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"I'd rather play a greuling game of capture the flag than fall asleep on a chessboard."

0 · 1,327 views · located in Yokokawa

a character in “Your Wish is My Command || Remake”, as played by BespectacledBeauty



「As this grand view darkens
we play with the haze of heat
that's falling headfirst to the ground
as we dance along with time」

Dare ka, Umi wo

Main Color ○ #D2AD15
Secondary Color ○ #90897B

Face Claim || White ■ Kekkai Sensen

Role || Genie #1












With bright, piercing green eyes and a cheerful smile almost always on her face, it's not unusual for Anya to be considered an attractive young girl, but her seemingly endless flowing hair is what tends to catch others attention the most. While her large eyes are lined with thick, long lashes are placed perfectly on a face with softly-lined cheeks and fine, pointed chin, it's her golden hair that is her most noticeable feature. Feathered bangs fall over her forehead and around her eyes while her somewhat wavy hair, always tied up into a pair of twin tails, brushes the backs of her knees.

Her clothing choice can be a little odd, or at least in the summertime. She prefers lose clothing that shows little skin, such as a long skirt or dress with sleeves that she can pull over her hands. Slip-on ankle boots are her first choice in shoes, as they are comfortable, warm, and easy to run around in. She's not fond of light clothing or apparel that fits tightly.


● Cake || As a Genie, Anya is fond of a variety of sweets, but cake is her ultimate favorite. Though, she can be a little picky about the flavor and coloring and doesn't accept cake from just anyone.
● Poking Fun || Teasing someone until they've become thoroughly annoyed is just one way Anya keeps herself from getting bored. Usually this is just to make fun, but it's also common for her to mock anyone she dislikes.
● Late Nights || When the city's asleep and the bustling sound of humans going about their daily routines has melted away into the dark of night.
● Mysteries || Novels, movies, or just everyday phenomenons that don't make sense. Anya loves learning about mysterious happenings and, even more so, finds it thrilling to try and solve them herself.
● Exploring || One mystery she doesn't care to solve is how someone can find it pleasing to stay at home all day. There are so many adventures to be had and new sights to see. Answer nature's calls!

● Selflessness || Anya can only scorn at people who are always doing things for the sake of others and never for themselves.
● Technology || Anya believe people are too distracted by technology to enjoy what's around them. Though it should be said that she's completely technologically illiterate, so use of technology can be frustrating for her.
● Cocoanuts || An absolute disgrace. And to think someone thought it would be a good idea to make cocoanut flavored cake.
● Humans || Whenever she watches the hoards of humans pass by, Anya always has an irritated glint in her eyes. It may just be simple jealousy, not that anyone could get her to admit to such a thing.
● The Cold || Anya is quite sensitive to the cold, and will even be seen wearing long sleeves in the middle of summer.


● Silent Treatment || When Anya is upset, and I mean really upset, she'll refuse to speak to whomever upset her in the first place. There's no point in asking her what you did wrong either, since that will only upset her more and she'll probably stop looking at you altogether. She can't ignore someone forever, though, and will sooner or later have a fit and blurt out the reason to her being upset and demand an apology(despite the fact that whomever she was(is) displeased with has already apologized multiple times before for whatever they did wrong to make her mad).
● Climbing || It's almost hard to believe how good of a climber Anya is until one sees for themselves how quickly she can scale a rock wall without becoming the slightest bit tired. Anya has a knack for climbing pretty much anything. Be it a counter top, tree, vehicle, house, or even a person- you name it and Anya will probably already be on top of it.
● Winter Clothes || Anyone else would collapse of heatstroke if they went outside in the middle of summer wearing a turtle-neck sweater and an ankle-length skirt with boots, but not Anya. In fact, the chances of seeing her wearing even elbow-length sleeves is practically zero. In truth, she's unusually sensitive to the cold and even a warm summer breeze could result in her shivering if her arms and legs aren't wrapped up.
● Balancing Act || Anya's the type that walks along the curb rather than staying in the middle of the sidewalk. With her Genie abilities, she's incredibly light on her feet and has no trouble hopping along a railing or ledge. She tends to do this every chance she gets, no matter where she might be, and will even pretend to nearly fall off as a way to joke around.
● Twin Tails || With hair as long as Anya's, it would be quite a pain to manage if she didn't keep it out of the way somehow. One could say her hair's default setting as an rpg character would be pig tails, as she's always wearing her hair up in this manner and only even lets it down when she's showing, only to immediately tie her hair back up into a pair of twin tails before it even has the time to start drying.

● Large Fires || Hand her a candle and she'll probably play with the little flickering light, but sit her next to a bonfire and one could quickly notice her discomfort. Anya has always felt uneasy when she's around a fire that's any larger than her hand, and would likely blackout and end up trembling on her knees if she were trapped in a hour or forest fire.
● Being Forgotten || As a Genie, Anya knows that the chances of her living a very long and memorable life is zero to none. She's got three wishes to grant, and after that who knows where she'll end up? Though she acts like she couldn't care less, Anya's not satisfied with her fate at all, and it's actually quite painful to think about how she'll probably disappear in the blink of an eye and it'll be as if she never existed in the first place.
● Open Water || Imagine how terrifying it must be to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with hundreds of thousands of feet of water all around you. In Anya's case, she doesn't even like being too far away from shore even if she's on a boat. If she's too far away to clearly see the people and buildings on an island, anxiety won't waste any time making her feel dizzy and weak.
● Immobility || Anya has a deep rooted fear of being unable to move her limbs/body. Whether she's restrained in a way where she can't move freely, or she simply finds it difficult to move due to exhaustion or pain, the thought of being unable to control her own body the way she wants to is something she'd rather put out of her mind.


{x Playful || Stubborn || Clever || Restless || Blunt x}

Anya is one of those people that seemingly no one has control over. She does what she likes, whether others find it acceptable or not, not giving a care in the world if she ends up making a fool out of herself. She goes along with whatever she feels like doing at the time, speaking her mind and acting out her believes with zero hesitation. If she suddenly feels like swimming, but doesn't have a swimsuit, she'll hike up her skirt and jump right in fully-clothed. She can be pretty reckless in this sense, but she sees no point in wasting time thinking things over when it's more exciting to just dive in. The life of a Genie is a short one, after all, so one could say that Anya is simply living her life to the fullest. Do what you want to do today because who knows if you'll even have a tomorrow, right?

You won't be able to hold a very long conversation with her unless what you're talking about is something she's very, very interested in. Her attention span is lacking at best, as she can't stand sitting still for more than a few minutes when there are much more interesting things to do. She's not exactly keen on staying indoors, even if it's pouring waterfalls outside. Though she usually prefers company, she has no issues with going off on her own for hours on end if her persistent begging isn't enough to convince someone to join her. Even during the winter when the snow is piled ten feet high and she has to pile on layer after layer to keep herself from turning into a Geniesicle, she still doesn't like to stay indoors any longer than it takes to drink a cup of cocoa(it's a good thing Yokokawa is nearly equivalent to a tropical island).

Anya is the playful sort, teasing and plucking lightly at someone's insecurities being her way of showing her affection for someone. Basically, the more she makes fun of you and deliberately places you in embarrassing situations, the more comfortable she is with you. There's no such thing as 'privacy' with her, and digging through your things without your permission is simply her way of wanting to learn about you and it's also a sure way to discover one's secrets that can be used against them later. Anya might be a little obnoxious at times, and boy does she know how to complain like a pro, but she's got a sharp tongue and is actually pretty clever, if you can believe it. On the downside, her teasing can get a little out of hand now and then, to the point where she might actually say something quite hurtful for the sake of seeing how the other party will react to it. She never means any serious harm, but let's just say she knows how to hit the nail on the head.

As childish and spunky as Anya may seem, there is a somewhat odd and distant air to her that some might find unpleasant. Perhaps it's the fact that, even with a grin plastered to her face, she can still have a piercing look in her eyes when she's angered. Perhaps it's due to how she can talk about the inevitable fate of a Genie so casually, as if she's not troubled in the slightest about the thought of disappearing. She makes it very obvious that the only reason for her existence is to grant three wishes, and then her usefulness will be no more. She sees herself and other Genies in a completely different light than ordinary humans, and though she so blatantly speaks her mind about this with little effort, it's mostly and attempt to put whatever distance she can between herself and whomever she's to grant wishes to. Maybe that way it will make it easier for the other person to ask for their third wish.


Dimitri Benediktovich Rev || 40 || Father || Deceased
Patya Anastasevna Rev || 38 || Mother || Deceased
Anastas Dimitriovich Rev || 17 || Elder Brother || Deceased
Elena Dimitriovna Rev || 19 || Elder Sister || Deceased
Marfa Dimitrievna Rev || 11 || Younger Sister || Deceased

From childhood, Anarita Dimitrievna Rev felt like a burden to her family. It was clear that Anarita's legs didn't work properly with her stumbling around even well after she should've been able to walk and run like other children her age. She was bound to a wheel chair with a disease that resulted in her muscles becoming twisted and weak, while the bones in her legs would fracture at the slightest pressure. Even with her handicap, her mother and father continued to smile and would always scold her elder sister whenever she complained about them being unable to do something because Anarita would be unable to participate, but she could tell that it hurt them that she was so fragile.

Anarita had been to specialist after specialist, but no one could do much to ease the pain her legs were causing her, nor could they clearly explain the reason why she was born this way. Even so, her parents continued to search for a cure, and once again they were to take a trip to a new doctor, this one supposedly being a miracle-worker. However, something had been overlooked during the plane's inspection. While younger sister and mother had slept, her older sister dozing off herself, Anarita had been playing cards with her father and elder brother when the accident happened. The plane went down in the middle of the ocean and Anarita, as well as a few other passengers, had been the only survivors.

When Anarita awoke in the hospital two months later, she was devastated to hear that her family had died. She couldn't understand why someone like her had lived while she would never again see the parents and siblings who had always done their best to smile for her. It would only take a few days before she would drag herself into a wheelchair and sneak away from the hospital on a snowy night to throw herself down a flight of cement stairs.

The events that transpired from there would not be remembered by Anya, the genie born from a section of Anarita Rev's soul, but she surely has unexplainable emotions likely leftover from that time.

So begins...

Anya's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Park Jae-Jun Character Portrait: Anya Character Portrait: Isao Maruyama Character Portrait: Ueno Jun Character Portrait: Riley Marison Character Portrait: Takeshita Toshikuni
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4am - Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 - Yokokawa, Japan


Yokokawa was asleep. The island, full of hustle and bustle during the day, now had grown quiet. It was at this hour that most could hear the ocean waves smacking against the shore over anything else in the city, the whole world seeming to be in some sort of peaceful state. Takeshita Toshikuni would have been able to hear these waves as well, were he not wearing his headphones. Any reasonable person would have been asleep at this hour, but Take had gotten absorbed in a drawing he'd been working on and had completely lost track of time. As he didn't want his dad to know that he was still awake, though he doubted the man would really care, he worked under the light of his newly purchased lava lamp, the rest of his room dark. He felt a bit weird about having it, as he was sure it would qualify as a nightlight, and felt that owning a nightlight would be a bit emasculating. However, it was convenient for situations such as this one. He would, at least admit that.

Absorbed in his work, Take had almost not noticed the fact that the lava lamp was slowly growing brighter and brighter until it was almost blinding. "Eh?" he grumbled as he looked over at the lamp. What the heck was this? "I guess I bought a stupid, defective lamp," he thought, bitterly. That would have explained why it had been priced so cheaply. Frustrated by the fact that it was already broken, though he'd only owned it for a matter of hours, he reached to unplug it. But doing so didn't change a thing. His brow furrowed, staring at the lamp which just continued to glow, and glow, and glow, until....

CRASH! The lamp exploded shards of glass and colorful gunk flying all over Takeshita's desk. He leapt out of the way, falling onto his bedroom floor with a thump, and stared bewildered at the scene in front of him. A figure had appeared across from him, seated in the remains of his lamp. It was a girl, one he'd never seen before. She had bright green eyes, and her long blonde hair was pulled back into two identical ponytails. He, at that point, began to wonder whether or not he had fallen asleep while working. It would make much more sense to him if this was all just a dream.

"Er... who are you?" he asked, blinking. He nearly questioned her about how she got in his house at well, but decided not to press the matter too much so early on. This had to be some sort of misunderstanding. So, after he allowed her a moment to speak, he stood up and dusted himself off. "I think you're lost or something," he said as he walked over to his drawing. It now seemed to be covered in the remains of his lava lamp, so he crumpled it up and tossed it in the trash bin. Once done with that, he turned his attention back to the strange girl. Could she have come out of the lamp? He toyed with the idea for a minute before deciding that it was nonsense. That wasn't possible. There had to be a better explanation...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anya Character Portrait: Takeshita Toshikuni
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Dialougue ~ #D2AD15

There's was no way for Anya to know how long it had been since she'd been placed inside the lamp, floating in the seemingly endless space. She wasn't sure if she could even hear the sound of her own breath, not that she'd be aware of it if she could. She was left in almost a sleep-like state, but could still clearly hear her own thoughts, and perhaps feel the presence of the world outside, albeit it was incredibly faint to the point where it seemed nonexistent. One thing was for sure, though, was that she had become incredibly bored inside her lamp. As the time went on, day being no different from night in her little world, she could do nothing but hum mentally to herself, now and then blacking out altogether as she slept for who knows how long.

However, something had changed very recently, and Anya had become slightly more alert. It was an odd feeling, one that was similar to the time she was first created, but somehow different in a way. Her eyes had been closed for a long time, but she could finally hear a quiet sound, one of her heartbeat growing faster as a feeling of excitement begun to warm her once numb body. The lids of her eyes slowly lifted to reveal bright green irises that stared intently into the glowing light that made up her world. "It's about time!" she thought to herself, thrilled to hear her inner voice that had always been hushed echo louder than ever.

She couldn't exactly make out what happened next, only that the light of her world had grown so intense for only a few seconds before she was suddenly surrounded by unfamiliar things. It was dark now, with walls that enclosed her on all for sides. She blinked a couple times, her eyes taking a few moments to adjust to the dim lighting. It appeared to be nighttime outside, and by the looks of it she was on the floor of someone's bedroom with her legs bent on either side of her. It was a little strange to feel the pressure of a surface beneath her, but it wasn't something she wouldn't be able to get used to quickly. Besides, she kind of liked being able to feel again.

"Er... who are you?"

Anya turned her gaze, which had originally been glued to the window across the room, to the direction of the voice that likely belonged to whomever had been in possession of her lamp. Once her eyes met with the boy who sat on the floor a few feet away from her, she let a wide grin spread across her face, her eyes widening slightly as she smiled at him. She jumped up off the floor, floating for just a second before letting her bare feet rest on the floor beneath her. She straightened out the white, long-sleeved overcoat which fit loosely around her slim, practically curveless body, before turning her attention back to the boy. "My name's Anya!" she said cheerfully, pausing a moment to think of what else to say. It had been a while since she'd spoken to anyone, after all. "And I come from a land far away!" she finally said with a hint of amusement in her voice, thinking that that might make her sound more mysterious.

"I think you're lost or something."

She raised her eyebrows, her lips forming into a frown for just a second before her smile returned. "No I'm not, silly! You're the one who brought me here, after all. Maybe you're the lost one, ever thinking of--"

Her words cut off mid-sentence as the boy stood up from where he had been on the floor and made his way over the the desk that stood behind Anya. However, it wasn't the boy's movements that had distracted her from what she was saying, but the piece of furniture that sit against one of the walls of the room. Without saying a word, she took a few quick hops and landed face-down in the bed that likely belonged to the boy, not that that was any concern of Anya's. She was too busy giggling in delight and rolling herself up into a burrito with the boy's blanket to care about whether or not the boy would be okay with it.

"Blankets have to be the best invention! I don't know who came up with the idea but I hope they're living a happy life with lots of cake and soft, fluffy blankets!" she sat up with her knees tucked under her and her body completely wrapped up in the blanket, with her head and one of her piggy tails being the only thing visible. "Oh, right, there's that other thing! I'm what you would call a Genie. It would be nice to know what your name is, since from now on until I grant your third wish and disappear, you'll be my Master."