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Ever After

Ever After ,

a part of “Ever After”, a fictional universe by whatsername_x.

through the looking glass, down the rabbit hole, under the sea, in your wildest dreams lies the Grimmsland, the place where all childhood stories and rhymes originated. but under the rule of the tyrannical Queen of Hearts, is it really happily ever after?

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Ever After”.
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[OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby whatsername_x on Wed May 25, 2011 12:36 pm

link to roleplay.

Little Red Riding Hood - Emily Hunter - played by whatsername_x
Beauty - Elise Bell - played by whatsername_x
Queen of Hearts - Asmilde du Couer - played by Designation Kik
The Snow Queen - Shiara de la Glace - played by Designation Kik
The Big Bad Wolf - Lordwinter Korithorn - played by Shanatos


The Queen of Hearts - Alice in Wonderland

The Queen is the current tyrannical rule of Grimmsland, having usurped the throne from the true king with the aid of an enchantress, who turned him into a beast and locked him away in a castle at the edge of the Darkened Wood. She rules over Grimmsland with an iron fist - or rather, what she could get of it. The Wintersland that lies off the coast, to the north was unreachable, and her army was not prepared for the journey to even attempt to take the Ice Queen's Palace, and so it is the only place in the land untouched by her madness. She takes no mercy on her enemies - any previous uprisings were swiftly, brutally, and bloodily put down, and the "traitor's" heads mounted on pikes on the gates of the entrance to the Castle Town. Called the Mad Queen by her subjects, she's enlisted the help of the worst of the worst to keep her on the throne, and has no problem becoming the worst of the worst to keep herself at the top of the hierarchy.

The Big Bad Wolf - Combined, wolves from all fairytales e.g. Red Riding Hood, Three Pigs, etc.

The Big Bad is the ultimate thread hanging over the heads of all who live in the Grimmsland, from the mountains to the coast. What makes him so fearful is that no-one truly knows what side he's on - those who oppose the Queen's rule fear him should he be an agent of the Queen, those who support her fear him joining with the latest rebellion and coming against them. And because none of them really know who the "Wolf" is, what he looks like, or even what he is, it makes him all the more fearful. Is he truly a wolf? A man who goes only by the name? Or is he a shifter who can willingly make himself man or beast? No-body knows for sure, and he could use this to his advantage, or his side's advantage, whichever side it may be.

The Pied Piper - The Pied Piper of Hamelin

The Pied Piper seemingly appeared from no-where, to join the Queen's right hand side when she first launched the attack for the throne. He persuaded all he could to her cause, and sits with her at all times in her court, seemingly the highest man in the land, and apparently her closest confidant. But how could she so easily trust a man who came from thin air, and who had no identity before rising to the lofty heights of royalty and nobility with her? No-one knows, except the Piper. It's said that just one meeting with the Piper will have anyone supporting the Queen's cause, and so the people of the land are wary of him, unsure of just exactly who he is, and what he wants. And this seems to be exactly how he wants it.

Jack - Jack and The Beanstalk

Tales of Jack the Giantslayer reach all across the kingdom, of a young boy who bravely climbed the Beanstalk and slew the brutal giant there, claiming his fortune as his own, as well as his enchanted objects, to raise himself to a high status. But not everyone believes these stories. Some people hero-worship the ground the Giantslayer walks on, others would happily see him dead and buried. The only real evidence of the Giantslayer's triumphs seems to be word of mouth, as in, words that come from his own mouth. But even the idea that he could slay a giant makes most men unwilling to face him - on the off chance he did slay a giant, what could he do to them? Only the Gods above know, and only Jack himself; just like only the Gods and Jack know the truth about him.

The Boy - The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The Boy has come a long way since his field tending days. He's the Queen's gossipmaster, the man who controls what news is heard in the kingdom, the suppressor of truth, the master of lies. He controls what goes from court to town, who is heard saying what, and what was apparently never said at all. He knows everyone's business, from the Queen, to the lowest of servants, to the peasants forced to work in the diamond mines in the north. And there are quite a lot of people who would kill for information like that - but why kill, when it's rumored that the Boy gives out this information for a small fee? Just try and check your facts - if only the Boy knows if he's lying or telling the truth, who's to tell he hasn't just taken you for a fool?

The Prince/Beast - Beauty and The Beast

Once, he was the true King of Grimmsland, admired by all who met him, until the Queen of Hearts lay siege to his palace, accompanied by those skilled in the dark arts. Transformed into a hideous-looking creature by an Enchantress, he was locked away in an older castle on the edge of the Darkened Wood, his servants bewitched and transformed with him, for the end of his days. There seems to be no way to break the curse placed on him, except for the death of the Enchantress who cast the spell, but that would involve leaving his prison, and facing those who once adored him, and letting them see him in this new, horrible form. The people may still speak of the old King fondly, and wish for his return, but would they really accept him willingly if they saw how he now looked? No-one can tell him that, and so he remains in his prison - but with the Red Rebels sending a group to find the castle rumored to rest beyond the edge of the Wood, they may be able to coax him out, and back onto the throne. Provided they can pry the mad Queen's arse off it first.

The Enchantress - Beauty and The Beast(?)

Not much is known about the Enchantress, except that she serves the Queen. Some speculate they are sisters, some speculate she is the Queen's mother, her daughter, everything to her lover, but no-one truly knows who she is, or how she acquired her magic. Was she born with it? Did she exchange her soul for knowledge of the dark arts? Did she train, or was she cursed by another Enchanter to perform the black arts forevermore? Another person to be feared, because of people's lack of knowledge of her. She has grown infamous, as many have heard that she is the one who disposed of the true King, and hidden him away, but like all in the Queen's court, she is feared because of her association with the usurper, and the tales of what she has apparently done to others in the land.

The Snow Queen - The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen has become synonymous with someone who offers sanctuary - many flee to her icy island looking refuge from the wrath of the fiery Queen, knowing that she dare not mount an attack on her as it would be own her own turf, and the Queen never wants anyone else to have an advantage in battle. She keeps her doors open to all looking for a place to stay, and stay safe, and though many complain about having to go to such a Gods-forsaken place to survive, she welcomes visitors with open arms. The Red Rebels are currently gathering a group to send across the sea, and ask the Snow Queen for her help and support in the attack they hope to launch on the Queen, but no-one knows exactly what her answer will be. No-one even knows what she's really like, as not many have properly come face to face with her, but the Rebels hope she will assist them, and that she is not secretly working with the Queen - you can never truly tell what side anyone is on anymore.


[the benefactor will not be revealed. don't ask about them. they fund the rebellion and occasionally supply them with arms. that's all you need to know]

X - there will be NO reservations in this roleplay. roles are first come, first served, and please, do NOT post "making a profile for [x] character now!" in the OOC thread. this is for questions, discussion, and just general banter. the reason i ask you not to do this is because i want to see how different people interpret different characters, and i encourage people to write the best possibly profile they can. if i reject your profile for one character, please, do not be disheartened - i'll PM you the reasons why i rejected it, and you can try for another character if you wish :)
X - if you wish to take a leader spot, please pm me your profile, with how they got involved the rebellion before you submit it, please and thank you.
X - speaking of profiles - please fill in only what is on the roleplay tab application. no making up your own skeleton. if you get to the equipment section, and your character has no equipment at the start, just put "no current equipment", and continue on your way, thank you. you can include a picture if you like, but use your words no matter want - i want a written description of your character no matter what. there are some things pictures don't show, or maybe your character has a mark or disfigurement your chosen play-by might not have. write it up.
X - apart from the plot in the roleplay tab, the places added to it, and the basic canon outlines up there, that is really all in the way of structure. i want this roleplay to be character driven, and this is where you all come in. i want good profiles, like any GM, so that we have good characters to drive the roleplay, and decent length posts, and that's it. but because characters drive the story, they will obviously change over time. over time, not overnight. do not have your character do a face-heel-turn in a matter of seconds - e.g., the group encounter a bad guy and try to persuade him to let them pass and suddenly he sees error in serving the queen, and joins their side. where the fuck have you EVER seen this happen in anything decently written, or anything that doesn't need insta-solution / a deux ex machina to progress? i support having double agents on both sides for the rp, but that is just ridiculous. please don't do it.
X - speaking of the places in the roleplay, if you have anymore you would like added, just say here, or shoot me a PM, and i'll gladly set something up!
X - do NOT ignore any posts in the roleplay. i don't care if the poster is not interacting with your character at the minute - they might decide they want to talk to them, and you might miss it because it doesn't involve you. likewise, something important - like, say, the entire world imploding as a suitably dramatic example - may happen, but you wouldn't know if you only read posts to do with your character. so please, don't do that shit.
X - can't remember if i put this in the rules. i think i did. but just to clarify, profanity is allowed, so long as there isn't f-bombs all over the place. got it?
X - this is based on fairytales, and NOT disney adaptions. i can understand that disney is a huge influence on how we see fairytales (beauty and the beast lover ftw) but do not have your character relfect only the disney adaption. there's a summary of the fairytales on wikipedia. read it. i don't mind if you have them sharing a few traits with a disney counterpart (e.g., the little mermaid collecting human treasures, maybe) but do not base your character off them.
X - and just as another thought, you do NOT have to take a fairytale character to join this roleplay. if you just want to play a civilian, or maybe a member or the Card families loyal to the Queen, a royal servant, tavern manager, enchanted servant to the Beast - go ahead. just let me remind you that humans cannot cross into the Grimssland, and vice versa. but go nuts with the characters!
X - that just about covers it, but this could be added to. keep an eye on it.

have fun, everybody! :D
Last edited by whatsername_x on Mon May 30, 2011 6:48 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Designation Kik on Wed May 25, 2011 12:59 pm

I want to play the Queen of Hearts and another character as well, but would it be better to have a non-cannon character, then instead of having two cannons?
Come to the edge,
We can't, we're afraid,
Come to the edge,
We can't, we will fall
Come to the edge,
And they came
And He pushed them
And they flew
--Guillame Appolinaire

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby whatsername_x on Wed May 25, 2011 1:10 pm

I would encourage you to take a canon and a non-canon character, just to give others a chance at a canon character, but if you PM me a profile for the Queen of Hearts and let me look it over first, I may let you take up a second character - if you really want to play them, then I really won't stop you :)

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cooper on Wed May 25, 2011 1:31 pm

Err... this looks very, very suspiciously similar to a plot a friend of mine labored over for ages, except you mashed Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in there.


I can't think of anything witty or insightful to say, so I'm going to say some (obscure or not) lyrics from a song and hope you don't realize.

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby whatsername_x on Wed May 25, 2011 1:40 pm

O.O sorry to say, but I didn't realize there was a roleplay like this already on the site. The plots are very similar, but I honestly didn't know that existed. Sorry about that! Would you like me to take my roleplay down? I don't want to seem like I'm ripping them off. I spent a while working on this myself, but if you'd rather I took it down, I can do.

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Unicorn Luv on Wed May 25, 2011 1:45 pm

DON'T TAKE IT DOWN I like this one, and your writing style is refreshing, as opposed to the iliterate peons I keep seeing -_- I and many others would be interested in starting this, even if it isn't original (honestly what roleplay is? ) we can make it our own with our own dynamic and twists I'm sure.

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cooper on Wed May 25, 2011 1:46 pm

Well the concern wasn't over the general plot, which may not have been the most original idea in the world, but just how some characters managed to show up in very similar roles. Just showed this to my friend, and she's very relieved it was clearly unintentional.

(And Unicorn, my friend clearly isn't illiterate, though she's probably going to be less strict on who she allows in the roleplay as she seems to accept just about everyone who doesn't seem they're typing with their forehead. It's possible to just do that one, but honestly, it's up to my friend VitaminHeart and the whatshername here, honestly. Just adding it wouldn't be the end of the world if they came to the agreement to just keep one up.)

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Unicorn Luv on Wed May 25, 2011 1:52 pm

Oh God, I didn't mean your friend! I was talking about the roleplays in general that I poke through. From what I see your friend doesn't really have any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes that gouge a reader's eyes out :), looking back I can see what my post sounded like, but no, I wasn't referring to your friend. Sorry it came out like that.

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby whatsername_x on Wed May 25, 2011 1:53 pm

I'mma admit myself, some of my roles are very similar to hers, but that's definitely not intentional. I've asked the OP if there's anything she'd like me to change, but I apologize for this - I didn't realize that there was anything active like this on the site. Sorry for any panic/inconvenience I may have caused!

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cooper on Wed May 25, 2011 1:55 pm

That's how we interpreted the post, yes. Well I mean that this roleplay clearly has a more advanced audience, with minimum paragraph limits (which bother me just because my writing style makes it difficult to have long roleplay posts, especially multiple paragraphs, without most of it being filler) so I would choose my friend's. However, Whatshername has a more Alice's Adventures in Wonderland bent, while my friend has taken the opinion that Alice's Adventures were a dream, and thus any characters from it didn't really fit into the world that she had set up, so someone who adores Alice in Wonderland (such as I) may have decided this was the better one.

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby VitaminHeart on Wed May 25, 2011 2:00 pm

Hello folks, I'm the one who wrote The Fairytale Resistance. I was kinda worried when I saw the RP, I'll admit, especially as I rebooted it only a few days ago, and becuase I'm intending to use it in my student film in a few months and I was having a moment of panic.

If it's just a harmless co-incidence however, that's great and a massive releif for me.
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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby whatsername_x on Wed May 25, 2011 2:06 pm

Again - I'm sorry for any panic caused. I didn't realize there was a roleplay already on the site similar to mine, and I thought this was an original idea, as far as original ideas go in a roleplaying community. But good luck with your student film, VitaminHeart! I'm sure you'll do brilliantly, your idea is fantastic :) and again - sorry for any panic and/or inconvenience caused!

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BleedingCrimson on Wed May 25, 2011 3:29 pm

Would it be alright for me to take a noon-cannon character and no cannon character at all? I would rather have a different sort of character than what's been posted. Thank you :D
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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby whatsername_x on Wed May 25, 2011 3:43 pm

Of course it is! The canon characters are there for anyone who wishes to take them - if they aren't filled, I'll play them myself. But like it says in the notes up there, you don't even have to play a fairytale character - play who you like, because it's you who will be driving the story :D

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Midnight's Work on Wed May 25, 2011 7:55 pm

i will absolutely be making a character for this!

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Designation Kik on Thu May 26, 2011 9:38 am

I've submitted my second character, I hope you like it :)

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby whatsername_x on Thu May 26, 2011 2:27 pm

So far, all characters approved! Midnight's Work, we welcome any character you can come up with! :D As far as I know, my girlfriend will also be joining this RP, and I can hopefully start posting soon - if we're all itching to start, but not all character canons are taken, I will play them until someone comes along who wants to. Just a heads up, guys :)

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby whatsername_x on Fri May 27, 2011 2:18 am

Double post and no fancy font, what? I'm replying off my phone this morning from school, before an exam. Just giving everyone the heads up that now have our Big Bad Wolf, and I'll edit it on to the list later :)

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shanatos on Fri May 27, 2011 2:47 am



Add: I'll be adding another character on the 'good' side. I have a couple ideas so right now I don't know which one I'm going to use.

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Re: [OOC] Ever After ,

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby whatsername_x on Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 am

I love your Wolf, Shanatos, looking forward to seeing your next character! :) and like I've said earlier, this roleplay is going to be entirely character driven, so I'd like to ask you guys, and anyone else who may be interested - where would you like to start off? When the rebellion is just getting started and everyone is meeting each other, or in the middle of it, or what? It's completely up to you guys, so please, tell me :)

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