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Gen Fukui

You'll have to bare with me a bit longer, darling~ <updated>

0 · 8,255 views · located in Airdalen Academy

a character in “No-Go AA+”, as played by Valkyrieknight


"There's no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections."

❥ Daughtry - Waiting For Superman
❥ The Veronicas - You Ruin Me

Gen Fukui. Airdalen Academy. "The object of art is to give life a shape." ~William Shakespeare, one of many inspirations. I like to act, dance and sing. Always open to theatre recruitment. :)

5,002 posts x_x 4m followers x_x 108 following



Gen Fukui
her first name means spring


|Birth Date|
17 February



|Sexual Orientation|
Undetermined but leaning towards men

|Face Claim|
Nona (Death Parade)

Nona - Japanese
Nona - English
Olivia Lufkin - Singing Japanese
Olivia Lufkin - Singing English

❥ School Diva / Prima Donna —Both with positive and negative connotation. Positive for her outlandish looks and ability to perform. Negative for her temperamental behavior once she hates you.
❥ Lorelei —After the Siren from German Legend whose hypnotic music sunk ships and lured sailors to their deaths. Her performances are described to be as captivating.

5 (Starting stat)/-/7/8/10/12
3 (Starting stat)/-/9/-/14/-
10 (Starting stat)/11/15/19/22/31
2 (Starting stat)/9/23/31/39/47
0 (Starting stat)/1/2/-/-/-

|Important Stat|
Charm & Intellect—
I have to stay on top of my grades and responsibilities which includes managing Inryoku~

|Appealing Stat|
Of course! I imagine he'd be romantic~

Height: 5’1”
Weight: 110lbs
Eye Color: Pink and Purple
Hair Color: Blue/White
Hair Length: Tailbone
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Type: Straight
Extras: Makeup for performances and special events only, Standard Ear Piercings, No Tattoos

xxxxGen's overuse of the word darling is a quirk of hers that can raise a few eyebrows or bring out a blush. It is how she calls clients, peers and even enemies if not going by their name. She reserves dear for the people she cherishes.

xxxxShe's also been called two-faced for the two sides of her that differ so much. She can be light and frothy with a cheerful melodious voice but also cold as steel with a threatening voice like she wants someone dead. Thankfully, her less pleasant side only surfaces for situations that are calling for it and aren't random psychotic episodes. The majority of the time, she is friendly and accommodating to all.

xxxxIt is because of those sides that Gen doesn't leave people on neutral ground for long. She decides whether she really likes someone or really hates someone in time, operating in a black and white sense. Her ideals and views are similar, as there is no gray area in terms of right from wrong. Gen knows where she stands and is too stubborn to submit to the will of others. She may look the part of the damsel but she certainly is not.

xxxxGen's secret hangout spot is Nightingale. It's a local bar she visits on frequent occasion along with Rhys. It started as a passing curiosity to learn more about serving and bartending for her school's host club but eventually, she became good friends with the bar's patrons. She also learned to play Billiards there.

xxxxGen has a natural knack for all types of disciplines in the performing arts. She's skilled with making use of her voice in expression and singing, body movement and generally conveying artistic expression. As a hobby, she is also regularly found making a scene on the dance floor games in arcades, maintaining her high scores and rallying fans.
xxxxGen was trained in horseback riding by professionals starting at a young age which was greatly influenced by her fondness for fairy-tales. Each lesson occurred every summer vacation in countryside stables until she started attending Airdalen. While she has never really entered a competition or show, there is no doubt that she is gifted once she's got a horse's reins in hand.
Social Media Star
xxxxGen started up her accounts on social media for both personal and professional use. Personal to keep a record of her performances, events and costumes and professional to showcase her work. She did not expect to get so many followers!
Surprise Factor
xxxxGen's not a fighter per se. She hasn't undergone training and does not have much body strength but she knows how to defend herself out of necessity using any element of surprise to her advantage. She won't let just anyone have their way with her.
xxxxGen has no difficulty splitting her focus when undertaking multiple tasks. She remains efficient, industrious and adaptable. It helps with things like managing Inryoku.

xxxxGen developed an excessive and persistent fear of being alone. She feels the need to be with someone almost all the time. When she's on her own, negativity and irrational fears consume her.
xxxxGen may come across as confident with how sociable she is but she is actually very insecure. It also plays as part of her fear, where she worries more than the average person about being ignored or unloved.
Hopeless Romantic
xxxxGen doesn't find anything cheesy in terms of romance. A few sweet words are all it takes for a girl like her to fall head over heels sometimes. She also believes in love at first sight and that true love matches are handpicked in heaven.
xxxxHer unique eyes aren't always received in the best light. She has been particularly shunned by Church communities as a cursed child for their lifelessness and abnormality, fearing that the cross or crucifix shape is a bad omen/curse/anti-Christ since she was 6 years old. Hiromasa sparing his daughter's feelings said to Gen that it was his fault, not hers for having a child out of marriage. He also advised her not to attend any churches anymore. When Gen was older at 15 years old, she tried to attend again only to be yelled at and humiliated at the steps. From all the profanity she received from the churchgoers, she realized the truth and stopped trying to attend altogether.

Why she's a Performer—
xxxxGen fell in love with the world of acting and theatre ever since she was little. The first play she watched was overseas while her father was on annual leave, the Broadway Musical Annie. She loved the singing, dancing, and costumes. The childhood dream to be a part of that world was tightly woven in her chest, growing as a heartfelt passion to relive that moment over and over again.
Why she's Afraid—
xxxxGen's father employed as a full-time Butler and her mother unable to have anything to do with her with the secret of her birth kept away from her husband, Gen was raised to be independent and spent the majority of her days and nights alone. Usually, one growing up alone is expected to get used to it but for Gen it had the opposite effect. As she got older, she got more afraid of the dangers. As her father was often absent from home, she decided to move out and find a roommate for both their benefits. That way her father could live with his employer for convenience and she could live with another who would be more present in her life.
Why she's at Airdalen—
xxxxGen entered Airdalen Academy for its class and reputation. Her grades and parent's financial backing helped her succeed in qualifying as a student. She also wanted to meet and befriend a larger variety of people from all corners of the world, hoping they were not as closed-minded to her differences and that she would better belong than if she had attended an ordinary high school.
xxxxUnfortunately, her junior year was unpleasant and there were cases of bullying. In the midst of it, she started standing up for herself and speaking out courageously. If they would not listen, she started to fight back and in one incident, she had bitten a senior's hand. The truth about these incidents became known and she earned respect and admiration. Her membership to the school's host club also boosted her acceptance and it was a gradual progression from there.


xxxxGen is an illegitimate child produced as a result of a forbidden love affair.
Chizu was (and still is) married to a famous European actor named Claudio Horvat, whom hardly spent any time with her due to his work schedule and travels overseas. Despite her love for her husband, she was a lustful woman and made advances on their butler, Hiromasa. Hiromasa despite being attracted to the lovely Chizu, was a man of morals and standards and initially objected against engaging in inappropriate conduct.
xxxxHowever, on Chizu's birthday he was guilt-tripped to dine with her and the alcohol took toll as planned by Chizu. The affair became a regular occurrence when Chizu's husband was away but Hiromasa's guilt continued to fester. It was not right, especially as Chizu is married and in his position as a butler. He decided one night to end their relationship once and for all and quit his job as there was no way he could undo what had already been done. As he was about to bring up the topic, Chizu also had news of her own. She was pregnant with their child to be.

xxxxHer father is Hiromasa Fukui.
Their relationship is a close one with Gen being the type of daughter to leap into her father's arms at the very sight of him without embarrassment and Hiromasa in turn, returning the affection. Her father still works as a butler but for a different high-class family than her mother's, making it difficult for them to spend time but nothing has changed between them over the years.

xxxxHer mother is Chizu Yamada Horvat.
Their relationship is almost non-existent. As Chizu fears her husband may potentially discover Gen's birth, the two haven't face-to-face in a long time. Chizu adores and loves her daughter from a distance, sending generous lump sums of allowance whilst Gen detests her from the only photograph she has of her. With Gen fully aware that she was an unplanned birth and as it goes against her personal fairytale outlook on love, she looks to her mother to place blame.

|Relationship Status|
"I would not wish
Any companion in the world but you."
(The Tempest 3.1.60-1)

⚜ Acquaintance || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friend || ♫ Best Friend || ♥ Love Interest || ⚤ Boyfriend || ☠ Enemy

T H E . S E N I O R S

S H I O R I . K I T O G A W A
"I find her absolutely adorable even from a distance~"
“Her and Rhys… “ *giggles*
“I wonder what the story is. I should ask him!”

R Y O U . G I O U
"Oh, the distant and gloomy one straight out of a Shakespearean tragedy?"
"He joined our group for the science experiment. I was surprised.
I hope he learns to open up to his peers~"

D E V O N E . K I M
"I'm not familiar with her further than name, unfortunately.
She's rather difficult to approach."

A E O N . S H I R O K A M I / B E L R O S E
"Apathetic to most of us, but loyal to his chosen~"
"He can't treat all of us like pawns on a chessboard. That simply won't do."
"Reporting him to the principal did not go according to plan..
I am secretly dreading his attendance in future club meetings."

C A S S I O P E I A . A R G Y R I S
"Oh, Vivi's friend~ You should ask her instead of me.
I'd prefer not to discuss this..."

“Too many times I’ve seen her with my friends… ”
*sighs* “I worry that she’s better company.”

“She has been absent for some time.
It's hard not to notice when she and Aeon are always together.”

K A Z U K I . M I Y A M O T O
"I think there's more to him than meets the eye
and that in itself, is exhilarating."

“I saw him with another girl so soon after he flirted with me.”
*exhales* I should move on to someone I have a future with."

“I'm moving on but he's a hard act to ignore,
always gaining attention wherever the wind takes him."

M I S A K I . S E R I N U M A
I think I know of her but I'm not quite sure. Sorry~"

T A D A S H I . K I O M I N E
"I'm happy he's returned.
We used to talk on occasion and I feel we can relate."

"He’s a really good friend that I feel will be with me through thick and thin~"
"I know it's sudden but we're going to be roommates.
It's official~ I'm nervous and excited at the same time."

F U Y U K I . H A K U R Y U
"She's joined Inryoku~ happy to have her with us."
"I am worried about her.
She was harassed at our cafe and Kazuki told me to watch her.
However, I am not worried because of him. It's my duty~"

S O R A . H A R I G A E
"A stylish but odd sort of fellow~ We used to be mistaken as related."
"He really embarrassed Tadashi and I in front of the school body.
I hope it doesn’t happen again.”

? H A R U H I . M O R I N O Z U K A

T H E . J U N I O R S

R H Y S . B R O W N I N G
"We're from opposite ends of the spectrum but we share a few secrets."

A K I R A . B L A K E
"He's a future Inryoku member!
I look forward to working with him. We don't receive a lot of males."

B I S H O P . T R A N D E R
"He has obnoxious friends who don't appreciate the art of theater.
I only hope he is different."

T S U K I K O . K I T O G A W A
"Another delightful addition to Inryoku!
I can tell she's going to fit in well with the customers~."

J O H N N Y . F A R E L L I
"Briefly met but he appears to be quite a genuine person."
"My Halloween date~.
There was a... wardrobe malfunction but it was sorted out quickly~"

"There was an incident in Gym class.
I was fortunate he was there for me.
I don't know what I would have done otherwise~"

? Y U U K I . F U J I O K A

R O C C O . M U R R A Y
"My new junior.
He appears innocent but quite the contrary...
I am very unlucky in the junior assignments it seems."

? M A O . N O Z O M I ?

? K A I T O . M I Y U U ?

? K A O R I . H I M E W A R I ?

K E I . W A T A R I
"He's a true gentleman. I think he has the potential to be an Inryoku host too~"
"He was protective and escorted me to my club.
I really appreciate the thoughtfulness. It's hard being a hostess sometimes."

? C H A S E . K A U F M A N
"The one who removed a cherry blossom petal from my hair?
He's quite charming~ I mistook him for Rhys at first."

|Dialogue Color Code|

|Character Sheet Code Credit|
Sunshine and Whiskey w/ some personal tweaks ^^

So begins...

Gen Fukui's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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0.00 INK



"Back to school already?" Gen murmured as her eyelids flickered open, greeted by trails of sunlight that just made it past the curtains. With a stretch of her arms and a few yawns, she lifted herself out of bed without fuss ready to face the new day. Her uniform had already been ironed and pressed the night before as she picked them up off the nightstand and headed for the shower. She set up her iPod with its speakers, allowing her favourite tunes played in the background as she rinsed herself off and thought of home. It hadn't been long since she moved out and started renting an apartment with her roomie, Vika whom she hoped was equally as thrilled about the arrangement. Finishing her shower, she tiptoed out with a towel wrapped around her head humming melodies only to pause and stare at a spider dangling in the corner of the ceiling that she hadn't noticed before. "Are you afraid of being alone too?" she said under her breath before making numerous attempts to remove the spider that all fell short.. literally. Gen was shorter than average but it didn't really bother her. She had somehow convinced herself it was a plus to her cute charm rather than a setback. "Ah... I guess I'll have to tell Vi~"

When she was dressed, she made her way towards Vika's room wondering if the girl had even awoken. She was aware it was her first day at Airdalen compared to Gen, who was to finish her final year. "Vi dear~ are you awake?" She gently knocked on the door but with no response, opened it as it creaked to reveal her friend's form still under the covers. "Goodness~ you shouldn't be late for your first day.." Gen opened the curtains and the windows, hoping the sunlight and cool breeze was sufficient enough. "Wake up Vivi, ma cherie~" she called out in her usual sing song tone of voice. Once the light filled the room, Gen turned around and blinked several times at the state of things. The room was messy and cluttered with papers and clothes everywhere. It was unusual considering she was used to Vika keeping it tidy and organised like her own room. Perhaps she had been excited over the last few days before school? Could that be it?

"Vi, dear..." Gen clasped her hands together in front of her lap before making herself comfortable by her friend's bedside. Vika appeared to be sleeping heavily this time around but she knew the girl was never a morning person type to begin with. It would just have to take a bit of extra time and patience. Gen knew if she left the girl alone, she would easily return to sleep and that wouldn't do. Deciding to stay till her sleepy friend got out of bed, she began to stroke her fingers through the girl's ginger-colored hair and take a moment to admire it. It was so different from her own aqua blue that if her friend's hair represented the shine of sunset, then Gen's hair was more the shine of the moon. "Viii~" Gen persisted. She was sure her friend would thank her later for it, provided they manage to show up to Airdalen on time. "Perhaps we should invest in a better alarm clock for you..." she chuckled.

Popularity (to Vika) + 1

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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0.00 INK


"Mornings are always so hard. Must I really wake?"

The previous night had been a restless one for Vika. She tossed, turned, and fumbled in her bed waiting for the day to arrive. The minutes that passed by seemed like hours, and she found herself unable to sleep. When she finally found the ability to sleep, it wasn't enough. The soft rise and fall of her chest signaled that she was still asleep, her hand dangling off of the side of her bed. If she were awake, she would be able to feel the soft ripples of bundled clothes beneath her hand, however; she was a heavy sleeper. Any feeling she would have had in her body—at all—was gone. The soft knocks on her door fell on deaf ears, as did the sound of the creak it made when it opened.

"Gen-chan, go away," the coherent words were muttered in a soft, groggy voice. The sound of a hissing noise gurgled its way from her throat when the blinds were opened, and the sun was allowed to peak in. She could feel Gen sitting upon her bed, playing with the strands of her hair, and slowly opened one eye. Groggily, she continued to hold Gen's gaze, her eyes barely able to focus. "Give me five more minutes," she replied, pulling the sheets over her head as she rolled away from Gen. As excited as she was to attend school today, she was too comfortable to move. Underneath the covers was warm, comforting, and she didn't want to leave that comfort. Sleep, however, seemed to evade her now, and she let loose a dissatisfied groan. Gen did have a point; she didn't want to be late for her first day of school.

"Why must you be so cruel to me, my Gen-chan?" she complained, rolling out of bed and dragging her feet behind her. As she made to move past Gen, her foot caught in a pile of her clothes, and she took a decent tumble forward, barely managing to catch herself before she fell completely. Laughing nervously, she turned towards Gen and gave a mock bow. "Thank you for being such a great audience! But I must bid thee adieu. Until we meet again, moy lyubov," she replied, mimicking Gen in her native language. She then proceeded to dress herself for the day, moving along with the pace of a snail. Once she was properly dressed, she made it back to where Gen was, and grinned at her friend.

"It's the first day, moy Gen-chan. I'm missing you already!" she stated, lunging at her friend and draping her arms over her shoulders. It was an odd sight, truly. Vika was taller than Gen, and the sight would have left anyone else in a fit of laughter, however; Vika straightened herself out and released Gen. She pulled a rubber band from her pocket, and proceeded to tie her hair back. Once it was tied loosely, she twirled in her spot and grinned at her friend. "Shall we?" she stated, holding her arm out towards Gen for the younger girl to take. This was the first day of school, and it was exciting. Not only because she would be attending with Gen, but because it was an opportunity to meet new people. She wondered, briefly, if there would be anyone else she would recognize. A light chuckle and a shake of her head meant she doubted it.

But anything was possible, right?

STAT +1 popularity to Gen

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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0.00 INK


“Your stubbornness in the mornings never ceases to amaze me dear~” Gen commented lightly, as her friend tried to shoo her away. She also knew better than to take those words to heart, carrying on until the girl would get out of her warm and cosy bed that held her captive for the moment. "Give me five more minutes," Gen’s fingers slipped away from Vika’s hair as the girl continued to be stubborn, hiding under sheets and rolling away to the other side. Gen didn’t mind it though. She was beginning to get used to this sort of routine in the mornings. “Viii~” she put on a bit of a childish and whiny tone of voice, not giving up the fight. It appeared to be working at least a little bit as she heard Vi’s groan escape from under the covers. Gen would continue to pester her friend as she much preferred that they go to school together and on time not just for her sake, but for Vika’s as well. It was her first day at Airdalen and she wanted to be able to support her, even if by chance that the day gets too busy and pulls them apart. At the very least, Gen could accompany her in the morning and ease her transition should she perhaps be on the nervous side.

“Viii~” she repeated till at long last, the girl gave in, "Why must you be so cruel to me, my Gen-chan?" Gen only chuckled in response, “So you’ll get out of bed.. sleepyhead~” Before Gen could say anything further, Vika had tripped over her own mess of clothes thankfully not injuring herself. Still concerned, Gen turned to her friend as the girl started to laugh at the incident, reassuring her further that her friend was really alright. Gen however, didn’t expect the bow. "Thank you for being such a great audience! But I must bid thee adieu. Until we meet again, moy lyubov," Gen playfully got up and curtsied along, "Until we meet again tomorrow, and the morning after~"

As Vika took her time getting ready, Gen knew she had made the right call to disturb the girl's slumber. If she had left her on her own, there was always the chance she wouldn't have gotten up at all. Already Vika's pace was questionable if they would make it on time but again, Gen didn't mind. She was happy that she would be able to attend school with her friend. It was Vika's first day at Airdalen but also their first time attending a school together. It was all very exciting. Gen was accustomed to people's company, particularly as a performer whose job it is to please the audience. Even so, as it stands, she didn't have any particularly close friends to name besides Vika. Had they decided not to move together as well, who knows. Maybe they wouldn't be as close as they were today. Friendships are naturally built stronger once you learn the ins and outs of a person, something that comes even more naturally when you live with said friend and their habits and little quirks begin to grow on you.. Gen contemplated, with a delicate hand caressing her chin as she thought more. Despite her 'light and frothy' attitude, Gen was a thinker every other moment. It was just rarely did she ever speak what was well and truly on her mind. Just as easily as the thoughts came, they were just as easily shaken off to focus on the here and now rather than the what ifs.

"It's the first day, moy Gen-chan. I'm missing you already!" "Vi-" Before Gen could respond, she felt her friend's weight fall on her slightly at the sudden embrace. It was warm and comforting, another part of their friendship she appreciated. It always felt genuine without pretenses and she hoped things would stay that way. Without another word, Gen welcomed and returned the hug of the taller girl, not letting their obvious height differences bother her. The embrace ended and it was time to go. "Shall we?" "But of course, my dear~" Gen replied as she held onto her friend's offered arm.

The trip by bus was for the most part uneventful as Gen stared at the passing scenery outside with her head up in the clouds. It was to be her finishing year at high school and she was in a bit of disbelief. Time had flown by quickly and then, she would be heading for college. Hopefully, getting into the prestigious arts college closer to the city. Her grades didn't matter as much as it would for any other college as it relied on audition and performance more. It wouldn't hurt to have good grades though and failures along with repeats, were scrutinized as a possible show of lack of discipline and commitment. "By the way Vi, did you notice the spider in the bathroom?" she brought up, out of the blue.

They arrived at Airdalen Academy in a timely manner as the school was neither empty or all students accounted for. That much Gen could tell as she was still able to look past shoulders without her view being completely blocked by the crowds. "Welcome to Airdalen Academy, Vivi ma cherie~!" she exclaimed before excitedly tugging at the end of her friend's sleeve and maneuvering their way in. She managed to spot a few recognizable faces, being her fellow seniors but as she guessed not all were accounted for.
The cold and stoic Aeon, along with his pink-haired feminine companion (Cassiopeia) was a particular passing scene that caught Gen's eye as the girl embraced the man like it was an everyday thing between them. She found the pair adorable. Unknowing of their history or relationship, Gen couldn't help but mumble as they passed, "Ah young love, dear you must tell me if your eyes wander!" Gen's hands reached to clasp both of her friends' as one of her favourite topics arose. Her eyes glimmered as she eyed her beautiful friend. "I can see it now~ Vivi you'll be a hit with the lads you will." she dramatically let her hands fall and faked a convincing faint halfway before pulling herself together. Gen hadn't been involved romantically with anyone throughout all her years in highschool which was starting to hit her like a Shakespeare tragedy.


Popularity (Vika) +1
Popularity (Aeon) +1
Popularity (Cassiopeia) +1

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Shiori Kitogawa Character Portrait: Akira Blake Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Johnny Farelli Character Portrait: Yuuki Fujioka
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"Since, it would be my last year. I'll make sure that it would be a blast. After all, we have to send off my grand self with a big kabloom and wonderful dazzling lights."
|| Current Location ✦ Airdalen Academy ||
|| [ Theme ✦ [Animals ] ||

It might have been a gazillion times this had been asked by a very annoyed Kazuki. "Who made it that school should start at the rising of the sun!? Dammnit!" He muttered very loudly as he clicked his tongue in irritation, but that is not really the problem here. Anyone who would come to parking lot inside one of the vehicles parked there would see the notorious or more plainly known as the Hellion, handcuffed to the steering wheel. "Why the hell does he have handcuffs in the first place!?" This remarkable handiwork is done by no one else, but the ever lovely uncle of his who is also actually, Airdalen's Mr. Hayashi, the Math Teacher.

Now, why was he like this It's because, he decided to sleep in and not attend this stupid program. He really planned on playing hooky, but his uncle miraculously did not have one of those forgetful spells and literally kidnapped him from his house on his bed. "This is an outright violation of my human rights! I'll sue his ass when I get out of here... Tch!" Other things to add to his irritable mood are his early attendance, being in a vehicle, and also it was his uncle who dressed him all up, so right now, he looked like one of those picture models for those high school promotional movies or something with slick-back hair. This was going to be bad for his rep. "I'm really going to enjoy cutting that old man to pieces..." He grumbled further as he fought his restraints and looked inside the car for a way to free himself.

"I swear that old man is a pervert or something..." He continued tugging on his handcuffs and in irritation, he kicked the floor of the car. That was then he heard a jingling sound. His golden eyes shimmered like a cat who had found a beautiful fish to pounce on. He managed to open the glove compartment and there he saw the keys to his handcuffs. It was a good thing that his uncle is forgetful. Things were certainly looking up for him. A grin was plastered on his face as he now thinks of ways on how to get it. He managed to grab hold of it by using his teeth and dropped it to his waiting fingers. "You can't keep me locked in, buddy..." He said with a very confident smile as he began unlocking his restraints. It did the trick as he stretched his limbs. He could feel the blood beginning to flow freely once more.

All of this was done so he would participate in this program. His uncle said that he would be returning to take him inside once everything is settled. There was no way in seven levels of hell and seas would he babysit some punk still looking for his or her mommy. There are better things worthy of his time than that. Anyway, he released a big sigh and commented. "This was not how I envisioned myself getting tied up. I was thinking along the lines of a beautiful dominatrix. Anyways, time to split!" He has that Cheshire grin on his face as he whistled a bit and was about ready to leave the car. He doesn't like staying inside of these contraptions as much as possible when his stomach gurgled in rebellion. "I didn't even have breakfast yet." He finally remembered as his wake-up call had been chaotic at the very least.

"Stupid uncle, I still have that leftover subway sandwich inside the fridge. Tch!" He punched the dashboard and then left the car while slamming the door behind him as it fell. He left me in a car that's falling apart... This is why I hate these cars." After doing that, he messed up his hair, returning it to its normal style. He popped open his jacket, loosened his tie and then rolled up his sleeves. That was then, his phone vibrated. It's a good thing he managed to grab that one. There was a message from one of the girls he had hit at the club, it's very suggestive. Then, if a literal light bulb could be seen on top of his head, there will be one. He had a wide grin on his face along with those feline eyes of his. It was rather intimidating like that of a devil, but a handsome and alluring one. It's good for him to be born with such good looks. "Got my ticket then." He went towards the main grounds where he could see that there were some people around. It was passing glance and he didn't really care about them. What good students they are, how boring.

Kazuki ignored them as he went to the gates. He was about to walk passed two girls, one with blue hair (Gen) and the other with orange hair (Vika). But, he didn't have time to confirm who they are since; he has one thing in mind, leave the premises when the guard noticed him. "Oi! Miyamoto! Stop right there!" The guard came out of his booth and began to walk towards him. He stopped momentarily and clicked his tongue. That good old for-nothing uncle of his probably warned the guard. "Shit!" He began to move again as he made his way to the gates, but there was another one waiting for him. They came in prepared and his uncle made sure they did. Why does he have to be serious at the most useless moments in his life? Why!? With that, he quickly made a roundabout to escape their clutches.

"Hayashi-sensei said not to let him escape! Catch him!" One of the guards said as they began to multiply like cockroaches and they were quite good. It's to be expected; after all they have to ensure the security of a very high-end school with very important students in attendance. He made the run while using the obstacles around him like the rails much like a tightrope and then jumped down with smirk on his face. "As if I'd let you catch me! Suckers!" He was able to make his way through the benches and stopped at one where two students (Shiori and Rhys) were presently sitting. "S'cuse me! Up and over!" Kazuki literally jumped over the bench where some of the guards halted. He then landed just a few inches in distance from another pair of students (Akira and Mai). Watch where you stand!" Then, he heard the guards were hot on his heels again. Well, see you later kiddos!"

Kazuki continued as they were still in pursuit as he looked over his shoulder. "Persistent bastards..." He muttered under his breath and then looked in front of him. There he noticed a very large tree where there were another pair of students (Yuuki and Bishop) arguing or more like being told off. "Get out of the way love birds!" He said as he grabbed at one of the branches and swung himself across, much like a gymnast. "Miyamoto! Get back here!" As if, he would do that. He continued his pace as he ran across another student (Johnny) on a bench. He was now on the other side and saw three students at one bench. His smile widened even further as he went towards the group.

"Hot stuff, coming through!" He announced as he pushed his way between another pair. (Saburo and Arietta) Then, he literally stepped on Ryou's foot to wake him up that should serve as a deterrent to the remaining guards coming after him. "When you snooze, you lose!" He shouted towards Ryou and then continued forward as he finally halted in his escape, actually, he tripped on something as he fell flat on his face. That was embarrassing. "Dammit! Who did that!?" He shouted angrily as he quickly went back on his feet. His face was rather red and bit bruised. Then, his eyes landed on the one responsible for his fall. His eyes narrowed in disdain. "And here I thought, the heavens had finally taken you back." There before him was Aeon and the lovely Cassiopeia.

That was when the guards finally caught up to him and grabbed him. "Finally caught you, Miyamoto!" The guard announced with a ragged breath. Kazuki glared at Aeon for being the reason of his so-called apprehension and then shrugged his shoulders as he didn't fight anymore. "Well you know what they say, peeps and pops, there's nothing like a good exercise to jet start your day." He said with his carefree casual way as the guards glared and sighed at this. Oh yeah, tell my uncle. Does he have insurance on his car?" He ended that with his infamous mischievous smile. It was after all a normal thing to be expected from someone like Kazuki Miyamoto.

Popularity +1 to Cassiopeia
(That's my understanding, if it isn't please free to add the stats and edit it GM's)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Kazuki Miyamoto Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Argyris Character Portrait: Vika Saitou Character Portrait: Kimiko Kuromiya
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0.00 INK



"You mean the little fluff of black on the ceiling?" Vika replied when Gen spoke. She'd been too excited to react properly when they boarded the bus, and she had spent most of her time staring out the window. Her mind was reeling with possibilities that could occur during this school year, and every now and then, her eyes would flicker towards Gen. Would they still be friends after High School, when Gen left for college? The thought had momentarily caused a frown to mar her lips, but it was replaced by a smile soon after. She couldn't dwell on something so frivolous. Of course they would remain friends. Even if they were separated for an amount of time, not a day would go by that she wouldn't think of her friend.

"Nope, I didn't see it. He must have crawled down the sink by the time I went in," or was accidentally squished and she didn't know about it. A visible shiver went down her spine as she absently lifted her arm and checked for remains. Satisfied, she went back to staring out the window, watching the scenery pass by. Once they arrived at the school, Vika's eyes widened slightly in awe. It was beautiful, the grounds. The school itself was rather large in appearance, but also pristine. It seemed almost flawless, or perhaps it was the spur of the moment that made it seem ethereal. She continued to gaze at the school, glancing at the small crowd of students already forming, however; a tinge of familiarity hit her when she caught sight of pink hair.

She couldn't tell who it was, seeing as the pink-haired girl was currently embracing another; a male with blonde hair that she did not recognize. Maybe he was a senior? The scene was rather warm, in her opinion, and she smiled at the two. She was pulled from her stupor, though, when Gen spoke. She resisted the urge to giggle at her friend, and instead, played along. She stared at Gen, holding her gaze before finally speaking. "But you must know, moy Gen-chan! I only have eyes for you!" she stated, removing one of her hands from her friends grasp, and reaching up to gently touch Gen's cheek.

"With eyes as beautiful as the Dahlia's, how could I look elsewhere?" she continued, leaving her hand still on Gen's cheek a moment longer before removing it. She chuckled as she folded her free hand beneath her chin. "I don't know if I'll let my eyes wonder, moy Gen-chan. Relationships and I aren't built to last," she continued, being only half serious. Much like her friend, Vika hadn't experienced a relationship before, however; it didn't mean she didn't know what it was supposed to feel like. She did not have her friend's fairy tale view of them, but she didn't have a cynical view of it either.

She was much too young to be thinking of something like that to begin with. She needed to finish school, perhaps in college she could find the time for dates and the like. For now, she was content in being a teenager, being with her friends, and being herself. If the time came that she would have a relationship, then she would welcome it with open arms. "Don't worry moy Gen-chan. If, by chance, my eyes do wander, you would be the first to know," she reassured her friend with a gentle squeeze of the hand. She opened her mouth to say something more, however; she was abruptly cut off by someone shouting. She blinked in confusion as she turned towards the source, and noticed a guard following after another student.

"This will certainly be an interesting year, it seems," she stated with a short chuckle.

STATS Popularity + 1 --> Gen, Cassiopeia, and Aeon

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Kazuki Miyamoto Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Argyris Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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"Every day has been so wonderful.
I've met a lot of people and seen
A lot of things which I could never
Before. This is all thanks to you."

Aeon's simple answer of I'm fine or the complete logical response that she should not miss him as they talked as much as possible were things she really expected out of him, but she did hope that he would entertain him with stories. It was apparent that he was not really the kind to discuss his vacation so openly or he seemed fond of his summer break. Cassiopeia tilted her head to the side in curiosity as she put her hands behind her. Were his trips not exciting and fun? He was always off to one place after another as she heard, but thinking about it now carefully, it must be all business related. That would make it boring then, but it's still a story she would like to hear someday.

It became her turn when he asked about hers as he held out his hand to her. Her face quickly lit up like a child within an amusement park as she happily took the hand and sat beside him. He was always a gentleman which made her happier. "It was so fun! I really wished you were there, Aeon! Hotaru brought me to Kyoto, Okinawa, Mt. Fuji! It was so amazing! It looked like a delicious ice cream! Right, Clio?" She energetically shared while looking for support from her mechanical assistant who bounced up and down matching its mistress' excitement. "Yes, delicious, Clio says!" She nodded her head happily at that agreement. She clapped her hands as she remembered the memories she made during her vacation and continued with her tale. "There were wonderful temples and a lot of sand at the beach. Hotaru told me that there will still be a lot of things I need to see. I'm looking forward to it!"

"Again! Clio Says!" Clio supported its mistress' enthusiasm. Cassiopeia lightly giggled at this. "Yes, let's do it again!" She stated with a bright smile, but it was replaced with a slight pout when Aeon mentioned about hearing from Hotaru. She did hear something about that from her overprotective guardian. She listened to his words and she was thankful for him. It's not a secret that her parents allowed her to come here due to Aeon's help in the negotiations. That's why she's very happy to have him at her side even if she thinks it's selfish of her to use their friendship which started a long time ago to her advantage. He had always been considerate of her. That's why she wasn't that surprised when she found out that Aeon was considered an idol of sorts at this school, but it was still a bit funny in a different area.

She took a deep breath and extended her hands forward where Clio recognized for it to come. It did and Clio was now being held by her in between her hands. "I'm fine... I know that I've been causing you trouble ever since I came here.. But, I've never been this happy before." She stood from her seat and then walked a bit forward as she did a pirouette. She stopped in front of Aeon with a dazzling and gentle smile. "Thank you very much, Aeon." At the exact moment, she said that. Her arm was grabbed by him which earned her surprise, but this was not caused by their bodies being pressed closely for a short time. It was caused by the fact he touched her. It might be odd. It's true that she had been the kind to shower affection through actions and being held by other people was not much of a bother to her, but he was different. He rarely touches her and when he does so, it's for a reason like saving her from a collision. That’s why she can’t help but be surprised, because she does wish that he would touch her someday not for anything else but just because, they’re friends.

She found herself seated again and Aeon standing while looking down at a man who fell on his face. She recognized him immediately. "Kazuki-kun!" She exclaimed as Clio's flapped its ear wings in a frantic manner. "Danger! Danger! Clio Says!" Kazuki was able to get back on his feet and confronted Aeon. She knew that two had always been at odds with each other. They were polar opposites, but she believed that they are wonderful friends because of it. She really does have a different view of things. "Are you all right?" She asked in concern as she stood from the bench and approached Kazuki who were surrounded by the guards. He did fell on his face. She looked at Aeon quickly when he clearly assessed Kazuki as an idiot. "Aeon! You should not say things like that!" She reprimanded Aeon in a motherly tone as Clio backed it up. "Say sorry! Clio Says!"

But, Aeon instead announced that he would be leaving. Cassiopeia sighed at this while lightly shaking her head. She looked at Kazuki again and saw that he has a bruise at the bridge of his nose. That was rather awful as she remembered Kazuki saying that many girls would cry if he gets hurt. It's probably because he's handsome. She released Clio and took out a band-aid with a pink color and heart design. "Kazuki-kun, please be careful. I don't like seeing you hurt. I know Aeon feels the same way." Her perception at best comes out as nonexistent. She then placed the band-aid on the bruise. "There, all better!" She smiled at him in which the other guards present looked at her fondly. "I'll see you later then." She waved at him as Clio followed it up too. "Bye! Bye! Clio Says!" She then followed after Aeon with Clio trailing behind her.

Cassiopeia was able to catch up with Aeon as she walked beside him. "Aeon, that was not nice. Kazuki-kun must have a reason for doing what he did. You should try to understand that." She stated with a motherly tone that is very natural of her. "Right! Clio Says!" She sighed at this and that's when she noticed something bright in front of her, like orange. "Hmm? Could it..." She stopped from walking and just looked at someone who was with a known face to her. It was Gen and the one beside her... At that point, Cassiopeia's eyes twinkled in happiness and a bright smile on her face. "Vika!" She shouted a bit loudly as she ran passed Aeon with such excitement. Her hand was flailing about in a cheerful wave.

She soon reached her destination in which she launched a very delighted hug towards Vika. Her arms were around the younger girl instantly as she gently squeezed Vika in her enthusiasm and happiness. "I'm so happy to see you here!" Her face was truly a reflection of delight of seeing and meeting Vika here. It had been quite a long time since they saw each other. This year was turning out to be a wonderful one.

Popularity = +1 (Aeon and Kazuki)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Kazuki Miyamoto Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Argyris Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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0.00 INK



"But you must know, moy Gen-chan! I only have eyes for you!"
Gen had to fight back the urge to laugh as Vika played along and she was sure her friend was doing the same. While witnesses may think the girls were being serious, it was just them up to their usual dramatic antics. It made Gen reminisce of when they met, personally hard for her to imagine a close friend once was a complete stranger. Friendship truly was magical in her eyes, along with love. "Dear, you must not tease me so~" she said as she reacted hesitant at the touch of Vika's hand caressing her cheek and even managed to think embarrassing thoughts to surface a blush to go with the act. It was one of Gen's natural gifts; the ability to act. Normally, all she had to do was recall a single or several memories from her life relevant to the character she wanted to portray. It made her performances believable, even if the play itself was written poorly. Gosh, how she loved theater.

"With eyes as beautiful as the Dahlia's, how could I look elsewhere?"
Gen was thoroughly impressed. She couldn't have foreseen such a well done improvised line coming from her friend. They were so in sync that it made her consider if her attitude had rubbed off on Vika or maybe subconsciously, the other way around. She wasn't so sure anymore but she was having fun. Gen wasn't uncomfortable at all as the act continued on, her own hand placed on top of Vi's gently. In this instance, her friend's height could be considered relevant rather than a hindrance.

"I don't know if I'll let my eyes wonder, moy Gen-chan. Relationships and I aren't built to last,"
Gen's fake blush and anything else for that matter were thrown out the window and replaced by a look of utter disbelief. Her gorgeous friend in relationships that weren't built to last? It sounded like such an absurd concept to Gen. She just couldn’t fathom it! "Well ma cherie~ only time will tell." Gen said with her head turning away, lips forming a small subtle smile. You'll see my dear~ when you find the one. It will be a love so beautiful. Gen really believed with all her heart. If not for their conversation still ongoing, Gen would be spending time trying to figure out what Vika's type was.

"Don't worry moy Gen-chan. If, by chance, my eyes do wander, you would be the first to know,"
Gen finally let loose a chuckle in a lady-like manner as her hand covered her mouth slightly to quieten herself. “You have no idea how happy that makes me, dear~” Gen smiled warmly with her hands entwined in a cute manner behind her back. Turning around at the commotion, she observed as a guard chased a student she recognized, senior Kazuki. It was a wonder how that boy had made it to senior year without repeating grade all over again. There were suspicions of Mr. Hayashi’s involvement. It was no secret that they were related.

"This will certainly be an interesting year, it seems."
Gen’s bright eyes lingered a little on her fellow classmate Kazuki as he stirred up further trouble, jumping over a bench that had a young shy couple (Shiori and Rhys) occupying it. The sight made her laugh again. ”Quite a good looking fellow, kno? It’s a shame he doesn’t—“ before she could finish, they were interrupted as a few more fellow faces from her senior year showed up in view. First came Cassiopeia, followed by Aeon but Gen wasn't sure if he would stay long in their company. He didn't seem to be fond of socializing from her experiences sharing classes with him. It was only then that she realised the 'young love' couple she had seen before from a distance were those two but it wasn't much of a surprise. The real surprise for Gen was when Cassiopeia's arms draped over Vika in front of her, causing her to take a step back.

"I'm so happy to see you here!"
Gen's eyes moved from Vika to Cassiopeia and continued at this pattern until she was a bit dizzy. A small world after all. Unsure of how to approach the situation, Gen took a deep breath in and resumed her pleasantries even though her presence had been ignored for a bit. Her optimistic side didn't want to linger on being ignored, but focus on the positives such as her friend having already another friend to help her around Airdalen. She wouldn't have to worry about Vika fitting in as the girl would do just fine with Cassiopeia. The pink-haired elite pretty much got along with everybody. "Cassiopeia, hope your holiday was well~" she spoke up when the opportunity arose, her smile resuming even though she was a tad bit confused. "Aeon, I hope yours was pleasant as well darling~" she gave him a polite bow of the head whether or not he stopped walking to join them. Somehow, this puts me in a strange spot... but just grin and bear it!


Popularity (to Vika) + 1
Popularity (to Kazuki) + 1

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Johnny Farelli Character Portrait: Kazuki Miyamoto Character Portrait: Ryou Giou Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Argyris Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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0.00 INK

Johnny Farelli

Johnny watched the rowdy individual (Kazuki) get "detained" by security. Judging from the speed and the harshness put behind the words, Johnny imagined the shouting included much swearing. There was an odd feeling in the towering foreigner’s gut as he watched the situation play out. What was it… nostalgia? Johnny knew for certain that he saw something familiar in the events that unfolded the many metres away.

A fair number of the words, Johnny managed to recognize on account of his recent cram-reading of the booklet. He determined that the kid was not pleased about being at this school. Who knows? Johnny thought, Maybe there is something about this school that guy doesn’t like? It was then that he felt that he might have the thousand-yard stare again. Pre-emptively, he shook his head and returned to studying his dictionary.

Thanks to the enclosed space where little outside sound pierced the perimeter walls, Johnny heard many a dialogue delivered in Japanese from a few of the groups of students that had formed. He was barely able to catch to a handful of the words. What words he did catch, he sometimes managed to decipher what was being discussed between the other students. Most of the dialogue he caught was the clear, deliberate dialogue between two who appeared to be actresses. (Gen and Vika) Johnny did enjoy the performing arts, as they were similar to sports... and his personal interests... Plus, the clarity in their speech made it easier to decipher the individual words being said, which was great practice.

Amongst the students, Johnny saw the one who was taller by a measly inch. (Ryou) That one was awake and apparently mingling with the others. Johnny pondered if the near-clone would make an interesting rival to mutually hone each others’ skills with. If there was one thing he learned from his old schools, it’s that having no challenge bored him greatly. It was the main reason why his grades were so… average… Having someone potentially superior to him in some way would certainly give Johnny drive to do better throughout the year. Perhaps moving to this school was a good idea after all.

A little further away, the one with the pink hair stood out like a sore thumb, (Cassiopeia) obviously because of the pink hair… which was pink like a sore thumb. Johnny had seen people with dyed hair before in the States, mainly during family reunions in California. He never understood the appeal behind it. Was it a ploy for attention, like how some treat the idea of fitness? Johnny suspected not, because unlike fitness, dyed hair doesn’t directly benefit the wearer. The way others seemed to swarm around her was ample evidence for Johnny to determine this stranger was a very popular girl, much like he was back in his old schools. The foreigner had no clue how "school hierarchy” functioned in this country, so he wasn't sure what to think of this girl.

The rest seemed like individuals whom Johnny would properly meet soon enough. For now, the foreigner needed to get more familiar with the language. After setting his messenger bag next to him, Johnny leaned back on the bench and crossed one long, muscular leg over another. With one hand, he continued reading the dictionary. The other hand lay stretched, yet relaxed across the back of the bench. He was the picture of relaxation to onlookers, and the stretched nature of his pose allowed his physique to more easily show through the uniform.

As he continued reading, and trying to absorb as much information as he could, he bobbed his head to a tune only he could hear, one of many rock ballads by Jimi Hendrix and his old ‘Band of Gypsies’.

+0 Intelligence (since it’s still the same stuff he’s been doing last post)

+1 Popularity to Ryou
+1 Popularity to Kazuki
+1 Popularity to Gen
+1 Popularity to Vika

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Argyris Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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0.25 INK



Vika chuckled at her friend's statement of the bi-color haired teenager, and glanced his way. Perhaps he was a charming guy, but Vika was never much for one's appearances. Everyone looked beautiful to her. She was a little odd that way, maybe? Her attention, however, was taken by the appearance of a familiar face, and when the pink-haired girl made her way towards Vika, she stood with open arms. Receiving the girl into an embrace, Vika enclosed her arms around Cassiopeia and she nearly squeezed the girl to death.

"Cassi! I didn't know you were coming here," she stated, rubbing her cheek against Cassiopeia's in a friendly manner. "I wish you would have told me. I would have been prepared to receive you better!" she exclaimed as she finally released Cassiopeia. She blinked when she finally noticed another person in their vicinity and glanced towards Gen. She seemed to know the both of them on a personal level, or so it seemed, and she smiled at the newcomer.

"It seems we will all be going to the same school this year, I'm Vika Saitou," she introduced herself to the platinum blonde male. It was a lovely shade of blonde, however; she still preferred the white of Gen's hair and the bubbly pink of Cassiopeia's. Odd hair color's were something of an appeal to her perhaps because her own hair was such an odd color. Orange, on the verge of being ginger, wasn't a common color. Even for her ethnicity, one would have thought her one part Irish, at least. She pushed the thoughts from her mind and turned back to the people when the overhead speakers came alive.

"Well, since we're all together here, shall we go together?" she questioned as she glanced at her company. "It'd be nice to go with friends, no?" she continued, smiling at the three of them.

STATS Popularity +1 to Cassiopeia, Aeon, and Gen

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Argyris Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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0.00 INK


"It's finally time
To live a life that
I had always hoped for
and that will be with everyone."

Cassiopeia giggled with joy at Vika's response. It was really wonderful to see Vika again. "I had no idea you're going to attend here too. But, this is truly a wonderful surprise!" She couldn't agree more to her own words. Life had always been the kind to throw bags of unexpected events, but they are the best things in her personal opinion. "I'm really happy! This year will truly be great, I could already tell!" She was really excited as she clapped her hands in glee. This will be her last year in high school and somehow, she wanted to enjoy it as much as possible with her friends around her. She had met the girl last year through a music competition. They had a connection instantly and it just went from there, but they were unable to maintain a constant communication afterwards, so it's really great to see the ginger-colored hair girl here.

When she and Vika finally let go of each other, she looked towards Gen with a warm smile. "Good morning Gen-chan!" She didn't want to be rude of not acknowledging her fellow senior's presence or to imply that she didn't notice Gen, because she did. "Thank you for asking! Japan is a very beautiful country! i had lots of fun during the holidays seeing different spots!" That's when something came to her mind she immediately grabbed Gen's hands with excitement behind those mauve blue eyes of hers. "I still haven't seen the other places! That's why during our next break, why don't we go all together?" She was asking with such innocence and vibrancy with also complete sincerity in that request. "It would be more fun!" She then looked over to Vika and then to Aeon, hoping for their approval of her honest request. She returned her attention to Gen for confirmation. "Wouldn't it?"

That was when the announcement was sent through the school grounds. The teachers had finally asked for them to go to the hall, for now, they could go all together towards as suggested by Vika, They can start from that point. "I agree! Let's go together, friends!" She answered happily as she released one of Gen's hand and then reached for Vika's as she dragged both girls to the direction of the hall. She remembered how happy she was back then when she finally got her first friend in the form of Aeon. Now, she was having a lot more friends than she could even hoped for. "Come on! Let's go!" Right behind her, the ever reliable Clio bounded behind her adorably while echoing the words, "Friends! Friends Go!"

She was full of energy and was very happy on how everything is turning out. This was far different from the sheltered life she had back then at Greece. She has her family back then and she loves them very much until now, but she was unable to live a full life. Now, she was able to ever since she came here, so she was very truly happy. All thanks to her very first friend as she looked over her shoulder to look at Aeon. "Hurry up Aeon! Come on!" Hopefully, it would always be like this for the rest of the year and may be finally... she could meet him once more. If that happens, then she really would have no regrets at all. Really, all she could do for now was be happy with the things and people she has around her. That's why she can always have a smile on her face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Argyris Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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0.00 INK

"People bother with what they are seeing or with other people as much as possible. It is because they try to avoid seeing themselves which is pathetic."

It did not take long for Cassiopeia to walk beside him and began scolding him about saying mean things towards Miyamoto. That he should understand that animal as he would describe and call the one in topic. This was even supported by Clio as he remained composed and ignoring the words being told of him. He knew that it would go unnoticed and certain as well that Cassiopeia would shift the subject to a different one. The girl always had an ability to find something interesting every few seconds. One would wonder if she could focus, but apparently she could if her grades would be a basis.

And just like clockwork, the pink-haired girl had set her sights on a different thing or person on this matter. She mentioned a name and ran towards the direction where he saw two females. One (Gen) he is familiar with and the other (Vika) not at all. He maintained his pace and soon arrived at the area where the three girls now gathered. From what he could gather, Cassiopeia is familiar with the orange-haired girl if the embrace they both shared was something of a proof. He was not opposed to the idea of Cassiopeia having friends or meeting new people, especially if they do not hold any ill intentions. She always wanted to have those friends so, he will not hinder her.

Of course though, it would not mean he would not assess these people in his own way. He was responsible for her and promised certain things to her parents in the process of her studying here in Japan. He stopped before them as Gen wished that his holiday had been pleasant with manners. "Good morning and thank you, Fukui-san." He started with his polite sensibilities. "I wished the same with yours." His words were not tinged with any malice, yet despite the civility, one could tell the distance being put into it. Even if, he also courteously slightly bowed his head. This could also be seen in his expression that was still stoic, unchanging. It was a good thing that he was quite attractive as some of the students passing by girls and guys alike cannot help but be in admiration to the pristine image of Aeon.

At that point, the girl (Vika) Cassiopeia had ran towards to introduce herself as Vika Saitou. He could already tell that Vika is not a purebred Japanese from her mere appearance. Her name added to that as it is a common name for Russians. However, he set that aside for now and introduced himself as well. It was only proper to do so in return. "Belrose Aeon." Despite his ethnicity, he had been raised in a very traditional home which makes him more ingrained with the culture of this country as demonstrated in his way of introducing himself. "Nice to make your acquaintance." He once more partially bowed his head when Cassiopeia had yet again another of her ideas as she presented it to Fukui.

Cassiopeia wanted to have all of them go together during their next vacation break to the other places she had yet to go to. The Argyris Princess looked at Saitou and him to agree her logic that it would be more fun. He was uncertain about that belief, but did not say anything. For, it looked like that Cassiopeia was completely enamored with it. Though, he could try to calm the pink-haired princess' enthusiasm a bit for her not to appear too overbearing. "You are getting ahead of yourself, Cassiopeia. Allow them to have time to think about it properly as they could have other things already planned." His voice did not hold any resentment, but just a reminder to be more considerate. That seemed to work as the pink princess as she settled down and the announcement did help as well.

Aeon looked towards the way where Araya-sensei had made the announcement with a megaphone. There are speakers all over the school. Did they not remember to use the PA system or did they forget the school has one. It was also far convenient to have told the students beforehand to gather at the hall than here. Alas, it was not his to bother with. That was then Saitou suggested for the four of them to go together as friends. It made him wonder when that assumption had been made when they have simply met. Before anything could be said by him, Cassiopeia took control of the situation. She happily dragged the two girls towards the hall while calling out to him to hurry up.
He closed his eyes for a brief moment. Yet again, he was being dragged to the pink princess' pace. Something he would only allow with her. He opened his eyes and looked at the three girls together whether all of them liked it that way or not. Aeon would admit that seeing Cassiopeia so happy with a bright smile on her face was quite a sight along with the other two. They were not bad on the eyes either as proven by the male students who were blushing at the scene. He could also tell that some of the looks he received from the males were of envy, being surrounded by such beautiful girls. Remaining cool and completely immaculate, the students who were near the vicinity could not help but be in awe. Some were very happy to be near him as they walked towards the hall. Others cannot believe their luck being around him. Well, it could not be helped when it comes to him, but he would believe they are wasting their time with such emotions. Shaking off such stares as he had always done, he followed behind the three at his own walking pace.

Really, he could not wait for this day to end for all he could foresee is trouble.

Popularity |+ 1 to Cassiopeia, Gen, and Vika.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Kazuki Miyamoto Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Argyris Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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"Good morning and thank you, Fukui-san. I wished the same with yours."
Gen had a passing dissatisfied look on her face like a pout with her fingertips reaching for her brow, covering an eye in the process. “First name basis is quite alright darling~ no need to be so formal.” She responded, removing her hand and smiling as she spoke. She appreciated his reply but at the same time it felt a little off putting if he was going to treat her as if she were a stranger or as if they were newly acquainted. They had been in the same senior class for quite a length of time after all. It wouldn’t be a surprise if Gen had asked that of every other senior too. Despite that, she highly doubted he would heed her words based on his personality and due to the fact they weren’t close to begin with. If they had talked prior, it would’ve been a similar situation as to now with simple light greetings.

As Aeon and Vika introduced themselves to each other, Cassiopeia had turned to her."Good morning Gen-chan! Thank you for asking! Japan is a very beautiful country! I had lots of fun during the holidays seeing different spots!" Gen smiled at her fellow senior’s enthusiasm, already aware that she wasn’t a native to Japan. She was a bit interested in what had brought the energetic girl to their country too; was it family business or something more? There was no way for her to know as just like her and Aeon, she wasn’t close to Cassiopeia. The two had been running in completely different social circles.
Gen’s bright purple eyes widened in surprise as Cassiopeia’s hands clasped hers. "I still haven't seen the other places! That's why during our next break, why don't we go all together?" She couldn’t help but note at this point how the two (Aeon and Cassiopeia) were opposites in regard to how they approached people. Aeon kept people at a distance while Cassiopeia seemed to real them in. Well, they do say opposites attract~ "It would be more fun!" Gen was finding it harder and harder to refuse the girl the longer the offer was pushed forward. It wasn’t that she wanted to refuse, quite the opposite. It did sound like it’d be fun and all, but she wasn’t sure how the rest of the company would take it if it consisted of Aeon and more apathetic men in their travels.

Wait… more men? Gen’s eyes almost glittered at the thought. While she wasn’t particularly attracted to Aeon, she was aware that he was quite handsome and wouldn’t be surprised if there were more just as good looking guys in the pink-haired elite’s life. Maybe it was destined to be! Maybe she’d meet… the one. "Wouldn't it?" “Yes, I do believe so~ but I wouldn’t want to trouble you…” Gen’s hands were now holding Cassiopeia’s with a matching liveliness.
Before she could continue daydreaming and falling deeper into her romantic fantasies, Aeon had caught onto their conversation. "You are getting ahead of yourself, Cassiopeia. Allow them to have time to think about it properly as they could have other things already planned." Gen snapped out of her thoughts and resumed her casual look of friendliness accompanied by calmness. She had gotten a little carried away inside her head at least… not that anyone else would know besides Vika maybe.

An announcement was made by Ms. Araya, requesting all students to head inside the school hall. "Well, since we're all together here, shall we go together?" "I agree! Let's go together, friends!" Gen chuckled lightly at Cassiopeia and Vika, starting to understand just how similar to the two were and why they were friends to begin with. "Come on! Let's go!" Before Gen could say anything further, she found herself along with Vika, holding hands with Cassiopeia in the middle leading them towards the location and Aeon trailing behind. She sighed inwardly but not out of frustration. Well~ this is certainly a bit of a change. Engrossed in her thoughts about school in general, the male eyes observing her and her company were not given any attention from her.
Unfortunately for them, they had only arrived just on time so most seats were for the most part occupied with single seating here and there except for the seats that nobody else but girls wanted in the front row… cause of Kazuki. Those girls of his had likely been disallowed to sit there but as there were no seats really available for all four of them it wasn’t really a decision she had to make. Gen’s hands slid her uniform skirt properly behind her before sitting down next to him, taking a moment to admire his features before returning her attention to the assembly at hand. While she wasn’t a fan of his, she wasn’t against him either as evident by the way she spoke of him with Vika earlier that morning. He was one of the seniors she still hadn’t decided what category (to like or hate) to place him in. Those things took time. Similarly, she was still getting to know Aeon and Cassiopeia.

The appearance of the Principal was a little… odd. She hadn’t expected to see him at all before she graduated but for some reason or another, he had actually gone through the trouble. It was a nice gesture, she supposed.
“For seniors, I encourage you to make the most of your final year before the college entrance exams and before leaving Airdalen in general. The time you spend partying compared to the time you spend studying makes all the difference to what career options are available to you in the future. Not one to brag, Airdalen’s reputation and connections that I have spent years building up to has led to this moment, your final year. I have done my part but it is up to you to seize this opportunity as a student here under this high school’s name, to put in the extra mile that will determine the rest of your life from this point onward.“
She couldn’t help but whisper quietly over to her seatmate Kazuki, “I get the feeling he’s trying to address you~”

“Oh, that’s my cue to leave then…
In short, everyone, I do wish you all wholeheartedly the very best with your studies. Keep in mind I do not mean to alert you, just prepare you for the future as I am confident the Airdalen staff members are trying to do for you as well so please respect them too in my absence. Enjoy your first day back!”

Gen clapped at the conclusion of the principal’s address politely before listening to Ms Araya’s instructions on junior and senior pairings. So, that’s how it will be this time around~ She proceeded to stand up and retrieve her folder but realised Kazuki-san might not be as... willing. "Kazuki, would you like me to retrieve yours as well darling?" She spun around.


Popularity (Aeon and Kazuki) + 1

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Kazuki Miyamoto
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"Well, if I'm going to do something that I don't like. Might as well make sure that it will be done in a way that I prefer. No regrets, okay?"
|| Current Location ✦ Airdalen Academy ||
|| [ Theme ✦ [Beat Drop ] ||

"You good for nothing scoundrel! I told you to stay put!" If hair could really become roaring flames, Hayashi's red hair would be one. This nephew of his had always been the very definition of trouble ever since he had been designated as the only known relative. "You already ate!" Hayashi declared with those glazing eyes of his. "The subway sandwich!" Kazuki placed his little finger inside one of his ear and rolled his eyes. The old man had forgotten that he wasn't able to eat it, because he was dragged out of the house, saying that they were late, only to find out that they were too early. "I should remind you. You dragged me or technically kidnapped me from my house without letting me eat." Hearing Kazuki talked back infuriated Hayashi more!

"Shut it!" Hayashi then physically took out a roll of tape "I'll attach you to your sit permanently! I can't leave you for one second!" Kazuki quickly retaliated by fighting his uncle's lunge. "Oi! Calm down you old man! You're on drugs aren't you!? I know it!" The security guys present there quickly restrained Hayashi who was rather prone to his insane acts. "Hayashi-san! Please calm down!" Kazuki clicked his tongue and sighed in annoyance while Hayashi finally noticed the other students looking at them. He glared at them. "There's nothing to see here! Get back to your seats at once!" The students immediately did so as Hayashi calmed himself down. "I did say I don't want no part of this stupid program." Hayashi quickly glared at Kazuki who looked away in irritation with his arms now folded over his chest.

"Hayashi-san, everything's fine now?" Hayashi forgot that the security was still around them. "It's fine." He was released and narrowed his eyes at Kazuki. "Stay there." Then, he left but not before Kazuki followed his uncle with his complaint which was ignored. "I'm still hungry! Tch! Bastard..." He shook his head in irritation and that was when some of the girls that adore him began to close on him. "Kazuki-senpai!" He looked at them and his irritable mode quickly turned into a cheerful one. "Hey there girls! Looking very cute today!" He smiled at them with that mischievous swagger of his. "Can we sit beside you?" He was about to answer a resounding yes, but the security and other staff prevented them, saying his uncle ordered them. "What!? This is harassment! You coots!"

It was still done as Kazuki placed one of his feet on his other knee and then placed his elbow on his raised leg where his cheek was now on the palm of his hand. "Boooooring~~" He was not pleased at all. Whoever said school was fun was probably mental. He stayed like that for a few minutes while tapping his index finger on his cheek, before he felt the seats beside him being occupied. He took a moment to look from the corner of his eyes to see it was a girl with blue hair (Gen). This girl was a senior like him if he remembered correctly. He wasn't in school too often and he always skips classes, so he can't be really sure.

It was then the projection screen was lowered down and the principal delivered his speech somewhere not in this country from the looks of it. Kazuki had finally met the guy once with his uncle when he was enrolled here. It was nothing too formal, just introductions and what he personally dislikes, sermons. He was told to behave as much as possible and that his uncle ensuring that he would do so. Well, it wasn't working out as far as he could tell. He closed his eyes, not wanting to watch or even listen to this bull of crap. Speeches are always boring. Oh! How he wanted to just get out of this hall, may be he should. There's nothing to stop him really. He cracked open one of his eyes and could see the the staff watching the students including him particularly with intensity. They're making sure that he won't be causing a ruckus like earlier. "This sucks..." He closed his eye again and sighed it complete dejection. That's when he noticed something warm, a breath near his ear, followed by words.

Kazuki opened both of his eyes and then turned his full attention to his female seatmate. Those golden eyes like that of a jungle cat looked at her with curiosity. "You think so, huh..." He then looked at the screen and the corner of his mouth lifted into a devilish smirk. "Aren't I very popular?" His confidence can be heard in his voice and seen in his expression. That is simply how he is. He then looked at her and winked. "Don't you think so cutie?" When he was done speaking, the speech was finished as well and the order for the seniors to come at front to get some folder was issued. He sighed at this in pure annoyance. This was something he didn't like to participate in. He would rather want to sleep in. "Tch!"

That's why he remained on his seat and then leaned on his chair. Kazuki didn't want to babysit some infant. He had other more important things to deal with than this idiotic sh*t. This was a mess for him in every sense of the word. He crossed his arms again over his chest when his seatmate called out to him by his first name. That was something. He would understand if it was a foreigner thing. Others used it too but with an honorific. That's when he finally recalled her name from the word of mouth he had heard along the way which he matched with her other characteristic which is saying darling. He straightened his back and untangled his arms from its position. "I can't say no to a beautiful lady, especially when she's very willing to do so, Gen, my dearest." He ended it with his trademark smirk and those eyes of his hinted with tease and playfulness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Akira Blake Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Bishop Trander Character Portrait: Kazuki Miyamoto Character Portrait: Mai Kon
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"No person is an island as they say
I truly believe in that very much
That's why I'm glad I have met you
And I'm about to have a new friend."

Cassiopeia is completely oblivious from the looks she was receiving from the other students whether it came from the boys or the girls. She entered the hall and all eyes were immediately on them or on her. The seniors knew her very well while the freshmen were in awe of her appearance. She was like the very model of what a princess from a fantasy world should look like which earned her nickname, Pink Princess, but popularity, reputation and things like that didn't matter to her at all. This is would be odd, since she's one of the popular girls or even daresay the most popular in the academy. She's very social which at times can be overbearing which she doesn't mean to. That's why Aeon is very helpful in those areas just like earlier, reminding her to take a step back, but she's still well-liked for she's a very genuine person which makes it very hard not to like her.

The seats were mostly occupied and the ones where they could all sit together was at front. "It's a good thing we made even if it's barely..." She said with a bright smile, since they're not late. There's no questions about where to sit from her point of view. She followed Gen's lead and sat beside her with such elegance for very little effort. Clio finally reached its mistress and landed on her lap with it's ears flapping. "There you are Clio!" She greeted it which happily replied. "Clio made it!" That's when she noticed that Kazuki was on the same row as them. He was actually Gen's seatmate. "Hi Kazuki-kun!" She greeted him with a smile and then looked at his nose in delight not minding that the band-aid she placed was gone. "It seemed to be better now. Does it still hurt?" There's concern on her eyes, but her attention shifted when the program finally began.

She looked at the projector screen and had that wide-eyed look on her face. It was priceless in a very adorable way. She had never met the principal before. He looks to be a very nice and cheerful man. She would like to someday meet the principal in person, because this is a wonderful school where she has so many fond memories and will continue to make more for this year. The speech was wonderful and when it ended she clapped her hands not only for politeness but because, she liked what she heard from the principal. It was then Ms. Araya's turn who told them that the seniors are to come up at the front to pick their folders which contained their freshman partner or for the other word junior.

She was very excited about this and can't wait. "I'm so excited to know who will be my junior! Are you excited too, Gen-chan? Kazuki-kun?" She asked the two and then looked at Vika. "I wonder who's your senior partner going to be, Vika!" Cassiopeia was in full glow of excitement as she then looked at Aeon. "This is so much fun! Isn't it?" Clio supported her as always. "Fun! Fun! Clio agrees!" She then smiled happily as she stood up from her seat while Clio bounces at her side again and went to Ms. Araya. "Good morning, Araya-sensei!" She greeted the teacher and then took her folder. "Thank you!" She looked at the ID attached at the front. "Wow... So pretty... Look Clio, don't you think so?" Clio bounced higher to see the picture and spoke in agreement. "Clio agrees! Clio agrees!"

She happily returned to her seat to show her the others her junior partner. "Look everyone! Look Aeon! She's very pretty! She's my junior!" She showed the junior's picture proudly to Gen, Kazuki, Vika, and Aeon. That's when Clio interjected with a very well-timed fact about her junior partner. "Clio! Clio agrees pretty boy! Pretty boy!" She had a startled expression as she looked at Clio in question. "Eh? Boy? Isn't she a girl? Akira... Blake?" Clio answers. "Boy! Boy! Clio reads boy!" She looked at the ID again and there's the gender which stated male. "Oh... you're right... A boy..." She nodded and the burst into a smile. "Well, he's very pretty for a boy! So cute!"

That's when she hugged the folder closed to her chest. "I'll be looking for him then! Wish me luck okay? I'll see you all later." She happily waved at them and then went on her way as she looked around the hall. "Hmm... Clio, do you see him anywhere?" Clio continued to bounce happily and then its eyes began to blink red in affirmation. "Clio sees! Clio sees!" Cassiopeia brightened at this info. "Where!? Clio show me the way!" Clio did so as it bounces towards Akira while some of the students moved out of the way and looked at the bouncing pink ball in surprise and curiosity while Cassiopeia followed behind. Clio soon was in front of the junior partner (Akira), bouncing with zest. "Clio found pretty boy! Clio found pretty boy!"

"There you are Clio! Oh! You found him!" Cassiopeia was now behind Clio which bounced towards its mistress in pride. "Clio good! Clio good!" She lightly giggled at this. "Yes, you did good Clio." That was then she noticed another presence, this was familiar to her. "Arietta-chan, good morning!"She greeted her fellow senior with a bright smile. She didn't expect to see Arietta and was happy that she did. "How was your vacation? I wish you had lots of fun." She asked with a sincere smile, then she looked at her junior partner (Akira) and the others present there (Bishop and Mai). "Are one of them your junior partner, Arietta-chan?" She asked and then introduced herself to the freshmen. That should be common courtesy. "Hello and good morning, everyone, I hope you're enjoying Airdalen. My name is Cassiopeia Elegy Argryis." She introduced herself with such a natural sophistication similar to that of princesses without any effort while Clio bounces happily at her side in which she gestured for it to come which it did.

She was now holding Clio as she presented it to them. "This is my friend Clio." Clio happily introduced itself. "Clio! Clio's name is Clio! Nice to meet ya!" She then looked at her junior partner with such kindness. "You must be Akira Blake, right? I will be your senior." She showed the ID picture on the folder. "See? It's a pleasure meeting you and everyone as well." She smiled at them kindly and without a hint of anything except for sincere friendliness.
Popularity = +1 (Akira)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Shiori Kitogawa Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Yuuki Fujioka Character Portrait: Rhys Browning Character Portrait: Kazuki Miyamoto
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"This is but another responsibility thrust onto me. As such, I have no choice but to acknowledge it and as always, I will ensure it to be without failure."

It had become a routine between them and Fukui. She would always state that using her first name would be fine, however, he was not the kind to do that just because he was told so. His usage of first names had great bearing for him. It is used by him towards the people whom he had recognized to have significance to him in a certain sense. Furthermore, it is only done towards a very limited amount of individuals which one would be Cassiopeia. As such, the students and even staff at the the academy could not help but assume the pink-haired girl is special to him. The notion is not incorrect, but there are certain factors that should be considered and he would not explain that to anyone.

That is why he simply did not respond and chose to left it at that. For now, he followed the three inside the hall. The seniors who noticed his presence greeted him as a show of respect. He answered them due to his polite tendencies, but then he did not stop as small talks which he could sense targeted towards him were not very appealing to him. In any case, he had other matters to attend such as where to sit. Apparently, there are sporadic empty chairs scattered about. Knowing Cassiopeia, the girl would like for the four of them to be together. The only chairs available for that purpose would be the ones at front. However, that parasite is there. He watched the girls who did not even bat an eyelash in taking the said front seats.

Aeon, without much of a choice, joined the three girls. He occupied the chair at the aisle and remained pristine as he had always been. And soon enough, the program began. The Principal made a surprising appearance especially when the man seemed to be favoring anonymity to his own students. As for him, he had met the Principal due to his circumstances. It was imperative and such. Furthermore, there was also the favor bestowed to him. The reason he could be seen intervening in Miyamoto's activities. No matter, he put such irritating thoughts aside for now. He watched and listened to the Principal's speech and when it was done. A well-timed clap was delivered by him as this should be proper decorum. Others also followed his example and when the applause ended, Araya-sensei had taken the podium.

The female teacher announced that there will be teams consisted of the Seniors and the Freshmen more known as the Juniors. He had heard of this activity before and now, he was going to be a part of it. Cassiopeia was clearly excited about it and that was positive thing to see. At least, someone was purely enjoying this. In any case, the Senior students were to collect the folders in her possession which held the basic information of their assigned Junior. He obliged as the other Seniors did as well. A polite exchange occurred between him and Araya-sensei before the folder was given to him. He found the attached ID of his Junior with the name of Fujioka, Yuuki, a female freshman.

With excitement, Cassiopeia showed the picture of her Junior. She was saying that it was a she and her Junior is very pretty. He would admit the person on the picture was very feminine and would fall into that category. However, he read at the gender section that the she is actually a he. He was about to say something about it when Clio had went ahead on it. It was clearly obvious that Cassiopeia was not the kind to dwell on mistakes or misapprehensions. She was already looking forward meeting her Junior as she went on her way but not before bidding them goodbye.

As for him, he looked back at the picture of his Junior. He should begin looking for her as well. His eyes landed on Saitou and Fukui while he completely ignored Miyamoto in the entire process, despite the obvious flirtations going on. It does not concern him at all. "Fukui-san, Saitou-san, I will be going on ahead as well. Excuse me." Delivered in his ever calm and impeccable mannerisms, he left them as he began his search. Some of the seniors both male and females approached him and offered their greetings. Others even tried to engage him in more talk, especially of the girls who was clearly speaking to him with subtle flushed faces. However, he politely dismissed himself and stated he has the need to locate his Junior. This is true of course.

Continuing on, Aeon soon found his Junior among the throng of students. He also took noticed one of the female Seniors that would ask for his assistance in linguistics. He approached them and announced his presence in a manner with such eloquence and a presentation that avail him of his current prestige around the school despite him not doing anything special in his understanding.
"Excuse me. Good morning, Kitogawa-san." Aeon could see that Kitogawa was conversing with a male, someone new in his understanding probably her Junior. "To you as well." He implicated the younger male (Rhys) since it is the polite thing to do. Afterwards, he changed his attention towards his main purpose coming over here. "Good morning. Are you Fujioka Yuuki-san." When confirmation is given, he opened the folder taking note of the schedule and the map. "I am Belrose, Aeon. I shall be your Senior Partner. Here are your class schedule and the school map to make sure you will get acquainted with the academy's facilities." When it was taken from him, he continued on. "Our assigned team name is Bears." He had actually taken look at the contents of the folder and read the animal name assigned to them prior searching for his Junior. "I have no objections to it, however if it is not to your liking, do inform me. I will see what I can do."

He was of course asking for Fujioka's opinion. It is only the polite thing to do and from his standpoint, this girl would be his responsibility for the rest of the school year. Tedious really, however, he would not do his duties half-heartedly. He never did. "If you have other questions, do not hesitate to ask me. I will answer to the best I can." In that period, there was nothing out of place about Aeon. He was completely calm and collected, a vision. At the same time, the other students were also taking glances at the male Senior. They were also whispering to one another as to how lucky the freshman girl was in having Aeon, the School Idol, as her partner. Others were envious and mostly the girls since Fujioka would have opportunities to be close to Aeon in which they could not.

However, Aeon was simply doing what is asked of him. This was just another responsibility. Whether this was going to be a sound partnership, beneficial, or not. It would be left up to Aeon and Fujioka.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Kazuki Miyamoto Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Argyris Character Portrait: Saburo Inoue Character Portrait: Shintaro Tanikaze
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"I can't say no to a beautiful lady, especially when she's very willing to do so, Gen, my dearest."
I…I- Gen turned away from Kazuki for a moment as her eyes darted around the room with panic. All she could hear was her heart beat racing. The romantic side of her told her she had been hit by cupid’s arrow but would she be able to handle its calling? -Thump thump- She placed a gentle hand against her chest, trying to remain calm as she usually does but it was futile with two contradicting thoughts fighting one another in the back of her mind. It’s too soon.. -Thump thump- Don’t you believe in love at first sight? Well yes- but I’ve seen him before and I never--Thump thump- She loosened and stretched out the fingers of her free hand before forming a tiny fist, followed by closing her eyes and breathing in and out. Gen always wanted to be in love but she had never felt this way and it wasn't turning out the way she imagined it would be. She always thought she would have a crush on someone more of 'her type' which was someone charming, decent looking, tall... and mysterious. Kazuki was all of the above but mysterious as she wasn't blind to his reputation or the way he flirted around. Why do I hold his words with great weight nonetheless? With the hand above her heart, she gripped the material of her uniform a little tighter. Maybe it was simply the way he called her 'dearest' or maybe his handsomeness had won her over or maybe she was just a tad bit more dramatic and idealistic than the average girl but there was no helping it for Gen. It was out of her control in the meantime. She turned around again on her heel to meet his gaze, with a dreamy look on her face. Just roll with it dear, we don't pick who we fall in love with~


"Thank you dear, you're absolutely charming~" She smiled, a real smile. It was something she didn’t do very often but she couldn’t help herself. It was thrilling to feel that way for someone, even if that someone for now was Kazuki.

"I'm so excited to know who will be my junior! Are you excited too, Gen-chan? Kazuki-kun?"
As if on cue, Cassiopeia spoke up glancing at the two making Gen feel inferior. Her smile faded and was replaced with a lost look like a deer in headlights. It wasn’t Cassiopeia’s fault, but the girl made her rethink her position. She was far from a princess, as the daughter of a butler. Gen shook her head not wanting to dwell on that thought. It wasn’t like her to think negatively about anything and she loved her father with all her heart. Also, theater that she loved so much would say otherwise. It wasn’t birth alone that made one a princess. “Yes, but of course~ I hope we all get along just fine.” Gen replied, her smile returning but the polite one rather than the toothy grin. Cassiopeia appeared satisfied with her answer as she turned to Vika giving Gen room to compose herself more.

Folders~ She dropped a fist in an open palm at the realization. Gen walked to the front at normal walking pace and politely requested both her and Kazuki’s folders from the teacher. While Ms. Araya looked for them, she glanced around the crowded hall for a distraction. She spotted a fellow senior (Shintaro) in the distance looking anxious and wondered why he wasn’t picking up his folder too. Did he not pay attention to the announcement? “Actually~ may I also request Shintaro’s? Poor darling looks confused.” When given, she hugged both folders to her chest and returned to her little morning group with her hair hitting against her back.

"Look everyone! Look Aeon! She's very pretty! She's my junior!" Gen only managed to get a quick glance of the white-haired junior (Akira) before Cassiopeia continued to excitedly show everyone else. It was a little humorous as Cassiopeia discussed the junior’s gender with her little contraption friend. “Well, he's very pretty for a boy! So cute!" Gen chuckled and looked over at Vika, as they hadn’t been able to talk much since the group formed. She gave the girl a reassuring smile and a few words. “I hope you’re not nervous ma cherie~ we’re quite a good class of seniors this year.” Gen wasn’t quite so lucky back when she was a junior. The memory itself was making her smile crack. Her senior would get so annoyed at her overuse of the word darling because she was the younger one in that pairing arrangement.

"I'll be looking for him then! Wish me luck okay? I'll see you all later." Gen waved as Cassiopeia made the first move to leave. "Fukui-san, Saitou-san, I will be going on ahead as well. Excuse me." She watched Aeon leave before sighing aloud beside her friend Vika. She had already told him to call her Gen, but as she predicted he was going to stubbornly keep up the formalities between them. “Well dear~ we must part but let’s walk home together?” She suggested even though it was practically a given with them living together. Gen handed Kazuki his folder with a lingering stare before withdrawing her grasp. “Try to have fun too dear~ it’s not so bad.” She said encouragingly while holding her cheek before making her way through the crowd to Shintaro further away.

She extended her hand to give Shintaro his folder but as she did, she managed to glimpse a very familiar face as she eyed the ID. ”Oh, you got paired with Vika! Please do take care of her~” she nodded and looked over her shoulder as she turned away to say one more thing to urge him to follow through with his role. ”We’re a bit behind darling~” Gen was aware that he wasn’t as social as her other peers but he had a responsibility to fulfill as did every other senior. As Vika’s assigned senior, she also didn’t want the girl to be kept waiting. Goodness knows how nervous Gen herself was when she first started at Airdalen but thankfully she got the hang of things rather quickly despite her unpleasant senior.
When her favors for other seniors were done, all that was left for her to do was meet her own junior. She finally snuck an once-over at the folder’s photo to see whom she had been assigned. Saburo. Male~ Without further thought, she looked up and her purple eyes scanned the room for chestnut colored hair to match the photo. She had to maneuver around the crowds which took time being small and easily overlooked, but eventually managed to find him sitting with friends of his own. Without a doubt in her mind, she knew it was the right person. Gen was pretty good with faces and didn't feel the need to reaffirm it.

”Hello Darling~”
She approached her junior with a subtle smile, removing the paper clipped ID copy to show what she was here for before snatching an unoccupied seat near him. “I’m Gen Fukui, but Gen will do. Welcome to Airdalen Academy darling~” She said cheerfully, bowing her head before reading the team name. “We’ll be group Lions… Lions? Well, that’s certainly something on its own don’t you think so? If not, we can change it your liking~” She proceeded to share the contents of the folder by opening it between them but her head was in the clouds. She looked for Kazuki discreetly while Saburo was occupied. She wondered how he was doing and caressed her cheek shyly thinking about the future.

Popularity (Kazuki) + 1
Charm (Kazuki) + 1

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Saburo Inoue
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Though Arietta went ahead to sit with a foreigner, Tsuyoshi had other ideas. "Forget that, there are a couple people I know over their." He said motioning towards a few seats a bit farther to the left. As they approached, Tsuyoshi called a greeting that was met by two other Seniors. As they drew closer, Saburo could make out the others a little better. One was definitely on the taller side, at least 6 feet tall. Despite being tall, the guy was pretty sturdy looking. Thinking back Saburo thought he'd heard Tsuyoshi say something about the guy being the Forward on the basketball team. The other was a bit shorter than the first with a couple girls sitting at his side. The bandages covering parts of his pleasant face stood out quite a bit, though he was pulling them off somehow. It seemed not much would look bad on the guy. Saburo had seen the second senior at last night's party, the guy's name was...Hiroki.

"How's it going Tsuyoshi?" The tall senior called back.
"It's been as good as it get's. What about you guys?"
"You know, the routine." The bandaged guy replied, flashing his pearl whites. One of the girls to his left let out a giggle.
"Guess you must hate your life if your routine is to mess with the GS."

The GS was a prominant and violent mid sized gang. GS stood for "Gun Squad" which was rather ironic since the norm was for members to carry trademark switchblades. The gang had received the nickname after a small number of the members found a way to obtain firearms. A difficult feat in Japan. They had gotten a hold of a shotgun, rifle, and pistol. The shotgun and rifle had been confiscated, but the pistol was never recovered. Therefore, one never knew if the GS member they ran into was the one packing heat. So, it was sometimes assumed that any member one ran into had a gun. Hence the name "Gun Squad" due to the assumption that any member was in possession of a firearm. Anyhow, the GS was notorious for being quick to flip their knives thus the assumption that the bandaged senior had been cut up by the GS.

"Hey, no one messes with my crew." By crew, the guy probably meant a number of girls he was often seen with. He practically looked like a pimp, and no one would be surprised if that was his future profession. "Not even the GS, that guy was the newest member of the "Guts" Squad after I was through with him." Hiroki smirked at the end of his statement and his personal companions practically gazed at him in awe. "Wait a sec, you were the kid at the party yesterday right?" the ladies man pointed a finger at Saburo.

"Well you're gonna have one hell of a time, especially since you're starting out with the right crowd." The tall acquaintance of Tsuyoshi chimed in.

That was when a male voice boomed throughout the area. “Gooood Morning!”
"You know they used to have a huge ass wide screen instead of a projector?" As Tsuyoshi said this one of the teachers moved to pull down the projection sheet.
"Really?" one of the girls next to Hiroki tilted her head a bit.
"Yeah, it was huge."
"Why'd they get rid of it for?"
"Fucking beggers from the public school smashed it. Jealous they couldn't even afford their own damn radios."

“Allow me to introduce myself; I am Airdalen Academy’s principal Dr. Gorou Endo.”
The Seniors around Saburo became perplexed. Not one of the group had seen the Principle before. After delivering a bit of a motivational speech, the man was shut off.

“I will now be handing out folders to the seniors with your activities inside. Juniors please remain seated and await your assigned senior. Compared to previous years, we will also be assigning team names due to the feedback we received from our graduated seniors. You are free to discuss your team name with your partner and change it to another animal provided it isn’t taken already. We will be proceeding with activities once everything has settled, thank you.”

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you." The seniors all began to stand. "We're doing this thing where we have Freshman partners now." The group began to walk towards the teacher handing out folders. "Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and get one of us."
"Yeah...and maybe I'll get unlucky and get some fag..."
"Don't worry about it, you'll be fine." Saburo turned his head to see one of the two girls that was with Hiroki. Her brunette hair fell slightly past the shoulders and paired nicely with her fair skin and hazel eyes.

”Hello Darling~” The male Freshman raised his eyes to see a shorter girl with interestingly violet eyes and almost white hair.
"Uh...hey." Guess he didn't get lucky, but he wasn't unlucky either.
“I’m Gen Fukui, but Gen will do. Welcome to Airdalen Academy darling~” His senior spoke taking a seat next to him.
"I'm Saburo."
“We’ll be group Lions… Lions? Well, that’s certainly something on its own don’t you think so? If not, we can change it your liking~”

Huh, Lions. Who came up with the team names? The boy wondered whether everyone's default names were this lame. He could probably come up with a better one in a few seconds..." How about'Strike'. Or 'Strikes' whichever one fits better."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Kazuki Miyamoto Character Portrait: Mai Kon Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Argyris
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"Slowpokes have no place in this world. That's why if you can't keep up. I'll leave you biting into the dust. You got that?"
|| Current Location ✦ Airdalen Academy ||
|| [ Theme ✦ [Scream and Shout ] ||

It was rather a pleasant thing to have seatmates especially if they are girls and not bad on the eyes. Kazuki appreciates that especially when the security can't do anything but allow the females. The one thing he does not is like is the addition of that blonde a**hole (Aeon) to the group. It was leaving a very bad taste on his tongue, but his focus diverted from that when Cassiopeia greeted him. She immediately asked about the bruise he has on his nose from that intentional fall caused by a certain d*ckhead (Aeon). He was about to answer with his routinary flirting words like how it healed fast because of her or something along those lines. It's just that the Principal's address beat him to the punch. There goes his fun and a chance to get back to Belrose.

Lucky for him, Gen was like as she usually say, a darling. This day won't be a lost cause then. His golden eyes glistened much like a predator that finally got his prey on lock-down. That dreamy expression of hers was very familiar to him. He had seen that on a lot of girls before. His devilish smile didn't drop even once more so, when Gen looked at her with that brilliant smile. "Well, I'm only charming because, it's you." Then, the moment was interrupted by the cheerful voice of Cassiopeia who asked if they were looking forward for their junior partners. Honestly, he wasn't even a bit. He hated the entire idea of it. "Not a fat chance in hell, if it's one sexy gal, I might consider it. But if not...Hell no..." He stuck out his tongue in reflection of his extreme dislike and then shrugged his shoulders.

He tapped his foot on the floor, not caring if anyone finds it annoying. It's not like he could care anyway. This was taking too damn long. That's when his patience was thinning that Cassiopeia literally showed the picture in his face. It was a picture of her junior and she was very proud and excited. He wasn't able to get a good look since she quickly showed it to the others, but as far as he could tell from Cassiopeia. Everyone in that girl's eyes is pretty and cute, even a ragged shirt or that horror house monsters could be considered in that category when it comes to her.

At that point, Gen reached him as she handed the dreaded folder. There was minute of silence and pause. He was actually half-way of turning it down, but he caught from the side the intense look of the security. He released a heavy sigh and took it with a grudge. "Thanks." He muttered under his breath as he took a look at the ID clipped at the front. What luck, it's a girl, but not within his taste, actually, he's being sarcastic. He only lifted his head when he heard Gen trying to make the situation acceptable to him. She said to have fun. That perked him up as he looked at her. "Okay." He stood from his chair and then with one smooth movement, he managed to put a stray hair behind her ear. The light brushing of his finger across her skin, whether it was intentional or not, one could never say when it comes to him. "I'll do that dearest." He gave her a wink and just like her went on his way.

As he walked away, he stretched his limbs while holding his folder. He even bend his neck as sitting in one place for him is restricting in every way. After some stretching, he looked at the ID picture of his junior again. The girl looked like a middle-schooler, must be very smart or something. Well, he could also be wrong and the girl was just young-looking. It's a given since this girl is just a freshman. He scratched the back of his ear and began to look for the drooling kid. There might be use to this partner thing. He could have some errand girl, do his assignments and what-not. This is done to enhance school experience, right? Well, he would make sure his partner experience school to the fullest.

The only fall back... He has yet to find his freshman. It never occurred to him to look at something much below his eye level. This was getting to be too much of a hassle. Where the hell was this girl? Did she play hooky or something? If that was so, kudos for her. That's a check mark on his book. Some of the seniors had already approached him and engaged him in casual small talk, like invites to parties and so on. Girls were also flocking to him as he does his magic on them. Actually, he was already forgetting the partner thing in that duration. The only time he would remember is when one would ask if he found his junior already. Just like now... "Nope! I'm getting tired of this sh*t."

Without another word, he went towards one of the staff carrying a megaphone. Those eyes of gold sparkled with mischief and a very good idea in his opinion. "Hey pops! I'm borrowing that thing!" Kazuki didn't wait for any response as he took the megaphone from the staffer's hand which was rather easy. "How do you turn this thing on..." He muttered under his breath while the staffer asked him to return it. So, he avoided the staffer's action of retrieving the device from his possession. Like clockwork, he pushed a button which filled the entire hall with sirens. The student body present even the other staff looked at his direction. He laughed it off as always. "Oops! Wrong button!"

His time is now limited. Kazuki was well-aware that his uncle would be breathing fire on his neck along with those adult hooligans. Finally, he was able to make it work. "Paging someone named Kon Mai! Kon Mai! Report to this very awesome Miyamoto Kazuki who is speaking. My time is worth millions so hustle it junior! Thanks!" It was at full volume that his voice resounded throughout the hall. There was no way he couldn't be heard. He then threw it towards the staffer who held the megaphone earlier who barely caught it as he shrugged his shoulders while the security glared at him who was there to pry the device from his hands. "What? I don't have it anymore!" He reasoned with that playful smirk of his on his face. "If there's nothing, I have this thing to attend to. See ya losers!" He mockingly did a salute and smirked at the security before he went to a spot where he could be easily found by this Mai Kon person. "Tick Tock... Tick Tock..." Just like that, he waited as much as he could.

Charm + 1 (Gen)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aeon Shirokami Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Johnny Farelli Character Portrait: Ryou Giou Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Argyris Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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Vika wasn't nervous. The smile on her face seemed to stretch for miles as she glanced around, watching as the other seniors and juniors piled into the stadium. Her attention was taken by Cassiopeia, who seemed just as excited as she was. She then proceeded to show Vika a picture of her junior, and Vika's eyes widened a fraction. She knew Akira, and she couldn't help but chuckle softly at how excited Cassiopeia was to be his senior. They would get along, she was sure of it. Cassiopeia, in a way, was just like her, and if anyone could befriend Akira, it would be Cassiopeia. She bid her friend good luck as she left to find her junior, leaving Vika with Aeon and Gen. She turned to Gen when she was the next to speak, and frowned slightly.

It seemed that Gen wouldn't be her senior, and she inwardly sighed. At least whoever ended up with Gen wouldn't be bored. She blinked slightly when Aeon excused himself, and bid the blonde farewell as he, too, went to search for his junior. Vika was left to her own accord, and stayed in her spot, waiting patiently for her senior to arrive. It seemed like hours that she waited, and yet, no one appeared for her. Maybe they got lost? Or maybe I was forgotten? she mused to herself, straining her neck to see if anyone was coming for her. When no one arrived, Vika cast her gaze towards her hands, folding them neatly against her lap.

Should I go and ask the teachers what I should do? she continued, placing her thumb underneath her lip in a questioning gesture. Before she had time to allow the thought to take root, she was approached by someone familiar, or who seemed familiar to her. She blinked up at him, since he was standing and tall already, and tilted her head in a questioning manner before he leaned forward. He whispered something to her, and it finally clicked where she met him at. A slight 'oh', escaped her as she stood up to properly greet him. She gave him a friendly bow, and smiled brightly at him. It appeared he didn't want anyone to know about his job, and as it was his wish, she would comply with it.

"Don't worry, Giou-san, I will not speak a word of it," she stated softly so that only he could hear. She gave him a thumbs up before following him towards his other partner. Her senior seemed to be missing, and she was currently shifted towards another group. She wondered how long she'd be with these two before she was shifted again. When they arrived, Ryou introduced her to Johnny, and she noticed the shift in dialect as she was introduced. Perhaps Johnny didn't know Japanese? Whatever his reason, Vika chose to speak in the same dialect. It was a good thing she was multilingual. Well, being able to speak three languages counted, right?

"Hello, Johnny-san, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Vika Saitou, but you can call me Vika, or whatever you'd like. I don't mind," she stated, smiling brightly as she folded her arms beneath her back. "I don't know how long I'll be with the both of you, but I hope we can be friends," she added, closing her eyes and tilting her head to the left, the smile on her face still blossoming.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Fukui Character Portrait: Johnny Farelli Character Portrait: Ryou Giou Character Portrait: Shintaro Tanikaze Character Portrait: Vika Saitou
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is by Yoko Kanno feat. POP ETC.


The young man didn't notice any students near him stand up to retrieve their folder, so he remained being seated like the rest. Was it just pressure? They weren't calling names of people either- but that was understandable. There was a vast number of students in the hall. It would take hours to call every single one up. As Shintaro watched rows of individuals head up to the front, he was able to identify a few seniors out of the bunch. A blonde, who he saw occasionally in the halls, and a few he heard from gossip and talk in previous years, such as Ryou, Shiori, and Gen.

It was taking quite a while for the people near him to stand up. He lightly elbowed one of them, and the girl he nudged looked at him. "H-huh...? What do you want?" she asked, surprised. She was wearing round glasses, along with the natural navy blue Airdalen uniform. "Uh, yeah... When do we get the folders?" he asked. He felt like he missed an announcement of some sort, or a message that was handed out, possibly? "Um... We're supposed to go up get our folders, but no one nearby is getting them, so I didn't either..." is what she said, before he heard a familiar voice from behind. He quickly turned around to see Gen standing there.

"Darling~" She handed him his folder. He was about to speak, but his response didn't come out fast enough. "Oh, you got paired with Vika! Please do take care of her~" He nodded. "Uhm... okay then! he said. She was the first familiar face he'd talked to this year, and for just a quick conversation, he thought it went pretty well. ”We’re a bit behind darling~” Gen said, walking away.

Shintaro opened the folder instantly after Gen left him, scanning its contents quickly. The petite, bespectacled girl who he was talking to earlier was staring first at him and then the folder, but Shintaro didn't seem to notice that. The first thing he noticed in the folder was a picture of a red-haired girl on an ID badge for the school, labeled "Vika Saitou". This was probably the Vika that Gen was speaking of, his junior. Other than that, he saw a pack of gum, some balloons, and other various supplies, probably for the year. "Balloons...?" he looked oddly at them, and then let it go with a shrug. Then he remembered there was a girl behind him. "O-oh yeah! You have to go up to the front to get your folder. I guess you shouldn't follow whatever these guys are doing." The three males who were just sitting in front of the two looked behind, and when Shintaro stood up to look for Vika, he noticed that the boys already had their folders. "Well that explains everything..." he thought to himself, before leaving that row.

With the badge in hand, Shintaro set off to look for his junior. There was a small selection of red haired girls scattered around the large hall, but he had to find the right one. "Vika, Vika, Vika..." he muttered, when he caught sight of a female matching her appearance speaking to a young brown-haired boy and Ryou, who was probably a senior by now. He made his way through the crowd, saying "Sumimasen" countless times, to get through politely. He was just feet away, when he was able to barely overhear the conversation. "Hello, Johnny-san, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Vika Saitou, but you can call me Vika, or whatever you'd like. I don't mind." she said, and Shintaro knew that this was Vika at that.

He quickly rushed up to the three, but stood back just enough so that they could continue uninterrupted. He'd already caused Vika enough problems by making her wait, so he didn't speak to her or make himself that noticeable that quickly. "Oh, she's probably going to kill me before I even apologize..." he said quietly.