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Maddison Kaplan

"It's not magic!"

0 · 977 views · located in Cross City

a character in “Young Avengers”, as played by sapphire.


Image xImagename → maddison james kaplan

codename → hex

age → eighteen

gender → male

sexuality → homosexual

lineage → william kaplan

hex → #6a7582




Eldest of two, Maddison has always had the optimistic outlook his has currently. Raised by two men, who loved him more than life itself surrounded him in the love and positivity they knew he would deserve. Being an older sibling, Maddison has that natural instinct to look after others. This often gets him the "squad mom" nicknames among his colleagues in the Young Avengers, and his friends at his high-school. He never seems to mind, he likes playing that role. Atleast people know they're loved. And if they don't, Maddison will be the one to show them. He always believes in others no matter what, giving him an ultimately trusting nature.

A negative about Maddison, a trait he developed from a young age, he tends to get in his head a lot. Though he may be doing fine, he emotionally and mentally hates everything he does. He is simply a type of person, to let himself get into his head. And with that, he cripples himself, his powers relying partially on his emotions. Maddison is also guilty of being "too kind", giving people chances even though they don't deserve it. He chooses to see the light in others, rather than the dark. He views it simply as this, he wants to be viewed as kind, so he should view others the same way. Maddison is simply a caring person. From helping raise his younger brother, Kit, to helping his parents with the dishes. Although he is kind, do not challenge him when it comes to his family or his friends. He will absolutely lose his temper, and not always a good thing.




Like his father, Maddison is gifted with a wide range of abilities. But his primary ability revolves around the ability of reality warping. Much like his father, Maddison's ability lies within manipulating the world around him. Bending both supernatural and mystical forces to his will, has been a thing Maddison could do since birth. His grandmother, and father have trained him in such giving him feats such as flight, teleportation, among other things. This power is expressed through verbal incantations, of repetitively saying the command over and over again. This is commonly misunderstood as magic, but it isn't. Maddison often uses this in a supplementary type effect, such as enhancing his allies natural states. Even though it isn't magic, Maddison has become accustomed to referring to it as such. His father teaching him "spells" tends to get the idea stuck in one's head. With a great power, comes a great drawback. Maddison must be able to hear himself to enable the ability to work, so if he simply kept silent his abilities would not work. His reality warping is also is influenced by his emotions, for an example, if he was to harm someone with a fireball and he didn't really want to, the fireball would not come into fabrication. His emotions tie himself into the ground, showcasing his true feelings seem to be dangerous, large bursts of energy could harm himself and allies in anger. So he tries to keep himself reserved and in control.

In the same fashion as Billy, Maddison has developed the ability to conjure items. Simple things such as knives, staffs, clothing. He simply is limited to what is possible, he can't create a deathray. Although, the bigger and more complex the item the more energy and time it would take for him to summon it. A pen could take a few seconds, while a car would take an hour. Inheriting part of Billy's mutant nature, Maddison developed the ability of clairvoyance as well. Able to sit down and focus on the person/object will allow Maddison to gain a very vague idea of where they remain.




Maddison James Kaplan, was born on a snowy December night to William and Theodore Kaplan. Made possible through the surrogacy of one of William's best friends, the boy was born into a family who would surely love him. Bullied for having two fathers, he quickly learned people that people were not as nice as they seem. But he chose to see the good in others, especially when his younger (half) brother Kit was born. Through the semen of his father, Theodore, the two became extremely close. Maddison becoming an older brother at ten, became very protective over his brother and helped watch over him.

When he turned eleven, Maddison began to showcase his abilities. His eleven year old being, couldn't neccessarily control it so until his father could teach him, Maddison became homeschooled. His father, with the help of Stephen Strange, crafted a set of bracelets that would ground Maddison's powers until he controlled them. With the help of both his father and grandmother, he gained decent control over his ability allowing him to join the Young Avengers, and take on the world.


So begins...

Maddison Kaplan's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Luiza Logan-Roth Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan
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Cross City, a thriving and extravagant technological hub in the United States home to some of the most influential engineers, scientists, and doctors. However, although on the outside the city may seem like the perfect utopia, underground lies some of the most dangerous crime rings in the country. Particularly that of the Boss. A group of discarded mutants, hired assassins, rouge scientists, and their fearless leader the Boss. Fortunately for the city, a small team of up and coming heroes have dedicated their lives to keeping it safe.

In the heart of the city, is one of the tallest towers owned by Stark Industries and home to the team of the Young Avengers, filled with training facilities and a vast array of technology the building provides a safe and solace home for the heroes.


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xxxxkaitlyn worthington - angel - #C090C6 xxxxx azari t'challa - panther - #592833 xxxxxxxxxx walter reyes - virus - #726262

Image Image Image

MARCH 3RD, 2025 - 4:30 P.M.

Kaitlyn sat on the edge of the terrace, her body pressed against the railing and her feet dangling off the side. The light, cool breeze whipped the small blonde baby curls around her face as she watched the bustling city below her. This was quite possibly her favorite spot in the entire building, the terrace connected to the doors that lead to the heroes large hangout room and kitchen. She closed her eyes, and stretched out her feathery white wings, (keeping them so bundled up was so damn uncomfortable). It was moments like these, besides flying, that she felt truly at home. For her being out on the terrace was like taking a long contemplating shower

She whipped her head around as the door to the terrace slid open and Azari popped his head out from the door. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were out here".
She hadn't really noticed how thick his Wakandan accent was, with just a hint of New Yorker. She offered the boy a small smile and beckoned him over with one of her wings, "It's alright, I can't really keep this spot a secret forever". Azari smiled shyly and walked over to the edge of the balcony with a rather cat-like grace and leaned up against the railing. "The view is great". This wasn't even just a simple form of small talk, he really meant it. The tiny cars and people moving around, shadowed by the tall sky scrapers was really a beautiful sight. "Aren't you afraid of... erhm falling?", He raised an eyebrow at her position dangerously close to the edge. Kaitlyn laughed quietly and wiggled her wings, "That's what these are for" She was pleased to see she had managed to crack a small smile out of the quiet prince with that comment.

The sliding door opened again, this time Walter peeking his head through. "Hate to interrupt feathers, but Ward and Coulson called us all for a meeting". Kaitlyn nodded and pushed herself up from her spot, folding her wings back into her body. "Thanks Walt", He gave a little soldier salute and slipped his way back out the door just as quickly as he had come. "Well it seems like our fearless leaders have called us".

The two met up with Walt in the hall and made their way to the meeting room or better yet the 'lecture hall'. After Phil Coulson retired from helping S.H.E.I.L.D. his daughter Jenna had taken his spot, and eventually became the leader for the Young Avengers. She almost acted as the team's mom, and managed them as such. Henry Ward, was Grant Ward's son, and just like his father a combat specialist. The two were the minds behind the team, assigning missions, and training. They were almost like a little family.

The three were the first to enter the meeting room, the others probably receiving a message for the meeting on their devices. Coulson and Ward sat at the head of the long table in the room, rather serious looks on their faces. "Angel, Panther, Virus. I hoped you have all had lovely afternoons" Coulson's voice was stern but there was a an underlying tone of compassion in her voice. "As lovely as it could get, I figured out the joys of hacking free Netflix" Walt grinned, and Ward let out a rather uncharacteristic snort. Coulson just rolled her eyes and gestured for the trio to sit, "We have a pretty pressing matter to discuss, so you all better get comfortable". Kaitlyn sat near Coulson, Walt near the far end of the table, and Ari near the middle. "Is this about Dr. Baxter? Have we found him?" Kait leaned over the table a hint of eagerness in her voice, the Boss had kidnapped the CEO of Baxter and they had been chasing false leads for a week. She knew she wasn't the only one in the group that was starting to feel a bit worried. Coulson's face fell a bit and she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Unfortunately, no. However, we do have a lead, so it's a start. We'll go over everything once the others get here". Kait led out a barely audible sigh and leaned back in her chair, her eyes moving to the door of the conference room. I hope they hurry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington Character Portrait: Walter Reyes
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0.00 INK

maddison . kaplan
hex • #6a7582


"How you think you did on the test Mads?," one of Maddison's friends asked. He looked towards the girl, DJ, and smirked. "Way better than you, probably failed the written question....but I'm good in that class. Unlike someone.". The two laughed as they walked down the street to their homes. DJ lived next to the Kaplan-Altmans, and was one of the only ones outside of his family and the Y.A that knew of his powers. She didn't treat him like a freak for it though, she practically freaked out when she figured out his parents were Wiccan and Hulkling. So to say the least, the two were close. As they reached his home, he waved to the blonde and walked inside.

Right as he did, his phone beeped with a specified alert.

Ahhh, it was just like Jenna to call a meeting when Maddison got off of school. Well, to be fair, not everyone went to high-school. He was honoured to be on the team, in spite of being one the youngest. Shutting his phone off, the male would try to focus. Lately he had been trying to focus on using his powers without vocal command. But, like his previous attempts, this was a failure. He would sigh, he could basically just ride a bus down there....but what superhero took a bus? "LetmebeinthetowerLetmebeinthetowerLetmebeinthetower."

Reciting the line would make him appear in a swirl of cornflower blue energy in the room. Waving towards the others, he would take a seat next to Wally with a slight laugh. Immediately taking in the serious tone of the room, he would sit down and wait for the others, sending a wave towards Kaitlyn and Azari.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Luiza Logan-Roth Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Belynta
ImageTabitha Mackenzie

It was official 'The Mayor of Casterbridge' was kicking her ass, Tabby growled in frustation and threw the offending book at the wall smiling at the satisfying thunk it made. Who needed Thomas 'classic British Author' Hardy anyway? After a moments hesitation she sighed and picked up the book again. Apparantly she needed it, or at least she needed the practice, missing the entirety of High School had not done much for her admittedly limited reading skills. Or her Maths skills or any of the stuff they usually taught in High Schools. About the only thing she knew she was good at without needing to study was music and even that was more because of her abilities than anything else. She was determined not to be seen as stupid, hence the secret studying in her room whenever she got the chance. Coulson knew of her lack of education and Tabby guessed that meant Ward did too, but thankfully Coulson had agreed not to reveal her difficulties to the rest of the team.

She was just about to start again when she saw the flashing light on her phone and she grinned at what it meant. She hopped back of her bed and quickly left her room.
"Later Hardy." She called over her shoulder before shutting and locking the door firmly. She trusted the other guys on their team but that didn't mean she wanted them nosing about in her room.

She made her way quickly to the 'Lecture Hall' and saw that she wasn't the first to arrive. Besides Coulson and Ward there was Kaitlyn, Azari, Maddison and Walter. She popped a sloppy salute to both Coulson and Ward before she plopped herself down in on the other side of Walt.
"Hey Peeps what have we been up to? Charming, find any sleeping Princesses to wake today?" She grinned at Azari before nudging Walt with her shoulder.
"Hack anything cool?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Luiza Logan-Roth Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by burning

── p r o t e g exo fxm y s t i q u e ──
xx a l i a s - mystère
xx o u t f i t - x
xx d i a l o g u e - #B03232


Addie hadn't been doing much with her day besides training. Attempting to make her offensive as good as her mother's once was, she had been spending extra time in the towers gym, even having gone to the trouble of hiring a martial arts trainer - or rather, nagging Ward until he caved and agreed to get someone so long as she just left him alone. Addie always knew how to get what she wanted.

However, when Addie received an alert from the team, informing her that she had to come to a meeting, she had just stepped out of the shower, having finished her training for the day. Sighing, Addie looks at herself in the mirror and pouts before sending her reflection a wink and heading out into her bedroom. Luckily, Addie always had her outfits planned out. In fact, she had several outfits planned, in case of an emergency. Slipping on one of these outfits, Addie runs a comb through her hair before quickly drying it with a hair dryer. Throwing on her signature red lip, she brushes down her skirt before pulling on a pair of black boots. Heeled, of course.

Deciding that she was finally presentable, Addie makes her way out of her room and to where they were set to meet - fashionably late, as always. "Bonjour mes chéris.
" Slipping into her native tongue as she enters and announces her arrival to the room.

Spotting Tabitha in the room, a smile spreads itself on her face as Addie waltzes up to her, her heels clicking as she goes. "Heya Tabby cat." She greets, seating herself next to the girl. "Walt, you're looking good." Addie then continues on to say, making eye contact with the guy and hoping that she's able to solicit a blush or something of the sort from him. Addie was pretty good at that. Throwing Ari a wink as his personal greeting. Laughing softly as Tabitha teases him, continuing on, "I'll be your damsel in distress any day."

Finally looking to Coulson and Ward, Addie raises an eyebrow before saying, "What's so important that you felt the need to interrupt my pamper time?" Addie had a pretty extensive regime she liked to follow after a shower, but that had been cut short by their summons. Everyone who lived within the same four walls as Addie knew this, so she had no doubt that it had to be rather crucial, or they should have waited until she was completely ready. This was just rude.

"Mystère," Ward greets, steely eyed as he returned her gaze, "I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the others get here before we continue." Rolling her eyes, Addie leans back in her chair, annoyed. She'd thought that she was going to be the last one here (which she liked, Addie loved a grand entrance) but it seemed that half of them hadn't arrived yet. Leaning over the table to where Kaitlyn sat, Addie's smile turned wicked as she spoke to the woman. "Ms. Goody two shoes," Addie fiddles with a strand of her hair nonchalantly, "No surprise you're here bright and early." The pair had always had a rivalry, their personalities conflicted so much that it was impossible for the two to have ever gotten along and Addie remembers disliking Kaitlyn and her uppity attitude from the day they met. Addie had found a surprising number of people whom she loved since joining the team, but Kaitlyn was certainly not one of them.


── g h o s txp h y s i o l o g y ──
xx a l i a s - ghost
xx o u t f i t - x
xx d i a l o g u e - #4C5266


Blue had locked himself in his room all day, reading. Content with the silence that this brought, his curtains had stayed drawn, leaving him in darkness with only a lamp to read by. Blue preferred it this way, sometimes sunlight could be too much for him, almost blinding in it's radiance. Nighttime and rainy, dull days had been Blue's favourite ever since the accident. He didn't need to get out of the tower, nor did he want constant companionship like some of the others he shared this home with.

Happy to have managed to get himself a day off, they were so often working together or training together that Blue would be trained by the time it was over and fall fast asleep as soon as he got back to his room, so today was his allocated reading day where he curled up on the little chair next to his bookcase and just let himself be transported elsewhere. It was the perfect way for Blue to get away from being himself, even if just for a few hours, and he had really needed it.

Of course, this contentment was short lived as Blue's mandatory phone buzzed with a notification - he had to be in the meeting room now. Rubbing at his eyes, Blue wishes he could ignore the message and stay here, but he knew that would result in either Coulson or Ward coming down and if there was one thing that Blue could not handle, it was conflict. Ironic really, considering he was on a superhero task force that dealt with just that. Blue so often felt out of place for this, as well as a multitude of other reasons. Even amongst a group of 'freaks' he was still somehow the strangest.

Folding over the corner of the page he was reading, Blue stands, placing it back on his bookshelf. Reluctantly, he walks to his wardrobe, exchanging the sweatpants he had been wearing for black jeans, but leaving his plain black t-shirt.

Once ready Blue finds his way to the meeting place, slowly pushing open the door as he is greeted by the faces of his teammates, all chatting amongst themselves. Chewing on his bottom lip nervously, despite being on this team since the beginning, Blue was still nervous around such a large group of people; and there were only more to come.

He finds himself a seat next to Maddison, offering the boy a weak smile and a soft "Hello.
" Keeping his eyes trained on the table in front of him as he does so, hoping everyone else would just ignore him and continue on with their chatting.

"Evening, Ghost." Coulson greets, her tone a lot gentler than when she spoke to the others. She had been one of the first people Blue met when transported to the facility he was kept in for years, as well as her father. Having only been shadowing the elder man at that time, Blue had watched as Coulson progressed up the ranks until she came to where she is now. In fact, Coulson was probably the only reason Blue had been invited to join the team, having always had a soft spot for the sweet, shy boy.

Moving his eyes off the table for a brief moment to meet hers, Blue nods his head before replying, "Good evening." It was rare to get much more than a sentence out of Blue, but today he felt extra nervous, as though some kind of danger was looming. Perhaps it was because he didn't know what was going on, nor why they were all summoned here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Mackenzie
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0.00 INK

    Progeny of Miles Morales ; Alias - spidey

    Dialogue - #CDAD00 ; Outfit - X ; Hair - X


    "Honey, is that really necessary?" Her mother asked the young girl through the headset in her suit. Before she could reply, her father interjected. "No, it isn't. Marisol Jamila, stop. Not another step. You've worn this suit once before. Once." Marisol groaned, rolling her eyes before focus back towards the ground below, focusing on the cement. "You said I have to learn how to control this suit. To learn how to use it without your or anyone else's help. Did you not?" Miles Morales groaned. "If she dies, do I get the suit?" Her younger brother, Miguel. Mari smacked her lips. "Manny, shut up. It's not that big of a deal and it's not even that close to the ground. I just need to make sure that I can react fast enough in a time of crisis." Miguel chuckled. "No offense, Mari but that sounds like a really fucking stupid idea." Miguel said in a deadpan tone before her parents agreed with their youngest. She walked around the edge of the tall skyscraper just listening to her parents bicker with her in Spanish only for her not to reply as they continued to talk. "Mija, listen. You're good, you are but what if you don't catch yourself fast enough, hm? Then what?" The young New Yorker sighed looking up at the blue sky. "Then I guess I'm out of commission for awhile."

    "That's not funny." Her mother replied. "Well, it's the truth. Now I gotta go, bye." She cut off the transmission and muted her headpiece just so she wouldn't hear if they called again. She knew her parents hated being out of the city for so because it made her do things like what she was about to do; jump off a building just to see how close to the ground she can get before using swinging away. Was to help her reaction time? Yes, to an extent but she also wanted to feel that rush her father would talk about when he did it. Something he did at seventeen, four years younger than how old Mari was. She could do this. She took a deep breath before letting herself fall back off the 50 stories tall building. She didn't hear anything other than the wind rushing past her as she continued to fall. She would have let herself for more than 6 (with her record being about 4.5) if it was just the beeping in her ear from the one group of people she heard alerts from not matter what she muted in her suit. "Damn it." She reached her hand in front of her body to shoot a strand of webbing to catch her from falling anymore, swing her closer in the direction of the tower. Within minutes she found herself landing on the terrace balcony and making her way towards the conference room but, not before pressing the emblem on the chest of her suit allowing it to expand and let her remove it with ease. Revealing a pair of leggings, a tank top, and a pair of Adidas running shoes. She tossed it over her shoulder stopping in her room within the building to grab a bag to keep her suit in. She wanted to keep it on her at all times but didn't want it just out in full view of everyone especially when she had completely 'mastered' the new suit just yet. She pleaded that she wasn't the last to make it to the room. The last thing she needed today after a tongue lashing from her parents was one from her superiors.

    Opening the doors she realized she wasn't the last member to make but, she definitely wasn't the first. However, instead of acting embarrassed about not being the first like she wanted to. She looked towards Addie, hearing last of her comment towards Kait. "Addie, didn't we work on your people skills last week? Be nice." She lightly hit the back of Walt and Kait's heads with a smirk before sitting next to Kait. She looked towards Ari, offering him a smile before turning her attention to the group as a whole. "Sorry I'm late, had to take the family suit out for a test drive." She explained, putting her bag on the back of her chair. She looked towards the young group with a small smirk. "I miss anything important?" Her heavy Puerto Rican accent becoming more apparent with every time she spoke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington Character Portrait: Theo Stark
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0.00 INK

XIXXXXiiXTheo Stark
XXXXXXXXXXXXXiiXalias ~ iron kid
XXXXXXXXXXXiiXspeech ~ #c7bf01

"Mr. Stark? I have Mrs. Amberlynn on the phone. She's wanting to know if you'll be donating to the CASA again this year." Theo's secretary sudden presence interrupted his ball tossing and his thoughts as he imagined a new upgrade to add to his supersuit. The thing has been a bit jerky on his bad leg so he needed to add some kind of heating compress. Maybe Walt could help him out later. He'd been a great help with updating the wifi signal in the suit. Aparently, cell phone providers won't provide a connection at over 10,000 feet. Potential new venture.

"Elle, remind me to make my own phone provider- wait, my own phone too. Have the team run numbers if people would like a Stark phone." Elle Santos, or Eleanor as she prefers to be called during work hours, was one of the best in the business. The two attended college together and she befriend him since he was the youngest at MIT. Normally, Theo would've figured she wanted something, but she saved him from some frat boys when he was running his mouth, drunk trash talking. Her eye for business made her Theo's number one choice to co-run the company someday. His father liked to joke that Elle was his Pepper Potts, but unlike his father, Theo didn't mess around with his coworkers.

"I'll have our marketing team look into it. And sir, it's Ms. Santos or Eleanor during business hours. Also, are you planning to donate to CASA this year? NCMEC is reaching out too."
"How much are all of them hoping to raise this year?"
"Two million, sir."
"Give them each that and add half of what their asking."

People liked to think he was trying to copy his father when it came to philanthrophy, but each of these programs holds a special place in his heart. CASA helps children from abusive and neglectful families by providing them a quality lawyer who'll fight for them. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) works to help and find missing and abused children. Along with the Stark families multiple grants for schooling and underpriveledged kids, Theo works with a variety of charities. Some kids don't have superhero fathers with government connections to find them if they go missing. One of Theo's little ways of giving back.

Elle began to go over his schedule for the rest of the day when a small beeping goes off in Theo's office. A voice, resembling an Irish accent, spoke from the ceiling. "Stark, your prescence is needed at Avengers Base." Jac was the first A.I. computer Theo ever made. The computer program was often like having a third parent around, Tony and Jarvis being the firsts. With a huge smirk to Elle and flutter of his eyes, she let out a sigh. "I'll handle everything." "That's why you're the best."

Thankfully, Theo's office wasn't too far away from the Young Avengers Base. The building housing the heroes is called Stark Industries, but it isn't an actual place of Stark business. It was more of a cover to hide everyone in plain sight. No one would think a group of superheroes would live in the most noticeable building in the center of town. It would be too obvious yet completely genius. Theo took off his blazer throwing it over his shoulder. He would've changed into something more comfortable, but work required his professional appearance.

The ride up the elevator was quick. Theo, along with father and SHIELD, designed the building to be a well oiled machine. Heroes shouldn't waste time in slow elevators. Not that Theo considered himself one, he was just a guy with a lot of money and a supersuit. A fraud as one reported loved to point out. Most of the media adored the youngest Stark. Affeciontaely nicknamed Iron Kid, a name that stuck, Theo was America's Dreamboat. They loved him, or the person he claimed to be. Those thoughts left his mind when the elevator opened.

Most of the team gathered in the conference room, a few people were missing though. "No snacks while we wait?" Theo joked while taking a seat next to his princely, best friend. "Stark this isn't a babysitting service." muttered Coulson. She'd never admit it, but Jenna liked the youngest Stark. He's a good addition to the team when he's focused. "I'll make sure to upgrade to the deluxe package next time." At the word 'updgrade,' Theo flashed a smile to Walt and Ari. Time to get the Nerd Herd together.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington Character Portrait: Theo Stark
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0.00 INK

xxxxxS A G E xxC A S S I D Y

xxxSpirit | Force-Field Generation | #07b2a5
A hand rested on her hip and she shifted her weight from foot to foot. Sage closed her eyes and breathed out steadily. Be patient. Be patient. Two people in front of her was a lady at the counter inquiring about all the different juice blends they offered even though it was on the board for her viewing. Then she decided to move on and inquire about the different coffees they made, then discuss out loud how it might be a bad idea because it apparently lasted several hours in her system and how her husband may not approve and, "besides, it's already quite a warm day, isn't it?"

Sage pinched the bridge of her nose. Composure usually wasn't a stress or effort to her but today it's like Sage had to summon a greater will-power. All she was craving was a sweet berry-blend of juice and she was so excited at the idea. Initially. And those feelings had long since faded. Thankfully a buzz emerged from her pocket for a distraction and Sage hastily tore her device out from it to read the message. Sage might have roamed now and then but never far from the faculty in case of such circumstances and requirements.
Sage left the cue abruptly, offering a stiff smile to the person behind her in line.
" a small is just that size?" She heard the same woman question.

Sage lunged into the meeting room, her mini handbag swinging wildly until she caught it as well as attempt to catch her breath. She wasn't quite last miraculously but she figured she took long enough.“Sorry,” she mumbled. Sage straightened, blew out her lips and regained composure wandering idly to a seat.

She knew they wouldn't start until all were present so she didn't bother with the questioning though she was itching to know what the meeting was called for. Aside from updates or a new mission - that was given. Once truly settled, Sage eyed who was already present. Milo was sitting alone, but he looked...worn in some way or the other so she figured he probably preferred his space. Kait, Walt, Stark...the list went on. Basically most of her peers that should beat her to the room. Except maybe Theo.

Sage started a subtle little tap on the table since her patience had already been tested for the day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington Character Portrait: Theo Stark
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hex - daniel sherman - #6a7582

Upon Adelaide's comment, Maddison's face scrunched up in irritation. Dates were a nice addition, splitting the team into pairs, but Maddison would probably will himself into non-existence if he by chance was left with the red-headed woman. Mads didn't hate the shape-shifter, she was just not really on his parental status. She was more like the rebellious teenager, and Maddison the overbearing mother. So naturally, they'd be complacent with most action, but when paired they wouldn't be extremely functional. Noticing how she looked in Theo's direction for a short bit, flared a bit of emotion within him. "I think dates are a good thing as well, people who have a balance and can easily cover other's weak points. I think we can be capable of choosing our partners." the male spoke, with a calm demeanor. His eyes strayed over to Theo, but he knew the Stark might choose one of the "nerd herd".

A quick look went to Blue and Kaitlyn, either or would do for him as well.

Deep down, however, he wanted to share that moment with Theo. Shrugging he'd begin fiddling with a small ball he'd conjure, something that he did often. Moving the ball around his hands, he would hum a small tune before waiting for Coulson or Ward's responses to his statement. An eye, however, lingered over Adelaide keeping a watch on her for a bit.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Theo Stark Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Mackenzie
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0.00 INK


azari t'challa

panther · outfit · meeting room · #592833

Azari waved back at Maddison as he entered the room in a blue swirl of color, and then at Tabitha who entered the room next. "Hey Peeps what have we been up to? Charming, find any sleeping Princesses to wake today?" Tabby was always prone to teasing Azari, pretty much everyone was. His quiet stoic-ness was unheard of here, where in Wakanda it was normal. Other than his brother, Taj who fancied himself in being the loudest person in the room. In response to her comment he just shook his head with a soft chuckle. Behind Tabitha was Adelaide, the alluring redhead that had caught his eye. It seems that he had done the same for her as well. She promptly winked at him after Tabby's comment, "I'll be your damsel in distress any day." Any other guy would've frankly been flustered at the comment, but Azari took it quite smoothly. He just shook his head lightly in a teasing gesture and smiled at her, he was used to her constant flirting.

Next, Marisol arrived in a flourish. Azari couldn't help but lock eyes with her as she smiled at him, he was quick to offer her a soft smile back. Like Addie, Mari had also captured his heart as well. His brother would smack him upside for not doing anything about it, Taj was so forward. His attention was then directed to one of his good friends, Theo Stark, who was arguing with Coulson as usual. He always loved to play around with the idea of getting new tech for the team. "I'll make sure to upgrade to the deluxe package next time." He flashed a wicked smile at both Walt and himself and Ari chuckled. Time for another project. They had bounced around the idea to get them all upgraded suits, Walt included, but Coulson wasn't backing the funds, yet. They always had a good sway with her, how could she turn down the dashing and charming boys?

Azari was quick to listen as Coulson got the group to quiet down and laid out the plan before them. A party. A little bit of nervousness set over him, he had his fair share of events as the prince and he always detested them. The most respected elders in Wakanda talking about aimless ideas that had nothing to do with the people and more to do with themselves. He imagined an American event would be no different.

The others started to pitch in after Coulson gave her talk, and Azari wasn't surprised when Addie proposed the idea of paring up with 'dates'. "So who wants to be mine?" He wasn't surprised, the girl was a natural charmer and she loved to stir the pot between all of the heroes. He glanced quickly between Addie and then to Mari and returned his gaze back to the table. Considering Addie had her sights set on Theo and Danny, his gaze flickered again to Mari for a brief moment. Why was it so hard for him to just speak up? He suddenly wished he was much more like his brother.


walter reyes

virus · outfit · meeting room · #726262

Walter watched as Maddison appeared in the room in a cloud of blue, the two were practically brother so it wasn't a surprise when Maddy set down next to him. "You have to teach me how to do that" He said with a wink and a wide grin. If Maddy had a quarter for overtime Walt said that to him, he'd be rich. His attention then turned to Tabby as she plopped herself down next to him in her usual bubbly attitude. It was quite infectious actually, which made Tabby one of his favorite people to be around. She nudged him in the shoulder lightly, "Hack anything cool?" A mischievous grin overtook him and he leaned closer his voice growing quieter. "The usual mainly, CCPD website, the pentagon, however I have figured out the joys of a limitless Netflix subscription. Jessica Jones 24-hour marathon. I hope I get my own tv show one day, I'm still working on the title though" He was like a kid in a candy store when it came to hacking.

"Walt, you're looking good." Walt jerked his head up away from Tabby and made eye-contact with the gorgeous redhead that he had quite possibly the biggest crush on. He blushed lightly at her comment, "Thanks, you too Addie. As always" He said the last part a little softer and under his breath. It didn't take a genius to know that Walt was out of her league, and it was never going to happen. Besides, she was too interested in his tech-genius and kitty prince best friends, and also golden boy Danny.

Suddenly, someone smacked him in the back of the head pulling him back to reality. For a moment he thought it was the universe smacking him in the back of the head for even thinking that he had a chance with Addie. But no. It was Marisol. "Sorry I'm late, had to take the family suit out for a test drive." Walt raised an eyebrow, and teased Mari right back "And how did that go for ya?" Mari had become one of Walt's friends, although the girl still didn't fully trust him no matter what he did.

"Stark this isn't a babysitting service." Walter turned his head to their commander in Chief, Coulson and then to one of his best friends Theo. "I'll make sure to upgrade to the deluxe package next time." Theo, Ari, and Walt were always up to creating something new, and Coulson was not their biggest fans. Walt grinned at Theo, "We're discussing this later. Something big, explosive, extra shiny" he spoke under his breath to his friend earning a disapproving look from Coulson.

After letting the heroes mingle for a while, Coulson decided it was time to lay on the plan. A charity event. Fabulous. Even though he grew up in a rather wealthy family his orphan situation still hit home pretty hard when it came to privileged rich folk. "Fancy attire? Perfect. I've been waiting to bust out the bowtie" It was partly true. He was quite interested however when Addie proposed the idea of having 'dates'. "So who wants to be mine?" Maybe this was his chance to make a move, but as soon as he opened his mouth he noticed her suggestive eye contact with Danny and Theo. So instead of being royally shot down he turned to Tabby. "Whaddya say Tabs, want to be my date?" He gave her a teasing wink and grin. Tabby was one of his best friends, and he knew she wouldn't turn him down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington Character Portrait: Theo Stark
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0.00 INK

smile can
hide a
thousand secrets

Theo Stark
Alias: Iron Kid
Attire: X
hex: #c7bf01
Prodigy of Iron Man


The wink sent by Theo's way by the lovely Adelaide didn't escape his attention. The red head, other than Tabitha, was the biggest flirt of the whole group. Theo wasn't one to take offense to her flirting with him and then moving on to Ari or Walt because that was just her. Some people do like to flirt and Theo knew the game. Despite not being the playboy his father was, Theo does have the Stark men charm. It's been known to win him dates, but maybe the money and fame helped a bit. Theo returned her wink with a toothy smile, and a slight chuckle. She certainly was an enigma.

The light atmosphere in the room deadened when Rand walked in. "Sorry, I'm late. Early family dinner." Theo couldn't help the roll of his eyes or the sneer on his face. He didn't doubt Rand's honesty, but it was weird to Theo how different yet similar they were. Of course he would be at a family dinner, the boy had everything he could ever want and still took it for gradient. Sometimes, Theo wondered if maybe he could've ended up like him. The spoiled, pompous son of a billionaire (though Stark was richer). Maybe, he would have if he had a different mother or wasn't sold like some kind of cattle. The disdain between the two of them wasn't expected by their fathers, but it couldn't be helped. They were different people with different ideals. "Say 'Hi' to your Dad for me. We missed you both at the charity auction last month." The Stark men had invited the Rand family to donate and attend a charity auction supporting a local orphanage, hoping to raise money for toys and supplies. The rest of his family was there, but both Danny Rands were noticeably absent. Theo didn't get specfics on why they weren't there, but he had an inkling that it was the younger one's doing.

When Coulson and Ward began to speak, Theo gave them most of his attention. The illusive Boss was growing to be a problem in Cross City. Theo had kept Jac scanning the local airwaves and police scanners for any information on this rising enemy. It may be slightly illegal, but it was needed. Sadly, results have been next to nothing. The sound of a gala sparked his interest. Elle had mentioned an event he was invited to about cancer research, but the Stark phone had been buzzing in his head so he wasn't listening, like usual. Pulling out his phone to check his planner, Theo didn't miss the glare Coulson sent his way. He gave her most dazzling grin before pocketing his phone. Turns out, Theo had been right. Although, they wanted his father to make an appearance, but he was dealing with making Stark Industries more eco friendly. The younger Stark would be a good proxy in his place though.

Theo got the gist despite only half listening. Keep an eye on Dr. Hopkins and don't let her get kidnapped. He could manage that. The idea of 'dates' was brought up by Adelaide, naturally. Theo was going to this event anyway, but stag was what he was planning. He could've brought someone on his arm, but the tabloids had been wondering who Stark's lover of the moment was. Theo didn't have one, but he didn't want to put Elle in charge of clean up if he brought someone. "So who wants to be mine?" Theo wasn't surprised when Adelaide looked over at him. The two's flirty but not defined relationship would make the mission more interesting. However when her eyes went to Danny next, Theo's went to Maddison, his best friend, more than Ari if you could believe. His response made sense. If Theo was choosing someone to fight by, Ari or Walt would be a good choice, but not as a date. Theo didn't miss how Mads's eyes went to Blue and Kaitlyn and that only bothered him more. Did he not want to go with him? It wouldn't surprise him, but the thought still upset him, not that he showed it. Recently, Theo has began looking at Maddison differently. His kind heart became more endearing and his messy hair seemed more mess upable. Theo didn't know exactly what this feeling was, but he wasn't going voice it. Stark men were known to leave a path of destruction behind them.

At the sound of Marisol's question, Theo was quick to jump in. "I received an invitation to this event early in the week so my attendance can be chalked up to the charity wanting a billionaire in their presence. Same thing could be said for Rand. Addie can shapeshift and be an unknown guest with either of us. No one would bat an eye at two wealthy men throwing around money at a charity benefit with a pretty girl on their arm. We might gain some attention, but it wouldn't surprise the Boss's men if we were there. We could act as bait or a distraction to keep Boss's men on us while the rest of you super sneak." It sounded like a solid plan in Theo's mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington Character Portrait: Theo Stark
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Belynta

Tabitha Mackenzie

Tabitha rolled her eyes when Addie brought up dates, of course she would have to bring that up, she loved Addie but sometimes she despaired of her too. How to make an already awkward event more awkward for her best friend. Addie knew more than any of the others, except maybe Walt and their leaders, about where Tabitha had come from and how it meant that she was always scrambling to learn things she had missed. There wasn't much opportunity for going to posh events with champagne and caviar when you lived on the streets. Her idea of a posh night was finding unopened leftovers behind Luigi's, the swanky Italian restaurant, and being able to eat them without someone else trying to steal it for themselves. Or it was actually managing to find somewhere that was warm and dry and even, dare she say it, cosy.

She leaned in to Addie and whispered. "Thanks for that Addie." The sarcasm dripped from the words. "For that you get to coach me on what the hell you do at one of these things."

She wasn't truly mad at her friend, she knew Addie was just Addie a force of nature and one who had a habit of doing and saying things on impulse. It was one of the reasons why Tabitha loved her so she couldn't really be mad at her for it.
She turned as she heard Walt and caught his wink, she sighed quietly, she hadn't missed his longing look at Addie and knew what it meant. She knew Walt had a crush on Addie and often wondered how she had managed to end up with a life like that of a soap opera. Her two closest friends, one having a crush on the other, and her in the middle hiding her own feelings on the matter. She had discovered completely by accident that her feelings for Walt had developed beyond that of friendship some time ago but had kept it to herself. She had never discussed it with Addie or Walt and intended to keep it that way but sometimes, like now, she really hated being the best friend.

Of course being who she was, she kept this hidden and simply grinned back at Walt. "Well if I have to go with anyone, I guess you'll do. As long as you sort out my Netflix of course. "

She was listening with half an ear to Stark as she spoke to Walt until what he had said registered fully. A moment of panic hit her, visible in her eyes if you happened to be looking at her just then, as she realised this event was a big deal and would therefore be in the newspapers and possibly even on tv. She had managed up to now to keep a low profile not getting in any of the papers and she wanted to keep it that way. It helped that the team leaders knew who she was running from and helped her avoid any attention. After only a moment the panic vanished as Tabitha regained control of herself and the fun bubbly Tabitha was back.

She looked at Coulson and Ward and raised her eyebrows.

"What about me?" She asked them lightly, as if what she was saying wasn't that important. "While I know that my old...friends won't be at this event, they do read the papers and if they saw my face well it would be awkward

That was the most she would say in front of the others. Only Coulson and Ward knew the whole truth about her life before. Even Addie and Walt only knew a filtered version, that she had grown up on the streets, and nothing about her time with the gang or what she had done whilst with the gang. She could have told them, probably should have, they were her best friends after all but...she was scared they wouldn't look at her the same. It had been hard enough admitting she had been homeless and besides it was her problem and she had to deal with it somehow. The only reason Coulson and Ward knew was because of how she had been recruited. If she had had her way no one would know about those hunting her, and they would still be hunting her, she had been their most valuable asset and her powers had made them one of the most powerful gangs in their neighbourhood and they would not let that go easily.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington Character Portrait: Theo Stark Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Mackenzie
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0.00 INK

"Am I going to have to play dress up for this one?" Coulson nodded, "It's a possibility Ms. Darkhölme. Speaking of disguises -" Coulson stopped as Adelaide chimed in again, "Oh, and dates have to be crucial," Ward muttered something under her breath and Coulson pinched the bridge of her nose, they promptly reminded her of Stark and Starlord. "If you insist, just make sure that it doesn't become distracting. We have to remember the real reason for this mission." Ward turned to her nudging her in the shoulder and spoke under his breath, "Let em have some fun Jenna, their lives are stressful enough".

Maddison was next to chime into the idea of dates, "I think dates are a good thing as well, people who have a balance and can easily cover other's weak points. I think we can be capable of choosing our partners." he did have a point, it would also allow them to split up and have eyes all around the building. "It sounds easy enough, but Addie brings a good point. What about those of us who are known to the public? I mean, Theo, Addie, Danny are very well known to the public and government officials not to mention Rand and Stark are petty famous last names." then Tabitha, ""While I know that my old...friends won't be at this event, they do read the papers and if they saw my face well it would be awkward". Ah. Disguises, Coulson hadn't had the chance to finish her sentence, since the topic of dates distracted them momentarily. Before she could speak however, the young Stark beat her to it. "I received an invitation to this event early in the week so my attendance can be chalked up to the charity wanting a billionaire in their presence. Same thing could be said for Rand. Addie can shapeshift and be an unknown guest with either of us. No one would bat an eye at two wealthy men throwing around money at a charity benefit with a pretty girl on their arm. We might gain some attention, but it wouldn't surprise the Boss's men if we were there. We could act as bait or a distraction to keep Boss's men on us while the rest of you super sneak." Coulson spoke quickly after he ended, so she could speak before anyone else got nervous about the idea of hiding their identity. "While that is a grand idea Mr. Stark, there will be no need for worrying about disguises. I will have you all know that the theme for tonight" - she tossed a simple black mask on to the table from in the manilla envelope with the picture - "is masquerade". "It may seem a little corny, but it'll get the job done. We won't have to worry about concealing our indentities, with the flurry of masks I doubt any of you will catch any real attention as long as you lay low. That also means it's going to be harder for us to find the Boss's men so you must keep yourselves alive and on guard. No getting distracted. We are there for one reason, and one only". She cleared her throat and stood up from the table, Ward following in suit. "Now if anyone has anymore questions, NOVAC will attend to you. He's been preset with the information about tonight's mission". NOVAC was the facilities super computer, and had a rather bossy personality of his own. She rolled up the sleeve of her blazer and checked her watch before looking at Ward, "We have an important meeting to attend so unfortunately we won't be here for the night. You all have about half an hour before the limo will arrive, you can thank Ward for that one. That should be enough time to assess plans and get dressed. I wish you all good luck." With that she grabbed her purse, and gave them a curt nod before exiting the room. Ward paused for a moment, smiling at the group, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do" And with that he followed Coulson out the door.



kaitlyn worthington

angel · outfit · meeting room · #C090C6

Marisol smirked at Kait's comment, "Of course, but I ain't worried 'bout that pendejo. It's always somethin' with him". She let out a small giggle, quieting down when Coulson spoke again. For the next few moments, Kait tried not to watch Addie blatantly throw herself on Danny just to piss her off. "Oh, and dates have to be crucial," you've got to be kidding me, "So who wants to be mine?" It took every muscle in Kait's body to not roll her eyes so far back in her head at the suggestion. There was no other point to this 'date' idea than the fact that Addie just wanted self satisfaction that every guy wanted to go with her. Kait sunk down a little further in her seat, trying to conceal her bitch face. Not only did Addie's ego piss her off, but the fact that she was going to have to hear Danny ask her out made her heart sink. Not to mention, she'd have to watch the two undress each other with their eyes the whole night. Kait was shocked at how capable someone was of getting so far under her skin.

"I think dates are a good thing as well, people who have a balance and can easily cover other's weak points. I think we can be capable of choosing our partners." Of course, her sweet Maddy offered an actual good point. While the idea of reliving getting picked last for the volleyball team replayed before her, he did have a point. They could split up easier. She noticed he made brief eye contact with her as well and she smiled, if they ended up getting picked last she'd gladly be his partner.

Coulson finally gave the group her last spiel about the mission, Kait could tell there was something on her mind because she kept checking her watch. The most intriguing detail for her was the idea of a masquerade, it provided enough for them to lay low, while still giving off the vibe of a high school prom. After Coulson and Ward left, Kait turned to the others, tucking a stray blonde hair behind her ear. "I guess if some of us insist" - she shot a fake smile at Addy - "on participating in the 'buddy system, then we better figure out that and the game plan now. We don't have a lot of time, but first I think we should have at least two pairs on Dr. Hopkins at all times. Does anyone else have any suggestions?"

Walt looked from Tabby to Kaitlyn and offered a comment, "Tabby and I can scope out the party, I can check for any devices in the building that might be a little out of place. Maybe hack my way into their walki-talkie system if I can get close enough to them".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington Character Portrait: Theo Stark
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0.00 INK


hex - daniel sherman - #6a7582

"I received an invitation to this event early in the week so my attendance can be chalked up to the charity wanting a billionaire in their presence. Same thing could be said for Rand. Addie can shapeshift and be an unknown guest with either of us. No one would bat an eye at two wealthy men throwing around money at a charity benefit with a pretty girl on their arm. We might gain some attention, but it wouldn't surprise the Boss's men if we were there. We could act as bait or a distraction to keep Boss's men on us while the rest of you super sneak."

As Theo Said that, a look of hurt flashed across Maddison's face. Granted he wasn't a girl, he assumed that he would've been easy enough to attend with Theo. But he looked away and nodded towards Ward when he finished up his sentence, and spoke onto say they had half an hour to get ready. Thankfully, his outfit was already picked for him, but a mask? He needed to find a suitable one."Kaitlyn and I could keep an eye on Dr.Hopkins, it wouldn't be that hard. We just have to be more careful and subjective to it. I could even ask her questions and hopefully keep her busy most of the night," the male spoke, his tone a bit bitter. He would politley excuse himslef, and walk up to the room he had in the Young Avenger's tower. He would find his ensemble laid out for him, and smiled. He would notice the mask on the bed, and he would tilt his head toward it. It was a simple mask, yet it seemed to hold a bit of his personality within the design. Wasting no time, he'd get changed into the outfit, and finish with his cuffs then walk back downstairs and hopefully he wasn't the only one who had gotten ready within the small amount of time. He would focus on the bottle of perfume he always wore, sue him it smelt great, and it would appear in his hand. Spraying himself with the vanilla scent, he would place it on the table within a few minutes it should disappear. Never know with his power. He felt like he should say something to Theo when he saw him, but what was there to say? "Hi, I'm jealous of you saying that you should have a pretty girl on your arm even though I've never vocally shown my interest in you, that hurt.". Yeah, no.

He took a breath, and waited for Kaitlyn, maybe during the event he could talk to the woman about it. Maybe she could help him get out of his head on this one, and become more focused on the mission.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Theo Stark Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Mackenzie
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0.00 INK

    Progeny of Iron Fist and Colleen Wing ; Alias - iron

    Dialogue - #608341 ; Outfit - X


    "Say 'Hi' to your Dad for me. We missed you both at the charity auction last month."
    He wanted to scoff at the idea of the younger Stark 'missing' him in any possible way except for his pocketbook. Maybe. However, the older young man just continued to mess with his sleeves before turning his body in the direction of Theo. "Yea, sorry about that, man. My dad and I tried to send our regards but, hey, the Iron Fist waits for no man. You know what I mean?" Of course he didn't 'know what he meant', the little guy couldn't throw a punch to save his life without his precious armor to protect him from getting hurt. But, before saying anything that could come off as an insult, even though it probably would be. Danny Boy turned his attention to... more important things as Addie squeezed his arm a little before leaning her arm on his after telling the young man hello. He saw her look towards the blonde on the other side of the table but, he just kept his attention on Ward and Coulson. No need to get involved in the mess that was 'Addie and Kait'. They were gorgeous and he loved the idea of having them fight over him but, he didn't need to get in the middle of that girl drama.

    When Coulson started talking, Danny listened to what their mission was. Watching over some scientist for the night, seemed easy enough especially since he was already invited. Okay, his father and mom were but, they and Wendell wanted him to go instead. Hoping it would show the public that after a year of seemingly staying out of the public eye, that the young Daniel Thomas Rand Jr. was no longer that 'partying, heartbreaking frat guy' from Stanford (yes, really) but, was now a mature, intelligent, sophisticated young man who has finally seen the errors of his past mistakes. Or something like that, he didn't really pay attention when his brother was telling him how he had to act at the function. After the leaders had finished talking and Addie up brought the idea of dates, Danny smirked. When the red-head turned to Theo and then him asking which one would be her date, he couldn't help but chuckle. He looked as everyone eyes began to turn to the others at the table. With his going to Mari telling her to look towards Ari. But, of course, she didn't. Pathetic. He shook his head before the leaders continued, answering the questions posed by the team before taking their leave. Leaving the team to talk among themselves.

    "She's all yours, my man. The parentals need to me to be 'non-problematic' tonight. Kind of hard to do that with this one by my side, being a bad influence the whole night." He had his arm around Addie with a smirk towards her. That wasn't truly the reason if he was being honest. It was more along the lines that he couldn't let Addie get too comfortable with him, he needed to keep her guessing a bit even if they were only in a sexual... 'relationship' with one another. That and, his plan was to go with Kait just to piss the redhead off even more. But, that idea was thwarted when Maddison said he and Kait could keep an eye on Hopkins.

    "I guess if some of us insist on participating in the 'buddy system, then we better figure out that and the game plan now. We don't have a lot of time, but first I think we should have at least two pairs on Dr. Hopkins at all times. Does anyone else have any suggestions?" He nodded in agreement before Walt stated that he and Tabitha could scope out. "Sounds perfect so, Mads and Kait on Hopkins, Theo with Addie, Walt and Tabs keep watch, and Danny Boy" He winked towards his friend as she said his nickname only for her to shake her head before continuing. "Can be by the doors as extra muscle in case something happens. Sage, Milo, and Blue can stay together." He faked a small pout.

    "What, Mari? You don't wanna be my date for the evening?" She looked up at the ceiling as if she was actually contemplating her answer when really she wasn't. She turned her eyes back the young man with her hand over her heart. Not really, no. Sorry, Danny but you're not really my type." Mari added which only made Danny smirk. "Fair enough." He could have kept teasing her saying that he knew her type; the strong, silent type that rarely said anything. The type that he caught looking at Marisol when Addie had brought up the idea about dates. But, he held his smartass comments to himself. He'd tease her later. And then, Ari and I can help keep tabs on Hopkins as well. With our senses we should be able to hear, see, or sense any funny business goin' on." She looked towards Kait with raised eyebrows before turning her attention to Ari. "As long as that's okay with you." Oh, she was slick. Even if she didn't mean to be. She had just asked that little crush of hers on a date. Danny held in his small chuckle before standing up from the table and grabbing his jacket to sling over his shoulder. "Sounds good to me. Now, I'm going to get ready. Can't really be the media's favorite bachelor looking like this. I'll see you all soon." He winked towards the group before making his way out the door. And with that he made his way to his room, already know what he wanted to wear and saw the mask set out for him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Theo Stark Character Portrait: Danny Rand Jr.
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0.00 INK

smile can
hide a
thousand secrets

Theo Stark
Alias: Iron Kid
Attire: X
hex: #c7bf01
Prodigy of Iron Man


Theo couldn't help the groan that escaped his mouth at the gala's theme. "Do they need to be so predictable?" A masquerade was so overdone and it screamed high school prom. Truthfully, that was the theme of his senior prom. And one of the worst nights of his life. Going to a senior prom when you're thirteen was brutal. He brought a friend, but they ended up leaving early. The jocks thought enjoyed picking on the young genius. Jokes on them now, he's a billionaire now and half of them tried to apply to work for him. Karma is sweet. Maybe tonight could be a redo of that night, especially since he's now the 'big man.'

"Kaitlyn and I could keep an eye on Dr.Hopkins, it wouldn't be that hard. We just have to be more careful and subjective to it. I could even ask her questions and hopefully keep her busy most of the night." Hearing that Maddison was going with Kaitlyn was bittersweet. The two's powers compliment each other well and they're friendship was strong so they'd make a great pair. Theo wouldn't lie to himself, he wished they could've gone together. The fact that Maddison was the first to say he'd go with Kait only broke his cheerful façade for a moment. Theo didn't even get the chance to offer. Maybe Madds was mad at him? Theo didn't think he did anything, but he probably did. Theo watched as he walked away, a fake half smile on his lips. Theo would apologize he got the chance.

While Theo would've liked to go with Madds, but Adelaide was the next best thing. The girl always seemed to be two steps ahead of him and it was refreshing. Hopefully, she wouldn't be too much of a distraction. Rand's remark of her being a bad influence was meant in good humor, but the remark annoyed him, not just because it was Rand speaking. Everyone thought Adelaide was a 'bad influence,' but Theo's always had an eye for potential. If you can see a possibility, it's possible. Theo saw that in Addie. She has the potential to be good, maybe she just needed a better influence than Rand.

"Your loss, Rand. I couldn't ask for a more lovely partner, no offense everyone." Theo stood up and made his way over to his 'date' for the evening. He offered her a hand, lifting her out of her seat. Theo was aware of the flirtation between his rival and Addie, but Theo bested him in one area: gentlemanliness. Rand's the type to lead someone on or do the 'friends with benefits' thing. No one truly wants that for themselves whereas Theo would like to get to know her for who she is. Yeah, yeah, nice guys finish last, but don't underestimate the Stark charm. "I look forward to spending time with you this evening." He gave her hand a squeeze before excusing himself and exiting the room to get ready for the evening.

Theo entered his room in the YA tower. It was mostly used a crash place if he didn't feel like heading back to his apartment or wanted to get an early start to the next day. Three options had been laid out on his bed. All of them nice, but... Theo needed some advice. "Jac, what do you think?"

"Tryin' ter appayle ter de young lady?" the Irish becoming much more prominent.
Yes, but also for the public appearance. I'm still Theo Stark, not just Iron Kid tonight."

"Oi recommend de jammy fourth opshun den."

The fourth option must not've been picked out my Ward since it was in the closet still. The apparel was top of the line quality and probably pay for Ward's clothing for a few years. The Iron Man cufflinks were a nice addition. It may not help with the undercover bit, but it'd only be noticeable if someone was really looking. The mask was by far the best part of the getup. The half mask would keep half of his face visible. Ward and Coulson wouldn't like it, but Theo's plan to be a destraction or bait was still in play. It'd be dangerous, but he was willing to make the sacrifice play. With a quick squirt of cologne (something cinnamon) and styling his hair into something acceptable, Theo grabbed his watch, that acted as a Iron Man suit in disguise before exiting his room.

Walking back downstairs, Theo noticed he wasn't the first one ready. There stood his childhood best friend, dressed to impress. He looked great. Although he was wearing a mask, Theo recognized those curls. "Someone cleans up nice. Be careful I could be two-faced." Theo made sure to show him both sides of his mask and began to laugh at his own joke. After he settled down, Theo leaned against the wall. "Everything okay with you? You sort of blew me off earlier."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington Character Portrait: Theo Stark Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Mackenzie
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xxxxkaitlyn worthington - angel - #C090C6 xxxxx azari t'challa - panther - #592833 xxxxxxxxxx walter reyes - virus - #726262

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"Kaitlyn and I could keep an eye on Dr.Hopkins, it wouldn't be that hard. We just have to be more careful and subjective to it. I could even ask her questions and hopefully keep her busy most of the night," Kait nodded to Maddison. "Sounds like a plan to me. I'll see you out there" she gave him a warm smile and after all of the others were finished assessing the plan she left her seat and returned to her room. Not forgetting to give Mari a sly wink, and a mouthed 'good luck' before she slipped out the door.

She found a beautiful dress in her closet with a diamond mask to match the intricate design. She slipped on the dress and mask, covering her wings with a silvery shawl. She looked at herself in the mirror for a moment crediting Coulson on her choice, it was angelic, she loved it. She made her way down to the ground floor but stopped from turning the corner when she heard Theo and Maddy's voices, she decided not to intrude just yet on their conversation and waited behind by the elevator.


Ari had his hands folded on the table as he listened to the others chat about the plan. It seemed straight-forward, and Ari really didn't mind where they placed him, he would always find someway to be helpful. "And then, Ari and I can help keep tabs on Hopkins as well. With our senses we should be able to hear, see, or sense any funny business goin' on." Ari turned to face Marisol, a little shocked at her offer. He felt instantly guilty about not gathering the courage and asking her first, what a prince he was. "As long as that's okay with you." It took him a moment but then he shot a warm smile her way, "of course, I'd be honored to escort the infamous Spider-Mari" He said the last part rather playfully.

After they had all returned to their rooms Ari changed quickly into his suit and ironic mask. Of course, he didn't forget to slip on his panther claw necklace over his outfit, that triggered his black panther suit. He made his way to Mari's door, taking a moment to straighten his suit and mask before he knocked on her door lightly, before calling out her name politely.


"Well if I have to go with anyone, I guess you'll do. As long as you sort out my Netflix of course. " Walt grinned at her comment and shot her a cheeky wink, "anything for my Tabby Cat". After the others finished deciding The Who's and what's of the plan he slipped away to his room and switched into his suit and mask that he found in his closet. After he finished getting ready he made his way to Tabby's room tapping on the door lightly. "You ready to go Tabs? You gotta check out what Coulson got for me. It's very blue."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington Character Portrait: Theo Stark
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hex - daniel sherman - #6a7582

"Someone cleans up nice. Be careful I could be two-faced."

A laugh escaped from his mouth, as the male made the two-faced comment. Theo always knew how to make a compliment, but also throw in something about himself. Something that Maddison really loved about him. He was breathtaking as always, in the outfit he was given. Well, one of the options he assumed. But Maddison paled in comparison to what Theo had looked like. "Everything okay with you? You sort of blew me off earlier..", the male froze a bit. Did Theo think he was mad at him? Maddison didn't think there was ever a time he was mad at Theo, probably in their early stages of friendship he thought, but none recently. With a shake of his head, the younger male began to speak. "No, I just thought you might've wanted to go with a pretty girl on your arm." Okay, that came out a bit more bitter than he meant for it too. He looked away from Theo, and looked at the floor. His mind clouded with thoughts. Looking anywhere but at Theo in his eyes. Why couldn't he just admit what he felt? Because then things would be awkward. Theo, despite having relationships with both sexes before, might drop him. He might just assume he was after everything else like the previous people were. And, Maddison couldn't put him through that. He had a fair share of seeing what the paparazzi could do, girls who sold him out after a night of fun and not getting what they wanted. He didn't want them to twist what it was Maddison felt for him. "I'm not mad at you Theo. And I'm sorry that came out wrong, I just assumed you wanted to go with Adelaide. But you didn't do anything wrong, a pretty girl on your arm would lay waste to any suspicion." He spoke before he would smile lightly and finally look up to meet Theo's eyes. Hopefully, the genius wouldn't see through him, as he often did.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azari T'Challa Character Portrait: Adelaide Darkhölme Character Portrait: Luiza Logan-Roth Character Portrait: Marisol Morales Character Portrait: Maddison Kaplan Character Portrait: Kaitlyn Worthington
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#, as written by Belynta
Tabitha Mackenzie


Like everyone else Tabitha excused herself as quickly as possible needing to see the 'choices' that had been laid out for her. She scowled at the idea of anyone in her room but reminded herself that neither Ward nor Coulson would snoop nor allow anyone else to. She reached her room and then stopped and stared at the row of outfits hanging from her wardrobe, they were...well wow. They looked expensive and as she ran her hand through the material of one she saw they felt expensive too. She was uncomfortable with thinking too long on how much they had cost, remembering what Ward had told her. To be able to perform her duties she would be provided with any equipment she needed and she certainly needed some for this job. A gala, what did she know about a bloody gala, other than that rich people went to them.

She forced herself to focus and after eyeing each outfit for a short time she finally picked the one that she felt the least awkward in. She had felt like nothing more than a girl playing dress up in the others but this one felt natural and comfortable, it was a simple yet elegant dress and she loved how the style accentuated her figure and made her mane of hair seem even redder. She spent some time taming her mass of hair, struggling and cursing with a pair of straighteners she had borrowed from Addy ages ago and not gotten around to returning, before it finally fell straight down her back. Applying makeup took mere minutes and she was once again grateful for the complexion she had been given. Dark smoky eye shadow, mascara and red lipstick and she was ready to go.

She was about to leave when she suddenly remembered that it was a masquerade and looked around to see if a mask had been left as well. A grin curved her lips when she saw it, someone definitely had a sense of humour about them and a touch of irony.
She had to admit the mask was perfect, it contrasted the black of her dress and simultaneously blended with her red hair but not only that the mask had what looked like old music scores across it and it reminded her of ancient Italian masquerade balls with their many musicians and composers. She slipped it on and turned to the mirror, a stranger looked back at her, even without the mask she would almost have not recognised herself. She looked...elegant. It was a strange feeling yet not one she disliked, after all who didn't like getting to wear her fancy clothes, and mask.

She heard Walt's voice from outside and immediately felt anxious, thoughts of looking ridiculous and of making an idiot of herself flashing through her mind. Knowing she had to get a grip she took a deep breath and reminded herself that she was the daughter of not one but two super powered people and though she had never known them she liked to think she had their strength in her veins. Taking another deep breath she ensured her usual smile was in place and and stepped out into the hallway. She drew a sharp breath in when she saw Walt. He looked good, very good, and her heart swelled with her hidden love for him. Hiding it behind her usual joking demeanor she made a show of critically examining him.

"Wow that is a lot of blue." She said. "But it suits you. Looking good Walt."

She then did a small twirl. "What do you think?"