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Lucian Mitchell

would you kill to prove you're right?

0 · 3,003 views · located in Scarriden

a character in “many of horror”, as played by partially-stars



tell me, would you killx to prove you’re right?
hurricane - thirty seconds to mars
the kids aren’t alright - fall out boy
simmer - hayley williams
i hate everybody - halsey


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lucian mitchell

N I C K N A M E (S)
luc, maelstrom

march 23


the villain.

homosexual demiromantic.

white american.





Lucian's style makes him stand out from the crowd. It’s androgynous and dramatic, the type of look that makes people do a double take. Lucian doesn’t follow the trends. He doesn’t even set them. He carves out a path and has his own independent look. For the most part, his look is relatively monochrome, with black, white, and grey is being his primary colours. But when he wears colour, he uses with effect, always using to emphasize an outfit and bring it together instead of overpowering it.

H E I G H T & W E I G H T
6'2", 150lb

Lucian is not the type of person you’d walk past without noticing, and he leans in to that. A strong bone structure and piercing blue eyes make him striking, sometimes seeing as if they could see into your soul. He’s been bleaching his hair since he was eighteen, but you’d never know as he takes immaculate care of it. He sometimes dip dyes the ends, but always keeps it blonde and in exceptional condition. He’s no stranger to wearing makeup, and usually accentuates those piercing eyes with dark makeup. He has a number of tattoos, all places that are easy to cover. His scars are all faded and barely noticeable, but look closely enough and the silver lines are there. He has a number of piercings in both ears.


whiskey - sex - the thrill of a steal - night time - red wine - being warm - physical contact - flirting - cooking - nightclubs - scarves - guys in eyeliner - hacking - photography - modeling - wearing makeup - being different - spicy food - sweet food - being high - being drunk - adrenaline - lazy mornings - vodka - cocktails - glitter - silk - satin - sequins - piercings - soft blankets - waking up to sunshine - champagne

heroes - boring people - unoriginal fashion - being cold - rain - storms - velvet - tinsel - hangovers - migraines - being cornered - feeling like he’s losing control - being tired - being in pain - snow - itchy blankets - feeling like he’s not in control - bland food - most junk food - beer - feeling trapped - preachy people - bigots - bitter food - being wrong - being told what to do - people who don’t make an effort


lucian is the last person you'd expect to be a villain. he's expressive and incredibly friendly with customers and his co-workers. he's melodramatic and expressive, physically affectionate with his friends and anyone he knows. he's the go to friend for any form of advice, and he’s the type of friend to give it without being asked, especially when it comes to fashion. he’s the type to sit back and sip his iced coffee and laugh instead of getting involved in a dispute.

but beneath the surface, luc is struggling deeply. he was bounced from foster home to foster home with a care worker who didn’t give a damn when luc disappeared at the age of fifteen. he lost a part of his ability following the traumatic experience and it’s felt like a part of him has been missing ever since. he’s got a lot of unresolved anger, anger that he can only vent through illegal activities, anything that gives him an adrenaline rush. he just wants to feel alive. there’s a part of him that wants to get caught, that wants to come face to face with the people that let him down and to hold them accountable. he wants them to see what they made.

luc is incredibly ambitious and always has been. he didn’t go to university but isn’t letting that stop him. he build the lucian mitchell brand from scratch, designing and making his own clothes, photographing his own shoots, modeling his own clothes. working for himself and doing everything himself gives him the freedom to work around his more... nefarious work. he’s driven and a little cold, not caring about what he does or who he hurts. there’s something about chaos that keeps him alive in so many ways. he would love a normal life but there’s a part of him that feels he’s far too gone to ever go back, to ever get better. he knows he’s broken and fully embraces it. he’s been that way so long that he doesn’t know how to be put together again.


lucian never knew his parents. he was abandoned at birth and entered the foster system straight away. he bounced around from foster home to foster home, never staying anywhere that long. the care worker he had for his first few years of life was wonderful. she really tried to find luc somewhere nice, somewhere he would always fit in. and then she went on maternity leave and never returned to her job. luc’s new careworker didn’t give a damn. luc stayed bouncing around from foster home to foster home, being put in places that really weren’t suitable. he never found anywhere he fit, never stayed anywhere long. his abilities only complicated things, made it harder to find somewhere that accepted him.

he was fifteen and was in his worst foster home yet. he had already run away from home and was on the streets. nobody had looked for him. he’d seen a few heroes, had been inspired by them and all the good they did. one hero in particular, a hero with the ability of telekinesis. he saw luc at the back of a crowd and spoke to him, offered him help and told him that if he was ever in trouble, he would help. only a few hours later, luc was kidnapped. he did everything he could to alert the outside world, to alert the hero. but there was nothing. no help. luc had to use his own ability to escape. the stress of having to use so much of his ability without being able to rest his body overwhelmed his brain and his powers started to fail. he was found by a villain who brought him to the hospital, having taken pity on him. his care worker had finally reported him missing, but nobody had looked for him. not even the hero who had promised him that he would always help.

the heroes continued to fail him. he asked for their help again and again with trying to figure out what was wrong with his abilities. they refused to listen, refused to help. in reality they didn’t know how. he ran away from his foster home again and ended up on the streets again. with nothing else to do, no other way to survive, he started stealing, using his abilities again. the villains found out about him and took him under their wing. he quickly gained infamy and found himself a job doing something he somewhat enjoyed. he hasn’t looked back since.


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lucian has the ability to manipulate psychic energy. he can use it to move objects with his mind and manifest the energy as physical blasts to incapacitate and kill. he can form a shield around himself in order to protect himself from physical attacks. he used to be able to read minds using it, but lost the ability in his late teens. he still occasionally has flashes of being able to read other people's thoughts, but can't control it. his ability is largely linked with his emotions. if he loses control of his emotions, he loses control of his ability. for years, he's had an iron tight grip on his ability and his emotions. his abilities massively drain him and after a job, he often has to sleep for sixteen, eighteen hours straight in order to recover. his whole body aches, and he gets serious migraines. he's incredibly powerful but pays for every ounce of energy.

Lucian has an incredible eye for photography, especially portraits. Despite his relatively young age and the fact he never finished high school, he’s made a name for himself as a fashion designer. He’s artistic in all ways. He’s a good chef, but his baking skills leave something to be desired.

He’s incredibly powerful. He’s a master tactician and can always figure out a way to get out of a situation. He can pick almost any lock, get around even the most complex computer security, and knows how to avoid the cameras. He’s also got a surprising ability to sober up almost instantly if he needs it, but he hates having to do it.

Lucian is self destructive and when he gets drunk, he gets really drunk. He’s got an addictive personality and becomes addicted to things and people easily. He hates opening up to people and is more likely to close up and shove people away instead of letting them in. He’s a disaster baker and has nearly burned down his kitchen on a number of occasions trying to bake.


So begins...

Lucian Mitchell's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

The sun was just starting to rise across the skyline of Scarriden, as citizens and those deemed as "too dangerous" by the people, began to stir awake. City streets began to bustle to life as people were waking up for work, or were coming from their late night shifts. Inside a rather large apartment complex building in one of the upper floor apartments, slept a young man in his room that was housed in the loft from the upper platform that leads from the stairs in the main room down below. He slowly lifted his head as his alarm went off on the small desk next to his bed. A soft groan escaped his lips as his hand pressed the silence button oh his phone as his hand slipped back under covers of his bed. A few short moments passed until he slowly stirred some more as the morning sun pierced through the windows in his room, causing him to toss a pillow in vain at the window as it only fell from his hand and slumped onto the floor in a small heap.

He slowly sat up in his bed and ruffled his hands through his hair and rubbed his face and eyes as he attempted to wake himself up. His arms stretched into the air as his body tensed and seized up as he stretched, the muscles on his arms and back and chest all twitched and momentarily tensed and then relaxed as he finished stretching. He slowly shuffled out from his bed and shuffled across the cold wooden floor as he made his way into his bathroom, wearing nothing but long, navy blue plaid sweatpants, exposing the duality angel wing tattoo on his back that he had gotten a few years back, which one could clearly understand as representing his battle with what was perceived as good or evil. After he had relieved himself in the bathroom, and finished preparing with a few morning routines as washing his hands, his face and brushing his teeth he combed his hair into a neat mess, or what he considered neat anyways, and dressed into what he would normally be seen in. Just a plain leather jacket, jeans, sunglasses, and a plain t-shirt, she examined his room further and grabbed his keys and phone, left his room, went down the small flight of stairs that lead from his room to the main room of his flat, and left as he locked it as he closed the door behind him.

He slowly made his way to the small parking garage where the apartment attendants could leave their vehicles and so forth. He walked over to one with a large tan, weatherproof tarp over it and removed it, revealing his China 350cc-Speed-Racing-Bike and his Bell Stryker Bike Helmet which he put on and sat atop his bike. After a moment he situated himself and exited the parking garage, to finish some errands for the day until he was going to work in the evening, first on his list was to find some breakfast.

He soon arrived to a small store on the end of a block that was a few stores down from the local bar he would frequently visit. He stopped his bike on the curb and removed his helmet, and after fixing his hair he got off and strode into the small store seeing as it had opened only a few short minutes ago. A small chime went off as the door was opened and Markus stepped in. Behind the counter on the right of the establishment stood a small, and well-aged woman, her dark almond-shaped eyes sat gently above her sunken and smooth cheeks, his dark hair hung loosely on her shoulders.

"Good morning, Markus." she said with a cheery voice as she looked at the young mad as the door sounded by the bell, alerting her to his presence as if it would have been needed. He had stopped by every day for the past four years to get his breakfast and daily things, and in the years they had become friends, if not close enough to be considered his only family.

Markus looked at her and gave her a gentle smile as he passed by the woman, "Good morning, Mrs. Chang." he greeted the aged Asian woman with a brief smile as he headed towards the back as he knew what he was there for. He would only be in the store for a few short minutes as he needed something to fill his stomach, which would easily be solved with a small bottle of juice and an apple pie or two from the shelf.

As Markus was in the back, another chime went off, not giving a second thought he continued on with his search for the delicious treats. Meanwhile up in the front of the store talking began to be heard. And from he could tell, it didn't sound very pleasant.

He slowly turned his attention to the talking that was going on, and from what he soon heard, made his jaw tense. Whoever had come in shortly after he did had gone directly up to the counter and began to talk rather loudly to the poor woman, who was only cowering behind the counter from what Markus could tell from where he was. And from his advantage point, whoever it was didn't know he was there. His fists clenched silently as he stood in the back and listened to what the man was saying.

"Just put it int he bag, don't make me hurt you, bitch!" he exclaimed as he pointed a black and metal object into the woman's face from his side of the counter.

This early on? Really? he thought to himself as he realized the situation that had arisen. As the man was obviously by himself, and not a very good thief as anyone with more than a few brain cells would have scanned the place better before making a mess like this. He knew what he would have to do before taking any action against the man, and be faster than him before he could hurt the woman.

Markus concentrated and formed dark shadows under his boots, and looked around for any cameras, seeing three of them. One aimed at the front door, one aimed in the back where he was but thankfully he was covered by one of the shelves, and one at the counter. Perfect,he thought to himself and swiftly using his affiliation with the shadows, caused them to swiftly cause the cameras to be covered for a short time, allowing him to move hastily and efficiently.

Now, with the cameras covered by pure darkness, and with nothing viewing him, he acted fast but in complete silence as his footsteps were silenced by the shadows under his feet. He slowly and quietly made his way to the front of the store, staying out of the robber's line of sight, and crept up behind him. As the man was still threatening the woman with violence and anger, now was his chance.

He placed a blade made from pure shadows in his hands, the material seeming to be alive but not at the same time, to the back of the man's neck and spoke with a low voice, "Before you make a mess, or well...Before you make me make a mess out of you, put the gun down and walk away. Or...You can continue, and then we'll have to clean up after you. Your choice." he said with a rather sharp tone.

The man froze in place as he felt the makeshift blade against the back of his neck, he didn't know what it was, but all he knew is that it was unbelievably cold and sharp. He placed the gun on the floor, and high tailed it out of the store, never looking at who spoke to him.

After a moment after the man ran out of the store and down the block and out of sight, Markus turned back to the woman behind the desk, and placed his things on the counter, the shadows covering the cameras and the floor had all but vanished. "Thanks, Mrs. Chang, you take care now, alright?[/color]" he said as he placed a ten dollar bill on the counter and exited the small store with his food in a small bag and left, the same chime going off as he left.

The old woman blinked for a few minutes, and nodded as he left. Normally anyone would have been terrified by what had taken place, and the sight that had transpired before them. But with that not having been the first time that Markus had to help her from a potential robbery, she only gave him a nod and accepted his money, acting as if nothing had happened.

Markus sighed as he exited and went back to his bike and thought for a moment, he shook his head as he ate his breakfast and took a few sips of his drink, "This is getting too monotonous..." he said to himself as he bit into the small apple pie and soon devoured the small portion. He got off of his bike and walked up a few more blocks as he came to the local bar and looked at the neon sign that read OPEN in large letters.

He opened the door as he pushed the metal fixture and stepped in. The smell of alcohol, smoke, and even some bodily fluids filled his nose, mainly blood due to all the fights that would often break out due to the constant drunkenness of the patrons. He examined the people that were currently in the scene, nothing was out of place. Many faces he had seen a multitude of times, and some he had never seen. But one stood out to him. The individual was in the far back left corner, a hood covered their face for the most part, aside from the long blonde hair that poked out from under the fabric.

"Good as any place to finally meet them, huh?" he mumbled to himself as he finally found the courage to walk over to the figure in the corner. Eventually, he strode across the floor and to the seat that the hooded figure sat. "Mind if I take a seat?" he asked, and without an answer he sat down anyway, the seat creaking from under his weight. Markus knew who this was, and he knew that this person knew who he was as well. No one of their status wouldn't, at least that is what he thought, but for now he would play the part of an innocent individual that was simply taking a seat until either the man spoke up, or something else would happen, but he knew for sure that he found who he was looking for.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

the villain - 2d2a2f - outfit
xxi can take all that you can give
xxit’s survival of the sickest
xxi am not afraid, bring the pain
xxwhat doesn’t kill me makes me vicious
lucian didn’t make a habit of being in bars this early in the day. especially not with a power hangover this bad. he’d only gotten eight hours of sleep and that meant he had a cracking migraine and ached all over. but he had an article due, and the bar was popular with villains. it was the best place to potentially hear news, about jobs, about whatever was happening with the heroes. plus the food was pretty good for whenever lucian’s appetite eventually returned.

last night had been strange. he was generally keeping a much lower profile, not wanting to attract the wrong sort of attention. but security had been much tighter than he’d been told to expect, and things had gotten... a little out of hand. a few months ago, there would have been heroes swarming the place. sure the cops were there, but they were easy to avoid. but now it meant that he had taken three types of painkillers to try and deal with the migraine.

he was sitting in the darkest corner in the bar, his hood pulled up as far over his face as he could. the light from his laptop screen was just making his headache worse so he had talked the bartender into giving him a half decent coffee. he was enjoying the peace and quiet. and then some guy decided to sit down opposite him. he looked up slowly from his coffee, glaring at the newcomer. it was only then that he recognize the guy. there was no name springing to mind, but he recognized him as a hero. of some sort.

β€œcan I help you?” he asked. β€œdon’t you have some cat stuck up a tree to be saving?” he added, half under his breath, as he took another mouthful of his coffee.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

Markus looked at the man as he sat down, this was indeed who he was looking for, known as Lucian Mitchell the fashion desinger by the public, eye but was better known as Maestrom, the well known hacker and thief in the underworld of Scarriden.

Markus smirked at his comment and shook his head, a small chuckle was audible from his throat. "Far too early, that's usually an afternoon or evening activity, also more of a Monday thing." he said with a tone of sarcasm, but his tone soon changed to a serious one as he spoke up again. "Headache, huh?" he asked as he could easily sense that the lighting and the clear hangover this man was suffering from would only get in the way of what he wanted from him.

Markus outstretched his hand from under the table, causing small shadows to casually cover some of the lighting overhead, making it not so harsh on the other man's eyes, as well as his own. He looked back up at the man as he studied his face, he wasn't exactly what he was expecting, but to be fair Markus wasn't exactly sure of what he should have expected in the first place to be honest.

He looked back up at the man that sat across from him, and folded his hands in a none threatening way in front of him on the table, "Besides, I'm not exactly a favored person in the public eye. Something I'm sure we can both relate on. But we both know that's not why we're here, Lucian." he said with a calm and serious tone as he made slight eye contact with the blonde male from across the table. He wouldn't start a fight unless it was necessary, but for now, he would easily remain calm and rational, as there was no need to start anything with this man, at least not to Markus anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

the villain - 2d2a2f - outfit
xxi can take all that you can give
xxit’s survival of the sickest
xxi am not afraid, bring the pain
xxwhat doesn’t kill me makes me vicious
any other day, in any other condition, lucian might have appreciated the joke. but he just continued glaring at the man over his coffee, trying to figure out who exactly he was. his face was familiar and he felt like the name was on his tongue, but couldn’t quite put it together. it was only when the light around lucian seemed to shift and darken a little, easing the pounding in lucian’s head a little, that he was able to put a name to the face. shadowfaux. his real identity was... mark? mark something? there was some villains that knew every single hero, their aliases and who they were when they went home. lucian didn’t give a damn. if they weren’t actively trying to take him down, then they weren’t a problem.

it was so clear that shadowfaux was trying to come across as non threatening. he could be giving off as many aggressive signals as he liked and lucian still wouldn’t be intimidated. he was in an environment where he had the upper hand. admittedly, he wasn’t in much of a state to fight right now. pushing himself in this state wouldn’t end well for him, and he didn’t want to lose any of his abilities. well. any more. but he’d hold his own, and he had allies in this bar.

β€œhey, I choose to be disliked. people just don’t like you,” lucian replied in response to shadowfaux’s comment about not being favoured in the public eye. β€œwell. mark or whatever your name is. i don’t care about whatever reason you’re here. i don’t know what’s happened to the heroes. i wasn’t involved, and it’s making my life much, much easier now they’re gone. lie low, wait until the next big emergency, make a grand entrance, and everyone will love you. bonus points if you...” he paused to appraise the man across from him, β€œjazz up your look a little. that i can help with. people love a stylish hero.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

Markus chuckled at his comment of him simply not being liked because he seemed to not be liked by the public according to Lucian's knowledge. He silently shook his head and repositioned himself in his seat and unfolded his hands and crossed his arms instead, as he knew Lucian understood who he was now, now that he revealed his powers which probably wasn't the best idea that he could have had. "They don't like me because of my reputation, as well as me being a superhero." he said the last bit with a tone of venom, as he clearly didn't like such a title or possible assumption it came with.

As for the comment about a more stylish suit he rolled his eyes, as in all truth he wasn't one for fashion, or having a flashy suit, as it would also ruin the surprise factor that he could hold over his current enemy in a fight. "I'm not here to start anything, especially not in a place that I patron far too often, almost for my own good. As for why I'm here, this wasn't my original intent. It's not exactly how I thought we'd meet, Maelstrom, but here we are. And as for a suit, I'm not exactly a suit kind of guy. I admire your work, honestly. But it's just not for me." he said plainly as he dug into his pocket and retrieved a piece of gum, and offered Lucian one as he tossed a second piece onto the table.

"I'm not here to ask a favor, nor beg for your assistance, but if you had any leads, I would appreciate it. And trust me, no matter what I do the people won't like me, no one ever has, why change that now?" he said calmly, and slowly rose to his feet as he exited the booth.

"All I'm saying is, I'd be careful if I was you. Considering they're not just taking heroes, but villains as well, I'd be more careful than coming to a place like this by yourself. Especially with your condition, Lucian." Markus said as he gave him one more look over, then back at the main part of the room, where some men in the opposite corner seemed to be eyeing them.

"More importantly, I'd be careful of those fools over in the corner over there. I've noticed they've been eyeing you since I walked in here, and considering they've been here longer than I have, I wouldn't stick around for much longer if I were you, just saying." Markus said as he looked back at Lucian, giving him another look once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

the villain - 2d2a2f - outfit
xxi can take all that you can give
xxit’s survival of the sickest
xxi am not afraid, bring the pain
xxwhat doesn’t kill me makes me vicious
the way shadowfaux practically spat the word superhero made lucian smirk and roll his eyes. he made it sound like a burden, like he hadn’t chosen that life, as if he’d been handed a huge responsibility. lucian hadn’t had a choice and he’d embraced it anyway. it was who he had become. he just sipped his coffee as shadowfaux refused his offer of a makeover. β€œwasn’t just talking about your fighting suit, honey,” he muttered.

lucian took the piece of gum and resisted the temptation to roll his eyes as shadowfaux again brought up just how hated he was. like there wasn’t a shitty out of focus shot of lucian’s figure in every police station in the city. β€œlike i said, i don’t know anything about the heroes.” the comment about β€œhis condition” made him scowl. but he was right. now that he looked, he could see a group of shady figures staring straight at him. as shadowfaux pointed them out, lucian just rolled his eyes. β€œi’m a big boy, i can look after myself.” that said, he downed his coffee and shoved his laptop back into it’s backpack. He got to his feet, adjusting his jacket, before striding out of the bar, brushing past shadowfaux. the increased light outside made him wince a little, but at least the migraine seemed to be starting to fade. almost as an act of rebellion, one he knew he would regret, he pulled down his hood. there was a moment of pain, but his eyes quickly adjusted.

as he started walking away, he was acutely aware that he was being followed, and by more than one body. he cracked his neck and started weighing up his capabilities. shielding was a risky one, or at least holding a shield would be. easiest would be to use whatever he had and move it telekinetically. he whirled around to face his pursuers with a smile. β€œhello darlings. can I help you?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

Markus silently stood as Lucian continued talking and even slightly antagonized him, too fitting of someone of his status. He nodded when again Lucian denied knowing anything about the people going missing, maybe he honestly didn't know, he began to think to himself as Lucian brushed passed him and out of the bar. Markus gritted his teeth as he could tell that Lucian was clearly annoyed with him, which was understandable.

He watched as Lucian left, and from the corner of his eye he saw the men follow Lucian out as well. A slowly growing pit in his stomach only grew more as he knew what was bound to happen, and with Lucian's current state, as well as him suffering from a hangover and a headache, he knew Lucian wouldn't be able to take on those four men by himself even if Lucian said he wouldn't need help. Markus sighed to himself and jogged out of the bar and pushed the door open and watched as the following events took place.

The men had been talking to Lucian for a few moments before Markus exited the bar himself, not having a clue for what had been said if anything, but he was prepared for a fight if he had to, even if fighting alongside a villain wasn't in his plans for the day.

"Can I help you?" Markus said as he eyed one of the men, keeping his eyes on them as he firmly planted his feet to the ground, and kept his arms close to his body, preparing himself for any offense or defensive moves he would need to follow up with any possible attacks from the goons, as he could tell things wouldn't end peacefully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

the villain - 2d2a2f - outfit
xxi can take all that you can give
xxit’s survival of the sickest
xxi am not afraid, bring the pain
xxwhat doesn’t kill me makes me vicious
they were... a lot bigger than lucian had first anticipated. but they actually spoke to him, something he hadn’t been expecting.
β€œmaelstrom?” one growled.
β€œno, darling, my name’s Lucian. i know, they sound similar,” lucian replied with a winning smile.
β€œwe know who you are,” another replied.
β€œI don’t do autographs,” he retorted with a grin.
β€œvillain,” the first one said.

it was then that shadowfaux made an appearance. he distracted them for a moment, and that moment was enough for lucian to telepathically lift the nearest trash can and hurled it at the nearest goon. he hit the ground, but everyone else turned to look at him. just lifting the trash can had drained him more than he was comfortable with, but so far, that goon had stayed down. but now they were all walking towards him. two of them had their guns drawn already.

he wasn’t going to rely on shadowfaux helping. he was a hero after all. it’d be one less villain on the streets, right? one less person to hurt and steal and kill. lucian lifted one of the grunts and sent him slamming into another, but the force required made him drop to one knee. fortunate as he ducked under the gun of one he hadn’t noticed sneaking up on him. he threw himself against the man’s legs, bringing him down to the ground. but he kept a hold of the gun and kept it trained at lucian’s head. β€œalive is preferred but nobody cares about a dead villain,” the man snarled, a grin on his face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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Markus was only able to silently watch as the men immediately went in for an attack against Lucian. First, it was Lucian using his telepathic ability to lift a trash can from the side and have it slam into one of them, causing him to go unconscious as he made an impact with the concrete. Next, he had one of the goons slam into another one, causing them to both be unmoveable for the meantime, leaving one man with his gun aimed at Lucian's head after he slammed himself into the man's leg.

Markus only stood in shock as he wasn't expecting Lucian to actually attack, with him being obviously weak and even more so weakened by the fight. With the last man aiming his gun at Lucian, Markus finally spoke up as he looked at the man with the gun, "He may be a villain, and he may have done some unforgivable things, but it's not right to take his life. That's not how we do things here. We only take a life if it's completely necessary." he said with a tone as cold as ice as he made slight eye contact with Lucian, and then back up at the man with the gun.

"Don't tell me that you actually care about this piece of shit, Hero Boy? Just go home, no one will even miss him-" the man was cut off as a shadow quickly found its way around his right leg, pulling him onto his back at an inhuman speed. Markus then caused another shadow to be wrapped around the man's head, silencing and blinding him temporarily.

With the man now incapacitated, Markus used it to his advantage, he quickly ran over to Lucian and grabbed him by the arm and hoisted him to his feet and grabbed his bag, forcing it into Lucian's hands. With his other hand, he covered the men in a small bubble of darkness until he was able to get far enough away from them. He helped Lucian get onto his bike and as they sped off he cut off his connection to his power and left the men in a dazed and confused state as Markus and Lucian were now nowhere to be seen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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the villain - 2d2a2f - outfit
xxi can take all that you can give
xxit’s survival of the sickest
xxi am not afraid, bring the pain
xxwhat doesn’t kill me makes me vicious
lucian had all but accepted his fate. his limbs were heavy and his vision was starting to blur around the edges. he was doing everything he could to keep his heart rate down, because if he lost control, he was only going to make things worse for himself. shadowfaux’s voice was a welcome distraction, and lucian made eye contact with the hero. somehow, he knew exactly what that meant. at the minute the man was pulled away, lucian rolled backwards, narrowly missing a flailing fist. but just because the man couldn’t see didn’t stop him from firing blindly, hoping to hit either one of them. as shadowfaux pulled lucian to his feet, a bullet grazed lucian’s side. but shadowfaux didn’t give him time to react, shoving lucian’s dropped bag into his hands and dragging him towards a motorbike. like that, they were gone, and the pain started hitting lucian.

β€œmy apartment,” he yelled, hoping shadowfaux could hear him. he gave him instructions on how to get to the complex, which was gated and had the tightest security in the neighborhood. lucian also knew the security guards and knew the type of people to turn away. angry men was pretty much always on the list.

he scanned his key to let shadowfaux leave his bike in the parking garage. β€œtoo easily identifiable. they don’t know where I live, and I want to keep it that way,” was all he said to explain. β€œalso, just asking, don’t read too much into it, but how good are you with stitches?” he asked as he got off the bike. there was a moment when the ground seemed to tilt beneath him, and he instinctively leaned against the nearest wall for support. β€œyou know, I often dreamed of a high adrenaline escape with a guy on the back of a motorbike. admittedly, the circumstances usually worked out a bit better for me,” he said with a wink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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Markus nodded as Lucian demanded to bring him back to his apartment and listened to the directions that he was given, nodding all the while. Eventually they had arrived at a well off apartment complex and were let in via a key thanks to Lucian, who also told him to store Markus' motorbike in the garage. It made sense, keep it out of view incase those goons came after them.

Markus looked at Lucian as he spoke, and shook his head with a small grin, "I'm all but too familiar with patching myself and others up." he said calmly as he eyed Lucian for a moment, finally seeing the wound on his side. "I'm no doctor, but it won't leave as much of an ugly scar as you'd think." Markus casually added as he helped Lucian back to his feet, helping hoisting him up.

A small chuckle erupted from his throat at Lucian's attempt at...what was that? Flirting? No. It wasn't, right? Anyway, Markus shook his head and helped Lucian into the house after the door was unlocked. "I only saved you because it was the right thing to do. You may be a villain, but no one deserves to be gunned down in the street...Anyway, now what?" he said as casually as he could, trying to change subjects from something that hit him too close to home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

the villain - 2d2a2f - outfit
xxi can take all that you can give
xxit’s survival of the sickest
xxi am not afraid, bring the pain
xxwhat doesn’t kill me makes me vicious
lucian was more glad than he was willing to admit that shadowfaux knew how to stitch up a wound. the spot the wound was in was awkward enough to reach and lucian was pretty sure he'd only worsen matters if he tried to do it himself. besides, he was in no fit state to be doing anything like that. the comment about how shadowfaux had only saved him because it was the right thing to do made lucian chuckle. "keep telling yourself that, starshine," he retorted with a grin as they reached his apartment and he unlocked the door.

"what now? well, i could really do with someone to patch up... this," he said, gesturing to his side. "and i need to sleep for... at least twelve hours, ideally considerably longer. i'd offer food, conversation, and charming company as return for your surfaces, but i really, really need to crash. i'll write you an iou or something." he pulled off his jacket and dumped it onto his couch as he went to try and find his first aid kit. there was a moment when he bent over to retrieve it where his head spun and he nearly lost his footing, but he managed to stay upright. it just reminded him of the urgency of the situation.

he checked that he still had the equipment before heading back out to where he'd left shadowfaux. "where's easiest for you to do this?" He asked, wincing as he pulled off his shirt to make it easier to access the wound. it also revealed the tattoo on his shoulder blade. it was the biggest of the few tattoos he did have, and even then, it wasn't that big, smaller than the palm of his hand.

"i'll try and stay awake but if i do pass out, just... leave me there, i'll wake up eventually. help yourself to food. oh, and before i forget," he grabbed the nearest bit of paper and scribbled down, "IOU one life-saving," followed by his number. "if you get stuck, you let me know. we'll be even."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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Markus nodded, it was really a stupid question for him to ask what was next. It was obvious that Lucian needed to be stitched up, and that's what he planned to do if he was asked. He remained standing in the hallway where he was left as Lucian left to go retrieve something, more than likely he was looking for a first aid supply or at least something to fix the wound on his side. Markus looked at Lucian when he returned back into the room with a kit in his hands and grabbed the kit that was handed to him.

"Whever is more comfortable for you. Preferable with you being in a relaxed position, less strain anand muscle tension on your side would be preferable, and would help make the healing process be faster as well as making sure it wouldn't least a nasty scar." Markus said calmly as he walked over to the kitchen and washed his hands, and eventually returned and sat down on the couch and shifted through the kit making sure everything he needed was there.

"Also, seeing as you like tattoos, next time you want one come to the shop on Main Street, I'll consider that as the payment, okay?" he said with a grin as he looked up at Lucian and then back down at the supply kit he put on the couch.

"And since we're not at each other's throats...For now, feel free to call me Markus." he stated with a small smirk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

the villain - 2d2a2f - outfit
xxi can take all that you can give
xxit’s survival of the sickest
xxi am not afraid, bring the pain
xxwhat doesn’t kill me makes me vicious
he nodded as shadowfaux advised him a relaxed position would be best, and so he lay at a slight angle on the couch, making it as easy as possible for the hero to reach the wound. β€œyou save my life so I let you give me a tattoo? sounds good,” he said, but still left the slip of paper on the table. in reality, he didn’t want that many tattoos. most of them he’d gotten in the months following his escape from... well, following his escape. a weirdly pleasurable pain and a visual reminder of his progress. the butterfly had been the most recent, and he’d intended his last. but one more wouldn’t hurt.

β€œmarkus. i knew it was something like that, but I don’t make a point of learning hero’s names. i’ve got better things to focus on,” he replied. β€œas you know, i’m lucian. you know, markus, if someone told me to picture a tattoo artist who rode a motorbike, i sure as hell wouldn’t picture you. wait, are you a tattoo artist? i just assumed you were but you could own the place and be getting the most of my hard earned money.”

he inhaled sharply as markus started working. he had thought that with all the other pain, the stitches would be nothing, but there was still a sharp sting, tethering him to consciousness a little longer. β€œso, markus. you’re getting to see me shirtless so i feel like we really should know more about each other. you’re a tattoo artist, you work with the shadows, and you’re not that adventurous with your wardrobe. what else should i know about you?” he knew that knowing more about this hero would probably only complicate things at some point, that this was getting too familiar. but he needed to talk as a distraction and needed to talk to keep himself awake. once he went to sleep, he wouldn’t be waking up for god knows how long, and sleeping in this position on the couch really wasn’t ideal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

Markus began stitching up his wound once Lucian found a comfortable spot on the couch. He knelt down by the side of the couch and began getting to work as Lucian began talking, and began asking more questions.

"I only wish I was the owner of that parlor. If that was the case, I could happily retire, hanging up the suit, and spend the rest of my days giving people tattoos. But nah, I'm simply just one of the tattoo artists there." he said with a grin as he was about half way through with the wound when he stopped at the next comment Lucian made.

"H-hey look, I see all kinds of people without their shirts on all the time, as well as other...less desirable parts. Anyway. There isn't much to know about me. I work on the side as a body artist and sure I have some other aspirations, but I'm rather boring to be completely honest. But I don't think I can say the same for you, Mr. Hot Shot." Markus said with a slight grin as he finished up with the rest of the stitches and put the supplies away and stood up.

"There, all done. It'll be sore, but some pain killers with some drinks, and you'll be fine for lack of a better word." Markus finished as he went to go wash off his hands and would help wrap up the wound before he would let Lucian sleep the pain and use of his powers restore, as much as they could anyway with his current condition.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

the villain - 2d2a2f - outfit
xxi can take all that you can give
xxit’s survival of the sickest
xxi am not afraid, bring the pain
xxwhat doesn’t kill me makes me vicious
markus became a little flustered at lucian’s comment about seeing him shirtless, making lucian grin. but he soon recovered, and lucian raised an eyebrow at the name. β€œbeing unremarkable is so boring. i tried it once, didn’t work out. be big and bold and fearless and nobody will ever forget you. that’s immortality, darling,” he replied as markus finished up. from what he could see, it was a neat job and definitely wouldn’t leave him with an ugly scar. scars gave character, but ugly ones weren’t quite as forgiving.

β€œi’m no stranger to sore, honey,” was all he said in response as markus went to wash his hands. pain was coursing through his entire body, begging him for rest. he’d had very few days where he’d felt just as bad, but they’d been a lot less... eventful. he’d been able to rest up. β€œseriously, I owe you one, sweetheart. dunno why the public hates you, you seem perfectly charming to me,” he said with a shrug as markus helped him wrap the wound.

β€œright, sunshine, if I don’t have a nap soon I might literally collapse into your arms, so i’m going to go take a nap. if you want food or anything, root around, i got groceries the other day so I should have something you can eat. stick around for as long as you want, just try not to break anything, β€˜kay?” he instructed as he got to his feet, again feeling the ground tilt a little. but he kept his balance. β€œi’ll have a think about that tattoo,” he said with a wink, before heading into his room. he changed out of his pants and into softer pajama bottoms as well as an oversized band shirt. by the time his head hit the pillow, he was already fast asleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

Markus had chuckled when Lucian commented on him being charming and how he didn't exactly understand how the public hated him. He was tempted to explain how they saw him more as a villain, especially with what abilities he was born with. The son of two well known super heros, practically grew up to be what his family fought and died for...Ironic really. He watched as Lucian went to go rest, and listened as he explained if he wanted anything he could simply look around.

Markus sighed and remained by himself for a few short moments until Lucian left, and after a few short moments of looking around, he silently left the apartment and headed home. After some time, and after changing into another outfit with a plain gray jacket, he headed back to Main Street as his work hours were approaching, and with no alerts going off for someone in need, he decided to go to work for at least a few hours. Once he arrived at the parlor, he simply walked in and prepared for his shift. First by removing his jacket and putting it in the back, which revealed more of his tattoos, he didn't have an egregious amount, but a fair amount covered his body. A small, flock of ravens were tattooed on the side of his right forearm, and lastly a large tattoo that covered his leg arm from his shoulder to his wrist, an old clock and roses adorned his arm, in memory of his parents.

Markus sighed as he looked around the mostly empty parlor as he gathered his things in preparation for the people that would be coming in, as they accepted walk-ins as well as reservations for appointments. Time passed by all too slowly as he went from appointment, to appointment, which went late into the night. Which, eventually he came to his last appointment, which dragged on much longer than he had initially expected. The customer wanted a full back tattoo in one appointment, as well as it being extremely detail oriented. As he was finishing up with the tattoo, an alarm went off in the distance, causing Markus to look up suddenly. A yelp came from the person her was working on as he accidentally pressed too hard onto the small of their back.

"S-sorry, love. That was an accident." he said with a small frown as he looked at the woman that laid on her stomach who only gave him a small scowl. Markus knew what that alarm had meant, and from where it sounded, it was close enough, but still a ways off. He scowled and finished the tattoo and swiftly put his things aside as he began to put on his jacket. "I-I have to go, something came up. Let me know what you think about it and I'll do anymore you want in the future. Tess, you close up shop tonight?" he asked as he looked at his coworker who gave him a nod as she was finishing up her last appointment for the night as well.

With that, Markus rushed out of the back of the shop and into an alley where he blended himself in with the shadows and ran swiftly and with inhuman speed as he made his way to a currently closed store. He stayed in the shadows as he saw the alarms had gone off. It would be ten minutes before the police would arrive, enough time for him to get in, arrest the villain and get out without being seen, as per usual. Markus masked his face with shadows, allowing him to see but keep his face hidden as he crept into the building, where he found himself following the sound of someone inside. He was at least ten feet away from the suspect when he turned the corner and stopped in his tracks, not making a single sound as he crept behind the figure until he stopped.

Shadowfaux looked at the figure who was tinkering with something, making sure to stay out of the camera's views until he covered them with a temporary shield thanks to his ability. He craned his neck as he slowly rose to his feet, forming a makeshift shadow knife in the progress, "What are you doing here...Lucian?" Markus said with a rather cold and emotionless tone, as he gave the man a somewhat somber look on his face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

the villain - 2d2a2f - outfit
xxi can take all that you can give
xxit’s survival of the sickest
xxi am not afraid, bring the pain
xxwhat doesn’t kill me makes me vicious

it really seemed that there was no rest for the wicked. after sleeping for a solid sixteen hours, lucian was already back on the job. he'd be paying for it tomorrow, that much he knew, but he'd gotten a lead, one that was too good to risk losing. and what was more, it was about the heroes. a laptop rumoured to have information, emails, the start of a trail. the owner was out of town for the night.

he'd been promised an easy job. and frankly, he'd been lied to. getting in had been easy. a security guard who made the mistake of bringing his ID and uniform home with him. he'd gotten mysteriously mugged and his jacket, ID, and baseball cap declaring him to be security taken. they'd gotten lucian in. he'd ditched the frankly hideous jacket as soon as he could, trading it for his own, but given that the baseball cap was sure to have his DNA on it, he kept it, throwing it into his bag. an elaborate mask and his hair falling half over his face served to obscure his face from the cameras.

but getting in had been the easy part. getting the laptop had resulted in lucian setting off an alarm, one he was currently trying to disable while making it look like a fault in the system. he'd silenced it, but he knew he had to make good his escape, and fast. he'd managed to just dislodge a wire when he heard a voice behind him. instinctively, as he turned, he threw a hand out, knocking the person off their feet. he threw himself at them, rolling to land with a knee on the man's chest and a knife a few inches away from his face.

"oh, markus, darling. didn't realise it was you. how did you know it was me? did you recognise my aftershave? or were you just following me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, but keeping the knife ready. "or did you just know that nobody else could rock a bulletproof vest like i can?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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Markus didn't have enough time to shield himself from an attack by the time Lucian had turned around with a fist aimed towards his head, resulting on him falling backward onto his back from the impact. He hazily blinked as his vision blurred for a moment, as well as the pain that started to appear in the bridge of his nose, it'd be bruised for weeks, that much he knew for certain. Markus blinked as he looked at the knife that was held to his face, it was so close he swore he felt the blade against his skin, as well as Lucian's knee aimed directly for his sternum.

"I should have anticipated you attacking out of fright. But more importantly, make this look as realistic as we can, got it?" he started to speak as he made eye contact with Lucian and then resumed speaking, "When you punched me I lost control of my powers, meaning the cameras are back to viewing us. And, to make it look convincing, we can't just get up and act all buddy buddy, okay? It'd be a bad look for me, and a good look for you in the eyes of the villains." he stated plainly as he examined the room without moving his head, simply just his eyes.

"There are four cameras in this room. One in each corner, all aimed at us. My identity has already been exposed, so they'll know it was me. What I'm trying to propose is a mock fight, deal? And as for why I'm speaking, the cameras only capture visuals, not audio. Do we have a deal?" he asked with a clenched jaw, as his entire face was beginning to ache terribly.

"As for how I knew it was you? The stench of your aftershave was enough to expose it as you, as well as your body type and stance."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Mitchell Character Portrait: Markus "Shadowfaux" Vasco
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0.00 INK

the villain - 2d2a2f - outfit
xxi can take all that you can give
xxit’s survival of the sickest
xxi am not afraid, bring the pain
xxwhat doesn’t kill me makes me vicious

Markus' words made Lucian raise an eyebrow purely out of curiosity, but he immediately realised the trouble they were in. The hero had a good point, and so Lucian maintained his posture, keeping his expression as level as possible. The combination of his mask and hair covering his face was enough to prevent any facial recognition software from reading his identity, but he still wasn't going to risk it. As Markus indicated the four cameras, he dipped his head ever so slightly, a natural gesture, but enough to make sure his hair was concealing the half of his face not covered by the mask.

"Deal. Between the two of us, you really need to get yourself some sort of mask that isn't reliant on your power for this very reason. And you love my aftershave, don't be coy, sweetheart." He resisted the temptation to wink. "In three seconds, I'm going to roll off of you." Roll was a bit of an overstatement as Lucian threw himself away from the hero, as if he'd been punched. "In my bag, I've got a laptop with information about the incident with the heroes. Make me a private appointment in the tattoo parlour, absolutely nobody else there, and I'll come in and update you," he said as he "recovered", careful to cover his lips with his arm from the view of the cameras. He staggered to his feet, having conveniently dropped the knife. God, it was times like this where he really missed the telepathy. Wordless communication in this situation would be really helpful. He knew that if he really tried, he might be able to tap into it for a few moments. But that required letting go of control, and in a situation like this, it was too risky. Best case scenario, he did more damage than he'd intended. Worst case, he'd expose his identity or injure one of them.

He made eye contact with Markus for just a moment, before glancing towards the abandoned bag, hoping it would be enough of an indication. Then he bolted for the bag as if to make a getaway.