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Peachy Ro

"Hey cheer up! Thing's will turn around~"

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a character in “Yamaku Academy: School for the Disabled.”, as played by CookieCupcake


Name: Peachy Ro

Birthday: September 1st she is 16

Height: 4'2

Weight: 101

Hair color: Peachy colored

Eye color: Bright blue

Unstable legs... And hits to the head even light one's can cause fainting, small seizures, or simply her whole body locking up for a few minutes to hours.

Personality: Bright happy and lovable she always looks on the up side and loves making people happy. She is quite naive and trusts people right away never thinking anyone could do anything wrong.

- Food
- Sweets
- Flowers
- Birds
- Butterfly's
- Outdoors
- Sweet peaches
- Musics and art

- Scary movies
- Centipedes
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- Quitters

History: Peachy was born a healthy young girl with a full head of wild peach colored hair. From a young age she was energetic and wild always running around playing sports and games with her two older brothers. She was a wild girl and each time people asked her "what do you want to be when you grow up?" She'd answer with the biggest grin an soccer player. But when she was 6 she received several head trauma after falling off a fence directly onto concrete. The initial shock to her system and head trauma sent her into a coma.

Day and night her family stayed by her side waiting for her to wake up. Month's passed and there was no change until the eve of her birthday when she woke up scared and frightened. Her family comforted her and took her home but the doctors warned them that the coma would have done neurological damage to her brain. While at first nothing happened her parent's soon noticed a change. Peachy ran less and began to fall and stumble. She became scared and frightened... A visit to the doctor confirmed all there fears. The neurological damage was effecting her ability to walk. While it would not cause her any real mental damage her legs were the thing to suffer. As she grew her legs became weaker and soon she began having to use a walking stick to get around causing a serious limp. Her leg's often hurt her to the point where she may cry and this continued until she learned to hold back the tears. When it comes time for gym class she can't join in. Either she falls over moves to slow and even a small hit to the head is dangerous for the small girl.

While most would think she'd go into depression Peachy bounced back and took up flower design and writing. Recently when playing video games with her brothers her parent's announced she'd been accepted into a school that would better fit her needs. While she was sad about going she's eager to meet people who can relate with her and she's determined to make people happy at her new school.

She has fair skin with often peach blossom pink cheeks and bright blue eyes that are warm and welcoming. She is petite for her age and rather thin and while her hair and eyes make her stand out she's not really beautiful or gorgeous more like cute and small with a happy smile. While she will wear school uniforms she likes to mix it up with different sorts of ties and has a green alien backpack for laughs. On day's where she is not in her school uniform she wears things that are comfortable and often very very conservative sense she's a bit shy about showing herself off.


So begins...

Peachy Ro's Story


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Peachy sat on the bus and watched as people began to dismount. Some seemed scared and confused while others acted like this was no big deal at all. Peachy was the last one off because she was slowest and had to use a walking stick to swing herself off the bus... Then there was the issue of landing as well. She stood once everyone was more of less off and slowly made her way to the front of the bus using her walking stick as a left leg sense that one was the worst out of the both numb and nearly limp legs. She got to the front and smiled thanking the bus driver before she used the walking stick to somewhat vault her way out of the bus and onto the ground. Mild pain shot up her legs as they fumbled on contact but she managed to catch herself.

She turned her blue eyes to gaze at the gate with its intricate pattern that seemed woven into the metal. The school was quite nice but it did not feel at all like any sort of home sense this was her first year coming here. She hastily tried to force her legs to move into the group not wanting to fall behind and waited patiently as the gates opened. Most people walked in and made there way to the front door. Peachy on the other hand stood for awhile making sure she had everything before she limped behind the group of first years.

Inside the hall was full of people most first years had already seemed to find themselves a friend or there roommate and were already chatting away. Peachy on the other had did not know who her roommate was nor how to find out... In fact she had no idea what she was doing. She felt people bump into her and she quickly used her walking stick as a support so she did not tip over. Peachy spotted the room list and was about to make her way over when she saw the amount of people and decided to make her way over there in no big haste so there would be time for the crowd to slowly dissipate...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Peachy Ro
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Alex didn't feel particularly excited for coming to this new school, but it would a change from the hospital he was admitted to earlier due to him falling down and hurting himself badly. He was busy drawing a picture of his childhood, but the bus he was riding stopped abruptly and made him streak an ugly line across his paper. He frowned and wished to say something, but then he remembered he couldn't talk anymore. He didn't purposely wait till almost everyone was off, but he was busy correcting his mistake. He gave up on correcting his mistake and put the notebook he was drawing in into his notebook, so he could draw the scene on the notebook again later. He stood up and walked towards the exit of the bus, since he would rather not be on the bus when it leaves the school. But before he got off the bus, he thanked the driver in sign language. He took out the notebook he used to speak to people who didn't know sign language, since not all of the school would decided to take classes to read and sign in sign language. He slowly walked out of the bus, since he didn't know if it would damage his body to jump off recklessly and he wasn't daring enough to try.

The gates were quite beautiful, but he decided to stop looking at the gate in awe. The gate reminded him of the gate that was around his family's mansion, even though the gate wasn't necessary due to his family owning a whole island and it being illegal to step on his family's land without an invitation from one of the family members. He put on a smile and decided he would try to enjoy this school, but he didn't know what to do to enjoy his new life. His parents' attempt to make him feel more normal was a mediocre, since they were trying to make him feel normal by sending him to a school that taught many with disabilities. Instead their attempt would constantly remind him of why he was here, but he would at least give it a chance and not turn the chance down without actually experiencing this new school himself. He was tired of stalling his entry into the school by thinking of other things, so he walked through the gates expecting a lot of pressure to be put upon him. He then noticed that the idea of a lot of pressure being put upon him was idiotic and just another thought to stall him from entering the school itself.

He walked into the hall and saw a lot of students speaking, but he had forgotten where to go and had lost the map given to him by the head nurse. He saw a girl with walking stick and when he walked past her he waved at her with a smile. He turned his attention back to trying to find out how to figure out who his roommate was, and by a strike of luck he saw people surrounding a list . He would later investigate the list to see what information it would hold, luckily for him it would hold the information about rooms. He then decided that perhaps he should wait until people cleared from the list, so he could get a better view and not be so crowded. To pass the time he walked back to the girl with a walking stick and decided to introduce himself, but he had no idea if the girl would be able to speak sign language. He decided to gamble and he got out his notebook to ask the question that would tell him if she spoke sign language or not. On his notebook he wrote a simple question. "Do you know sign language?"


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Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Peachy Ro
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Peachy was pressed agaisnt the wall trying not to let her slow limping walk become a nucense to other students. Her wooden walking stick was clutched in her hand tightly nearly making her knuckles white as she was pushed and shoved about by people of all sorts. Finally she just slowed to a stop allowing herself a small break so that the pain shooting up along her thin weak legs would slowly dissipate. She ran her hand over the carved wood of her wooden stick longing for home... Longing for her very brothers who'd carved it for her. She sighed feeling nervous and lonely in the large school. She'd been so excited at first but now... Now she just wasn't sure at all. She leaned against the wall before continuing on. This time with less of a rushed pace so it would hurt her legs less then it had previously.

She was still walking along the hall when she saw someone wave at her. She blinked her large blue orb like eyes and lifted a hand to wave back with a tiny smile. Though she had no idea who he was... Maybe someone who like her was rather alone and confused by the entire ordeal of simply trying to find out where to go? She watched him move along over to the crowd of people look around and then make his way back. Probably deciding to wait until the large loud crowd had at least thinned a little before attempting to find out his room and class number. She blinked rather shocked when he returned her direction and paused thinking before pulling out a sketch book. Peachy watch confused with her head tilted to the side as he wrote down something and turned to show her.

Peachy leaned on her walking stick and read the young mans inquire. She had to think about it honestly. Back home she remembered a young girl who'd been mute and very very ill. Her and the young girl were both unable to partake in gym despite how much they'd always wanted to... But that was nearly 2 years ago after the girl had moved and she'd only taught Peachy things like basic needs. Peachy blinked and smile at the boy. "I'm sorry only very very little... You don't mind do you?" She smiled kindly hoping to make a friend... Or at least an acquaintance.

Peachy let out a little yelp as a girl flew by on a skateboard nearly running over Peachy's feet. She stared after the pretty girl a little bit envious a little bit sad... And a little bit thinking how she should wear less revealing clothing. Peachy felt bad after realizing her feelings of envy and gave herself a little self discipline in her own mind. Peachy hated being envious but sometimes it did occur when she saw others with so much freedom and there she was hobbling about like some penguin. She gripped her walking stick and brought it closer to herself before realizing that she was un-politely not paying attention to the boy who'd walked over to talk to her.

She lifted her head and smiled at the boy. "I should probably introduce myself." She gave a crooked happy smile. "My name is Peachy Ro... Can I pretty please know yours???" She smiled even more and it lit up her face. She giggled. "You can probably guess why I'm named Peachy hun?" She twined her thin small fingers through her wild pinky-peach colored hair as her cheeks took on a blossomy pink hue feeling shy and rather out of place in the large group of people still walking about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Peachy Ro
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(Double post glitch.)


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Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Peachy Ro
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He was happy that the girl didn't ignore him, like countless others did in his old schools. He was genuinely smiling, instead of the facade he always put on. He would've let out a small yelp when a girl passed by him and the pink haired girl, but he couldn't make any noise no matter how much he wanted to. He wished he could be as free as the girl who passed by him, but he knew that with his weak body he would never be allowed to do strenuous and reckless things like that. He wouldn't wallow in self pity though, since he hasn't been able to do many things as a child and not being able to talk was something he got used to after a while. He learned sign language quickly due to him constantly studying it, since he couldn't communicate his thoughts with words and piano only conveyed his emotions.

He quickly regained his composure, remembering the girl's question. He decided he would ask the girl later if he could draw her and her vividly colored hair, but for now he decided to just converse or what he considered having a conversation. People found it awkward to communicate with Alex at first, but eventually they got used to it and talking to Alex became a sort of second nature. He wrote a response to her first question "I'm sorry only a very very little… You don't mind do you?" He didn't really need to think of what to respond with, since a lot of people had asked this question before. The paper read "I don't mind, I've gotten used to writing in my notebook and I know how to keep the words written to a minimum." This was true and it became a reflex for him to write on his notebook to communicate with new people. But if he knew someone could read sign language, then he would sign all his words and the person would sign back or speak normally. He wrote a response to her second question and this time he was using his other, which he could write quickly with and his response took no more than two seconds to write. "My name is Alexander Tores, nice to meet you Peachy. You wouldn't mind being friends with me, would you? I could perhaps teach you advanced sign language in the future to communicate better, since I doubt I will have enough paper to communicate as friends. That is, if you want to be friends." He hoped to make a friend here and this girl seemed nice enough, but he wouldn't be able to do strenuous activities with any of the friends he would or wouldn't make. He decided he would tell her his disabilities, so they would not have any awkward moments later on.

"If you haven't noticed yet, I can't speak and I have to sign or use a notebook. My other disability is having a weak body, and due to that I wont be able to participate in strenuous activities or risk being in the hospital again." Alex has taken many trips to the hospital due him being weak as a child, but he always recovered and eventually he decided that it would do him good to get at least a minimum of six minutes of exercise per day. His weak body isn't as bad as it was before, but he could still not participate in contests or risk his parents taking him away from the school and getting him a private tutor. He did not wish to be cut off from the rest of the world and he spoke to the head nurse about this, but him and the head nurse were still working out the details. He didn't really know about the outsider world, besides the things he learned while trying to catch up secretly on the internet. The name Alexander Tores is famous for being the name of the inventor of a lot of technology used by everyone, but mostly by teenagers. Alex does not know that hiding who he is would make his life easier in school, so he didn't have the chance to come up with an alias.


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Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Peachy Ro
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Peachy smiled as the boy mentioned he did not mind. She smiled brightly. "I'm so relieved... I know some of the basics of it so maybe I can learn quickly." She giggled a little as she began to feel more comfortable around the boy. The boy whom she soon discovered was named Alexander... He also asked if she'd like to be friends. Her bright blue eyes widened as she broke into a grin. "REALLY? I-I'd love to be friends!" She blushed realizing how loud she'd bin. "S-Sorry for yelling it's just this whole time I was stressing about meeting someone and making a friend... And you asked I-It just makes me feel a little bit more at home." She gave her brightest happiest smile and it lit up her whole face.

She went quiet as he wrote down about his disability. She read each word he wrote with great care and smiled sadly when he was done. "Don't worry I can't be too wild either... Even a light hit on the head could send me back into a coma... And as for my legs..." She looked at the walking stick trailing off. "Sometimes my legs just freeze up... Other times they just hurt... At times I loose control and they shake making it imposable for me to stand even with my walking stick..." She shuffled back and forth from foot to foot. "So don't worry about me pushing you if anything you might have to catch me when I collapse... Lucky for you I'm short and skinny." She giggled. When Alex mentioned learning sign language she nodded. "Il gladly learn if you teach me... Then maybe I could be like your human translator... And not just some weird lady with a walking stick." She giggled a little feeling ecstatic that someone had asked to be her friend.

Peachy's mind wandered as she let her eyes rest on the notebook her friend carried. "Hey... Is your notebook only for communicating or do draw?" She tilted her head to the side as her large eyes filled with curiosity. "I'm asking cause I've always loved art... I'm not very good... Ok I suck at it myself but I love watching people draw... It's amazing how they can create something so beautiful on paper..." She blushed a little. "Sorry I'm rambling I'm just so excited and curious now that I've met someone who doesn't just look past me because of the walking stick and how slow I move..."

Peachy was about to say something when the intercom rang out a message “All students report to the main hall for the opening ceremonies.” Peachy watched as the flood of students immediately flooded in one direction. She quickly made herself small agaisnt the wall until the larger part of the crowd was further down the hall. Peachy turned to her knew friend and gestured with her small hands if he was ready to go.

"Is it alright if I quickly check what class and room I have... This might be the only free time with the wild current of student's flooding about the hall."


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Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Peachy Ro
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Alex was happy that he managed to make a new friend, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to make any other friends. He was afraid that he may lose his friends the same way he lost his brother and the person he loved, but he would at least give having a friend a try. He never had any translators due to the tutors he had always knowing sign language, but he has heard of people having translators and he didn't think he would need one. Now he thinks he wouldn't need one, but it would be more convenient and it would allow him to have more linear conversations. He noticed her blushing, but he wouldn't point it out and embarrass her. His brother on the other hand would've embarrassed her and somehow get away with on the other day, his brother would never mean to embarrass you that much and he would only want to pick on you as a friend. Alex's brother would pick on everyone, including people with disabilities. He made people feel normal, since other kids wouldn't pick on them and since he would never mean to cause actual harm.

Alex was happy at the fact that he wouldn't have to strain his body like he has with other friends, since the other heirs of rich families usually came to his house to play with Alex and those rich kids were the only friends that Alex's family approved of him having. Alex was able to speak almost every language as a child, so he had a lot of chances to communicate. But now that he is mute, he can not show the same lingual dexterity that he had as a child. He can still understand other languages and he can still reply in those languages with a notebook, but it is less enjoyable if you have to stop whatever you're doing just to talk to someone.

He didn't know if he should reveal what he drew in his notebook, but he decided that he might as well since this girl would be his friend. "Yes, I do draw in it, but most of my drawings are about my brother and the girl I loved." There was a longer than normal pause after he said yes. There was also a sadness in his voice when he explained what he drew in his notebook, he hoped she would guess that the fact that he was sad was that his brother and the person he loved were dead. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold back tears if he had to say that they were dead, since he still cried every once in a while and the day before his birthday. His birthday was never a happy time for him, since it was the day after his brother and the person he loved died. "Rambling is fine, I probably wouldn't have a chance to tell you what I draw in my notebook if you didn't ask." Alex was always saddened when on the subject of his family, so he always tried to find a way around the subject.

He a bit surprised when the announcement rang on the intercom, but he wondered how they announced things to the deaf. He watched the girl gesture with her hands and he noticed that he usually signed everything that he wrote on his notebook after writing it. He didn't mind if she quickly checked her class, but he wondered why she needed to ask for his permission to check her class and room. "I don't mind, since I also have to check my class and room. " He quickly walked up to the list and saw that his class was the third on the second floor, and that peachy's class was the first on the third floor. He really wouldn't have to worry about grades, since he was a genius and was credited for inventing many things sold by his family's company. He went back to peachy and he would tell her that he was going on ahead. "I'm going on ahead, I'll save a seat for you if you want me to. " He waited for her response before he left and went towards the main hall.

When he went in there he sat down in the back, putting his bags in the seat next to him. He saw a lot of kids choosing seats in the front. He didn't really mind if the girl from earlier didn't sit by him, since they would still be friends and he didn't want to take away any chances for her to make new friends. He waited there for anything new to happen or anyone to address him.


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Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Hana Fujio
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Peachy watched as Alexander checked his classes and then left to save them a seat. She smiled and using her walking stick walked to the list. She quickly memorized everything she needed before she began her slow limping walk toward the main hall. She heard someone say help and she turned around as her eye's came to rest on a girl with a dog over her growling. Peachy narrowed her blue eyes. Many people called her naive and she was but when someone was openly calling out under this type of circumstance she felt cut in two one side wanting to have hope for humanity the other yelling at her to do something.

Forcing her legs to move Peachy used the walking stick to pole vault herself half way across the hall. But the action cause her to crash and slide the rest of the way until she was in front of the girl and her dog. "HEY BACK OFF!" The boy's who'd been initially surrounding the girl took a step back surprised. "That's right I said back off!" She huffed her bright blue eyes narrowed. She watched the boy's back off before turning to walk away.

Peachy let out a sigh of relief and dragged herself to her legs as they shook in pain. "O-ow..." She rubbed her legs trying to make the pain leave but it only got worse. She bit back the pain and turned to look at the girl. "Hey you ok? Sorry if I kinda landed on you." She reached over and helped the girl up quickly noting the dog. Peachy wanted to try on a comforting smile but she knew that would have little to no effect considering the girl could not see it.

The intercom blared again and Peachy grabbed onto the girl. "Hey we need to go." Walking as fast she could she stumbled awkwardly and painfully through the hall sometimes leaning on the girl which meant most of the conversation on the way to the ceremony was her apologizing for her faulty legs. When they walked into the room Peachy's eyes quickly scanned for Alexander with luck she managed to find him and awkwardly stumble her way there. She could feel her legs burning as the pain increased but she tried not to let the shaking show. "Found you Alex... I also picked up someone else who was having troubles in the hall with some bully's... I... I don't even know her name yet..."

Peachy quickly took the seat Alex had saved for her and helped the girl she'd found take a seat also. "Umm...Sense I forgot to ask... What's you name anyway... And the name of your beautiful seeing dog." Peachy gently pet the dog's head and smiled. "I'm Peachy and my friend here is Alex... But I might have to talk for him if he addresses you... Sorry." Finally over explaining things Peachy leaned back trying to relax but found it hard with her legs shaking and hurting from the strenuous activity she'd just made it endure. She closed her eyes for a simple moment when she'd remembered something she wanted to say to Alexander about there earlier conversation about drawing. "Hey Alex... About earlier I think it's good your remembering your brother and the person you loved with drawings... Don't give it up ok." She gave a grin and then looked out and about feeling happy and optimistic about the day.


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Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Hana Fujio
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Hana was grateful for the girl's help, but she seemed to be oblivious of the fact that Hana could not breath. Nana wriggled anxiously, a low whine escaping her maw. She brushed her nose repeatedly against her owner's palm, obviously wondering why Hana hadn't addressed her condition yet. Hana clutched tightly to the scruff of Nana's neck, wheezing. She collapsed out of her chair onto the floor; Nana began barking loudly.

Hana groped on the ground, trying to find the leg of the girl with the stick. She latched onto her ankle, fear lacing through her blood.

"Inhaler." She mouthed, unable to speak anymore. She had a moment to hope the girl had seen her before she fainted.


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Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
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So there it stood. Yamaku Academy, Razeluxe’s new education facility, and his new prison. What was so wrong with his old school? It wasn’t like he was going to keel over and die right there in the middle of his normal school in front of his normal friends and die somewhat normally. “Chance” was what they said. There was a chance he could simply have a heart attack, or a serious seizure, which is why they said he should move to this school. The one for all the disabled people. That sure as hell made him feel good. Now he wasn’t with his best friends anymore, and he’d have to start anew.

These ancient, worn designs on this gate weren’t his own, they were Yamaku’s. He still just didn’t know If he was going to get over that fact – that he’d have to restart life once again, just like when he moved from America. Raze enjoyed meeting new people and earning new friends, but he didn’t like doing so at the cost of old ones. As much as he’d like to stay and angst, he did hear about an opening ceremony he must really get to, lest he be late.

By now, there weren’t too many people at the front gates for obvious reasons, so instead of pushing his way through a bustling crowd of students, he walked his way straight towards his destination without bumping into a single person. Guess if anything, being somewhat late was good. He got to walk without restriction and he bet that bumping into a student without legs or something would be really, really awkward. To many of these other students, he bet he’d look like a normal kid, a bully simply knocking poor, defenseless students off their not-so-fleshy feet like he was better than them. Surely in this school of the disabled, he would still be weird.

His journey took him through some halls which he had the pleasure of being shown a few days prior (because he had a horrible sense of direction and would easily get lost otherwise) and past a few turns, down the tile walkways. Each tile had a simple pattern, he noticed. The child in him said to maybe play a game – the hot-lava game as he called it, where certain tiles spelled doom for those who walked on them. Then he realized he wasn’t five anymore, and promptly threw away that idea. Reluctantly.
It wasn’t long after that he found his destination and to his dismay, it was a bit crowded. Finding a seat would be a pain, it seemed. Ironically, you couldn’t count the amount of students Raze saw without arms on your hand. He felt bad… whereas his own disability was stamina-related, some might not even be able to throw a ball or punch! It also reinforced his idea that he shouldn’t be in this place when they could spend time and effort on someone who needed it more. He sighed – no, he was being bitter and that’s not who he was. He was normally happy and enthusiastic, now down and looking for any excuse to get his ass out of a situation. A shake of his brown head and a flicker of a smile, he decided to stop angsting and simply man-up!

And so he took a seat he found…… right behind a pink-haired girl. How strange…


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Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Hana Fujio
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Akex was a bit startled at the sudden fainting of the girl who Peachy brought along with her. He saw that the girl tried saying a word, but no sound would come out. He knew the feeling of not being able to say anything, even when you wanted to a lot. He tried pulling up the girl and setting her down on one of the chairs, his hands hurt from carrying the weight of the girl. But he didn't care about his pain, since this girl seemed to be worst of than he was at moment and he couldn't waste any time on his own pain. He patted the dog and managed to calm it down, but the dog was still anxious and worried about it's master. Instead of wasting time he searched her pockets for the inhaler and managed to find it. If it wasn't for the dog, then he wouldn't have noticed the girl's condition and he wouldn't have been able to help. He made the girl sit upright, so she could breathe better and then he tried helping the girl . He stayed calm, so the girl wouldn't get scared and so he would not do any rash actions. He turned to someone around him and signed to the person to get a nurse or someone who could help further than Alex could. He turned his attention back to Hana and he hoped the girl wouldn't die. He noticed that the clothes she was wearing weren't constricting, so he wouldn't have to do anything that might get him slapped later and he was relieved at this fact. He opened the inhaler and motioned for Peachy to open the girl's lips. He placed one hand on the girls stomach and felt a contraction, so he waited until the girl exhaled before putting the inhaler to her lips. He pressed a bit of pressure points on the girl's body to release some of the tension being built up and to calm the girl down. But before he did anything, he read the piece of paper that instructed what do in case of an emergency. He depressed the plunger on the inhaler and then he carried the girl on his back, even if this would damage his body. It hurt him to carry the girl, but it would be a more favorable outcome this way. He would get hurt a little bit and the girl wouldn't die, but if he didn't do this the girl might die and he wouldn't be hurt. He wrapped the dog's leash around his hand and began running down to the medical area, when he got there he managed to open the door and alert the head nurse of what was happening. He stayed with the girl to make sure the dog didn't get away from the girl, since he knew what it was like to have the people you care about near you when you wake up after an incident. He handed the emergency plan to the nurse and he hoped they would be able to save the girl. His muscles and body were aching quite a bit, and he might have to go to medical care himself later. He sighed a bit and patted the dog on it's head noticing that it was whimpering. He knew he would probably be scolded by his parents and he also knew they would only care that they almost lost a great source of income, but he would do his best to stay away from his parents. He then wondered why he bothered to help someone he didn't even know. Running tired him out quickly and he was in pain, but he knew the girl was probably in more pain than he was and that he should not worry about himself at the moment. A bit of his brother's kindness rubbed off on Alex . he then noticed that he managed to help even without his speech. He was happy about that fact and he hoped that he could help other people like he did today, but then again he was extremely tired and if the dog offered resistance Alex would be pulled along without the dog even having to try.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Azalea Kristin Fray Character Portrait: Zeal Yamaka Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Hana Fujio Character Portrait: Jolnas Ritter
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#, as written by Layla

"And yeah, I've already been fully testing out the wheelchair's offensive capabilities. Trouble is if you're chasing people they can always run upstairs." Funny, she was funny. Azalea liked her already. "Hi everybody. The name's Kora."

"Azalea, Zeal... No clue," she replied, waving at Blind and Sexy.

"Any of you know much about this place? I gotta admit I'm none the wiser. It wasn't exactly my decision to go here," Kora said, and Azalea felt for the girl. She hadn't exactly chosen to come here, either. She kind of missed the people who would beat her up to make the unfeeling girl feel now that she was so far away from it. It was fun pummelling people who were double her size and triple her in numbers.

"Nope," Azalea replied, rolling onto the heels of her feet and onto the balls of them, back and forth. She wasn't one for standing still. "Joined this year." Azalea watched Blind and Sexy closely, tucking a lazy arm around his waist and casually manoeuvring him so he faced Kora.

"Hey guys, do you hear that barking? I think somebodies collapsed. Guys, we need to help whoever is close to dying. "Hey, who's dog is that? is everything okay?" Azalea looked over her shoulder to find two girls 'talking' to four guys. Well, one was yelling and the other seemed to be... No. No. They let the boys walk away?

"You want to help whoever's dying?" she asked the tall boy, although she was still burning holes into the sleazy men's spines. She hoped they would snap. "Too bad, because someone's going to die," she said through clenched teeth, storming towards the four men. Azalea swivelled her body, smacking her shin against the backs of their knees, knocking two down and elbowing the others in the temple.

"What the hell?!" one growled, holding his throbbing head.

"If you think that's going to hurt, this is going to hurt even more," she said quietly, stomping on the boy's manhood between his legs. Well, there wasn't much there. Still, it had the desired effect of making him scream like a little baby and writh- She fell backwards. Azalea narrowed her eyes at the sight of one carrot headed boy's - who was simultaneously sniffing on an inhaler - fistful of her pink hair. As Azalea fell, she threw her body to the right as well as her right leg, knocking the boy over the head - it wasn't a clean kick - and sending them both crashing to the ground.

What they didn't know yet was she had an advantage.

While Carrot head was catching his breath on solid ground, Azalea jumped up, dodging a fist that came flying over her head. She grabbed the dark skinned, infinitely muscular boy around the waist as he came at her, swept her leg over his and threw him over her shoulder, just to held he descent to the cold hard ground below.

The one who'd been screaming on the ground from having his non-existent balls kicked in threw a punch at her, and she shoved her arm forward, knocking back his chin with her palm and thrusting her fist into his gut. She inwardly cursed, half admiring the boy's abs and half feeling annoyed by them. Something about beating up a guy made them less attra- She was tackled to the ground. Azalea cursed aloud as her body slammed into the ground, she tried to stand, but couldn't. Sometimes this happened, when her body reacted as any other would, but she couldn't feel in.

Abs held her arms over her head, crushing her wrists with a hand - he was strong, she'd give him that, but he was also heavy, and heavy men fell harder - and pinning her legs and torso with the weight of her body. He was close. Too close. His breath smelled like brimstone.

"Pinning a helpless girl?" she asked sweetly. Abs shook his head.

"He's deaf," the third guy with the buzz cut said.

"Figures," Azalea said. "He probably uses deafness as an excuse to rape women because he convinces himself they said yes." A punch whipped Azalea's head aside.

"He can also lip read," Carrot Head said with a grin, picking himself up from the floor with too much wobble to be convincing.

Abs reached one hand down to his pants and began unbuckling his belt. Azalea raised a brow.

"Hey, hey, if you're going to make it easier for me to crush your balls, you should moisturise them, too," she said before her head was whipped aside again. She heard the crunch of something, and she hoped it wasn't her nose. She quite liked her nose. Suddenly, she was picked off the ground and slammed against the wall, Abs pressed her face against the surface with his arm and she felt blood trickle into her lips. She tensed at his body pressed against her back.

The fourth boy who'd stayed clear of all the fighting gripped her wrists now, bending them backwards in what was supposedly meant to hurt. One of his legs was a stump, which meant his upper body strength was unsurprisingly superior to hers. "I can see why you're so popular with the women," she told them as she felt an octopus arm dip under her shirt to release the clasp of her bra. "God, thank you!" she gushed. "That bra was really starting to hurt. Now my breasts are free. Oh heaven almighty, bless m-"

"Shut up!" Fourth Coward yelled in her ear - too close, too close - and shoved her wrists into the wall.

"Oh wow, this is a pretty awkward position to have sex in, don't you think?" she asked sarcastically. Just then, she turned around and heard the snap of the bones on her wrist and hammered Fourth Coward over his temple. He crumbled to the ground, unconscious. She turned to Abs who thrust a fist towards her stomach; she grabbed his wrist in its attack and hammered him over the head. He fell to the ground. She cursed, looking at her wrists and the bones that stuck out from her skin. No wonder they felt so weak. She grabbed her left hand with her right and shoved the bone back in place, she repeated the process with her other hand. Blood trickled from the wound and her hands would soon burn a dark, hideous colour, but it'd work for for now.

She dipped to the floor just as a fist came flying over her - always with the fists, they needed to work on their creativity - and stood behind the boy. She grabbed his hair and slammed his head into the wall, over and over until he crumbled to the ground. She grinned, licking the blood from the corner of her lips as she stared at Carrot Head.

"Last man standing," she said with a grin. "Well, and woman."

Within moments she had him pinned to the ground, the weight of his body crushing his arms. "For every girl you've ever hurt," she said as she slammed her fist into his face. "For the girls you were talking to before." Fist, face, crush. "For me." She slammed his face into the floor.

Azalea stood, cursing at the blood, bruises, cuts and broken bones she now wore. Way to make a first impression, Azalea.

"Miss Fray! What is the meaning of this!?" Mr. Takahashi yelled. I'm not deaf, you know. I can hear you just fine.

"What do you mean, Mr. Takahashi?" she said sweetly, widening her already large pale grey-blue eyes. Her irises were an almost unnaturally light colour.

"Fighting is not allowed on school premises!" Mr. Takahashi said through puckered lips.

"Oh, it was self-defense, sir," she said. "They tried to rape me." Azalea gestured with her head towards the four boys whose bodies she dragged along the tiles.

"W-w-w-" Mr. Takahashi blushed, looking anywhere but at Azalea. Man, if you blush over that... When was the last time you got some? she wanted to ask.

"Do you know where the girl is?"

"Who?" Mr. Takahashi lifted his spectacles with his middle finger.

"Dark brown hair, light brown eyes. About yay big. Blind, I think."

"Hana? Hana's in the infirmary."

"Thanks. Have a great day, Mr. Takahashi," she said, turning and dragging the boys away.

"Apologise," Azalea said, nudging the four boys forward.

Their bruised, broken and bloody faces stared up at the girl they'd teased minutes before. Now they kneeled on the ground and did as they were told, apologised like they'd never done before, like they'd killed the president's entire family.

"Now go," she told them, wiping the blood from her mouth and narrowing her eyes at the bone that protruded from her right wrist. She must've broken it again. Azalea lifted her left fist and slammed the bone back in place. It'd probably grow all wrong if she left it that way, but she was in the infirmary. She'd just break it again and have it reattached. She looked from the girl - Hana - to the boy who'd supposedly brought her here, and smirked. He was cute. She looked over at Hana, nodding in approval. It was the first day of school and already Hana had seduced a man.


"Azalea," she said. Then, lifting her right breast, she said, "Danger. Angel," she said the latter whilst lifting her left breast. "You may address them accordingly. And you are?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
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(( OOC: Ok so sorry for the extreme delay in a post like I said hard day but hopefully I can try and catch up and get on passe with everyone so yay~ maybe :P ))

Peachy felt... ok slightly traumatized maybe by how fast everything had happened. And she could not even get up and follow to help because of her stupid weak legs that were still shaking and hurting. She curled up and hugged her legs that were shaking and sore and she bit back tears. People sat in front or away from her seeing her legs shaking and the event's with the azma attack. She sighed and closed her eyes laying them agaisnt her knees as she tried to find some form of piece in her mind that was like a tornado going off and around faster then she'd cared to think.

Peachy sat curled up with her shaking weak legs agaisnt her for awhile until the sound of someone sitting behind her caught her attention. She lifted her head still fighting back tears some that was brought on by pain the other by feeling utterly useless and confused. She turned her head and saw a boy who looked well... Compared to Peachy with her short stature pitiful legs and weak body... Like a giant. "Hey... Is it ok... If I talk with you." She forced a weak smile. "It helps distract me from the pain in my legs when they get really bad like this.." She let go a little and they began to shake again. She sighed and hugged them close once more as she twisted around in her seat until she could see the boy with relative ease but still have her head in her lap.

Peachy at first just stared at the boy her large blue eyes taking in his features so she would remember him later. Then when she got tired of staring she awkwardly grabbed and pulled on a bit of her wild peach colored hair. She wove it around her finger and felt herself growing calmer. "Whats your name?" She blushed suddenly feeling awkward. "I should have told you mine first before asking... My name is Peachy Ro... Sorry if your not very talky... I just kinda wanna make a friend... and make sense of this crazy day... It this place." She closed her orb like blue eyes and took deep silent breaths as she pushed the thought of pain out of her head, as well as the large amount of worry and guilt over the wild actions that had previously taken place...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
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"Hey... Is it ok... If I talk with you?"

Razeluxe’s attention was grabbed by none other than the pink-haired girl who sat before him with her legs hugged tightly to herself. Why she was doing such a think confused him, at first.

"It helps distract me from the pain in my legs when they get really bad like this…"

The young, brown-haired man had to seriously resist the urge to frown upon seeing her force a smile, and hearing her talk about pain. He hated hearing about others in pain, especially girls. He especially hated hearing people in pain who were cute girls. His calm, blank look turned into a warm, caring smile quite quickly, his friendly side taking over with relative ease. “I don’t mind in the least.” He answered, then receiving some words of her own.

“Peachy? Such a beautiful and unique name.” he complimented, hoping to maybe see her smile genuinely. “My name is Razeluxe Kagoshima, but if that is too hard to pronounce, you may shorten it to Raze….. or well, sorry… I forget about titles and the sort, for I’ve lived in America most of my life. Much different.” He laughed. His blue orbs tried to lock onto hers, but her eyes had closed, denying him this. “This school…. It does feel…. Well, I understand how you feel, I think. Just a sudden switch of scenery and you’re not even able to see your old friends anymore…..” he frowned for just a second, before taking it back and smiling again. “Well, I’ll tell you what, Peachy, I’ll be your friend, if you’ll have me, of course.” He smiled towards her, regardless of if she could see or not. “That is okay, isn’t it? I would hope I may be good enough to fit that role.”


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Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
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Peachy blushed at his compliments and slowly gave a more genuine smile happy to see that he genuinely seemed a kind person. She laughed when he told her his name. "I think il just call you Raze then... If you prefer it." She smiled and the pain in the legs slowly left her mind as she thought of new things.

When Raze mentioned the school she smiled. "I never really had any old friends... Just my brothers but yeah... I do miss them... And with the crazy of today well..." She blinked and her eyes opened widened when she registered what he'd asked. He was the second person today to ask but she felt relieved and happy either way. "I'd love to be your friend... Warning I might bug you with my extreme optimism but yay~" She smiled brightly the pain and shaking in her legs forgotten. She blinked when he questioned if he was good enough and frowned. "You seem like a nice person... And opened up to me right away even though I was just some weird pink haired girl with weird legs... You seem like a really nice person so I think you are."

She blinked her blue eyes at Raze observing him. "Sooo... Your from America?" She smiled. "What was it like??? I've always wanted to travel but my legs make it hard for me to even get from one hall to the next... So I wanna know what its like all over and I've never met anyone from America." She squirmed eager to hear what he had to say about America... Ok America was not a super amazing place by what her parent's told her but she wanted to visit everywhere!


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Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
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Raze smiled as she did, happy she wasn't looking so down like just before. "Well, I'm glad you'll have me." he said. Then came the bombardment of questions about America. Guess it would spark curiosity to someone simply from Japan. It still felt a little weird that he wasn't actually there anymore. All these new customs and traditions did confuse him.

"Yes, I hail from America." he said. "Arizona, to be more specific, and I got to see the Grand Canyon a couple of times. I mean, it isn't too special.... they just do stuff differently from here, like titles. There are exceptions, but many people just call each other by first name. Where I lived, it was quite warm most of the year." he smiled, then remembered. "Oh, and I did learn how to shoot a gun. I guess you can't do that here...."

He wasn't quite sure what to say about America, so he simply just said a few random things, hoping to please her. It wasn't like he prepared to talk all about America, or maybe he'd have visited more places and paid more attention. All he could really say was the bit about the gun, for civilians were not allowed to have weapons here in Japan. Sadly.

"So what about yourself, Peachy? Did you grow up here in Japan? How was it like?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
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Peachy listened to everything Raze said about America her eyes wide with fascination as he mentioned the Grand Canyon. She smiled as he spoke of many different things... Some that confused her others that fascinated her. When he was done she smiled. "It sounds really interesting there... I've always wanted to travel... The Grand Canyon sounds especially interesting..." She smiled at the thought of the strange land... Though the way he made it sound she imagine a large dessert like in the westerns from long ago she'd watched with her father.

When Raze asked about her upraising she smiled. "Yeah I grew up in Japan... In a small town... My parent's were a little bit conflicted... My dad was modern and was fascinated with western life style... My mom was old fashioned and until she realized my legs were well... Pretty messed up she'd planned for me to be arranged into a marriage... Like I said when my legs went bad my dad and my mom finally talked about my future... they decided to set me free from the marriage contract..." She paused to think. "Things were pretty quite I guess... You know except when my brothers were around... We were a fairly modern family but we still celebrated all the traditional celebrations... My favorite was the fireworks festival."

She closed her eyes and thought about everything. "I'm pretty far from home now sense I'm here... But hey so far I got I've made a few friends / acquaintances so... Can't be doing to badly." She realized it was hard talking about her home and how she grew up... It wasn't outstanding to herself... So that meant it had probably been just as difficult for Raze who'd shed practical pleaded with to tell her about America.


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Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
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Razeluxe was glad to see this young, beautiful girl sharing her life's story with him. However, he did not like the mention of an arranged marriage. It was against his thoughts on what "love" was. In his mind, love was when a man and a woman, who after learning about each other and seeing past flaws, liked each other more than friends could. Though he wasn't actively looking for it now, he knew one day that he would want nothing more than to have that. But school came first, he guessed. He had the rest of his life for that.

"Well, it's certainly more entertaining than my story. I don't really have much to say, other than my father owning a local diner for a long while, before selling it. After he did, we moved here and I...." he stopped himself before mentioning his surgery. "...came to this school a year after. Still getting used to Japan and all, haha." telling her would just make her curious, and it wasn't like it would kill her if she didn't know what was 'wrong' with him.

"Maybe I'll make some good memories here." he said, laughing shortly after. "And maybe I'll stop sounding cheesy too."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
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Peachy laughed seeing his face change at the mention of an arranged marriage. "Hey like I said my parent's changed there opinion on the whole arranged marriage thing... Besides I never would have gone along with it." She gave a crooked smile. "I'd have swan dived right on out of that life..." She trailed off deciding to keep her dreams to herself. She'd always received odd looks when she broke into rants of living alone or maybe with someone a friend somewhere alone from the rest of the world a little patch of heaven where she could stay healthy instead of cities and towns full of gas and drama.

She looked over at Raze seeing a cut off in his sentence but decided not to ask. Unlike her not many people were open about there accident's or conditions. She smiled and listened. "Sounds like a nice life..." She laughed as Raze questioned his own cheesy-ness. "Ok your cheesy-ness is like mild Feta compared to the over dramatic-ness my parent's put into every waking moment of my life..." She laughed remember how calm her parents were before the life changing coma and how afterwords she could not even laugh without them holding there breath. I mean honestly fall into a coma once and they make sure the rest of you life is so cheesy its Italian aged Parmesan with a little mold its so cheesy.

She blinked. "Oh did you find out what class and dorm you were in before coming to the assembly?" She quickly went over in her mind her dorm and class she was pretty sure she'd not seen any name similar to his in her class so he was probably situated somewhere else. In fact... Peachy was pretty sure none of the people she'd even met so far were in her class..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peachy Ro Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
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“I’m glad you weren’t forced into a relationship, Peachy.” He said, smiling to her. “I personally think that that would be a horrible fate to bestow upon one’s own child, but if you don’t share the same outlook on it, I mean no disrespect.” Well, he was raised in America, where forcing someone into a marriage was most definitely illegal. He wasn’t entirely sure if something like that was allowed in Japan. If it was, maybe they should change that, for again, Razeluxe believed that marriage should be between lovers, not strangers. Just like he hoped he one day found himself in.

When asked about his class, he looked up for a minute, trying to recall. He was told yesterday, he just had to pull it out of the confines of his forgetful skull and…… “I am in class 2-2, if I remember correctly.” He stated happily, glad he could remember something like that. It would’ve been quite hard to get to class when you don’t even know which class is yours, after all. “Do we share a class, perhaps? That would be a great coincidence, don’t you think?” and still, his smile continued without fault in the slightest, for it had been one he wore since long ago. He was used to it - smiling.

“Rari…..Razu….Rara….” it was her small voice, a pitch much higher than Raze’s own, trying to speak his name, to call him. The young, brown-haired boy smiled at her, his blue orbs gazing gently upon her. “Ra….Pffffbt!” the young girl gave up on trying to say his name, for she was more Japanese than America, which made the L a little hard to pronounce. Well, for her, it was impossible. But nobody could say she didn’t try. Raze sure didn’t.

“What do you want, Sakura?” he asked kindly, taking a few steps towards where she had been kneeling down. Her eyes hadn’t met his, nor had they been moved off the ground. Pretty soon, Raze’s own eyes locked down to what she was looking at.

“Is…hurt.” She cried out to him, expecting him to do something. A single tear fell from her azure eyes before another, and another. “Wha….what do we do?” it was only then that she moved her head up and glanced up towards him with her blurred vision. “How can we help it?”

What Razeluxe saw was a bird too far from help. A crimson patch on its feathers indicated some kind of injury, but to what caused it Raze was unsure. The red liquid poured slowly from the wound, the bird trying to flap its wings every so often but failing, for it was not long for this world, you see.

“There is nothing we can do, Sakura.” He said grimly, a mutual look to her as well. “I’m sorry.”

“But…” he looked back down, towards the dying animal. Her face was red as she tried to hold back the tears. She was mourning a bird which she had never seen before today, before five minutes ago. Yet she still didn’t like seeing it in pain – a trait shared by her onii-chan. The only problem was…. She didn’t accept things without a fight. “No….! I don’t… want it to go…”


“Onii-…” she paused, then corrected herself. “…brother, why does it have to die? Why can’t I help it?” she asked through her woeful tears. Razeluxe bent down and placed his hand on her shoulder caringly, before looking into her eyes. He smiled just like ever, before speaking softly.

“Because Sakura… There will come a time in everyone’s and everything’s life, when it will pass away. Understanding this, we must make the best of everything while it is there, and we should never take something for granted. I’m sorry if your brother’s talking a bit too grown-up for you, but you’ll learn the meaning soon enough if he is. I know it won’t bring enthusiasm back to your mood now, but why don’t we find a place for him to rest in the afterlife?”

Obviously, the tears didn't stop. As she wasn't too old, words like that didn't hit her as they would someone more mature. But just knowing that whatever her brother had said was reassuring, gave her the confidence and strength to pick herself up, wipe her eyes and speak. “O…..okay.”


Razeluxe moved his head up, just now realizing he wasn't back in the past. He turned his head to the side, effectively hiding a tear from the pink-haired girl with whom he just made acquaintance. “Oh uh… sorry, did I nod off?” he asked, chuckling to hide his embarrassment. “Sorry about that.”