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When Fire falls from the Sky

When Fire falls from the Sky


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1,639 readers have visited When Fire falls from the Sky since deathrisesagain created it.


In the year 2193, the UGV Sinister and crew arrived at the Guardian Station 11 after a seven month peace keeping mission. They were to make sure the Traft and Borg remained at peace, though tensions were high. While at GS 11, the Sinister was on a week of stand down, while their vessel was repaired and resupplied. During that week, Admiral 1st class Nimitz called the crew in for a new mission briefing. Their new mission was to track down, and destroy an unknown class war vessel that was attacking unarmed supply vessels in route to different colonies.

Everything had gone good until the crew of the Sinister used a highly classified torpedo, a Halo Torpedo. When the explosion of the weapon came in contact with the unknown vessel’s reactor core, everything went horribly wrong. A wormhole was created, and sucked in the Sinister and what was left of the other vessel. The two vessels were taken across the universe to uncharted territory. Once out of the wormhole, the shields on the Sinister were heavily damaged, and the ship had to react quickly to avoid a comet heading right for them. They missed the large rock, but they could not avoid it’s tail. Small debris quickly ripped through parts of the Sinister’s hull, and damaged their reactor core. The nearby planet’s gravity quickly grabbed a hold of both ships and caused them to crash land.

All but one member of the Sinister’s crew survived the crash, and only one member of the crew knew exactly what ship they had to destroy. The unknown vessel had sent out a distress beacon. Now the Guardians of the Sinister had to make a hard decision: Track down and disable the beacon to protect the planet from an invasion, or stand to the side to avoid getting involved with the bipedal race on the planet. Which of the two decisions will they make? Will the crew ever return home? Or better question, will the crew of the Sinister be able to survive?

The UGV Sinister. A crew of 11 Guardians and 30 Machines (Robots).
Weapons: Trip Lit'ra

Races ((** not allowed)):

**Crystallians: An extremely advance race, known for their fast learning capabilities and their knowledge. This race is not a waring race and does not look for war, but they will defend themselves, and they have the technology to do so.

**Nevallians: A race known for their ruthfulness. They do not take prisoners, and will wipe out an entire planet for the resources before moving to the next planet. This race has started many wars against the Crystallians and other advanced civilizations.

Humans (Earthlings): A race on Earth, slightly advance, but not capable of space travel just yet. They do not hold the technology to defend their planet from superior races, since they have no idea the threats in the universe.

All other races welcome!

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5. Just because it's in the character sheet, does not mean everyone automatically knows it.
6. Have Fun!

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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#, as written by deealee
Stella was running flat out. The streets were still empty and no matte how she tried. she couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomachs. She loved tech, but experience had taught her to always trust her gut, and right now..... her's was screaming “-"DANGER.” - Stopping on the corner, she peered around the edge of the building. All her nerves on end, truth was she loved this part, being in the field was always a heady rush. The lot was full of cars, she spotted the one she was want and made her way towards it, smile on her face.

Five minutes later... Stella pulled smoothly out of the lot. Smile of confidence still on her face, this planet's tech was easy to figure out. Her smile faded as she spotted two dark specks on the horizon. They were some ways off and with the sun rising, it was hard to tell but they moved like the craft she has seen. That uneasy feeling was telling her she didn’t have much time, no matter what the scans reading said. She needed to get back to Trip and fast. She drove swiftly back to the shack, stopping on the road just beside the shack, Stella signaling to trip, while urgently whispering into her communicator. “Their coming, we have no time." Jumping out of the truck and rushing to the shack, "You better drive, until I know how this sun will effect my vision.” Tossing Trip the keys and grabbing the nearest pack throwing them into the Jeep, then jumping the passenger seat.


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Trip had lit up one of his hallucinogen cigarettes to ease the memories. He had issues from his past, and the cigarettes helped him a lot. Trip heard Stella and stood up. He grabbed the keys as soon as he saw them heading his way. He grabbed his packs and loaded the jeep. He climbed into the driver seat and looked for a moment, quickly figuring out where the keys went and how to start the vehicle. He was having trouble figuring out what else to do. "Umm....El? Hate to be a messenger of bad news, but i don't know how to get this thing going." Trip told Stella, and being honest with her. He knew that time was running out and that they had to get out of that spot as soon as they could. He completely understood that Stella wasn't sure how the sun would affect her eyes, just like he was being just as careful by covering his eyes with the specially made contact lenses he had.


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#, as written by deealee
Stella sat adjusting the dials on her goggles. It always amazed her how bright other worlds were. Her home would was a beautiful but dark place. Inhaling deeply she cough a bit at Trip’s smoky, heady entrance to the vehicle. She had seen Trip smoke may times but in this small vehicle it made her wonder just what was he smoking. Squinting at him as he found the ignition. “Just put the, then use the stirring wheel….” Looking in the rear view, spotting what, looked like approach of vehicle. She jump out of the vehicle and made her way to the drive side. Her head clearing in the fresh area outside of the vehicle. Pushing the goggles back down over her eyes quickly, they didn't completely darken the morning glare but they helped a bit. “Switch, I’ll show you later! Get your tablet. We need to know what's coming and how close it is.”


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Trip climbed out of the driver seat and ran to the other side and climbed into the passenger seat. he quickly figured out how to roll down the window. Trip turned around and pulled the tablet out of his pack, quickly pulling up the satellite feed. He studied it for a few minutes and looked behind them. "There is three flying machines, two smaller then the other, and looks like several large ground vehicles. By the size of them, i would have to say they are personnel carriers. By my count, maybe 4 or 5 ground vehicles. They're about twenty minutes out, give or take a few. If we get stopped by them, i would say we would have a good time in a fight. El, i got to say it, we can not kill any of this inhabitants, unless we have no other choice." Trip told Stella. They have been in tighter situations before, but without the knowledge of their weapons, or what they are capable of, he couldn't determine whether or not they pose a serious threat.


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#, as written by deealee
Stella pulled out on to the street, mimicking the speed of the vehicles around her. Hopefully they could blend in. Speed wasn’t an option, at least not yet. Mumbling to herself, ”Cura Deum, that many and that close? We need more information about this planet.” She hissed out, voice full of frustration. Stella’s mind was racing. They had been trained by the finest military and, in her case, diplomatic minds the galaxies had to offer, yet this scenarios had never come into play. Nope, being stranded, hunted, and saviors all at the same time had never been covered. “No killing?!....” Sighing heavily, she shaking her head, as her eyes moved from the cars head to the rear view mirror. “You’re right, no killing.” Trip was right, killing innocents wasn't something Stella would consider. However, she knew her mind well and she also didn’t like the idea of being dissected. “We have two choices, hideout or keep going? I vote we stick with your plan to lay low at that abandoned house. I’m worried they may surrounding the town but, we’d be far to easy to spot in the desert.” Reaching into her pack she pulled out her communicator, "I got some language sample earlier, you can start listening to it. The communicator couldn't do anything with it maybe you can."

*Cura deum = Dark God


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Trip flicked the cigarette butt out of the window as they moved through the streets. He put a pair of head phones on and grabbed the communicator. "We'll lay low for a day or two, and leave at night. It would be a bit harder to spot a vehicle at night then it is during the day. Once we get to the building, i'll get to work on the weapons and turn on the stun, so that way neither of us have the chance of killing. Trip said just before turning on the communicator. He laid his head back some, and closed his eyes. He may have looked like he was asleep, but he was just concentrating on listening to the language so that he could pick it up. With the limited amount of words that Stella was able to get while out, it was going to be a bit harder to get a hang on the language. One thing Crystallians were known for besides their advanced technology, was their ability to learn quickly. Trip was feeling good and well relaxed after he had smoked, and was able to concentrate better, but only he knew there was something deeper that ate at him, something he had never told anyone in the Guardians, or ever spoke of, and the one thing he would rather take to his grave then tell.


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#, as written by deealee
”Agreed.” Stella stated as they moved further away from the Humvee’s location. She increased her speed, flexing her fingers around the steering wheel. She was will herself to relax though, her eyes still scanned the rear view mirror. She was fairly confident they had gotten away unnoticed, they were as safe as they could be for the moment. As the tension to ease, Stella instinctively began to catalog the different types of vehicle she passed. Sucking her lip into her mouth, she positively itched to take one apart. From what she had seen, they were simplistic in design yet surprisingly effective. Turning off the main rode, this part of town had a more desolate feeling. The out cropping of building were a jumble of different heights, with the main section being 5 stories high. most of the glass of the windows was long gone and sun had baked the white paint of the buildings into an almost golden brown. She headed for the highest building backing jeep directly into the left wing of the build, opting to hide it away. Though the vehicle wasn't new, it would still stand out if anyone saw it in this place. Shutting the vehicle off she looked over at Trip, ”Let’s secure the building, then I’ll take some down time while you modify the weapon.”


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Trip was in deep concentration on the language, and may have picked up a few words by the time he felt the car stop. He looked at Stella and nodded some as he climbed out. Trip put away the communicator and grabbed his staff weapon. He leaned the weapon against the car and reached into his bag and pulled out to wrist devices, that if one were to guess were a type of walkie talkies. HE threw Stella one andplaced the other on his wrist. "Keep in radio contact at all times. I'll talk the fourth and fifth floors, as well as the roof. you have the first, second and third floor. We'll meet back here in one hour, that should be enough time to make sure it's clear." Trip said, and then grabbed his staff weapon and began heading deeper into the building to find the stairs. Trip wondered if anyone else was able to make it out of the ship, or if this mission is just going to be Stella and him.


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#, as written by deealee
Stella slide her goggles off her head then ran her free hand through her hair, shaking it out. Taking the COM from Trip, she strapped it to her wrist. Nodding her acknowledgment to his statement. She studied him as he moved down the hall. She had always shunned this part of her, the part like her mother. She didn’t just make list and catalogs of machines. She did the same to beings. Trip of all the crew members was deep, she had always sensed the turbulence in him. She trusted him but she made a mental note to find out more about her fellow guardian. If they were going to survive this planet, they needed each other. Re-positioning her goggles, she grabbed her rifle and moved to the first room, marking it clear.


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Trip carefully walked the floors he was responsible for, calling back when he completed each floor. He stopped when he reached a room on the fifth floor and saw that there was some kind of technology in there, but with no power. Trip carefully followed some cables out the window and up to the roof. "El, we might be alone in this building, keep your guard up." Trip said as he headed to the roof. He was shocked to see that there were four different telescopes, and he knew exactly what they were for. Trip carefully looked around and headed back to the room. "El, come to the fifth floor, there's something you need to see." Trip said over the comm once again. He quietly sat down in the chair to figure out how to get the equipment power, without their portable powercell, which was left on the ship.


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#, as written by deealee
Stella raised her rifle, preparing to enter the next room. Allowing the barrel of her rifle to enter the room first, she moved forward cautiously, as Trip's warning came over the Comm. ”Understood.”, Stella responded, still moving, eyes scanning the room. The first two floors may have been empty, but her guard was still up. This room was small, the furniture was over turned and paper littered the floor. Picking up a black, smooth feeling picture. She blow it off, removing some of the dusk. Holding it out in front of her, it seemed to be a scan of some sort. What the heck is this… She thought, puzzled look on her face. Receiving Trip’s next communication she drop the scan. “I’m on my way.” She stated, taking one last look at the room. A rustling sound coming from the small closet to the left caught her attention. She turned, rifle at the ready. Snatching the door open quickly, she was face to face with a skinny, brown haired being, his hands raised out in front of him. He was yelling at her, scared. Stella’s eyed him, not understanding a word he uttered. "Trip, come to 3rd floor, door by the stairwell. We have company.” She said eyes never leaving their new problem.


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A teenage brown haired, blue eye boy held his hands up as the rifle was pointed at him. "Hey! How about we just lower the weapon and talk about this?" Cody said. He was neverous about having the weapon pointed at him, and hoping that the light wasn't going to ruin the laser reader he was working on. To work on something like that, it had to be dark, and with the sudden light coming in, he hoped he was able to cover it in time. The closet wasn't a small closet, nor was it large, it was about four feet by five feet in size, which gave him just enough space to be able to work on something like that. Cody went ont to say that they needed to shut the door, and keep it dark in that room. It didn't take long for Cody to begin to ramble on about different things.


Trip looked at the equipment once again, not being able to figure out how to use it. He stood up and began to look at all the printed out pictures of the stars, and yet he did not recognize any of them. He ran his hand through his hair before he spotted something that caught his attention. It was blurry, but he was able to make out what it was. The picture was of the Sinister coming out of the worm hole. He pulled it off of the wall and slowly made his way to the third floor while staring at it. "What is the company you are talking about?" Trip said as he walked up to Stella. He looked up from the picture and at the human teenage boy. Trip placed his hand on Stella's weapon to have her lower it. He listened carefully to what the boy was saying, at the same time as he past Stella the picture.


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#, as written by deealee
Looking over the being carefully she almost wanted to laugh, fear wasn't driving him, she recognized. She had seen that frantic look before. Two places to be exact, her father’s face and a mirror. This kid was a deep thinker, and preoccupied with something. Stretching her neck looking around him, seeing some kind of project behind him. Was he more concerned about it, then the weapon point at him? Looking him over once more, she answered her own internal question Yes he was. She shook her head slightly watching as Trip entered the room. A look of recognition surprisingly playing across his face. After getting Stella to lower her weapon, he handed her a scan, though his eyes never left the kid. Immediately Stella recognized the picture, it was Sinister. Wordlessly Stella, moved back slightly, rested her boot on the side of up turned desk. Still looking at the photo, then back to the being puzzled. She hoped Trip could understand something being said. Killing him wasn’t an option, but letting him just leave was out of the question, too.


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Trip leaned his staff weapon against the wall and held his hands up to show that he meant to harm. He listened for a bit to the rambling that Cody was doing before saying anything. " ha....harm" Trip said, while pointing to Stella and him. He was trying to get the language right, he thought he recognized some of the words, but wasn't quite sure. He put his index finger on his nose, like he would as he introduced himself to other Crystallians. "" Trip said introducing himself to the inhabitant. He stepped back some to allow Cody out of the closet.


Cody quit rambling on as he heard Trip say something. He figured that the alien was trying to learn his language, and by the motions in the past few minutes, he got the feeling that they weren't there to harm him. "That's good to know. I don't mean you any harm either." Cody said and listened to Trip introducing himself. "I am Cody. Nice to meet you, Trip." Cody said and shook the man's hand, as to show the alien the way humans did something. He slowly moved out of the closet and shut the door. He suddenly noticed what Trip gave Stella and quickly moved over. "Do you know what this is?" Cody said pointing to the blurry photograph.


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#, as written by deealee
Curiosity was eating away at Stella. She was itching to go upstairs and see just how this….hedum (kid) took this picture. He had to be among the young of this planet, his face displayed that touch of innocence present in youth across the galaxies. Causally mimicking Trip’s gestures of no harm, Stella placed her weapon on floor beside her. Further studying this being was proving to be quite interesting. He was cool under pressure, and surprisingly comfortable in a room with two individuals carrying weapons. If she had thoroughly checked the lower floors she would have been really nervous, at this point. Glancing round the hedum once more Stella craned her neck again trying to get a look into the room the kind leaky from was obscuring. She stepped over slightly looking perplexed, as Cody moved over to her, pointing at the photo. She nodded her head in acknowledgment of the of him, while looking to Trip for interpretation.


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Trip leaned against the wall, near his staff weapon just in case he needed it in a quick response. He watched the motions of the young human closely. Trip figured the kid was asking about the photo, and softly nodded. "Ship" Trip said while pointing between Stella and him. He points to Stella. "It Stella" Trip said introducing Stella. He was trying to pick up the language, and it was getting easier, but the whole learning a new language wasn't an easy thing. Most Guardians always thought that Crystallians learned easilier then them, but it wasn't true, picking up new languages, and other things was hard, especially when they tried to make sense on how and when to say or do certain things.


Cody's eyes widened a bit when he heard that it was their ship. "What kind of ship? how fast does it go? What can it do?....." Cody asked as he started rambling on with questions. After a few minutes with spitting out questions he stopped and thought for a moment. He turned to Trip and looked at him carefully. "Wait.....are you saying that you're an alien, someone that is not from this planet, but from another planet? The both of you? Where are you from? Why here? What do you look human?" Cody said quite quickly, trying to get a hang on the facts that he was speaking with two aliens, but so far they seemed nice, and didn't want to harm or probe him.


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#, as written by deealee
The speed and excitement of the n rambling picked up tenfold. Oh, No. She could have kicked herself. They had been careless here, showing their interest in this picture. Dark God, let this mistake, not be a costly one. As Cody’s barrage of question continued Stella let slip the smile she had been holding in. It was refreshing to see another being so excited about the ship she loved. A part of her would have loved to spend hours regaling this youth with tales of the Sinister, but this wasn’t the time or place for that. As the question came slower and calmer, Stella watched as the light of recognition came to the youth’s face. She could guess, he realized fully that they may not be human. Shaking her head in yes to what she assumed he was asking, she pointed to herself again, “Stella.” She said. Slowly forming the only responds she know at the moment, “Nah…n..oooo. hhhharm.” Looking him over she realized they needed more common ground. Whatever was upstairs just might give that to them. Speaking to Trip she said, “Let’s go upstairs, we need to keep him talking and not about us.”


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Trip listened to Cody's questions, and gave a slight shrug on where they were from. "Don't know. Not sure where at." Trip said. He turned to Stella and listened to what she had said. She was right, they needed Cody to keep talking, but get on a different subject. Trip pointed upstairs. "We go up?" Trip said, suggesting they go up. He reached over for his staff weapon, not leaving it behind, just incase they were to have some visitors that want to harm them. Trip was starting to get a hang of the new language, and faster then he had thought, but not sure how or why it was.


"You're not sure where you're from or where you are at?" Cody asked, hoping he understood it right. Once Trip suggested they go upstairs, he nodded and headed towards the door. Cody was way to interested in learning more from these two life forms to try to run. He began walking upstairs towards the room where he had all of his equipment set up. He figured it'd probably be easier to get some information in there then it was on the floor that they were on. Cody flipped a switch and the soft lights came on, and then walked over to the computers and started them up. It was early in the morning, so they weren't going to be able to get much from the telescopes, but with the amount of information Cody had on the computers, he figured they could use to figure out where they are and how to get home.


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#, as written by deealee
Stella stepped back allowing Cody and Trip to lead the way. Watching them exit the room, she ticked off the hours until night fall. The next few hours would be critical, if they couldn't trust this hedum (kid), they would need to leave tonight. Honestly, she thought that still might be the best option. Picking up her weapon she placed it on her back, then moved down the hall, then up the stairs two at a time to catch up with them. Walking into the room, she marveled at the set up the young one had. Stella knelt beside Cody, taking a mental inventory of machines before her. Noticing cables heading out of the window, she nodded her head toward the cables, "Τι είναι εκεί πάνω (What’s up there?) Stella asked, still needing Trip to translate for her. Refocusing her attention on the screens, as they came to life, her interest and respect both elevated 10 fold. This kid has been busy. She thought to herself. Immediately a picture caught her eye, it was the Nevallian ship. There was no uses holding back, they needed information. Pointing to the picture on the screen she asked. “Έχετε περισσότερες φωτογραφίες του εν λόγω πλοίου ή την τοποθεσία συντριβή του (Do you have more pictures of that ship or its crash site?)

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Dawn in Sweetwater...

Who: Trip/Stella When: Year 2193 Where: Sweetwater, Texas Why: Stella thinks she has found a hiding place, after seeing many aircraft tracking them during the night. Note: N/A

Fall, Save, and Escape.......

Who: Trip/Stella When: The Year 2193 Where: Unknown Planet (Desert Southwestern U.S.) Why: From the crash of Sinister through them leaving the ship Note: Opening Para

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Keenan "Trip" Lit'ra
Character Portrait: Stella Yveltal
Character Portrait: Cody Miles
Character Portrait: Emmin


Character Portrait: Stella Yveltal
Stella Yveltal

As long as I am breathing, in my eyes, I am just beginning. Criss Jami, Killosophy

Character Portrait: Keenan "Trip" Lit'ra
Keenan "Trip" Lit'ra

The Child who defied Death


Character Portrait: Keenan "Trip" Lit'ra
Keenan "Trip" Lit'ra

The Child who defied Death

Character Portrait: Stella Yveltal
Stella Yveltal

As long as I am breathing, in my eyes, I am just beginning. Criss Jami, Killosophy

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Character Portrait: Stella Yveltal
Stella Yveltal

As long as I am breathing, in my eyes, I am just beginning. Criss Jami, Killosophy

Character Portrait: Keenan "Trip" Lit'ra
Keenan "Trip" Lit'ra

The Child who defied Death

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