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Black and White

Black and White


Good and evil, yin and yang, black and white... There's always two sides of the same coin. Will you make it to the other side?

32,755 readers have visited Black and White since The Great Thundorz created it.


(This amazing pic of fan-art for the RP was made by DragonDunc, much love to him for this <3 Thanks to everyone who's made this an incredible experience for me and I hope to continue having more incredible experiences with this as we go along~)

We have always been interested in telling stories to one another, whether they be real or not. There are many children's stories that we could choose from as examples, but there is one many do not know if it was real or not. This children's story has been passed down through many generations, and each time someone has added something that was not there before. With so many people now existing in the world, each one has taken their own interpretation of the fable. The story suggests there have been many conflicts in our world, with all of these conflicts revolving around magic. But where has the magic gone? Well, the story focuses on one such conflict that takes place during the Early Middle Ages.

A mass of people conducted dark rituals using magic for evil intents, resulting in the creation of a new and dark entity that could only be described as a wizard. This entity tainted magic and corrupted it into The Black, which took all of the evil aspects of magic and allowed the users absolute power. The Black quickly spread and corrupted the very image of magic, leading many to fear it and distance themselves from it. However, a warrior rose up with The White, which was said to have taken all of the good aspects of magic and allow this warrior to fight back against The Black. This warrior soon fought his way to the evil entity and fought it, though the battle was great, the warrior soon prevailed over the dark entity and sealed it away.

Although the warrior was successful in bringing down The Black, magic was never fully restored on the Earth and has remained as The White and The Black ever since. The people's faith in magic was never the same ever since, and over the years, usage of The White and The Black faded on our world. Eventually, magic was seen as a myth and The White and The Black became nothing more than history. Many claim the fight still goes on to this day, that good and evil continue to clash behind the scenes to protect our world. Whether you believe in it or not does not matter, for life continues to go on even without proof behind this story. The year is now 2020, and the world still shows no signs of magic, The White or The Black ever coming back, if they existed at all. Perhaps you are different, maybe you are meant to see more? But only time will tell...

Welcome to Black and White, a tale of many things as you might have guessed, though there is still much to see. Perhaps you are interested in seeing what is true and what is false? Though many are welcome to join, I will have five spots open for those who are feeling brave enough to step forward. For those of you who get accepted, you will be given a word to put somewhere in your profile. Now, to give a brief idea of what the RP will be like, I want to get this out of the way. No, it will not be a typical RP, but there will be an emphasis on normal life. There is a good reason for this, I assure you, but think of it like this. Half of it is around normal life, while the other half is about the unknown supernatural. That is all I can say without giving away what I have planned. To all who are interested, I wish you the best of luck and I hope to see you soon!

Code: Select all
Appearance: I don't mind if you use anime or non-anime for this.

Name: Your birth name.

Nicknames: Anything you or others tend to call you by.

Age: How old you are, date of birth is optional.

Gender: Male, female, or otherwise.

Height & Weight: How tall are you, how much do you weigh?

Additional details: Anything you want to tell about yourself that cannot normally be shown or seen?

Personality: How does your character act, maybe there's more going on than most will know? Include as much detail as you wish to share.

Likes & Dislikes: What does your character like, what do they tend not to like? List them separately to avoid confusion. Again, share as much detail as you wish.

Strengths: What is your character best at? Are some of these known or hidden? Share as much as you like.

Weaknesses: Everybody has them, whether they know it or not. Perhaps you have figured it out sooner than others? Or perhaps you play ignorant. Again, share as much as you like.

Favorite Color: Trust me, this is important for later. Seriously. . .I mean it. Here's hoping.

Hobbies: So, uh, what do you do when you have free time? Perhaps there's something you practice every day? Maybe you do things nobody knows about? Share as much as you wish.

Desires: This is pretty much where anything like hopes, desires or dreams go. Have you thought about your future and where you want to end up? Or maybe you are more in the moment kind of person? Share as much as you like.

Profession: You don't just have to go to school. You can also have a job, part time job, etc.

History: This is your story, after all. And every story has a beginning.

This application may change later on depending on how things go in the roleplay. I will notify members if things have been added.

Team White: Yohan Belmont (The Vanguard), Sienna Cartlow, Frederick Bell

Team Black: Sonea Almsworthy (The Rearguard), Leo Pichard, Amber Hill, Sebastian Winters, Felix Tolbert

Toggle Rules

1. Please try to be respectful toward your fellow members.
2. If you are curious about something or do not know what will be coming in later on, please ask me either through PM or through the topics. If I am not available, either wait or ask one of the members.
3. Supernatural Elements have been introduced, please check in with me before adding them in to your character.
4. Please do not go too far with unsettling details or excessive swearing.
5. If the situation calls for it, I may add in new rules later on to fit with the changes happening in the RP.
6. Slots are filled up! To clarify, you do not need a slot to have fun and enjoy the RP!
7. I do have a story in mind and will have plans, as I am sure others will too. I am looking for cooperation between not just myself and the members, but between the members as well. Please come to me if you have any plans you wish to discuss, but if it involves another member's character, you will have to ask them.
8. If you go missing for a long period of time, others can gain permission to move on without you until further notice.

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in


Timberland by The Great Thundorz

A simple little town on Earth in the year 2020. Although it has not been popular in the past, recently strange events have started to occur here.

The Other Side

The Other Side by The Great Thundorz

When one finds a Gateway and says the word Purgatory with their hand in it, all users of The White and The Black within the Gateway's range will be transported to here...

The Sunny Shield

The Sunny Shield by The Great Thundorz

"If your searching for your favorite weapon, sporting a new set or armor or looking to get your favorite spade fixed, The Sunny Shield is always ready for service!"

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 13 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Winters Character Portrait: Felix Tolbert Character Portrait: Takeo Belmont Character Portrait: Morrigan Wynngard
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Having been discharged from the hospital not long after arriving, Felix had spent the rest of his weekend and Monday not up to much. Since he was here to study, he would just be working a few evenings a week, plus Saturday, so he wound up in his room most of the time, refusing to go out for fear of something weird happening again, reading comics and novels to pass the time. He had decided to stay away from TV for the time being, after switching it on and immediately seeing a news report about a death here in Timberland.

What certainly didn’t help was that his β€˜annoying sidekick’, as he was now calling it, had figured out it could essentially shapeshift and cast illusions on him, being part of his psyche and all. On Sunday night, he had been kept up by scratching and distorted, unearthly whispering noises at the door. Now he had figured out the culprit, it was slightly less nightmare inducing for him, but the trick where it turned into a horrifying mutated goat and charged at him still made him flinch, which obviously amused the creature, as it changed back to its normal form and rolled on the floor in hysterics. Throwing in a few spiders and snakes seemed to be working pretty well too.

He was actually relieved on Tuesday morning when he finally had to leave the flat. He thought he would be a nervous wreck walking around town after the recent incidents, but he always felt safe surrounded by other people, especially in the daytime.

Everything went pretty normally from there. His walk to the campus was short and peaceful. His first lessons of this year were more like poetic rambling than teaching anything practical but he listened intently nonetheless. Last year he had gotten looks from the others as he was one of those students who take excessive interest. He still managed to work up a small mountain of notes, but his peers were used to it by now. Even his inner demon found him hard to distract.

Having spent far too long reorganising said notes, and struggling to stuff them and his books back into the brown laptop bag he was now keeping in his locker, he set off to grab some lunch.

Nearing the dining area, he heard some scuffling and what sounded like someone collapsing. He hurried around the corner to see if something was up, only to run into one of the people he’d met the other day. Sebastian was standing up and seemed fine, and although it seemed some kind of wound was on his neck that hadn’t been there before, there were no signs of bleeding.

Felix approached him, waving to the young man just has he was picking up his phone, making him wonder if he had fallen over or just dropped his mobile and struggled to get it off the ground quickly.

The setting changes from Timberland to The Other Side


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kogo
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  1. This post is a collab between myself and Kagerou.

    by The Great Thundorz

0.00 INK


Epsilon walked with Upsilon through the rocky corridors of their lair. People hadn't found them in years, but there was always the chance someone could get by. Epsilon smirked to himself as he thought about this. Before stepping out into the light, his form changed into his old man disguise that he showed Yohan before. "Get those new Dark Wizards shaped up quick!" Epsilon's voice struck out to the others. Upsilon chuckled to himself as the others panicked. The only reason they followed Epsilon was due to his power, and he reminded them of that power every day. Raising up his staff, he struck the ground and caused the roar of thunder to strike loudly across the room, with all of the Dark Wizards, new or old, kneeling down and bowing their heads to him. Epsilon huffed to himself and continued to walk, the Dark Wizards quickly getting up once he was gone and focusing heavily on their training. "God damn it Ken, why did you pick the room in the back of the evil secret lair?" Both of them continued on their way, nobody shooting them a second glance out of fear that one of them would turn them into dust.

It was still dark when Kogo arrived at her destination. The necklace was giving off a strong and familiar force. He was near, but she didn't see where. She was just staring at a bunch of mountains! Unless...these weren't actually mountains. Of course, it was never simple with Epsilon. Sighing angrily to herself, Kogo quietly cast a spell. Simply worded, simple magic, but it would get the job done. "Reveal to me what I cannot see." The mountains seemed to recede slightly to show the walls of Epsilon's palace. However, she couldn't see inside the palace or the goons that were inevitably guarding it.

Now, she could go in guns blazing and easily kill off most of Epsilon's group...but she needed to actually speak to the man. No doubt that his "Dark Wizards" would sense any magic she it was time to do this the old fashioned way. She concealed her horse in a secluded location, put her dark cloak on and headed out towards the only entrance.

It wasn't hard to slip by the first couple of guards. She was nearing the door when one of the guards must have heard her. However, Kogo was quicker than the guard and was in before they could even turn around from where they heard her.

Once inside, Kogo could hear the thunder of Epsilon's voice and the frantic scurrying of feet. She quietly followed Epsilon and Upsilon. His apprentices were too busy trying not to piss Epsilon off to notice much of her. Epsilon hadn't noticed her yet either. She just had to wait for Upsilon to stop kissing ass and split from his dear old master...

Epsilon chuckled to himself for some reason as he looked over his shoulder briefly before looking back to Upsilon. "Old man, you go and tell Ken to hurry his ass up." Upsilon looked over to Epsilon, but did as he was told. Epsilon tapped his staff lightly a few times on the ground before beginning to walk off towards his own room. Once he arrive there, he opens the door and leaves it open, walking inside as he sits down at his desk and begins to shift through papers he kept inside.

The element of surprise was up, but he was at least kind enough to send his lackey away. She waited a few moments for some extra protection and then quietly stepped into the room Epsilon was in. She shut the door and locked it, staring quietly at Epsilon. The two were completely alone, not a sound to be heard from the outside. She waited for Epsilon to fully acknowledge her.

"Hello, Kogo." Epsilon spoke up, looking over at her with a smirk upon his face. "I see you have found me through that gift I gave you so long ago." He chuckled as he rose up slowly to his feet. "So, what do you require from this old washed up bag of bones? Are you trying to accomplish the impossible? Or perhaps you are looking for something more in the present?"

"Epsilon." Kogo said quite flatly. To be honest, she didn't fully understand yet why she was here. She approached the desk and took her hood down. Her hair was slightly different. Instead of her twin bun style, her hair was pulled into a low ponytail, just high enough that her hair hovered slightly above the ground. Her eyes pierced into Epsilon, but if he looked closely, he could see her concern. "They're looking for you. You know you can't keep this up much longer."

"So it's personal. Let's shift the table to you, shall we?" Epsilon pulls out The Fool card. "You've just found your son. He's just regained his memories. You abandoned him in order to come visit me and try to make things right. Tsk, tsk. You don't even know the trouble that's going on right now." Epsilon pulls out The Lovers card. "Then we have your other boy. You hardly gave him any mind, it's almost like you don't even mind writing down deceased names in that magical book of yours." Epsilon pulls out The Death card. "Then there is the odd behaviors everyone is taking. War is coming. People are preparing to have the upper hand and kill off those they deem in the way. Meanwhile, your son shall be in the middle of all of this. And yet, once again, here you are. Taking up selfish desires to pursue me." Epsilon throws all the cards up and watches them burn. "The fool's journey has begun, my dear Kogo. Are you aware of Lady Alpha's growing paranoia? How she relies on Omega to take care of anyone she deems unjust? What about all the strange murders? The White and The Black spreading throughout Gaia?" Epsilon chuckles. "It is not me you should worry about, Kogo."

Kogo glared hard at Epsilon as he gave his speech. Always with the cards, the god damn cards. She waited for him to completely finish before speaking, even though she knew he would turn it against her. "I know more than I want to know about what's going on. War is coming, but I've got a sneaking suspicion that you're going to be directly involved with your little group here." Kogo came around the desk and stood in front of Epsilon, looking up at him. "I know women are the bane of your existence now, Harold, but remember I'm not here as an executioner. Like I would listen to that bitch anyways." Kogo sighed. "Regarding my son, you know as well as I do that I cannot prevent what destiny has laid out for him. I can only try to make the obstacles a little less harmful."

"But you can be a supporting mother. Ten years the boy went through pain and suffering, the only person to relieve some of that suffering is the daughter of your hated rival. Though both of you should suck up if what the cards have shown me will prove true. The boy is more like you than you realize." Epsilon chuckled darkly. "But as for his destiny, well. He and I will, without a doubt, have differing ideals. He will challenge me, and I will be ready. But it will not be by prophecies or pre-determined fates that he shall face me. He shall do it of his own choosing, and if he doesn't, he will fail my expectations and I shall blame you as the cause." Epsilon gave her a sassy grin. "But you must have realized Upsilon is a cranky old fool. Such paranoia in his old age that he has to resort to keeping an eye on me. But let's stop beating around the bush and get to the real problem here." Epsilon slowly sat down in his chair as he put his fingers up together like that of a villain. Yes, he was totally doing this right in front of her. "Why have you come here?"

The woman looked him in the eye. "I need your training gear. I'm in charge of some of those effected by the sudden outburst of magic." Kogo said as she sat down in a chair opposite if him. "You owe me a favor, so I came to collect."

Epsilon chuckled to himself as he rose up and raised up one of his hands. "I should of known. I had some training gear prepared and you came at the perfect time. Even if I can't fully predict it, I can have multiple options available just in case someone comes along." Epsilon had the training gear fly over to his desk in a stacked pile. "There you are. Simple and done as that." Epsilon returned to sitting down. "Is there anything else you require of me while you are here? I am more than happy to assist you if I can. Just know that you are violating Lady Alpha's rules. But that probably makes you giddy more than worried. That woman is becoming more self-centered as the years go by her."

"'Lady' Alpha isn't much better than those she goes after. Karma will catch up with her one day. Besides, I don't think anyone currently in the Order would let her do harm to me." Kogo sighed. They sat in silence for a few moments, Kogo trying to gather her thoughts and Epsilon being...well, Epsilon. "How is he?" Kogo asked suddenly. "Is he what you wanted him to be?"

"He is what he wants to be, not what I want him to be. He has my genes for sure, but he has chosen his own path." Epsilon brought his hands up together. "He has been searching for you. Not because it's personal, but because he hunts bounty's now. He's been challenging himself against a great many beasts and people. I believe he has been holding back though, because none of them ever died while facing him. I believe he is testing himself, and his opponents by extension. He wants them to try to find him again, to try to get stronger and, in turn, make him stronger as a result. It's how he has been for some time now. He is not a bad person, but he does not fully trust morality to guide his actions. Be wary, he may seek interest sooner or later in those kids. I fear if Takeo doesn't get a good grip on setting aside his laziness for battle, he will be the first to fall in battle to him." Epsilon shook his head. "Some advice if you train the pink haired girl. Tell her she needs to start accepting her Dragonborn side more and needs to use it in a fight. She can't play the white mage forever, sooner or later, she'll have to fight to protect someone else's life."

"Searching for me...oh dear. I probably have a pretty penny of a price over my head." Kogo commented. "My charges include one of the Dragonborn, but not her. The one I have uses their blood pretty liberally. A real go getter for sure." Kogo looked up at Epsilon. "Takeo is smart. His intelligence rivals even yours. I'm sure he'll figure out how to fight. If I tell him, he'll just blow it off as another one of 'Mom's Many Wisdom's.'" She rolled her eyes. "Anyhow...thank you for the equipment. You probably won't get it back, but I've a feeling you won't need it soon."

"It was spare equipment anyway. I have one thing to say at the least. That Sebastian kid, he's going to head down a dark path. Regardless of what you say or do with him, I believe he has already taken quite a step over towards the darker side of things. He may be best friends with your eldest son of the two, but the younger one he will have growing issues with. You may try to deal with that as you wish. But soon, that boy will hunger for more than he wants. And it will get him into trouble. Trust me on that one. He's going to be facing a lot of trouble by the looks of things. If you are done talking with little old me, you may want to hurry back over to Timberland before more trouble comes it's way. Today is the day training will start. Knowing Delta and Beta, they'll start on it once school is done for the day." Epsilon pulls out a newspaper and begins to read it.

"You never miss a thing, do you?" Kogo said calmly. She was used to this behavior, considering the two had quite the history with one another. She made note of his comments about Sebastian. "You seem like you want to be left to your old geezer things, so I can leave your presence if you wish, oh great Epsilon." Kogo snickered. She couldn't help but pick on him. It was one of the only things they still had in common. She did have to wonder if the old Epsilon would ever return, but it had been almost 30 years. The chances were slim to none.

"Have you ever heard of the Book of the Damned?" Epsilon spoke up out of the blue. The newspaper he held looked rather old as he didn't bother to lower it to speak to her. "It was said to be one of the most terrible things magic ever created. It held the power to kill people at the user's command and drain their remaining life force into the book. There have been a lot of criminals dying as of late all over the world of Gaia. Someone appears to be taking the Kira route with this. Though the higher ups will never admit that something called Death Note predicted this would happen." Epsilon chuckled to himself. "I had thought I knew where it was located, but it seems someone has popped up and fit it's description all too nicely. What do you think about the matter?"

"That's a name I haven't heard in a long while. I heard it had been sealed away, though I didn't care much for the details. So, someone must have killed the Guardian and gotten it." Kogo sighed. That was probably part if the cause of the problems arising regarding magic. Whoever had it was either lucky or extremely strong. The Guardian was no laughing matter. Kogo put a hand over her face. The issues only kept getting worse and worse. No doubt was she concerned, but it seemed like a lot was piling onto her plate. She had been by the door when Epsilon started speaking, but she turned back to him now. "I'm surprised you don't know who took it, more likely you're keeping it from me. No matter. I appreciate the warning."

"The Guardian may be connected to our little thief. Though we do not know who sealed the book up in the first place, so it is hard to tell without asking them. And well, they are nowhere to be found." Epsilon chuckled from behind his newspaper. "My dear Kogo, I may have knowledge to share, but spoiling the finer details would ruin the surprise, now wouldn't it?" Epsilon couldn't help but grin, even though Kogo couldn't see it. "In any case, I can suspect who are the prime suspects behind all of this ruckus. Though you will eventually find that out for yourself soon enough."

"I see..." It was all she could say. Despite his standing among many as an enemy, Epsilon's instincts were normally spot on. She knew to trust him on these sorts of matters. "Am I to suspect they're going to come to Timberland or already there?" Kogo asked.

"They will announce themselves to the whole world in a week's time. They have already started to recruit those of The Black and The White under their wings. It's not just Timberland they have eyes for though. But they will come sooner or later. You'd best prepare those kids whenever you can. One more thing before you go though. I want you to answer me a question. Have you considered what would happen should a major force present itself a threat to any of your family?"

"You already know the answer to that. And if you don't, then you're not as much of a genius as you think." The reply was prompt, but to the point. "My sons are both going to be in the middle of this, that's for certain. The only thing I can do that will make a difference is to prepare for the absolute worst. It's the only thing I know how to do." Kogo looked at him. "I will take my leave now. I hope you know what you're doing, Harold. I don't want to hear about you dying on me." Kogo unlocked the door and opened it, concealing herself once more. Within seconds she was out of sight, out of the building, and riding off into the dawn.

Epsilon couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Upsilon peeked in after a bit. "Is she gone?" Epsilon nodded to him, putting down the newspaper. "Finally. Stupid woman! I hate that dumb brat. But at least it's good to know she's staying in Timberland." Upsilon couldn't help but rub his staff in a creepy manner. "I'm going to enjoy seeing them struggle! Mwehehehehehehe!"


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Character Portrait: Sigma
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The Great Journey


"Free the blue hairs?" The Emperor repeated Sigma's words, as if he had just been struck over the head with the request. The Emperor's helmet lowered as Sigma and the others could all start to hear a laugh rising up from within the armor. Even Ryan, as he looked up to see what was going on with his father, felt fear enter into his heart as his father rarely ever laughed like this. "My, such bold words, Sigma!" The Emperor rose his head up as he rubbed the side of his helmet lightly. "What makes you so certain I will agree to this? Are you prepared to clash with me over a matter I have built up over the years as the truth?"

"Indeed, I am." Sigma replied without any hint of worry ringing through his words. Ryan could only watch the both of them discuss this as he was the only one in the room who was able to watch them fully without breaking down into fear. All of the soldiers had been horrified and become like statues, Ryan knew what he was witnessing here today. Ryan quickly rose up to his feet as Sigma went on to continue, interrupting him as Sigma and The Emperor turned to Ryan. "Oh? Do you have something to say in response to this, General Ryan?" Sigma asked Ryan. Ryan tightened his hands into fists as he looked boldly at the both of them. Now all the soldiers had backed away from all three of them, feeling something big was about to unfold before them.

"I know what you are about to suggest, Sigma!" Ryan threw his words out loud and clear. "You have found a Belmont. Not just any Belmont either, one who has the dominant genes to allow for his hair to become blue. We have long suspected that any surviving Belmont may have received recessive genes and not gained blue hair. However, they seem to have not awakened to any true potential a dominant gene Belmont would." Ryan took a few seconds to gather his thoughts before continuing. "You are about to suggest that this Belmont has blue hair. If that is true, he is the last of his family with said blue hair. The records I have read show that only one Belmont survived. Any children he had before his death may have inherited the blue hair." Ryan was about to continue, but heard his father clapping again. Ryan froze up with a sudden fear as he could only look over at his father along with Sigma.

"Well done, General Ryan. You did some research, I see." The Emperor's words sent out a chill throughout everyone in the throne room. "It is true what you say. Should the only known Belmont to have survived the incident were to have children, it was always a possibility they would receive the dominant genes. But we did not detect him having any children, only word of his death rung out. I had thought the Belmont family to have died with him. But it seems Sigma is about to suggest otherwise." The Emperor couldn't help but chuckle. "I truly do apologize for interrupting the both of you. However, let us hear what Sigma has to say first before throwing anymore accusations out at him. Sigma, you have the floor open to you. Please, share with us what you have in mind exactly with this."

"Thank you, Emperor Sukodo." Sigma bowed his head briefly. "Ryan is correct. I have indeed found a Belmont who has blue hair. He is the last survivor of the family with said hair. I shall not confirm or deny if he has any siblings, that is not my intention here today. My intention here today is to free the Belmont family from these chains that have weighed upon them for a great many years now. I do not go before the Dragonborn Council with this because this at the heart of all of this, it is up to the Sukodo Empire whether the Belmont's are devils or innocents. You both may have asked yourselves why I would suggest this, and I believe both of you already know. But for the sake of the soldiers here, I will state it anyway." Sigma cleared his throat before going any further. "I wish to propose a Great Journey for him."

"I KNEW IT!" Ryan shouted out after hearing Sigma speak the words. "You mean to clear his name by having him find the great treasure that was lost to us!" Ryan calmed himself down quickly before speaking again. "Many have taken The Great Journey in search of the great treasure that we now know today as Yggdrasil. During the time of The Gods, many a great legend undertook The Great Journey in order to find it. Even after the time of The Gods had ended, many great people still took it in the hopes that they would be the one to find it. Many have since given up hope that Yggdrasil is a myth or unobtainable." Ryan looked over to his father and bowed his head down. "My apologies. I did not mean to interrupt, only to clarify my suspicions."

"That is fine, my son." The Emperor spoke up before turning to look back to Sigma. "I am sure you have heard of the famous tree from Norse mythology: Yggdrasil. The legend we know for our Yggdrasil goes that when the unspeakable Ancients were done with whatever mission they had been set on, they entrusted a seed to the Gods. The Gods named the seed Yggdrasil. This seed is said to hold the power of Change. Should a mortal plant the seed and make it grow, it is said they will have control over the domain the Gods rule over. In other words, they would become the most powerful force anyone has ever seen. The Gods hid away the Seed somewhere long ago and allowed any mortal, be they good or bad, find it to see if they would prove themselves worthy. But to this day, none has ever seen or heard of the seed that will bloom Yggdrasil." The Emperor turns to Ryan. "My son, would you be kind enough to explain to Sigma what The Great Journey means now?"

"Yes, of course father." Ryan looked over to Sigma. "The Great Journey is something that was started originally as a way to find the seed. It is said whoever found the seed would be the one to plant it and enter into the domain of the Gods. It is said that the seed and, by extension Yggdrasil, holds the power to rewrite reality itself. When the Gods departed, people continued to search for the seed regardless of how hopeless it seemed. The man who defeated The Wizard, The Blue Haired Warrior, went on The Great Journey and couldn't find it. Not even the greatest users of magic we have ever known could find it. You may have heard of the two chosen heroes of The White and The Black. Kuro, The Black's Chosen and Shiro, The White's Chosen. After they had defeated and slain Dracul, they too went on The Great Journey. Although Shiro died before they could finish it, leaving Kuro to abandon it. By offering The Great Journey to us here, you propose to have this Belmont find the Seed of Yggdrasil in order to clear any and all accusations that have been thrown at him and his family."

"That's right." Sigma stated to them both. "I could care less what happens to the Seed of Yggdrasil. I am only here to clear the name of the Belmont family. I assume neither of you have a problem with this?" Sigma waited a minute before continuing. "Right. Here are my terms then. He shall be given a year's time to train and grow. In other words, by September of next year, he will have to start The Great Journey. He shall be allowed to gather his own crew of whoever he wishes. I shall allow a second crew to be formed in order to rival against his own, so that it does not seem unfair. Should the second group find the seed before his does, you may imprison him if you wish. If someone outside the two groups manages to find the seed, you may do with me as you wish. It can even be execution for all I care. I know I am stepping on what is essentially holy ground for all of us here, but I am willing to bet my life in order to free them!"

"Give me a moment to think." The Emperor responded. For a while, all became silent in the room. The soldiers could not believe they were basically witnessing what would be the start of possibly a great legend. It had been roughly a hundred years since anyone had taken The Great Journey. Shiro and Kuro were said to have been two of the greatest magic users of any age. However, not even they together, with all the best forces they could summon, could find the Seed of Yggdrasil. Ryan and Sigma both stood watching the Emperor as he gave it some thought. Finally, he rose up his head and looked from within his helmet to both Ryan and Sigma. "I have decided. I will accept this offer and let the Dragonborn Council know that in a year's time, the next Great Journey shall begin! Sigma, you may leave now. I know you may have other things to tell me, but it will have to wait. I am busy as of late, and I promise you, I shall hear them out as soon as I get the time." Sigma bows his head to The Emperor before heading out of the room. Ryan looks over to his father in shock.

"You... Accepted? I am surprised." Ryan could not hold back his emotions from spilling out through his voice. "I am sorry, but I need to follow him!" Ryan dashed out of the room without a second thought, the guards and soldiers not even being able to catch a glimpse of him before leaving. Sigma stops in place as if knowing Ryan was coming, seeing him run up beside him and gasp for breath. "Sigma! Please, do not go just yet! I need to talk to you!" Ryan took a moment to control his breathing. "Do not go through with this! Everyone involved will be put at great risk, do you truly believe this is the correct choice for all of us? Think about it. Should it end badly, my father will have you imprisoned or worse, executed! The people you intend to save will forever be known as devils! To fail The Great Journey is to commit the greatest sin known to the magical world! I insist you do not go through with this, please!"

"I appreciate the concern Ryan, but I have chosen my path. We all must face judgement someday, and I will always protect others before myself. It does not matter how many obstacles everyone puts before me, I will save the people that matter most to me. I must inform Lady Alpha of my rash decision, I am sure she will be overjoyed to hear that my life is pretty much at risk in a year. Do not worry about me or anyone else, worry about the Empire and your family. I will not inform the boy or his friends of my choice here today, they shall be informed when the time comes to start the journey. I do wonder how your sister will react to the news though." Sigma gave out a light chuckle before leaving the castle of the Sukodo Empire. Ryan could only stare on at his figure as it left Seishin. Ryan clutched his chest lightly, knowing that something great was just over the horizon.

The setting changes from The Other Side to Timberland


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Winters Character Portrait: Felix Tolbert Character Portrait: Morrigan Wynngard
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0.00 INK

Sebastian hung up the call, and the words hung in his mind, he didn’t realise Felix was approaching him until, the natural human sixth sense of β€˜being watched’ kicked in, Sebastian looked up. β€œafternoon, how are you holding up?”

Seb felt the shallow cuts with his right hand, holding his phone with the left, the fingertips to his glove on the left hand cut open exposing the retracting claws, if anyone was observant enough anyway.

β€œdo you know where the infirmary is, so i can get these stitched up, i don’t want to focus on keeping my neck from spewing blood for the rest of the day.” Sebastian’s voice had that note of annoyance it always got when he was even remotely annoyed or angry, though Felix listened to that any time Seb was speaking to or about the inner demon.

β€œoh and by the way, do you want your bow back?” he sighed and lost the not of annoyance, after all, he didn’t have a reason to be pissed off with Felix. Thankfully, for the both of them, Sebastian, pocketed his mobile and turned back to head into the cafeteria, really to fetch his stuff.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Iron Kaiser
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0.00 INK

Hanging her head, Saiph was still kneeling amidst the debris. Yohan had been taken to the hospital a while ago, but she had broken down herself. She had considered today would be fun at least, but all it was was lead to more misery. This world was only proving time and again to be a cold, cruel, and unforgiving place, threatening to take away anything that mattered. It made her think of things she didn't want to think of, of the high probability that she'd watch as everyone else around her dies, that she'll instead be doomed to remain the same, doomed to be alone.

"My, my, what a burdened mind," the familiar warped voice come to Saiph, as the familiar form of Maddy appears to her, sitting down behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh Maddy, perhaps... dad was right," she mutters, as people, unable to see them pass by. "I shouldn't have gotten involved... but... if I didn't, they'd have died... but... but they are gonna die anyways... I... just... I-I don't know what to do."

"Not knowing what to do is part of learning what to do, like you must be lost in order to be found," Maddy responds, softly stroking her head. She doesn't however respond as usual, continuing to hang her head. "And right now my dear, you are quite lost..."

Lifting up her goggles slightly, she reaches up and wipes her eyes, catching something reflecting back on a shard of glass with one of her yellow eyes. It was Frederick, who was also on the scene, cleaning up the broken glass and debris. With a brief moment, she sighs and glances back before standing up and pointing at the debris that was once Chase's knife and brass knuckle. "Careful with the metal bits, they are evidence, y'know, don't wanna put your fingerprints on them," she warns, trying her best to joke, her tone however void of the more chipper one of before. She looks down for a moment and kicks her feet, then places her hands in her pocket. "Oh yeah... I almost forgot about our deal, um..."

She digs around in her pocket then pulls out a paper which she hands it to Frederick. It was the terms of the contract in detail, including the confirmation he made to follow through. The terms were, quite simply, for him to make a sequel to "Planetary Wars- War for Planet Hopitus." Apparently it had appealed to her, and she was a fan of it.

"Sorry for leaving you hanging, I... just wish it could have been under... happier circumstances I delivered this," she says, running her fingers through her hair. "I'm a fan, though."

Kraus had made his way to the principal's office, feeling it appropriate to report on the circumstances of the recent fight on school grounds. By the furrowing of his brow, it was obvious he felt like he should have done a lot more, even if he couldn't have possibly predicted today was the day. For the many years Chase had been a problem there, particularly to Yohan, he had only been there for two of them, and he was barely present even then. It felt to him like he had failed as a peer. Added to that, he started to understand the dangers presented by magic, that it could turn out a doped up thug into a real monster... if Puck's assessment was to be believed.

"Relax, the kid will be fine," Puck says, rather nonchalantly as usual, as he suddenly is floating beside him, lounging back with his arms behind his head and legs crossed. Kraus almost jumps, until remembering he's the only one that can see him. "Well, bruised and beaten, but he'll recover, besides, that girl is a healer... bout all she's good for I imagine!" He begins to laugh. Kraus lifts a brow, a quizzical look upon his face.

"How... do you know this? Because I didn't see anything that would have clued me in on that," Kraus whispers, covering his mouth so others don't see him muttering to himself like a nutter.

"Oh yeah, didn't I tell you?" Puck says, sitting up and slapping his hands down on his knees, giving Kraus a wide grin. "My Dominion! Well, part of it... Eye of the Beholder, what I see I see for what it is! What I see... is how it will be."

"That is... weird... but... so you see the reality of things around you?" He begins to say, but his eyes widen, then he furrows his brow and glances over at Puck. "Wait, what did you mean with that last bit?"

"That would be telling! Said too much already, better if you are surprised!" Puck exclaims, clapping his hands together twice, a whimsical grin across his face. "In fact, it probably is better I don't tell you yours either. Just keep doing what you've been doin' brother!"

Kraus held up a finger, getting ready to press Puck further but the joker had already poofed back into whatever recesses of his psyche he crawled out from. It was strange to Rupert, on how polar opposites they were to each other. Never in his life did he remember being maniacal or cynical... or whatever it was Puck was. Shaking that from his head, he now stood at the door of the principal's office... well, time to give the news. With a deep breath and a small sigh, he knocks on the door first to announce his arrival before opening the door with his head down.

"Just thought I'd follow up, Yohan Belmont has been taken into the hospital, and well... as it turns out, Chase was also found with a considerable amount of narcotics on his person," he then begins to scratch his head nervously, grumbling a bit to himself. "Actually, to be perfectly honest, that Chase was allowed to go on like this for this long, someone who has a notorious reputation, it was kinda... no, it was irresponsible, and I believe the boy has done us a major favor today and shouldn't be held accountable. I mean, high chances anyways that he was simply defending himself. Er, that is simply my opinion though." With that he sighs, and begins to lift his head. "But, I'm just glad to say that this wasn't as bad as-" he begins, before something catches him off guard.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Winters Character Portrait: Felix Tolbert Character Portrait: Morrigan Wynngard
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0.00 INK

”I’m doing alright. In fact!” Felix responded, ”I have deduced! That if I forget about the other day and pretend everything is completely normal, nothing weird or dangerous will happen to me. Er, well, it’s more wishful thinking than deduction.”he finished before realizing he’d disrupted a phone call.

”Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, if you were on the phone, it’s just I thought I heard someone falling over, and was headed this way anyway. I guess was mistaken.” Since Sebastian apparently didn’t know where to go if he was hurt or ill, Felix guessed that this was his first year, or at least his first year at this particular college. He also noted the hint of annoyance in his voice, but put it down to wraith, since he couldn’t see whether it was there or not.

”Er…what bow?” he lied very obviously, before sighing, since there was no point. ”It’s fine, keep it, I don’t really want to get mixed up in any of this. Oh! That’s not to say I expect you to keep it if you don’t want to!” he added, ”I’ll take it you’d rather not hang on to it. Anyway, I’ll help you get to the infirmary, I don’t know what’ll happen if you use that too much after only recently getting it. What if it’s like one of those games where you spend your own health points to cast spells?” he asked, also making his way to the cafeteria, although in his case to grab something quick he could eat on the go.

View All »Arcs

Arcs are bundles of posts that you can organize on your own. They're useful for telling a story that might span long periods of time or space.

Rise of the Iron Kaiser

With a power vacuum left behind by Ricky, others come to take his place. Timberland will never be the same again, for the Iron Kaiser has come to announce that he is Ricky's successor!

Here Comes Ricky

After the first group returns from a stressful night, strange things begin to unfold within the town. A new group emerges, answers may lead to more questions and a man will make his mark on all of them. That man's name is Ricky.

Welcome to the Other Side

It is the year 2020. The town of Timberland is the same as always: School will soon begin, fall is coming and once more, nothing exciting happens. It all starts with a dream of fantasy, but fantasy soon becomes reality. Welcome to the Other Side!

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Add Setting » 4 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Timberland by The Great Thundorz

A simple little town on Earth in the year 2020. Although it has not been popular in the past, recently strange events have started to occur here.

The Other Side

The Other Side by The Great Thundorz

When one finds a Gateway and says the word Purgatory with their hand in it, all users of The White and The Black within the Gateway's range will be transported to here...

The Sunny Shield

The Sunny Shield by The Great Thundorz

"If your searching for your favorite weapon, sporting a new set or armor or looking to get your favorite spade fixed, The Sunny Shield is always ready for service!"

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Character Portrait: Aleksandr Dostovalov
0 sightings Aleksandr Dostovalov played by ColeMaibara
Russian UFO extraordinaire!

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View All » Add Character » 30 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont
Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine
Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow
Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman
Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
Character Portrait: Frederick Bell
Character Portrait: Sonea Almsworthy
Character Portrait: Leo Pichard
Character Portrait: Amber Hill
Character Portrait: Cayson Arlo Rinar
Character Portrait: Sebastian Winters
Character Portrait: Iris Camille Vahl
Character Portrait: Felix Tolbert
Character Portrait: Kogo
Character Portrait: Abe Jasmine
Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms
Character Portrait: Betelgeuse Grimms


Character Portrait: Tracey Winters
Tracey Winters

"how are we all today?"

Character Portrait: Iron Kaiser
Iron Kaiser

Thespian Anarchist

Character Portrait: Morrigan Wynngard
Morrigan Wynngard

Long live the Empire.

Character Portrait: Sigma

"Come before me if you dare. I will not hesitate."

Character Portrait: Takeo Belmont
Takeo Belmont

"Let's not do this today...or ever."

Character Portrait: Paarl


Character Portrait: Lycan Fitzgerald
Lycan Fitzgerald

A wolf among sheep.

Character Portrait: Betelgeuse Grimms
Betelgeuse Grimms

"Everybody wants information, high demand if you will, lots of money to make in a commodity of high demand."

Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms
Saiph Grimms

The daughter of the mysterious Mr. Grimms, going under the nickname "Black Rabbit." May have an obsession with rabbits.

Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
Sakuya Lecarde

"Just because I'm a princess doesn't mean I can't do anything!"


Character Portrait: Iris Camille Vahl
Iris Camille Vahl

"I'm just here for the food."

Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
Miranda Wallace

"Look I'm not here to please anyone, what do you want?

Character Portrait: Tracey Winters
Tracey Winters

"how are we all today?"

Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
Sakuya Lecarde

"Just because I'm a princess doesn't mean I can't do anything!"

Character Portrait: Morrigan Wynngard
Morrigan Wynngard

Long live the Empire.

Character Portrait: Cayson Arlo Rinar
Cayson Arlo Rinar

I like pickles.

Character Portrait: Sebastian Winters
Sebastian Winters

"when problems arise, don't say why me, say try me"

Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow
Sienna Cartlow

"Six letters. Meaning idiotic or foolish."

Character Portrait: Takeo Belmont
Takeo Belmont

"Let's not do this today...or ever."

Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms
Saiph Grimms

The daughter of the mysterious Mr. Grimms, going under the nickname "Black Rabbit." May have an obsession with rabbits.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
Sakuya Lecarde

"Just because I'm a princess doesn't mean I can't do anything!"

Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont
Yohan Belmont

"It's nice to meet you all, I'm glad to be here."

Character Portrait: Tracey Winters
Tracey Winters

"how are we all today?"

Character Portrait: Frederick Bell
Frederick Bell

"You are no match for my amazing cooking and cleaning skills!"

Character Portrait: Sonea Almsworthy
Sonea Almsworthy

"Life is all about pushing past the limits of what you know and reaching into that which is yet to be known"

Character Portrait: Amber Hill
Amber Hill

Trying way hard at life. Too hard? That's for you to judge.

Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
Miranda Wallace

"Look I'm not here to please anyone, what do you want?

Character Portrait: Betelgeuse Grimms
Betelgeuse Grimms

"Everybody wants information, high demand if you will, lots of money to make in a commodity of high demand."

Character Portrait: Lycan Fitzgerald
Lycan Fitzgerald

A wolf among sheep.

Character Portrait: Iron Kaiser
Iron Kaiser

Thespian Anarchist

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Timberland by The Great Thundorz

A simple little town on Earth in the year 2020. Although it has not been popular in the past, recently strange events have started to occur here.

The Other Side

The Other Side by The Great Thundorz

When one finds a Gateway and says the word Purgatory with their hand in it, all users of The White and The Black within the Gateway's range will be transported to here...

The Sunny Shield

The Sunny Shield by The Great Thundorz

"If your searching for your favorite weapon, sporting a new set or armor or looking to get your favorite spade fixed, The Sunny Shield is always ready for service!"


A simple little town on Earth in the year 2020. Although it has not been popular in the past, recently strange events have started to occur here.

The Other Side

When one finds a Gateway and says the word Purgatory with their hand in it, all users of The White and The Black within the Gateway's range will be transported to here...

The Sunny Shield

"If your searching for your favorite weapon, sporting a new set or armor or looking to get your favorite spade fixed, The Sunny Shield is always ready for service!"

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