signs of a beastial form, Vincent stopped and looked into Ryan’s face with a bright and excited smile. “This is the Ryan whose been hidden under the cloak of his X-gene! You’re simply brilliant Ryan! Absolutely magnificent!” Vincent said as he hugged Ryan tightly.

Vincent telepathically contacted Fuyumi and asked her to quickly bring a mirror into the kitchen. Fuyumi phased through the kitchen wall carrying a large full bodied mirror. She almost dropped it when she saw Ryan’s drastic change. She quickly grabbed hold of the falling mirror with the telekinetic help of Vincent. “Rya-Ryan
? Nandaiyou! [what the
!]” Fuyumi said as she approached Ryan. Her face was in total shock.

Vincent’s already beaming smile only got wider. He turned to Ryan and chuckled, “Well now, do you remember him or have we turned you into the wrong guy?” Vincent said jokingly. He was so excited for Ryan, maybe this meant that Ryan could have a chance at normalcy. It was moments like this that made Vincent aware that the X-men’s work with training the gifts of mutants was happening for a great reason, that people were indeed being helped.

David North, Victor Creed, Stinger, Magneto and Cain

Cain had begun to sense a familiar presence nearby. It was definitely a student from the X-mansion. He closed his eyes for a moment to visualize who he felt. It was Memory Ashcroft the student proficient in memory manipulation. She crept quietly a distance behind the group. She was trying not to be discovered. Cain smiled, “I see she wanted to help out. But why?” He thought to himself. He scanned a bit more. He picked up on a strong emotional signaling from Memory toward David North. Cain now understood. He turned to look behind himself slightly to look at David who stood nearby. Cain chuckled and David was puzzled as to why Cain was chuckling. “I see now. If she wanted to tag along she could have just asked. I would have said yes. But it good that I don’t blow her cover. She’s been handling stealth pretty well so far. I’ll consider this a training exercise for her.” Cain thought to himself quietly. He wasn’t her teacher in the official capacity but he felt like a teacher at the mansion. It was his bond with Vincent that imparted with Cain the teacher-student relationship that Vincent carried for all of the mansion’s students. Cain refocused his attention as this was not the time to be distracted.

A Morlock citizen stood just behind the door and opened up a slot in the large barricade doorway to see who stood at the Morlock gates. His gaze narrowed in on Cain who stood in front of the group next to magneto. He unlatched the locks on the door and it swung open. He looked muddy and grimy yet confident that he could take anyone threatening on. Without paying much attention to who stood before him he proceeded to speak. “Who the hell are you?” the Morlock snipped in a nasty gargle of a voice. He then gave a good look at Cain and Magneto. He was now scared out of his wits at the sight of the master of magnetism. “MA-MA-MUH-MAGNETO!!! It’s the X-men!!” He shrieked. Sabertooth smirked at the sight of the Morlock man cowering before them.

As the group stood at the entrance to the Morlock domain, a growl escaped Canaans throat and she walked over to them with a glare that could kill. Her eyes flashed becoming nothing more than slits as the animal tried to take over, Canaan pushed aside a Morlock who kept them from entering and stood face to face with Cain. “what the hell do you want. You already defeated us once why can’t you just leave us alone” she snarled baring her teeth at him.

Cain remained calm and pleasant in his disposition. He smiled then spoke. “Please be at peace. We’re not here for a fight. We are here to talk. I am actually here to see you Canaan, you and Terra.” Cain said as he extended his hand for a hand shake.

Magneto added, “Young mutant, we are here to offer you and Terra a place with the X-men as students. You wield a very special gift and that gift must be cultivated under the right conditions.” He looked welcoming.

Cain then spoke, “The Morlocks provide you with a good safe haven however, the Morlocks lack the expertise needed in training young developing mutants to utilize their abilities to their full potential. I saw you siblings during the incident downtown fighting courageously and displaying impressive skill. You can become much more and I would like to help you. It’s up to you.”

(OOC: Sorry, I ran out of time! I will post for the shadow scenario the next time I post. I promise!!)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Cain Xavier Lehnsherr
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Jonathan' eyes widened as the shadow creature raised its arm to strike. Reacting instinctively, Jonathan pushed Six back hard and braced for the impact that would surely come. Despite the shadowy figure of the striking creature, the force behind the attack was strong enough to lift Jonathan off his feet and then some, his body crashing into the metal walls of the lower levels with a sickening smack. His body rapidly became unresponsive, first his limbs, then his hearing, before finally his world faded to black.

Jonathan's eyes opened slowly, a ringing in his ears, to see the same creature, the exact same one with its snarling sneer and hollow, hell-fire eyes, but from a perspective he was not expecting. He scanned the metal ground quickly, his hazel eyes moving erratically in search of what he sought. And what he currently wished to find was in fact himself. The still form on the floor, twisted into what must have been an uncomfortable shape if he were awake to feel it, brought a sick feeling to his stomach. Upon staring down at his arms he discovered that they had taken on a somewhat transparent look. And his brain felt strange, as if he were floating. It was not something he wanted to get used to, but at the same time this brought such peace to his heart, made the stress of being a mutant and brother and friend and protector crumble away. In another time he probably would have stayed there, content to live out his life like this, worry-free and at peace. That felt too much like running away form his problems however, and that was one thing he wouldn't allow, not now. Now was the time for answers.

"Am I dead...?" Jonathan asked himself as he looked down at his body once more, but he was reassured the opposite. The rhythmic rising of his chest told him that he was in fact still alive. It must have been the knock to the head from his unpleasant collision with the wall. So he was... what? Unconscious? Asleep? Regardless, it seemed his powers had kicked in. Being the master of dreams has its perks.

Ignoring this projection, his dream form, Jonathan stared straight at the creature. Something was wrong. It wasn't moving as it should. In fact, nothing was. Not the shadow being, not Six, not even the slow breathing of himself - which Jonathan really should have noticed. Although, this form was new to him, this power not used very often. Every other time he had manipulated his dreams in the past during the night it had always been a strange dream world, not the real world. As interesting as it was that his final and strongest ability could manipulate his consciousness into a transparent projection of himself, like an astral projection through dreams, he really couldn't think on it now. As in a dream, the time flow was considerably slower, much different to how it should be. Again, however, this was not something to think of now, however fascinating it may be. This situation needed action.

Thinking quickly about the best course of action based on the apparent strengths and weaknesses of his opponent, Jonathan smiled and closed his hand concentrating, a burning sensation that left no pain beginning to pulsate on his skin - if you could really call it skin while like this. For a moment, as Jonathan looked up into the face of the creature, he faltered, the heat dissipating quicker than it had formed. Despite the fact that it was moving slower than it should while Jonathan was like this, and that his body was apparently invisible to everyone else, the creature was staring straight at him. Not Six, not his body, but his projection. It was... unnerving, but not enough to stop him. Concentrating once more, he brought back the burning to his hand, and steadily increased it. With more effort his time and the real world's time to synch up. He obviously didn't know it but the dream and reality manipulation power that he had tried to hide away for so long was a lot stronger than he thought.

"I may not be able to see into your mind," Jonathan began, a faint light beginning to glow between his fingers which only grew in size and intensity. "but I know what the shadows run from." In this form, Six (if she were using her powers) wouldn't be able to see him as he was only a projection of Jonathan's consciousness, unless he allowed her to of course, but she would most definitely see the light growing as it existed in the real world. He was affecting reality out of his dream from within his dream. It was bound to be noticeable.

"I know what you are weak to," he snarled at the coal black, shadowy behemoth, the light in his palm now a blinding white light, the sheer force of the energy already to cut through some of the shadows advancing on him.
"I know what you fear..."Every time he spoke the shadow seemed to respond in some way, as if he could really hear and see him.

'Let's see if you hear this...' He though opening his hand. While his hand was closed, the light had been covered slightly and wasn't as bad on the eyes, the energy wasn't as bad on the entire body, but now the light and heat in his palm was released with no restraints bar the protection of his palm for Six, limiting it somewhat.

"You fear the light." Jonathan threw his hand out palm first and closed his eyes, concentrating on casting the energy from his hand out and focussing it on the shadow. The added help of the reflective metal amplified his ability to a degree. When the full force of the light hit the shadow's body, it flinched and drew back, the shadows retreating with it, but it soon learned to adapt. The heat and light were visibly stinging and burning the shadowy figure but it fought against the current and began a slow walk towards Jonathan using turning its head so as to not see the light directly. At this rate, his power that had taken so long to charge and so much energy to use wouldn't last long than a minute at best. He had to do something...

Then an idea came to him. He would need to buy some more time, and get Six to safety as this could probably hurt her too, before he could use it but it might just dispel the creature long enough for them to escape safely to the upper levels where it wasn't as cramped and claustrophobic. Allowing himself to become visible slightly [similar to this but with more light and looking like Jonathan] without affecting the strength of his light, that was doing very little against the shadow.

"Six, run! Just go! Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just get out of here! Please! Pleas-" His focus on the conversation and maintaining his visible form faded mid-sentence, once again returning to his transparent projection as a torrent of pain crashed through his head bringing a blur to his vision. pushing away the pain he lifted his other hand and the light ignited on Jonathan's second palm growing as bright and hot as the first, the force of it making his hair and clothes whip about in the air even more than before. Jonathan drew his arms back and focussed the energy on one area before him while still hitting the creature, however, it was with far less. The shadow was advancing even quicker than before. He would need to be fast. When the shadow reached just two or three meters away from his projection, Jonathan stepped back and threw out his arms again sending a wave of light and power even stronger than before, ripping the shadow apart before him.

Slowly, the lights flickered back and the corridor returned to its original brightness. He knew he hadn't beaten it, not by a long shot, but at least it wasn't right beside them. They had at least a minute to get moving up the elevator. Jonathan's body, or at least his projection, had other ideas. The form slowly faded, along with his consciousness, back to the body on the floor where he would soon awake from.

Meanwhile, in the sewers of New York at the Morlock headquarters, Memory lurked in the shadows herself, but for a considerably different reason. She had no intention of fighting them. Currently, the shadows were her greatest ally. She had been able to stay within them and keep hidden with her power but she didn't know if this could last much longer. One of the greatest weaknesses to her "invisibility" power was that if someone knew they were looking for her, or looked hard enough for something specific about her presence, then her power would become next to useless. At this stage, while someone knows she is there, it is far harder to stay out of their memory than it is to without them ever seeing her there.

Taking a peek out of the shadow that was surrounding her and around the wall she had hidden behind, Memory gasped and pulled back. The new guy with Magneto, Cain, had turned in her direction. Whether he had seen, heard or sensed her, she didn't know. For all she knew he could very well be looking at someone else. David had been in the middle of herself and Cain. Taking a silent breath to calm herself, and grimacing as her foot got drenched once again in a puddle thanks to her converse, she peeked around the edge again. Cain was thankfully looking away now and talking to the Morlocks, and apprantly who he had come for. She returned to behind the wall and pressed her to the slimy surface.

'Recruitment? That's it? Recruitment for the X-men?'

While Memory wanted to believe this, as it was a seemingly perfect explanation, there was just something off about it. Something that was right. It was true, from what she had overheard at the mansion, that these two were fairly powerful and would make great additions to the X-men team. It also seemed fair to send a large group into dangerous territory (even though Memory herself had managed particularly well). but something was still wrong. Memory slid around the edge again and her eyebrows pulled together tight. It's true that they would need to send someone to recruit them.

'But why send them?'

Oh all the people to send on this mission, they send the one's who are and have been criminals or, in Cain's case, just arrived. A number of them weren't even on the X-men team. Why not send Scott or Logan? Why send the ones who no one trusts and aren't fully on the team?

Before she could continue on this train of thought, a rough hand gripped her shoulder and swung her body around, the light weight Memory loved so much before now a burden more than a benefit. Moving quickly, before he signal the others, she swung her arm around his, twisting it to get it out of the way, and slammed her palm into his face. She brought her hand down on him again and watched as he dropped to the ground with a thud and a splash. Memory hoped they were far enough away that the others would not have heard the scuffles, his grunts of pain and the sound of him falling. However, she wasn't prepared to bet her life on it.

Concentrating on her power to stay hidden, which she had let drop before, Memory moved quickly out of the way and hid behind yet another wall, crouching in the corner as small as she could manage. So long as she kept quiet and didn't draw any unneeded attention to herself, then she would get out of here safely. Although, if Cain and the others had heard, one quick mental sweep would reveal her location. Would he do that though? Would he put her in danger? Memory couldn't tell. In fairness, she was spying on them. But it was a for reason. There was something wrong about them. there was something they weren't telling everyone else and she had to get to the bottom of it.

She just had to get out of this sticky situation first...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic)
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ignoring the hand Canaan growled at the both of them "then your just like everyone else always wanting to take advantage of Terra's abilitys well guess what its a simple no we dont need you help" her eyes narrowed. she didnt like them, she didnt like any of them, they smelled like Terra, full of unrestarined power that could easily take Terra away from her. not only that but the other three smelled diffrent than from what the two before her smelled like, and that was not friendly not really.

Canaan hated it when people who said they were here to help. they always said that before turning on her or Terra, all they wanted was the kid who could potentially shape the very earth with a thought. as for Canaan well they just wanted her as some kind of personal fighter, someone who could take out their competition silently. glaring at Cain Canaan was about to turn away except she heard a sound, an unwelcomed sound of a body hitting the ground. the tip of her tail twitched just once and already Canaan pushed past Cain and the rest with unatural grace befitting a cat hybrid such as herself. a growl escaped her throat as she advanced on the intruder, but stopped to check on the morlock who got his ass handed to him by a woman guessing from the scent trails she left behind. though the musky sewer smell helped mask her location Canaan still found her hiding behind a wall. her tail twitched again, the girl smelled just like the rest of them but sudennly a small tremor shook the tunnels dislodging a few slabs of rock.

Canaan snapped her head in the direction of where she had come from, fear in her eyes. "shit Terra" her voice rose and se was gone running towards where her brother was. passing the group of X-Men stopping just for a moment "first of all when your come visit us dont take all you man power with you. and second go deal with that little rat you have tailong behind that wall" her voice low and threatening. so with that Canaan ran past the gate towards Terra who laid still but it was obvious that he was the cause of that tremor. you could tell by the fact that his fingers dug into the ground below him, cracks spread from his hands and ran along the wall away from him. "geez Terra what are you dreaming about" concern in her voice stroking his hair in hopes the gesture might calm him.

Agent Six

suddenly she was pushed back hard, falling to the floor on her butt. for a moment Agent Six just laid there not doing anything until she heard that sickening thud, that meant that creature must have hit Jonathan. sitting up she searched for the glass shard from before and found it. holding it in her hands, Agent Six could see but what she saw didnt bother her in the slightest. though her thoughts moved at a wild speed wondering if Jonathan was still alive, glancing at his slow moving chest he was still alive but unconcious.

she turned her attention back to the creature that was advancing on them, it was huge and black made of shadows. its burning red eyes locked on Jonathans body briefly glancing at Agent Six but ignored her. light began to form in the air the source was unknown but the shadows were becoming effected by it. suddenly the light intesified even more forcing the shadow to move back, but it after a moment it adjusted to the light and continued its advancement towards Jonathans body. its body had begun to burn the weaker shadows retreated or died by the light but it wasnt just barely doing anything to the larger shadow.

then something unexpected happened, in front of the shadow a form became visible with that same look as her observer spirits to a certain degree. the only diffrence being that this figure before her looked very much like Jonathan then it spoke. "Six, run! Just go! Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just get out of here! Please! Pleas-" his voice was cut off and he dissapeared. and Agent Six knew that it was or had indeed been Jonathan, standing up slowly Agent Six wasnt going to leave Jonathan behind even if selhe held no emotional attachments to him but the other people in the mansion would. she reached out to him when suddenly a wave of light exploded into being blinding her observer spirit therefore she became blind but with a new kind of pain. a sizzling kind of pain similar to when someone who lived in the dark all their life would feel if they were suddenly exposed to a bright light. Agent Six dropped her shard of glass putting her hands to her face rubbing her eyes, it was the first time this had ever happened before and it was strange to feel this kind of pain but what was even stranger was the fact that Agent Six seemed to smile but that was uncertain as it could just have been a trick of the light.

Agent Six was blind again but it didnt matter to her, though it would make finding that shard harder. patting the area around her, her fingers brushed something sharp and curled around the glass. taking it up Agent Six created an observer spirit but it was weak and was still being affected by the light from before. 'no matter' she looked at Jonathans still body not quite sure how to drag him to the elevators. then an idea came to mind, Agent Six began to expand ber observer spirit letting it explore the mansion for a source of water and people. three people stood in the kitchen one of them being the Weapon or Vincent as they called him. they had a bottle of wine that had been left to the side, the younger boy seemed to be overjoyed by something looking into a large mirror 'perfect'.

sending the observer spirit into the mirror it took up the entirety of its surface. but it would be difficult to take on a humanoid form with a flat surface so a long spindly arm shot out grabbing the wine bottle and slamming it into the mirror. the mirror itself was fine with a few cracks but the wine bottle shattered on impact the liquid ran down the surface of the mirror but never reached the floor as it should. instead it took shape with the observer spirit giving it more space to take on a small form that looked like the upper body of a oerson or in this case Agent Six. it reached out towards Vincent brushing against his throat almost like she was trying to choke him but physical contact should help in what she was going to say next.

"Jonathan" was the only word it spoke but to Vincent he would have seen a flury of images of what had happened telling him exactly where Jonathan was. and with that the observer spirit lost its form, the wine splashed to the ground Agent Six had let go of the shard of glass trying to drag Jonathans body across the floor towards the elevator. but her plan was failing as she really couldnt drag a fully grown man like Jonathan only making her fall backwards on her butt. so Agent Six decided to just sit there cradiling Jonathans head on her lap making sure not to touch his face, unsure of whether or not he could effect the dreams of a person who never dreamed anything in her life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Scott Summers, Jean Grey, and Kent Van Pelt

Scott and Kent led Dr. Strange and son to Professor Xavier’s office to talk. The Professor’s meeting concluded and the Dr. left. Professor X headed to his quarters to rest. He had a long day. Scott and Kent sat in the living room chatting. It had been a long time since Scott and Kent last spoke. Kent was an unofficial member of the X-men yet everyone considered him a part of the team. He was glad to stick around the mansion. It was like being home again.

There was one more ringing of the newly fixed doorbell. Scott and Kent went to answer the door and greet the guest. Low and behold stood Jean Grey back from Ireland and ready to assist the x-men once again. Scott was shocked. He wasn’t expecting Jean back until a week later. Scott’s eyes began to tear up. “Jean
 you’re back
” Scott said softly.

Jean simply smiled and gave Scott a big hug. “I miss you so much Scott. It’s good to be back with you.” The two embraced and kissed.

Kent smiled as he stepped back and allowed the couple to have their moment. Jean then greeted Kent with a warm smile. “So sorry Kent. I didn’t mean to ignore you. It’s just been a little while since Scott and I have been together.” Jean explained.

“Before she could continue Kent said, “I know. There’s no need to apologize. You’re absolutely fine.” Jean gave Kent a big hug. She was very glad to see Kent as well. Jean and Scott went to get Jean settled in again. Reunions were needed, but they would have to come later.

One their way to the Jean and Scott’s room, the group passed the War room, in it sat Logan and Frenzy talking quietly. Logan looked up and saw Jean. Their eyes met and Logan’s heart sunk in. He wasn’t ready to see her. He quickly got his expression together and greeted Jean. “Hey Jean. It’s been a while huh?” Logan said in a indifferently.

Jean smiled and replied, “Indeed it has. It’s good to see you Logan.”

Scott made way toward their bedroom and carried Jean’s belongings with him. Kent decided to stay with Logan and Frenzy in the war room and enjoy their conversation.

Vincent Xavier, Abe Fuyumi

“Well now, do you remember him or have we turned you into the wrong guy?” Vincent said jokingly. Ryan only smiled, the tears now falling freely from his eyes. "No... No, that's me. That's how I used to look... Thank you! Thank you so much Vincent!" Ryan said, running over to Vincent and tackling him with a huge hug. "I'm me again!" Ryan yelled into Vincent's chest, his voice muffled slightly. He pulled away for a moment, running directly over to Professor Fuyumi, flinging himself onto her as he did Vincent before. "We did it. I'm so happy. Thank you for the mirror." After a brief moment, Ryan stepped away from Fuyumi and looked at himself. "I need to... I need to train, to practice. I have to be able to turn this off and on again whenever I want to. I need to... I need to paint. God, I haven't been able to paint without huge clawed hands for years. I want to... I want to do so many things! I can... I can... I can be me, Vincent. I can be me again." Ryan finished, his cheeks rosy, his smile massive.

Vincent’s smiling and laughter continued. He knew Ryan had the drive and determination to train diligently. Discovering one’s self takes work. Fuyumi was so glad to see Ryan so genuinely happy. Ryan always made Fuyumi feel like a maternal figure when he was around her. It was a good feeling. He was in fact the closest thing to a sibling or son she had. She had always figured that she came off as distant to others because she was so quiet and to herself. She was glad that now she knew for sure that she didn’t make Ryan feel as if he were being pushed away.

The celebration was cut short when Agent Six, who was currently in the mansion’s sub-levels, sent her observer spirit into the mirror it took up the entirety of its surface, a long spindly arm shot out grabbing the wine bottle and slamming it into the mirror. The mirror itself was fine with a few cracks but the wine bottle shattered on impact the liquid ran down the surface of the mirror but never reached the floor as it should. Instead it took shape with the observer spirit giving it more space to take on a small form that looked like the upper body of a person, Agent Six. It reached out towards Vincent brushing against his throat almost like she was trying to choke him but physical contact should help in what she was going to say next.

Vincent was very startled. It’s not very easy to catch him off guard seeing as that he tends to receive a psionic warning when danger is imminent. Fuyumi shrieked as the strange arm shot from the mirror and the form seemingly choked Vincent. Vincent didn’t know exactly what he was going to do as he hadn’t gotten a hold on all that was happening to him.

"Jonathan" was the only word it spoke but to Vincent he would have seen a flurry of images of what had happened telling him exactly where Jonathan was. Vincent now knew that he wasn’t being attacked but he was being warned. This was a cry for help from Agent Six. With that the observer spirit lost its form, the wine splashed to the ground.

Suddenly they heard a noise from outside of the kitchen. “Professor!” April Barber, the schools head nurse, screamed as she ran down the hallways, eventually leading out into the kitchens. “Vincent! There’s something upstairs!” she panted, leaning against the door frame. “I think Ace’s powers are manifesting themselves!” It took some time for her to catch her breath and when she finally did the sight of Ryan almost made her lose it again. “Ryan!? Oh my god!” she exclaimed, mouth slightly agape. “Is that you?” she asked dumbfounded.

Fuyumi after calming down, turned to April and smiled, “Yes this is Ryan. We’ll definitely have to explain it to you later.”

Vincent sighed heavily. “Yes
 well that settles it. If one freaky happening didn’t settle it then this does. So Ace is the cause of what’s attacking Jonathan and Agent Six
” Vincent said in a pondering manner. “Well that was a warning from Agent Six. She and Jonathan are in danger and I fear the we are as well. Ace must have lost control of her shadow power again. But is this Alice’s doing?” Vincent said to the group. He then turned to Ryan. “Ryan do you think you can still defend yourself in this state for now? I’m not sure if we have the time to change you back. Just stick with me and I’ll have your back. We need to warn the others. There are construction workers outside as well that need to be safeguarded. We most definitely can risk civilians getting hurt.” Vincent instructed. He wondered why Ace lost control. Alice seemed to be under wraps lately but what would have set that power out of whack? There was definitely something at work here, Vincent thought to himself.

Vincent ran down to the sub-basement levels of the mansion. Fuyumi followed behind Vincent. She then phased down through the floor to the Sub-basement and began searching for Jonathan and Agent Six. She ran from corridor to corridor until she spotted them. Agent six sat on the floor cradling Jonathan’s head in her lap. It looked as if she was trying to protect him from the large shadow figure looming over them. Fuyumi phased through the floor and arose next to Jonathan and Agent Six. “It’s me Shadow or Fuyumi. He’s unconscious huh?” Fuyumi asked after introducing herself to agent six. Agent Six was blind and also she and Fuyumi have had little chance to get acquainted with one another so Fuyumi felt a brief intro was in order. “I’ve got you two don’t worry.” Fuyumi said while she placed her hands, one on Agent Six, the other on Jonathan (making sure not to touch his skin but his clothing) and phased the two through the ground and into the next room.”
Fuyumi made sure the two were okay. While looking at Jonathan she thought to herself. “It must be so hard for him to deal with his power. I remember how it felt not to be tangible for a while. It was horrible not to be able to touch a thing. But I imagine he has it worse. He can have skin contact with another at all. Such a handsome young man, yet I’m sure he’s not even attempting to date in his condition. I do hope he gains control of his ability so he too can have a more normal life.”

Vincent made it downstairs. He had taken note that Fuyumi had gotten Agent Six and Jonathan to safety. He looked at the creature of the shadows face to face. It seemed to be examining him as well. Vincent’s thoughts raced. “How do I shut this creature down? Usually Professor psionically arrests the Alice persona into the shadow realm. However I’m sensing Ace is actually unconscious. I think the shadows themselves have struck out on their own. So how will I Psionically dismiss them without their creator conscious and aware? Perhaps I can telekinetically disperse the shadow? It won’t kill it but it will force it to split apart and disperse. That would at least buy us some time to regroup.” Vincent said.

He placed his hands on his temples and concentrated on a combustible telekinetic force. The shadow charged at him shrieking viciously in an unearthly tone. Just in time the shadow dispersed into a black mist and faded away. Vincent rejoined Fuyumi, Agent Six and Jonathan in the next room over. “I think I commandeered us some time. We need to move him to safety.” Vincent said to the group.

Matsuzawa Hideki, Pietro Maximoff, Logan, Frenzy, Kent Van Pelt

Hideki was walking to his room from outside. He still couldn’t shake the strange feeling he had. Like something was stirring in the atmosphere. “Gosh I keep getting these horrible chilling feelings
 this premonition stuff if best left to the telepaths like Vincent or professor X geez
” He complained.

Hideki wondered what Aidan was up to. The man was so mysterious. “That man was a friend of Professor X according to the Professor, although he didn’t seem much like Xavier only in the manner of being obviously wealthy.” Hideki thought to himself. The man that creeped Hideki out was now becoming the subject of much curiosity. Hideki’s thought processes were cut short when Pietro sprinted swiftly around the corner and toward Hideki. Pietro moved so fast it seemed as if he was going to crash into Hideki. However, Pietro saw Hideki well before he reached him. His reaction time is superb so Pietro was able to stop right in front of Hideki. His face bore a cool smirk. Hideki fell backward in fear of a possible collision.

“What the hell!? Pietro didn’t anyone ever tell you not to run in the house?!” Hideki fussed. He was already feeling uneasy today, but this only made his heart feel like it was going to burst through his chest.

Pietro squatted down and offered to help Hideki up. “Yeah sure they did
 like I would ever listen to that. Sorry kiddo. I was heading out for a jog.” Pietro replied.

“I had heard something about Cain going on an outing and taking a few others with him. I thought you were supposed to go. What happened to that?” Hideki asked.

 yeah about that. I was all fine and dandy with Cain asking me and all, but my dad was going too. He and I don’t gel too well so I decided to pass. However my half bro and I are gonna have a little bonding time later. He’re going clubbing~” Pietro smiled. He was in a pretty jovial mood. He was looking forward to spending time with Cain and getting to know him. He only hoped that his new brother wasn’t too much like their father Magneto.

The sound of critters seemed to rustle and rattle around them. It was strange and the sounds rapidly increased in frequency. Suddenly little shadow creatures sprang up from the shadowy areas of the corridor and scurried towards Pietro and Hideki. “What the
?” Pietro was unsure of what it was he was seeing.

Hideki felt that shudder in his body, this was the cause of what he was feeling earlier, he realized. He fired a spray of plasmatic flares at the shadow creatures and they seemed to be in pain. Several scurried away in terror while those that were struck faded away. They definitely didn’t like bright light. “Pietro cover your eyes!” Hideki warned. Pietro quickly followed instructions and covered his eyes as the blinding white lite illuminated all over the hallway from Hideki’s body. The monsters were eradicated. “We’d better warn the others.” Hideki said as he turned toward Pietro.

Pietro quickly swept Hideki off his feet and raced down the hall. Looking for someone that could help, they found Logan sitting quietly in the war room, with Kent Van Pelt, and Fenzy. They sat talking quietly with each other as Pietro and Hideki rushed into the quiet atmosphere. “Perfect it’s the tin man Wolverine. Hey we’ve got ourselves a nasty little shadow critter situation around here and light bright here can’t be expected to blind everyone trying to get rid of them all alone.” Pietro spoke swiftly as he did most everything else.

Logan responded, “Look here Bub! I ain’t no tin man. And if you keep that little cute act up, you’ll have a much bigger problem than Flare here flashing a few bright lights in your smug face.” Logan huffed in a bit of an attitude.

Kent laughed a little nervously, “Sorry about that Quicksilver. Logan’s in a bit of a bad mood right now. However we’re here to help. As much as I’d hate to break up their moment, we’d better go get Scott and Jean.” Kent said.

Logan seemed to perk up instantly at the sound of busting up Scott and Jean. “Well let’s get going team!” Logan said with a smirk no one could miss.

Hideki let out a sigh, “Oh well
 So much for Kyle and my ‘one true pairing’ dreams for Scott and Logan
They made the perfect anti couple
” Hideki mopped to himself.

David North, Victor Creed, Stinger, Magneto and Cain

ignoring the hand Canaan growled at the both of them "then your just like everyone else always wanting to take advantage of Terra's abilitys well guess what its a simple no we dont need you help" her eyes narrowed.

Cain was a bit hurt by her skepticism. He honestly wanted to help them perfect their abilities. He wished that mutant could and would trust each other more. He felt that if they didn’t stick together, they’d be wiped out by those that would want to hurt them. David, Victor and Frenzy didn’t care for the young mutant’s attitude much yet they kept themselves in check and avoided interjecting. Cain could sense that Memory had had a run in with a Morlock. She did manage to handle herself and hide. But Canaan was beginning to pick up on her presence. Sabertooth and David both immediately picked up on the noise as well.

Glaring at Cain Canaan was about to turn away except she heard a sound, an unwelcomed sound of a body hitting the ground. the tip of her tail twitched just once and already Canaan pushed past Cain and the rest with unatural grace befitting a cat hybrid such as herself. a growl escaped her throat as she advanced on the intruder, Cain readied himself to act. He watched closely and sharply. He was prepared to subdue anyone that dared to hurt his team including Canaan if need be. but suddenly a small tremor shook the tunnels dislodging a few slabs of rock.

Canaan snapped her head in the direction of where she had come from, fear in her eyes. "shit Terra" her voice rose and se was gone running towards where her brother was. passing the group of X-Men stopping just for a moment "first of all when your come visit us don’t take all you man power with you. And second go deal with that little rat you have tailong behind that wall" her voice low and threatening. so with that Canaan ran past the gate towards Terra who laid still but it was obvious that he was the cause of that tremor.

Cain glanced over to Magneto, who remained silent. He wanted to allow Cain to proceed as he saw fit. He truly believed in his children as leaders, with the exception of Pietro perhaps. David looked over to Cain and Magneto. “So we have a stalker?” He said sarcastically.

Cain sighed and replied, “Memory Ashcroft. I’ve been aware of her presence for a while now but I decided to proceed without blowing her cover. She did an excellent job in masking her location. However my telepathy is exceptionally strong and hard to hide from.”

David smirked then turned around and headed toward Memory’s general direction. “Hey Wonder twin. You can come out now. The jigs up. I’ll look after you Memory. We’ll go in together and I promise to bring you back to your brother safe and sound. Sound good?” David spoke flirtatiously. He really enjoyed Memory. She was an interesting person to David.

Victor grinned, “Did he mention that he’s more than twice her age? Don’t let his artificially halted pretty boy looks fool you.” He commented loudly.
Stinger asked Cain, “Well aren’t we gonna get outta here? I mean the little twerp said she didn’t want any help so we should just beat it.” She was ready to leave the sewers.

Cain shook his head. “I need to try again. I hope they will understand my heart.” He proceeded over toward Canaan. The other Morlocks didn’t want the group anywhere in their space. Cain knelt down by Canaan and Terra. “You know the morlocks haven’t been able to help you attain any growth in developing your power in the recent past. I can feel it. Both you and Terra feel as if you’ve hit a wall and wished you could continue to grow. Well you can, with the right help.” He motioned toward the others. These people are far from being defined as all of my man power. They are very strong but the X-men as a team is unstoppable. I just wanted to make sure that nothing unnecessary happened, they are here to insure that.” Cain turned back to Canaan, “please give us a chance.”