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The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

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The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Derotzka on Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:50 pm

The Rise of Anger

The mighty Gold Dragon Garonthir, of the Blue Dragons, managed to slay the three Lords of Decay, one hundred years ago. Now, with no new Gold Dragon in sight, the Blue Dragons face their next challenge. The Disciple of Rage is stirring trouble in the southern slums, banding together with the remnants of the Lords of Decay’s vast army. The current Silver Dragon, Sade, must gather all his wits about him and lead the Dragons against the Disciple and save the world once more. But who will emerge forth to be named as the Gold Dragon? Or will the Disciple triumph and lay waste to the northlands?

The Disciple raised his head, the ram skull he wore as a helmet casting a foreboding shadow upon the sodden lifeless earth that most of the southern slums sported. He glanced over his assembled generals and warlords. Snorting, he turned to face the great north-south divide. It was easily identifiable, as the huge ridge of mountains defined it, with Deathpeak rising out of them like a behemoth amongst ants. They were visible even from the most northern point, to the deepest south point. He turned back to his generals, the bleak sunlight glinting off his waraxe’s sharp teeth.
“Today!” He bellowed in a disturbing and harsh baritone voice. “We march! Tomorrow, we conquer! Then, when all the preparations are made! WE DECIMATE THE WINGED LIZARDS!” The words had barley left his scarred lips when the generals roared out in agreement. Spurring all the forces assembled into action, joining in with the mighty war cry.

There are three factions available: (I suppose you could be a civilian, but that would get boring.)

The first faction is the Blue Dragons. The Blue Dragons are a military group who protect the people of the northlands. They are the good-guys. Despite the name “Blue Dragons” they are not all blue and none of them are Dragons. The organisation got its name from the bulk of the army and the decorative armour they wear. An Initiate of the Blue Dragons will enter as a Blue Dragon, the most common sight in the army, named so because their armour is a rich blue colour. There are 14 different colours, each with a unique skill or ability.

The colour refers to their armour. All armour is the same standard design of the Blue Dragons. Full enclosed plate armour. The helmet always sports a pair of Dragon wings; these are purely for decoration and have no real other use. Some armours differ, these will be stated in the description. These are the 14 colours/ranks:

Blue – Standard troops. Good training in either Melee or Ranged (Not magic)

White – Wizards/Warlocks, skilled in one of six different elements. Capes correspond to the magic they can use. Can also have knowledge of Melee with staff or Bo.
· Fire – Red
· Water – Blue
· Air – Green
· Earth – Brown
· Light – Yellow
· Darkness – Purple

Dark Blue/Navy – Veteran troops. Quite common, even further skilled in either Melee or Ranged (Not magic)

Orange – Healers and medics. Have expert surgical knowledge and have training in basic Melee with daggers. They can use minor Light magic to heal patients. They don’t wear gauntlets so they can work easier with their hands.

Red – Specialised units. Uncommon, they are extremely skilled in one weapon of their choice in Melee or Ranged (Not magic)

Black – Executioners/Judges. Very Rare, (Limiting to 2). They are the Dragon’s justice system. They are skilled in one weapon, the executioner’s great axe. They have full authority over most others, except other Black, Silver, Grey Dragons and the Gold Dragon. Their armour tends to be less ornate than the standard Blue design and they have larger shoulder guards. Typically they are male and at least 6’ 4”. They are hugely devoted to their job and tend to always be serious and vigilant.

Yellow/Tan – Scouts, skilled with Ranged weapons. They travel light; using more chain mail than the standard Dragon plated armour. They also have basic knowledge with daggers and short swords.

Green – Siege experts. Very Rare, (Limiting to 2). They are the most skilled in siege warfare, how to execute a successful siege, how to break a siege upon a friendly castle or village. They have expert knowledge in siege weapons such as cannons, mortars, siege ramps, siege towers, ballistae, mangonels, siege rams, onagers and trebuchets.

Silver – Only one, He/She is the current head of the Blue Dragons. (Sade, played by Me.)

Grey – Only Twelve, they are the wise counsel that aid the Silver and Gold Dragons in their decisions. (Cannot be RP’ed as. All of them are NPC’s)

Gold – Only one, the greatest warrior who ever lived. Expert knowledge in Melee fighting, adept knowledge of Ranged weapons and can use Light magic with ease. The first Gold Dragon was Garonthir, who single-handedly defeated the Lords of Decay over a hundred years ago. Currently, the next Gold Dragon has not revealed him/herself. Despite being a hero, the Gold Dragon still uses standard pattern armour to show humility. (Will be chosen by me.)

Teal – Specialised in warfare of water. Rare, (Limiting to 3). They represent all things nautical and have knowledge of the difference between a boat and a ship, plus all things in-between. They sometimes have Bi-corn hats with Dragon wings printed on the front instead of a helmet.

Maroon – Masters of their chosen weapon. Very Rare, (Limiting to 2). They are the veterans of Red Dragons in effect. They generally lead small groups of troops on special missions or stay back and train new recruits.

Pink – Special faction for females. Same as Blue Dragons, but the only difference is only females can join the Pink faction. They can opt to wear a plate skirt and chain mail leggings instead of the standard plate legs.

The Blue Dragons have belief in three Gods: Oracle, God of Order and Justice, BÃĻomoth, God of Chaos and War and Giirito, God of Nature and Joy. Oracle is believed in by most of the northland people, especially the Black Dragons who serve him with great zeal and unwavering determination. BÃĻomoth is usually worshiped by people of the southlands and Red, White and Navy Dragons, but for different reasons. The southlanders pray to him for deliverance from the ostracizing northlands and revenge on them. The Dragons pray to him to guide their weapons in battle. Giirito is usually worshiped by innocent citizens, Farmers and Yellow Dragons.

Dragon's NPC’s:
The Grey Council: (M = Male, F = Female)
1. Fucasou – Leader (M) Has unlocked the key to immortality, is the single most respected Dragon ever. He resides in a magically locked vault that only council members and Sade can open using their soul pattern. (Only Grey Council members and Sade can approach him)
2. Kanakuru – Strategist (M)
3. Ryker (M)
4. Aatu – Archivist (M)
5. Sisu – Scholar (M)
6. Kotarō (M)
7. Marumokumba – Riddle Master (M)
8. SÃēno – Subterfuge (F)
9. Exzu (M)
10. Hyali (F)
11. Suhmon (M)
12. Ermuul (M)
Sade: The Silver Dragon, Late 30’s, stern and serious but fair.

The second faction, is the Army of Rage, led by the Disciple of Rage (Played by me.) and you can follow under him as a General or Warlord (You could be a standard soldier, but they are unskilled peasants who will most likely be slaughtered during battle.) The Disciple had a troubled childhood due to the scourge of the Lords of Decay, he grew up hating everything and solving everything with violence. He ended up killing his own parents and most of his classmates before being banished from his village. Later on in life he banded together with the remnants of the Lords of Decay’s army and destroyed his home village. Now, even older, he has gained a huge following and plans to annihilate the Blue Dragons out of pure enmity. The bulk of the Warlords and Generals will be the skilled champions of Decay that loyally followed their Lords until they were slain, so now they pledge allegiance to the Disciple. They tend to fear him for his brutality and sheer size, but will gladly backstab each other for a better rank amongst the army.

Rage's NPC’s:
General Loamhorn: Headstrong and arrogant, the Disciple's right-hand man
Warlord Krath: Conniving and commands respect, the self-acclaimed most skilled human from the southern slums, is the right-hand man of Loamhorn.
Slavemaster Makz: Sadistic and cruel, looks over all the slaves taken in by the army.

The third faction available is The Temple of The Shadow. They are a cult of assassins with minor darkness magic capabilities, such as small illusions or temporary invisibility. They worship the Shadow Lord who resides in his Shadow realm with his people, the Suokavqem. The Suokavqem may leave the realm but cannot stay out permanently. The Shadow Lord cannot enter the mortal realm, he is a God and his voice will be played by me (I can’t have a God running amok in the role-play now can I?). They can be hired by the Army of Rage to do certain tasks; the Blue Dragons are not on good terms with the Temple since they worship an evil deity, but as of yet, have started no wars or committed any major crimes.

Temple's NPC’s:
Night father Kikoliath: Zealous and wise in an insane way, the current chief priest of the cult.
Lady Assassin Kiyomi: Warm and approachable, despite her personality, she is credited as being the most deadly assassin in the cult with the most number of successful assassinations and heists.

If you have any questions so far, please refer to the Interest Check thread here:
Some of your questions could be answered already. If they are not, don’t hesitate to ask.

Ok if you are still with me, here are the rules:
1) No godmodding, just don’t.
2) No one liners, I’m not asking for an essay each post, but one paragraph should be good enough. (I am aware that sometimes there will be exceptions.)
3) Stay in character. All OOC should stay in the OOC thread.
4) Have fun. Very important that one.
5) Don’t kill off other people’s characters without permission.
6) Don’t control other people’s characters, there are NPC’s around if you need someone to use.
7) No one is the perfect fighter. Not even the Gold Dragon. You will take some damage from time to time, even if it’s just a small cut. This is heavily revolving around war, blood will flow.
8) Romance is allowed, but make sure it’s PG-13 and in the appropriate places. You wouldn’t randomly start flirting in the middle of a pitched battle.
9) Try to have some sense of spelling. It only takes five seconds to copy it into to Microsoft word or equivalent and do a quick check. I'm not too bothered about grammar as long as it's not too bad.

All right, and if you have managed to read all that, congratulations. Here are the skeletons. If you want to add any fields you feel are appropriate and would add to your character, go ahead. I will allow you to reveal background story during the RP if you so wish.

Blue Dragon Skeleton
Age: (At least 17)
Height and Weight:
Appearance out of armour: (Picture or Description)

General or Warlord Skeleton
Height and Weight:
Appearance: (Picture or Description)

Temple Assassin Skeleton
Height and Weight:
Appearance: (Picture or Description)

Right. *Deep breath* Now that all that is out of the way, here are the characters I will be playing.

My Character
Name: Dhzark Tyr
Age: 21
Rank: Red Dragon
Skills: Very skilled in Melee with a Longsword
Weapon(s): A Longsword and kite shield
Height and Weight: 6’ 1” and 89kg
Bio: Born in the northlands, his father and mother were both in the Blue Dragons and he was trained from the age that he could hold a weapon, he was a rare case in that he skipped the initiate stage of being a Blue Dragon and went straight in as a Red Dragon. His father is currently a Black Dragon and his mother is currently an Orange Dragon. His trainer is Ermuul.
Appearance out of armour: He has short spiky brown hair with deep blue eyes. He is an average build with slight arm muscles and a washboard stomach. He tends to stay in his armour most of the day but when he isn’t he usually wears t-shirts and trousers.

The Disciple of Rage
Name: Birth name unknown, commonly called “The Disciple of Rage”
Age: unknown
Position: Head of the Army of Rage
Skills: Expert in hand-to-hand fighting and close combat with axes
Weapon(s): His fists, three small hand axes and one two-handed waraxe with metal teeth.
Height and Weight: 7’ and 121kg
Bio: A troubled childhood due to the scourge of the Lords of Decay, he grew up hating everything and solving everything with violence. He ended up killing his own parents and most of his classmates before being banished from his village. Later on in life he banded together with the remnants of the Lords of Decay’s army and destroyed his home village. Now, even older, he has gained a huge following and plans to annihilate the Blue Dragons out of pure enmity.
Appearance: He wears no armour. He has brick red eyes and is bald. His body is adorned with tattoos and scars, and he uses a white pigment to dye his face. He wears the feathers of the last phoenix as a cape and the fur of the last griffin as trousers. He also wears the skull of a ram as a helmet. The Disciple is a fearsome sight to behold.

I will also play the voice of the Shadow Lord. He doesn’t need a skeleton but I’ll explain his voice. When he speaks it’s in a deep bass tone with that effect that sounds like someone breathing in before starting his sentences and it has two echoes, one that sounds like whispering and one that is even deeper than his original voice. I’m sure you’ve all heard something similar, and if you haven't, that’s the best I can explain it.

(We will not need any Generals, Warlords or Temple Assassins to start, but feel free to play as them anyway.)

So get the creative juices flowing and bring an amazing character to the table.

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Re: The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Orith Nar on Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:10 pm

Name: Zack Fair
Age: (At least 17) Twenty-one
Rank: Black Dragon
Skills: Skilled with Greatswords, not with great-axes, he is suprisingly swift for a Black, and strong.
Weapon(s): His greatsword, a great-axe which he technically has to have, but never uses, a set of knives, and a dirk on his belt. (Dirks are larger than daggers, small than shortswords.)
Height and Weight: Six-foot-nine, two-hundred-thirty or so pounds.
Bio: Can this come out in the Roleplay?
Appearance out of armour: (Picture or Description) ... -fair3.jpg
"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." -~-~-~- Edgar Allan Poe.

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Re: The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eisenhorn on Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:57 pm

Blue Dragon Skeleton

Name: Askabald "Ask" Alkatraz

Age: 41

Rank: Red

Primarily focused on the use of a Long sword, and Kite shield.
Able to function effectively for long periods of time without sleep.
Basic Blacksmithing.

Long Sword
Kite Shield

Height and Weight:
Height (Unarmored): 6ft
Height (Armored): 6ft 1in
Weight (Unarmored): 161lbs
Weight (Armored): 206lbs

Personality: Despite his stand offish attitude at times, Ask isn't that hard to get along with once he bothers to notice someone. He is a bit quiet, although he does have things to say, but usually won't actually say them unless pressed. Rather then be betrayed, he usually assumes that most people are incompetent, traitors, or a combination of the two, and is rarely caught off guard as such. He isn't depressed, per say, but more a somber realist. He knows full well he is going to get killed one day, and has no fear of such a death, and knows that anyone he meets will probably get killed as well, although he learned that the hard way. A brief summery being he is decent enough of a person, incredibly hard to gain his trust though, in a often somber, stand offish sort of way.

Bio: Askabald Alkatraz, always introducing himself after the formal name as Ask, for ease of use and a quiet joke, isn't that unhappy with his past. Both his parents had served with the Blue Dragons, his father becoming a Maroon Dragon, his mother a master White Dragon, with a Yellow cloak, so he had quite the reputation to live up to. He chose to live by the sword, having very little skill nor patience for Light magic, although it did run in his blood. His parents had met after his father had gotten himself nearly killed, and the rest need not be explained. He trained under his father extensively, taking to the long sword and shield like a fish to water. He gained his nickname Ask from many of his instructors having to always deal with his questions, and it being easier to say the Askabald or his last name, Alkatraz. He rapidly gained recognition as a fighter, although a rather cynical and solemn one, but still effective. He watched both his parents die, his mother of old age, his father leading a special mission that his superiors still refuse to explain, so he has a tendency to go about things his way, and tell the higher authorities to stuff it in a variety of unpleasant places. Most assumed this was just his way of handling losing his two greatest influences abruptly, but he never recovered. He took to a more nocturnal lifestyle, still somehow finding enough time to sleep and fight during the day, although when is up to anyone's guess. He usually spends time practicing or roaming the walls of whatever town he is in, waiting for the next mission or fight.

Appearance out of Armour: Ask usually always wears his breast plate no matter the situation. A long sleeved shirt under the armor is blood red in appearance, and his trousers are brown. He wears brown boots that are well worn in the soles, from having walked a good bit. He wears a black leather cloak that has a thin, oily feel to it that rain washes off easily. His brown hair is usually cut very short and very unkempt, and the stubble of a beard looks ragged. Often times he looks weary or tired, although his stance, alert and awake, say otherwise. As does his speech. He has a solitary cut across his chin, making it seem like, at a glance, he is always grinning a death's head grin.
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Re: The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Derotzka on Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:54 am

Orith Nar: Yes. bio, history and whatnot can be revealed during the RP if you want.

Both: Characters accepted.

I'll wait a little bit longer; see if anyone else joins, otherwise we can probably get started without. We don't need any compulsory Temple Assassins or Generals so if we don't get any extra people in a day or two then I'll just start up without them.

I'll just have to make heavy use of the NPC's on the other teams. But like I said, we only need a few Dragons and the Disciple to start.

On a side note, liking the characters.

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Blue Dragon Skeleton
Name: Marshall Eros
Age: 23
Rank: Tan (Scout)
Skills: Excellent Horseback fighter, Primarily focused on using his recurve bow
Weapon(s): Recurve Bow, short sword
Height and Weight: 6'3 86 kg
Bio: Marshall was born in the northlands and had quite an unremarkable childhood. Except when he became older his father gave him two options for his future. Follow in his footsteps as a rancher or join the Blue Dragon Army. Now Marshall thought of countless ways to try to avoid either fate, but in the end he decided to join the army. After all, if he worked as some boring rancher all of his life there was no way he would forgive himself. So at 18 years old he joined the Blue Dragon army. He was quickly recognized as being an excelent horseman and was issued the horse Cavalro and became a mounted knight. After he had spent two years training with the Blues and learning how to wield a sword,he was promoted to being a Tan and began learning the bow. He picked up the bow remarkably quickly and became an excelent mounted archer while still retaining bieng a decent swordsman.
Appearance out of armour:

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Blue Dragon Skeleton

Name: Seth Enero
Age: 37
Rank: White - Water

Highly gifted with water magic.
Manipulates water in the form of ice.
Can cast minor to moderate barriers and wards.

Weapon: A black gnarled staff that reaches up to his shoulders. He does not need the staff to cast magic, but it increases the power of his magic greatly at the cost mobility. He rarely has the staff with him and only summons it to him when needed.

Height: 5ft. 11 in.
Weight: 147 lbs.

Bio: Raised by his mother, Ayala, who was also a White Dragon but left the Blue Dragons to take care of him, Seth Enero was born in the northlands. Showing great potential for magic at a young age, his mother, who was skilled in fire magic, taught him to use and control his magic. Because of the opposition between their elements, Ayala could not teach Seth much. When he was ten, Ayala contracted a very rare virus that ate away ate her magical core and eventually her life. Before her death, she placed Seth under the care of former White Dragon, Garren Tyrellis, an old family friend. Garren was affined to water magic as well and so he continued where Ayala had left off. Under the training of Tyrellis, Seth's ability in magic excelled, and when he became seventeen, he joined the Blue Dragons. Over the years as a White Dragon, Seth's magic has grown substantially and is considered to be one of the more gifted magic users in comparison to others his age.

Personality: Seth takes after his mother by being very serious and quiet. Preferring to be alone, he can often be found meditating.

Appearance out of Armor: Preferring not to wear his armor when not needed, he is almost always seen in a black robes with a thin black cloak. He has black bangs that fall just beneath his dark green eyes and hair that reaches down just above his shoulders. He has a slight muscular build and is rather thin, hence the low weight.

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Re: The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Derotzka on Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:17 am

Lightning Flash and Knight of L.: Both characters accepted.

I'll make a start on the IC today and hopefully have it up a bit later today, if not, will definitely be tomorrow.
We have enough people to start so I'll leave it open to anyone else who wants to join, and we'll get going now.
So I'll get started on the opening of the IC now then. I hope to see you all there once it's up.

Also, I thought I'd better mention a bit about Geography. I don't really have a name for it, so I'm just calling it "The World".

Northlands - Moderate climate (Warm summers, cold winters, etc), Fairly mountainous the further north you go, Lots of lakes and woodlands throughout.

Southlands - Infertile soils, Hot climate, relatively flat, at least twice the size of the northlands, few forests, few lakes and rivers.

The North-South Divide - A huge ridge of mountains studs this area, largely uninhabited, freezing climate due to high altitudes, lack of vegetation, snows most of the year.

Think of it like an hourglass but the top part is smaller than the bottom part and the middle is about half the size of the top part. I suppose you could compare it to the Americas, but are wider and not as long.

Edit: IC is now up. I made heavy use of NPC's in the first post to set the story up, so you don't have to use them at all, they are there if you need them. I probably wont use that many again.

Here is the Link - the-rise-anger-tale-the-blue-dragons-t36594.html

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I have a question is/can darkness magic be necromancy?
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-Chloe Price


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Re: The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Derotzka on Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:02 pm

Well I guess it could be, but I doubt that Dragons would practise it, since they are all "pure" and "good" but I wouldn't put it past the Army of Rage or the Temple Assassins.

So I would say yes, that would include Necromancy, but I would prefer it if didn't get used by Dragons. (This just goes for the Necromancy part. Dragons can use the other Darkness magic spells.)

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Temple Assassin Skeleton
Name: Sevick Osthelm
Age: 21
Skills: Necromancy and dark magic
Weapon(s): Longsword
Height and Weight: 5 ft 11in, 215lb
Bio: Once stuidied magic with his twin sister but desided to take the dark path and left home he was then picked up and trained by the temple. Though he is eviler he still cares about his sister about the only one other then himself he does care about.
Appearance: Normal build, he used to have short and spiked red hair but now it is mixed with black. His skin is deathy pale, he normally wears a light leather armor covered by a black cloak. He also wears a hooded mask that hides all of his face but his green eyes.

Blue Dragon Skeleton
Name: Ryaia Osthelm
Age: 21
Rank: White (fire)
Skills: fire magic
Weapon(s): staff
Height and Weight: 5ft 6in 115lb
Bio: Kind and caring unlike her brother she joined joined with the blue dragons. She still loves her Brother and belives he is good but knows even if she can turn him from the dark ways it will be hard for the dragons ever to take him in.
Appearance out of armour: Looks a bit small for her age with firey red hair and green eyes. Though she is small she has well formed features and is considered a good looking young lady. She is normaly seen wearing light clothes and normaly red in color.

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Re: The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Derotzka on Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:21 pm

Iced Fire: Both Characters accepted.

All: IC is up, I'm logging out for today. The link is somewhere on this thread, I remember posting it, so feel free to start posting.

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Re: The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chari on Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:00 pm

Name: Miralda Cristina de Reon
Age: 19
Rank: Red Dragon
Skills: Using a longsword is like breathing to here
Weapon(s): Longsword "Negroespada" and buckler
Height and Weight: 5'8", 161 lbs.
Bio: Many people say it looks like Miralda was born with a sword in her hand. In fact, that isn't that far from the truth. Mira was born into a wealthy family that had an almost fanatic love for the Blue Dragons. Even before they found whether their news child was going to be a boy or a girl, they decided that they were going to be put into the service. From the time Mira could walk, she was trained in the ways of the sword by a Maroon from the Dragons. She had the basics of swordplay so beaten into her head that using a sword was as simple as breathing to her; an action she wasn't even fully conscious of doing. It was for this reason she was able to progress so quickly to the Reds. In fact, she is so used to having her sword, she feels wrong without it. Even when she's out of her armor, she always has sword.
Appearance out of armour: Image

Name: Luke Refabe
Age: 18
Skills: Skilled with daggers, lock-picks, probes, and some minor Black Magic
Weapon(s): A dagger and poison darts
Height and Weight: 5'10", 183 lbs.
Bio: For as long as Luke could remember, he had lived on the streets. His family had died before he had truly known them, and the only inheritance they had left him had been a dagger. Nothing more. He had no house, no food, and only the clothes on his back. So he did what he could to survive. He lied, cheated, and stole just so he could live to see another day. Eventually, his luck gave out. He tried to rob someone from the Temple assassins. They hadn't taken too kindly to that. They had tried to kill him, and, in the brawl, Luke ended up killing the assassin by luck. Just as Luke was contemplating what to do next, a woman appeared in front of him and took him away. That woman had been the Lady Assassin Kiyomi, and Luke was made to be the replacement for the person he killed. Luke complied, and has been an assassin ever since. To him, the hits aren't just jobs; they're the only way for him to live. If he didn't kill, he himself would die.
Appearance: Image
Laryn: He's not dead. Dogs may die, but cats have nine lives.
S-9:*chuckles* That guy's harder to rub out than the viruses in ancient computer programs.
Ash: Thanks a lot, guys. So what am I, an infectious cat?

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Re: The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Derotzka on Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:09 pm

Chari: Great, both characters accepted, post whenever you can.

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Re: The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Derotzka on Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:33 pm

I apologise for the huge delay in my post. I thought that I had already posted it but I must have forgotten to hit sumbit.

There doesn't seem to be a terrible lot of posting going on. If it's the storyline or something, just tell me and I'll try and fix it to make it more interesting.

Don't hesitate to tell me if I need to fix something.

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Sorry, I've been busy lately so I haven't been able to post much. I seem to be having more time on my hands now, so I'll do my best to post whenever I can.

As to the storyline, now this is just me, but it seems to be a bit lacking, especially on the Blue Dragons side. That's completely understandable seeing as how this is still the beginning. I used to role play with a small group of friends on another site, and we always seemed to quickly jump into some form of story rather quickly whether it be to main story or a side part that would lead to the main story. Maybe it's just me. By no means is a slow start a bad thing, but I'm no too used to it. I guess old habits die hard.

One thing I seemed to notice, and again this is just my opinion, is that it's rather hard to jump in and come into contact with other characters without it being too awkward. In my last post, Seth walked by the Great Courts and caught a glimpse of red which was Dhzark. Maybe I'm just used to having characters come into contact early. I suppose I could have Seth walk over to the Cube, but to me that's pretty close to falling along the lines of awkward since it may seem like Seth is following Dhzark. That brings me to another thing. You never did mention was the Cube was. In your first post describing the Dragon Headquarters, I interpreted the Cube being a part of the council chambers so I didn't think it'd be a place to train.

I apologize if I'm being a bit critical with my opinions. I guess after role playing for so long with the same group, I've become used to the style we followed. There isn't really anything wrong with this RP. We all have our own styles of role playing. I'm just not too used to this kind yet.

Since I've got time, I think I will go and post now.

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Sorry about the cube mix up L. That was my bad I misread the opening post and I went back and changed all refrences to the training ground to be more clear and keep with the vision of the camp.

I also agree with you about the storyline. I just really have no idea where to go from here but I think it will start to pick up when the advance scout returns.

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Re: The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chari on Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:46 pm

My only question is what should I do with my assassin? I have no idea how to get him in at all.

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Re: The Rise of Anger: A Tale of the Blue Dragons (OOC/Signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Derotzka on Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:47 pm

Thanks for the input.

At the moment, Krath is on the way to attack the camp, so he should be arriving soon to add some action to it. The Disciple is off attacking the southern capital. Also, there also nothing to stop anyone going off on a side mission.

The cube is basically the sealed Vault that the Grey Council leader resides in. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Also I apologise for walking away from your character, I was trying to get a post out before I went to bed so it must have slipped my mind, sorry.
And there is no problem with just wanting to train is there? You can just walk over and "bump" into us.

Edit: Sorry, I forgot I was also playing the voice of the Shadow Lord. I'll add him in to talk to your assassin next time I post.

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