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Nathan Reed

"Wait, let me finish my California Roll."

0 · 456 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “Yggdrasil Online”, originally authored by Inspiration, as played by RolePlayGateway


Nathan Reed
"Science will bring us destruction and Religion will bring us to the edge of the little sanity we have left; in the end which is better?"
Elements - Lindsey Stirling


My Details

Nathan Reed

Nate "A nickname I earned from well...being born I guess?"


White Knight of Death

White Reaper

The White Demon



Illusion Magic - Able to manipulate enemies into seeing or hearing things that really don't exist. The more they really believe the more psychological and physical damage it does. The illusions can be considered real in the enemies mind, thus causing the body to feel the damage and act accordingly. For example if Nathan creates an illusion that the enemy was being burned alive and the enemy believed it they would die in-game. It's possible to also harm players out of YggON with said illusions however the damage is minor, only a few people have managed to actually kill someone in real life using in-game illusions.

Concealment - Located under illusion magic, user is capable of concealing objects and people. Bigger the object the more mana it drains.

Chain Magic - Nate can summon chains that are connected to some part of his body and use them as a weapon, a rappel or even a shield. The chains aren't indestructible but are seemingly weightless to Nathan. The chains themselves are spiked and have sharp hooks on each end that are tuned for hooking in and not letting go. The chains length is completely dependent on how much mana he puts into the chains.

Dual Gun Daggers created by Helios Infinium; the body seems to be constructed of metal that mimics titanium but was sealed together using magic. It has two empty cartridges attached that are used for shooting bullets. Nate however has yet to figure out how to use this function.



Things about me

If it was legal to merry a drink, I would merry tea. The sweetness along with the warm feeling going down your throat just wakes you up but also can put you to sleep in almost an instant, like warm milk without the repercussion of stomach pains. What do I mean? I'm lactose intolerant; however thats only because my real body that's in a coma at the hospital cannot handle milk. Once I wake up it will be fine.

They call me mentally unstable; perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not. My brain cannot tell if I'm sleeping, awake, in real life or in YggON. Not only that but if I stay in YggON for too long when I exit images from YggON will appear in real life; quite funny really. My conscious mind is steadily drifting in and out whether i'm awake or not which means I can be unconscious on YggON allowing me to be player killed easily.

This problem started when I was around the age of thirteen and puberty started appearing up a lot, I was a lot more tired and would eventually sleep in half my classes causing me to get terrible grades. I did all my work and managed to get my grades back up earning my way to the top of the leader-boards for my school. I realized it was bad when YggON first became Imagepopular, when I first put on the Vzor and calibrated it I blacked out for three days and when while I was asleep I saw images of YggON and when I woke up everything was different, real life elements mixed with elements from YggON. I was sent immediately to the hospital and they couldn't diagnose my problem so I was then sent to a psychologist who put me on some stupid medicine that stops the reality twisting but makes me even more wild than before.

Chewing gum...I am actually prescribed chewing gum by my psychologist as he notices my brain works better when i'm chewing something; somthin bout' how my brain sends more commands and electrodes out. I see no difference but if he says it helps me in some way I'll go with it.

Gum; it allows me to concentrate...and if I need a way to commit suicide and fake my death well...I think you get the point.

Tea allows me to calm down easily, even in-game tea; however real life tea is good too.

YggON and Escaping Reality, I'd love to escape this fake life anytime into a life where people judge you based on your avatar; YggON does it for me.

Photography; it allows me to differate real life from YggON and my dreams however it's not as great as it was a hundred years ago when there was more nature. *sigh*



His family, especially his younger sister
Hipsters; lrn2setyourowntrend

Government...I hate them for my own personal reasons; oh you want to know? Fuck off.

Coffee is far too bitter for me and gives me too much caffeine.

Nate is extremely good at..."Mindfucking" people. He will just go on and on on theories on how we aren't living and are really actually having a giant dream and how no one else is real except yourself.

Extremely strong mind; his mind can almost block all illusions.

Smart, can analyze an opponents moves after a few minutes and can decide if he can win or lose said battle.

No set fighting style allows for rapid, yet random fluent movements.
Mentally unstable.

Random fighting style leaves big openings

Can tend to over-think things.

It's hard to him to fight women

When at his house you will catch him usually wearing nothing but Boxers and a T-Shirt or a T-shirt and a Sweatshirt. Outside he will wear a DC hoodie and black denim jeans with black converse. He dyes his hair white and purposely wears red contacts, his hair is naturally colored a dark brown.

A bit about myself



In battle Nathan to put it nicely is...well twisted with a hint of being a possible sadist. He is almost never serious and enjoys causing pain to his enemies as it brings great great joy and pleasure to him. (Not sexual;) He will often speak in third person when his intentions are bad. Every-time the warm dark liquid known as blood trickles down his blades he can't but laugh hysterically about how killing his opponent is. He was once so into the game he managed to code in his own Gore pack and updates it every-time the game patches itself. But with college getting in the way he decided to give up bypassing the patches. Other people however took his work and continued on with it.

He can be extremely cocky at times when not fighting but still allows room for no error, this includes his alliance as well. Disregard being one of the lowest ranking members he is quite strong. (He purposely keeps pushing himself to keep to a low rank so he won't be assigned hard missions)

In Real Life

In Real Life, or IRL as they say Nathan is different and not as childish. He is somewhat the same however as he allows no room for error in his studies. The sadisticness part of him was replaced by a slight narcissistic personality that is obviously visible granted you hang out with him long enough.

At birth Nathan was seemingly perfectly fine but at a young age he was prone to seizures that were originally from an unknown cause. His financial life was moderate as his mother worked at a nail salon and his father was a Taxi Driver. He went to a terrible school and was tired of coming home every evening to the same reality, the same shitty reality where nothing was different. That was when he discovered YggON, disregard his parents warnings of him playing video games due to his seizures he immediately plugged in immersing himself in a whole new world until...poof. He blacked out for three days and when he woke up he felt far different, he felt as if he was no longer himself, just a part of someone that was and never will be.

He then continued his life and returned to his college studies, he then traveled to Japan for unknown reasons and that is where he now resides.


So begins...

Nathan Reed's Story


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Character Portrait: Nathan Reed
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((READ THE OOC AT THE BOTTOM FIRST, then read this if you still want to know exactly what happened.)

Real Life

Nathan sat in his dark blue chair with black plastic armrests and spun around in circles multiple times until he was dizzy. "Life is interesting, no?" He said seemingly to no one. He stopped spinning and looked over to his left. Outside his window was a small blue bird that seemingly didn't mind Nathan's existence, after all humans did build upon it's territory. This apartment was as much the birds as it was Nathan's; Well, at least in Nathan's eyes.

He rolled the chair towards a desk with his Nerve Visor on it and stared at it for a bit, almost hesitating to decide if he should put it on or not. "Welllll I have some time to spare..." He cut a quick glance at his clock on his nightstand next to his bed. He quickly looked back at the Nerve Visor and slipped it on. It had been forever since he had slipped this thing on, at least a few weeks if not a month or two.


"Link, Start!" He said loudly obviously with the tone of excitement in his voice. Lights flickered and flustered and white lines of code passed by him as he entered the server of YggON. A server login screen appeared for a brief moment before the password section automatically filled up and logged Nathan in. He did a half-log and returned back to real life for a split moment. He reached into his pocket and felt for an SD Card. He pulled the SD Card out and forcefully shoved it into the Storage for the Nerve Visor. He resumed to playing and he was in an all too familiar city, Hexion City. "What the fuck? I don't remember logging out here?" He moved his hand in a downwards movement causing the HUD to pop up. He looked at the add-on's he gave himself. "Gore-Mod is working properly...Self-Time check script is on...well that seems to be the main two. He took in his surroundings and realized he spawned behind an old abandoned restaurant, perhaps something WAS here when he originally logged out? No matter he had to get out of here and fast. Last time he remembered logging out he was in D0PPLE G4NGER Territory, in translation not the best place to be if you don't want to get player killed.

He checked multiple paths and took the one which was seemingly the best. He slid through and alleyway and made it onto the main road. He looked up and many new buildings he hadn't seen before were now here making it impossible to find the building he was looking for. He wouldn't dare use magic here as people would realize who he really was, and that was besides the fact, only a fool would use magic in Hexion City. He grabbed the two duel daggers from his thighs and withdrew them. He enhanced the blades with magic making them far more durable and longer than usual. He directly vertical up a skyscraper and just as he began to lose momentum he stabbed the daggers into the building causing the glass to shatter and red code to fly out everywhere. He had to be quick or Helios would catch on, or even worse...Vengeance. The daggers began to lose their grip into the buildings hard metal and begin to loosen. "Shit!" He yelled out realizing how bad the idea was as he was only half way up the Skyscraper.

Nathan observed once again and found what he was looking for, a large Black Flag which blew in the wind signaling the Helios Infinium base. He twisted his body around so now he was facing the Helios building which was a good mile away. His hands had a tight grip on is two daggers. As he waited for the wind to calm down he finally did it, he jumped using the skyscraper as a sort of backwards trampoline. Nathan shot off the building with amazing speed, the black flag slowly nearing closer and closer. Then he sensed something, he was being watched...and something was aiming at hi- *PEW PEW PEW* Plasma shots rained at Nathan at speeds he couldn't even comprehend. A shot hit him right in the shoulder knocking him out the sky and sending him towards the ground in a puff of smoke. His arm bled heavily as the effects from his MoarGore mod kicked in. He approached the ground like a duck shot out the sky and on it's way to the ground. He used his teeth to rip the buckles off his arm. Suddenly chains sprouted from his arms and spine causing his chain magic to activate.

Suddenly Nathan hit the ground and a group of three men circled him, guns pointed. He lazily woke up and stood up, the men stepped closer and one of them put a gun up against Nathan's head. " have no idea....WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE DEALING WITH!" Nathan quickly tripped the man that had the gun pointed to his head. Before the man hit the ground however Nathan grabbed him and used him as a body shield for the other two men who quickly fired to plasma bullets straight towards Nathan. The body soaked up the damage and blood oozed out his wounds. "Real bullets covered in Plasma? Damn, not a bad a idea." He chuckled as the man had not been killed yet which mean't more fun. He stomped his foot and chains quickly wrapped around the man, keeping pressure on the wounds so he wouldn't die. Nathan drank a healing potion to calm the bleeding in his shoulder and prepared for a fight. He picked his two daggers up off of the ground and rushed for the two men who had resulted to Chain Saw Blades. The first man rushed Nathan alone, easily a bad choice. Nathan side stepped his rush and stabbed him in the spine thus separating his vertebrae and paralyzing him. He threw his other dagger at the last man. Apparently he was so frozen in fear he just stood there and took the dagger to the head killing him instantly and dropping some of his loot.

Nathan walked over to the dead body and removed his dagger and searched through the loot, a few gold and crappy equipment. His chains moved the almost dead man next to the paralyzed one. Nathan personally lined each one up and stared at the wounds of each. He removed his dagger from the mans back causing blood to spurt out at least three feet onto the pavement. "Kukukuku....." He laughed as he gave each of them a health potion, healing them to almost full health. "So....who sent you?" He questioned, not really expecting an answer. Complete silence is what Nathan was given, definitely the wrong answer. He walked over to the paralyzed man and stabbed him in the shoulder and wriggled the blade around so it would do more damage. "HOW DOES IT FEEL? TELL ME HOW DOES IT FREAKING FEEL?!" He kicked the man in the face causing him to fall over backwards. He leaned in and spit on his face, thus claiming his dominance over him. "WELL? STILL NO ANSWER?" He sat down on the paralyzed man's stomach and pinched his face cheeks "Its ok, I'll get the answers I want out of you." He pulled a small spiked chain, no longer than three inches long and half an inch thick from his pocket. He forced the man to swallow it. Nathan got off the man and walked over to the one that nearly bled out. Nathan maneuvered his fingers and the chains acted accordingly. Four chains, one for each limb wrapped around the limb of the man. Slowly they ripped the man's limbs apart, dislocating them one at a time. Nothing came out of his mouth except shrieking that was loud enough for anyone within five miles could easily hear it. This torture continued for minutes until the man died and nothing of use dropped.

He then finally turned to his last target, the paralyzed man who had swallowed the chain. Something was off though, this man should be in immense pain as the chain would have ruptured at least his stomach lining by now, but what was wrong? Nathan investigated the scene to realize that he regurgitated the chain onto the floor and into a nearby storm drain. Nathan, extremely annoyed by this mans will to escape removed the dagger from his shoulder and began to vigorously choke him in an attempt to get him to speak. Finally he spoke; "Stoppppp! I'll speak....Helios...Helios set us do this." This made Nathan's head turn, Helios? But why? Was his time working with them up and they wanted to tie the lose ends? Impossible, Helios very well knows that Nathan could take out more than half their army alone under the right conditions. He stopped choking the man and opened his and towards the mans' head, he hadn't noticed it before but all of them were wearing helmets, but why? He began to lift the man's mask off when he heard a low pitched constant beeping coming from within the man's body. Suddenly an explosion sent Nate flying into the air, luckily at the last second chains from all over his body covered him and protected him from the blast, most of his chains however were destroyed. He walked over to the Helios Infinium base, it was amazing to say the least. It was one of the few buildings that had illusions blocking the view of the flag, it was a cute attempt but Nate easily saw through it. He pressed on through the illusion and made his way up towards a gate that was seemingly unguarded, he knew however that wasn't true. He holstered his daggers and returned what little remaining chains he had left into his arms and back. He knew somewhere there were snipers that were a little too trigger happy for their own good.

He slammed his hand on a scanner causing a red"Error" sign to appear. "Hm, removed me huh?" He chuckled and pressed a black button and held it down. He then spoke. "It is I, the White Reaper. I have come looking for work and well... rumor has it that you guys attempted to assassinate me with three shitty soldiers that weren't even worth torturing, oh and if you heard screaming...well that was me ripping one of their limbs apart VERY slowly. Now let me in or your next." He released the pressure on the black button and backed away, hoping for a response. In the mean time he kept a look out for snipers and tried to get a count on how many there were and where they were.

[Oh...and YAAY FOR MY LONGER POST EVER, around 1800 words. Excuse me for the mass OOC; but I believe this is needed. TL;DR: Nate introduces chain magic, he was on his way to HIQ (Helios Infinium Head Quarters) But was intercepted by three assassins, Nathan killed all three but not before torturing two. One said HIQ recruited them do to assassinate him. Nathan heads over to HIQ and I guess I'm going to wait on CODE TO POST FOR HIQ]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Siobhan Annex Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone Character Portrait: Nathan Reed Character Portrait: Loki Akatsuki
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Takuya Kagamine

"Is this battle going to be 'different' than the others?" She glanced at Takuya, "What is going on exactly?"

Takuya looked back at her. He also wondered why was this battle different than usual. He shook his head and turned towards the door. "I don't know either. They said that it was the frontline city, and that if it falls, we'll be overrun by the smaller guilds on the other side. They said that they should take this chance and charge into the enemy's frontline base." He opened the door and hushed them inside after.

They walked along in the candle lit hallway, and when they've reached the room, it was rather plain and normal. Fiona stood behind the table that projected the screen floating on top. "Seems like she's busy figuring a strategy." He whispered to them, and walked a bit forward, to the side. "There. The two you needed for me to find." Fiona then turned back at them. "Oh, so you're here." She quickly closed the floating tab, and opened another one. It was a list of probably over 1000 members, but she somehow shortened it to the only two names who was already here in the room; Ruka Kaname 'Platinum Angel' and Robin Hawthrone 'Frizzly'. It had two column, one being 'Cranium' and the other 'Tekyou'. "Pick one. Protect Cranuim or charge ahead into battle with Wings on Tekyou."

Helios Infinitum - Lendon Alstair

Yastin spun around in his chair for quite a while now, his body all tired. That training program his members invented were both a great help and a great lot of strain on his body. 98.67 percent if something a normal human cannot possess, and even though he's really powerful, he's still human. It wasn't long before he decided to stop spinning and was about to get up when a voice through the speaker stopped him. "Mister Yastin Cason, sir!" The voice of a soldier came out next. Yastin raised one of brows and replied him. "What's the problem?" He sat there silently for a while, with noises of orders in the background of the speaker echoed throughout the room.

"A man came and said that he came here for work. He said that we sent three soldiers to assassinate him, but he tortured them to death after that. he also said that we're next if we don't let him in. Snipers are already stationed within the walls, and they are ready to fire whenever you give the command. Orders, sir?" The voice asked as he panted after that. Yastin was interested who this man was, and to find out who defiled the name of Helios. He stood back up, and pulled out his trusty double pulse pistol. "I'll go and deal with him. Any suspicious movement from him, and it's bullets he'll eat. Got that?" He asked, wearing his black gloves. "Yes, sir!" The voice died out next after, and Yastin proceeded to the entrance of the guild building.

Sooner after, Yastin finally arrived. The man stood in front of the gate. Snipers all aimed accurately at him, following the orders of their leader. Yastin stepped forward and raised his hands, signaling the snipers to hold their attack. He placed them down and patted the man's shoulders. "Are you the mercenary I've been hearing of? The White Reaper?" He laughed at his own joke. He already knew that this man here was the mercenary, but he just wanted to lighten up the mood. "Come, let us go to my office. We'll talk things out there." He hushed for the man to follow him.

"You come to my office too, Ashron. I have some business to talk to you with." He spoke out of nowhere. He was actually talking to his second-in-command, Ashron Gregmier aka 'Loyal Servant'. He was Yastin's other closest friend who often hanged out him and Rensus, so he mostly entrusts boring things like filling documents and planning out strategies to him. "Alright. Will head there first." Ashron replied with a rather mature voice. "That's my trusty tool for expelling boredom, Loyal Servant." Yastin laughed as the voice from beside rang again. "I ain't your tool, nor do I expel boredom. These work need to be delicately handled and one wrong step, the entire guild might fall. Please. Don't take these as boredom; do your job as a guild leader well." Ashron argued. Yastin suddenly laughed extremely loudly and continued fighting with Ashron.

Inside the room awaited a man in a long blue coat with a black light armor on the inside and a long pants with gun holders. He wore glasses and a face palm was followed when Yastin laughed. "Please, sit down." Once the White Reaper sat down, Yastin introduced himself. "Names Yastin. Yastin Cason. And that blue guy over there is Ashron." He said, pointing at the obviously angered Ashron. "I'm not just some blue guy. I'm your god damn secretary." Ashron walked a bit forward and push his glasses up higher. "Fucking annoying guild leader. Anyway, my name is Ashron Gregmier. You can call me Ash, nice to meet you." He introduced himself.

"Okay, back to subject." Yastin sat down on his chair. "What is it that you need to come to us for work
? I hope it's not killing others. We don't do stuff like that, unlike WoVs."

Helios Infinitum - Lendon Alstair| Different time

A knock on the door turned Lendon's gaze of boredom from his eyes to the door. Lendon actually knew who it was, but he always wished it was someone new. "Hey Lendon, Guess who!" Lendon's expression turned even worse, this time with a sigh. "What do you need, Loki?" He asked, placing his palms on his face.

Wings of Vengeance - Galuna Inn

The members all chatted loudly and openly, laughing here and there when the opening of a door by Siobhan Annex stopped their chatting. Most of them continued, and that left Siobhan unnoticed by anyone. A man ran over to her, and greeted her. "Hey! You came!" He's voice was rather... young, and he was quite the shorty; even shorter than Siobhan. His smile was like that of an innocent child, and he looked at Siobhan with a wide smile. "Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?" He took a few steps back. "My name is Ken Amada. Nice to meet you." He grabbed Siobhan's hands suddenly, and hushed her to follow him. "C'mon! We'll have you meet with the leader. He needs to talk with everyone about something."


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Character Portrait: Nathan Reed
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"Okay, back to subject." Yastin sat down on his chair. "What is it that you need to come to us for work
? I hope it's not killing others. We don't do stuff like that, unlike WoVs."

"The work can wait, I want to know who sent assassins after me. They said it was you guys but lets be honest; if you wanted to take me down you would send a few fucking tanks so I have half heartedly believe them." A smile grew across Nathan's face to show he had a sense of humor, however it quickly dispersed into a grin. He then proceeded to cleared his throat and eventually spoke after a long period of nothing but silence. "Don't take this the wrong way; I don't want to join you guys nor do I need you or your money." He sighed and spoke once again, this time in an annoyed tone. "I will spy for you on either WoV or DR, make up your mind and make it quick, I'll tell you what I want later as I still need time to work a few things out. Heed my words though...if you think i'm doing this for free." He stopped speaking and took a moment to make a finger gun and point it at Yastin. "Bang!" He yelled then pointed the gun up as if it had fired. He stood up from the chair and took a metallic card out of his pocket and threw it on the table. The metallic card was completely silver and had a skull carved into it with a spiderweb pattern covering the whole card. "That calling card is the easiest way to contact me as I blocked PM's from almost every user except a select few. How do you use it might you ask? Well that's up to you to find out; after all if it was that easy to contact me I wouldn't be such a myth." He said sarcastically.