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Ruka Kaname

"Unlike You I Feel Nothing"

0 · 803 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “Yggdrasil Online”, as played by Sapphire Tears


Ruka Kaname

"Don't Act Like You Know Me. Don't You Give Me A Fake Smile. Don't Pretend To Care For Me. Have I Hurt Your Feelings? If Yes, Then I Have Done My Job. ".

Within Temptation|The Truth Beneath The Rose


My Details

Ruka Kaname

Blue Rose| Platinum Angel



Hypnosis Magic

Marionetteโ€“ Marionette is the ability to control people's body using Ruka's magic. The only way to use this ability is for Ruka to inflict a scratch with her sword on the opponents body, and the magic from her sword will allow her to control the person. This ability does have its set backs,because Ruka can't hold this ability for longer than 5 minutes.

Alluring Whisperโ€“ Alluring Whisper is when Ruka uses her voice to attract a person towards her putting them in a numbing state,which causes them to lose strength in their body until they collapse. To use this power the person must be able to hear, it does't work on people who can't hear.

Rose Eye- Rose Eye is when a person stares into Ruka's eyes putting them in a trance. The opponent will realize they are in a trance by the fact rose petals will fall from the sky, trapping them in a illusion world of her choice. This ability only works if the person makes eye contact with her.

Platinum Rose- A long platinum blade, that when looked upon puts you in a numbing trance. Platinum has had a curse put on it, that whoever wields it will be put into a deep trance. Only Ruka was able to overcome the curse, therefore she was able to wield the blade. It has never left Ruka's side since she first attained it, and it won't happen anytime soon. The blade amplifies her magic when used, and has the ability to block bullets.

Dark Radiance

Things about me


Dancing - This might seem normal at first,but it isn't once you see it. Ruka will dance around in a random area to no music whatsoever. It seems she hears the music in her mind,but no else can,it causes her to enter her own realm,which its takes a while to pull her out. She often disappears to go dance around outside under the clouds or mostly the moonlight. People who don't know Ruka would call it weird or disturbing, but in reality Ruka actually hears the music and sometimes if you ask she will hum it to you well she dances to it.

Blood- Ruka has an unusually attraction to seeing blood, it isn't as she likes seeing others get hurt,but she just can't help it once she sees the blood she will just stare at it. Sometimes a small smile will form on her lips causing everyone to find her insane. But people who actually ask Ruka why she does that will understand, that Ruka only stares because she loves the color of the blood, the color of red.

Smiling- People find it strange and weird to see Ruka staring at them with a smile. It's not like smiling is bad,but she does it every minute of every day. You will just turn around and their she is smiling and watching you as if you were her prey. It sometimes causes people to feel frightened and runaway, others get upset and want to fight Ruka, causing a lot of drama.

โ€ Red
โ€ Sleeping
โ€ Playing Games
โ€ People

โ€ People Yelling at her
โ€ Liars
โ€ Drama

โ€ Inhuman speed
โ€ Excellent Observation
โ€ Quick Thinking

โ€ Her being careless and not paying attention to her surroundings
โ€ She sometimes over does herself,causing her to burn out quickly
โ€ She has a major trust issue, which sometimes causes her to distance herself from her guild

Ruka is 5 feet 2 inches tall, she has black hair that almost seems more blue than black. Her eyes are a clear violet color making her seem alluring. In the game, she wears purple jacket,with checked outlines that goes all the way down to her waist, with a blue rose on her right side. With black short pants with a platinum belt and on the middle of her platinum blet lies a platinum rose. She wears a slik choker around her neck,which holds a sliver cross that has a pink gem on the top. During school she wears her uniform, a gray long sleeve undershirt,while a white shirt outlined in purple covers over it,stuck with a purple bow behind her back, and a short gray cape that goes over her tied together with a purple ribbion. She wears a gray skrit outlined with white and checkered tights. During free time she wears a purple dress shirt and some denim jeans.

A bit about myself

Ruka is a person with a million personalities. One minute she is clam and reserved with an air around her making her seem somewhat like royalty. Then the next moment she is like a small child which had just received a special treat. People claim when fight she is as cruel as a insane beast, she let's no one pass her sight and attacks at quick speed. Even though Ruka is like this she is extremely untrusting toward people, she can't help it, she has been hurt and had hurt so many times, she has lost all trust in others. There are only a few people who truly have Ruka's trust, and have seen her with her defenses down. . She has an unusual way to show her trust and respect which some people find enjoyable and others kinda weird. Well, that word describes Ruka perfectly, weird, she is the weirdest person you will ever meet. At times you will see Ruka with a pained expression on her face,making her seem somewhat like a lost child.

Ruka was a gentle child who loved watching her parents work and smile. She grew up in a religious family, even though it was strict,she was loved and she had loved back. You could almost say her life was perfect at that moment. Ruka was an only child, she would spend long days dancing with her father in the sunlight. Enjoying the singing of her mother and the warm sound of her father laughing above her head. Ruka enjoyed these moments and always that she would have them forever, but what she hadn't realized was that these small moments would disappear all together 5 years later.

Ruka's mother had given birth to a new baby boy when she was ten years old, and all her love and affection was taken away by the small child. Her Father would no longer dance with her and her Mother's sweet voice was taken away by the child, also the sound of her father's rejuvenating laugh was stolen away by those small hands of Ru, the name of the boy. It got so bad to the point her mother had payed no attention to her and her father wouldn't even acknowledge her existence. Whenever anyone came over they would ask about Ru never Ruka. It was always,Ruka who? Or, Oh, that Child. Ruka began to dance alone remembering the sweet memories as she replied them in her mind. It wasn't until Ruka turned 15 that she would realize how lost she truly was.

Ru was 5 years old at this time, and everything was the same as when he was born, Ruka was still an invisible child unseen by the world. Ruka had grew to never put trust in others, to never love anyone and to only look after her self in fear it would turn out like her parents. Ruka had harbored a hate for Ru, she knew it would do no good,but she couldn't help it. One day when Ruka was walking along a broken bridge she saw little Ru chasing after her with a smile so sweet it could melt any heart,but not Ruka. "Sister, lets play"! Rua wouldn't look in his directions and kept walking along, she then heard the sound of little feet stomping on wood, she turned around quickly to see Ru on the bridge. She yelled out,"Get Off! You Idooit"! Ru didn't hear her and walked closer holding on tightly,"Let's play Bid sister", he smiled, obviously scared to death of heights. Ruka just glared at him,"Leave me alone! What else do you want? You already took away my parents, and everything else! Why can't you just disappear"?! As if those words where like a magic switch, the step Ru was currently on started to crumple, Ruka started to run towards him reaching out her hand. Ru let out his hand, crying violent, but by the time Ruka had reached him the steps at clasped and Ru had fallen. Underneath was nothing but darkness. And at that moment Ruka had just made a wish which she could never erase.

It has been four years and Ruka's relationship with her parents couldn't be any worse, they never talk, they never eat together, they are never home. Ruka's only console is the game called "Yggdrasil online", which she plays regularly. When not in the real world, of course she had chosen the Religious side and now has join the Dark Radiance. To the day Ruka is still hunted by her past.

So begins...

Ruka Kaname's Story


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Ruka Kaname

Ruka's phone began to buzz, but paying no attention to it, she left it alone. Sitting at her desk bored out of her mind and wishing to be entertained. A boy with brown eyes and brown hair came up to her, he looked down a Ruka,"Hey, Ruka". Ruka slowly glanced up at him."Ruka where have you been we needed you in the game last night". The bell sounded and it was time for class, the boy stood there for a few more seconds waiting for Ruka to answer him,but knowing she wouldn't, he left for his seat. The day was long for Ruka, as the bell rang she let out a sigh. She got up and quickly walked out of the school. Minutes away from the school, Ruka heard a voice calling out to her."Hey Ruka why haven't you been online lately!", you could see the color red spread through the boy's face, as he ran after Ruka. She froze ten feet away from him,so he could catch up. By the time he caught up to her, he was completely out of breath and had to stand there for a minute just to breath in some air. Ruka was becoming irate and turned to him,"What is it"? The boy jumped at the sudden command of her voice,"It's just that everyone's been worried, because you haven't been online recently. I tried to tell you this at school, but you wouldn't listen to me". Ruka stood there and tried to search her memory of such an event. "Oh, I remember know... Is that all you have to say to me"? The boy looked at her in shock," What is wrong with you can't you be a little more grateful at least for the people who were worried about you". Ruka smiled brightly,"I don't need nor do I want their worry. I simply don't care for others,and if I sound rude or bad". Ruka turned away from the boy and continued to walk ahead, leaving the boy behind, with glaring eyes,"Ruka"!

Ruka entered into her home,"I'm back",she said to the empty space. She knew no one was there, and if they were they would never answer her. She threw down her bag, not caring where it landed, and walked to her room. On the way she saw her mother quietly sobbing on her little brother's bed. Ruka smiled bitter-sweetly at this scene and continued on to her room. She entered her password, which caused the door to slide open.She was about to walk in, when her phone started to buzz.She looked at the direction of her mother, who had not even moved at the sudden noise and sighed. She took the phone out of her pocket and a virtual screen shone in front of her. The screen flashed red and green, showing a face of someone Ruka knew,but couldn't remember. She pressed the virtual screen as it flashed the color green, activating the call. The face was of a man,same age as her if not one year older, Ruka remembered his name was Loki. Loki was a friend of hers in the real world and inside the game. Loki stared at Ruka, then start ahead at her mother. Ruka noticed she was still outside her room, so she stepped inside and the door closed behind her. "What do you want, Loki"? Loki smiled,"Didn't you get my message"? Ruka looked at him like he was crazy, then she remembered the buzzing of her phone during class. She glared at him ,"So that was you...what do you want"? Loki laughed,"Still feisty as always. But I'll tell you since I know you don't like to wait. I need you to go and pick up a certain book from the library in Caseus ". Ruka raised her eyebrow,"A book"? Loki nodded,"Yes, this book contains black magic potions and secrets so you must not let anyone see you". Ruka looked at him,"Why must I get it"? He begged,"Please Ruka you are the only one I can ask". Ruka sighed and agreed to his request. After farther details he hung up and Ruka flopped down on her bed. She reached for a remote and pressed a button that read, "Yggdrasil". Two words came out of Ruka's mouth before she fell asleep,"Game commence".

Ruka was drifting in countless of data from different places. Codes were everywhere around her, she stared up at them fascinated. A stream of codes hit Ruka dead on changing her appearance, but the only thing that changed was her clothing. She was know wearing a purple jacket,with checkered outlines. The jacket reached down to her waist, only the top was buttoned. A blue rose sat on the right side of her jacket. She had black shorts with a platinum belt, and a platinum rose on the middle of that belt. A silk lace choker adorned her neck, and hanging down from her choker was a platinum cross with a pink gem on top. She landed in Caseus filled with the noise of people,"Its so loud". She looked around to see a library at her left,which Loki had described to her, and walked towards it. She silently looked around making sure no one was watching her.


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Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname
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Ruka walked into the Library, people glancing at her as she passed by. Ruka grumbled to herself,"Yea right, not going to be noticed. You idiot". Ruka looked around for the man with the red hat, knowing he is the one who she was supposed to meet. She walked along the shadows of the Library, watching her surroundings. A few minutes later she found the man she was about, he was in fact wearing a red hat, the other features she truly didn't care for since they wouldn't meet each other again. She walked up behind the man and sat in the chair facing the opposite direction of him. The man noticed Ruka sit down and asked in a normal voice," Are you Insanity"? Ruka nodded in response,"Yes". Insanity was actually Loki's nickname,but since they were expecting him, he told her to use it. He slide the book under the chair, which stopped in between Ruka's feet. "You have what I need"? Ruka didn't move just stared into space, remembering what Loki told her to say,"Yes I do, I sent it to your guild". The man nodded,"Good". He got up and walked away leaving Ruka and the book alone.

A smile came to Ruka's face and as the man left she mouthed some words,"Tricked you". Ruka knew Loki very well and understood what ever deal they made Loki never gave them their half. Ruka pulled out her phone, a screen surrounded her eyes and a keypad appeared were her hands were, she began to type. I secured the book I am on my way to were you are know. She put away the phone and stood up. She picked up the book, and to her amazement it was quite Small about the size or a little bit bigger of her hand. She kept it in a firm hold and causally walked out of the library. She stopped at the middle of the town and waited sitting on a bench.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Loki Akatsuki
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Loki Akatsuki and Ruka Kaname

Loki walked through the shadows knowing he was running late," She is probably really mad me right now". Loki spotted Ruka sitting on a bench, in the middle of town. A sneaky smile came on his face,as he saw she was in deep thought. Wanting to scare her, he tip-toed quietly towards the distant Ruka. He was right behind her, when he soundlessly bent down. He counted to three in his head, then blow on Ruka's ear softly,"Guess who", he said mischievously.

Ruka at this moment had jumped up, she spun around holding her blade to Loki's neck, about to cut him. She glared at him,"How many times have I told you not to do that", she put her sword away and sat back down.

Loki jumped over the bench and sat down beside her, he studied her expression for a minute,"What's wrong"? He understood that something bad had happened,since Ruka hadn't beat the snot out of him like she usually did.

Ruka glanced over at Loki," What are you planning"? She said this in a melancholy tone, staring straight ahead as if she was talking to the wind.

Loki smiled happily,"I don't know what you are talking about", Loki loved to play with Ruka, especially when she was like this.

Ruka kept her head straight ahead,"I read the book Loki...this is black market information. It's top secret not even most of the guilds have it. So why do you"? At this moment she was facing Loki with serious eyes.

Loki could only smile at Ruka, and for a long period of time. He was going over in his mind rather he should tell his plan to Ruka or wait for later. He knew the answer just from Ruka's expression, and he smiled happily at her,"If you most know I was requested by a person to gather some information".

Ruka pondered on those words,"Then you are saying this isn't your plan, but someone else who is using you"?

Loki smiled all-knowingly which made Ruka upset,"Yes and No. It is for someone else, but I'm using them, instead of them using me".

Ruka looked at the sky,"Does your guild know about this"?

Loki froze at the question and gave a bitter smile,"Why should they care, it doesn't effect them in anyway".

Ruka laughed a little,"But wouldn't you get in trouble if they found out you had this book"?

Loki didn't smile this time and nodded,"Probably,they would give me some sort of punishment,but they always do".

Ruka nodded and handed Loki the book,which he took. Loki looked at Ruka for a few minutes more,before asking,"I saw your Father again".

Ruka froze at his words, and her expression grew grave,"Why are you talking about him as if I had something to do with it"?

Loki smiled,"Why don't you just come and live with me, it would be way easier on you then, being at home with a family that doesn't love you".

Ruka laughed,"No thank you I rather not". Ruka started at the buildings in front of her, trying not to think about her family.

Loki smirked,"I tried. Anyway shouldn't you be with your guild won't you get in trouble for missing so many meetings"?

Ruka was paying any attention,"If they want me they can come and get me. And besides you have no reason to talk, shouldn't you be with your guild as well".

Loki laughed at her words and sat there quietly with Ruka, observing the people as they passed them. Ruka got up from her comfortable position and walked away. "Bye, Ruka", Loki had yelled as Ruka walked toward headquarters.

Ruka Kaname

It was true that Ruka hadn't been at headquarters for a while, but it wouldn't hurt them if she wasn't there...


Ruka felt that she would probably get in a lot trouble the moment she walks into the headquarters, she stood in front of it as she felt heavy tension over the huge building.

"Only for a few minutes, then I will leave", Ruka kept repeating the words in her head, telling her self she would be in and then out.

Ruka had to say her entry password, knowing she couldn't get in with out it, "Platinum Angel", she said in somewhat of a hushed voice,but loud enough that she could be heard.

The doors had slide open making a loud banging sound.

Ruka felt the stares of the people around, and she didn't dare look around.

She stepped into the hall, ignoring the whispers around her and walked toward an empty space and stood there leaning against the wall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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:: Robin Hawthrone ::

Robin stood there frozen for a moment. Because there were no warm welcomes or friendly teasings coming from her comrades. The situation was much worse than she expected. The members soon started to mind their own business and talked about something Robin couldn't quite name of.

She murmured "Fancy..." to herself and tucked some of the red locks that fell on her face under her ear. She wanted to join a conversation but a tense atmosphere were dominating the first floor of the Dark Radiance headquarters. She suddenly started to feel like a stranger and looked for a place where she could observe what was going on properly. Then she noticed a girl was standing alone as well. Platinum Angel, she reminded herself, Robin knew her. The blue-black haired girl was both beautiful and alluring, but her weirdness was following them closely behind. Robin used to play "Yu-Gi-Oh, Duel Monsters", she had a habit to match people to the monsters over there. Allure Queen was perfect for Platinum Angel.

She noticed she was staring at her and turned her gaze away from her, the blue haired girl probably had noticed Robin staring. I'm an idiot! she thought. No harm coming from a glance, right?

When she turned to Platinum Angel, Robin noticed she was staring at her too. No, not quite. More likely, her hair? Ans she was smiling! Robin noticed her eyes were a light shade of amethyst, the girl was definitely alluring, not beautiful.

She grinned at the girl naively and waved at her, then pointed at her hair and sweatdropped. Maybe if she went to talk with her, she could get information about this situation.

Come to think of it, she thought. Fiona didn't show up yet. I wonder why?


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Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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Ruka Kaname

Ruka noticed the girl waving at her, she stared at her for a few moments, then smiled.

She has never seen someone so naive before, here at the headquarters, it was like it was just in her nature.

Who was she again, Ruka had to think, then she quickly remembered, Frizzy.

Ruka couldn't help but laugh a little,"How cute", she said.

Ruka thought for a short moment maybe she knows about what is happening here at the headquarters.

She looked around for a minute then, as if she had made a big decision or something she called for Frizzy over,"Hey, you come here for a second".

Ruka saw her jump a little,then laughed at the girl's innocence, "This looks promising". She walked over to Frizzy and stood in front of her.

Now that she got a better look at her, she looked almost like a big red stuffed animal that you would want to hug. And at this thought Ruka couldn't help but giggle a little.

What an interesting person Ruka had met, she wondered why she hasn't seen much of her, then she remembered she hasn't been at headquarters for a long time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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:: Robin Hawthrone ::

No shit Sherlock, she ain't mean me, Robin thought to herself. Of course she wasn't, Platinum Angel could be calling an other player too. Okay, she was being stupid right now, Robin wasn't myopic, she could totally tell if Platinum Angel was looking at her or not. And they had just stared at each other, not to mention the girl had laughed and giggled at her.

She nearly had logged out when Platinum Angel appeared right in front of her. Just when?! Tsk tsk, she had spaced out again hadn't she.

Positive, Watson inside her corrected.

Up close, the girl was even more beautiful, her eyes looked one or two shades darker but they were still a lovely shade of violet, her hair was closer to blue. Robin had to correct herself, this girl was elegant, alluring and beautiful.

God bless the genes, why couldn't puberty hit her like a golden ball? Ah nevermind.

"Yo!" She said, raising her right hand a little to greet her. "The name is Frizzy, and you're Platinum Angel I know." She laughed awkwardly. "You name is kinda long can I shorten it? I mean like Angie or Plat-Flat, oh but you're not flat at all, I mean you look fabulous but Plangie would suit you and it sounds cool as well--"

She noticed she was blabbering, she always blabbered when she was meeting someone for the first time anyways.

"Um...I'm sorry, do you know what's going on here."

She tried to ignore the weird look she was getting from blue haired beauty.


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Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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Ruka Kaname

Ruka could see that Frizzy was probably confused at this time, it surprised even Ruka herself, that she would laugh so openly to someone she just meet. Maybe Loki was right, something is wrong with me. She was thinking to herself, when she saw that Frizzy was staring at her with sparkling eyes. At this moment Ruka couldn't help but smile, this was the first time in a while Ruka has gotten a good laugh.

She saw that the girl was trying to make conversation, and Ruka smiled at her effort," Hello Frizzy, its a pleasure to meet someone a s brave as you".

She listened to all the interesting nicknames she was given, and when Frizzy got to Plangie, she wanted to fall to the floor laughing because of how funny this girl was being. Ruka smiled at Frizzy warmly, "You can call me Angie".

She couldn't believe this girl was able to say some interesting names, any other person would be to afraid to talk to Ruka, let alone give her such funny names. She smiled to herself, This girl has some guts.

Ruka remembered the question she was going to ask Frizzy, and her face went back to normal, showing no emotion. Ruka shaked her head,"No, I don't know what's going on here, to be honest I just got here, and I haven't been here for a while. I was going to ask you the same question, but it seems you don't know either".

Ruka didn't enjoy the feeling she got from being in here, but she knew that if she left something might happen and she didn't want to risk anything happening. Ruka thought for a second, Maybe Loki would know...I might ask him later. She looked back at Frizzy, forgetting what she was thinking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Yui Akiyama Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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Takuya Kagamine

He walked out the candle lit room. The door that closed behind him once before, swung open right when he took a step towards it. The guild members all kept on chatting, some came and asked what did Takuya chose. "Cranium. I'll leave the battle up to you, youngsters." He said, smirking. That reply left the questioned members into a slight depression. His skills in a battle was unmatched, and any enemy stood in his way was all tore to pieces with his empowered Void Magic. But it was all going to be wasted, as his liking to not participate any invasions brought down the chances of successful invasions.

Takuya was reaching his way towards the giant door, attempting to exit again, when a message tab came into view. He opened the mail, and a message, stating 'From Fiona' left him questioned. "If you found these two girls, bring them to the conference room. I have something to ask them. Of course, you're coming too." is what was written in the message. He raised his hand, turning around, figuring out who was who, and the only two that he didn't recognize came into view. He replied the message with an 'Okay', and left to bring these two girls; Ruka Kaname and Robin Hawthrone, to the conference room he was in before.

Upon entering into their 'personal space', Takuya raised a hand and greeted them. He smiled and waited for a response, before adding in, "So are you two Ruka Kaname and Robin Hawthrone? Nice to meet you, I'm Takuya."

Wings of Vengeance

The leader, Lendon Alstair, was cheering and laughing, drinking beer. The members was all drunk except for him, as his toleration for alcohol was very good, and thus he was the one left out being not drunk. The guild had celebrated for the success of the latest invasion towards Galuna, the obstruction of the invasion towards Tekyou Hanamon, and a relieve party for the upcoming invasion. They were now currently in Galuna, where the city was filled with hole in walls and grounds, and the citizens all hid in their houses until the wall is fixed, as they were programmed to do so.

Lendon walked out to the balcony, and stared at the full moon hanging upon the dark blue sky. He leaned head-first onto the fence, and took another sip of his beer. He decided to inform everyone in Wings of Vengeance guild, to meet up at right here, and have a conference on the decisions of the forces, splitting the guild into two. He wrote the message rather quick and short, it being, "Come to Galuna Inn. We will have a conference on TekHa invasion. NO EXCUSES.". He sighed, and took another giant sip of his beer, waiting for the members to gather around.

Bio Walls

In a dim room lit by a table lamp, Astru Rendos sat in his chair, thinking of something. He let down his hands that was placed below his nose, and took a feather pen. He started writing something on a blank sheet of paper. It was more or less his habit from the real world, and what he wrote are mostly diaries, novels or letters. He's a real good writer, but he always avoids the praise by saying he's not good enough, but in truth, he just wanted to avoid the consequence if he did get famous; being not able to hang out with his friends in Yggdrasil Online. He valued friendship over anything, and would do anything to protect them or their friends too. Thus the style of Bio Walls was known; Protect and protect.

Minutes later after writing, a knock on the door was hear. "Come in, Margaret." The door slid open with a 'shh', and a women in a formal blue uniform walked in. She took the paper on her arms, and handed it over to Astru. He took the paper and checked it with a glance, and placed the paper down. He looked back up to Margaret for a moment before standing up aand pacing towards the window beside, his hands behind him. He looked at the white moon shining on Norais, the city of research labs.

The city was on top of a hill, with the only entrance being the foot of the mountain, and a huge green sphere, also called as force fields, covered the roof. It was made so that it could look transparent from the inside, and rock solid on the outside. The buildings are all organized neatly, but only two to three houses are in line. The others are all filled with machinery and weapons, standing a few inches below the houses. The city wasn't called the city of research labs for nothing. It was a dangerous bet to focus researches on one city, as if the enemy DO manage to enter the force field, they would abandon the place and self-destruct it. The researches the place left behind will be powerful enough to destroy the force field from inside, and spread a bit further, so the enemy will be destroyed in minutes.

Astru turned to Margaret, and gave her an order. "Go gather everyone here. We must have an discussion to protect our frontline base, Tekyou Hanamon. I will not allow for excuses like unable to come. Everyone present MUST come." Margaret nodded, and walked her way out the room. Astru turned back to the moon, almost as if admiring it. "We have to act faster. We don't have much time."

Helios Infinitum

Yastin Cason, alone in his tracks, stands in the middle field of dead bodies. He huffed and huffed, until he finally caught his breath to make another command. "Last round. Level ten. Fifty minutes." He readied his stance, as suddenly, a thousands of millions of human soldiers appeared and they all charged at him with their spears, swords, axes. With a swift move of his leg, he raised his double pistol, and pulled half of his body back. Spears stabbed past his side ways body, and they let out a surprised face. "Eat this." Emphasizing the last word, and pulled the trigger. The bullets hit the soldiers one by one, a line formed, but was then filled again by the soldiers at the side. He yelled to the top of throat, aiming his gun at every face he can see and pulling the trigger every time a face was aimed. "DIE, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!"

An hour later, the soldiers was all dead, on the ground. A giant 3D sign floated in the middle, as Yastin dropped to his knees, and sat back down later. The 3D sign was a floating warning of the ending of something, then suddenly, the wide battlefield filled with millions of dead soldiers disappeared as a thin white force field ran through over the entire place. What appeared after was a big metallic room with a room on top. A person inside raised a thumbs up, replied by Yastin's tired middle finger facing at the man.

That man was Rensus Sen. He claimed that he was Yastin's best friend, but his attitude towards him is really something that isn't friends, but more of enemy. They sat down on a bench in the city park, and Yastin gulped down liters of water from the plastic bottle. "Boy, that was refreshing." He let out a 'phew', then he turned to his huge friend. "What's my points?" He asked, wiping the sweat of his face. "98.67. Still at the top, followed by the Cool Beauty. She is still a 0.01 percent lower than you." Yastin clicked his tongue. Yui had the same fast shooting skills as him, but her reliance on snipers is what made her the second top of the rankings. Yastin stood back up and stretched his body. "Time to go and hold that useless conference. Not like we have any point on holding it, since I just know that everyone will join in the main force." He smirked, and send a message to everyone in the guild, telling them to gather at Hexion City for a conference. His showed his proud stance to Rensus, and he laughed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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0.00 INK

Ruka turned to Takuya, you could see how irate she was at the moment. Ruka couldn't help, but make this expression since there is so much tension in the air, Ruka felt sick to her stomach, "Yes, what do you want", Ruka said this in the coldest tone possible. She didn't know who she was talking to, and forgot her manners. Ruka thought for a second...Takuya Where have I heard this name before? Its been such a long time that I have forgotten? Takuya...Takuya... Oh! Takuya Kagamine, that's Fiona's special soldier. Ruka stared at him for a while, a smirk formed on her lips,"So your the young man Fiona had her eyes on, interesting". Ruka stared up at him,"So my first question still stands. What do you want"? Ruka still didn't like the fact he was in her personal space, but he must ave a good reason...right? Then it hit her, Ruka started to get a very uncomfortable feeling, which was making her dizzy,"Please don't tell me Fiona sent you".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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Takuya Kagamine

"So my first question still stands. What do you want?"

"Please don't tell me Fiona sent you."

"In fact, yes. She did. She just needs you two to choose either guarding Cranium; the city of the target of invasion of Helios assisted by Bio, or join up with main attack force with Wings on Tekyou; the target city of our invasion. She is probably not gonna lecture you. She won't have the time to, anyway." He shrugged, as he smiled an expression real light. He knew that they were probably afraid of Fiona's scoldings. He experienced it; it wasn't as nice as it sounds. That huge bright figure behind her every time she gets angry is so terrifying, that the members called her a monster; albeit no offence, just a statement. It was true, though, that she was a monster. That beta test zone was completely obliterated by her excessive magic power, and boy, was she strong. She isn't appointed a leader for no reason. "I just need you two to follow me. Don't be scared nor shy; the guild ain't gonna bite you." He laughed at his own joke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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:: Robin Hawthrone ::

"So are you two Ruka Kaname and Robin Hawthrone? Nice to meet you, I'm Takuya."

As soon as she heard the voice she jumped away three steps away from him. She would never admit she was surprised -and she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings- what shocked her the most was, the boy knew her name. She had never told her name to anyone, she was Frizzy. And he had called Platinum Angel "Ruka". Beautiful name for a beautiful girl, she couldn't help but thinking. And the boy in front of her was all black. Hair, outfit, his eyes. Nope, his eyes were actually were between black and grey and he looked very thin, almost slender. He had a smile on his face and he looked rather plain, not that absolutely handsome but a mighty aura of charisma was streaming from him. She stood there for moment, merely staring at the guy and trying to understand what was going, not noticing the looks she was getting.

Guild members were whispering to each other, and finally she could get out of her thoughts and the alarm bulbs in her head lighted up. This was Black Swordsman, the monstrous airhead, or at least she heard something like this about him she didn't exactly remember. He always was the leader of Dark Radiance guild when they were clashing with Helios Infinitum, his techniques and fighting skills were peerless and unrivaled, Robin herself didn't witness that, because she would be always behind and doing hit-and-run attacks and would be using Jedi from afar, shooting the opposing team and automatically logging them off the game. She had two main ideas galloping in her head now;

1.) Only Fiona knew the members' real names.
2.) This guy and Fiona were pretty close!

"I'm screwed!" She groaned and glanced at Platinum Angel, slapping her forehead. "She's searching for me right? Okay, Black Swo-- I mean, Takuya, nice to meet you too, you seem like an awesome guy I heard you were amazing at fighting. That's not the point! Look, can you say sorry to Fiona for me, I'm not that brave to face her yet, I had things to do! I was really busy, did something bad happen? I hope I can help, I volunteer! I'm not Katniss Everdeen, what am I talking about, but hey--"

She didn't notice Ruka and he started talking in the middle of her blabbing. She finally realized what he had said.

"What? She is gonna bite me! I expect her to do exactly that!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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Ruka Kaname

"I just need you two to follow me. Don't be scared nor shy; the guild ain't gonna bite you." He laughed at his own joke.

"What? She is gonna bite me! I expect her to do exactly that!"

Ruka sighed at Takuya,"Another useless war, can't anybody think of something better to do"?

Ruka didn't enjoy wars, that doesn't mean she wouldn't partake in one, it just means she rather not fight in it, knowing she would meet people she didn't want to meet. Also Ruka's obsession would come out, Ruka got a shiver up her spine just thinking of the fact if she went to fight blood would be everywhere. A smile came on her lips,then she quickly hid it. Shit! It happened again! This always happened during the time war was coming and it upset Ruka to no end, her obsession was making Ruka angry at herself.

She heard Robin's outburst, and Ruka couldn't help but laugh at her expression. It was a mixture of fear and anxiety, Robin looked like a rabbit who was just caught between two bear traps. "Your picture of Fiona is quite funny". She said to Robin, warmly.

She looked at Takuya and nodded,"Okay, I'll go with you", she started to follow Takuya.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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:: Robin Hawthrone ::

"Your picture of Fiona is quite funny". She said to Robin, warmly.

She looked at Takuya and nodded,"Okay, I'll go with you", she started to follow Takuya.

Robin's jaw dropped and she stared at their backs and nearly lost them in the crowd. She quickly followed and bumped into some members and immediately apologized to them. Didn't they had some mercy, her legs were so short that Robin was about to think she had Hobbit blood running in her veins.

"Wait up! You extraordinary tall people!" She yelled after them. They're fearless I tell you, she said practically to no one in her head. They stopped and waited for her to catch up with them.

"I'm sorry," Takuya said, a guilty look on his face. "I thought you were following us."

"I was following but," She angrily pointed her legs. "These are not helping at all."

Ruka giggled again, causing Robin to think if she was that funny. Takuya smiled and shrugged, "We'll try walking slowly then."

You bet, Robin thought. Wish I had your legs while running away from Fiona.

"So we got to choose between protecting Cranium and pursuing Helios Infinitum. This is a simple decision, so why is Fiona calling us?" Ruka asked with a sharp tone to Takuya, who was trying to slow his steps down. Robin was skipping while they were walking slowly. She remembered Takuya saying Fiona didn't have time to scold them, perhaps she was planning a serious thing so she needed them to discuss her strategy out? Robin didn't know.

"Is this battle going to be 'different' than the others?" She glanced at Takuya, "What is going on exactly?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Siobhan Annex Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone Character Portrait: Nathan Reed Character Portrait: Loki Akatsuki
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0.00 INK

Takuya Kagamine

"Is this battle going to be 'different' than the others?" She glanced at Takuya, "What is going on exactly?"

Takuya looked back at her. He also wondered why was this battle different than usual. He shook his head and turned towards the door. "I don't know either. They said that it was the frontline city, and that if it falls, we'll be overrun by the smaller guilds on the other side. They said that they should take this chance and charge into the enemy's frontline base." He opened the door and hushed them inside after.

They walked along in the candle lit hallway, and when they've reached the room, it was rather plain and normal. Fiona stood behind the table that projected the screen floating on top. "Seems like she's busy figuring a strategy." He whispered to them, and walked a bit forward, to the side. "There. The two you needed for me to find." Fiona then turned back at them. "Oh, so you're here." She quickly closed the floating tab, and opened another one. It was a list of probably over 1000 members, but she somehow shortened it to the only two names who was already here in the room; Ruka Kaname 'Platinum Angel' and Robin Hawthrone 'Frizzly'. It had two column, one being 'Cranium' and the other 'Tekyou'. "Pick one. Protect Cranuim or charge ahead into battle with Wings on Tekyou."

Helios Infinitum - Lendon Alstair

Yastin spun around in his chair for quite a while now, his body all tired. That training program his members invented were both a great help and a great lot of strain on his body. 98.67 percent if something a normal human cannot possess, and even though he's really powerful, he's still human. It wasn't long before he decided to stop spinning and was about to get up when a voice through the speaker stopped him. "Mister Yastin Cason, sir!" The voice of a soldier came out next. Yastin raised one of brows and replied him. "What's the problem?" He sat there silently for a while, with noises of orders in the background of the speaker echoed throughout the room.

"A man came and said that he came here for work. He said that we sent three soldiers to assassinate him, but he tortured them to death after that. he also said that we're next if we don't let him in. Snipers are already stationed within the walls, and they are ready to fire whenever you give the command. Orders, sir?" The voice asked as he panted after that. Yastin was interested who this man was, and to find out who defiled the name of Helios. He stood back up, and pulled out his trusty double pulse pistol. "I'll go and deal with him. Any suspicious movement from him, and it's bullets he'll eat. Got that?" He asked, wearing his black gloves. "Yes, sir!" The voice died out next after, and Yastin proceeded to the entrance of the guild building.

Sooner after, Yastin finally arrived. The man stood in front of the gate. Snipers all aimed accurately at him, following the orders of their leader. Yastin stepped forward and raised his hands, signaling the snipers to hold their attack. He placed them down and patted the man's shoulders. "Are you the mercenary I've been hearing of? The White Reaper?" He laughed at his own joke. He already knew that this man here was the mercenary, but he just wanted to lighten up the mood. "Come, let us go to my office. We'll talk things out there." He hushed for the man to follow him.

"You come to my office too, Ashron. I have some business to talk to you with." He spoke out of nowhere. He was actually talking to his second-in-command, Ashron Gregmier aka 'Loyal Servant'. He was Yastin's other closest friend who often hanged out him and Rensus, so he mostly entrusts boring things like filling documents and planning out strategies to him. "Alright. Will head there first." Ashron replied with a rather mature voice. "That's my trusty tool for expelling boredom, Loyal Servant." Yastin laughed as the voice from beside rang again. "I ain't your tool, nor do I expel boredom. These work need to be delicately handled and one wrong step, the entire guild might fall. Please. Don't take these as boredom; do your job as a guild leader well." Ashron argued. Yastin suddenly laughed extremely loudly and continued fighting with Ashron.

Inside the room awaited a man in a long blue coat with a black light armor on the inside and a long pants with gun holders. He wore glasses and a face palm was followed when Yastin laughed. "Please, sit down." Once the White Reaper sat down, Yastin introduced himself. "Names Yastin. Yastin Cason. And that blue guy over there is Ashron." He said, pointing at the obviously angered Ashron. "I'm not just some blue guy. I'm your god damn secretary." Ashron walked a bit forward and push his glasses up higher. "Fucking annoying guild leader. Anyway, my name is Ashron Gregmier. You can call me Ash, nice to meet you." He introduced himself.

"Okay, back to subject." Yastin sat down on his chair. "What is it that you need to come to us for work
? I hope it's not killing others. We don't do stuff like that, unlike WoVs."

Helios Infinitum - Lendon Alstair| Different time

A knock on the door turned Lendon's gaze of boredom from his eyes to the door. Lendon actually knew who it was, but he always wished it was someone new. "Hey Lendon, Guess who!" Lendon's expression turned even worse, this time with a sigh. "What do you need, Loki?" He asked, placing his palms on his face.

Wings of Vengeance - Galuna Inn

The members all chatted loudly and openly, laughing here and there when the opening of a door by Siobhan Annex stopped their chatting. Most of them continued, and that left Siobhan unnoticed by anyone. A man ran over to her, and greeted her. "Hey! You came!" He's voice was rather... young, and he was quite the shorty; even shorter than Siobhan. His smile was like that of an innocent child, and he looked at Siobhan with a wide smile. "Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?" He took a few steps back. "My name is Ken Amada. Nice to meet you." He grabbed Siobhan's hands suddenly, and hushed her to follow him. "C'mon! We'll have you meet with the leader. He needs to talk with everyone about something."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone Character Portrait: Loki Akatsuki
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Ruka Kaname
It had two column, one being 'Cranium' and the other 'Tekyou'. "Pick one. Protect Cranuim or charge ahead into battle with Wings on Tekyou."

Ruka gave a soft sigh,"Either way, we still have to fight", Ruka couldn't help but laugh at her own complaint.

Attack or Stay...Ruka wasn't a fan of crowded areas, and being here would just crowd her, so she knew which one she would chose.

"I'll go and fight with the Wings".

It wasn't until a second later after the words had already came out of her mouth, that she had felt a clod chill over her, causing her spine to shiver.

And at that moment Ruka couldn't help, but feel somewhat regretful of her words. Ruka knew she couldn't show her fear, and keep her face blank of expression.

Yet even with no emotion you could see that her face was paler then usually in the candle-light room.

Before Ruka could stop herself, she had asked in a monotone voice," If I am allowed to know who will be going into battle from WoV"?

Ruka knew this was a personal question that shouldn't have been asked,but something inside of her wanted to know, or at least she wanted to make sure of the feeling she had inside.

" Is the Angel of Mischief going to be in the battle"?

Loki Akatsuki
Lendon's expression turned even worse, this time with a sigh. "What do you need, Loki?" He asked, placing his palms on his face.

Loki opened the door with a quick motion, a mischievous smile played on his lips as he entered the room.

The door closed loudly causing an echo which made Lendon groan angrily.

Loki pulled up a chair and sat beside Lendon facing him, Loki took a few minutes to observe Lendon's condition.

"You look tired, has this war made you so distracted, that you don't even have the time to glare at me".

Lendon would always smile or become irate at Loki's comments, but for the first time he showed no sign of emotion, which caused Loki to become upset and mad.

"First Ruka and know You! Both of you are making my day miserable. How am I supposed to cause you torment, when something other then me is doing that to you already"? Lendon didn't even move.

"Maybe I should just end this war myself,so I can get the old Lendon back".

At that moment Loki saw a small flinch come from Lendon,which caused him to smile happily," How about this, if I fight in the war, you have to get me something I really want".

Loki was spinning around in the chair as he said this, he soon stopped to face Lendon staring him down with his strong gaze,which even gave Loki a shiver.

Lendon glared at him, as if he was the cause of all his worries, as if he already knew the answer.

Loki felt special inside, knowing that Lendon was glaring at him,"You know what I want. I want her. I want Platinum Angel at least for one day, and I will fight".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takuya Kagamine Character Portrait: Ruka Kaname Character Portrait: Robin Hawthrone
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0.00 INK

:: Robin Hawthrone ::

It had two column, one being 'Cranium' and the other 'Tekyou'. "Pick one. Protect Cranuim or charge ahead into battle with Wings on Tekyou."

Wheeew, no scolding. This was her lucky day after all, but there was this little thing bothering her. Why gathering all of the players -well, the most of them- here for a question like this? Robin couldn't understand the woman at times, her mode changed so easily, she was smiling and fuming at the same time. Short ginger girl didn't notice she was eating her nails until her teeth made contact with her flesh, neither she noticed she was the silent one till she heard Ruka's laugh.

"Either way, we still have to fight"

Yep, fighting and more fighting. In the midst of this all, she was slowly forgetting her real reason for joining this fuss. Playing with the sleeves of her dress, she stared at the column her name had placed on. If she went to Tekyou, maybe she could find him, just maybe. He was a man who loved science very much, he could be a member of Bio Walls or Helios Infinitum. But there was the probability that he was going to attack Cranium while Robin was going to be attacking Tekyou, as well.

What was she going to do?

"I'll go and fight with the Wings"

Robin turned to Ruka with a 'whoosh', her hair swished around her and her locks jumped up and down for a while as she stared at her. Platinum Angel was clearly the fighter and brave type, but why was she pale while her face was emotionless? Robin became more confused than the usual when she asked about "Angel of Mischief". What kind was that? She stopped and thought for a while, fidgeting and tapping her foot to the ground. Then she remembered the stories of mythology her mother hummed to her when she was a child...In the Greek Mythology, god of mischief was probably Hermes, which was a 'guy'...There was one in the Norse Mythology too, "Loki.", which she knew from Marvel series. Bingo!

"A-ha!" She said with a grin, snapping her middle finger and thumb together. "'If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you gooooo~!'" She sang playfully and her grin grew wider and wider as the seconds passed. "I get you, Ruka, are you unsecure to go to the battle without your boyfriend eh? I perfectly understand you!"

Maybe with teasing her, she could gain more time to decide what she was going to do. May Loki help her.